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Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cookin'
Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cookin'
Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cookin'
Ebook393 pages8 hours

Paula Deen: It Ain't All About the Cookin'

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Do you know the real Paula Deen? You may think you know the butter-loving, finger-licking, joke-cracking queen of melt-in-your-mouth Southern cuisine. You may have even visited The Lady & Sons to taste for yourself the down-home delicacies that made her famous and even heard some version of her Cinderella story (a single mom with two teenage sons started a brown-bag lunch business with $200 and wound up with a thriving restaurant, a fairy-tale second marriage, and wildly popular television shows), but you have never heard the intimate details of her often bumpy road to fame and fortune.

Courageously honest, downright inspiring, and just a little bit saucy, Paula shares the highs and lows of her life in the inimitable charming and irreverent style that you know from her television shows and personal appearances. She talks about long childhood summers spent in a bathing suit and roller skates and hard years living in the back of her father's gas station; a buzzing high school social life of sleepovers, parties, cheerleading, and boys; and a difficult marriage. The death of her beloved parents precipitated a debilitating agoraphobia that crippled her for years. But even when the going got tough, Paula never lost the good grace and sense of humor that would eventually help carry her to success and stardom. Of course, you can't get by on charm alone: as Paula has learned, you need plenty of willpower, hard work, and, above all, the love and support of family and friends to finance, sustain, and run a successful restaurant.

In each chapter, Paula shares new recipes: there's serious comfort food like her momma's Chocolate-Dippy Doughnuts, Courage Chili for when you know life's going to get tough, Sexy Oxtails for seducing that special someone, and the recipe for her new mother-in-law's Banana Nut Delight Cake that Paula finally got just right. And you'll love the never-before-seen photos of her family.

In this memoir, Paula Deen speaks as frankly and intimately as few women in the public eye have ever dared. Whether she's telling tales of good times or bad, her story is proof that the old-fashioned American dream is alive and kicking, and there still is such a thing as a real-life happy ending.
Release dateApr 4, 2007

Paula Deen

Paula Deen is the bestselling author of eighteen books and an Emmy Award–winning Food Network television star. She was born and raised in Albany, Georgia. She later moved to Savannah, where she started The Bag Lady catering company. The business took off and evolved into The Lady & Sons restaurant, which is located in Savannah’s historic district and specializes in Southern cooking. She also co-owns Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House with her brother. Paula publishes a bimonthly magazine, Cooking with Paula Deen, and is a regular guest on QVC, where she sells her books and food products.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've always been a fan of Paula Deen's shows and her food. I've made a few of her recipes and they always came out delish! I had a chance to meet her and her family a few years ago at an autograph session at her restaurant in Savannah. This was the book she signed. I enjoyed this book and her stories of growing up with agoraphobia, being penniless and rising her way up to stardom and fame. She seems to be a very down to earth person and the book was very cute just like her. I'm excited for the recipes at the end of each chapter and look forward to making them in my home.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I actually wanted to read this book because someone told me Paula Deen suffered from severe anxiety and agoraphobia and wrote all about it. I'm not agoraphobic but I get panic attacks and I was curious. She only brought it up briefly a couple times and then seemingly figured out her reasons why and cured herself.

    I liked this book a little because I like the cook, not the book, and it really needed to be cut in half. She gave out odd advice on opening a restaurant. That said, she told some "secrets" about who she really is. She's a real person, and she's lived a real life. I saw some reviewers who really trashed on her for what she's done. Dude. Like you haven't ever made a mistake? Come on. She was brave for being so real in this book. Other than that the only good thing were the recipes.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Autobiography is not my favorite genre, but having watched Paula Deen's show a few times, the book caught my eye when I saw it on the new book shelf at the library. Paula Deen is known for Southern-style "comfort food" and it appears she has needed quite a bit of comfort in her somewhat turbulent life. Fans of Ms. Deen will enjoy the book and be happy for the much better life she has made for herself with the help of her sons.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pretty good. Written just like she talks. Good Inspiration for overcoming and following your dreams. Honest.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved reading this book - I read it in only a few hours. Paula shares some of her secrets with classic southern charm...what more could you want!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Paula Deen's life is a true success story. When she started her first business at the age of 42, she was struggling to hold her rocky marriage together and barely had two nickels to rub together. Throughout all her troubles, Deen has persevered and followed her dreams. The book is an interesting read and it's told just as if Paula was sitting in your living room telling you her life story. She includes recipes for some of the foods that she mentions in her chapters. An excellent read if you're looking for something fairly light and conversational. I enjoyed it immensely!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Every bit as fun and goofy as you'd expect from Paula Deen!

