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The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition
The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition
The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition
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The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The only authorized edition of Ernest Hemingways first novel.

“The ideal companion for troubled times: equal parts Continental escape and serious grappling with the question of what it means to be, and feel, lost.” —The Wall Street Journal

The Sun Also Rises is a classic example of Hemingway’s spare but powerful writing style. It celebrates the art and craft of Hemingway’s quintessential story of the Lost Generation—presented by the Hemingway family with illuminating supplementary material from the Hemingway Collection at the John F. Kennedy Library.

A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway’s most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant Brett and the hapless Jake as they journey from the wild nightlife of 1920s Paris to the brutal bullfighting rings of Spain with a motley group of expatriates. It is an age of moral bankruptcy, spiritual dissolution, unrealized love, and vanishing illusions. First published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises is “an absorbing, beautifully and tenderly absurd, heartbreaking narrative...a truly gripping story, told in lean, hard, athletic prose” (The New York Times).

The Hemingway Library Edition commemorates Hemingway’s classic novel with a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, the author’s sole surviving son, and an introduction by Sean Hemingway, grandson of the author. Hemingway considered the extensive rewriting that he did to shape his first novel the most difficult job of his life. Early drafts, deleted passages, and possible titles included in this new edition elucidate how the author achieved his first great literary masterpiece.

Editor's Note

Most beloved…

Hemingway’s first novel is also considered his best, most beloved work. It combines everything that came to be known as classic Hemingway — a roman à clef about the expats of the Lost Generation living in Europe, watching bullfights, with wounds from World War I still sore. This special Hemingway Library Edition has extras that give new insight into a brilliant author’s writing process.

Release dateJul 15, 2014
The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was an American writer, journalist, and sportsman. His novels are classics of American literature.

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Reviews for The Sun Also Rises

Rating: 3.9763313609467454 out of 5 stars

169 ratings88 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a favorite, with enjoyable writing style and themes of love, death, and renewal. The book explores complex relationships and the impact of love on the protagonist's life. Lady Brett Ashley is a standout character. Overall, readers are captivated by the story and it quickly becomes a favorite.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My favorite book so far..... :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read the sun also rises many years ago in college, and it seemed like drudgery. Now reading for my own enjoyment I didn't want to put the book down, I really enjoyed the book...

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The story of a young man, made impotent by a war injury, hopelessly in love with a woman that no man can have, and the trials that love puts all the other relationships in his life through. The story confronts the tangled relationships between men and women, men and men, and man with himself. Quickly became a favorite of mine.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Seminal work typifying Hemingway's writing style and ever-present themes of love, death and renewal. The book seems like part of one long journey - we begin in the middle and the it leaves us before the end. Lady Brett Ashley defies stereotypes and is a highlight of the work.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Doing a re-read of the novel for the Seasonal Reading Challenge (Fall 2009). I loved this book when I studied it in high school, so it will be interesting to see if I feel the same way about it now.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The whole novel I kept thinking about what kind of novel would the Robert Cohn novel be. Like, we were watching those bit players get drunk. And, really, devoting an entire novel to these rich (well, minus Mike OF COURSE) expats was a little boring at times. All I could think was, how crazy is it that we're not even getting the whole story because these narrators are all so drunk and high that most of the time they are secluding in their own little world and can barely see past their own noses. I bet if we heard from Cohn (don't even get me started on how tired I was getting about hearing about Jews and black people and all of the other insanely offensive terms and stereotypes Hemingway uses) we would see a much more honest account of all that was going on. I wish we could have that novel, too.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Audiobook reread 12/2011. I listened to this while driving back and forth to work with the rest of the working stiffs. It is a good book, and I enjoyed it a great deal. It is a sad and funny book. A sad, funny book. And I enjoyed it a great deal.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book contains the best Hemingway line ever: "the road to hell is paved with unbought stuffed dogs."

