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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Winner of the 1927 Atlantic-Little, Brown Award

First published in 1927, this international bestseller is now back in print. Jalna is the first book in the popular series about a Canadian family named Whiteoak, who live in southern Ontario in a red-brick house called Jalna. In Jalna, the unforgettable family makes its first appearance. Two grandsons cause tumult when they bring their brides to live at Jalna, and Grandmother Adeline celebrates her 100th birthday. This is book 7 of 16 in The Whiteoak Chronicles. It is followed by Whiteoaks of Jalna.

Release dateJan 1, 2006

Mazo de la Roche

Mazo de la Roche (Newmarket, 1879-Toronto, 1961) fue una escritora canadiense mundialmente famosa por su saga de los Whiteoak, dieciséis volúmenes que narran la vida de una familia de terratenientes de Ontario entre 1854 y 1954. La serie vendió más de once millones de ejemplares, se tradujo a decenas de idiomas y fue llevada al cine y a la televisión. Con la publicación de Jalna (1927), su autora se convirtió en la primera mujer en recibir el sustancioso premio otorgado por la revista estadounidense The Atlantic Monthly, que la consagraría en adelante como una verdadera celebridad literaria.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Vintage series. This was my introduction to it. This is supposedly #7, but it was the first she wrote. Not exciting enough for me to want to read more.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Alayne joins the family.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jalna is the story of the Whiteoak family at the time Grandmother Adeline is set to celebrate her 100th birthday. The tale of Adeline's children and grandchildren is most interesting and I hope to find more books in the telling of the Jalna/Whiteoak story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sometime within my life time, there was a cultural shift from reading books in a series in publication order to reading them in narrative chronology. The first series I remember noticing the shift was with the Chronicles of Narnia. Now it's The Whiteoak Chronicles by Mazo de la Roche. Perhaps here the lesson is to avoid series with the name "chronicles."When there's a series that was published over years, possibly decades, I would prefer to read the books in the order in which they were published even if the narrative chronology is out of order. So this means I'm starting the Whiteoak Chronicles with Jalna.Jalna is the manor home of the Whiteoaks, with grandmother Adeline as the matriarch. She is planning for her 100th birthday and she's not sure about the directions her grandchildren are taking. It's situated in the countryside just south of Ontario, and the Whiteoaks like their quiet life.Except for the youngest generation; it's their unrest that drives the book. The chapters unfold as character sketches that set up events more thoroughly explored in in The Whiteoaks of Jalna. There's Eden, the poet, who wants to make it big in New York. There's Finch, the perpetually restless. There's Remy, the one who takes being a Whiteoak the most seriously. There's Wakefield, the baby of the family.There are two marriages in in this book, one Adeline approves of and one that she doesn't. Her disapproval of it, as well as her expectation that even married couples live at Jalna, spells disaster, as one can expect.It's a rather quiet book. There's a lot more bite to its sequel, The Whiteoaks of Jalna.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Jalna is the first book that author Mazo De La Roche wrote in her series about the Whiteoaks, a Canadian family who live in Southern Ontario. Set in the years between the two great wars, this book introduces the family and follows the drama of two new brides that are brought home to Jalna.Chronologically, Jalna would be the seventh in the series and although this book gives one a good feel of what the series is about, I do think it would be better to read the series in the chronological order. One of the most interesting characters was the matriarch of the family whom we see turn 100 in Jalna. I am looking forward to reading of her early years when she and her husband first came to Canada and built the house.The series consists of some 16 books and covers the time period of 1853 to 1953. I am looking forward to reading about Canada during these years, and about this feisty family with their tensions, squabbles, drama and love which the author delivers with equal amounts of humor and pathos. Once one has sat around the dinner table with this family and their various pets, it would be hard not to want to continue on.

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Jalna - Mazo de la Roche




WAKEFIELD WHITEOAK ran on and on, faster and faster, till he could run no farther. He did not know why he had suddenly increased his speed. He did not even know why he ran. When, out of breath, he threw himself face down on the new spring sod of the meadow, he completely forgot that he had been running at all, and lay, his cheek pressed against the tender grass, his heart thudding against his ribs, without a thought in his head. He was no more happy or unhappy than the April wind that raced across his body or the young grass that quivered with life beneath it. He was simply alive, young, and pressed by the need of violent exertion.

