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An Open Heart: A Novel
An Open Heart: A Novel
An Open Heart: A Novel
Ebook425 pages6 hours

An Open Heart: A Novel

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Their Messages—From Beyond the Grave—Might Destroy Him They hover between life and death, their hearts stopped on the surgery table. And the messages Dr. Jace Rawlings’ open-heart surgery patients bring back from beyond the grave cannot be ignored. For they predict the deaths of people around him, and point a finger of suspicion straight at him. It thrusts Jace into a firestorm of controversy and danger. A maelstrom blown by the darker winds of political intrigue and spiritual warfare. And the forces working against him will do anything to stop him from uncovering a truth they will kill to hide. He’d come to Kenya to establish a heart-surgery program for the poor. But what he will find in that place where he grew up will put everything at risk–his marriage, his career . . . his life.
PublisherDavid C Cook
Release dateJun 1, 2013

Harry Kraus

Harry Lee Kraus, MD, (www.cuttingedgefiction.com) is the bestselling author of ten books, including Could I Have This Dance? For the Rest of My Life, and All I’ll Ever Need. He draws from his career as a board-certified general surgeon to flavor his writing with exceptional authenticity and technical knowledge. He and his wife, Kris, are missionaries serving in East Africa.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was slow to start for me, but once I got into it, I didn't want to stop reading. The title can have several meanings: the main character is a heart surgeon who performs open heart surgery; a person's heart must be open before he can accept Jesus as his savior; a Christian's heart should be open to God's calling--just to name a few. Most of the novel is set in Kenya. It's interesting to see the contrast between what we have here in the US and what a missionary in Kenya experiences.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Interesting All the Way AroundThis book is interesting on so many levels. The descriptions of life in Africa for missionaries and their families, as well as the lives of the Kenyans creates a rich, unusual, unexplored setting. The openness of the Kenyans to the spiritual world provides the necessary spiritual depth to the story. The detailed descriptions of the medical aspects lend an aspect of realism to the story that allows the reader to feel that they are actually following a surgeon in all his activities. The evil officials on both sides of the ocean build the suspense, as Dr. Rawlings struggles to find both him and the truth. This book has interesting characters that make the story come off the page. This is a book for any reader that enjoys a book with enough depth to the story to make you think while keeping you entertained and learning.

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An Open Heart - Harry Kraus



Jace Rawlings, MD, sat in the damp Kenyan jail with his back against the stone wall. He leaned forward, his once-defiant posture erased as he slumped in defeat. He looked at his watch. His fall from prominence as a much-sought-after cardiothoracic surgeon in Virginia to the sweaty holding cell in equatorial Africa had taken exactly thirty-seven hours, twenty minutes.

Another inmate, one of some thirty-odd men in a fifteen-foot square cell, leaned against him and smiled through green juice dripping from his chin. Jace recognized the man’s striking mix of Arabic and African features—he was Somali, and his vice was khat, the addictive stimulant plant chewed for pleasure.

Jace counted. He was one of thirty-four men being held in this cell at a Kenyan police station in Uplands, a town on the edge of the Great Rift Valley. Perhaps he should be thankful for the crowded cell. The sun would soon set, and at their present altitude, just under eight thousand feet, human flesh would provide the only defense against the cold.

The Great Rift Valley etched a ragged scar from the Middle East through the top half of the Dark Continent, parting Africa in much the same way as the corrupt politics, tribalism, and poverty divided its people into haves and have-nots. Renowned for its rich animal life, Africa spread a veneer of beauty over a landscape of blood, military rebellion, and HIV.

Jace averted his eyes from a man relieving himself into a bucket in the corner of the room. The overpowering odor indicated the single waste bucket was at least half-full.

Not half-empty as his estranged wife would have seen it. He winced as he thought of her, and in spite of being an ocean away, he could feel her judgment over his current predicament. Always trying to save the world, aren’t you, Jace? Well, look where it’s gotten you now.

There was one window in the cell, a good eight feet from the ground, opening to a sky colored by the setting sun. The walls were unpainted stone, drab gray except for a brown section of mud beneath the window. Jace heard a whistle outside and the unintelligible sounds of a tribal tongue. Two prisoners jumped to their feet. One stretched high and grabbed the window bars, trying to see out as his feet scrambled up the muddy stripe on the wall.