    That's the highlight; now you can skip it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A beautifully constructed novel with characters marked by depravity and caprice. The narrator and his friends struggle with a lack of morality and purpose. Jake, the narrator and main character, is the closet to understanding God, though still lost. He sees people more clearly than any other character and his choices are the most rational. Bullfigting is a major symbol in this novel with multiple possible interpretations. I think that bullfigting represents purity and purpose. At the beginning of the novel, Jake says "Nobody lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters".The passage that describes the first bullfight seems to be the most clear and pure passage of the novel . Preceding and following this passage are a mess of parties, relational confusion, fights, drunkenness, and general debauchery. Earlier in the novel, Jake is given the title "aficionado", meaning passion. This is in relation to his love of bullfighting. Jake is a true fan who understands the sport and watches it with passion. In general, Jake recognizes purity and the finality of life. Juxtaposing Jake's character is, the love of his life, a lady named Brett, who lusts after her many different suitors and does not have a clear idea of what she wants. Her motives are always for her gain. Jake's love for Brett is consistent throughout the novel. He does everything to maintain his friendship with her, even if it might be painful to him. Brett does everything for herself lacking any concern about how her actions hurt others. During one of the bullfights, Jake explains to her how the sport works. The purpose of explaining the sport to Brett is "so that it became more something that was going on with a definite end, and less of a spectacle with unexplained horrors". Brett, ironically, is infatuated with the bullfighter. He is a young bullfighter who does everything with purity and perfect form. She goes away with him. Her actions accentuate the carelessness of all characters in the book. She can't help but act according to her desires.This novel illustrates the pains of immoral and selfish choices. It is full of beautiful, multi-faceted symbolism and a struggle to find God at the center.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Predictable in the drinking, chasing women, fishing and bullfighting. Surprising in the lyrical descriptions of place, whether in the countryside of Spain or in Paris, and that the person in power was a woman, Brett Ashley. That said, Brett's power resided in her beauty not in intellect of accomplishments.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After reading this book about the lost generation I felt a little lost. The writing is sparse but the Fiesta at Pamplona, the bullfights and 1920s Paris is well portrayed. The book begins by introducing a character and then switching to the main character Jake who then meets up with the femme fatale, Blake, funny name for a girl, but in the end the plot never really comes together. The first character disappears, and the supposed romance between Jake and Blake is muted and the best part is the Bullfights. Only read if you are a big fan of Hemingway.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jake Barnes is an expat in Paris, working for a newspaper, and circulating with his small circle of friends. On his annual trip to the fiesta in Pamplona there is the spectacle of the bulls but also the spectacle as his own small social circle starts to implode.Hemingway's novel is perhaps a bit lost on me. The narrative is rather straight forward, the language itself rather simplistic and yet extremely evocative. None of the characters are particularly sympathetic. And while the novel is considered one of the great works of fiction of "the lost generation" I'm not sure that I picked up on all of the themes and concepts Heminway is exploring. Definitely a novel that I would love to take apart in a classroom setting to really start digging into the text.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book. It's one of my all-time favorites and I've read it every few years since I was in junior high school.The narrator, Jake Barnes, is an American reporter living in Paris in the 1920's. The book has a very loose plot that centers around his friends' lives as expatriates and their travel to Pamplona, Spain to watch the bullfighting matches during the Fiesta. Woven throughout the story is Jake's romantic interest in Lady Brett Ashley. He sits by and watches as she becomes involved with most of his friends but he knows they can never have a relationship. This is because Jake suffered a certain injury during the war and Brett is never satisfied and quickly discards men anyway. The book sums up the entire relationship in the last few lines when Brett states "We could have had such a damned good time together." and Jakes replies "Isn't it pretty to think so?"What I enjoy most about this book is the extreme detail that Hemingway provides in his description of settings and scenery. You have a sense of reading someone's travel journal. This is in direct contrast to his approach with dialogue, however. Here, he is very precise and minimalistic. Character interactions become almost stilted and robotic. However, the characters are "tight" most of the time and the writing mimics a stuporous dialect. This leads me to the one element that always takes me by surprise; the vast quantity of alcohol consumed by the characters. As they travel between cafes, restaurants and bars in the course of an evening, it's not uncommon for each to have drunk 3 or more bottles of wine and numerous cocktails; mainly whiskey and absinthe.If you've ever dreamed of dropping everything and leisurely traveling the world or are interested in fishing, boxing or bullfighting, then you'll enjoy this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I think this was his first novel and I have to say that the book drew me into a love affair with Hemingway that would last a lifetime. Men being men, doing what they do and chasing the impossible but chasing it with style and being who they want to be. The pace may not be as fast as some people would like but that's Hemingway's style and as such its all intentional ... and I personally found all that is right and good in life in this book. We live we die but it is how we live that defines us. A great book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book much better than The Old Man and the Sea; though similar in style, the topic was quite different and this one appealed to me much more.The characters in the novel are pretty much rich kids, spending their days drinking and being bored, and the novel reaches it's climax when they go to Pamplona to see the bullfights.Hemingway has a great style, and I think he succeeds very well in conveying a sense of 'emptiness' that hangs over the lives of his characters. In a way it seems like nothing really matters to them, nothing is of importance, nothing really touches them. It's a bit depressing, but beautifully written and it drew me in and kept me reading.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good story of "Lost Generation" literary types in Paris who decide to go to Pamplona in the 1920's to see the bullfights. Four men revolve around Lady Brett Ashley, an English flapper who's also a drunkard and divorcee - they're all in love with her. Pity, Jake, the narrator of the story loves her too, but cannot act on it due to a war injury that has left him impotent. In love with him herself, she and Jake can only wish and reflect on how pretty it would be to have a life together. He watches from the sidelines as she goes from one man to another, drinking her way through them, trying to forget the fact the man she met during the war and fell in love with can never make love to her. A slice of life amidst the dissolute and drunk set, whiling their lives away hoping for something of which they don't know what.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've seen some bad reviews of this book, and that just blows me away, because I find Hemingway's first big novel to be a brilliant ride that perfectly evokes the vibe and angst of the Lost Generation. It literally takes you for as trip along with a group of American and English expats as they journey from 1902s Paris to the gritty and brutal bullfights in Spain. The romantic side of the story features the flamboyant Lady Brett Ashley, who Jake Barnes is hopelessly besotted with. As a reader you can easily become immersed in Hemingway's distinctly vivid descriptions of both the romantic locales and violent bullfights, and with the characters' disillusionment, moral bankruptcy and unrequited love. It's got tragedy, romance and locations to die for--and language that lingers in your mind.Hemingway's pacing allows for you to really soak everything in, and forces you to pay attention to his beautiful prose. If a reader is used to speed reading and doesn't have a true appreciation for the language, they will find the book too slow. For those who really appreciate classic literature, you will find the prose stylish, detailed and beautiful. The characters are vibrant, charismatic and quirky, and it's amazing to see how they lived life to the fullest and indulged in debauchery so far back in the day.This book will inspire you to travel, specifically to Spain!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My first Hemingway and I must say that I was impressed. The "tough guy" writing style along with his natural wittiness is what first caught my attention but it was the characters and their relationships that really drew me in. Brett is one of the most interesting female characters I've read about and, throughout the novel, I found myself wishing that she and Jake could somehow consummate their complex and unobtainable relationship.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I never feel up to reviewing the works I rate as superb. Maybe it's that I don't feel like I can do justice, but I prefer to think I simply want to enjoy the book. Maybe I don't want to put my own limits and expectations on the next reading. Regardless, Hemingway's breakout novel definitely falls into that category. I enjoyed every bit of it: the characters, the cultural window, and the nuances of human interaction. I haven't read Hemingway in a long time. It's a shame so many people read him in high school, because his books are short and easy to read. At that stage, you don't have the life experience to understand what glows between the lines.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So here is my problem I rad this book back in high school and could not relate to it. 30 years later I had a better understanding of it, but still can't relate to it nor did I care about any of the characters in the story. I know people rave about Hemingway but to me he is just an ok writer. The only book for me that was readable by him was The Old Man & The Sea. The rest of his books were boring.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have looked forward for many years to reading another Hemingway novel. I loved A Farewell to Arms and the characters of Frederick Henry and Catherine Barkley have stayed with me for many years. With the understanding that The Sun Also Rises is considered by many to be Hemingway's finest work, I dove in hoping to be as enthralled as I was with AFTA. And so, because I was not, I wonder if I'm judging TSAR somewhat unfairly. But I cannot escape that fundamentally this book is about celebrating the flaws in characters and commending them for being selfish and hateful. This was simply something I did not enjoy. I rate this with three stars because the plot is good (once you get past the first section, which is essentially only to lay the groundwork for the rest of the novel) and because the characters are unforgettable. But they are unforgettable for very different reasons than Lieutenant Henry and his beloved nurse Barkley; they are unforgettable because they are, quite simply, immature and indecent people.

