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The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
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The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The definitive short story collection that established Ernest Hemingway's literary reputation, originally published in 1938.

Ernest Hemingway is a cultural icon—an archetype of rugged masculinity, a romantic ideal of the intellectual in perpetual exile—but, to his countless readers, Hemingway remains a literary force much greater than his image. Of all of Hemingway’s canonical fictions, perhaps none demonstrate so forcefully the power of the author’s revolutionary style as his short stories. In classics like “Hills like White Elephants,” “The Butterfly in the Tank,” and “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,” Hemingway shows us great literature compressed to its most potent essentials. We also see, in Hemingway’s short fiction, the tales that created the legend: these are stories of men and women in love and in war and on the hunt, stories of a lost generation born into a fractured time.

The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway presents many of Hemingway’s most famous classics alongside rare and unpublished material: Hemingway’s early drafts and correspondence, his dazzling out-of-print essay on the art of the short story, and two marvelous examples of his earliest work—his first published story, “The Judgment of Manitou,” which Hemingway wrote when still a high school student, and a never-before-published story, written when the author was recovering from a war injury in Milan after WWI. This work offers vital insight into the artistic development of one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers. It is a perfect introduction for a new generation of Hemingway readers, and it belongs in the collection of any true Hemingway fan.
Release dateJul 25, 2002
The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. His novels include The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899, he died in Ketchum, Idaho, on July 2, 1961.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    How can I review a book that took me 30 years to read? This is not just a book, it is part of my life. I have been working on The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway longer than all my formal education, two marriages, and my law practice.But I can’t review Hemingway, especially when my attitudes about his writing have changed over the decades. I was unquestionably awed as a teenager, snide as a college English major, a genuine fan as an adult, and now just a little weary. His writing is masterful. He was a genius with spare dialog and creating reality with only a few brush strokes. (Of course, because he taught Americans a new way of writing, reading the original does not pack the wallop it must have before everyone copied him.) What wore me out was the subject matter – the bull fights and the Spanish Civil War in particular. It just got to be a chore for me to get to the end.Longer version posted on Rose City Reader.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nice, crisp language, beautiful dialogs. When I was young I thought it was great. Now, I'm not so sure.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Complete Short Stories consists of the First Forty-Nine (itself a compilation of stories from In Our Time, Men Without Women, Winner Take Nothing and The Snows of Kilimanjaro), 14 stories published after 1938, and 7 unpublished stories, some of which are actually drafts for a novel.I absolutely love Hemingway. I sometimes wish I didn't, as some of these stories are completely depressing, but there it is. I haven't read most of the novels, but the short stories are magnificent, and I'm going to stop there, give away my copies of The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and A Farewell to Arms, and let the stories stand on their own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dit is Hemingway op zijn best: puntig, gevat, een complexe wereld vattend in enkele pagina's, zeer suggestief. Zeer uiteenlopende themas: oorlogsverhalen zonder hero?ek, heroiek zonder franje, adolescentenliteratuur, en vooral de echtelijke leegte. Sarcasme en cynisme overheersen
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Hemingway expresses it well himself in one of the stories when he describes his alter-ego as writing morbid stories. Maybe not morbid, but they all have such a morose feel to them. It's like listening to hours of music in a minor key, discordant and mournful. He was not a happy camper. There is no joy in any of his stories. Awe sometimes, but never joy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ack, I really do love his prose - his subject matter is often another thing. My favorite by far, "The Last Good Country", is of course one of the few uncompleted works. The only others I noted are: Indian Camp, A Very Short Story, Soldier's Home, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot, The Undefeated, In Another Country, Fifty Grand, Ten Indians, Today Is Friday, Banal Story, Homage to Switzerland, A Day's Wait, A Natural History of the Dead, Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog, and An African Story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Complete Short Stories consists of the First Forty-Nine (itself a compilation of stories from In Our Time, Men Without Women, Winner Take Nothing and The Snows of Kilimanjaro), 14 stories published after 1938, and 7 unpublished stories, some of which are actually drafts for a novel.I absolutely love Hemingway. I sometimes wish I didn't, as some of these stories are completely depressing, but there it is. I haven't read most of the novels, but the short stories are magnificent, and I'm going to stop there, give away my copies of The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and A Farewell to Arms, and let the stories stand on their own.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Dit is Hemingway op zijn best: puntig, gevat, een complexe wereld vattend in enkele pagina's, zeer suggestief. Zeer uiteenlopende themas: oorlogsverhalen zonder heroïek, heroiek zonder franje, adolescentenliteratuur, en vooral de echtelijke leegte. Sarcasme en cynisme overheersen
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of my very first purchases after I discovered the likes of bookstores such as Borders and B&N. Great writing from a true master. The physical sensation of handling a book – the weight of it, the crispness of the pages, the particular smell... I'll never own an e-reader.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    His best work. This is where his true legacy resides.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is certainly a collection that outstrips The First Forty-Nine, but some of the "bonus stories" are fileted from other books instead of being short stories in their own true rights, making this collection a step away from "perfect" or "complete" as the title would indicate. I would get the Everyman Library Collected Stories instead of this for people who really want to dig into Hemingway's short story prowess.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This collection of stories is wonderful. Hemingway was a master of the short story genre and one of the finest American writers ever. Ever word is meaningful and well crafted into extraordinary stories. "Hills Like White Elephants" is my absolute favorite of the bunch.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this about 6 years ago, until then I had read most of Hemingway's novels which I enjoyed immensely, on a flight from Havana I got talking to my neighbour who taught Hemingway she told me her favourites were the short stories. Some of these stories are very short indeed and the quality does vary but the very best and there are a huge number of very well written stories are very very good. I love Hemingway although I don't usually read short stories these are amongst his best works. They have a haunting quality and a still remember scenes from them, a boy with his canoe hiding amongst lakes and rivers or an man skiing, tales of love obviously written by a young man with the arrogance and cockiness of youth.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having read several of Hemingway's longer novels (The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls) I looked forward to this collection with great anticipation. My appetite was only whetted with the first story in the collection, "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", which I found to be magnificent. Alas, it proved to be the star of the collection. While several of the remaining stories were certainly outstanding (in particular "Fifty Grand", A Way You'll never Be", "Under the Ridge", "An African Story" and "I Guess Everything Reminds You of Something"), a number of the stories were less than spectacular. Particularly disappointing were the numerous efforts of under 750 words. Now, you may be a brilliant writer, and even a master of the art of story telling, but in my opinion, you cannot tell a story in two pages. You can set a scene; you can paint a picture, but you cannot tell a story. I counted ten such SHORT SHORT short stories and another fifteen only slightly longer. Those stories which ran beyond 6-8 pages were, by and large quite enjoyable. Having read several of Hemingway's longer works and found them to be, in some cases, in need of editing, and now having read a number of his works which can only be described as overly brief, I'm left with the opinion that he is best enjoyed in those works of 10-200 pages, not coincidentally the length of his Pulitzer Prize winning novella, "The Old Man and the Sea". I'm struck by a passage in "For Whom the Bell Tolls" in which the Communist partisan Pilar recounts the revolution within her village in which the Fascists (a/k/a the successful citizens) were rounded up and murdered. Those twenty pages, lifted out, would have qualified as one of the greatest short stories ever written, yet it becomes somewhat lost in a story that wanders at times. Certainly, this book will be enjoyed by anyone who has developed a taste for Hemingway and to a lesser extent, those who enjoy the art of the short story. I only gave high marks to roughly a third of the offerings, however those 23 stories account for almost 75% of the pages in the book. The other efforts are simply too short for my taste, and they account for a majority of the stories in the collection.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a tome. It's difficult to summarise or review short story collections, especially one so extensive as this.So lemme just say, there is a reason that Heminway is canon. He reminds me of Chekhov, of Vonnegut—the sadness implicit in humanity's existence and the true, yet sometimes hollow joy that is found despite it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    for me to give these marvelous nick adams and early war stories anything less than five stars would be blasphemous indeed. I've read and re-read the early stories, and especially "Up in Michigan," "Indian Camp," and "Big Two-Hearted RIver (parts 1 and 2)" are delicious to read again, and again. If I were allowed only one book or one person's work to have for eternity, it would be Papa's Before one thinks I am going to put him on a pedestal and worship him as a cohort of the angels, let me say I know he spelled worse than an Irish immigrant and didn't "develope" a style in maturity. His fifth grade essay reprinted by Carlos Baker in that author's biography shows the exact same literary style as used in "A Farewell to Arms." I sure wish I could find an editor like Max Perkins, or an agent like Scott Meredith.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    All of Hemingways' stories in one collection. Including The Big Two-Hearted River and A Clean, Well Lighted Place.

