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The Rift
The Rift
The Rift
Ebook335 pages4 hours

The Rift

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Every thirty-three years, a rift in space connects the Federation with a mysterious race called the Calligar who live on a planet hundreds of light years away -- much too far to travel in a Starship. Captain Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise are dispatched to transport a Federation delegation of diplomats, scholars and scientists who will travel to Calligar directly during the brief period of time that the rift will be open.
Mr. Spock leads the Federation party as they travel by shuttle through the rift just as a group of the aliens arrive in Federation space. The meetings go smoothly until the Calligar take Spock's party hostage and Kirk discovers that the aliens are keeping a deadly secret. With angry Tellarite and Andorain fleets ready to attack the Calligar, Kirk must save Spock and the others before war breaks out and the rift closes for another fifty years.
Release dateApr 13, 2001
The Rift

Peter David

Peter David is a prolific writer whose career, and continued popularity, spans more than twenty-five years. He has worked in every conceivable media—television, film, books (fiction, nonfiction, and audio), short stories, and comic books—and acquired followings in all of them.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Returning to Vega after their adventure on Talos IV, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a rift in space. After taking his ship through the rift, Captain Christopher Pike and his crew meet the Calligar, an advanced civilization in the far-off Gamma Quadrant; while initial interactions are promising, the Enterprise is forced to return to Federation space before the rift closes. Thirty three years later the rift opens again, giving the Federation the opportunity to renew the contact, this time with a team led by Captain James Kirk in the Enterprise-A, though this time the Calligar leader precipitates a crisis that jeopardizes both amicable relations and the Federation representatives sent to establish them.

    On one level it's surprising that, even after a profitable half-century of developing the Star Trek franchise, so little has been done with the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise that preceded Kirk's merry band; indeed, there are even more works about author-created characters than there are ones featuring Pike's time in command. Peter David uses the limited material from the original pilot to provide a depiction of a very different Enterprise crew, giving his work a freshness that is often lacking in a Star Trek novel. His concept of a periodically-opening rift to a distant part of the galaxy is also an interesting one, serving as a nice way to tie events to the Enterprise crew with whom fans are more familiar. Yet the second half of the novel is more disappointing, as the plot follows tired characters into well-worn grooves with a predictable course of events. Though David enlivens this part with some knowing jokes and a nice little twist, it still doesn't live up to the originality and promise of the first half of the book.

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The Rift - Peter David


I’m certain that we can work matters out to our mutual satisfaction.

Are you willing to bet your crew on that, Captain Kirk? asked Macro. Because until such time that you return our Master Builder to us, we will hold on to your contact team. And I remind you, Captain, the rift will close in just a few hours. I suggest you use the time wisely.

Kirk sagged back in his chair and rubbed his forehead. Perfect, he said. Just perfect.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


An Original publication of POCKET BOOKS

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ISBN: 0-7434-2008-X

eISBN: 978-0-7434-2008-2

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Dedicated to Shana, Guinevere, Emily, Michael, and Bun-in-the-Oven … the genuine Next Generation.

The original manuscript for this book was printed entirely on recycled paper. And if that prompts any comments about recycled ideas going with paper, kindly keep them to yourself.

PLEASE REMEMBER: No smoking, no talking, and crying babies should be deposited in the receptacle in the lobby.

—Thank You

The Management


Most people are on the world, not in it—have no conscious sympathy or relationship to anything about them—undiffused, separate, and rigidly alone like marbles of polished stone, touching but separate.


Chapter One

THE CAPTAIN OF THE Enterprise stared up at the shimmering viewscreen and said thoughtfully, Opinion, Number One.

After a moment of consideration the first officer replied, I’m not altogether certain, Captain. Mr. Spock … what do you think?

Mr. Spock had not even looked up from his science station. Difficult to be precise without completed computer analysis, Lieutenant … wait. It’s coming through now.

Smoothly, noiselessly, the thin piece of paper slid out from the dispenser and into Spock’s hands. He held it up and studied it for a moment.