    Perhaps I'm being too harsh here. I did enjoy Hemingway's simple style, and the descriptions of the festival at Pamplona are excellent, particularly of the bull fighting towards the end. But at the end of the day, what we have here are men who drink too much, who hate other men because they all desire the same woman, and that one woman is selfish, superficial and someone who uses men only for her ends. I found it very difficult to sympathize with any of them. Robert Cohn may very well be a petty man who is egotistical, but the characters constantly demean him not for these negative qualities but for his Jewish ethnicity. Michael Campbell is a drunken gentlemen prone to fits of rage and rants, but no one stands up to him and calls him out on it. Jake Barnes stands at the center of all of this, and while he seems to have more redeeming qualities than the rest, he also goes along with the childish antics of his friends and engages in foul behavior even when he is aware of its foulness. He is anti-Semitic towards Cohn like all the others and cannot find the inner strength to tear himself away from the poison that is Lady Brett Ashley. Brett Ashley is possibly the worst offender of them all, as she consistently does damage to everyone around her, seems to be aware of this damage, and simply chooses to ignore it as it does not serve her own selfish ends. If there was anything redeeming of the way these characters carry on, it is this: none of them, perhaps save Ashley, get what they want in the end.

    My rating reflects the fact that I don't like the characters and I especially hated the anti-Semitic theme with regards to Cohn. But I will not dispute that it is a valuable book and it is written well. I think if anyone were searching for a novel that shows the fruits of pursuing a life of selfishness, depravity and above all drunkenness (I'm not entirely sure the characters were ever sober), this would be it. But don't expect to find characters you can empathize with, because they simply aren't here.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After, reading The Paris Wife, I was disappointed in The Sun Also Rises. So many of the scenes are repeated in both books, with more detail in The Paris Wife. All the drinking and carousing and fighting becomes too much. The relationships are sketchy in both books. The bull fighting and fishing are very detailed. I would venture to say that The Sun Also Rises is a book that most men would enjoy, but I felt under currents of homosexuality.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Although my students roundly detest this novel, I enjoy it for its willingness to show an assortment of disillusioned people in the wake of WWI attempting to engage in activities, largely relating drinking and bull fighting, that they can regard as authentic, or as authentic representations of their predicaments of social entrapment, crippling injury, or fatalism. Lady Brett does sexual desire as personal nihilism and good form beautifully, and Jakes's love for her reaches some level of sense making. The anti-Semitism is real in this novel, and quite unfortunate, and this is a group of malcontents who need a convenient scapegoat. They find him and thus anticipate further historical terrors to come. 
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Life goes on despite human fragility. "the sun also rises..." Slow paced but intended to be. Life lived without purpose or meaning. Just passing time.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This was my second reading, after a hiatus of many years.The first chapter is promising, made me feel glad I was rediscovering this title. And then the book falls off a cliff.When you think how influential this novel is, not just for readers who are told it's a great work but for writers for whom it is held up as a paradigm, you/I can't help but be appalled. Dialogue about, frequently, nothing. Pretentiousness. A straining after sophistication and pseudo-weltschmerz. A main character who seems bent on not revealing himself. Geographical name-dropping: Who cares if the author knows the name and cross streets of every street in Paris? A better writer would have put us there, not just rattled off names (see Dickens, Charles--A Tale of Two Cities).If I were a travel agent, though, I'd put several copies of this book in my office for customers to browse. Hemingway may have missed his vocation as a travel writer, but inserting those kinds of passages into a work of fiction only makes for for boring reading, unless the reader delights in that sort of been-there done-that mentality.I hope someone has written about the influence of The Great Gatsby (1925) on this book (1926).
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Hemingway's minimalist style does not stand up for more than a couple dozen pages, and his plot is nonexistent. Read his short stories instead.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    American and English expats living in Paris head down to Pamplona for the bullfights. I love his imagery, especially of Spain and its locals. For Whom the Bell Tolls was... amazing. One of my favorite novels. Perhaps I just didn't understand this one? Maybe you have to be part of the lost generation to empathize with their continual drunkenness and cruelty towards each other. Plus, I'll never understand bullfighting as a noble enterprise. Or perhaps that's the point, they commiserate with a cruel and pointless sport because they are themselves cruel and pointless. Meh, either way I don't much care.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The book was well written, I suppose, but I found it a complete bore. I could never connect with any of the characters. Hemingway got his point across about this bitter and amoral lost generation of young people after the first world war, who spend their days aimlessly drinking and partying together. I am sure that there is much literary praise for this work and the author, but I wasn't impressed with the book at all.