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The Light
The Light
The Light
Ebook371 pages6 hours

The Light

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Marshall Seaver is being haunted.


It begins with mysterious sounds, a fleeting face outside a window, a rogue breeze—all things that can be explained away. That is, until he comes face-to-face with a character who only exists on
the pages of a sketchbook—a character Marshall himself created.


Marshall has no idea why he is being tormented by this forbidding creature, but he is quickly convinced it has something to do with his best friend, Cooper, who has gone missing. Together with Cooper’s beautiful but aloof sister, Sydney, Marshall searches for the truth about his friend while ultimately uncovering a nightmare that is bigger and more frightening than he could ever have imagined.


Number one New York Times bestselling author D. J. MacHale launches his eerie new trilogy with a story so packed with chilling suspense, readers will want to sleep with the light on.


* * *


The voices grew louder, more urgent, as if they were running out of time. It sounded like gibberish. It was gibberish. I knew that. It was a dream, right? That’s what I told myself and it calmed me down. That is, until I heard a single word break through the haze as plain and clear as if someone had leaned over and spoke directly into my ear.



Release dateOct 19, 2010

D. J. MacHale

D. J. MacHale (""The Scout"") is a bestselling author and is also a director, executive producer, and creator of several popular television series and movies. He lives in Southern California with his family, where they spend a lot of time backpacking, scuba diving, and skiing