He started to frown and then caught himself before the others noticed it. Silently he scolded himself—his mental discipline had been exceptionally sloppy of late, and he was going to have to pay much closer attention if he had any hope of conducting himself in a manner befitting a Vulcan … especially a Vulcan in the highest position of Starfleet command that anyone from that planet had ever achieved.

Computer analysis indicates a variety of readings that are an agglomeration of several different energy patterns already known to us, he said.

Number One looked at him with her dark, snapping eyes. Specify, she said.

It shares the spatial displacement traits of a wormhole, Spock said, studying the readout. However, it is giving off subspace flux that is surprisingly similar to that created by the time warp generators of our own hyperdrive.

Time warp? said the captain.

Number One leaned on her console at the helm, studying the image on the screen. Fascinating.

A most appropriate term, Spock couldn’t help but note. It is indeed … fascinating. He rolled the word around in his mouth. A simple, elegant word. Descriptive, indicating the attractiveness of a puzzle in human terms without going overboard into emotionality. Fascinating. He’d have to remember that.

The fascinating object of their attention was directly ahead of them as the starship hovered in space several thousand kilometers away.

The crew of the Enterprise had encountered many different types of space phenomena before, from quarks to quasars, black holes to wormholes to any kind of hole that could be imagined. But this was something … unique.

In relation to the starship, it was on a vertical axis. It seemed to resemble nothing so much as a large crack, but it was not stable; its length varied from two to five miles, but no matter how much it seemed to fluctuate, its length was always greater than its width. Its center was narrow and dark—so dark that no light seemed to issue from it. Its outer edges were thinner, stars shining through. Whether it was artificial or had grown as a result of some physical anomaly was something that none of the observers could guess.

A rip, said Spock after a moment’s further consideration. A rip in the fabric of space. The manner in which reality is being distorted around it is making it impossible for our sensors to probe more deeply. A rip or—

Or what? The captain spoke with a sharpness that seemed to scream of impatience. For someone who was an explorer, Spock mused, the captain was tremendously irritable if he did not know all the answers immediately.

A portal, finished Spock.

This brought silence to the bridge for a long moment, and the steady if irritating sounding of the red-alert klaxon filled the air, as it had been doing for several minutes since the Enterprise had first encountered this … this whatever-it-was.

Clearly it was getting on the captain’s nerves, because he snapped, Navigator, shut that damned noise off.

José Tyler reached over without a word and snapped it off. The red-alert triangle in front of him went out immediately, and the bridge settled into blissful quiet.

The captain leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. A portal, he said slowly. To where? He turned his piercing blue eyes on Spock. Well, Science Officer?

Unknown with present data, said Spock.

Take a guess. From another captain it might have sounded like a gentle gibe, but with the captain of the Enterprise it came across quite clearly as a direct order.

Spock fought down the human urge to shrug and said simply, It leads to the other side.

The captain sighed and turned back to Number One in a manner that seemed so dismissive of Spock that the Vulcan might have taken offense were he capable of doing so. Number One, you’re the most experienced officer here. What’s your guess?

Number One flashed a glance at Spock, drummed her green fingernails a moment, and then said, Mr. Spock is correct. It leads to the other side. Further speculation would be pointless.

Unless we go through, said the captain.

Yes, sir.

Is it possible?

Spock, studying his readouts, now spoke up. It would be possible, sir. However, it would be extremely hazardous. The physical makeup of the space rip is in flux. It ranges from two miles in width to as little as five meters. We could be sheared in half just by the act of passing through it, if it should happen to close at the wrong time.

The captain rose from his chair and circled it slowly, thoughtfully. Open a subspace hailing frequency.

Open, said Communications Officer Vincent.

The captain squared his shoulders even more than usual and spoke in a slightly raised voice. Spock speculated on what an odd human trait that was, as if talking more loudly over subspace made one easier to hear.

"This is Captain Christopher Pike of the United Space Ship Enterprise," said the captain. If there is anyone hearing this transmission, we are positioned directly outside what appears to be some sort of interspatial rift. The fluctuating nature of the rift makes it impossible for us to pass through. We wish to know if there is any sentient life on the other side of this spatial distortion. If you are hearing this, please reply. He paused and then added, Send that out on all frequencies, Lieutenant.

Yes, sir, said Vincent.