Looking down into the crowding spears of grass, he could see an ant hurrying eagerly, carrying a small white object. He placed his finger before it, wondering what it would think when it found its way blocked by this tall, forbidding tower. Ants were notoriously persevering. It would climb up his finger, perhaps, and run across his hand. No, before it touched his finger, it turned sharply aside and hurried off in a fresh direction. Again he blocked its path, but it would not climb the finger. He persisted. The ant withstood. Harried, anxious, still gripping its little white bundle, it was not to be inveigled or bullied into walking on human flesh. Yet how often ants had scrabbled over him when he had least wanted them! One had even run into his ear once and nearly set him crazy. In sudden anger, he sat up, nipped the ant between his thumb and forefinger, and placed it firmly on the back of his hand. The ant dropped its bundle and lay down on its back, kicking its legs in the air and twisting its body. It was apparently in extreme anguish. He threw it away, half in disgust, half in shame. He had spoiled the silly old ant’s day for it. Perhaps it would die.

Briskly he began to search for it. Neither body nor bundle of ant was to be seen, but a robin, perched on a swinging branch of a wild cherry tree, burst into song. It filled the air with its rich throaty notes, tossing them on to the bright sunshine like ringing coins. Wakefield held an imaginary gun to his shoulder and took aim.

Bang! he shouted, but the robin went on singing just as though it had not been shot.

Look here, complained Wakefield, don’t you know when you’re dead? Dead birds don’t sing, I tell you.

The robin flew from the cherry tree and alighted on the topmost twig of an elm, where it sang more loudly than ever to show how very much alive it was. Wakefield lay down again, his head on his arm. The moist sweet smell of the earth was in his nostrils; the sun beat warmly on his back. He was wondering now whether that big white cloud that he had seen sailing up from the south was overhead yet. He would lie still and count one hundred—no, a hundred was too much, too sustained a mental effort on a morning like this; he would count up to fifty. Then he would look up, and if the cloud were overhead he would—well, he didn’t know what he would do, but it would be something terrific. Perhaps he would run at full speed to the creek and jump across, even if it were at the widest part. He pushed one hand into the pocket of his knickers and fingered his new agate marbles as he counted. A delicious drowsiness stole over him. A tender recollection of the lovely warm breakfast he had eaten filled him with peace. He wondered if it were still in his stomach, or had already changed into blood and bone and muscle. Such a breakfast should do a great deal of good. He clenched the hand belonging to the arm stretched under his head to test its muscle. Yes, it felt stronger—no doubt about that. If he kept on eating such breakfasts, the day would come when he would not stand any nonsense from Finch or from any of his brothers, even up to Renny. He supposed he would always let Meg bully him, but then Meg was a woman. A fellow couldn’t hit a woman, even though she was his sister.

There came no sound of a footstep to warn him. He simply felt himself helpless in the grasp of two iron hands. He was dazed by a shake, and set roughly on his feet, facing his eldest brother, who was frowning sternly. The two clumber spaniels at Renny’s heels jumped on Wakefield, licking his face and almost knocking him down in their joy at discovering him.

Renny, still gripping his shoulder, demanded: Why are you loafing about here, when you ought to be at Mr. Fennel’s? Do you know what time it is? Where are your books?

Wakefield tried to wriggle away. He ignored the first two questions, feeling instinctively that the third led to less dangerous channels. Left them at Mr. Fennel’s yesterday, he murmured.

Left them at Fennel’s? How the devil did you expect to do your homework?

Wakefield thought a moment. I used an old book of Finch’s for my Latin. I knew the poetry already. The history lesson was just to be the same thing over again, so’s I’d have time to think up my opinion of Cromwell. The Scripture of course I could get out of Meg’s Bible at home, and—he warmed to his subject, his large dark eyes shining—and I was doing the arithmetic in my head as you came along. He looked earnestly up into his brother’s face.

