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Tensor Analysis on Manifolds
Tensor Analysis on Manifolds
Tensor Analysis on Manifolds
Ebook505 pages6 hours

Tensor Analysis on Manifolds

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"This is a first-rate book and deserves to be widely read." — American Mathematical Monthly
Despite its success as a mathematical tool in the general theory of relativity and its adaptability to a wide range of mathematical and physical problems, tensor analysis has always had a rather restricted level of use, with an emphasis on notation and the manipulation of indices. This book is an attempt to broaden this point of view at the stage where the student first encounters the subject. The authors have treated tensor analysis as a continuation of advanced calculus, striking just the right balance between the formal and abstract approaches to the subject.
The material proceeds from the general to the special. An introductory chapter establishes notation and explains various topics in set theory and topology. Chapters 1 and 2 develop tensor analysis in its function-theoretical and algebraic aspects, respectively. The next two chapters take up vector analysis on manifolds and integration theory. In the last two chapters (5 and 6) several important special structures are studied, those in Chapter 6 illustrating how the previous material can be adapted to clarify the ideas of classical mechanics. The text as a whole offers numerous examples and problems.
A student with a background of advanced calculus and elementary differential equation could readily undertake the study of this book. The more mature the reader is in terms of other mathematical knowledge and experience, the more he will learn from this presentation.

Release dateApr 26, 2012
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    Tensor Analysis on Manifolds - Richard L. Bishop

    Tensor Analysis on Manifolds

    Richard L. Bishop

    University of Illinois

    Samuel I. Goldberg

    University of Illinois

    Dover Publications, Inc.

    New York

    Copyright © 1968, 1980 by Richard L. Bishop and Samuel

    I. Goldberg.

    All rights reserved.

    This Dover edition, first published in 1980, is an unabridged and corrected republication of the work originally published by The Macmillan Company in 1968.

    International Standard Book Number: 0-486-64039-6

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-66959

    Manufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation




    "Sie bedeutet einen wahren Triumph der durch Gauss,

    Riemann, Christoffel, Ricci . . . begründeten Methoden des

    allgemeinen Differentialcalculus." ALBERT EINSTEIN, 1915

    SINCE ITS DEVELOPMENT BY RICCI between 1887 and 1896, tensor analysis has had a rather restricted outlook despite its striking success as a mathematical tool in the general theory of relativity and its adaptability to a wide range of problems in differential equations, geometry, and physics. The emphasis has been on notation and manipulation of indices. This book is an attempt to broaden this point of view at the stage where the student first encounters the subject. We have treated tensor analysis as a continuation of advanced calculus, and our standards of rigor and logical completeness compare favorably with parallel courses in the curriculum such as complex variable theory and linear algebra.

    For students in the physical sciences, who acquire mathematical knowledge on a need-to-know basis, this book provides organization. On the other hand, it can be used by mathematics students as a meaningful introduction to differential geometry.

    A broad range of notations is explained and interrelated, so the student will be able to continue his studies among either the classical references, those in the style of E. Cartan, or the current abstractions.

    The material has been organized according to the dictates of mathematical structure, proceeding from the general to the special. The initial chapter has been numbered 0 because it logically precedes the main topics. Thus Chapter 0 establishes notation and gives an outline of a body of theory required to put the remaining chapters on a sound and logical footing. It is intended to be a handy reference but not for systematic study in a course. Chapters 1 and 2 are independent of each other, representing a division of tensor analysis into its function-theoretical and algebraic aspects, respectively. This material is combined and developed in several ways in Chapters 3 and 4, without specialization of mathematical structure. In the last two chapters (5 and 6) several important special structures are studied, those in Chapter 6 illustrating how the previous material can be adapted to clarify the ideas of classical mechanics.

    Advanced calculus and elementary differential equations are the minimum background necessary for the study of this book. The topics in advanced calculus which are essential are the theory of functions of several variables, the implicit function theorem, and (for Chapter 4) multiple integrals. An understanding of what it means for solutions of systems of differential equations to exist and be unique is more important than an ability to crank out general solutions. Thus we would not expect that a student in the physical sciences would be ready for a course based on this book until his senior year. Mathematics students intent on graduate study might use this material as early as their junior year, but we suggest that they would find it more fruitful and make faster progress if they wait until they have had a course in linear algebra and matrix theory. Other courses helpful in speeding the digestion of this material are those in real variable theory and topology.