A moment later, the prisoner dropped back to the ground, holding a small black plastic bag retrieved from the other side. He ripped it open and smiled as he pulled out fresh chapatis, the fried-bread staple famous in Kenya.

A fist dissolved his smile. The man dropped to his knees as a flurry of blows bloodied his face. The chapatis now belonged to a muscled man whose wild look of determination warded off any challenge. Jace studied the new owner of the bread. He wore a shuka, the traditional dress of the Maasai tribe. His earlobes dangled, pierced with holes large enough to accommodate a plump carrot. The man sat against the wall next to Jace. I must look like the least likely threat to his prize.

The occupants of the room seemed to be settled along tribal lines. The dark-skinned, wide-nosed Luos gathered at the far corner. Others with lighter skin and sharper features kept to themselves. Jace recognized them as Kikuyus, the tribe of Kenya’s president. Jace, the room’s only mzungu, or white person, huddled in a corner with the rest of the minorities: a few harsh-tongued Somalis and the chapati-bearing Maasai.

He closed his eyes. Think, Jace. How are you going to get out of this?

If-onlys crowded out hope. If only he’d upgraded to first class, maybe he wouldn’t have arrived so sleep deprived, and his reactions would have been quicker. If only he’d let someone else pick him up at the airport instead of agreeing to drive a friend’s Land Rover. If only that last goat hadn’t tried to cross the road. He slipped his hand into his suit-coat pocket and closed it around a small wad of shillings, the local currency. If only he’d been willing to pay the bribe, he could have avoided the whole mess.

He should have known that the crowd that gathered around his Land Rover would have sided with the locals. He was speeding, they had all agreed. Kikuyu mamas with colorful clashing sweaters and headscarves. Barefoot children pushing roasted corn beneath his nose, hoping for a sale. An old man on a donkey cart had rubbed his gray chin-stubble and nodded with apparent wisdom. Shouldn’t race on our roads. Everyone claimed it was Jace’s fault.

The goat had broken from the herd on the side of the road at the last moment. Jace, who knew his speed was slow compared to the matatu drivers who had passed him on the road, had had no time to respond. He’d slammed the brakes, but nailed the goat. Crunch. An unforgettable sound.

Nor could Jace dislodge the image of the goat. Gray and brown splotches over a base coloring of white. A gray patch in the center of a brown circle. Right before impact, Jace had thought, Looks just like a target.

He shouldn’t have stopped.

Stopping had caused all the problems.

A boy claiming possession of the goat had demanded ten thousand shillings. Jace wasn’t aware of the current market price for goats, but he was sure that the boy had jacked the price at least fivefold after seeing the color of his skin and the newness of the Land Rover. At that point, Jace let his determination—a quality his wife called stubbornness—rule. He wasn’t about to cave in to that kind of extortion.

A police officer arrived. I am authorized to mediate a solution.

Jace shook his head. His goat should not have been in the road.

The officer smiled. Give him something for his trouble. He eyed the Land Rover. My mediation fee is two thousand shillings.

Jace shook his head again.

The officer drove Jace’s Land Rover to the Uplands Police Station.

If only Jace had paid the bribe. If only.

He slumped against the wall as the chill and his fatigue began exacting a toll. But despite his predicament, he steeled his resolution. He had right on his side.

But this was Africa. As they say, TIA. This is Africa. He smiled. Yes. Africa. After twenty-two years, he was home.

Mzee Simeon Okayo’s forehead wrinkled beneath a white afro. Behind him, a four-story hotel under construction dwarfed his small duka advertising herbal cures for HIV. As a town elder of Kisii, Okayo was respected and feared.

For more than fifty years, Okayo had practiced traditional witchcraft, serving a clientele both common and elite. He feared he might need to move his shop soon, but so far, the large Nairobi construction firm responsible for building the hotel next door had been unwilling to cross him, fearing a further slowing of their progress. If you could call the inertia surrounding the five-year project progress. He looked at the trees lashed together, forming a tenuous scaffolding that surrounded the building site, a curious mix of traditional and modern. He shook his head. Another worker had fallen to his death just last week. No surprise to the witch doctor. They should have been paying him for protection.