Book preview

The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway - Ernest Hemingway



THE FIRST FOUR stories are the last ones I have written. The others follow in the order in which they were originally published.

The first one I wrote was Up in Michigan, written in Paris in 1921. The last was Old Man at the Bridge cabled from Barcelona in April of 1938.

Beside The Fifth Column, I wrote The Killers, Today Is Friday, Ten Indians, part of The Sun Also Rises and the first third of To Have and Have Not in Madrid. It was always a good place for working. So was Paris, and so were Key West, Florida, in the cool months; the ranch, near Cooke City, Montana; Kansas City; Chicago; Toronto, and Havana, Cuba.

Some other places were not so good but maybe we were not so good when we were in them.

There are many kinds of stories in this book. I hope that you will find some that you like. Reading them over, the ones I liked the best, outside of those that have achieved some notoriety so that school teachers include them in story collections that their pupils have to buy in story courses, and you are always faintly embarrassed to read them and wonder whether you really wrote them or did you maybe hear them somewhere, are The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, In Another Country, Hills Like White Elephants, A Way You’ll Never Be, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, A Clean Well-Lighted Place, and a story called The Light of the World which nobody else ever liked. There are some others too. Because if you did not like them you would not publish them.

In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dull and know I had to put it on the grindstone again and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining and nothing to say, or smooth and well-oiled in the closet, but unused.

Now it is necessary to get to the grindstone again. I would like to live long enough to write three more novels and twenty-five more stories. I know some pretty good ones.

Ernest Hemingway


The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

IT WAS NOW lunch time and they were all sitting under the double green fly of the dining tent pretending that nothing had happened.

Will you have lime juice or lemon squash? Macomber asked.

I’ll have a gimlet, Robert Wilson told him.