    The problems are frequently important to the development of the text. Other problems are devices to enforce the understanding of a definition or a theorem. They also have been used to insert additional topics not discussed in the text.

    We advocate eliminating many of the parentheses customarily used in denoting function values. That is, we often write fx instead of f(x).


    We wish to thank Professor Louis N. Howard of MIT for his critical reading and many helpful suggestions; W. C. Weber for critical reading, useful suggestions, and other editorial assistance; E. M. Moskal and D. E. Blair for proofreading parts of the manuscript; and the editors of The Macmillan Company for their cooperation and patience.

    Suggestions for the Reader

    The bulk of this material can be covered in a two-semester (or three-quarter) course. Thus one could omit Chapter 0 and several sections of the later chapters, as follows: 2.14, 2.22, 2.23, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, the Appendix in Chapter 3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.10, 5.6, and all of Chapter 6. If it is desired to cover Chapter 6, Sections 2.23 and 4.4 and Appendix 3A should be studied. For a one-semester course one should try to get through most of Chapters 1 and 2 and half of Chapter 3. A thorough study of Chapter 2 would make a reasonable course in linear algebra, so that for students who have had linear algebra the time on Chapter 2 could be considerably shortened. In a slightly longer course, say two quarters, it is desirable to cover Chapter 3, Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, and most of the rest of Chapter 4 or all of Chapter 5. The choice of either is possible because Chapter 5 does not depend on Sections 4.4 through 4.10. The parts in smaller print are more difficult or tangential, so they may be considered as supplemental reading.

