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Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation
Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation
Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation
Ebook972 pages10 hours

Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation

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A comprehensive guide to implementing SAE methods for poverty studies and poverty mapping

There is an increasingly urgent demand for poverty and living conditions data, in relation to local areas and/or subpopulations. Policy makers and stakeholders need indicators and maps of poverty and living conditions in order to formulate and implement policies, (re)distribute resources, and measure the effect of local policy actions.

Small Area Estimation (SAE) plays a crucial role in producing statistically sound estimates for poverty mapping. This book offers a comprehensive source of information regarding the use of SAE methods adapted to these distinctive features of poverty data derived from surveys and administrative archives. The book covers the definition of poverty indicators, data collection and integration methods, the impact of sampling design, weighting and variance estimation, the issue of SAE modelling and robustness, the spatio-temporal modelling of poverty, and the SAE of the distribution function of income and inequalities. Examples of data analyses and applications are provided, and the book is supported by a website describing scripts written in SAS or R software, which accompany the majority of the presented methods.

Key features:

  • Presents a comprehensive review of SAE methods for poverty mapping
  • Demonstrates the applications of SAE methods using real-life case studies
  • Offers guidance on the use of routines and choice of websites from which to download them

Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation offers an introduction to advanced techniques from both a practical and a methodological perspective, and will prove an invaluable resource for researchers actively engaged in organizing, managing and conducting studies on poverty.

Release dateDec 29, 2015
Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation

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    Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation - Monica Pratesi


    Poverty and living conditions are always at the forefront of analyses and discussions carried out by international and national organizations, governments and researchers from all over the world. All of them agree that the intervention policies to fight against poverty and to improve the quality of life should be specifically designed and implemented at a local level, because the phenomena are heterogeneous and have multiple and different characteristics in the different territorial areas. Obviously, local governments play a fundamental role in implementing actions, but, to do that, they need statistical information (data) to understand the situation and to be able to evaluate the impact of their actions. On the other hand, the stakeholders and citizens are interested in and able to judge the economic situation and the quality of life at a local level and are interested in better understanding the effect of policies on their own territory.

    However, usually, the data on income, poverty and quality of life are not available at a local level. In fact, the main sources of statistical data in these fields are from sample surveys that cannot support reliable estimation at a local level because their sample sizes are too small. The problem could be overcome by increasing the sample sizes, but in many practical situations cost–benefit analysis excludes it as a time-consuming and unaffordable solution.

    The key solution in order to be able to comply with the information need for measuring poverty at a local level is the use of Small Area Estimation (SAE) methods that researchers and National Statistical Offices of various countries are developing and implementing. This is confirmed by the large amount of literature on these local estimates resulting from many projects, conferences and books in the last decade.

    This book provides a very comprehensive and detailed source of information to construct such a key solution; it explains clearly the use of SAE methods efficiently adapted to the distinctive features (identification of relative poverty indicators, classification of statistical units, specific sample design of the surveys, characteristics of panel surveys, etc.) of poverty data coming from surveys and administrative archives. All of these complications add up to make the use of SAE methods a difficult and challenging problem that this book ably and comprehensively tackles.

    The book, after having discussed the definition(s) of the poverty indicators and data collection and data integration methods to obtain reliable estimations of them, describes and reviews the advanced methods and techniques recently developed and applied to SAE of poverty, addressing the distinctive features mentioned before (impact of sampling designs, etc.). Then, the book presents the SAE models as applied to poverty. In the extensive literature, there are many methods developed and they are often specified to solve the particular estimation problems for the case under study. However, their presentation in the book has been able to single out and address the main general issues in the estimation of poverty at a local level, such as the erroneous specification of the models and the robustness of the estimations, the use of spatio-temporal models, the estimation of distribution function of income and inequalities, and so on. Each chapter of the book describes insights, introduces methodology, and outlines the cutting-edge necessary for effective estimation and analysis of poverty indicators at a local level. Very interesting advanced new methodologies and new challenges to be faced are presented. All of this makes this book very timely.

    One of the particular attractive features of this book is that it is about both theoretical and practical methods and analysis. It does not simply discuss the methodological tools that can be applied in an idealized setting, but also discusses the issues which all applied statisticians and the National Statistical Offices have to face to produce an estimation of poverty indicators at a local level. The practical aspects of the estimation methods are discussed in many of the chapters and, in a specific way, the last three chapters are devoted to the presentation of the procedures used in the EU, USA and Chile, discussing also the quality of the obtained results. Moreover, most of the chapter authors have supported the methods concerning data analysis and models by presenting specific scripts that are also described and written in SAS or R software in an Appendix available on the book's website.

    Put together, the attractive features of this book make it a genuinely valuable and very useful book for all the researchers from academia and statistical offices, concerned with the measuring of poverty indicators at a local level and with the survey methodology. Surely this book will stimulate further important research in the field.

    Luigi Biggeri

    Emeritus Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Florence, Italy

    Past President, Italian National Statistical Institute (Istat)


    All over the world, fighting against poverty is assuming a more and more central role and recent radical economic and social transformations have caused a renewed interest in this sector. Such interest is due not only to economic factors but also to issues related to the quality of life and to the protection of social cohesion. This growing attention has strongly reinforced the need to look at poverty as the result of a chain of processes linked together. In this approach, poverty represents not only a problem but also the symptom of the ineffectiveness of the policies to reinforce resilience and to protect against vulnerabilities. Because of this role, it deserves special attention.