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is book one of a trilogy by the Pendragon author, D.J.MacHale. I found book one to be disappointing because when I finished I still knew almost nothing, even though I'd invested 341 pages of reading into the story. Marshall Seaver is haunted by a drawing he created called the Gravedigger. We don't know why the drawing suddenly comes to life or why it seems to have it in for Seaver, and 341 pages later we still don't know much more than that other than it has something to do with Marshall's deceased mother and something she did. There is the beginning of a potential romance between Marshall and Sydney, as unusual as that might be, and we know that Marshall is still not safe, but we don't know why. The Gravedigger is gone by the time the book ends, and has been replaced by a tunic wearing Greek or Roman warrior named Damon who also wants Marshall to either help him find the poleaxe or wants him to die, or both. A few other things have happened but I don't want to spoil the story if you haven't read it. I will read book two, but I'm expecting a few more answers than were provided to me in book one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I got this book through Traveling ARC Tours; thanks to them for letting me be on the tour. This is the first book I have read by Hale, and though I am not normally a horror read, the premise sounded interesting and I loved the cover. This is the first book in the Morpheus trilogy. Marshall Seaver is looking forward to a great summer, but then things start to go wrong. His dad has to go out of town to Las Vegas and his best friend is being shipped off to the family cabin. Then Seaver, in a fit of anger, breaks a golden ball that is a memento from his deceased mother and things start to get creepy. Marshall is being haunted and he keeps running into the image of Gravedigger, a graphic novel character that he created. He needs to figure out what is going on before people start dying.This book is definitely more of a creepy psychological thriller than a gore fest. I am a person who is easily scared and I found many parts of this book to be incredibly scary. I know it is aimed at young adults, but if you have an active imagination I would read it when there are other people around and it is light outside. Really it did freak me out. There are some mystery elements to the story as well, Marshall's spends a lot of time trying to piece together various pieces of evidence as he searches for his best friend. There are also some gross parts; the characters drowning in a boat shed full of blood comes to mind. The book in general is very reminiscent of your typical teenage horror film.The book takes a while to get going, it plods slowly ahead with a couple creepy scenes here and there. Then in the last third of the book things really pick up. When all was said and done I wish that Hale had gotten through the beginning of the story quicker and spent more time dealing with all the supernatural strangeness surrounding Gravedigger and the Morpheus Road.I didn't like any of the characters all that much. Marshall is okay, but I didn't find him particularly engaging. Sydney is an ice-queen and, though her character thaws a bit as the novel progresses, I still never liked her all that much.The supernatural surrounding this story is never really all that well defined. You can't tell if Gravedigger is an anomaly or part of a more world-wide problem. The story itself is summed up completely, but there are some story threads introduced at the end that promise to be interesting in future books.Overall I thought the story was okay. I am not a big horror fan though so it was a bit too scary for me. The idea behind the Morpheus Road is intriguing but not very well detailed in this story. The characters were so-so and the story starts out slow. I am interested to see what the second book in the series brings, but I will probably wait to see what other people say about it before I commit to reading it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I decided to rate this book a three and a half out of five stars because I thought it was very slow in the beginning, but it did get alot better after thirty or forty pages. It got more suspenseful. There were alot of interesting charecters, especially a charecter called Gravedigger. He was tall, wore a long leather jacket, had a skull like face, and had an Indiana Jones style hat. Hes also on the cover of the book. One other thing about him that made him all the more terifying is that he used a pick ax as a weapon. Thats just a taste of thise awesome thriller.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is a very ineresting book with twists and turns around every turn.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Quick & Dirty: A highly entertaining read that is sure to give you nightmares. Opening Sentence: I believe in ghosts. The Review: The story is narrated by Marshall Seaver, an average teenage boy and amateur comic book artist. He's a bit immature and clings to all of the things that define him. He loves comics, video games, building model rockets, and spending time with his one and only friend - his best friend, Cooper. Where Marshall is a total geek and lacks skills with the ladies, Cooper is a ladies man and is always looking for trouble. Marshall is really looking forward to spending the summer with his best friend, but Cooper's parents decides that he needs to get away from his troubles so Cooper goes to his family's cottage. Marshall creates his own comic book character, the Gravedigger. He begins to have hallucinations and starts to question what's real. He starts to see the character that he created - Gravedigger and believes that Gravedigger is stalking him. To make matters worse, Marshall discovers that Cooper has gone missing, so he teams up with Cooper's sister, Sydney, to help get to the bottom of the mystery. Morpheus Road: The Light is an interesting story that deals with many themes, such as identity and growing up. This engaging tale certainly has its share of creepy and scary moments. Mr. MacHale is an excellent writer. He does an amazing job building tension. The secondary characters and villains are well crafted, interesting, and unique. The plot is surprisingly complex, with numerous subplots, but this in no way detracts from my enjoyment of the novel. Mr. MacHale disdains cliches and creates multidimensional characters in both Marshall and Sydney, who grow over the course of his book. Overall, Morpheus Road: The Light is a good read. Mr. MacHale delivers some great twists and lots of suspense. Readers will be chomping at the bit to see what happens in the next installment. Notable Scene: I heard more than saw what happened behind me. The heavy stack of glass hit the floor and exploded. Bits of glass flew everywhere, filling the air with a storm of sharp, shiny fragments. I glanced back in time to see a wave of broken glass headed my way. I ducked quickly and covered my face before I got sliced. I felt the sting through my clothes as I was pelted by the glass, but I didn't dare budge. After a couple of seconds I cautiously peeked over my arm to see the carnage. The four climbing ropes were hanging straight down, swinging gently, no longer animated. FTC Advisory: Big Honcho Media provided me with a copy of Morpheus Road: The Light. No goody bags, sponsorships, "material connections," or bribes were exchanged for my review. In addition, I don't receive affiliate fees for anything purchased via links from my site.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I felt like this book was more of a huge set up for the second book, rather than this book having it's own entity. I felt that DJ MacHale could have taken it a lot farther than he did, especially compared to how the flow and the feel of the first Pendragon book was. A lot of compassion for the characters were lost to me. I wasn't emotionally connected as much as I feel like I should have been for this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I decided to rate this book a three and a half out of five stars because I thought it was very slow in the beginning, but it did get alot better after thirty or forty pages. It got more suspenseful. There were alot of interesting charecters, especially a charecter called Gravedigger. He was tall, wore a long leather jacket, had a skull like face, and had an Indiana Jones style hat. Hes also on the cover of the book. One other thing about him that made him all the more terifying is that he used a pick ax as a weapon. Thats just a taste of thise awesome thriller.