I’ll have a gimlet too. I need something, Macomber’s wife said.

I suppose it’s the thing to do, Macomber agreed. Tell him to make three gimlets.

The mess boy had started them already, lifting the bottles out of the canvas cooling bags that sweated wet in the wind that blew through the trees that shaded the tents.

What had I ought to give them? Macomber asked.

A quid would be plenty, Wilson told him. You don’t want to spoil them.

Will the headman distribute it?


Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun-bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. When the native boys put him down at the door of his tent, he had shaken all their hands, received their congratulations, and then gone into the tent and sat on the bed until his wife came in. She did not speak to him when she came in and he left the tent at once to wash his face and hands in the portable wash basin outside and go over to the dining tent to sit in a comfortable canvas chair in the breeze and the shade.

You’ve got your lion, Robert Wilson said to him, and a damned fine one too.

Mrs. Macomber looked at Wilson quickly. She was an extremely handsome and well-kept woman of the beauty and social position which had, five years before, commanded five thousand dollars as the price of endorsing, with photographs, a beauty product which she had never used. She had been married to Francis Macomber for eleven years.

He is a good lion, isn’t he? Macomber said. His wife looked at him now. She looked at both these men as though she had never seen them before.

One, Wilson, the white hunter, she knew she had never truly seen before. He was about middle height with sandy hair, a stubby mustache, a very red face and extremely cold blue eyes with faint white wrinkles at the corners that grooved merrily when he smiled. He smiled at her now and she looked away from his face at the way his shoulders sloped in the loose tunic he wore with the four big cartridges held in loops where the left breast pocket should have been, at his big brown hands, his old slacks, his very dirty boots and back to his red face again. She noticed where the baked red of his face stopped in a white line that marked the circle left by his Stetson hat that hung now from one of the pegs of the tent pole.

Well, here’s to the lion, Robert Wilson said. He smiled at her again and, not smiling, she looked curiously at her husband.

Francis Macomber was very tall, very well built if you did not mind that length of bone, dark, his hair cropped like an oarsman, rather thin-lipped, and was considered handsome. He was dressed in the same sort of safari clothes that Wilson wore except that his were new, he was thirty-five years old, kept himself very fit, was good at court games, had a number of big-game fishing records, and had just shown himself, very publicly, to be a coward.

Here’s to the lion, he said. I can’t ever thank you for what you did.

Margaret, his wife, looked away from him and back to Wilson.

Let’s not talk about the lion, she said.

Wilson looked over at her without smiling and now she smiled at him.

It’s been a very strange day, she said. Hadn’t you ought to put your hat on even under the canvas at noon? You told me that, you know.

Might put it on, said Wilson.

You know you have a very red face, Mr. Wilson, she told him and smiled again.

Drink, said Wilson.

I don’t think so, she said. Francis drinks a great deal, but his face is never red.

It’s red today, Macomber tried a joke.

No, said Margaret. It’s mine that’s red today. But Mr. Wilson’s is always red.

Must be racial, said Wilson. I say, you wouldn’t like to drop my beauty as a topic, would you?

I’ve just started on it.

Let’s chuck it, said Wilson.

Conversation is going to be so difficult, Margaret said.

Don’t be silly, Margot, her husband said.

No difficulty, Wilson said. Got a damn fine lion.

Margot looked at them both and they both saw that she was going to cry. Wilson had seen it coming for a long time and he dreaded it. Macomber was past dreading it.

I wish it hadn’t happened. Oh, I wish it hadn’t happened, she said and started for her tent. She made no noise of crying but they could see that her shoulders were shaking under the rose-colored, sun-proofed shirt she wore.

Women upset, said Wilson to the tall man. Amounts to nothing. Strain on the nerves and one thing’n another.

No, said Macomber. I suppose that I rate that for the rest of my life now.

Nonsense. Let’s have a spot of the giant killer, said Wilson. Forget the whole thing. Nothing to it anyway.

We might try, said Macomber. I won’t forget what you did for me though.

Nothing, said Wilson. All nonsense.

So they sat there in the shade where the camp was pitched under some wide-topped acacia trees with a boulder-strewn cliff behind them, and a stretch of grass that ran to the bank of a boulder-filled stream in front with forest beyond it, and drank their just-cool lime drinks and avoided one another’s eyes while the boys set the table for lunch. Wilson could tell that the boys all knew about it now and when he saw Macomber’s personal boy looking curiously at his master while he was putting dishes on the table he snapped at him in Swahili. The boy turned away with his face blank.

What were you telling him? Macomber asked.

Nothing. Told him to look alive or I’d see he got about fifteen of the best.

What’s that? Lashes?

It’s quite illegal, Wilson said. You’re supposed to fine them.

Do you still have them whipped?

Oh, yes. They could raise a row if they chose to complain. But they don’t. They prefer it to the fines.

How strange! said Macomber.

Not strange, really, Wilson said. Which would you rather do? Take a good birching or lose your pay?

Then he felt embarrassed at asking it and before Macomber could answer he went on, We all take a beating every day, you know, one way or another.

This was no better. Good God, he thought. I am a diplomat, aren’t I?

Yes, we take a beating, said Macomber, still not looking at him. I’m awfully sorry about that lion business. It doesn’t have to go any further, does it? I mean no one will hear about it, will they?