    These aspects have led to deep modifications in the data provided in this field and in the definition of a set of comparable and readable poverty indicators. Particularly, the demand for poverty and living conditions data, referring to local areas and/or subpopulations, has become urgent. Policy makers and stakeholders need to know the indicators and their spatial distribution at regional and subregional levels. This is important for formulating and implementing policies, distributing resources and measuring the effect of local policy actions.

    Income and living conditions surveys are thus conducted all over the world in order to gather a large amount of information on the classic income and consumption, but also on other related monetary and non monetary aspects of living conditions. But those surveys may not support a reliable estimation at the level of a local area because area-specific sample sizes are often too small to provide direct estimates with acceptable variability. In addition, data based statistics on poverty and living conditions are becoming more and more common, and integration of survey and administrative data can raise many distinct issues.

    As a result, the statistics produced are so strongly conditioned by this largely diversified demand and supply of data that researchers and National Statistical Offices of many countries, in order to be able to comply with the information need, began to set up a complex system of Small Area Estimation (SAE) methods based on an integrated set of information whose design, implementation and maintenance require a strong methodological effort.

    Apart from the difficulties typical of social economic data, such as the qualitative nature of many variables and the high concentration of quantitative variables, small area methods for poverty indicators are indeed characterized by some additional peculiarities that often make it impossible or inefficient to make use of classical small area models proposed in the literature.

    In particular we refer to the following:

    a. The definition of poverty is neither obvious nor unique, because the list ofpossible options is quite large (monetary poverty, non monetary poverty, multidimensional poverty) and its choice depends on the phenomenon for which we are interested in collecting the data. Absolute poverty and relative poverty are both valid concepts.¹  Here we refer to relative poverty.

    b. The identification of relative poverty indicators and of significant auxiliary data to proxy them is a topic for research itself. Among these, the geography of the country of interest and its subdivision in areas and regions appear to be crucial in poverty studies. In the choice of the proxies also the availability of a source of data of sufficient quality and the possibility of integrating existing data is important. This is especially true at a local level.

    c. Typological classifications of the statistical units (households, individuals, social services users) are very important tools to define the estimation domains and to design an efficient integration of survey and administrative data sources. However, harmonized hierarchical nomenclatures are usually not available for a certain definition of statistical unit, or they do exist but are so subjective that they cannot be considered as standard. The dialogue between survey data archives and administrative data archives is not easy and requires statistical matching and data integration.

    d. The effect of poverty on a person or a household is directly related to the duration of their poverty and to its persistency. Often the surveys on income and living conditions are panel surveys composed by several waves and this allows for the exploration of the duration of poverty. In this context the issue of estimating sampling error of cumulative and longitudinal poverty indicators from panel data is crucial, especially at subnational level where the sample size can be small.

    e. The impact of survey sampling design in SAE of poverty indicators has not yet been completely explored. There are issues to be addressed on the effect of the different sampling designs on the model-based estimates, also in comparison with classical design-based methods. This opens the discussion on which estimation method is preferable in what context.

    f. In many circumstances the use of the so-called model assisted and ‘model based’ methods is considered a standard procedure in SAE. Sometimes there is the obvious consequence that the peculiarities of the methods in benchmarking to estimates for larger areas, their resistance to outliers, theirbehavior when the auxiliary data are temporal and/or spatial data are not discussed. Special issues arise when the data are skewed, the interest is on complex poverty indicators derived from the income distribution, and the covariates are measured with error. This has evident implications in terms of the quality of the obtained estimates especially from the point of view of Official Statistical Agencies.

    g. At least when using geographically referred units, there often exist particular auxiliary variables requiring ad hoc procedures to be used in the fitting of a SAE model. Spatial data sets can be fruitfully used in poverty mapping. Nevertheless, extracting the interesting and useful patterns from spatial data sets is more difficult than extracting the corresponding patterns from traditional numeric and categorical data. This is due to the complexity of spatial data types, spatial relationships, and spatial autocorrelation.

    As far as we know, in the current literature there exists no comprehensive source of information regarding the use of SAE methods adapted to these distinctive features of poverty data coming from surveys and administrative archives. This book may serve to fill this gap.

    It contains 20 chapters, the first one of which can be considered as an introductory chapter reviewing the problem and perspective of SAE applied to poverty (Chapter 1. Introduction on measuring poverty at local level using small area estimation methods), and the remaining 19 are divided into six parts:

    I.Definition of indicators and data collection and integration methods (Chapter 2. Regional and local poverty measures; Chapter 3. Administrative and survey data collection and integration; Chapter 4. Small area methods and administrative data integration).These chapters provide an overview of the basic tools used in the definitions of poverty and of local poverty indicators, including some practical and theoretical considerations regarding the usage of income and consumption surveys and their integration with administrative data files to produce local poverty measures, in the attempt to address issues (a)–(c) previously described. Attention is then focused on the use of administrative data that in the last few years have evolved from a simple backup source to a very relevant element in ensuring the coverage of a list of units.