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When I first got Morpheus Road: The Light in the mail, it was the first time I was hearing about it. I went in to the story with just the description on the back to go by. Man, was this in intense story! It is filled with action, so the pages moved quickly for me. My adrenaline was pumping throughout the whole read.It didn't take me long to like the main character, Marsh. Marsh isn't the super hot bad boy. He is a normal teenager and, well . . . a geek. In the beginning of the story you can tell he is clinging on to his childhood. He wants to stay in the time of model rockets and graphic novels. I actually felt he came off more like 14 than 16 in the beginning. But his character grows a lot during the story. Marsh's best friend Cooper on the other hand is about the opposite of Marsh. He is all about taking risks and hanging out with girls. You don't get to see a lot of him before he goes missing, but MacHale has added flashbacks of the boy's friendship that helps you get more of a feel for him. I enjoyed watching Marsh and Cooper's sister Sydney slowly come closer together, even when they didn't notice. There is a whole lot going in this story. You definitely need to pay attention to the details. Gravedigger is very creepy, but the things that are happening when he is around is what gave me the chills. I found myself up at night, swearing I heard water dripping or felt a breeze on my face. It didn't take me long to realize there was more than just a drawing of Marsh's coming to life going on. I enjoyed the suspense of trying to figure out what was causing everything. I did feel like sometimes there was too much going on. There were so many details going on at some points that it was hard to see the direction. Even now there are some things that happened that I don't know how they tie in. But I have a feeling somethings were set up for the next book in the series. The ending was awesome. It answered answered a lot of my questions, but then again it gave me more. The ending is when you see how complex the story actually is. The epilogue took me by surprise. It gives a glimpse into what we can expect from the next book, which makes me really excited for it! The Light was great start to what I feel will be a fantastic series. I can't wait to see what is in store for these characters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I chose the audio edition of Morpheus Road, The Light and I was not disappointed. Once again Nick Podehl offers an excellent narrative performance. He did a great job of voicing all the characters and adding to the depth of the story. Marshall Seaver is looking forward to an amazing summer with his best friend, Cooper Foley but all that changes when Cooper lands himself in " trouble town" and has to lay low at his parents lake house for a while. When strange things begin happening to Marshall and Cooper goes missing the book's suspense factor is ratcheted up. This book keep me intrigued from beginning to end it had plenty of chills, thrills and creepy moments to hold my interest. If you enjoy your horror with a good dose of suspense I recommend you check out this audio CD.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good YA fiction. It is rare to have horror fiction be genuinely creepy, not just bloody/gory, this one at times succeeded. It is a good start to the trilogy as well. There are some slow parts but nothing that lasts too long. There is the beginning of a mythology here that may be hard to keep consistent and rational but it will be interesting to see if the author can pull it off.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Marshall Seaver is 16 and has big plans for the summer, all involving his best friend since childhood, Cooper Foley. But Coop has other plans- he wants to hang out with girls more than build rockets. Then he gets in trouble for selling counterfeit tickets and gets exiled to his parent’s lake house for the summer. This really throws a wrench into the plans they both have, but they have no idea how much worse their summer will get. When Marsh throws and breaks a metal egg in a fit of anger, strange things start happening. Knocking in the house. Messages that don’t really come from who they are supposed to. People acting strangely. Finally, the appearance of a villain- Gravedigger- that can’t be real- because Marsh made him up, drawing him for a graphic novel. And while this villain can’t hurt Marsh directly, he can possess people to do that work for him… and Coop has disappeared from the lake house. No one knows where he is, or if he’s gone voluntarily or not.Marsh finds himself thrown into a fight for his own survival while trying to track down Cooper. Working with an unlikely ally, Coop’s icy older sister Sydney, Marsh must try to tell illusion from real peril and good spirit from evil. It’s a good book but not great. The beginning is slow but then accelerates to the point where there is no time to catch one’s breath. This is the first of a projected trilogy, so I assume that the 2nd and 3rd books will take off fast, having gotten the introduction to characters done in this book. It’s a blend of coming-of-age, action and supernatural. Written for 9 to 12 year olds, it’s enjoyable for all ages.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's a book you wont want to put down until the last page. Great adventure and can not wait until the next one comes out. 
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Morpheus Road was filled with creepy ghouls, mysterious occurrences, teen-aged boy antics and even a cute girl to tag along on the adventure. I can certainly see why this book would appeal to boys. It isn’t entirely unappealing to girls either, I imagine, but they’d have to be a bit more into the supernatural to really enjoy it. It does, however showcase a sassy heroine who’s strong with a touch of vulnerability. So that could draw some girls in as well.Sadly, the story dragged a bit as the story built in some character history and set the plot up. Even so, I found myself wanting a bit more explanation and backstory as to why it was that the entity haunting Marshall took the form of The Gravedigger. Relative to this there was quite a bit of repetition in the initial haunting of Marshall. The point was well made by the time we got to the middle of the story and saw some real progression. As part of this build up and haunting, there were some predictable moments and a several that felt pretty contrived. Of course, I look at these events through different eyes than the target audience so they aren’t something that should keep anyone away. None of it destroyed the overall story for me just made it longer than I liked.The characters are enjoyable. Particularly the hero Marshall who was endearingly dorky. I greatly appreciated that MacHale chose to write him with genuine fear of the situation, he was cautious and nervous and flustered. I’ll add that Marshall also made great progress and found strength and courage as the mystery unfolded. Sydney, interestingly enough, went the opposite direction. She was all sass and snark early on, fearless and without concern for what was to come. However, as they twosome were further drawn into The Gravedigger’s plot she became increasingly vulnerable, showed reservation and ultimately fear.I have to say, I was on the fence about this book early on, I didn’t love it (didn’t hate it either). I was glad that it picked up about half way through and finally got to the meat of the story and action. There were answers presented to some questions (though not all) and some excellently plotted revelations and steps forward. But what really won me over was the end. At the end (which I won’t spoil) I found out something HUGE that changed how I looked at the whole story. It almost makes me want to go back and re-read to pick out any subtle clues that alluded to the revelation that I’d missed.It’s this circumstance that definitely has me interested to read book two.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really really liked this book.