    R. L. B.

    S. I. G.


    Chapter 0/Set Theory and Topology

    0.1.  SET THEORY

    0.1.1.  Sets

    0.1.2.  Set Operations

    0.1.3.  Cartesian Products

    0.1.4.  Functions

    0.1.5.  Functions and Set Operations

    0.1.6.  Equivalence Relations

    0.2.  TOPOLOGY

    0.2.1.  Topologies

    0.2.2.  Metric Spaces

    0.2.3.  Subspaces

    0.2.4.  Product Topologies

    0.2.5.  Hausdorff Spaces

    0.2.6.  Continuity

    0.2.7.  Connectedness

    0.2.8.  Compactness

    0.2.9.  Local Compactness

    0.2.10.  Separability

    0.2.11.  Paracompactness

    Chapter 1 /Manifolds

    1.1.   Definition of a Manifold

    1.2.   Examples of Manifolds

    1.3.   Differentiable Maps

    1.4.   Submanifolds

    1.5.   Differentiable Curves

    1.6.   Tangents

    1.7.   Coordinate Vector Fields

    1.8.   Differential of a Map

    Chapter 2/Tensor Algebra

    2.1.   Vector Spaces

    2.2.   Linear Independence

    2.3.   Summation Convention

    2.4.   Subspaces

    2.5.   Linear Functions

    2.6.   Spaces of Linear Functions

    2.7.   Dual Space

    2.8.   Multilinear Functions

    2.9.   Natural Pairing

    2.10.  Tensor Spaces

    2.11.  Algebra of Tensors

    2.12.  Reinterpretations

    2.13.  Transformation Laws

    2.14.  Invariants

    2.15.  Symmetric Tensors

    2.16.  Symmetric Algebra

    2.17.  Skew-Symmetric Tensors

    2.18.  Exterior Algebra

    2.19.  Determinants

    2.20.  Bilinear Forms

    2.21.  Quadratic Forms

    2.22.  Hodge Duality

    2.23.  Symplectic Forms

    Chapter 3/Vector Analysis on Manifolds

    3.1.   Vector Fields

    3.2.   Tensor Fields

    3.3.   Riemannian Metrics

    3.4.   Integral Curves

    3.5.   Flows

    3.6.   Lie Derivatives

    3.7.   Bracket

    3.8.   Geometric Interpretation of Brackets

    3.9.   Action of Maps

    3.10.  Critical Point Theory

    3.11.  First Order Partial Differential Equations

    3.12.  Frobenius’ Theorem

    Appendix to Chapter 3

    3A.  Tensor Bundles

    3B.  Parallelizable Manifolds

    3C.  Orientability

    Chapter 4/lntegration Theory

    4.1.   Introduction

    4.2.   Differential Forms

    4.3.   Exterior Derivatives

    4.4.   Interior Products

    4.5.   Converse of the Poincaré Lemma

    4.6.   Cubical Chains

    4.7.   Integration on Euclidean Spaces

    4.8.   Integration of Forms

    4.9.   Stokes’ Theorem

    4.10.  Differential Systems

    Chapter 5/Riemannian and Semi-riemannian Manifolds

    5.1.   Introduction

    5.2.   Riemannian and Semi-riemannian Metrics

    5.3.   Length, Angle, Distance, and Energy

    5.4.   Euclidean Space

    5.5.   Variations and Rectangles

    5.6.   Flat Spaces

    5.7.   Affine Connexions

    5.8.   Parallel Translation

    5.9.   Covariant Differentiation of Tensor Fields

    5.10.  Curvature and Torsion Tensors

    5.11.  Connexion of a Semi-riemannian Structure

    5.12.  Geodesics

    5.13.  Minimizing Properties of Geodesics

    5.14.  Sectional Curvature

    Chapter 6/Physical Application

    6.1.   Introduction

    6.2.   Hamiltonian Manifolds

    6.3.   Canonical Hamiltonian Structure on the Cotangent Bundle

    6.4.   Geodesic Spray of a Semi-riemannian Manifold

    6.5.   Phase Space

    6.6.   State Space

    6.7.   Contact Coordinates

    6.8.   Contact Manifolds



    CHAPTER  0

    Set Theory and Topology

    0.1.        SET THEORY

    Since we cannot hope to convey the significance of set theory, it is mostly for the sake of logical completeness and to fix our notation that we give the definitions and deduce the facts that follow.

    0.1.1.      Sets

    Set theory is concerned with abstract objects and their relation to various collections which contain them. We do not define what a set is but accept it as a primitive notion. We gain an intuitive feeling for the meaning of sets and, consequently, an idea of their usage from merely listing some of the synonyms: class, collection, conglomeration, bunch, aggregate. Similarly, the notion of an object is primitive, with synonyms element and point. Finally, the relation between elements and sets, the idea of an element being in a set, is primitive. We use a special symbol to indicate this relation, ∈, which is read is an element of. The negation is written ∉, read is not an element of.

    As with all modern mathematics, once the primitive terms have been specified, axioms regarding their usage can be specified, so the set theory can be developed as a sequence of theorems and definitions. (For example, this is done in an appendix to J. Kelly, General Topology, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1955.) However, the axioms are either very transparent intuitively or highly technical, so we shall use the naïve approach of dependence on intuition, since it is quite natural (deceptively so) and customary.

    We do not exclude the possibility that sets are elements of other sets. Thus we may have x A and A ∈ τ , which we interpret as saying that A and τ are sets, x and A are elements, and that x belongs to A and A belongs to τ . It may also be that x belongs to the set B, that x is itself a set, and that τ is an element of some set. In fact, in formal set theory no distinction is made between sets and elements.

    We specify a set by placing all its elements or a typical element and the condition which defines typical within braces, { }. In the latter case we separate the typical element from the condition by a vertical |. For example, the set having the first three odd natural numbers as its only elements is {1, 3, 5}. If Z is the set of all integers, then the set of odd integers is {x | there is n Z such that x = 2n + 1}, or, more simply, {x | x = 2n + 1, n Z} or {2n + 1 | n Z}.

    Set A is a subset of set B if every element of A is also an element of B. The relation is written A B or B A, which can also be read "A is contained in B or B contains A. Although the word contain is used for both and ⊂," the meaning is different in each case, and which is meant can be determined from the context. To make matters worse, frequently an element x and the single-element set {x} (called singleton x) are not distinguished, which destroys the distinction (notationally) between "x x, which is always true, and x x," which is usually false.