He sat back down in his command chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. There have been ships in this area before, haven’t there?

Spock began to call up the computer records, but Number One spoke before Spock could access the information. "Two science vessels and the Potemkin have traveled this sector in the past three years. There has been no mention of any similar spatial rifts in their reports," said Number One.

Pike looked at her with just the vaguest hint of amusement, which was the most he ever allowed. You carry around in your head the findings of all ships in any given sector for the past three years, Lieutenant?

No, sir, Number One told him coolly. The past five years.

I see, Pike said. If this struck him as particularly odd, he nevertheless said nothing. So it wasn’t here before?

Either that, said Spock, or it was in existence but slightly out of temporal synch with our universe.

What? asked Pike.

Essentially, it existed a few seconds before or after the natural time flow of our own universe. As a result, normal instrumentation would never have been able to pick it up. But some occurrence, natural or otherwise, may have caused it to slow down or speed up and thus be detectable.

They waited there, hanging in space for long moments, but no reply was forthcoming, and slowly Pike shook his head. All right, he said. Let’s summarize here: We have a temporal rift that may or may not have been here before. There may or may not be someone on the other side, and we may or may not survive trying to pass through. Is that about accurate?

Spock and Number One both nodded silent assent.

Pike rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger. Then he looked up and sighed. As intriguing as all this is, he said, we were on our way to Vega IX to attend to our injured and wounded. We’ve already had one significant delay in that respect, and for a lot of ‘mays’ and ‘may nots’ there is no way in hell I’m going to delay that mission any further. Helm, resume course for Vega. Go to hyperdrive, time warp factor five.

Course computed and laid in, sir, said Number One.

He nodded and said briskly, Engage.

The Enterprise angled away from the rift and shot off toward Vega IX.

Pike watched the rift recede as he headed for the turbolift door. As he was about to step into the lift Yeoman Colt stepped off, apparently wrapped up in thoughts of her own, and Pike stopped just short of knocking her over.

Yeoman, he said in exasperation, how many—

Fuel consumption report, sir, she said quickly, holding the clipboard up in front of her as if it were a shield. You said that you wanted—

Yes, yes, he overlapped her impatiently. He barely glanced at her as he flipped through it. He took note of the fact that he should speak to the engineer about the speed with which they were depleting dilithium—it seemed the energy curve was a tad high. Perhaps there was a warped baffle plate somewhere. If that was the case, there could be a serious hazard in the making—Pike had once seen a crewman devastated by leaking delta rays from a warped baffle plate and had no intention of such an unpleasant fate befalling any member of his crew.

He signed the report, checking off the box that read Consult with captain, and handed it back to Colt. She smiled briefly at him and then looked down as if embarrassed, and Pike sighed inwardly.

Strong female drives. The phrase echoed in his head, and she stepped aside as he entered the open turbolift. He made a conscious effort not to look at her as the doors hissed shut.

And as the Enterprise shot off into space the rift began to pulse a bit more steadily….

Chapter Two

PIKE’S FISTS WERE a flurry of rights and lefts as he pounded the punching bag. He grunted softly every time he made contact, and he remembered a time when he could have kept up such a volley for half an hour without letup. Now, after a mere ten minutes, he felt his breath coming hard in his lungs.

There were several crewmen in the gym concentrating on fencing or weight lifting or other fitness pursuits, but they were surreptitiously sneaking glances at Pike, watching admiringly.

The captain never spoke to anyone when he came down to work out. Perhaps an acknowledging nod here or there, but that was all. He was always totally focused on whatever he was setting out to do, and he never did the same thing twice in a row. Fencing, swimming, running, self-defense—whatever it was, he went about it with an intensity that was unmatched by anyone in the crew.

Now, as he pounded on the bag, the volley speeding up with each passing moment, he seemed so locked in to his target that anyone who happened to step between Pike and the bag would likely run into the captain’s fist.

After another three minutes of punching Pike stepped back, his face covered with sweat and his thin shirt plastered against his chest. He tapped his boxing gloves together a couple of times and shook out his muscles, but his heart was still pounding.