You mean will I tell it at the Mathaiga Club? Wilson looked at him now coldly. He had not expected this. So he’s a bloody four-letter man as well as a bloody coward, he thought. I rather liked him too until today. But how is one to know about an American?

No, said Wilson. I’m a professional hunter. We never talk about our clients. You can be quite easy on that. It’s supposed to be bad form to ask us not to talk though.

He had decided now that to break would be much easier. He would eat, then, by himself and could read a book with his meals. They would eat by themselves. He would see them through the safari on a very formal basis—what was it the French called it? Distinguished consideration—and it would be a damn sight easier than having to go through this emotional trash. He’d insult him and make a good clean break. Then he could read a book with his meals and he’d still be drinking their whisky. That was the phrase for it when a safari went bad. You ran into another white hunter and you asked, How is everything going? and he answered, Oh, I’m still drinking their whisky, and you knew everything had gone to pot.

I’m sorry, Macomber said and looked at him with his American face that would stay adolescent until it became middle-aged, and Wilson noted his crew-cropped hair, fine eyes only faintly shifty, good nose, thin lips and handsome jaw. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that. There are lots of things I don’t know.

So what could he do, Wilson thought. He was all ready to break it off quickly and neatly and here the beggar was apologizing after he had just insulted him. He made one more attempt. Don’t worry about me talking, he said. I have a living to make. You know in Africa no woman ever misses her lion and no white man ever bolts.

I bolted like a rabbit, Macomber said.

Now what in hell were you going to do about a man who talked like that, Wilson wondered.

Wilson looked at Macomber with his flat, blue, machine-gunner’s eyes and the other smiled back at him. He had a pleasant smile if you did not notice how his eyes showed when he was hurt.

Maybe I can fix it up on buffalo, he said. We’re after them next, aren’t we?

In the morning if you like, Wilson told him. Perhaps he had been wrong. This was certainly the way to take it. You most certainly could not tell a damned thing about an American. He was all for Macomber again. If you could forget the morning. But, of course, you couldn’t. The morning had been about as bad as they come.

Here comes the Memsahib, he said. She was walking over from her tent looking refreshed and cheerful and quite lovely. She had a very perfect oval face, so perfect that you expected her to be stupid. But she wasn’t stupid, Wilson thought, no, not stupid.

How is the beautiful red-faced Mr. Wilson? Are you feeling better, Francis, my pearl?

Oh, much, said Macomber.

I’ve dropped the whole thing, she said, sitting down at the table. What importance is there to whether Francis is any good at killing lions? That’s not his trade. That’s Mr. Wilson’s trade. Mr. Wilson is really very impressive killing anything. You do kill anything, don’t you?

Oh, anything, said Wilson. Simply anything. They are, he thought, the hardest in the world; the hardest, the cruelest, the most predatory and the most attractive and their men have softened or gone to pieces nervously as they have hardened. Or is it that they pick men they can handle? They can’t know that much at the age they marry, he thought. He was grateful that he had gone through his education on American women before now because this was a very attractive one.

We’re going after buff in the morning, he told her.

I’m coming, she said.

No, you’re not.

Oh, yes, I am. Mayn’t I, Francis?

Why not stay in camp?

Not for anything, she said. I wouldn’t miss something like today for anything.

When she left, Wilson was thinking, when she went off to cry, she seemed a hell of a fine woman. She seemed to understand, to realize, to be hurt for him and for herself and to know how things really stood. She is away for twenty minutes and now she is back, simply enamelled in that American female cruelty. They are the damnedest women. Really the damnedest.

We’ll put on another show for you tomorrow, Francis Macomber said.

You’re not coming, Wilson said.

You’re very mistaken, she told him. "And I want so to see you perform again. You were lovely this morning. That is if blowing things’ heads off is lovely."

Here’s the lunch, said Wilson. You’re very merry, aren’t you?

Why not? I didn’t come out here to be dull.

Well, it hasn’t been dull, Wilson said. He could see the boulders in the river and the high bank beyond with the trees and he remembered the morning.

Oh, no, she said. It’s been charming. And tomorrow. You don’t know how I look forward to tomorrow.

That’s eland he’s offering you, Wilson said.

They’re the big cowy things that jump like hares, aren’t they?

I suppose that describes them, Wilson said.

It’s very good meat, Macomber said.

Did you shoot it, Francis? she asked.


They’re not dangerous, are they?

Only if they fall on you, Wilson told her.

I’m so glad.

Why not let up on the bitchery just a little, Margot, Macomber said, cutting the eland steak and putting some mashed potato, gravy and carrot on the down-turned fork that tined through the piece of meat.

I suppose I could, she said, since you put it so prettily.

Tonight we’ll have champagne for the lion, Wilson said.

It’s a bit too hot at noon.

Oh, the lion, Margot said. I’d forgotten the lion!

So, Robert Wilson thought to himself, she is giving him a ride, isn’t she? Or do you suppose that’s her idea of putting up a good show? How should a woman act when she discovers her husband is a bloody coward? She’s damn cruel but they’re all cruel. They govern, of course, and to govern one has to be cruel sometimes. Still, I’ve seen enough of their damn terrorism.

Have some more eland, he said to her politely.