    The sets A and B are equal, written A = B, if and only if A B and B A.

    We shall abbreviate the phrase if and only if as iff.

    0.1.2.    Set Operations

    For two sets A and B, the intersection of A and B, A B, read "A intersect B," is the set consisting of those elements which belong to both A and B. The union of A and B, A B, consists of those elements which belong to A or B (or both). The operations of union and intersection are easily described in terms of the notation given above:

    A B = {x | x A and x B},

    A B = {x | x A or x B.}

    Note that the use of or in mathematics is invariably inclusive, so that or both is not needed.

    It is sometimes convenient to use the generalization of the operations of union and intersection to more than two sets. To include the infinite cases we start with a collection of sets which are labeled with subscripts (indexed) from an index set J. Thus the collection of sets which we wish to unite or intersect has the form {Aα | α ∈ J}. The two acceptable notations in each case, with the first the more usual, are

    , the general intersection,

    , the general union.

    Frequently J will be finite, for example, the first n positive integers, in which case we shall use one of the following forms :


    and similarly for union,


    In order that the intersection of sets be a set even when they have no common elements, we introduce the empty set ø, the set which has no elements. For this and other reasons, appearing below, ø is a useful gadget. The empty set is a subset of every set.

    The set-theoretic difference between two sets A and B is defined by A B ={x | x A and x B}. We do not require that B be a subset of A in order for this difference to be formed. If A B, then A – B is called the complement of B with respect to A. Frequently we are concerned primarily with a fixed set A and its subsets, in which case we shall speak of the complement of a subset, omitting the phrase "with respect to A."

    Problem The disjunctive union or symmetric difference of two sets A and B is A Δ B = A B A B = (A B) ∪ (B A). Observe that A Δ B = B Δ A. Prove the last equality. A distributive law is true for these set operations: (A Δ B) ∩ C = A C Δ B C. However, A Δ A = ø for every A.

    0.1.3.    Cartesian Products

    An ordered pair is an object which consists of a pair of elements distinguished as a first element and a second element of the ordered pair. The ordered pair whose first element is a A and second element is b B is denoted (a, b). In contrast we may also consider nonordered pairs, sets having two elements, say a and b, which would be denoted {a, b} in accordance with what we said above. To be called a pair we should have a b, and in any case {a, b} = {b, a}. On the other hand, we do consider ordered pairs of the form (a, a),and if a b, then (a, b) ≠ (b, a). Indeed, (a, b) = (c, d) iff a = c and b = d.

    The set of ordered pairs of elements from A and B, denoted A × B,

    A × B = {(a, b) | a A, b B},

    is called the cartesian product of A and B.

    Problem Is A × B = B × A?

    The operation of taking cartesian products may be iterated, in which case certain obvious identifications are made. For example, A × (B × C) and (A × B) × C are both considered the same as the triple cartesian product, which is defined to be the set of triplets (3-tuples)

    A × B × C = {(a,b, c) | a A, b B, c C}.

    Thus no distinction is made between ((a,b), c), (a, (b,c)), and (a,b, c). More generally, we only use one n-fold cartesian product A1 × A2 × … An rather than the many different ones which could be obtained by distributing parentheses so as to take the products two at a time. If the same set is used repeatedly, we generally use exponential notation, so A × A × A is denoted A³, etc.

    A subset S of A × B is called a relation on A to B. An alternative notation for (a, b) ∈ S is aSb, which can be read "a is S-related to b," although in many common examples it is read as it stands. For example, if A = B = R we have the relation <, called is less than, which formally consists of all those ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y) such that x is less than y. A function (see Section 0.1.4) is a special kind of relation.

    Of particular importance in analysis and its special topic, tensor analysis, is the real cartesian n-space Rn, where R is the set of real numbers. In the case when n = 2 or 3 this is not quite the same as the analytic euclidean plane or analytic euclidean space in that the word euclidean indicates that the additional structure derived from a particular definition of distance is being considered. Moreover, in euclidean space no single point or line has preference over any other, whereas in R³ the point (0, 0, 0) and the coordinate axes are obviously distinguishable from other points and lines in R³.