He’d spent most of the day planning a cleansing ritual. It seemed the body of a Kisii tribesman was refusing burial. Two hearses carrying the body had attempted the one-hundred-fifty-mile journey from Nairobi, heading for Kisii, a bustling town nestled in the hills of southwestern Kenya. The first became hopelessly mired in mud. The second was sideswiped by a speeding matatu—a bus—and ran into a ditch, dumping the red, black, and green casket onto the roadside in the process. Okayo planned to chant, dance, and sprinkle a secret mixture of herbs over the colorful coffin to pacify the soul of the dead.

But a call from a minister of parliament in Nairobi had diverted his plans, demanding that he assist in another more urgent matter. A matter to be managed with discretion. He smiled. At least this business could be accomplished from his shop. He would not have to change into business attire and work in the presence of the minister. Although he moved with ease between the two worlds, he much preferred the simplicity of animal skins rather than a three-piece suit.

He moved about his one-room shop with methodical slowness, selecting seeds from one large basket, bones from another, and a dark liquid from a hollow gourd. His office appeared disorganized to others, but to Okayo, everything was in the perfect place.

Behind a glass counter lay his most valuable medicines. On a marred wooden table, a note was fixed to the back of an aging cash register: Current prices set by management.

The outside of his little duka was coated with a thick slathering of orange paint. Green lettering on the wall next to a solitary window advertised the most frequently used services. Communication with the dead. Relationship consultation. Cancer treatments. Cure HIV. Break curses. Send curses.

Across the street, a woman selling soapstone carvings cackled over daily gossip and hoped a white tourist would buy. Looking is free. Come into my shop. Special price for you.

Okayo spent several minutes mixing a dark powder and then poured it into a glass bottle. He rolled a newspaper photograph and slid it, too, into the bottle. He inserted a cork and lowered himself onto a stool in front of his shop, leaning forward over a small charcoal fire. He muttered a series of words in his mother tongue, then heated the bottle, waving it above the glowing coals. When the powder began to smoke, he screamed and threw the bottle against the rutted clay roadside.

A curious tourist across the street fidgeted with a large bag and began to lift a camera—but halted when Okayo met her gaze.

He turned his attention back to the mess at his feet. Be free, he whispered.

Beneath his feet, smudged with black powder and laying among the shards of glass, was a photograph cut from Nairobi’s largest newspaper, The Standard. A man wearing a white lab coat. A caption read, Dr. Jace Rawlings, US heart surgeon, to return to Kenya.

Jace awoke with a start, his face stinging. He touched his cheek and looked into the face of his attacker, a large Kenyan with his hand raised above his head.

Jace covered his face with his arms and felt himself being lifted to his feet. There was something wet on his lip. Jace touched his nose. Blood. He tried to focus. More blood dripping on the floor at his feet.

A bare lightbulb hung from the ceiling behind his foe—a dark, menacing silhouette with breath worse than burnt rubber. Take off the coat.

Jace slipped his hand into his pockets. The shillings were gone, no doubt stolen while he slept. He hesitated. Too long. The shadowy figure hit him again, knocking him back against the wall.

He heard laughter. No one would come to the rescue of the rich mzungu. Here, Jace said, pulling his arms from the coatsleeves. Take it.

Jace slid down the wall, his face throbbing. He pinched his nose, feeling the grit of bone against bone. The ache was horrible, but he needed to stop the faucet that painted the floor between his feet.

A few minutes later, with the flow reduced to a few drops, Jace looked up to see the man modeling his new jacket, grinning through crooked teeth like he’d won the lottery.

Don’t they even give a man a phone call in this place? You can’t be jailed for an accident, can you?

There had been no arrest. No judge or magistrate. Simply an angry officer bent on leveraging some jail time for a bribe.

Jace thought about his luggage in the back of his friend’s Land Rover. At the last minute before leaving the airport, he’d covered the three large trunks with an old carpet fragment so they wouldn’t attract attention. In Kenya, anything of value visible in a vehicle was fair invitation for thievery.

He closed his eyes but couldn’t sleep. The pain that enveloped his face had robbed him of that. He eyed the bucket in the corner. Soon, he would have to take his turn. Jace didn’t want to think of that. How could he relieve himself in front of these men?

A few minutes later, he had a new problem. Cold. Without his jacket, he’d begun to chill. He looked at the lone window. The sky was just beginning to lighten. Hopefully, the day would warm up once the sun cleared the horizon.