    II.Impact of sampling design, weighting and variance estimation (Chapter 5. Impact of sampling designs in small area estimation with applications to poverty measurement; Chapter 6. Model-assisted methods for small area estimation of poverty indicators; Chapter 7. Variance estimation for cumulative and longitudinal poverty indicators from panel data at regional level).These chapters review advanced methods and techniques recently developed in the survey data analysis literature as applied to SAE of poverty, in an attempt to address the distinctive features (d)–(e) described above. Some interesting proposals arise from the studies aiming at evaluating the impact of sampling design and model assisted estimation.These studies, together with design-based cumulation techniques for variance estimation, have received a lot of attention in recent years due to the growing demand for reliable small-area statistics needed for formulating policies and programs.

    Chapters 8–20 are devoted to SAE methods. SAE models as applied to poverty are indeed many and often specified to solve the particular estimation problems for the case under study. However, there are some general themes that can be singled out in addressing issues (f) and (g) previously described. Each chapter is classified under only one theme, but even then some of them cross-cut more than one theme: to facilitate the reader they are assigned to the theme that can be considered as prevalent. The resulting classification is:

    III.Small area estimation modeling and robustness (Chapter 8. Models in small area estimation when covariates are measured with error; Chapter 9. Robust domain estimation of income-based inequality indicators; Chapter 10. Nonparametric regression methods for small area estimation).In some situations the erroneous specification of a model and/or errors in the covariates can result in biased estimators. These chapters describe the use of traditional and more recent SAE methods able to recover these problems and provide good robustification tools as applied to poverty data.

    IV.Spatio-temporal modeling of poverty (Chapter 11. Area level spatio-temporal small area estimation models; Chapter 12. Unit level spatio-temporal models; Chapter 13. Spatial information and geoadditive small area models). The temporal and spatial dimensions of poverty are often included in modeling the indicators. There are specific models for statistical units equal to areas (area level models) and models for statistical units equal to households or individuals (unit level models). Additionally, the usefulness of spatial data as the main auxiliary variables for geographically coded units is assessed through empirical evidence.

    V.Small area estimation of the distribution function of income and inequalities (Chapter 14. Model-based direct estimation of a small area distribution function; Chapter 15. Small area estimation for lognormal data; Chapter 16. Bayesian Beta regression models for the estimation of poverty and inequality parameters in small areas; Chapter 17. Empirical Bayes and hierarchical Bayes estimation of poverty measures for small areas).The models presented above are applied to carry out a wide range of operations on survey data to estimate many poverty indicators. Auxiliary variables are retrieved from many kinds of mixed sources. However, the particular nature of the target parameters and the availability of a priori information allow for different formalization of the problem. These chapters address the estimation of the distribution function of income and inequalities under the frequentist and the Bayesian approach.

    VI.Data analysis and applications (Chapter 18. Small area estimation using both survey and census unit record data: links, alternatives, and the central roles of regression and contextual variables; Chapter 19. An overview of the U.S. Census Bureau's Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates Program; Chapter 20. Poverty mapping for the Chilean comunas).The chapters of the last part of the book provide examples of the procedures used in the European Union and United States by the Official Statistical Agencies and traditionally by the World Bank, discussing also the quality of the obtained results. An appraisal is provided of indirect estimates used in the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program, both traditional and model-based, that are used because direct area-specific estimates may not be reliable due to small area-specific sample sizes. A wide application of SAE methods in a developing country, Chile, conclude the book.

    The book is completed by an Appendix (Chapter 21. Appendix on Software and Codes Used in the Book) describing scripts written in SAS or R software, that are available on the book's website. Most of the methods concerning data analysis and models are supported by scripts written by the chapter authors. The Appendix is intended to provide guidance on how to use these scripts for actually implementing the advanced methods covered in the book.

    The volume originates from a selection of the methodological results obtained during the development of several research projects,² which intended to bring together the expertise of academics and of specialists from National Statistical Offices to increase the dissemination of the most recent survey data analysis methods in the poverty sector. It also collects the content of many presentations on this topic from international conferences on SAE.³

    Although the present book can serve as a supplementary text in graduate seminars in survey methodology, the primary audience is researchers having at least some prior training in sampling methods and survey data analysis. Since it contains a number of review chapters on several specific themes in survey research, it will be useful to researchers actively engaged in organizing, managing and conducting poverty mapping who are looking for an introduction to advanced techniques from both a practical and a methodological perspective.

    Finally, this book aims at stimulating research in this field and, for this reason, we are aware that it cannot be considered as a comprehensive and definitive reference on the methods that can be used in poverty mapping, since many topics were intentionally omitted. However, it reflects, to the best of my judgement, the state of the art on several crucial issues.

    Monica Pratesi

    Pisa, Italy

    ¹ The concept of absolute poverty is that there are minimum standards (monetary and non monetary) below which no one anywhere in the world should ever fall. Relative poverty refers to a standard of living which is defined in terms of the society in which an individual lives and which therefore differs between areas in countries and over time.

    ² We refer mainly to SAMPLE (Small Area Methods for Poverty and Living Condition Estimates) and to AMELI (Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators) projects which were financially supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. The complete set of project results are available via the homepages (http://www.sample-project.eu and https://www.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=40263&L=2). Another fundamental program which motivated some of the results collected here is the U.S. Census Bureau SAIPE program. It provides annual estimates of income and poverty statistics for all school districts, counties, and states of the U.S. (www.census.gov/did/www/saipe).