That afternoon, late, Wilson and Macomber went out in the motor car with the native driver and the two gun-bearers. Mrs. Macomber stayed in the camp. It was too hot to go out, she said, and she was going with them in the early morning. As they drove off Wilson saw her standing under the big tree, looking pretty rather than beautiful in her faintly rosy khaki, her dark hair drawn back off her forehead and gathered in a knot low on her neck, her face as fresh, he thought, as though she were in England. She waved to them as the car went off through the swale of high grass and curved around through the trees into the small hills of orchard bush.

In the orchard bush they found a herd of impala, and leaving the car they stalked one old ram with long, wide-spread horns and Macomber killed it with a very creditable shot that knocked the buck down at a good two hundred yards and sent the herd off bounding wildly and leaping over one another’s backs in long, leg-drawn-up leaps as unbelievable and as floating as those one makes sometimes in dreams.

That was a good shot, Wilson said. They’re a small target.

Is it a worth-while head? Macomber asked.

It’s excellent, Wilson told him. You shoot like that and you’ll have no trouble.

Do you think we’ll find buffalo tomorrow?

There’s a good chance of it. They feed out early in the morning and with luck we may catch them in the open.

I’d like to clear away that lion business, Macomber said.

It’s not very pleasant to have your wife see you do something like that.

I should think it would be even more unpleasant to do it, Wilson thought, wife or no wife, or to talk about it having done it. But he said, I wouldn’t think about that any more. Any one could be upset by his first lion. That’s all over.

But that night after dinner and a whisky and soda by the fire before going to bed, as Francis Macomber lay on his cot with the mosquito bar over him and listened to the night noises it was not all over. It was neither all over nor was it beginning. It was there exactly as it happened with some parts of it indelibly emphasized and he was miserably ashamed at it. But more than shame he felt cold, hollow fear in him. The fear was still there like a cold slimy hollow in all the emptiness where once his confidence had been and it made him feel sick. It was still there with him now.

It had started the night before when he had wakened and heard the lion roaring somewhere up along the river. It was a deep sound and at the end there were sort of coughing grunts that made him seem just outside the tent, and when Francis Macomber woke in the night to hear it he was afraid. He could hear his wife breathing quietly, asleep. There was no one to tell he was afraid, nor to be afraid with him, and, lying alone, he did not know the Somali proverb that says a brave man is always frightened three times by a lion; when he first sees his track, when he first hears him roar and when he first confronts him. Then while they were eating breakfast by lantern light out in the dining tent, before the sun was up, the lion roared again and Francis thought he was just at the edge of camp.

Sounds like an old-timer, Robert Wilson said, looking up from his kippers and coffee. Listen to him cough.

Is he very close?

A mile or so up the stream.

Will we see him?

We’ll have a look.

Does his roaring carry that far? It sounds as though he were right in camp.

Carries a hell of a long way, said Robert Wilson. It’s strange the way it carries. Hope he’s a shootable cat. The boys said there was a very big one about here.

If I get a shot, where should I hit him, Macomber asked, to stop him?

In the shoulders, Wilson said. In the neck if you can make it. Shoot for bone. Break him down.

I hope I can place it properly, Macomber said.

You shoot very well, Wilson told him. Take your time. Make sure of him. The first one in is the one that counts.

What range will it be?

Can’t tell. Lion has something to say about that. Won’t shoot unless it’s close enough so you can make sure.

At under a hundred yards? Macomber asked.

Wilson looked at him quickly.

Hundred’s about right. Might have to take him a bit under. Shouldn’t chance a shot at much over that. A hundred’s a decent range. You can hit him wherever you want at that. Here comes the Memsahib.

Good morning, she said. Are we going after that lion?

As soon as you deal with your breakfast, Wilson said. How are you feeling?

Marvellous, she said. I’m very excited.

I’ll just go and see that everything is ready, Wilson went off. As he left the lion roared again.

Noisy beggar, Wilson said. We’ll put a stop to that.

What’s the matter, Francis? his wife asked him.

Nothing, Macomber said.

Yes, there is, she said. What are you upset about?

Nothing, he said.

Tell me, she looked at him. Don’t you feel well?

It’s that damned roaring, he said. It’s been going on all night, you know.

Why didn’t you wake me, she said. I’d love to have heard it.

I’ve got to kill the damned thing, Macomber said, miserably.

Well, that’s what you’re out here for, isn’t it?

Yes. But I’m nervous. Hearing the thing roar gets on my nerves.

Well then, as Wilson said, kill him and stop his roaring.

Yes, darling, said Francis Macomber. It sounds easy, doesn’t it?

You’re not afraid, are you?

Of course not. But I’m nervous from hearing him roar all night.

You’ll kill him marvellously, she said. I know you will. I’m awfully anxious to see it.

Finish your breakfast and we’ll be starting.

It’s not light yet, she said. This is a ridiculous hour.

Just then the lion roared in a deep-chested moaning, suddenly guttural, ascending vibration that seemed to shake the air and ended in a sigh and a heavy, deep-chested grunt.

He sounds almost here, Macomber’s wife said.

My God, said Macomber. I hate that damned noise.

It’s very impressive.

Impressive. It’s frightful.

Robert Wilson came up then carrying his short, ugly, shockingly big-bored .505 Gibbs and grinning.