    0.1.4.    Functions

    A function from A into B, denoted f : A B, is a rule which assigns to each a A an element fa = b B. The idea of a rule is apparently a primitive notion in this definition, but need not be, since it can be defined in terms of the other notions previously given—element of and cartesian product. This is done by means of the graph of a function—the subset

    {(a, fa) | a A} of A × B.

    The properties of a subset of A × B which are necessary and sufficient for the subset to be the graph of a function can be given in purely set-theoretic terms and the function itself can likewise be recaptured from its graph. In fact, it is customary to say that the function is its graph, but we shall use the distinction indicated by our phrasing of the definition given above.

    Synonyms for function are transformation, map, mapping, and operator. Some authors use the convention that function is to be used for real-valued transformations.

    We shall avoid the customary parentheses unless they are required to resolve ambiguity. Thus it is customary to write f(a) instead of fa, which we used above. Parentheses must be used where a is itself composite; for example, f(a + b) is not the same as fa + b. In fact, the latter is meaningless, except that we take it conventionally to be (fa) + b, the general rule being that operations such as addition are to be performed after evaluation of functions in the operands.

    The domain of a function f : A B is A. The range (image, target) of f is f A = {fa | a A} ⊂ B. The set B is called the range set of f. An element of the range, b = fa, is called a value of f, or the image of a under f.

    If f A = B, then we say that f is onto, or that f maps A onto B (in contrast to into above).

    If for every b f A there is just one a A such that b = fa, then f is said to be one-to-one, abbreviated 1–1. In this case we can define the inverse of f, f–1 : f A A, by setting f–1fa = a.

    If f: A B and C A, then the restriction of f to C is denoted f|c: C B. It is frequently unnecessary to distinguish between f and f|c, since they have the same rule, but merely apply to different sets.

    If C A, then the inclusion map ic: C A is defined simply by icc = c. If C = A, then ic is called the identity map on C.

    If f : A B and g: C D, then the composition of g and f, denoted g ∘ f, is the function obtained by following f by g, applied to every a A for which this makes sense: (g ∘ f)a = g(fa). The domain of g ∘ f is thus E = {a| a A and fa ∈ C}. (If C n B = ø, then g ∘ f is the empty function ø : ø → D.) If g and f are defined by formulas, or sets of formulas, the formula(s) for g ∘ f is obtained by substituting the formula(s) for f into the formula(s) for g.

    For any functions, f,g,h, composition is associative; that is, (f ∘ g)∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h).

    Problem Let f: A B. Suppose there is g: B A such that f g = iB. Then f is onto, g is 1–1, h = f|gB is 1–1 onto, and g = igB ∘ h–1. Show by an example that f need not be 1–1.

    Problem f: A B is 1–1 onto iff there is g: B A such that g ∘ f = iA and f g = iB. This characterizes g = f–1.

    Examples. (a) If N is the set consisting of the first n natural numbers, N = {z | z Z, 0 < z < n + 1}, then Rn may be considered to be the set of all functions, f: N → R. For such a function we obtain the n-tuple (fl, f2, …, fn), and from this it is obvious how, conversely, we get a function from an n-tuple.

    (b) The ith coordinate function ui: Rn R, also called the projection into the ith factor, or cartesian coordinate function, is defined by ui(,, xn)= xi. If we think of Rn as being functions f : N R, then we would define uif = fi.

    (c) Using the idea of Example (a), infinite cartesian products may be defined: If {| α J} is a collection of sets, then their cartesian product is

    and fα ∈ Aα for every α}.

    The projections , are defined as in Example (b), by setting uαf = fα. Projections are always onto.

    0.1.5.    Functions and Set Operations

    If A A the collection of all subsets of AA = {C | C AA is called the power set of A.

    If f : A → B, then we define the power map of f, fA B by fC = {fc | c C} for every C A. In particular, the range of f may still be denoted fA.