    ³ The reference is mainly to the set of conferences held in Jyväskylä, Finland (2005), Pisa, Italy (2007), Alicante, Spain (2009), Trier, Germany (2011) and Bangkok, Thailand (2013). Their declared aim was to develop an information network of individuals and institutions involved in the use and production of small area estimates and also poverty mapping. These conferences were organized with the support of the National Statistical Offices of the hosting country and were often supported by the IASS (International Association of Survey Statisticians) as satellite conferences of the ISI (International Statistical Institute) World Congresses.


    The editing of the book was conducted within the research infrastructure InGRID (Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion; https://inclusivegrowth.be/), which is financially supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement no. 312691. Thanks are due to Liz Wingett, Prachi Sinha Sahay, Lincy Priya, Richard Davies and Jo Taylor of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd for editorial assistance, and to Alistair Smith of Sunrise Setting Ltd for assistance with LaTeX. Finally, I am grateful to the chapter authors for their diligence and support for the goal of providing an overview of such an active research field, and I would like to thank Luigi Biggeri, Emeritus Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Florence, for his advice and suggestions during the implementation phase of the project.

    About the Editor

    Monica Pratesi is Professor of Statistics at the University of Pisa. She has taught several statistics-related courses at the Universities of Florence, Bergamo and at the University of Pisa, where now she is holder of the Jean Monnet ChairSmall Area Methods for Monitoring of Poverty and Living Conditions in EU (sampleu.ec.unipi.it). Her main research fields include small area estimation, inference in elusive populations, nonresponse in telephone and Internet surveys, and design effect in fitting statistical models. She has been involved in the management of several research projects related to these fields, as the Eframe project (www.eframeproject.eu) and the InGRID project (https://inclusivegrowth.be), and she coordinated a collaborative project on Small Area Methodologies for Poverty and Living Conditions Estimates (S.A.M.P.L.E. project) funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme.

    List of Contributors

    Serena Arima, Department of Methods and Models for Economics Territory and Finance, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

    Wesley W. Basel, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, USA

    William R. Bell, Research and Methodology Directorate, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, USA

    Emily Berg, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, USA

    Gianni Betti, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Chiara Bocci, IRPET-Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany, Florence, Italy

    Jay F. Breidt, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

    Jan Pablo Burgard, Department of Economics and Social Statistics, University of Trier, Trier, Germany

    Carolina Casas-Cordero Valencia, Instituto de Sociología y Centro de Encuestas y Estudios Longitudinales, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

    Ray Chambers, Centre for Statistical and Survey Methodology, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

    Hukum Chandra, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, India

    Alessandra Coli, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    Paolo Consolini, ISTAT, Italian National Staistical Institute, Rome, Italy

    Antonella D'Agostino, Department of Business and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope, Naples, Italy

    Gauri S. Datta, Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Athens, USA

    Marcello D'Orazio, ISTAT, Italian National Statistical Institute, Rome, Italy

    Jenny Encina, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, USA

    Marià Dolores Esteban, Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche, Spain

    Enrico Fabrizi, DISES, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Piacenza, Italy

    Maria Rosaria Ferrante, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche Paolo Fortunati, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

    Francesca Gagliardi, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Caterina Giusti, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    Stephen J. Haslett, Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand and Statistical Consulting Unit, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

    Partha Lahiri, Joint Program in Survey Methodology and Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

    Risto Lehtonen, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

    Achille Lemmi, Department of Economics and Statistics and Honorary Fellow ASESD Tuscan Universities Research Centre Camilo Dagum, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Brunero Liseo, Department of Methods and Models for Economics Territory and Finance, University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

    Jerry J. Maples, Center for Statistical Research and Methods, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, USA

    Stefano Marchetti, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    Isabel Molina, Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

    Domingo Morales, Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche, Spain

    Ralf Münnich, Department of Economics and Social Statistics, University of Trier, Trier, Germany

    Laura Neri, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Jean D. Opsomer, Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA

    Maria Chiara Pagliarella, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Tomasz Panek, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland

    Agustín Pérez, Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche, Spain

    Alessandra Petrucci, Department of Statistics, Informatics, Applications, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

    Monica Pratesi, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    M. Giovanna Ranalli, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy

    Jon. N. K. Rao, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

    Nicola Salvati, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    Renato Salvatore, Department of Economics and Jurisprudence, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino (FR), Italy

    Carlo Trivisano, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche Paolo Fortunati, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

    Nikos Tzavidis, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

    Ari Veijanen, Statistics Finland, Finland

    Vijay Verma, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

    Li-Chun Zhang, S3RI/University of Southampton, Southampton, UK and Statistics Norway, Oslo, Norway

    Thomas Zimmerman, Department of Economics and Social Statistics, University of Trier, Trier, Germany

    Chapter 1

    Introduction on Measuring Poverty at Local Level Using Small Area Estimation Methods

    Monica Pratesi and Nicola Salvati

    Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    1.1 Introduction

    All over the world, fighting against poverty is assuming a more and more central role and recent radical economic and social transformations have caused a renewed interest in this field. Poverty is a complex concept. As a consequence, the focus should not be only on monetary poverty, but also on the larger concept of well-being, which preliminarily includes the definition and measure of the following aspects: capability of income production, being involved in a satisfying job, being in good health, living in an adequate house, achieving a proper level of education, having good social relations, and so on. These characteristics require poverty to be defined in a multidimensional setting.

    Given that, the reduction of the risk of becoming poor can be achieved only through a very wide range of policy actions and tools: from the mere monetary transfer to a varied supply of social services.