Come on, he said. Your gun-bearer has your Springfield and the big gun. Everything’s in the car. Have you solids?


I’m ready, Mrs. Macomber said.

Must make him stop that racket, Wilson said. You get in front. The Memsahib can sit back here with me.

They climbed into the motor car and, in the gray first daylight, moved off up the river through the trees. Macomber opened the breech of his rifle and saw he had metal-cased bullets, shut the bolt and put the rifle on safety. He saw his hand was trembling. He felt in his pocket for more cartridges and moved his fingers over the cartridges in the loops of his tunic front. He turned back to where Wilson sat in the rear seat of the doorless, box-bodied motor car beside his wife, them both grinning with excitement, and Wilson leaned forward and whispered,

See the birds dropping. Means the old boy has left his kill.

On the far bank of the stream Macomber could see, above the trees, vultures circling and plummeting down.

Chances are he’ll come to drink along here, Wilson whispered. Before he goes to lay up. Keep an eye out.

They were driving slowly along the high bank of the stream which here cut deeply to its boulder-filled bed, and they wound in and out through big trees as they drove. Macomber was watching the opposite bank when he felt Wilson take hold of his arm. The car stopped.

There he is, he heard the whisper. Ahead and to the right. Get out and take him. He’s a marvellous lion.

Macomber saw the lion now. He was standing almost broadside, his great head up and turned toward them. The early morning breeze that blew toward them was just stirring his dark mane, and the lion looked huge, silhouetted on the rise of bank in the gray morning light, his shoulders heavy, his barrel of a body bulking smoothly.

How far is he? asked Macomber, raising his rifle.

About seventy-five. Get out and take him.

Why not shoot from where I am?

You don’t shoot them from cars, he heard Wilson saying in his ear. Get out. He’s not going to stay there all day.

Macomber stepped out of the curved opening at the side of the front seat, onto the step and down onto the ground. The lion still stood looking majestically and coolly toward this object that his eyes only showed in silhouette, bulking like some super-rhino. There was no man smell carried toward him and he watched the object, moving his great head a little from side to side. Then watching the object, not afraid, but hesitating before going down the bank to drink with such a thing opposite him, he saw a man figure detach itself from it and he turned his heavy head and swung away toward the cover of the trees as he heard a cracking crash and felt the slam of a .30-06 220–grain solid bullet that bit his flank and ripped in sudden hot scalding nausea through his stomach. He trotted, heavy, big-footed, swinging wounded full-bellied, through the trees toward the tall grass and cover, and the crash came again to go past him ripping the air apart. Then it crashed again and he felt the blow as it hit his lower ribs and ripped on through, blood sudden hot and frothy in his mouth, and he galloped toward the high grass where he could crouch and not be seen and make them bring the crashing thing close enough so he could make a rush and get the man that held it.

Macomber had not thought how the lion felt as he got out of the car. He only knew his hands were shaking and as he walked away from the car it was almost impossible for him to make his legs move. They were stiff in the thighs, but he could feel the muscles fluttering. He raised the rifle, sighted on the junction of the lion’s head and shoulders and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened though he pulled until he thought his finger would break. Then he knew he had the safety on and as he lowered the rifle to move the safety over he moved another frozen pace forward, and the lion seeing his silhouette now clear of the silhouette of the car, turned and started off at a trot, and, as Macomber fired, he heard a whunk that meant that the bullet was home; but the lion kept on going. Macomber shot again and every one saw the bullet throw a spout of dirt beyond the trotting lion. He shot again, remembering to lower his aim, and they all heard the bullet hit, and the lion went into a gallop and was in the tall grass before he had the bolt pushed forward.

Macomber stood there feeling sick at his stomach, his hands that held the Springfield still cocked, shaking, and his wife and Robert Wilson were standing by him. Beside him too were the two gun-bearers chattering in Wakamba.

I hit him, Macomber said. I hit him twice.

You gut-shot him and you hit him somewhere forward, Wilson said without enthusiasm. The gun-bearers looked very grave. They were silent now.

You may have killed him, Wilson went on. We’ll have to wait a while before we go in to find out.

What do you mean?

Let him get sick before we follow him up.

Oh, said Macomber.

He’s a hell of a fine lion, Wilson said cheerfully. He’s gotten into a bad place though.

Why is it bad?

Can’t see him until you’re on him.

Oh, said Macomber.

Come on, said Wilson. The Memsahib can stay here in the car. We’ll go to have a look at the blood spoor.

Stay here, Margot, Macomber said to his wife. His mouth was very dry and it was hard for him to talk.

Why? she asked.

Wilson says to.

We’re going to have a look, Wilson said. You stay here. You can see even better from here.

All right.

Wilson spoke in Swahili to the driver. He nodded and said, Yes, Bwana.

Then they went down the steep bank and across the stream, climbing over and around the boulders and up the other bank, pulling up by some projecting roots, and along it until they found where the lion had been trotting when Macomber first shot. There was dark blood on the short grass that the gun-bearers pointed out with grass stems, and that ran away behind the river bank trees.

What do we do? asked Macomber.

Not much choice, said Wilson. We can’t bring the car over. Bank’s too steep. We’ll let him stiffen up a bit and then you and I’ll go in and have a look for him.

Can’t we set the grass on fire? Macomber asked.