A likely story. But Renny was somewhat confused by the explanation, as he was meant to be. Now look here, Wake, I don’t want to be hard on you, but you’ve got to do better. Do you suppose I pay Mr. Fennel to teach you for the fun of it? Just because you’re too delicate to go to school isn’t any excuse for your being an idle little beast without an idea in your head but play. What have you got in your pockets?

Marbles—just a few, Renny.

Hand them over.

Renny held out his hand while the marbles were reluctantly extracted from the child’s pockets and heaped on his own palm. Wakefield did not feel in the least like crying, but his sense of the dramatic prompted him to shed tears as he handed over his treasures. He could always cry when he wanted to. He had only to shut his eyes tightly a moment and repeat to himself, Oh, how terrible! How terrible!—and in a moment the tears would come. When he made up his mind not to cry, no amount of abuse would make him. Now, as he dropped the marbles into Renny’s hand, he secretly moaned the magic formula, Oh, how terrible! How terrible! His chest heaved, the muscles in his throat throbbed, and soon tears trickled down his cheeks like rain.

Renny pocketed the marbles. No snivelling now. But he did not say it unkindly. And see that you’re not late for dinner. He lounged away, calling his dogs.

Wakefield took out his handkerchief, a clean one, still folded in a little square, put in his pocket by his sister that morning, and wiped his eyes. He watched Renny’s tall retreating figure till Renny looked back over his shoulder at him, then he broke into a jog trot toward the rectory. But the freedom of the morning was no longer his. He was full of care, a slender, sallow boy of nine, whose dark brown eyes seemed too large for his pointed face, wearing a greenish tweed jacket and shorts, and green stockings that showed his bare brown knees.

He crossed the field, climbed a sagging rail fence, and began to trot along a path that led beside a muddy, winding road. Soon the blacksmith shop appeared, noisy and friendly, between two majestic elms. An oriole was darting to and fro from elm to elm, and, when the clanging on the anvil ceased for a moment, its sweet liquid song was scattered down in a shower. Wakefield stopped in the doorway to rest.

Good morning, John, he said to John Chalk, the smith, who was paring the hoof of a huge, hairy-legged farm horse.

Good morning, answered Chalk, glancing up with a smile, for he and Wake were old friends. It’s a fine day.

A fine day for those that have time to enjoy it. I’ve got beastly old lessons to do.

I suppose you don’t call what I’m doing work, eh? returned Chalk.

Oh, well, it’s nice work. Interesting work. Not like history and comp.

What’s ‘comp.’?

Composition. You write about things you’re not interested in. Now, my last subject was A Spring Walk.’

Well, that ought to be easy. You’ve just had one."

Oh, but that’s different. When you sit down to write about it, it all seems stupid. You begin, I set out one fine spring morning,’ and then you can’t think of a single thing to write about.

Why not write about me?

Wakefield gave a jeering laugh. "Who’d want to read about you! This comp. stuff has got to be read, don’t you see?"

Conversation was impossible for a space, while the blacksmith hammered the shoe into place. Wakefield sniffed the delicious odour of burnt hoof that hung almost visibly on the air.

Chalk put down the large foot he had been nursing, and remarked:

There was a man wrote a piece of poetry about a blacksmith once. ‘Under a spreading chestnut tree,’ it began. Ever read it? He must have wrote it to be read, eh?

Oh, I know that piece. It’s awful bunk. And besides, he wasn’t your kind of blacksmith. He didn’t get drunk and give his wife a black eye and knock his kids around—

Look here! interrupted Chalk with great heat. Cut out that insultin’ kind of talk or I’ll shy a hammer at you.

Wakefield backed away, but said, judicially, There you go. Just proving what I said. You’re not the kind of blacksmith to write comp. or even poetry about. You’re not beautiful. Mr. Fennel says we should write of beautiful things.

Well, I know I ain’t beautiful, agreed Chalk, reluctantly. But I ain’t as bad as all that.

All what? Wakefield successfully assumed Mr. Fennel’s air of schoolmasterish probing.