    After reading the introduction and discovering that the author used to write for Are You Afraid of the Dark, one of my favorite childhood shows, I was pretty much hooked. MacHale has a very distinct style of writing. The entire time I was reading this book I found myself asking questions I didn't know I had until the narrator asked. I took for granted the lives of many characters in the book. Within the first few chapters, I realized that I cared entirely too much about minor characters, and when they were no longer alive, it made me a little sad. That's a bad thing because it meant I was bound to get hooked and invest my emotions in these people, but it's great because it means MacHale is writing about real people. These characters weren't one dimensional. I mean, they weren't exactly the most thought provoking or mentally stimulating characters I've ever encountered, but considering the target audience of the story, they felt pretty real.

    The pacing in the story is excellent. It starts off fairly quickly, and you’re introduced to all the major players within the first 50 pages or so. From that point on, MacHale really gives you the action and pacing of a scary movie. You won't be bored. So much happens over the course of a week in Marshall Seaver's life that by the time you reach the end, you forget how much he's suffered already, and you just want him to be safe and to return to the life he had within the first few pages.

    As I'm sure you already know, Marshall is being haunted by Gravedigger, a comic book/ graphic novel villain of his own creation. I know, it sounds like this has been done before, but by the end of the story you'll see that what's haunting Marshall is much deeper than a figment of his imagination. It seems that every time Marsh is alone, he's tormented by the creepy, hollow-eyed, skeletal figure of Gravedigger. No place is safe for Marshall. What's even more terrifying is that he has no one to turn to for answers about why Gravedigger has suddenly sprung from a sketchpad and has his black eyes dead set on Marshall.

    If you're in the mood for something that will not only creep you out, but make you feel sad when it's over and long for more, I think this is a good read for you.

    I will be picking up the second book in the series very soon!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was very thrilling to me and mysterious awesome book
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Updated RTC

    A good book, a young adult horror story

Book preview

The Light - D. J. MacHale


I believe in ghosts.

Simple as that. I believe in ghosts.

Maybe that doesn’t come across as very dramatic. After all, lots of people believe in ghosts. You always hear stories about some guy who felt a presence or glimpsed a fleeting, unexplainable phenomenon. There are mediums who claim they can make contact with the great beyond and receive messages to let the living know that all is well. Or not. Then there are those people who operate on a more philosophical level … the spiritual types who believe that the energy of the human soul is so powerful, it must continue on after death to some other plane of existence. Of course, there are millions of people who love getting scared by ghost stories. They may not believe, but they sure have fun pretending.

I’m not like any of those people. At least not anymore. A little over a week ago you could have put me in the category of somebody who didn’t necessarily believe in anything supernatural, though I did like horror movies. But that was then. Before last week. A week is like … nothing. How many particular weeks can anybody really remember? A week can fly by like any other. Or it can change your life. You tend to remember those weeks.

I remember last week.

It was the week the haunting began.

Or maybe I should call it the hunting because that’s what it was. I was being hunted. And haunted. It wasn’t a good week.

My name is Marshall Seaver. People call me Marsh. I live in a small town in Connecticut called Stony Brook. It’s a suburb of New York City where moms drive oversize silver trucks to Starbucks and most kids play soccer whether they want to or not. It’s the kind of place where kids are trained from birth to compete. In everything. School, sports, friendships, clothes … you know, everything. I’m not sure what the point is other than to win bragging rights. Luckily, my parents didn’t buy into that program. They said I should set my own priorities. I liked that. Though it puts pressure on me to figure out what those priorities are.

I guess you’d call us middle class. We’ve only got one car and it’s almost as old as I am. I can’t believe it’s still running, because we drove it into the ground. My parents liked to travel. That was one of their priorities. Whenever they had two days off, we’d hit the road, headed for some national monument or backwater town that served awesome gumbo or had historical significance or maybe just sounded different. I complained a lot about how boring it was, but to be honest, I didn’t hate it. Bumping around in the back of a car wasn’t great, but the adventure of it all made it worthwhile. It’s kind of cool to see things for real instead of on TV. I miss those trips.

Other than that, my life is pretty usual. Unlike a lot of people in this town, I’ve never been inside a country club. Most of my clothes come from Target. I ride my bike to school. We don’t live in a monster-size house, but it’s plenty big enough for the three of us.

That is, when there were still three of us.

Things have changed. Not that long ago I thought I had a pretty good handle on what normal was. I was wrong. Nothing about my life is normal anymore. The events that unfolded over the last week weren’t just about me, either. Many lives were touched and not all for the better. As I look back, I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if different decisions had been made. Different paths taken. So many innocent choices added to a butterfly effect that fed the nightmare. Or created it. I guess it goes without saying that I’m still alive. Not everyone was so lucky. That’s the harsh thing about ghost stories. Somebody has to die. No death, no ghost. I survived the week and that gives me a feeling of guilt I’ll carry forever. Or at least for as long as I live. I hope that’s a good long time, but there are no guarantees because this story isn’t done.

The hunt is still on.

My story may sound like a fantasy, and maybe some of it is. But many things happened over that week that can’t be ignored or explained away as having sprung from an overly imaginative mind. People died. Lives were changed. That was no dream. After what I saw and experienced, there’s one other bit of reality I have to accept.

I believe in ghosts.

After you hear my story, I think you will too.


Cooper Foley was in trouble. Again.

What were you thinking? I screamed at him. Counterfeit tickets? Really?

Easy, Ralph, Coop replied calmly. I didn’t know they were bogus.