Too green.

Can’t we send beaters?

Wilson looked at him appraisingly. Of course we can, he said. But it’s just a touch murderous. You see we know the lion’s wounded. You can drive an unwounded lion—he’ll move on ahead of a noise—but a wounded lion’s going to charge. You can’t see him until you’re right on him. He’ll make himself perfectly flat in cover you wouldn’t think would hide a hare. You can’t very well send boys in there to that sort of a show. Somebody bound to get mauled.

What about the gun-bearers?

"Oh, they’ll go with us. It’s their shauri. You see, they signed on for it. They don’t look too happy though, do they?"

I don’t want to go in there, said Macomber. It was out before he knew he’d said it.

Neither do I, said Wilson very cheerily. Really no choice though. Then, as an afterthought, he glanced at Macomber and saw suddenly how he was trembling and the pitiful look on his face.

You don’t have to go in, of course, he said. That’s what I’m hired for, you know. That’s why I’m so expensive.

You mean you’d go in by yourself? Why not leave him there?

Robert Wilson, whose entire occupation had been with the lion and the problem he presented, and who had not been thinking about Macomber except to note that he was rather windy, suddenly felt as though he had opened the wrong door in a hotel and seen something shameful.

What do you mean?

Why not just leave him?

You mean pretend to ourselves he hasn’t been hit?

No. Just drop it.

It isn’t done.

Why not?

For one thing, he’s certain to be suffering. For another, some one else might run onto him.

I see.

But you don’t have to have anything to do with it.

I’d like to, Macomber said. I’m just scared, you know.

I’ll go ahead when we go in, Wilson said, with Kongoni tracking. You keep behind me and a little to one side. Chances are we’ll hear him growl. If we see him we’ll both shoot. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll keep you backed up. As a matter of fact, you know, perhaps you’d better not go. It might be much better. Why don’t you go over and join the Memsahib while I just get it over with?

No, I want to go.

All right, said Wilson. "But don’t go in if you don’t want to. This is my shauri now, you know."

I want to go, said Macomber.

They sat under a tree and smoked.

Want to go back and speak to the Memsahib while we’re waiting? Wilson asked.


I’ll just step back and tell her to be patient.

Good, said Macomber. He sat there, sweating under his arms, his mouth dry, his stomach hollow feeling, wanting to find courage to tell Wilson to go on and finish off the lion without him. He could not know that Wilson was furious because he had not noticed the state he was in earlier and sent him back to his wife. While he sat there Wilson came up. I have your big gun, he said. Take it. We’ve given him time, I think. Come on.

Macomber took the big gun and Wilson said:

Keep behind me and about five yards to the right and do exactly as I tell you. Then he spoke in Swahili to the two gun-bearers who looked the picture of gloom.

Let’s go, he said.

Could I have a drink of water? Macomber asked. Wilson spoke to the older gun-bearer, who wore a canteen on his belt, and the man unbuckled it, unscrewed the top and handed it to Macomber, who took it noticing how heavy it seemed and how hairy and shoddy the felt covering was in his hand. He raised it to drink and looked ahead at the high grass with the flat-topped trees behind it. A breeze was blowing toward them and the grass rippled gently in the wind. He looked at the gun-bearer and he could see the gun-bearer was suffering too with fear.

Thirty-five yards into the grass the big lion lay flattened out along the ground. His ears were back and his only movement was a slight twitching up and down of his long, black-tufted tail. He had turned at bay as soon as he had reached this cover and he was sick with the wound through his lungs that brought a thin foamy red to his mouth each time he breathed. His flanks were wet and hot and flies were on the little openings the solid bullets had made in his tawny hide, and his big yellow eyes, narrowed with hate, looked straight ahead, only blinking when the pain came as he breathed, and his claws dug in the soft baked earth. All of him, pain, sickness, hatred and all of his remaining strength, was tightening into an absolute concentration for a rush. He could hear the men talking and he waited, gathering all of himself into this preparation for a charge as soon as the men would come into the grass. As he heard their voices his tail stiffened to twitch up and down, and, as they came into the edge of the grass, he made a coughing grunt and charged.

Kongoni, the old gun-bearer, in the lead watching the blood spoor, Wilson watching the grass for any movement, his big gun ready, the second gun-bearer looking ahead and listening, Macomber close to Wilson, his rifle cocked, they had just moved into the grass when Macomber heard the blood-choked coughing grunt, and saw the swishing rush in the grass. The next thing he knew he was running; running wildly, in panic in the open, running toward the stream.

He heard the ca-ra-wong! of Wilson’s big rifle, and again in a second crashing carawong! and turning saw the lion, horrible-looking now, with half his head seeming to be gone, crawling toward Wilson in the edge of the tall grass while the red-faced man worked the bolt on the short ugly rifle and aimed carefully as another blasting carawong! came from the muzzle, and the crawling, heavy, yellow bulk of the lion stiffened and the huge, mutilated head slid forward and Macomber, standing by himself in the clearing where he had run, holding a loaded rifle, while two black men and a white man looked back at him in contempt, knew the lion was dead. He came toward Wilson, his tallness all seeming a naked reproach, and Wilson looked at him and said:

Want to take pictures?

No, he said.