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Paula Deen - Paula Deen

Also by Paula Deen



THE LADY & SONS, TOO!: A Whole New Bunch of Recipes from Savannah

By Paula Deen with Martha Nesbit


PAULA DEEN & FRIENDS: Living It Up, Southern Style


Rockefeller Center

1230 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10020


Copyright © 2007 by Paula Deen

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

SIMON & SCHUSTER and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Unless otherwise noted, all photos courtesy of the author. Photo of Paula Deen and grandson by Mac Jamieson for Cooking with Paula Deen magazine. Photo of Michael Groover kissing Paula Deen by Bob Busby. Photo of Paula Deen and Bubba Hiers by Russ Bryant. Photo of Bubba Hiers and family © by Christine Hall.

For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Simon & Schuster Special Sales: 1-800-456-6798 or business@simonandschuster.com.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Deen, Paula H.

Paula Deen : it ain’t all about the cookin’ / by Paula Deen, with Sherry Suib Cohen.

p.   cm.

1. Deen, Paula H., 1947-  2. Cooks—Biography.  3. Cookery, Southern.  I. Cohen, Sherry Suib.  II. Title.  III. Title: Paula Deen : it ain’t all about the cookin’.

TX715.2.S68D438 2007


[B]   2006053501

ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-9285-6

eISBN: 978-1-416-53968-1

ISBN-10:   0-7432-9285-5


First of all, thanks to my darlin’ Michael, always Michael, my handsome, sexy, funny husband, who always makes me laugh so hard, I think I’m gonna bust. And thanks to my precious family who come along for the excitin’ ride every day—Bobby, Jamie, and Brooke; Aunt Peggy Ort and Aunt Trina; my baby brother and partner, Bubba Hiers, and his new partner, Dawn Woodside, and her sons, Iain and Trevor; my beautiful niece, Corrie, and cute nephew, Jay; and, of course, the great Groover kids, Anthony and Michelle, and Michelle’s new husband, Daniel Reed. I love and am so grateful for my brother-in-law, spiritual advisor, and Cajun connection, Father Hank Groover. My husband’s baby brother, Nick Groover, the unwillin’ subject of Captain Michael’s childhood taunts, is not only part of my extended dear family, not only our neighbor, but also the contractor of the beautiful home Michael and I enjoy so much; Nick’s wife, Jodi, and their adorable children, Jordan and Lauren, are in my life forever now.

My lovin’ appreciation goes to my collaborator and newest friend, writer Sherry Suib Cohen, who helped me find the words I needed to tell my story. Sherry leaves Savannah talkin’ Southern (she thinks) and with an educated view of butter.

What would I do without Team Paula, which includes my never-forgets-anything, inspirational executive assistant, Theresa Luckey; my fabulously creative, witty, and indispensable right-hand man, Brandon Branch; the accomplished and devoted Michelle White, who wears so many hats—among them extraordinary graphic designer; Cassie Aimar, my talented personal assistant; and my favorite accountant on the planet, Karl Schumacher, for their never-ending efforts to make sure the details of my personal and professional life work smoothly. My agent, Barry Weiner, is the closest thing I’ve had to a father since my real father died; he’s always there for cheerleading and wise words. I love you, Barry Cuda—you’re my hero. My literary agent, Janis Donnaud, is endlessly loyal and helpful and always in my corner. My attorney, Peter Smith—well, I just adore him; he’s one of the finest men I have ever met.

My Lady & Sons restaurant family is also the absolute best! Dora Charles has been there from the start, makin’ me look good and keepin’ me sane. I couldn’t do without Rance Jackson, my number one kitchen manager; Dustin Walls, my general manager; and Scott Hopke, who is our executive kitchen manager. Cookie Espinoza is our office manager, and she manages to keep everyone happy and on track. The entire staff, from the bussers to the wait-people, from the hostesses to the dishwashers—each and every one of them is so important to The Lady & Sons, and I’m forever grateful for this team we’ve formed.

My Simon & Schuster publishing family feels like real family to me. I’m immensely grateful to the following people who have turned my memories and ideas into this beautiful book. I love them all, but best of all I love my brilliant editor, Sydny Miner, who lavished such care, thought, and creativity on each page, you’d think this book was her real-life baby. I’m so beholden to Syd, my dream editor, and also to her personal assistant, Michelle Rorke, who has been marvelous and responsive throughout the whole publishing process. Linda Dingler and Jaime Putorti worked beautifully and imaginatively on the interior design, and I am really happy with Jackie Seow’s cover design. I also lucked out because Arden Ward took the cover photograph—don’t y’all agree? Thanks are also surely due to Randee Marullo and Sybil Pincus, the copy editors who diligently combed this book to make it the best it could be.

