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Israel and the Palestinian nightmare
Israel and the Palestinian nightmare
Israel and the Palestinian nightmare
Ebook190 pages3 hours

Israel and the Palestinian nightmare

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Israel and the Palestinian nightmare is not only a reliable reference book; it is a captivating description and review of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It offers an honest account of where Israel went wrong, covers facts relating to the origins of the nation of Israel, and the profound effect that history has had upon contemporary events.

The Arab-Israeli conflict is not a conflict over land nor is it rooted in ancient claims of two peoples to the same small piece of real estate in the Middle East; but rather it is a battle between Judaism and Islam. A battle the Christian world has been touched by but so far timidly involved with.

Millions of young adults are exposed to the heckling of modern day anti-Semites in almost every college campus and in many ‘intellectual’ circles; and the obvious bias and Israel-loathing is echoed by most of the international media outlets, rarely encountering opposition. Winston Churchill once said, “the truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”

Israel and the Palestinian nightmare_/i_ answers some of the toughest questions regarding Israel and the Palestinian people. It takes the reader through an historical timeline that puts many issues into proper perspective. The author has tough words for both Israelis and the Arab world, and the book contains inspiring articles and commentaries by Middle East experts such as Yoram Ettinger, Phyllis Chesler, Paul Eidelberg; as well as thought-provoking observations written by Larry Miller, David Wilder and Shifra Hoffman among others. This book will clarify many of the misconceptions that exist regarding this conflict and it is essential reading for both Jew and gentile alike.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Release dateDec 17, 2013
Israel and the Palestinian nightmare

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    Israel and the Palestinian nightmare - Zeev Shemer


    Ze’ev Shemer

    Israel and the Palestinian Nightmare

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright © 2013

    Ze’ev Shemer, PhD


    E-Book Distribution: XinXii



    I do not recognize your authority to try me is Dov Gruner’s last statement on April 19, 1947 before being dragged to the gallows by the British Authorities. This court has no legal foundation, since it is appointed by a regime without legal foundation. You came to Palestine because of the commitment you undertook at the behest of all the nations of the world to rectify the greatest wrong caused to any nation in the history of mankind, namely the expulsion of Israel from their land, which transformed them into victims of persecution and incessant slaughter throughout the world. It is this commitment - and this commitment alone - which constituted the legal and moral basis for your presence in this country. But you betrayed it willfully, brutally and with satanic cunning. You turned your commitment into a mere scrap of paper...

    When the prevailing government in any country is not legal, when it becomes a regime of oppression and tyranny, it is the right of its citizens - more than that, it is their duty - to fight this regime and to topple it. This is what Jewish youth are doing and will continue to do until you quit this land, and hand it over to its rightful owners: the Jewish people. For you should know this: there is no power in the world which can sever the tie between the Jewish people and their one and only land. Whosoever tries to sever it – his hand will be cut off and the curse of God will rest on him forever."

    Dov Gruner HY"D

    On April 19, 1947, the British Mandatory Authorities in Palestine sentenced Dov Gruner to death. He is executed for his role in the pre-state Jewish underground.

    HaShem Yimkom Damo.

    "The truth is incontrovertible,

    malice may attack it,

    ignorance may deride it,

    but in the end;

    there it is."

    Winston Churchill


    What is the Arab-Israeli conflict? Most people would assume it has to do with the struggle of the Palestinian people. This however, may not explain the violent unrests that occurred before the world heard of a people called Palestinian. Then maybe it has to do with the occupation of lands taken during the 1967 war; lands referred to as the West Bank. But that does not explain the two wars that occurred prior to that event. Yet, it is the images of Palestinian children being oppressed by Israeli soldiers that represent the most clear mental picture for the words ‘Arab-Israeli conflict’. So maybe it has to do with Jewish people, mainly Jews from Russia and Eastern Europe, who arrived in the land of Palestine shortly after WWII and took over a land that did not belong to them. Today Israelis, mostly sons and daughters of these immigrants, are currently ‘occupying’ the land of the Palestinian people. The world has seen thousands of reports of abuse and violence against these ‘native’ Arabs who have been stripped from their homes and their land, and are subjected to daily hardship and humiliation, results of this unfair occupation.

    This sounds like a logical explanation, right? Wrong. Not even close.

    There isn’t a single Israeli politician that does not support the unsound proposal of two-states for two peoples. There isn’t a single leader that does not offer unilateral concessions in order to appease the world powers and attempt to reach some kind of agreement with an entity that has not and will never recognize its right to exist. To them, Israel is ‘Palestine,’ and the Arab world will continue its struggle against the Zionist occupation of a land they claim is theirs. Jews will continue to timidly defend themselves under the watchful eye of world powers who more than ever support the plight of the Palestinian people. A nuclear Iran, the downfall of America, the collapse of Europe can all become cataclysmic factors that can seal the fate of a people who are too weak and too frightened to lay claim to what is rightfully theirs.

    "When all is said and done and all the causes are separated from the effects, it becomes clear that the ultimate sin of the people who rule the State of Israel is that they have done everything to remove the significance, the magnificence and the sweetness of victory from the great miracle of Return and resurrection of the Jewish state.

    What they have done and do daily is to turn the miraculous into the ordinary, the hallowed into the profane and the truth of the matter is that, because of this all the miracles and wonders that have occurred to us in the nature of rebirth of the Land have come about, not so much because of the ruling circles, but despite them.

    People that have been the most debased of losers for 2,000 years find it difficult to cope with victory. It finds it extraordinary difficult to remain normal. It inherits insecurities, complexes, guilt. It begins to believe its enemies' slanders. It loses its self-respect and longs for the love of a hating world. There is nothing ethical about dying or anything moral about another holocaust. There is nothing immoral about winning and nothing necessarily noble in a loser. Let us cast off the chains of guilt and reject the accusations of its bearers. The greatness of Judaism is its spirit, but no spirit can survive without a living body."