That I can’t be writ about.

Well, then, Chalk, suppose I was to write down everything I know about you and hand it to Mr. Fennel’ for comp. Would you be pleased?

I say I’ll be pleased to fire a hammer at you if you don’t clear out! shouted Chalk, backing the heavy mare toward the door.

Wakefield moved agilely aside as the great dappled flank approached, then he set off down the road—which had suddenly become a straggling street—with much dignity. The load of care that he had been carrying slid from him, leaving him light and airy. As he approached a cottage enclosed by a neat wicket fence, he saw a six-year-old girl swinging on the gate.

Oo, Wakefield! she squealed, delightedly. Come an’ swing me. Swing me!

Very well, my little friend, agreed Wakefield, cheerily. "You shall be swung, ad infinitum. Verbum sapienti."

He swung the gate to and fro, the child laughing at first, then shrieking, finally uttering hiccoughing sobs as the swinging became wilder, and her foothold less secure, while she clung like a limpet to the palings.

The door of the cottage opened and the mother appeared.

Leave her be, you naughty boy! she shouted, running to her daughter’s assistance. You see if I don’t tell your brother on you!

Which brother? asked Wakefield, moving away. I have four, you know.

Why, the oldest to be sure. Mr. Whiteoak that owns this cottage.

Wakefield spoke confidentially now. Mrs. Wigle, I wouldn’t if I were you. It upsets Renny terribly to have to punish me, on account of my weak heart—I can’t go to school because of it—and he’d have to punish me if a lady complained of me, of course, though Muriel did ask me to swing her and I’d never have swung her if I hadn’t thought she was used to being swung, seeing the way she was swinging as I swung along the street. Besides, Renny mightn’t like to think that Muriel was racking the gate to pieces by swinging on it, and he might raise your rent on you. He’s a most peculiar man, and he’s liable to turn on you when you least expect it.

Mrs. Wigle looked dazed. Very well, she said, patting the back of Muriel, who still sobbed and hiccoughed against her apron; but I do wish he’d mend my roof, which leaks into the best room like all possessed every time it rains.

I’ll speak to him about it. I’ll see that it’s mended at once. Trust me, Mrs. Wigle. He sailed off, erect and dignified.

Already he could see the church, perched on an abrupt, cedar-clad knoll, its square stone tower rising, almost menacing, like a battlement against the sky. His grandfather had built it seventy-five years before. His grandfather, his father, and his mother slept in the churchyard beside it. Beyond the church and hidden by it was the rectory, where he had his lessons.

Now his footsteps lagged. He was before the shop of Mrs. Brawn, who had not only sweets but soft drinks, buns, pies, and sandwiches for sale. The shop was simply the front room of her cottage, fitted with shelves and a counter, and her wares were displayed on a table in the window. He felt weak and faint. His tongue clove to the roof of his mouth with thirst. His stomach felt hollow and slightly sick. Plainly, no one on earth ever needed refreshment more than he, and no one on earth had less means for the payment for such succour. He examined the contents of his pockets, but, though there was much in them of great value to himself, there was not one cent in hard cash, which was all that Mrs. Brawn really cared about. He could see her crimson face inside the window, and he smiled ingratiatingly, for he owed her thirteen cents and he did not see where he was ever going to get the money to pay it. She came to the door.

Well, young man, what about that money you owe me? She was brusque indeed.

Oh, Mrs. Brawn, I aren’t feeling very well this morning. I get these spells. I dare say you’ve heard about them. I’d like a bottle of lemon soda, please. And about paying— He passed his hand across his brow and continued hesitatingly: I don’t believe I should have come out in the sun without my cap, do you? What was I saying? Oh, yes, about paying. Well, you see my birthday’s coming very soon and I’ll be getting money presents from all the family. Eighteen cents will seem no more to me than thirteen then. Even a dollar will be nothing.

When does your birthday come? Mrs. Brawn was weakening.