I’m also so pleased that David Rosenthal, the enlightened and extraordinary publisher of Simon & Schuster, leads my book team, and that Deb Darrock and Aileen Boyle are the fine associate publishers of the best publishing house in America. Deep gratitude goes to Tracey Guest, director of publicity, and her staff for telling the world about Paula Deen: It Ain’t All About the Cookin’, and the biggest hug to everyone else at S&S who made this very personal memoir possible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to a remarkable woman who’s recently come into my life and given me a new focus and such joy. She is Phyllis Norton Hoffman, the publisher and president of Hoffman Media, LLC. Phyllis had the foresight to spot a powerful connection between me and the women in America—not just Southern women—and she offered me my very own stunning magazine, Cooking with Paula Deen. I was just astonished when she approached me—who would ever read such a thing?—but today, the magazine is sold on newsstands internationally. The magazine is about cookin’, naturally, but also about entertaining and decorating and quaint little towns, and business and beauty and the color of eggs and—oh, just about everything that’s on the minds of women like me.

My gratitude goes to four new and fabulous business partners who support me wonderfully: Pete Booker, Larry Pope, Jim Schloss, and Joe Luter III. Welcome aboard, all of you!

I’m forever grateful to the Food Network and my producer, the wild and wonderful Gordon Elliott, who have literally changed my life and have made me, Paula Deen, into a television star—I can hardly believe it! Judy Girard, Brooke Johnson, and Bob Tuschman of the network are deep in my heart forever. My two shows, Paula’s Home Cookin’ and Paula’s Party, have given me a chance to share a love of makin’ good meals and havin’ fun with my terrific fans, who are always challenging me to cook better, tell more secrets, and show my stuff … even when my stuff ain’t so perfect. I relish every moment of my life journey and I can’t wait to see what happens next! Think of it: I’m a sixty-year-old, grey-haired, overweight woman and I’m still employed. Life is a beautyful thing.

So many thanks are due to Melanie Votaw, who transcribed every interview for this book, and from about a hundred tapes put my words down on paper with meticulous accuracy. And a huge thank-you to Nancy Assuncao, my personal publicist.

This book would not be complete without acknowledging the man with whom I spent twenty-seven years, Jimmy Deen. We had our differences, but he’s a good person, a kind man, and together we made the most handsome, wonderful sons imaginable.

Finally, I want to give thanks for my beloved momma and daddy, Corrie and Earl Hiers, and to my Grandparents Paul and my Grandparents Hiers, who left life much too early. They molded me and had such a great influence on my life because they offered me the steady confidence, support, and love every little girl needs—especially a little girl who knew, deep inside, it ain’t just about the cookin’—it’s about surviving, and then love and laughter and living well, Southern style.

This book is for Jack Deen, perfect grandbaby of my heart, and littlest cook. I’ve waited so long for you, child. In your precious self, our family past and future meet. I fell in love with you, tiny Jackpot, even before you were born, and already I know I will cherish the man you will become.

You’re gonna come to like fried chicken, baby boy: it’s in your genes.



1 Terror with No Name

2 Something Smells Good

3 On Not Listening to Yo’ Momma

4 How Do You Get to Be a Woman of Substance When Your World’s Fallin’ Apart?

5 The Terror Did Have a Name

6 The Bag Lady

7 The Bottoming Out and the New Beginning

8 What I Did for Love

9 The Lady & Sons

10 Sharing Recipes

11 Love on a Tug: Michael

12 How I Got My Own Television Show, and It Wasn’t No Desperate Housewives

13 Backstage Secrets and a Weddin’ to Beat All

14 Blend. Don’t Mix, Stir, or Beat

15 Food, Glorious Food, Southern Style

16 So You Want to Own a Restaurant?

17 Scenes from a Life: Growth, Cameron, Mr. Jimmy, Bubba, and Me

18 Southern Comfort: Things I’ve Learned


This work is a memoir. It reflects the author’s present recollection of her experiences over a period of years. Certain names and identifying characteristics have been changed.

Paula DEEN


I never call myself a chef. Never went to Chef School. Never made a Blanquette de Veau. Never met a boxed cake mix I didn’t like.