He turned and glanced around, the adrenaline racing through him. There was no one else with boxing gloves on, though, and he had started to turn away when José Tyler entered, gloves on his hands, glancing in the direction of the punching bag. Tyler stopped when he saw Pike standing nearby and then cast an involuntary look over his shoulder, apparently trying to decide whether he could get out without being noticed.

Mr. Tyler, said Pike with a wave of his gloved hand, I could use a sparring partner.

Oh, well, sir, said Tyler, and he quickly looked to the other crewmen for help. None seemed forthcoming. I—uhm—actually wasn’t planning on boxing….

Pike inclined his chin slightly in the direction of Tyler’s hands. Why the gloves then?

My hands are cold, sir.

Come on, Tyler, said Pike, and he gestured to the mats in the center of the gym. There was no boxing ring set up, but that was the area used for any type of hand-to-hand combat. It’ll be good for both of us.

Tyler sighed, trying to ignore the smirks from the crewmates around him. If you say so, sir.

They moved to the center mats, and now the rest of the crewmen gave up any pretense of ignoring what was going on. From the supply cabinet one of the crewmen stepped forward with mouthpieces that were quickly inserted into Pike’s and Tyler’s mouths. Protective headgear was strapped on moments later.

Pike’s appraising gaze flickered over Tyler, assessing the young, lithe Latin navigator—not as a crewman, but as a potential foe. Tyler was balanced lightly on the balls of his feet, and Pike saw genuine concern in his eyes.

All right, Tyler, he said, working to make himself understood through the mouthpiece. Just relax. Watch your footing. We’re just having a workout, just two guys in the gym. Happens every day. No need to worry, just so long as you remember … I’m your captain.

It was difficult to tell if Pike was joking, since he did it so rarely. Even when he was joking he tended to keep his face deadly serious. Tyler sighed once more and started toward Pike, trying to move lightly from side to side, keeping his guard up.

The tactical computer that was Pike’s mind quickly processed information about Tyler. He was more limber than Pike, and younger, of course. He was already hopping around a good deal more than the captain was capable of doing—Pike tended to take a stance and just start pummeling. He had the edge on Tyler in experience, and he also had a devastating right cross. He could take him.

Pike brought his guard up as Tyler suddenly launched an attack, a couple of quick rights followed by a left. Pike hardly felt them. Come on, Mr. Tyler, he said in annoyance, and he drove a quick uppercut to Tyler’s chin that rocked him. You can do better than that.

Tyler stepped back out of Pike’s reach and moved along the perimeter, watching his captain carefully. He did not resume his attack, however, and after thirty seconds of pussyfooting around, Pike began to get annoyed. He came in quickly, landing several fast, powerful blows on Tyler’s body, each accompanied by a satisfying thud, and Pike said, For crying out loud, Mr. Tyler, this is sparring, not a square dan—

Pike never even saw the shot that snapped his head around. He wasn’t even aware that he was falling. All he knew was that the world seemed to shift at a forty-five-degree angle, and then he was on his back.

He found to his surprise that he hated the color of the ceiling, and then José Tyler was looking down at him with sheer terror in his eyes. Capped in! Tyler seemed to be saying, and Pike was wondering what was capped in what.

Then the world hazed out for a moment, and when it returned Dr. Phil Boyce was standing over him, shaking his head. The middle-aged man with the thin blond hair did not seem particularly sympathetic to the fact that Pike was moving his mouth and nothing was coming out. An agitated Tyler was next to him. What was it again? Boyce asked.

A left hook, said Tyler. Doctor … what should I do?

Offhand, I’d say work on your right hook. I doubt your left needs any improvement. Boyce shook his head, and then he raised his fist and extended his thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Chris … how many fingers do you see?

I’m not sure, said Pike thickly. Does the thumb count as a finger?

You’ll be fine, Boyce said. He put an arm under Pike’s forearm and, with the help of Tyler and another crewman, hauled the woozy captain to his feet. Pike was surprised at the amount of strength in the doctor’s grip.

Captain, I’m so sorry— began Tyler.

Pike shook his head and then had to remind himself not to do so again, as the swaying motion made him dizzy. That’s quite all right, Mr. Tyler. Quite all right. It’s comforting to know you’re on our side.

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