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Obviously one of the darkest and most seminal works of the 20th century. Perhaps it is not one of the 'darkest' of the 20th century but the premise of a soldier deprived of his manhood is dark indeed to a man of my age. Bukowski commented on this book somewhere in one of his novels, mentioning the story of the reading of it approximately as such:I was reading this book and this guy kept getting to the point where he's going to fuck this girl, (apologies for the language) and he kept getting up and fixing himself a drink instead, only to return to bed. He (Bukowski) thought this was magnificent, and remarked upon the fact that he had never read anything like it. Only to discover that the man's junk was blown off in the war, and he could not have fucked her (again apologies) if he had tried. if anyone knows which of Bukowski's works/notes this occurs in I would be delighted to be reminded of it by a personal message.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The novel is set in post-WWI Europe, and the characters are American expatriates living in France and drinking to exist, except for Jake Barnes who is the hero of the novel; he is the only character that isn't drunk for the story's entirety. Jake is able to stare into the meaninglessness of the modern world and find some hope in it. Jake's penis was shot off in the war. His balls and testicles remained intact, so is was still capable of being aroused, but unable to consumate his love with Brett, the love of his life. Because he cannot satisfy her sexually, he makes the ultimate sacrifice out of love: he allows Brett to sleep with other men. He watches her satisfy her physical, animal desire with men she does not really love. It is the most painfully romantic book I have ever read. It's a novel about being authentic.In the years directly following WWI, Gertrude Stein said to Hemingway, "You are all a lost generation." Hemingway wrote the novel in response to Stein's insensitive ignorance. He placed Stein's quote at the front of the book, and used this quote from Ecclesiastes to respond to it:One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever...The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose...The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits...All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.Existentialism says we have to live our lives as though they are ends in themselves. If you want to live a good life and be an 'authentic' good person, you have to do it because it's good, because you want to, not because it may get you into Heaven. The question, then, arises about whether or not good morals can exist in a Godless world. Whether people can do things for their own sake. In the novel, most of the characters drink all of the time because the world is meaningless and it doesn't matter what they do; they don't realize they have a responsibility to live a good life.Hemingway uses bull-fighting as a metaphor for this authenticity. Good bull fighters will do it for its own sake, not as a performance for someone else. The descriptions of the bull fights are so beautiful; I hope to see a bull fight in Spain, one day. I leave you with this:Romero's left hand dropped the muleta over the bull's muzzle to blind him, his left shoulder went forward between the horns as the sword went in, and for just an instant he and the bull were one, Romero way out over the bull, the right arm extended high up to where the hilt of the sword had gone in between the bull's shoulders.

Book preview

The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway

Cover: The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway


The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway, Scribner


Foreword by Patrick Hemingway

Introduction by Seán Hemingway


The Novel

Book One

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Book Two

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Book Three

Chapter 19


Appendix I: Pamplona, July 1923

Appendix II: Early Drafts

Appendix III: The Discarded First Chapters

Appendix IV: List of Possible Titles


Reading Group Guide

About Ernest Hemingway

Notes to the Introduction


It is very difficult for a poor swimmer in the cold water of an arctic sea to take even a partial measure of that large portion of the literary iceberg that lies beneath the surface in a masterpiece of world literature such as The Sun Also Rises!

In chapter 14 Jake Barnes, the first-person narrator, says this about himself:

I was reading a book by Turgenieff. Probably I read the same two pages over several times. It was one of the stories in A Sportsman’s Sketches. I had read it before, but it seemed quite new. The country became very clear and the feeling of pressure in my head seemed to loosen.

Then, after a page and a half of philosophizing, which he distrusts in the dark after he has turned off the light:

I turned on the light again and read. I read the Turgenieff. I knew that now, reading it in the oversensitized state of my mind after too much brandy, I would remember it somewhere, and afterward it would seem as though it had really happened to me. I would always have it.

With regard to the above two passages I refer the serious reader for enlightenment to the publications of an Iranian literary scholar, Shahla Sorkhabi Darzikola. From her I learned that it was Sherwood Anderson who first introduced Hemingway to Turgenieff, not Sylvia Beech. There are many more revelations from this Persian expert, but you must read them yourself. Please don’t be put off by the sometimes awkward English of Darzikola. More and more as the whole world comes online, excellent insights expressed in awkward English will be the norm, and there is a profound need for a mechanism in the scientific review process to deal with this. Hemingway put it this way: English, or what it is we all speak.

And what are we to say regarding Jake’s lack of enthusiasm in chapter 2 about Robert Cohn’s suggestion they take a trip to Uruguay, inspired by W. H. Hudson’s The Purple Land? Ford Madox Ford, after he had moved to America, wrote a preface to A Farewell to Arms in the 1930s that contains the following:

The three impeccable writers of English prose that I have come across in fifty years or so of reading in search of English prose have been Joseph Conrad, W. H. Hudson . . . and Ernest Hemingway. . . . Impeccable each after his kind! I remember with equal clarity and equal indefinableness my sensation on first reading a sentence of each. With the Conrad it was like being overwhelmed by a great, unhastening wave. With the Hudson it was like lying on one’s back and looking up into a clear, still sky. With the Hemingway it was just excitement. Like waiting at the side of a coppice, when foxhunting, for the hounds to break cover. One was going on a long chase in dry clear weather, one did not know in what direction or over what country.