    Local governments play a fundamental role in implementing actions to provide help to vulnerable people. By means of providing social services and transfers in kind, Local Governmental Agencies (LGAs) are able to adapt their service supply to multiple and different needs. The governance of local areas must be concerted and shared creating a virtuous pool of governmental and not governmental actors and agencies.

    So the policy makers need to know the situation as it is and the impact of their actions at this local level and also stakeholders and citizens are interested in better understanding the effect of policies on their own territory.

    However the main sources of statistical data on monetary and non-monetary poverty are from sample surveys on income and living conditions. These rarely give credible estimates at sub-regional and local level. From this comes the importance of the Small Area Estimation (SAE) methods for measuring poverty at local level. This is confirmed also by the large amount of literature on these local estimates resulting from many projects, conferences and books in the last decade.

    This chapter has a twofold scope. It serves as necessary background to introduce the book as it constitutes also a useful preparation to the specific methodologies described in each chapter, and a common reference for the notation to use. We start from the definition of poverty indicators and the problem oftheir estimation (Section 1.2), to present then the main issues related to the data as data integration and data quality that are cross-cutting the methodologies presented in the book (Section 1.3). Section 1.4 reviews the model-assisted and model-based methods used in the book and also gives advice and recommendations on the previous issues.

    1.2 Target Parameters

    1.2.1 Definition of the Main Poverty Indicators

    In order to monitor the process of social inclusion, a list of 18 indicators monitoring poverty and social exclusion was proposed in 2001 (Atkinson et al. 2002). The list is constantly modified and complemented. It contains both indicators based on household incomes (monetary indicators) and indicators based on non-monetary symptoms of poverty (non-monetary indicators). Among poverty indicators, the so-called Laeken indicators are very often used to target poverty and inequalities. They are a core set of statistical indicators on poverty and social exclusion agreed by the European Council in December 2001, in the Brussels suburb of Laeken, Belgium.

    Referring to the monetary poverty and starting from the Income distribution the most frequently used indicators are the average mean of the equalized income, the Head Count Ratio (HCR) and the Poverty Gap (PG). The HCR measures the incidence of poverty and it is the percentage of individuals of households under a poverty line, that can be defined at national or regional level. For example, the European Commission fix it as 60% of the median value of the equivalized income distribution. The PG index measures the intensity of poverty, that are the depth of poverty by considering how far, on average, the poor are from that poverty line.

    Formally, the incidence of poverty or HCR and the PG can be obtained by the generalized measures of poverty introduced by 1984. Denoting the poverty line by c01-math-0001 , the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) poverty measures are defined as:

    1.1 equation

    Here c01-math-0003 is a measure of income for individual/household c01-math-0004 , c01-math-0005 is the number of individuals/households and c01-math-0006 is a sensitivity parameter. Setting c01-math-0007 defines the HCR, c01-math-0008 , whereas setting c01-math-0009 defines the PG, c01-math-0010 .

    The HCR indicator is a widely used measure of poverty. The popularity of this indicator is due to its ease of construction and interpretation, even if it has some limitations. As it assumes that all poor individuals/households are in the same situation, the easiest way of reducing its value is by implementing actions to target benefits to people who are just below the poverty line. In fact, they are the ones who are the cheapest to move across the line. Hence, policies based on the headcount index might be not completely effective, as they are not based on the exam of the whole income distribution. For this reason, estimates of the PG indicator are important. The PG can be interpreted as the average shortfall of poor people. It shows how much would have to be transferred to all the poor to bring their expenditure up to the poverty line.

    Together with the above indicators, the average value of the distribution of the household income is also important. This is especially true when the level of income is modest and the distribution of income has a long tail. In this case the median value on which the poverty line is computed is expected to be low and the HCR tends to be low as well. Also the PG can lose its relevance, giving a misleading indication of the deprivation of the population under study.

    In many cases these measures are considered as a starting point for more in depth studies of poverty and living conditions. In fact, analyses are done using also non-monetary indicators in order to give a more complete picture of poverty and deprivation (Cheli and Lemmi, 1995). In addition, as poverty is a question of graduation, the set of indicators is generally enlarged with other indicators belonging to vulnerable groups, from which it can be likely to move towards the status of poverty (see Chapter 2 of this book). The spatial distribution of these poverty indicators is a feature of high interest. It can be illustrated and represented by building poverty maps. Poverty maps can be constructed using censuses, surveys, administrative data and other data. Here we refer to poverty mapping to visualize the spatial distribution of poverty indicators. This is particularly useful, as it is shown in Chapter 2, to monitor the localization of poverty and the individuation of the most vulnerable areas.

    1.2.2 Direct and Indirect Estimate of Poverty Indicators at Small Area Level

    The estimates of the different poverty indicators at area level can be done under the design-based (Hansen et al. 1953; Kish 1965; Cochran 1977), model-assisted (Särndal et al. 1992) and model based approach (Gosh and Meeden, 1997, Valliant et al. 2000; Rao 2003), as direct or indirect small area estimates. The direct estimates are produced under the design-based approach using only data coming from one survey, the indirect estimates use auxiliary information (variables) toimprove the quality and accuracy of survey estimates or to break down the known values referred to larger areas by using regression-type models. All these estimates belong to the broad class of Small Area Estimation (SAE) methods.