Cooper always called me Ralph.

Even so, I argued. "It’s illegal to scalp real tickets."

No, it’s not, he corrected. Not if you sell them at face value.

Did you sell them at face value?

He smiled. No.

I wanted to smack him.

Cooper and I were making the long walk to school on the last day of the year before summer vacation. He was my best friend. Okay, my only friend. My only good friend, anyway. I think the main reason we got along so well was because we were completely different. I worry. Cooper doesn’t. I think things through. Cooper doesn’t. I freeze in social situations. Cooper doesn’t. I hate playing sports. Cooper doesn’t. I worry about what people think of me. Cooper doesn’t.

I think we stayed friends because there was never any competition between us. We had plenty of fights over the years, but they always ended up in a wrestling match that lasted about eight seconds. No punches were ever thrown in anger. As we walked along on that hot June day, I was ready to plot out all the exciting adventures we’d be sharing that summer. Instead I found out that Cooper was in trouble. Again.

What’s going to happen? I asked.

Cooper shrugged as if he didn’t really care. Nothing. I got spanked, that’s all. Nobody thinks I printed out a bunch of phony Yankees tickets. And for the record, I didn’t.

Then who did?

He gave me a sly smile. Can’t tell you that, Ralph. I’d have to kill you.

Coop was changing … and not for the better. Though he was always a wild guy, he never got into serious trouble. With him it was about being a goof in class or skateboarding without a helmet. The thing was, he always made the teachers laugh and didn’t need a helmet because he never crashed. Ever. Once when we were around ten, we snuck into the private stable of some uber-rich Wall Street guy. I was so scared, I wanted to puke. In fact, I did. All over my pants. Not Coop. He hopped on the back of a prize thoroughbred and rode it, bareback, out of the stable and across the huge lawn, shouting, Yippiekiyay! He didn’t get in trouble, either. I, on the other hand, caught hell for ruining my pants. Cooper lived a charmed life. He never puked on his pants.

That is, until we got to high school. That’s when he started pushing things. He got into fights. Real fights. He’d skip school. His parents started coming down on him for his grades, which made it pretty tense around the Foley house. They grounded him … he snuck out. We’d go for weeks without seeing each other because he started hanging around with some older guys. They smelled like bad news, so I didn’t go anywhere near them. I’d bet anything they had something to do with the counterfeit tickets Coop was busted for selling.

None of this was like Coop. At least not the Coop I knew. Yeah, he liked to have fun and push some limits, but he wasn’t a bad guy. Or maybe I was just naive.

It’s okay, Ralph, he assured me. It was dumb. I get it. I’m not going there again.

I’d heard that promise before.

C’mon! he said. Tomorrow the gun goes off on summer. What’s the plan? I know you’ve got a plan.

My mood changed instantly. Coop had that ability. When he got psyched up about something, he brought everyone else right along with him. He was right. I had a plan. I’d been looking forward to this summer for months.

It’s gonna be great, I said with excitement. The rocket kits finally came in. We can set up shop and build ’em at my house … wait’ll you see the new plasma Dad got from work … hello, Yankees in high def … then we can head up to the reservoir and camp for a couple of days and launch ’em.

Cooper gave me a blank stare. Okay, he said with absolutely no enthusiasm.

Undaunted, I pressed on. Oh! And the Jansens said I could take their Hobie Cat out whenever I wanted. I’m thinking we can race the ferry out to Captain’s Island like we did last summer. Remember that?

Cooper barely reacted. No, I take that back. Each time I mentioned something I thought was cool, he winced like I was nailing him with poison darts.

What? I asked, confused. Doesn’t that sound great?

Uhh … yeah, he muttered awkwardly. But I was kinda thinking more like we should hang out at the beach.

No problem, I said. We’ll do that, too.

A lot? he asked.

Yeah, sure, if you want. But there’s so much more we can do.

Coop gave me a sly smile. Not that involves girls in bikinis.

Couldn’t argue with that.

He added, "I’m thinking the beach at the Point will be our base of operations. Or maybe our entire operation. Why not? We’ve only got a couple of months."

But … really? That’s all you want to do? Hang out at the beach?

No! I’m all for the rocket thing, he exclaimed. Let’s get that on the schedule for, oh … sometime in late August.

You’re killing me, I said.

I was disappointed in Coop. He hated being bored and so did I. He was always looking for different things to do and coming up with new adventures that kept us moving. That was his job. Trolling for girls at the beach was okay by me, but I didn’t want it to be our sole focus. Besides, the girls I liked had more interesting things to do than spend every waking moment sitting around at the beach comparing tans.

Aw, c’mon, Ralph! Coop said. What’s better than sitting on a blanket in the warm sand next to three or four or eight girls wearing little more than underwear?

And talking about … what? Reality TV? Perez Hilton?

"Okay, now you’re killing me ! he said. Who cares what we talk about?"