I’m a cook. Learned at my grandmomma’s stove. But I can cook, honey, cook rings around those tall-white-hatted chefs. My fried chicken, my grits—oh my stars, you’ll think you died and went to heaven.

Like everyone else on this earth, there’s a story behind the cook, behind the recipes, behind the woman.

So, y’all, here is what the publisher calls my memoirs.

How did they come about? Well, I’ve written five cookbooks, and after each one, I got thousands of letters from people asking about my personal life, not just my life with grits. Until now, I haven’t been about ready to do that. Maybe if you heard the truth about Paula Deen, about the mistakes I made in my life, how bad my judgment’s been at times, and how guilty I still feel because my mothering wasn’t always so wonderful … well, maybe you wouldn’t be quite as lovin’ to me as you have been. And that would kill me.

If I could get back one wrong I did to my family, if I could choose some words I could take back and eat ’em down so they would never have seen the light, it would be the day I told my son Jamie I hated him. I can barely write those words now. I love my sons more than life, but we were in the heat of the battle of starting a restaurant business, trying to get all those people fed, and I felt like Jamie was pulling against me, rather than with me. If I could only live that day over, oh, I would. You’d better believe I learned that the spoken word can never be taken back. Sure, you can apologize for it, but you and the person you hurt will never, ever forget. Forgive, maybe, if you’re real lucky.

I’ve asked for a lot of forgiveness in my life and I’ve given it as well. You know what? In church, they always tell you to forgive your enemies. Seems to me it’s even harder to forgive our loved ones and friends, but it’s much more important to do so because it’s the people we love who can hurt us the most. The terrible thing I said to Jamie taught me to speak with more care and try not to let my instinct for survival get me so mad I’ll give pain to someone close to me. But can you imagine me, a mother who loves her boys beyond love, saying such a thing to her own child?

I’ll tell you something else: in all the things that have been written about me, there’s something that’s been left out of the tellin’. I’m a smoker. There, I said it. Hardly anyone outside my family knows that, and it embarrasses me because it’s an addiction I can’t be quit of, though I try every day. They say Jackie Kennedy was a chain smoker, but she would never allow herself to be photographed with a cigarette—and I get that real well because I also try my damndest to see that no one takes my picture with one. I love my fans so much and I hate to disappoint them; to see me with such a weakness will surely upset them. I still need to walk into a room where they’re waiting with my head up.

But suddenly, somehow, it’s time to show and tell—warts and all. I plan to tell some hard secrets in these pages, but it’s taken a long time to get up the nerve to do so. Try ten years. Maybe twenty.

Mostly, I want to share with you that I’m livin’ proof that the American dream is alive and well, that you can be an imperfect person and still end up with so much fun in your life you can hardly stand it. I’m prayin’ that if even one of you out there gets some inspiration from the way my own American dream turned into reality, it’ll be worth playing true confessions here.

You should know this: you gotta be willin’ to work for that American dream—work for it, and feel the passion. You gotta truly be in love with what you do. If you have a wild hair to fly a circus trapeze, to chug out to sea on a tug, to own a restaurant when you haven’t much more than a dime to your name, or to search for true love even when you’re no spring chicken—go for it. Sure, luck plays a part, but here’s the thing: the harder I work, the luckier I get.

A warning: you may be a little shocked at some of the language in this book, and that’s another weakness of mine. I tell people who come to my cooking class that sometimes I can be a little bawdy and I sure hope that don’t upset them. But I’m my father’s daughter, and I’m banking on one thing, and I’m not budging on this: my God has a sense of humor even if what I say has a four-letter word in it. I think He’d want me to laugh. What’s in my heart is not irreverence but a full knowledge that God’s laughing too.

So, this is a book wishin’ you best dishes from my house to yours, but it’s also a look into my home, my true life, my loves, and my Southern heart.

Chapter 1


What did I have, what was makin’ me so scared that my heart about beat out of my chest? I just knew I was gonna die, knew my heart couldn’t stand this kind of pressure, and it had happened too many times before. Almost every last time I had to go outside by myself, that panic would start in and drop me to my knees. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t stop trembling. I felt weak and nauseated and dizzy, and I just knew I was gonna die in front of other people. If I dropped over in public, think how horribly humiliatin’ it would be.