He hugged himself as footsteps echoed from the hallway beyond the holding cell. An officer appeared, this one younger and slimmer than the one who’d brought Jace the night before. He read from a clipboard. Mr. Rawlings.

Jace struggled to his feet. He stared for a moment at the man wearing his coat, a vain attempt to call attention, hoping the officer might notice. He knew the rules of this place. Treat the police like they were the bosses. Don’t resist. Yes, sir, he answered.

The officer slammed a club against the bars at the front of the cell, hitting the fingers of an old man clutching the bars. Back away. All of you, he said. The old man stumbled away, wailing and holding his hand. You, he said, pointing his club at Jace. Come here.

Jace nodded and stepped forward. The officer unlocked and opened the door.

You’re free to go.

I can go? What about—

The matter has been settled.

Jace wouldn’t argue, though he didn’t understand.

The officer handed Jace his keys. Your vehicle is parked behind the station.

Outside, cool air greeted Jace. The sky to the east was brilliant with orange and purple hues.

Jace found the Land Rover, and his luggage was undisturbed. Amazing. He was just starting to drive across the nearly deserted lot when he saw a Kenyan boy running across the parking lot toward him. He braked to a stop. The boy carried a goat, which he set down just before arriving beside Jace’s vehicle. The goat scampered off a few feet until the rope the boy held drew tight. Jace stared at the goat. White with gray and brown splotches. A gray patch in the center of a brown circle. Like a target.

Jace’s mouth fell open. What the—

Now Jace recognized the boy. The one who had tried to charge him ten thousand shillings for a dead goat.

The boy’s eyes were wide with awe, a clear white section completely visible surrounding the dark iris. You touched my goat.

Jace shook his head, trying to remember. Yes, he had knelt over the goat at the scene. The goat had been bleeding from the nose and mouth and had taken one last gasp before jerking into the stillness of death.

The boy reached out to place his palm against the window next to Jace’s face. You are a magic man.


Heather Rawlings awoke with a start and reached across the bed. It had been a month since she’d asked Jace to leave, but she still thought of it the same way. Jace’s side. As many days as they’d been separated, and she couldn’t bring herself to sprawl into his space. She pulled a pillow, his, to her face. A moment later, she rose and took the pillow to the hall closet and stuffed it above a stack of blankets on the top shelf.

She plodded to the kitchen and flipped on the drip coffeemaker. She’d hoped that time away from Jace would bring clarity to her thinking. Instead, her loneliness only accentuated her confusion.

Coffee in hand, she flipped on her MacBook and clicked the Get Mail icon. Nothing from Jace. Not that she’d expected him to give her updates.

The last months had been a whirl. She’d fallen into media attention as the wife of the man who’d saved the governor. She’d watched Jace enjoy the limelight, struggled to trust him when the papers brought accusations, stood by him through rehabilitation from a head injury, and then asked him to leave when he seemed intent on running away to Africa to escape his troubles.

She stood and paused at the window, looking at the sun reflecting off the daffodils. Jace had swept into her life on a spring morning just like this. They were freshmen at a small Christian college in western Virginia. She’d landed a work-study job in the office of the dean of men, part of a program to help financially needy students pay for tuition. Heather had been raised in Mozambique as part of a missionary family. She’d made a few friends in college but was having a hard time relating to the other freshmen girls. All they seemed to talk about was boys, clothes, and celebrities, and she had no experience with any of those things. After seeing poverty, the results of civil war, and the devastation of HIV, she didn’t understand American television or the preoccupation with all things material. Her suitemates’ only concern seemed to be that the shopping available around the school was paltry compared to the malls in northern Virginia, where their fathers worked in lucrative law practices or the government.

That’s why her interest was piqued when Dean Welty walked out of his office escorting a young man. Heather, the dean said, "Mr. Rawlings needs a copy of the school brochure entitled Stewards of a Green Earth. You’ll find it in the information-packet materials."

Sure, she responded. Heather retrieved the pamphlet and handed it to the student, who offered a smile above an untidy goatee. He wore a pair of jeans, a ripped T-shirt, and a pair of blue flip-flops. His hair was a tangle of beautiful curls.

Time for penance, he said, clutching the pamphlet.


He rolled his eyes. Blue as the Indian Ocean on the Mozambique coast. Ask him, he said, nodding his head toward the dean.