    If f : A B, we also define the complete inverse image map of f,fB A, by f–1D = {a|fa D} , for every D B. If f is 1–1 and onto, then the set map f–1 agrees with the power map of the inverse of f.

    The facts to be established in the following problems show, generally, that the inverse image map is better behaved than the power map with respect to set operations.

    Problem The map f is onto iff the inverse image map f–1 is 1–1.


    Problem Find an example of f, C1, C2 such that (fC1) ∩ (fC2) ≠ f(C1 ∩ C2).

    Problem If C ⊂ A, we define the characteristic function Фc: A → {0, 1} by Фca = 0 if a A – C and Фca = 1 if a C. Denote the set of all functions f : A → {0, 1} by 2AA → 2A given by ФC = Фc A and 2A are essentially the same.

    Problem If A is finite, show that 2A is finite. How many elements does 2A have?

    Problem If F: A 2A define, f 2A by fa ≠ (Fa)a for every a A. This definition of f makes sense because there are only two possibilities for (Fa)a. Show that f is not in the range of F, so that F cannot be onto. In particular, there can be no 1–1 correspondence between A and 2A. This is a precise statement of the intuitively clear contention that 2A is larger than A.

    A set is countable if it is either finite or its members can be arranged in an infinite sequence; or, what is the same, there is a 1–1 map from the set into the positive integers. The set of all integers, Z, is countable, as can be seen from the sequence 0, 1, –1, 2, –2, 3, –3,…. The cartesian product of the positive integers with itself is countable, as can be seen from the 1–1 map taking (m, n) into 2m3n. From this last statement it is easy to conclude that the union of a countable collection of countable sets is countable. It can be shown that the rational numbers are countable.

    By Problem we conclude that 2z is not countable. A similar trick using binary expansions of real numbers shows that the real numbers are not countable.

    0.1.6.    Equivalence Relations

    An equivalence relation on a set P with elements m, n, p, , is a relation E which satisfies three properties:

    (a) Reflexivity: For every m, mEm.

    (b) Symmetry: If mEn, then nEm.

    (c) Transitivity: If mEn and nEp, then mEp.

    (mEn can be read "m is E-related to n.")

    For every equivalence relation there is an exhaustive partition of P into disjoint subsets, the equivalence classes of E, for which the equivalence class to which an arbitrary m belongs is

    [m] = {n | nEm}.

    From (a), (b), and (c) we have

                    for every m,m ∈ [m];

                    if m ∈ [n], then n ∈ [m];

                    if m ∈ [n] and n ∈ [p], then m ∈ [p];

    from which it follows that

    [m]= [n]          iff mEn.

    Conversely, if we are given an exhaustive partition of P into disjoint subsets, we define two elements of P to be E-related if they are in the same subset, and thus obtain an equivalence relation E for which the subsets of the partition are the equivalence classes.

    The set of equivalence classes, called the quotient, or P divided by E, is denoted

    P/E = {[m]|m P}.

    0.2.    TOPOLOGY

    0.2.1.    Topologies

    We cannot expect to convey here much of the significance of topological spaces. It is mostly for the sake of greater logical completeness that we give the definitions and theorems that follow. An initial study of tensor analysis can almost ignore the topological aspects since the topological assumptions are either very natural (continuity, the Hausdorff property) or highly technical (separability, paracompactness). However, a deeper analysis of many of the existence problems encountered in tensor analysis requires assumption of some of the more difficult-to-use topological properties, such as compactness and paracompactness. For example, the existence of complete integral curves of vector fields (Theorem 3.4.3) and existence of maxima and minima of continuous functions (Proposition both require compactness; existence of riemannian metrics is proved using paracompactness (Section 5.2). Finally, we expect and hope that the extensive theory of algebraic topological invariants (Betti numbers, etc.) will be used a great deal more in applied mathematics and therefore we have included a few examples and remarks hinting of such uses (cf. Morse theory in Section 3.10 and de Rham’s theorem in Section 4.5).

    A topology on a set X is a subset T X, T X, such that

    (a) If G1,G2 ∈ T, then G1 ∩ G 2 ∈ T.

    (b) lf {| α J} ⊂ T.