    Let us start introducing the notation we use in this chapter and in particular in the review of the small areas model-assisted and model-based methods. Consider that a population c01-math-0011 of size c01-math-0012 is divided into c01-math-0013 non-overlapping subsets c01-math-0014 (domains of study or areas) of size c01-math-0015 , c01-math-0016 . We index the population units by c01-math-0017 and the small areas by c01-math-0018 , the variable of interest is c01-math-0019 , c01-math-0020 is a vector of c01-math-0021 auxiliary variables. We assume that c01-math-0022 contains 1 as its first component. Suppose that a sample c01-math-0023 is drawn according to some, possibly complex, sampling design such that the inclusion probability of unit c01-math-0024 within area c01-math-0025 is given by c01-math-0026 , and that area-specific samples c01-math-0027 of size c01-math-0028 are available for each area. Note that non-sample areas have c01-math-0029 , in which case c01-math-0030 is the empty set. The set c01-math-0031 contains the c01-math-0032 indices of the non-sampled units in small area c01-math-0033 .

    Values of c01-math-0034 are known only for sampled values while for the c01-math-0035 -vector of auxiliary variables it is assumed that area level totals c01-math-0036 or means c01-math-0037 or individual values c01-math-0038 are accurately known from external sources.

    The straightforward approach to calculate FGT poverty indicators referring to the areas of interest is to compute direct estimates. For each area, direct estimators use only the data referring to the sampled households, since for these households the information on the household income is available.

    The direct estimators of the FGT poverty indicators are of the form:



    where c01-math-0040 is the sampling weight (inverse of the probability of inclusion) of household c01-math-0041 belonging to area c01-math-0042 and c01-math-0043 . In the same way, the mean of the household equivalized income in each small area can be computed as:



    When the sample size in the areas of interest is limited, estimators such as (1.2) and (1.3) cannot be used. In fact the size is too small to obtain acceptable statistical significance of the direct estimates obtained under the sample design. Then the purely design-based solution and the usage of direct estimates often implies the increase of the sample size, oversampling of the studieddomains. If oversampling is done, credible estimates can be obtained with appropriate direct estimators and the SAE problem is solved. Nevertheless, in many practical situations oversampling is far from being an option as cost–benefit analysis excludes it as a time-consuming and unaffordable solution.

    In these cases, model-assisted and model-based SAE techniques need to be employed. Therefore, the estimation of poverty indicators (target parameters) at local level is computed with indirect methods by using auxiliary variables, usually coming from administrative data available also at local area level. The relationship between the target parameters and the auxiliary variables is described by a suitable model. Considering Särndal et al. (1992) we clarify that in this context a model consists of some assumptions of relationship, unverifiable but not entirely out of place, to save survey resources or to bypass other practical difficulties.

    Under these approaches it is useful to express the mean and the FGT indicators for the small area c01-math-0045 as shown in the following.

    The population small area mean can be written as:

    1.4 equation

    Since the c01-math-0047 values for the c01-math-0048 non-sampled units are unknown, they need to be predicted.

    The FGT poverty indicators in small area c01-math-0049 can be written as:




    1.6 equation

    Also the c01-math-0052 values for the c01-math-0053 non-sampled units are unknown, and they need to be predicted on the basis of the predicted c01-math-0054 values.

    The prediction of the c01-math-0055 is generally based on a set of auxiliary variables following a regression model. In this perspective, the model-based methodologies allow for the construction of efficient estimators and theirconfidence intervals by borrowing the strength through use of a suitable model.

    The prediction process can encounter inadequacies, difficulties, and problems due both to the characteristics of the available data and the specification and fitting of the SAE model. These issues depend on the amount and the extent of the information on the study variable and on the auxiliary information, and on the typology of the study variable we are interested in. Other problems are linked to the specification of the model as the under/over shrinkage effect of the variability of the estimates between the areas, the modeling of the spatial relationships among the areas and/or the units and the treatment of out-of-sample areas (see Section 1.3).

    1.3 Data-related and Estimation-related Problems for the Estimation of Poverty Indicators

    The data-related problems are faced when preparing the data information available to set up the estimation phase.

    There are various sample surveys, both at EU and country level, on household income, consumption, labor force and living conditions that can be used to compute direct estimates of poverty and related indicators. However, these surveys have at least two limitations: (i) problems of incoherent definitions may rise, because no single data source is able to cover all the aspects; and (ii) the estimates are accurate only at the level of large areas, because the sample is sized at regional level (e.g., in Italy not at province and municipality level).

    To overcome the first limitation, it is necessary to check the coherence among the different definitions of the target variables and to improve their comparability, as well as to integrate the micro data coming from different surveys and other data sources to increase the accuracy of the direct estimations.

    The second limitation means that the survey data do not support reliable estimation at the level of a local area because sample sizes are often too small to provide direct estimates with acceptable variability (as measured by the coefficient of variation). Sometimes, these estimates could be obtained with larger samples, oversampling the areas of interest, but increasing also the survey costs, and this is not a generally feasible solution to the problem.

    When the administrative register data are used as covariate in the SAE model, it is frequently necessary to integrate data coming from different administrative sources in order to derive more adequate auxiliary variables and more accurate and complete final statistics. This is not a straightforward procedure, as it is shown in Chapters 3 and 4 of this book. The keyword is the harmonization of the registers in such a way that information from different sources and observed data should be consistent and coherent.