But, oh Lord, the magnolias smelled so damn good out my window, and all morning I’d been fixin’ to take my eleven-year-old son, Jamie, to baseball practice. After, I figured I’d hang out at the mall store in the housewares section, then maybe go strollin’ for a bit, just to breathe deep some of that sweet Georgia air. I wanted to walk through my door so bad and maybe today I could do it; maybe today I could go outside.

There would be no breathin’ deep, no goin’ outside. The thought of outside grabbed my gut like a ’coon grabs a chicken. I started to sweat and my arms lost all feeling, like they belonged on someone else. At the very least, I was likely to faint at any moment. Would there be someone to see me, someone who would catch me if one of those panicky attacks came back and I lost control and fainted outside? Oh, my stars, I was frightened silly.

It was 1978, and I was thirty-one years old. Was this the day I was finally going to die, the day I’d secretly been waiting for and dreading ever since my daddy passed almost thirteen years ago now?

Well, maybe not, if I stopped thinking of going outside.

You’re safe, Paula, I told myself. You’re safe inside this house. No one’s makin’ you go out, you won’t die today. Fact is—don’t you remember—y’all canceled the boys’ after-school stuff for the whole year.

What sickness did I have? What had happened to me? My terror had no name—least none I’d ever heard. I was alone with it. So scared about goin’ outside.

It wasn’t always this way.

Chapter 2


You don’t have to be Southern to admire the smell of grits cookin’—hang with me, and even if you’re from New Jersey, you’ll be lovin’ grits.

If you had to pick out a delicious childhood, it would have been mine. I was born on January 19, 1947, and grew up with a passion for life and, for a long time, nothing ever frightened me—nothing. My earliest memories are from when my momma and daddy, Corrie and Earl Hiers; my brother, Earl Hiers Jr., otherwise known as Bubba; and I lived in Albany, Georgia, out at River Bend, which was my Grandmother and Granddaddy Paul’s place. It was right at the Dougherty and Mitchell county line, about ten miles outside of downtown. River Bend was sort of a very mini resort sitting right on U.S. 19, and it was where all the snowbirds came—a little rest stop on their way to Florida and fancier pleasures. Our grandparents had a motel and cabins, a skating rink, a restaurant, and a big old swimming pool, and it was pure heaven, that River Bend. My handsome daddy worked at his car dealership and my momma helped her parents in the restaurant and I thought life was just grand: I lived in my swimsuit and my roller skates and you’d better believe I wore them both at the same time.

I had my own personal playmate, Momma’s baby sister, Trina, who was just three years older than I. When Grandmomma told Trina that my twenty-year-old momma was gonna have a baby and that would make Trina an aunt, Trina immediately got underneath the table on her hands and knees and started crawlin’ around, just a-cryin’ something pitiful. Grandmomma said, Trina, honey, why are you down there cryin’? And Trina answered between sobs, ’Cause you told me I was gonna be an ant.

Well, maybe it was that first shock or maybe not, but Trina was usually so stinking mean to me; she was such a brat. Even though she was my buddy, maybe even my idol, she was a tremendous devil child. I remember her taking my arm and digging her long fingernails into it, and she didn’t allow me to tell Momma on her. My earliest food memory is of Trina spoon-feeding me tablespoons of vanilla flavoring, and, believe me, that’s a nasty memory. I remember we’d be playing in the family living area of the motel at River Bend and she would send me all the way back to the restaurant to get her a glass of water. When I’d get back, she’d pour out that whole dang thing into the sink and say, I wanted cold water. And I’d have to go back and get her a big old glass of colder water. Once I asked her, Why can’t you get some water from the bathroom right here, and she said, The faucets ain’t working right here. She’d send me over to the restaurant for a Hershey’s bar, a Snickers, and a Coke, and I’d gather up all the stuff, with my granddaddy yelling out the whole time, Get that kid outta here. She’s eatin’ up all mah profit!

That Trina. I had a Southern princess in my life, even at that young age.

I was seven when Bubba was born, and then it was my turn to be princess. I bossed him around something awful but I loved him so because I was like his momma when our own momma was busy. And, boy, Momma was pretty much always busy.

When I was about six, Momma and Daddy bought a gas station and souvenir shop right across the street from River Bend. It wasn’t no River Bend. Paradise was done and finished for little Paula Hiers.

We lived in the back of that souvenir shop. We had no bathroom; our toilet was a big old slop jar inside a pink wicker chair. Of course we had a men’s room and a ladies’ room outside for the tourists; there was a shower in the men’s room. I remember it being cold and dirty, and when we woke up on a cold morning, we would have to go outside in that nasty men’s room to take a shower. I just hated it, hated it. So, even now, I don’t associate bathing as being a good thing; I still remember that awful men’s room. I could not stand it. And I remember my daddy saying, This is terrible. I’m going to build us a bathroom, and I’m going to build one helluva bathroom.