    (c) ø ∈ T and X T.

    The combination (X,T) is called a topological space. The elements of T are called the open sets of the topological space. Frequently we shall have a specific topology in mind and then speak of the topological space X, with T being understood. The same space, however, can have many different topologies. In particular, there are always the discrete topology for which T X and the concrete topology for which T = {ø, X}. These are so trivial as to be practically useless.

    Problem How many distinct topologies does a finite set having two or three points admit?

    The closed sets of a topology T on X are the complements of the members of T, that is, the sets X – G where G T. A topology could equally well be defined in terms of closed sets, with axioms corresponding to those above, which we state as theorems.

    Proposition (a) A finite union of closed sets is a closed set.

    (b) An arbitrary intersection of closed sets is closed.

    (c) ø and X are closed sets.

    We emphasize that closedness and openness are not negations of each other or even contrary to each other; a set may be only closed, or only open, or both, or neither.

    If A X, X a topological space, then the union of all open sets contained in A is the interior of A, denoted A⁰. Thus A⁰ = ∪ {B | B A and B T}. By (b), the interior of A is an open set itself, and is in fact one of the open sets of which we take the union in its definition. It is the largest open subset of A.

    Just as open and closed, union and intersection are dual notions, the dual notion to interior is closure. The closure of A X is the intersection of all closed sets containing A and is denoted A–. Thus A– = ∩ {B | A B and – B T} is closed by (b), and is the smallest closed set containing A. The following theorem shows that a complete knowledge of the operations of taking the interior or the closure is adequate to determine the topology.

    Proposition A set is open iff the interior of the set equals the set. A set is closed iff the closure of the set equals the set.

    X X, have been formulated by Kuratowski. When they are taken as axioms, Proposition is essentially the definition of a closed set, and the axioms for closed sets, (a), (b), (c) of Proposition are then theorems. In our scheme Kuratowski’s axioms become theorems, as follows.

    Proposition For all subsets A, B of X:

    (a) (A B)= A– B–.

    (b) A A–.

    (c) (A–)– =A–.

    (d) ø– = ø.

    Problem Prove X X.

    The boundary (also called the frontier, or the derived set) of a set A X is the set ∂A = A– . The elements of ∂A are called boundary points of A. Again, it is possible to axiomatize topology by taking X X as the fundamental concept. For example, if we know all about , then open sets may be defined as those G for which G ∂G = ø.

    A neighborhood of x X is any A X such that x A⁰. In particular, any open set containing x is a neighborhood of x. A basis of neighborhoods at x is a collection of neighborhoods of x such that every neighborhood of x contains one of the basis neighborhoods. In particular, the collection of all open sets containing x is a basis of neighborhoods at x, but generally there are many other possibilities for bases of neighborhoods. A basis of neighborhoods of X is a specification of a basis of neighborhoods for each x X.

    Topologies are frequently defined by the specification of a basis of neighborhoods. The definitive procedure is as follows.

    A neighborhood of x is any set which contains a basis neighborhood of x. An open set is then any set which is a neighborhood of every one of its points.

    It is interesting that closed sets, closure, and boundary points can be defined directly in terms of basis neighborhoods. A set G is closed iff whenever every basis neighborhood of x intersects G, then x G. The closure of A consists of those x such that every basis neighborhood of x intersects A. The boundary of A consists of those points x such that every basis neighborhood of x intersects both A and X A.

    0.2.2.    Metric Spaces

    Basis neighborhoods, and hence a topology, are frequently defined in turn by means of a metric or distance function, which is a function d: X × X R satisfying axioms as follows.

    (a) For all x, y X, d(x, y) 0 (positivity).

    (b) If d(x, y) = 0, then x = y (nondegeneracy).

    (c) For all x, y X, d(x, y) = d(y, x) (symmetry).

    (d) For all x, y, z X, d(x, y) + d(y, z) ≥ d(x, z) (the triangle inequality).

    There is no essential change if we also allow +∞ as a value of d. A set with a metric function is called a metric space.

    The open ball with center x and radius r > 0 with respect to d is defined as B(x,r) = {y | d(x, y) <

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