She watched the young man disappear, measuring his proud stance and muscular shoulders as he walked. When she looked at the dean, he was studying her. Stay away from that one, Heather. He’s trouble.

What did he do?

Seems the MK thinks he’s still in Africa. A raccoon was making noise outside his dorm room, upset a garbage can. So he took his bow and arrow and shot him. The dean shook his head and chuckled. Right in the middle of campus, like it was hunting season or something.

Heather put her hand to her mouth to hide a smile before stepping to the window to look out over the campus from their third-floor office. Daffodils were in bloom. She watched until she saw Mr. Rawlings bound down the concrete steps and onto the lawn. MK? She uncovered her smile. He’s a missionary kid?

She looked back at the dean. He killed a raccoon?

Skinned it in the dorm lounge. Said he wanted to cure the hide to hang on his wall.

What was the dean expecting her to say? Didn’t he understand that she was an MK too? She selected a word she imagined coming out of one of her suitemates. Barbaric.

Exactly. I’ve assigned him a five-page paper. A response to reading our policy. He turned to go back into his office. Could you be sure he hands it in by Friday?

I can follow up, she said. What’s his name?

Jace. Jace Rawlings.

She sat back at her desk, with the memory of Jace’s blue eyes still fresh. You killed a raccoon with an arrow?

She smiled. I’ll bet I’m a better shot than you.

Zombie-like from two nights on a plane and a third in a Kenyan jail, all Jace wanted was a bed. Well, maybe a shower and a bed. It took him thirty minutes to travel from the jail to Kijabe, the home of Kijabe Hospital and Jace’s alma matter, Rift Valley Academy. He’d made arrangements to rent a small house, and after picking up a set of keys from the station hostess, he parked the Land Rover in a carport and made quick business of unlocking first the barred external metal door and then the regular wooden front door of his new dwelling.

He walked from room to room, taking it all in. Sparsely furnished. Small kitchen, sitting area, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. He’d turn one of the bedrooms into a study. He nodded. Far from his spacious home in Virginia, but adequate. Out of habit, he opened the refrigerator. The welcoming committee had stocked a few basics. Milk, butter, cheese, and some hamburger meat. A carton of eggs sat atop the kitchen counter, and a gift basket adorned a small kitchen table. Sugar, tea, coffee, and a small jar of a dark-red jam.

He stopped in front of the bathroom mirror. Deep purple had settled below his left eye. He held a tube of Crest toothpaste at arm’s length and shut first one eye, then the other. Vision okay. He gently touched his nose, forcing himself to palpate deeply enough to ascertain the bones were straight beneath the swelling. There was a subtle offset pointing toward the left. His eyes watered with the pain. Leaning over the sink, he took a deep breath and steadied one hand over the other, gripping the bridge of his nose. He paused, testing his resolve. He’d once taken a karate class in college. There he had learned to shout the kiai, the scream to harmonize or focus your energy during a physical fight. He looked away from his own image and began an energy-focusing scream, starting guttural and low and rapidly rising in pitch and volume. He pulled down hard. Bone grated against bone. In an instant, an involuntary scream replaced the kiai. Tears rolled from his eyes and mixed with fresh blood dripping onto the white porcelain sink.

Electricity jolted through his face. Beyond the scream, silence. For a moment, the room darkened. Jace dropped to his knees, aware only of pain, throbbing and rhythmic, threatening to take over all other sensory input. His next conscious thought burst from somewhere behind his eyes. Breathe!

He’d been holding his breath. Open your mouth. Take a breath!

Involuntarily, he obeyed.

Gently, with trembling fingers, he explored the length of his too-soft nose. Better.

He found ibuprofen, took four, and then added two extra-strength Tylenol from his toiletry bag.

In spite of the pain, he found himself chuckling. Just like the old rugby days at RVA. Welcome back to Kijabe.

Kijabe carried a weight of memories for him, both wonderful and horrifying. He would face them in time. For now, his head felt slow, his thoughts fighting their way forward through a fog of sleep deprivation. After a shower, he surrendered to the coma of sleep, not caring that it was morning in Kenya. Readjusting his clock and remembering Africa would have to wait.