Again he passed his hand across his forehead, then laid it on his stomach, where he believed his heart to be. I can’t exactly remember, ‘cos there are so many birthdays in our family I get mixed up. Between Grandmother’s great age and my few years and all those between, it’s a little confusing, but I know it’s very soon. As he talked, he had entered the shop and stood leaning against the counter. Lemon soda, please, and two straws, he murmured.

Peace possessed him as Mrs. Brawn produced the bottle, uncorked it, and set it before him with the straws.

How is the old lady? she inquired.

Nicely, thank you. We’re hoping she’ll reach one hundred yet. She’s trying awfully hard to. ‘Cos she wants to see the celebration we’ll have. A party, with a big bonfire and skyrockets. She says she’d be sorry to miss it, though of course we won’t have it if she’s dead, and she couldn’t miss what never really happened, could she, even if it was her own birthday party?

You’ve a wonderful gift of the gab. Mrs. Brawn beamed at him admiringly.

Yes, I have, he agreed, modestly. If I hadn’t, I’d have no show at all, being the youngest of such a large family. Grandmother and I do a good deal of talking, she at her end of the line and I at mine. You see, we both feel that we may not have many years more to live, so we make the most of everything that comes our way.

Oh, my goodness, don’t talk that way. You’ll be all right. She was round-eyed with sympathy. Don’t worry, my dear.

I’m not worrying, Mrs. Brawn. It’s my sister does the worrying. She’s had a terrible time raising me, and of course I’m not raised yet. He smiled sadly, and then bent his small dark head over the bottle, sucking ecstatically.

Mrs. Brawn disappeared into the kitchen behind the shop. A fierce heat came from there, and the tantalizing smell of cakes baking, and the sound of women’s voices. What a good time women had! Red-faced Mrs. Brawn especially. Baking all the cakes she wanted and selling all those she couldn’t eat, and getting paid for them. How he wished he had a cake. Just one little hot cake!

As he drew the lovely drink up through the straws, his eyes, large and bright, roved over the counter. Near him was a little tray of packets of chewing gum. He was not allowed to chew it, but he yearned over it, especially that first moment of chewing, when the thick, sweet, highly flavoured juice gushed down the throat, nearly choking him. Before he knew it—well, almost before he knew it—he had taken a packet from the tray, dropped it into his pocket, and gone on sucking, but now with his eyes tightly closed.

Mrs. Brawn returned with two hot little sponge cakes on a plate and set them down before him. I thought you’d like them just out of the oven. They’re a present, mind. They’ll not go on your account.

He was almost speechless with gratitude. Oh, thank you, thank you, was all he could say, at first. Then, But what a shame! I’ve gone and drunk up all my soda and now I’ll have to eat my cakes dry, unless, of course, I buy another bottle of something. His eyes flew over the shelves. I believe I’ll take ginger ale this time, Mrs. Brawn, thank you. And those same straws will do.

All right. And Mrs. Brawn opened another bottle and plumped it down before him.

The cakes had a delicious crisp crust and, buried in the heart of each, about six juicy currants. Oh, they were lovely!

As he sauntered from the shop and then climbed the steep steps to the church, he pondered on the subjects assigned for today’s lessons. Which of his two most usual moods, he wondered, would Mr. Fennel be in? Exacting, alert, or absent-minded and drowsy? Well, whatever the mood, he was now at the mercy of it, little, helpless, alone.

He trotted through the cool shadow of the church, among the gravestones, hesitating a moment beside the iron fence which enclosed his family’s plot. His eyes rested on the granite plinth bearing the name Whiteoak; then, wistfully, on the small stone marked Mary Whiteoak, wife of Philip Whiteoak. His mother’s grave. His grandfather lay there too; his father; his father’s first wife—the mother of Renny and Meg; and several infant Whiteoaks. He had always liked this plot of ground. He liked the pretty iron fence and the darling little iron balls that dangled from it. He wished he could stay there this morning and play beside it. He must bring a big bunch of the kingcups that he had seen spilled like gold along the stream yesterday, and lay them on his mother’s grave. Perhaps he would give a few to the mother of Renny and Meg also, but none to the men, of course; they wouldn’t care about them; nor to the babies, unless to Gwynneth, aged five months, because he liked her name.