I guess I did. Unfortunately. Truth was, I needed help in the girl department. Whenever I was around somebody I liked, I got self-conscious. I’m not sure why, either. I think I’m okay-looking and wasn’t hit too hard by the acne stick. I’ve got blond hair and brown eyes, which I’ve heard more than once is a pretty good combination. I think part of my trouble is that I get nervous and start talking too much about things I’m interested in, and most girls don’t care about graphic novels or wartime history. At least not the ones I’ve met. Coop may have had high hopes for a stellar summer at the beach, but I couldn’t see myself starting up a casual conversation about the Battle of Bull Run with a bunch of near-naked girls. They’d crucify me.

Besides, I liked building rockets.

C’mon, Ralph! Cooper said. What’s wrong with messing around a little? That’s what summer’s for. It’s in the rule book.

There’s nothing wrong with it, I shot back. But there’s other stuff too. You always liked doing stupid stuff like building rockets.

I liked Power Rangers too … when I was six. He put his arm around my shoulder and said, We are looking at what could be the most awesome summer of our lives, and all we have to do is … uh-oh.

He spotted something over my shoulder.

Trouble Town, he whispered.

The courtyard in front of school was packed, but the crowd parted magically to reveal a stunning girl walking toward us. She had long, shiny black hair that fell to her shoulders and dark skin that was the product of an early season tan. Judging from her short shorts, she didn’t mind showing off her long legs. She was hot, and she knew it. Her dark eyes were focused on Coop. My mouth went dry. Something was about to happen. She walked right up to us, locked eyes with Cooper, and snarled a simple, succinct, and venomous Idiot, then blew past us without breaking stride.

I love you too, Agnes, Coop called to her.

Whenever Cooper gave a girl a hard time, he called her Agnes. With guys it was Richard. In this case the Agnes was Sydney Foley. Cooper’s older sister. She and Coop didn’t like each other much, which was too bad because I wouldn’t have minded hanging out with her. I didn’t have the same trouble making conversation with her like I did with other girls. That’s because when I was with her, I couldn’t speak at all. Seriously. My tongue would swell up and my throat would close. I guess you would call her intimidating. She and Coop had the same dark hair and blue eyes, but that’s where the similarity ended. The girl was cold. I mean icy. She was a year ahead of us in school and light-years ahead academically. I think she’ll have a shot at class valedictorian. She always had a boyfriend but never anyone for long. I guess she got bored easily. Sydney Foley was definitely out of my league … if I were to be in a league. Still, I would have welcomed the chance to hang out with her a little, and if it just so happened to be on one of those days that Coop made me go to the beach and she just so happened to be there in a bikini, maybe I’d have to think twice about being so critical of Coop’s summer plans.

I guess she found out about the scalping thing, I said weakly.

Yeah. Dinner tonight’s gonna be a real party, he lamented. I’ll get lectured by my parents about straightening up and being responsible while she stares through me with those undead vampire eyes. Yeesh.

I didn’t think Sydney’s eyes looked undead at all, but I could see where getting stared at would be unnerving. But that’s just a guess. Sydney barely knew I existed.

Coop shrugged it off and broke out a big, winning smile. But it’s cool. Tonight I pay the price and tomorrow … summer!

He gave me a double okay sign. That was his way of saying not to worry and that it’s all good.

You know what? he added. I say we load up on frozen pizzas, head to your house, and build us some rockets.

I had to smile. You’re a piece of work, you know that?

He gave me a friendly shove and said, Absolutely. It’s all part of the Foley mystique.

Coop had done it again … he made things right. As we strode into school, I had new hope that the vacation might turn out to be decent after all, especially if I got the old Coop back.

The last day of school was pretty much a blow-off. You’re supposed to go to classes, but exams are over and teachers don’t care what you do. Most everybody hangs out and gets their yearbooks signed with See you this summer!—which seems like a lame thing to write, but who am I to judge? I didn’t buy a yearbook, so I headed right for the art department. That’s where I hung out when I wasn’t in class. The art rooms were a refuge for those who didn’t fit into a particular clique … which I guess meant we were our own clique. But since we didn’t run with each other outside of school, it was a limited social circle.

The art department wasn’t just a hideout. I liked to draw. I’m pretty good, too. Whatever talent I have I got from my mom. There were a bunch of sketches in my cubby that I’d been procrastinating about bringing home because my bedroom was already a mess of paper and half-finished drawings. Bringing home more would probably make Dad’s head explode, but I couldn’t leave anything at school over the summer, so it was time to clear out.

I’d been working on an idea that was slow to form. I wanted to create my own superhero graphic novel. That sounds fairly cool and a no-brainer except for one thing . . . it’s a no-brainer. Meaning: Superheroes have been done to death. Pretty much every superpower has already been explored. Besides, I didn’t like the whole tights-and-cape thing. For a while I monkeyed around with a character I considered to be the true Superman. My theory was that if Superman was powerful because he came from a planet with heavier gravity than Earth, then why the heck did he have huge muscles if he never had to strain to do anything? In reality he should look like a skinny wimp. But creating a superhero that looked like limp lettuce didn’t seem promising, so I scrapped it.