When they worked together in the 1920s, it was Ford who recommended Hudson to Hemingway as writing the best English prose, and I do know something about the relationship between my father and Hudson. In his library in Key West he had the 1922 hardcover edition of Hudson’s complete works, which he must have purchased when he was still living in Paris and which he took with him to Cuba when he moved there in 1939, the year Ford died. For some reason, he left behind his copy of Lord Grey’s The Charm of Birds in Key West. Viscount Grey of Fallodon, besides being an aristocratic patron of Hudson (who spent many happy days with his beloved birds at Grey’s fishing hut in the valley of the Test, a classic trout chalk stream of which it was said that even God could not buy a day’s fishing on the Test), made what was perhaps the most important decision in modern history. As Foreign Minister of what was still then the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, he decided in the autumn of 1914 that his country should declare war on Germany because of a treaty obligation to defend the territorial integrity of Belgium. Joseph Conrad, in his story An Outpost of Progress, mocks a Belgian serving in King Leopold’s private fiefdom (with the ironic name of Congo Free State) for being an officer in an army whose safety was guaranteed by all the great powers of Europe. This was the very treaty that Lord Grey felt obliged to honor.

One must not think that Hemingway, because Jake Barnes shows no enthusiasm for a trip to Uruguay, did not pay a great deal of attention to everything Hudson wrote. Hudson’s generation was the first to have to deal with Darwinism, and what Hudson finally put together again for himself—a transcendental acceptance of a one-and-only life in the natural world as far away as possible from the stone, steel, glass, and asphalt of the megacity—was much appreciated by my father. He might write eloquently of Paris, the City of Electric Light and the Eiffel Tower, but his heart was with the Basques at Roncesvalles. Hudson himself, a very masculine man, under the stress of economic necessity as a penniless immigrant to London from the pampas of Argentina, wrote an eloquent and very convincing pamphlet entitled The Value of Breast Feeding, by a Mother Who Knows!

Patrick Hemingway


Literature is writing that engages and endures. It is meaningful, not simply remarks, as Gertrude Stein once told my grandfather when he was a young man. Ernest Hemingway came to define literature in his own way. He believed that a writer should create an absolute truth out of fiction that feels so real it actually becomes a shared experience with the reader. The Sun Also Rises, a tale of expatriates living in Paris after World War I, achieves this standard of excellence and remains one of the great novels of the twentieth century. Hemingway’s lean, modern prose style makes the story as accessible today as when it was first published in 1926.

From the moment The Sun Also Rises was published, it was a success. The exotic locales of Paris and the Festival of San Fermín at Pamplona as settings for a complex love triangle involving a beautiful woman captured the imaginations of readers. For me, what is remarkable about the book is that it continues to resonate so strongly with readers. In his book After the Lost Generation, John Aldridge wrote that for members of my generation, the young men born between 1918, roughly, and 1924, there was a special charm about Hemingway. . . . The words he put down seemed to us to have been carved from the living stone of life.¹ Many people, often complete strangers, have told me what a powerful influence the book had on them when they first read it in their youth. It left them with a desire to see the Paris of Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley and watch the bullfights at Pamplona described so vividly in the novel. This was my own experience, too. I first read The Sun Also Rises as a freshman at Dartmouth College in a seminar on the Great American Novel, along with books by Hawthorne, Melville, and Fitzgerald. I loved the book when I read it. I was completely taken with the unrequited love between Jake and Brett, and the camaraderie and importance of friends, despite their faults. Most of all, I was fascinated by the bullfights and the energy surrounding the Festival of San Fermín and Jake’s fishing for trout on the Irati River and communing with nature. A year later, I went to Pamplona to run with the bulls. It was as moving as Hemingway wrote it—especially the bullfights, which played as a powerful ritual, a dangerous and even beautiful form of art.

As a young man, I was impressed by the repeated emphasis in the novel on the need to pay the bill—to take care of one’s own affairs—and by Jake Barnes’s ability to make his way in the world. At eighteen, I myself did not have any practical plan for how to do that. When I read the book today, nearly thirty years later, I am more taken with Count Mippipopolous’s statement to Jake Barnes about the importance of getting value for your money and knowing how to live well. Just weeks before his untimely death, my uncle Jack, to whom The Sun Also Rises is dedicated, and I had lunch at La Goulue in Manhattan. He told me with an ironic grin how he finally could afford to live the way he had lived his entire life. Living well is not just about having money.

The Sun Also Rises has inspired many books and countless articles.² There is even an entire book about these books and articles.³ Scholars continue to analyze the novel and its complexities. The Sun Also Rises, like the Muse herself, moves people differently. For example, Woody Allen, who portrays Ernest Hemingway as a caricature of himself—an irony I dare say my grandfather would have appreciated—in his movie Midnight in Paris, clearly was inspired by The Sun Also Rises. One of the main premises of the film appears to take its cue directly from Jake Barnes’s advice to Robert Cohn: Walk the city at night, see what happens . . .

The Sun Also Rises shows us that we don’t always choose the ones we love. Among the passages that Hemingway ultimately cut from the book (included in the second and third appendices to this edition) are poignant descriptions of Brett’s alluring qualities and how they utterly captivate Jake, especially when he is in her presence. Sometimes love just happens, and it does not always end happily. Brett’s affairs with Jake, Cohn, Mike Campbell, and even Pedro Romero are hopelessly entwined and tragically sad. Love triumphs over all but leaves carnage in its wake. For Jake Barnes, wisdom is gained at the expense of heartbreak.