Well, he finally did, but I don’t know how many years we lived there using the public shower. When he finally built that bathroom, it was bigger than our whole living quarters, and I remember Momma’s clothes washer being in there. Our dryer was a clothesline out back. And I remember my daddy going into the bathroom and just sitting forever on the toilet; what a luxury it was for all of us. That toilet was a throne.

We never thought about it then, but we were living in the midst of what was fixin’ to be a huge social change. A small town of twenty-five thousand people before World War II, Albany, Georgia, had grown to a Deep South city of about fifty thousand and became the pecan capital of the world, as folks like to brag. Racial unrest was brewing, and in just four more years, five African-American college students who belonged to a civic organization called the Albany Movement would be arrested for a sit-in at our own Trailways bus station lunch counter. Shortly afterward, nine Freedom Riders would arrive to test the segregated train station, and Albany Movement president William Anderson would invite the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. to Albany, Georgia, where he drew overflow crowds at Mt. Zion and Shiloh Baptist churches. The next day King and 264 demonstrators were arrested when they marched to City Hall. But that was all four years in the future and could have been a million years away as far as us kids were concerned.

Still, it was happening right under our noses: our local African-Americans were claimin’ their right for fair and equal treatment and some white folks were inspired to rethink old ways. Slowly, things began to change. Culture evolved as the Motown sound brought African-American music onto the charts. Still, I hardly noticed, even when the Albany-born black singer Ray Charles recorded a wildly successful song in 1959. Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind, sang Ray Charles, and Georgia on My Mind was eventually to become the state song.

Everybody would be so busy working over at River Bend and at the gas station that sometimes I would be told to stay with a real nice black woman who often babysat Trina and me. I remember this one day she had brought her little girl to work, and that child had many big, fat blisters on her hand, probably from helping out her momma. Something about those blisters just attracted me and I remember hitting those little hands with a bolo bat, and it busted her blisters good. It was pretty satisfying.

I don’t know why I did it. I have a hard time thinking I did it out of meanness. But her mother—I can’t remember if she slapped me across the face or she spanked me, or both—but either way, now I know I sure had it comin’.

Well, still, I was heartbroken, and I went running to find my Grandmother Paul and Granddaddy and my momma. And my granddaddy had the woman arrested for hitting me. The little black girl’s momma went to jail.

All this time it’s bothered me.

It was me who deserved to be sittin’ in that jail for breaking a little black girl’s blisters in 1957.

Even if we all kind of knew something was happening, it didn’t seem so grand or momentous. The civil rights movement belonged to the nightly radio news and it didn’t have nothin’ to do with us. Black folks had always been a big part of our lives in the South; I played with the kids of the black women who took care of me and they were my friends. None of us were strangers to the black community, although they seemed to live their lives, and we lived ours, separately for the most part. I would say we lived a pretty unexamined life in terms of politics or civil rights. When I look back now, I remember going to the Arctic Bear, one of the popular drive-in restaurants in town where you got your burgers and ate them in your car. On the side of the building were two water fountains: one was marked WHITE ONLY and the other was marked COLORED. The bathrooms were also marked WHITE ONLY and COLORED. That’s just the way it was. Remembering now, it just shocks me. I’m plain horrified that things could have been that way and I was so blind I didn’t get that it was wrong.

My senior class in Albany High School, 1965, was the first class in our neck of the woods to be integrated, by five black girls. They did not talk to anyone; they kept to themselves. To my knowledge no one harassed them, but no one was particularly tight with them either. There was no sense that we were in the middle of something historic. We knew having those five girls in school was some sort of a big step, but we never thought it would change anything for us.

They were so brave. Even then, I felt a little sorry for them, but you know why? For all the wrong reasons. I felt their families had to have been paid or somethin’ to convince them to put their girls in such a hard position—the only black girls in our all-white school. My parents wouldn’t have put me in an all-black school. I’m so embarrassed and ashamed to admit it to y’all that I thought that. Those families were pioneers. They were so effin’ brave, all of them, the kids and the parents. The five girls had to be majorly lonely—five small black faces in a sea of unthinking teenaged white faces. Even if the black girls had a mouthful of words, they would have never said Boo, let alone How ’bout goin’ for a Coke after school? to any of the rest of

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