What popped out of my head instead was something I hadn’t planned on or set out to do. I kept coming back to a character I called Gravedigger. He wasn’t a superhero at all. In fact, he looked more like a super villain . He was more or less a skeleton with a thin covering of powder white skin. His fingers were abnormally long and spiderlike. His eyes were hollow. He wore a dark cloak and a broad-brimmed black hat. Very creepy. I hadn’t even come up with any stories about him. I simply sketched him in various settings . . . skulking through an ancient graveyard, lurking through the ruins of an old church, cowering around dark alleys. (I’m good at depicting skulk, lurk, and cower.) His signature weapon was a sharp, lethal-looking, double-edged pick like you use to crack rocks in a mine. Or gouge out the earth to dig a grave.

Whenever I tried to draw something else and use a bright color like blue or red, my hand automatically went back to the blacks and grays. I don’t want to say that Gravedigger was drawing himself, but the ideas came easily and I sketched hundreds of incarnations of the guy. I didn’t even know what the point was. Who was he? Was he evil? Was he the living dead? Did he need to eat a potato and get a little sun? I didn’t know. Gravedigger pretty much represented all the work I had done that year and it was time to move him home, so I began the long process of stacking the pages.

You are obsessed with death, came a soft, flat voice over my shoulder.

I turned quickly to see Tyler Frano, a student teacher in the art department. The guy was shorter than me by at least a foot … not quite Munchkin-like but in that ballpark. He always dressed in black because he said it hid the streaks of sketching charcoal that got on his clothes. I think it was more because he was an art poser and wearing black made him look the part. He had no personality that I could sense and always spoke in a dull monotone. He was creepy but harmless. I think.

I’m not obsessed with death, I said defensively. I’m developing a character.

It’s all you ever draw, he countered. That’s bordering on obsession.

Well, maybe, yeah, but … it has nothing to do with death.

Frano gave me a skeptical look. Or perhaps you have no significant life experiences to draw upon for inspiration.

The guy was starting to piss me off. No, I have choices, I said. "I just choose to develop this character."

Good luck with that, he said with a superior sneer and walked off to do whatever student teachers do on the last day of school.

The guy was all wrong. I had plenty of inspiration. And I wasn’t obsessed with death. I glanced through a few of the Gravedigger sketches, trying to imagine what Frano saw in them. Okay, my character looked skeletal. Okay, he hung around cemeteries. Okay, I called him Gravedigger. Okay, he was all that I drew. So what? Did that constitute an obsession with death?

I quickly jammed the sketches into a portfolio, zipped it up, and got out of there. I was sick of hanging around the art department. Vacation couldn’t come fast enough.

At 2:05 it did. Summer. I love the feeling of stepping out of school on the last day of the year, because the next day of school was as far away as it could get. I think I was especially psyched about this summer because it held so much possibility. I even had some money to spend. I had been lucky enough to land a part-time job with a small company that made trophies and awards. In a town like Stony Brook, where so many kids went to sports camp, there was a huge need for all sorts of trophies. It wasn’t exactly exciting work, but building and engraving the awards made me feel like I was using my artistic talent in some small way. Better still, I could work as much as I wanted because the regular engraver had quit. He was a kid a few years older than me named Mark Dimond. Since Mark left, there was plenty of work for me. I planned on putting in at least a few hours a day to keep the cash flowing. Thank you, Mark.

So the summer was shaping up nicely. I had money coming in from a job that didn’t suck, lots of projects to work on, and truth be told, I wasn’t going to mind putting in a little time at the beach. I figured that as long as Cooper kept his promise and didn’t do anything else that was dumb or criminal, the two of us were set for a summer to remember.


Later that same day I rode my bike over to Cooper’s house to begin the festivities. As I approached, I saw that Sydney’s boyfriend, Mikey Russo, was sitting on the porch steps. Mikey was an idiot. There’s no better word to describe him. He was a big guy who the girls loved because of his looks, but as soon as he opened his mouth, it was clear that he cowered at the sight of fire. He was going to be a senior, but I had no idea how he kept passing. My guess was that he threatened to injure any teacher who didn’t give him at least a D. What made even less sense was that Sydney, who was a brain, hung out with him. It had to have been a physical thing because I doubted they had much to talk about. It was a doomed relationship, just like all of Sydney’s relationships.

Mikey sat on the top stair, looking at the ground, probably thinking deep thoughts … like planning the number of squats he’d be doing later at the gym. I dropped my bike and started up the stairs while doing my best to look invisible. I didn’t get far. Mikey held his hand out to stop me.

No, he commanded.

No what?

Nobody goes inside until Sydney’s done.

Done doing what?

Done telling your weasel pal how it’s gonna be, he growled.