But deep, renewing sleep remained elusive. A strange bed, threadbare draperies that let in too much light, and troubling images kept Jace tossing. He remembered feeling so bone-tired after a full day of rugby at the Blackrock tournament that his body refused to relax and sleep. When he did drift off, pain in his face prompted him to imagine he’d just been tackled and forced into a faceplant on the dry ground in midfield.

He rolled over and covered his face with a sheet to block out the light. But he could not stop thinking. Images of the Kenyan boy’s palm against the window and echoes of his voice quickened Jace’s pulse and moistened his sheets with perspiration. You are a magic man.

Could I have misinterpreted the goat’s condition? Maybe he wasn’t dead, only suffering a brief concussion. Maybe the goat I saw this morning wasn’t the same one I ran over.

His mind inevitably churned out images of his father, mother, and sister in Kijabe. A mind beginning to process a boatload of pain, buried by years away from Africa. His father wearing bloody scrubs home and smelling of antiseptic. His mother chasing the baboons from her watermelon patch. His sister laughing.

His sister’s sickening cry.

Sleep came in fits and starts, much like their family’s old Toyota pickup. Full speed for five minutes. Then flooded and stalled.

He spent the remainder of the morning squeaking on the old bed until an incessant pounding in his head became recognizable as someone at the door.

He pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans, glancing at himself in the bathroom mirror before trudging toward the front door. Bed head. Three-days worth of chin stubble. Face shiny with sweat. Welcome to Kijabe, Dr. Rawlings.

He fumbled with the locks on the doors. Outside were three Kikuyu mamas bearing large baskets of vegetables. He smiled in spite of the interruption. The vegetable ladies. Women selling vegetables door-to-door had been part of the local culture since missionaries had first come to Kijabe in the early 1900s.

A woman in an orange-and-red-striped sweater broke into a grin that would make any dentist cringe. Remember me? I sold mangos to your father.

He hadn’t been in Kijabe for a day, and already he was seeing the shadow of his father. Jace shook his head.

And how is Dr. Rawlings?

I’m— He halted, realizing they were speaking of his father. He’s retired now. Lives with Mom in Florida.

The women began unloading their baskets, displaying fruits and vegetables on the concrete stoop.

Jace shook his head. I don’t have any local money now. Someone stole my shillings.

Take what you need. We will come next week for payment.

He selected three mangos, a pineapple, two tomatoes, lettuce, a half-dozen potatoes, an onion, zucchini squash, and a few fat stalks of broccoli. When he was done with his selections, his counter was covered with food.

The vegetable ladies loaded their baskets and trudged slowly down the path leading from Jace’s stone-block house. With bulging baskets on their backs and long straps adjusted to lie across their foreheads, the women leaned into their loads. Jace could only imagine the strain they were putting on their cervical spines.

He had just shut the door on the vegetable peddlers when another knock sounded.

This time, an older gentleman with a generous waist and a larger smile held out his hand. Karibu, Daktari, he said. Welcome, Doctor.

Jace shook the man’s hand. It was meaty and calloused. Jace Rawlings.

I’m John Otieno. His dark complexion and wide nose revealed his Luo tribal affiliation. I’m a hospital chaplain. We’d heard rumors that you would be here today.

Pardon my appearance. It was a long journey.

Of course. Jace had heard of Otieno’s reputation. His love of the patients, including the often-harder-to-love Somali tribe, was unparalleled. He was known to spend hours holding hands with family members in the small surgery waiting area or serving tea to the mother of a sick child. On the pediatric ward, Chaplain John was known to carry a puppet to coax a child into conversation. He prayed with the dying and wept with the survivors, raised shillings to pay a poor patient’s bill, and had a laugh as deep as the color of his skin. He had no agenda to convert the lost. His only mission was to love. And because of that, conversions followed as naturally as smoke follows fire.

The chaplain seemed to hesitate.

Jace sighed. Would you like to come in? I think I saw some tea in a welcome basket around here somewhere.

That would be kind.

Jace poured water in a saucepan and flipped on the gas burner. He added an equal volume of milk and sprinkled in a few tea leaves.

It’s been a long time since I made Kenyan chai.

The chaplain laughed. It will be fine.

They made pleasant conversation as the tea began to steep. Chaplain Otieno asked about Jace’s family, a cultural prerequisite to any real conversation.

Jace filled two mugs with the steaming tea and added three heaping teaspoons of sugar to each. Jace had learned early in life to drink tea

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