This new edition of The Sun Also Rises, which includes early drafts and deleted chapters, allows the reader to understand how Ernest Hemingway conceived his remarkable first novel. First novels are different from those written later in one’s career. There is a heightened sense of expectation, an aura of unrealized promise, and a pressure on the writer to get right something he has not done before. Hemingway was twenty-six years old when he began to write The Sun Also Rises (see image on back cover), and he was not entirely sure how to go about writing his novel. He had been writing fine short stories and journalism for years, but had not completed a novel. During the spring and summer of 1921, while living in Chicago, he had started to write a novel based on his own experiences, one that would include real people talking and saying what they think.⁴ He brought it with him to Paris and in the spring of 1922 showed it to Gertrude Stein, together with his other work. Stein later recalled that she found it wanting and contained too much description, and she recommended that he start over.⁵ This novel was lost on December 2, 1922, at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, along with most of the other unpublished stories and poems Hemingway had written until that time. With the best intentions, Hadley had gathered the manuscripts—both the originals and the carbon copies—to bring to him in a suitcase that was tragically stolen from her train compartment even before the train left the station for Lausanne.⁶ While we will never know exactly how that early novel read, it was not a masterpiece, as Stein and Hemingway himself later recognized. Hemingway was still maturing as a writer, and Paris in the 1920s would prove to be an extraordinary training ground for him. The expatriate community in Paris included an amazing assortment of artists: the painters Joan Miró and André Masson, the photographer Man Ray, and writers like Ezra Pound, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Ford Madox Ford, and many others whom Ernest Hemingway got to know.⁷ At the same time, the bohemian lifestyle did not always rest well with Hemingway. Some of the material that he cut from the beginning of The Sun Also Rises disparages Montparnasse and many of the people with whom my grandfather spent time in the local cafés (see Figure 2).

It was Gertrude Stein who encouraged Hemingway to experience the bullfights at Pamplona, which he first visited in 1923 (see Figure 3). The supplementary material in this volume begins with Hemingway’s description of that first visit, which Joyce Carol Oates considers one of the best American essays of the twentieth century.⁸ When he returned to Pamplona the following year, he ran with the bulls and mock-fought young ones in the ring (see Figure 5). He was even gored while attempting to assist his friend Donald Ogden Stewart, a story that made its way into the Chicago Tribune (see Figure 6).⁹ Of course, he also went to many bullfights (Figures 4 and 7). That same year Hemingway had outstanding trout fishing on the Irati River. His fishing license is one of the few tangible items still preserved from his trip into the high country (see Figures 8 and 9). Little did my grandfather know that the stream would be ruined by loggers the following year and that the fishing would never be the same again. It was primarily the 1924 trip with Hadley and Donald Ogden Stewart that inspired Hemingway to write about fishing the Irati in The Sun Also Rises.

The critical success of In Our Time, his first book of short stories to be published in America, and the need to establish himself as a writer added pressure, which he later described:

I knew I must write a novel. But it seemed an impossible thing to do when I had been trying with great difficulty to write paragraphs that would be the distillation of what made a novel. It was necessary to write longer stories now as you would train for a longer race. When I had written a novel before, the one that had been lost in the bag stolen at the Gare de Lyon, I still had the lyric facility of boyhood that was as perishable and as deceptive as youth was. I knew it was probably a good thing that it was lost, but I knew too that I must write a novel. I would put it off though until I could not help doing it. I was damned if I would write one if it was what I should do if we were going to eat regularly. When I had to write it, then it would be the only thing to do and there would be no choice. Let the pressure build.¹⁰

That pressure was already mounting by the middle of June 1925 when my grandfather again started to write a novel, entitled Along with Youth: A Novel.¹¹ Perhaps it was an attempt at recalling his first lost novel. However, after making a brief start and reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s fine new novel The Great Gatsby, he decided that it was no good.¹² It was only after the events of the Festival of San Fermín at Pamplona the next month that my grandfather knew he had a new and exciting subject for a novel. Hemingway said that he finally began The Sun Also Rises in Valencia on his birthday, July 21, 1925, shortly after the Festival of San Fermín had come to a close. He started off writing on loose sheets of paper (see Figure 13). After two days he had already written thirty-one pages and switched to filling notebooks with his narrative (see Figure 14). He wrote furiously, filling up seven notebooks and completing the first draft in two months.¹³ He wrote in Valencia, Madrid, San Sebastian, and then Hendaye (see Figure 10) on the southwestern coast of France. Finally, on September 21, 1925, in Paris, he completed the last page of the first draft (see Figure 16). He later remembered that he thought he wrote too quickly.¹⁴ The manuscript shows that he made many revisions, a task he called the most difficult of his life. He poured himself and his experiences into the novel, and improved the story the best way he knew how—by inventing it.

It is well known that The Sun Also Rises is a roman à clef based on actual events and people from the summer of 1925 when Ernest, Hadley, and several friends, including Duff Twysden, Harold Loeb, and Donald Ogden Stewart, went to Pamplona for the Festival of San Fermín (see Figure 1).¹⁵ Remarkably the first draft of the manuscript begins by using real names for the characters: Duff Twysden as Brett, Hemingway as Jake Barnes, and Harold Loeb as Robert Cohn.¹⁶ The real-life protagonists were none too happy with their portrayals, and one remarked that the novel should have been entitled Six Characters in Search of an Author—With a Gun Apiece.¹⁷ By the next summer, his book nearly complete, Hemingway was back in Pamplona with a new cuadrilla (see Figure 12). While much has been made of the real-life basis for the characters and plot, I do not think that the comparison is as important to readers today. Besides, most of the key elements of the book are invented: Harold Loeb was not the middleweight boxing champion of Princeton, Hemingway was not emasculated during World War I, and Duff Twysden did not sleep with a bullfighter that summer of 1925. The drafts included in the supplementary material of this edition show how quickly Hemingway transformed the plot and its characters into fiction.