This was the most Mikey and I had spoken in, well, ever. I was one of those wallpaper guys who never entered his sphere of consciousness, which was fine by me. The most interaction we ever had was when I had to leap out of his way or get bulldozed. I was less than nothing to him, and I was stuck.

Marsh! came the voice of my savior, Mrs. Foley. She pushed open the screen door and leaned out. Would you please talk to Cooper?

Mikey quickly jumped to his feet and faced her. With an impossibly polite voice he said, You’re right, Mrs. Foley. I was just saying the same thing. Cooper needs a good talking-to.

Weasel. Mikey turned his back to Mrs. Foley and gave me a look that was so intense, it made my forehead burn. Tell Cooper to be smart and do what he’s told. His voice was polite, but his glare was scary.

Mrs. Foley held the screen door open for me. Thank you, Mikey, we’ll handle this, she said as if he were two years old, which he was. At least mentally. It must have made her sick to think Sydney was hanging around with that goon.

When I passed Mikey, he whispered something quietly so that Mrs. Foley couldn’t hear.

Tell him I’ll hurt him, he snarled.

The madness in his eyes told me it wasn’t an idle threat. I leaped up the stairs, two at a time, because I didn’t like having my back turned on the guy. Mrs. Foley was waiting for me inside.

What’s going on, Mrs. F.? I asked.

Cooper is being Cooper, she said, exasperated. Would you please get him to see reason?

It wasn’t an unusual request. I’d heard it a lot lately.

What’s he being unreasonable about? I asked.

She took a tired breath and said, I’m sure you know about the tickets.

I nodded.

"Such a mess. We decided to take Cooper out of the situation for a while and get him away from, you know, influences . She whispered the word influences" like it was a four-letter word that should never be spoken aloud.

How are you going to do that? I asked.

We want to take him up to the cottage for the summer.

The Foleys had a great house on Thistledown Lake, a few hours north of Stony Brook. It was the kind of place where you could swim and canoe and hike and water-ski and just hang out. I had visited the Foleys up there a couple of times and had a blast.

"Are you talking about the whole summer?" I asked.

Absolutely. He needs to clear his head and that won’t happen down here. Not with all that’s going on.

It was a good idea … that I totally hated. If Coop took off, the stellar summer I was planning would turn into a two-month bore. I wanted things to cool off for him but not at the expense of summer. Before I could try and talk her out of the idea, I heard an angry shout come from upstairs.

Why? came the anguished cry. Why is it always about you?

Sydney. I looked to Mrs. Foley. She gave me an embarrassed shrug. From the bottom of the stairs I looked up to see Coop’s sister on her way down.

Get over yourself for once and just go! she barked over her shoulder.

The first thing I saw were her legs. They didn’t stop moving. I pressed my back against the wall as she blew past me. I don’t think she even knew I was there. Her eyes were straight ahead, her body language tense.

What did he say? Mrs. Foley asked sheepishly.

Who cares? Sydney spat back. She hit the bottom of the stairs and didn’t break stride as she pushed open the screen door to make a dramatic exit.

Mrs. Foley gave me a helpless look.

I’ll talk to him, I said, and ran up the stairs.

I found Cooper lying on his back on the floor of his bedroom, tossing a football into the air.

What the heck? I asked.

Can you believe it? They want me to get out of town like some mob guy who has to lay low until the heat dies down.

Coop was genuinely angry. That didn’t happen very often.

Maybe you could just go for a week or two, I offered.

No. They’re talking the whole summer.

My stomach sank.

That lake is death, Ralph, he added. What’ll I do up there? Fish? That gets old after eight seconds. The place is great if you’re six or sixty. For everybody else … torture.

I was in the weird position of trying to talk him into doing something I didn’t want him to do. I chose to duck the issue.

What’s Sydney’s problem? I asked.

Who knows? My parents aren’t even making her go. She gets to be on her own for the whole summer while I’m sentenced to two months at Camp Kumbaya.

He sat up and threw the football into his chair angrily. I wasn’t used to seeing Cooper like that. Even when things were going badly, he always laughed it off and figured a way to make the best of it. Not this time. He wasn’t giving any double okay signs.

Mikey the Mauler’s downstairs, I said. He threatened to hurt you. What’s that all about?

Nothing, Coop said dismissively. Forget it.

Did he give you the fake tickets?

No! Coop barked. Let it go, all right? It’s none of your business.

He jumped up and went for his window. His escape route. We used to climb out and crawl across the roof whenever we wanted to sneak out of the house.

"It is my business! I shouted back. You did something stupid, and now you’re going to have to take off for a couple of months to get away from the mess, and poof! There goes summer."

Coop slammed the window shut so hard, it made me jump. That makes it your business? he asked. Because I’m ruining your summer?

That’s not what I meant.

Yeah, you did. Gee, sorry, Marsh. I should have thought it through before doing anything that might spoil your fun. How inconsiderate of me.

Cooper never called me Marsh. He was ticked.

But so was I. Don’t go there, I shot back. "I know

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