That was all any one had said until they reached the motor car. Then Wilson had said:

Hell of a fine lion. Boys will skin him out. We might as well stay here in the shade.

Macomber’s wife had not looked at him nor he at her and he had sat by her in the back seat with Wilson sitting in the front seat. Once he had reached over and taken his wife’s hand without looking at her and she had removed her hand from his. Looking across the stream to where the gun-bearers were skinning out the lion he could see that she had been able to see the whole thing. While they sat there his wife had reached forward and put her hand on Wilson’s shoulder. He turned and she had leaned forward over the low seat and kissed him on the mouth.

Oh, I say, said Wilson, going redder than his natural baked color.

Mr. Robert Wilson, she said. The beautiful red-faced Mr. Robert Wilson.

Then she sat down beside Macomber again and looked away across the stream to where the lion lay, with uplifted, white-muscled, tendon-marked naked forearms, and white bloating belly, as the black men fleshed away the skin. Finally the gun-bearers brought the skin over, wet and heavy, and climbed in behind with it, rolling it up before they got in, and the motor car started. No one had said anything more until they were back in camp.

That was the story of the lion. Macomber did not know how the lion had felt before he started his rush, nor during it when the unbelievable smash of the .505 with a muzzle velocity of two tons had hit him in the mouth, nor what kept him coming after that, when the second ripping crash had smashed his hind quarters and he had come crawling on toward the crashing, blasting thing that had destroyed him. Wilson knew something about it and only expressed it by saying, Damned fine lion, but Macomber did not know how Wilson felt about things either. He did not know how his wife felt except that she was through with him.

His wife had been through with him before but it never lasted. He was very wealthy, and would be much wealthier, and he knew she would not leave him ever now. That was one of the few things that he really knew. He knew about that, about motor cycles—that was earliest—about motor cars, about duck-shooting, about fishing, trout, salmon and big-sea, about sex in books, many books, too many books, about all court games, about dogs, not much about horses, about hanging on to his money, about most of the other things his world dealt in, and about his wife not leaving him. His wife had been a great beauty and she was still a great beauty in Africa, but she was not a great enough beauty any more at home to be able to leave him and better herself and she knew it and he knew it. She had missed the chance to leave him and he knew it. If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful wife; but she knew too much about him to worry about him either. Also, he had always had a great tolerance which seemed the nicest thing about him if it were not the most sinister.

All in all they were known as a comparatively happily married couple, one of those whose disruption is often rumored but never occurs, and as the society columnist put it, they were adding more than a spice of adventure to their much envied and ever-enduring Romance by a Safari in what was known as Darkest Africa until the Martin Johnsons lighted it on so many silver screens where they were pursuing Old Simba the lion, the buffalo, Tembo the elephant and as well collecting specimens for the Museum of Natural History. This same columnist had reported them on the verge at least three times in the past and they had been. But they always made it up. They had a sound basis of union. Margot was too beautiful for Macomber to divorce her and Macomber had too much money for Margot ever to leave him.

It was now about three o’clock in the morning and Francis Macomber, who had been asleep a little while after he had stopped thinking about the lion, wakened and then slept again, woke suddenly, frightened in a dream of the bloody-headed lion standing over him, and listening while his heart pounded, he realized that his wife was not in the other cot in the tent. He lay awake with that knowledge for two hours.

At the end of that time his wife came into the tent, lifted her mosquito bar and crawled cozily into bed.

Where have you been? Macomber asked in the darkness.

Hello, she said. Are you awake?

Where have you been?

I just went out to get a breath of air.

You did, like hell.

What do you want me to say, darling?

Where have you been?

Out to get a breath of air.

"That’s a new name for it. You are a bitch."

Well, you’re a coward.

All right, he said. What of it?

Nothing as far as I’m concerned. But please let’s not talk, darling, because I’m very sleepy.

You think that I’ll take anything.

I know you will, sweet.

Well, I won’t.

Please, darling, let’s not talk. I’m so very sleepy.

There wasn’t going to be any of that. You promised there wouldn’t be.

Well, there is now, she said sweetly.

You said if we made this trip that there would be none of that. You promised.

Yes, darling. That’s the way I meant it to be. But the trip was spoiled yesterday. We don’t have to talk about it, do we?

You don’t wait long when you have an advantage, do you?

Please let’s not talk. I’m so sleepy, darling.

I’m going to talk.

Don’t mind me then, because I’m going to sleep. And she did.

At breakfast they were all three at the table before daylight and Francis Macomber found that, of all the many men that he had hated, he hated Robert Wilson the most.

Sleep well? Wilson asked in his throaty voice, filling a pipe.

Did you?

Topping, the white hunter told him.

You bastard, thought Macomber, you insolent bastard.

So she woke him when she came in, Wilson thought, looking at them both with his flat, cold eyes. Well, why doesn’t he keep his wife where she belongs? What does he think I am, a bloody plaster saint? Let him keep her where she belongs. It’s his own fault.

Do you think we’ll find buffalo? Margot asked, pushing away a dish of apricots.

Chance of it, Wilson said and smiled at her. Why don’t you stay in camp?

Not for anything, she told him.

Why not order her to stay in camp? Wilson said to Macomber.

You order her, said Macomber coldly.

Let’s not have any ordering, nor, turning to Macomber, "any silliness,

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