It is fascinating to see that the novel started out as a story about the corruption of a bullfighter (see Figure 13). It began not in Paris but in Pamplona, at a hotel where two Americans are watching a bullfighter prepare for the afternoon’s corrida. Hemingway revised several times the powerful opening scene of the bullfighter surrounded by his handlers yet utterly alone. In one draft he emphasizes the tremendous sums that the bullfighter would make and how his life would change quickly if he were successful. Finances figure in the corruption of his youth. But as the story came into focus for Hemingway, the bullfighter becomes the character most true to himself and a perfectionist in his art.

Hemingway realized that in order for the reader to understand what happened in Pamplona, it was necessary to know what happened in Paris. He changed the emphasis of the story. He thought first of the bullfighter as the hero, then Harold Loeb, Jake Barnes, and even Brett Ashley, until finally there was no hero at all. For the most part it appears that Hemingway composed the story as he wrote. It is only well into the story, at the end of the third notebook, that he wrote a chapter outline (see Figure 15). By this time he had a clear understanding of the general progression of the book, and, except for a few minor deviations, he then followed the rough outline.

In the early stages of the novel Hemingway wrote to Gertrude Stein:

Never worked so hard. Sometimes till 4 o’clock in the morning from after dinner and sometimes like now—it’s about 4:30 am and I couldn’t sleep so got up and writing now and then start. It certainly is funny how your head, I mean my head, can go most of the time like a frozen cabbage and then it can give you hell when it starts going. Have been so pleased to find it still functions.¹⁸

Shortly after completing the first draft of his novel, Hemingway took a trip to Chartres in late September, where he wrote a poignant foreword (see Figure 17 and Appendix II) and reflected on possible titles in an eighth notebook (see Figure 18 and Appendix IV). The foreword, which he never published, shows the profound impact of World War I on the protagonists, as well as on the writer himself:

There is only this then to say that this generation that is lost has nothing to do with any other younger generation about whose outcome much literary speculation occurred in times past. This is not a question of what kind of mothers flappers make or where is bobbed hair leading us. For whatever is going to happen to this generation of which I am a part has already happened.

Gertude Stein’s remark You are all a lost generation became a renowned statement characterizing the generation of people who came of age during World War I. The effects of wars on the people who fight in them would be a major theme in Hemingway’s literary work. In a famous passage from A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway wrote:

If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.¹⁹

Characters from The Sun Also Rises who were in the war—Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley, and Mike Campbell—are broken physically and mentally. Brett loses her first true love to the war, and no number of liaisons fills the void.²⁰ Mike Campbell is an alcoholic and Jake is physically wounded, though the specific nature of his wound is never described in the book. In an interview with George Plimpton, Hemingway said that Jake Barnes was not emasculated; his testicles were intact and not damaged, so he was capable of all normal feelings of a man but incapable of consummating them.²¹ It was a very particular type of wound of which Hemingway had learned while he was at the Italian front.²²

My grandfather’s statement that everything that was going to happen to his generation had already happened would be profoundly sad if it were not proven by his own life to be utterly untrue. Obviously Hemingway did not know at twenty-six years of age the amazing things he would later accomplish and write about. He reflects again on Gertrude Stein’s statement about the Lost Generation in his last book, A Moveable Feast, when he looks back on this time in his life. He criticizes Stein for too easily labeling his generation and changes his opinion from the one he expressed in the unpublished foreword.²³

Hemingway wisely cut the foreword, never developing it beyond the first draft. In fact he added the quote from Gertrude Stein as an epigraph in a late draft only in order to contrast it with the quote from Ecclesiastes (see Figure 20). The inclusion of Stein’s quote is important for its underlying conviction that the people who served in World War I were acutely affected by what we now call post-traumatic stress disorder. The post-traumatic stress of war remains a worldwide phenomenon and is a sadly relevant point of reference for readers today.²⁴ The war is hardly mentioned in The Sun Also Rises, though its presence and effects simmer beneath the surface.

From about Christmas 1925 through much of January 1926, Hemingway typed out and revised the manuscript in Schruns, Austria. He tried switching the novel to third-person narration (see Figure 19 and Appendix II) but found that it fell flat, lacking the liveliness of Jake Barnes’s first-person narration.²⁵ He tightened the manuscript by rewriting passages and occasionally adding sections. There was also a great deal of offhand commentary that he cut, examples of which appear in Appendix II. A particularly interesting part that Hemingway revised several times is the waiter’s commentary to Jake about the man who was gored during the running of the bulls. The passage echoes the actual goring and death of a young man at the Festival of San Fermín in 1924, one of the first known deaths resulting from the running of the bulls at Pamplona.²⁶

By January 28, 1926, Hemingway was back in Paris, en route to New York.²⁷ After a six-night journey across the Atlantic on the Mauretania, he arrived in the city on February 9 and met with Horace Liveright the next day to break his contract with Boni & Liveright. Soon afterward he met with Maxwell Perkins and signed a contract with Scribner, his lifelong publisher. Perkins was so keen to take Hemingway on as a writer that he did not even read the manuscript for The Sun Also Rises before drawing up the contract, which included publishing his satirical parody The Torrents of Spring. Hemingway continued to revise the novel when he returned to Paris and Schruns (see Figure 11), finally sending off the completed revisions to Perkins from Paris on April 21, 1926.