    Before you complete the reading of this book, you will be able to put a name to the quote above. You will also be able to answer to those that accuse you of usurpation. You will understand what Zionism is, what Palestine really means, and why you will never be allowed to speak the truth with ease of mind and spirit, and without putting your life in mortal danger.

    Your quest for the truth, begins now.

    In every generation, there are always a few who understand; Always understand... even if you remain among the few.



    Five hundred million Arabs; five million Jews.

    Think of all the Arab countries as a football field,

    and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it.

    Larry Miller

    As of 2013 the population of the Middle East is composed of 6 million Jews who live in Israel and 366 million Arabs (mostly Muslim) who live in the surrounding countries including 2 million within Israel’s borders. There are 56 countries that have a Muslim majority, dozens that have a Christian majority and even four nations that have a Hindu majority; there is however, only one country where there is a Jewish majority and although Israel is no larger than the Sate of New Jersey, it seems that one country is apparently one country too many for the world to bear. This rejection of a Jewish state is the at the center of the most intensely monitored conflict in the world. Many believe that this volatility could spark the next world war.

    Volatility however, is more of a serious and common phenomenon among the Muslim nations that surround Israel, rather than in Israel itself.

    The Center for Systemic Peace published in its 2011 Global Report a detailed assessment of state fragility for each of the world's 165 major countries with populations greater than 500,000. Their rating system accounts for effectiveness and legitimacy indicators for security, governance, economic, and social dimensions of state performance.

    It is very difficult to ignore that all countries marked as Extreme, High and Serious are Islamic nations with the exceptions of India, where Muslims account for 14% of their population and Israel, where Muslims account for 17% of their population. Half of the world’s countries labeled as having a Moderate state of fragility are Muslim nations, while 20% of the remaining countries in this category have significant Islamic populations as well.

    Volatility is just one factor that sets the Islamic world apart. Their constant state of conflict and readiness to adopt armed struggle in order to further their political and religious goals has wound up the world to a state of tension not experienced since the rise of the Third Reich. More than half of the current conflicts around the world today involve Islamic factions. Whether it is the violent conflict of Muslims versus Slavs in Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo; or Muslims versus secularists and Christians in countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia.

    Moreover, there’s the ongoing war in Iraq and Afghanistan were many times Muslims have attacked Kurds and Christians in addition to allied forces. In other countries were non-Christians are practically non-existent, there is ongoing violence between Muslim sects (e.g., Sunnis, Shiites, and Alawites).

    In Asia Muslim groups have targeted Christians, Hindus and Jews; and have also been known to attack secularists even if they are Muslims themselves (e.g., Pakistan, India, China, Chechnya, Philippines, Indonesia and Uzbekistan).

    Undoubtedly, the most intensely scrutinized conflict today, is the one involving Israel. Internally Muslim sects are constantly at odds with each other and heinous acts of violence are reported when Hamas and Fatah leaders compete for power. Inside of Israel proper, Christians are persecuted and often harassed by Muslims in cities that for years were known to be mostly Christian such as Bethlehem and Nazareth. Of course, it is the hatred of the Jews and the Jewish state that generates the most widespread violence. However, as you read this book you will understand that those that spouse hatred and violence are only a fraction of the total population, lead by a vocal and powerful minority, that if we were to remove them from power, the consequence would probably be a joint effort for mutual prosperity. This, however, has proven to be an unrealistic goal.

    The biggest threat to world stability today is Iran and their desperate race to complete their military nuclear program. The outgoing president of the Islamic republic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, vouched to wipe Israel off the map, something his colleague and new Iranian leader Hassan Rohani supports wholeheartedly. This does not answer the question of what exactly is the Arab-Israeli conflict? What is it about? Who is to blame? And how will it ever be resolved? These are basic questions that touch upon the most important political arena the world has known since the end of the Second World War. There must be a reason that the ‘atrocities’ that are occurring or are alleged to be occurring in Israel are not overshadowed by the myriads of killings of innocents in Syria, Somalia, Rwanda, Sudan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq among others. What makes this particular conflict so exceptional?

    Unlike other conflicts, and contrary to popular belief, the Arab-Israeli conflict is not about land, occupation, political discord, or a dispute over the historical legitimacy and ownership of a tiny corner of real estate in the Middle East. Especially a land that historically was best described as a sea of sand and rocks, and until recently had no known natural resources  ¹ . This particular conflict is rooted in a much more comprehensive issue. Israel today is at the front line of a war between the civilized world and an Islamic all-encompassing system of life that is at odds with the values of Western civilization. It is a battle between Islam and the rest of the world; between Ishmael and Isaac and everything they represent. A battle between Islamists stuck in time, caught up in a web of violence and fanaticism, and Jews, leading the world in cutting-edge technology and development while preserving their unbreakable bond to ancient yet universally accepted standards of morality.

    Judaism and Islam both repudiate idolatry, yet one invalidates the other. Land is a pretext. Occupation, refugee camps, displaced masses, it is all but an elaborate smoke screen. Without trivializing the suffering of those caught in this evil web, the truth is, land is the least of the underlying factors that fuels this unending war; it is however, the best excuse and the preferred tool to exert pressure and foment hatred against the Jewish people. This hatred is hardly new. It dates much farther back than 1948 when the Jewish State was reborn. The hatred of the Jews is the hatred of the messenger and the rejection of the message.

    Arabs who reside within Israel claim they have nowhere else to go, and Jews cannot bear to

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