He had noticed that when Meg brought flowers to the graves she always gave the best to her own mother, Margaret, while to Mary—his mother and Eden’s and Piers’s and Finch’s—she gave a smaller, less beautiful bunch. Well, he would do the same. Margaret should have a few, but they should be inferior—not wilted or anything, but not quite so fine and large.

The rectory was a mellow-looking house with a long sloping roof and high-pointed gable. The front door stood open. He was not expected to knock, so he entered quietly, first composing his face into an expression of meek receptiveness. The library was empty. There lay his books on the little desk in the corner at which he always sat. Feebly he crossed the worn carpet and sank into his accustomed chair, burying his head in his hands. The tall clock ticked heavily, saying, Wake-field—Wake-field—Wake—Wake—Wake— Wake— Then, strangely, Sleep—sleep—sleep—sleep...

The smell of stuffy furniture and old books oppressed him. He heard the thud of a spade in the garden. Mr. Fennel was planting potatoes. Wakefield dozed a little, his head sinking nearer and nearer the desk. At last he slept peacefully.

He was awakened by Mr. Fennel’s coming in, rather earthy, rather dazed, very contrite.

Oh, my dear boy, he stammered, I’ve kept you waiting, I’m afraid. I was just hurrying to get my potatoes in before the full of the moon. Superstitious, I know, but still— Now, let’s see; what Latin was it for today?

The clock buzzed, struck twelve.

Mr. Fennel came and bent over the little boy. How have you got on this morning? He was peering at the Latin textbook that Wakefield had opened.

As well as could be expected, by myself, thank you. He spoke with gentle dignity, just touched by reproach.

Mr. Fennel leaned still closer over the page. "Um-m, let’s see. Etsi in his locis maturae sunt hiemes "

Mr. Fennel, interrupted Wakefield.

Yes, Wake. He turned his shaggy beard, on which a straw was pendent, toward the boy.

Renny wondered if you would let me out promptly at twelve today. You see, yesterday I was late for dinner, and it upset Grandmother, and at her age—

Certainly, certainly. I’ll let you off. Ah, that was too bad, upsetting dear Mrs. Whiteoak. It must not happen again. We must be prompt, Wakefield. Both you and I. Run along then, and I’ll get back to my potatoes. Hurriedly he assigned the tasks for tomorrow.

I wonder, said Wakefield, if Tom (Mr. Fennel’s son), when he’s got the pony and cart out this afternoon, would drop my books at the house for me. You see, I’ll need both dictionaries and the atlas. They’re pretty heavy, and as I am late already I’ll need to run every bit of the way.

He emerged into the noontide brightness, light as air, the transportation of his books arranged for, his brain unfired by encounters with Caesar or Oliver Cromwell, and his body refreshed by two sponge cakes and two bottles of soft drink, ready for fresh pleasurable exertion.

He returned the way he had come, only pausing once to let an importunate sow, deeply dissatisfied with the yard where she was imprisoned, into the road. She trotted beside him for a short distance, pattering along gaily, and when they parted, where an open garden gate attracted her, she did not neglect to throw a glance of roguish gratitude over her shoulder to him.

Glorious, glorious life! When he reached the field where the stream was, the breeze had become a wind that ruffled up his hair and whistled through his teeth as he ran. It was as good a playfellow as he wanted, racing him, blowing the clouds about for his pleasure, shaking out the blossoms of the wild cherry tree like spray.

As he ran, he flung his arms forward alternately like a swimmer; he darted off at sudden tangents, shying like a skittish horse, his face now fierce with rolling eyes, now blank as a gambolling lamb’s.

It was an erratic progress, and, as he crept through his accustomed hole in the cedar hedge on to the shaggy lawn, he began to be afraid that he might, after all, be late for dinner. He entered the house quietly and heard the click of dishes and the sound of voices in the dining room.

Dinner was in progress, the older members of the family already assembled, when the youngest (idler, liar, thief, wastrel that he was!) presented himself at the door.