    Other data-related problems arise when indirect methods based on sample surveys are used:

    i.The out-of-sample areas. The estimation of target parameters at local area use both the data collected by the related survey and the auxiliary variables data available at that area level. Frequently, for some or many areas the values of the study variable are not available, and obviously the SAE have to face with this situation, that is known as the problem of out-of-sample areas or domains.

    ii.The benchmarking. Often the target parameters to be estimated at area level are to be related with known values referred to larger areas we want to break down with the estimation models. Once obtained, the small area estimates should be consistent with already known values for larger areas. Benchmarking is the consistency of a collection of small area estimates with a reliable estimate obtained according to ordinary design-based methods for the union of the areas. The population counts or the values of the target parameters in larger areas serve as a benchmark accounting for under coverage or over coverage and underreporting of the small area target values. Realignment of the small area estimates with the known values is an automatic result of the application of some small area methods. This is also particularly important for National Statistical Institutes to ensure coherence between small area estimates and direct estimates produced at higher level planned domains. In Section 1.4 we examine the methods from this perspective giving advice and warnings about their features and impact on the estimates, guiding the reader to other chapters of the book.

    iii.The excess of zero values. The excess of significant zero values in the data requires a preliminary investigation to formulate a model of behavior for the study variable in the population. There are many practical situations where the study variable can be conceptualized as skewed and strictly positive: in a population of individuals income and consumption follow those models. The problem of the zero excess emerges in situations where the target variable is not only skewed and strictly positive, but defined over the whole positive axis, zero included. Also, when analyzing significant variables to build up poverty indicators it is likely to be in the presence of survey data where there are many zero values of that variable for many sampled households. We refer here to the case of negative income values that are substituted by zero values. A high frequency of zeros can occur also when the study variable is a characteristic of the households, such as presence of households not able to keep their home adequately warm or with arrears on utility bills in a local area where living conditions are acceptable. In this case the problem is different and should be treated under the umbrella of SAE for a rare population.

    iv.The outlier. Outlier detection in the study variable have always been an interesting challenge when examining data to prepare the estimation of small area target parameters. If they are significant and not to be eliminated cleaning up the data set, they require methods that are robust against their effect on the validity of the small area model.

    There are solutions described in recent literature to deal with the problem of excess of zeros and with the estimation in the presence of outliers which we will mention in Section 1.4 and they also are presented in the following chapters.

    Part III of this book contains chapters devoted to the design-based estimation of poverty indicators and on related themes. Particularly Chapter 5 provides evidence on the effect of the sample design on SAE methods. Chapter 6 shows applications of the design-based framework to SAE and Chapter 7 illustrates the cumulation of panel data to estimate the sampling variance.

    The estimation-related problems are inherent to the selected SAE model and its specification and fitting procedure. They produce an effect on the set of small area estimates affecting their heterogeneity and the meaning of their relation with other variables:

    v.The shrinkage effect. The SAE estimates can often be motivated from both a Bayesian and a frequentist point of view, can be obtained using the theory of best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) or empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) or under non-parametric and semi-parametric approaches using also M-quantile models. The chapters of Part III and Part V of this book show many of these models and present simulation studies and application to real poverty data. Nevertheless, there are situations where the models have the tendency for under/over-shrinkage of small area estimators. In fact, it is often the case that, if we consider a collection of small area estimates, they misrepresent the variability of the underlying ensemble of population parameters. In other words, the expected sampling variance of the set of predictions is less than the expected sampling variance of the ensemble of the true Small Area parameters (see Rao, 2003, section 9.6 for a discussion of this problem and also of adjusted predictors).

    vi.The spatial modeling. In recent years there have been significant developments in model-based small area methods that incorporate spatial information in an attempt to improve the efficiency of small area estimates by borrowing strength over space. The possible gains from modeling the correlations among small area random effects used to represent the unexplained variation of the small area target quantities are examined and compared with other parametric and non parametric approaches. The reader can find a review of spatio-temporal models inthe chapters of Part IV. In Chapters 11, 12 and 13 there are examples of how these spatial models perform when estimation is for out-of-sample areas that is areas with zero sample, and issues related to estimation of mean squared error (MSE) of the resulting small area estimators are discussed. The emphasis is on point prediction of the target area quantities, and mean square error assessments. However, these alternative small area models using data with geographical information have to be studied also with reference to their performance whenever the Modifiable Area Unit Problem (MAUP) occurs.

    vii.The Modifiable Area Unit Problem. The MAUP appears when analyzing the relation (spatial or not) between variables. It is a potential source of error that can affect spatial studies, which utilize aggregate data sources and also the SAE results. The result can be diverse when the same relation is measured on different areal units. This can give misleading results in the specification of SAE models and affect the quality of the small area estimates. A simple strategy to deal with the problem of MAUP in SAE is to undertake analysis at multiple scales or zones. In Section 1.4 we will indicate some preliminary results on the scale effect of MAUP when obtaining small area estimates.

    1.4 Model-assisted and Model-based Methods Used for the Estimation of Poverty Indicators: a Short Review

    1.4.1 Model-assisted Methods

    In the last 30 years mixture modes of making inference have become common in survey sampling: in many cases design-based inference is model assisted. Also in the SAE context the model-assisted approach has become popular and in this section we briefly review the most common estimators under this approach.