As Patrick Hemingway observes in his foreword, Ernest Hemingway was inspired by literature as well as personal experience. There are many, often humorous, literary allusions in the book. Jake remarks on Cohn’s perception of W. H. Hudson’s The Purple Land, with its madcap amorous and macho escapades in the Banda Oriental (and underbelly of gritty reality that was apparently lost on Cohn), as a guidebook to what life holds. It is a very funny insight into the depths of Robert Cohn’s romanticism and foreshadows his outrageous behavior later in the book.

Another literary influence was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, which Hemingway had read not long before he began to write The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway and Fitzgerald first met in a bar in Paris in 1925 and they continued to see each other in Paris and to correspond. Fitzgerald was very taken with Hemingway’s short stories and actively promoted him to his own publisher, Charles Scribner’s Sons. In April 1926 in Paris, Hemingway wrote to Fitzgerald about his new novel, joking about its relation to The Great Gatsby:

I have tried to follow the outline and spirit of The Great Gatsby, but feel I have failed somewhat because of never having been to Long Island. The hero, like Gatsby, is a Lake Superior Salmon Fisherman. (There are no salmon in Lake Superior.) The action all takes place in Newport, R.I. and the heroine is a girl named Sophie Irene Loeb who kills her mother. The scene in which Sophie gives birth to twins in the death house at Sing Sing where she is waiting to be electrocuted for the murder of the father and sister of her, as then, unborn children I got from Dreiser but practically everything else in the book is either my own or yours. I know you will be glad to see it. The Sun Also Rises comes from Sophie’s statement as she is strapped into the chair as the current mounts.²⁸

After all of Fitzgerald’s help securing Hemingway’s new contract with Scribner, Hemingway sent a copy of the galleys to him. Fitzgerald, in turn, wrote Hemingway a long letter with significant criticisms.²⁹ He admonished Hemingway for lazy writing and the inclusion of snide remarks in the opening chapters, warning him that an author cannot play with a reader’s attention. Fitzgerald urged him to critically edit the beginning of the book before it went to press.³⁰ Aside from the opening chapters, however, Fitzgerald was deeply impressed with Hemingway’s book. He particularly loved the part where Frances Clyne eviscerates Robert Cohn—high-society subject matter that was the focus of much of his own writing. It is the kind of smart lecture you might expect Dick Diver to get in Tender Is the Night or one that could have come out of the mouth of Zelda Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald knew this terrain, and he was impressed that Hemingway got it spot-on. While he thought that Hemingway’s treatment of Jake Barnes’s war injury was somehow slightly flawed—more like a man in a moral chastity belt—on the whole he found the book to be superb. Hemingway took the advice of his friend and colleague and cut nearly the entire first two chapters. These chapters are included in their entirety in Appendix III. Publicly, however, Hemingway always downplayed Fitzgerald’s influence and constructive criticism, even claiming falsely in A Moveable Feast that Fitzgerald’s advice came after the book was finished. When The Sun Also Rises was published to much acclaim, Hemingway wrote to Fitzgerald joking that it could be titled A Greater Gatsby.³¹

Maxwell Perkins, on the other hand, had reservations about deleting the opening chapters and suggested working some of the material into an author’s introduction.³² After cutting the first sections, Hemingway also questioned starting the book with Robert Cohn and wrote a false start about this decision (see Appendix II). It was during the rewrite that Hemingway added the remark Do not think that I am very much impressed after Robert Cohn’s boxing title, setting the strong personal tone of the book that is part of its power.³³ This addition is a small but characteristic example of the careful revisions made to tighten and improve the first draft.³⁴ Once Hemingway finalized his revisions in the galleys, he had no doubts about cutting the beginning and was certain it was the right decision.³⁵ The original first chapters of The Sun Also Rises contain valuable information about Brett Ashley, Jake Barnes, and Robert Cohn, but I think most readers will agree that leaving them out was the best editorial choice.

The title of the opening chapter—and perhaps the novel, at first—was Cayetano Ordonez, ‘Niño de la Palma,’ the original name of the bullfighter. However, once Hemingway switched to the notebooks, the working title penned on the cover of each was Fiesta: A Novel. In the unpublished foreword he considers The Lost Generation: A Novel, in reference to Gertrude Stein’s comment to the garage owner, but decided against it because he did not want to use a foreign-language word or its translation for the title, stating that perdu loses part of its meaning in translation to lost. Hemingway said that he usually chose the title of his books at the end, and that the Bible was an especially good source for titles. This was true of The Sun Also Rises, whose title is taken from the Old Testament; the passage in Ecclesiastes is quoted at the beginning of the novel. It was one of five biblical titles that he considered (see Figure 18 and Appendix IV).³⁶

The Sun Also Rises is a special book in the Hemingway canon, as there is not another novel quite like it in his oeuvre. The story that comes closest is The Butterfly and the Tank, which John Steinbeck called one of the very few finest stories of all time.³⁷ Despite its hollowed-out and emotionally exhausted characters, the way that The Sun Also Rises is written feels fresh and engaging. It remains a great work of literature that will continue to delight and inspire readers for generations to come. With this new Hemingway Library Edition, the reader is better able to understand how Ernest Hemingway conceived and wrote his first novel, how he turned imperfect reality into a near-perfect work of fiction.

Seán Hemingway

This book is for Hadley and for John Hadley Nicanor

You are all a lost generation.


One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh; but the earth abideth forever. . . . The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he arose. . . . The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits. . . . All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.




Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton. Do not think that I am very much impressed by that as a boxing title, but it meant a lot to Cohn. He cared nothing for boxing, in fact he disliked it,

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