THERE seemed a crowd of people about the table, and all were talking vigorously at once. Yet, in talking, they did not neglect their meal, which was a hot, steaming dinner, for dishes were continually being passed, knives and forks clattered energetically, and occasionally a speaker was not quite coherent until he had stopped to wash down the food that impeded his utterance with a gulp of hot tea. No one paid any attention to Wakefield as he slipped into his accustomed place on the right of his half sister Meg. As soon as he had begun to come to table he had been set there, first in a high chair, then, as he grew larger, on a thick volume of British Poets, an anthology read by no member of the family and, from the time when it was first placed under him, known as Wakefield’s book. As a matter of fact, he did not need its added inches to be able to handle competently his knife and fork now, but he had got used to it, and for a Whiteoak to get used to anything meant a tenacious and stubborn clinging to it. He liked the feel of its hard boards under him, though occasionally, after painful acquaintance with Renny’s shaving strop or Meg’s slipper, he could have wished the Poets had been padded.

I want my dinner! He raised his voice, in a very different tone from the conciliatory one he had used to Mrs. Brawn, Mrs. Wigle, and the rector. My dinner, please!

Hush. Meg took from him the fork with which he was stabbing the air. Renny, will you please give this child some beef? He won’t eat the fat, remember. Just nice lean.

He ought to be made to eat the fat. It’s good for him. Renny hacked off some bits of the meat, adding a rim of fat.

Grandmother spoke, in a voice guttural with food: Make him eat the fat. Good for him. Children spoiled nowadays. Give him nothing but the fat. I eat fat and I’m nearly a hundred.

Wakefield glared across the table at her resentfully. Shan’t eat the fat. I don’t want to be a hundred.

Grandmother laughed throatily, not at all ill-pleased. Never fear, my dear, you won’t do it. None of you will do it but me. Ninety-nine, and I never miss a meal. Some of the dish gravy, Renny, on this bit of bread. Dish gravy, please.

She held up her plate, shaking a good deal. Uncle Nicholas, her eldest son, who sat beside her, took it from her and passed it to Renny, who tipped the platter till the ruddy juice collected in a pool at one end. He put two spoonfuls of this over the square of bread. More, more, ordered Grandmother, and he trickled a third spoonful. Enough, enough, muttered Nicholas.

Wakefield watched her, enthralled, as she ate. She wore two rows of artificial teeth, probably the most perfect, most efficacious that had ever been made. Whatever was put between them they ground remorselessly into fuel for her endless vitality. To them many of her ninety-and-nine years were due. His own plate, to which appetizing little mounds of mashed potatoes and turnips had been added by Meg, lay untouched before him while he stared at Grandmother.

Stop staring, whispered Meg, admonishingly, and eat your dinner.

Well, take off that bit of fat, then, he whispered back, leaning toward her.

She took it on to her own plate.

The conversation buzzed on in its former channel. What was it all about, Wake wondered vaguely, but he was too much interested in his dinner to care greatly. Phrases flew over his head, words clashed. Probably it was just one of the old discussions provocative of endless talk: what crops should be sown that year; what to make of Finch, who went to school in town; which of Grandmother’s three sons had made the worst mess of his life—Nicholas, who sat on her left, and who had squandered his patrimony on fast living in his youth; Ernest, who sat on her right, and who had ruined himself by nebulous speculations and the backing of notes for his brothers and his friends; or Philip, who lay in the churchyard, who had made a second marriage (and that beneath him!) which had produced Eden, Piers, Finch, and Wakefield, unnecessary additions to the family’s already too great burdens.

The dining room was a very large room, full of heavy furniture that would have overshadowed and depressed a weaker family. The sideboard, the cabinets towered toward the ceiling. Heavy cornices glowered ponderously from above. Inside shutters and long curtains of yellow velours, caught back by cable-like cords, with tassels at the ends shaped like the wooden human figures in a Noah’s ark, seemed definitely to shut out the rest of the world from the world of the Whiteoaks, where they squabbled, ate, drank, and indulged in their peculiar occupations.

Those spaces on the wall not covered by furniture were covered by family portraits in oil, heavily framed, varied in

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