    Among design-based methods assisted by the specification of a model for the study variable there are three families of methods that have been recently applied in poverty mapping: Generalized Regression (GREG) estimators; pseudo-EBLUP estimators; and M-quantile weighted estimators.

    The GREG approach can be used to estimate several poverty indicators. With reference to the estimation of the small area mean, the estimators under this approach share the following structure:

    1.7 equation

    where c01-math-0057 is the sampling weight of unit c01-math-0058 within area c01-math-0059 that is the reciprocal of the respective inclusion probability c01-math-0060 . Different GREG estimators are obtained in association with different models specified for assisting estimation, that is for calculating predicted values c01-math-0061 , c01-math-0062 . In the simplest case a fixed effects regression model is assumed: c01-math-0063 , c01-math-0064 , c01-math-0065 where the expectation is taken with respect to the assisting model. Lehtonen and Veijanen (1999) introduce an assisting two-level model where c01-math-0066 , which is a model with area-specific regression coefficients. In practice, not all coefficients need to be random and models with area-specific intercepts mimicking linear mixed models may be used (Lehtonen et al. 2003). In this case the GREG estimator takes the form of (1.7) with c01-math-0067 . Estimators c01-math-0068 and c01-math-0069 are obtained using generalized least squares and restricted maximum likelihood methods (Lehtonen and Pahkinen, 2004). See Chapter 6 of this book.

    Under the pseudo-EBLUP approach the estimators are derived taking into account the sampling design both via the sampling weights and the auxiliary variables in the models. The estimators of the area mean proposed by Prasad and Rao (1999) and You and Rao (2002) are based on the assumption of a population nested error regression model and it is also assumed that the sampling design is ignorable given the auxiliary variables included in the model. As for the error terms it is assumed that c01-math-0070 and c01-math-0071 .

    By combining a Hájek type direct estimator of c01-math-0072 defined as c01-math-0073 where c01-math-0074 , and the nested error regression model, Prasad and Rao (1999) obtain the following aggregated area level model:

    1.8 equation

    with c01-math-0076 and c01-math-0077 .

    The design consistent pseudo-EBLUP estimator c01-math-0078 of the c01-math-0079 th area mean is then given by:

    1.9 equation

    where c01-math-0081 , c01-math-0082 and



    The variance components c01-math-0084 can be estimated using for example, Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) or the fitting-of-constants method. Both Prasad and Rao (1999) and You and Rao (2002) provided formulae for the model-based MSE associated with the pseudo-EBLUP estimators of the area mean. Jiang and Lahiri (2006) noted that these estimators are not second-order correct. Torabi and Rao (2010) derived a second order unbiased predictor for the pseudo-EBLUP estimator (1.9).

    An alternative family of model-assisted small area estimators is based on the M-quantile methodology (Chambers and Tzavidis, 2006), see Chapter 9 of this book. Recently, under this model, Fabrizi et al. (2014a) proposed a design consistent estimator of area-specific poverty indicators using the Rao–Kovar–Mantel estimator of the distribution function of income c01-math-0085 (Rao et al. 1990) defined as:



    where c01-math-0087 is a design consistent estimator of c01-math-0088 . In the application of M-quantile regression to SAE, Chambers and Tzavidis (2006) characterize the variability across the population, beyond what is accounted for by the model covariates, by using the so-called M-quantile coefficients of the population units. For unit c01-math-0089 in area c01-math-0090 , this coefficient is the value c01-math-0091 such that c01-math-0092 , where c01-math-0093 is the conditional M-quantile that is assumed to be a linear function of the auxiliary information. The authors observe that if a hierarchical structure does explain part of the variability in the population data, units within areas defined by this hierarchy are expected to have similar M-quantile coefficients. Average area coefficients c01-math-0094 may be calculated and this represents an alternative approach to estimating area random effects without the need for using parametric assumptions.

    More specifically, the weighted M-quantile-based small area estimator of the mean from (1.11) is:



    The M-quantile method can be also used for estimating the HCR and the PG. Using c01-math-0096 to denote the poverty line, different poverty indicators are defined by the area-specific mean of the variable derived:



    The population-level small area-specific poverty indicator can be decomposed as:

    1.14 equation

    The first component in (1.14) is observed in the sample, whereas the second component has to be predicted by using the M-quantile model. Tzavidis et al. (2014) propose a non-parametric approach by using a smearing-type estimator. More specifically:



    For simplicity let us focus on the simplest case when c01-math-0100 . An estimator of c01-math-0101 is obtained by substituting an estimator of c01-math-0102 in (1.15) leading to



    where c01-math-0104 s are the estimated residuals from the M-quantile fit. The same approach can be followed to estimate c01-math-0105 or any other of the FGT poverty measures.

    For the estimation of the variance of the M-quantile (MQ) predictors see Fabrizi et al. (2014a) where two alternative estimators of the variance of the MQ predictors are proposed.

    Even if the use of design consistent estimators in SAE is somewhat questionable because of the small sample sizes in some or all of the areas, as Pfeffermann noted (Pfeffermann, 2013), the families of methods we have described above offer generally design consistent estimators.

    The three approaches previously described give partial solutions to the problems listed in Section 1.3: they give practical solutions to benchmarking, they deal with the presence of outliers, the estimates that they provide are differently affected by the shrinkage effect, and they all offer out-of-samplepredictions.

    Also to protect against possible model failures, benchmarking procedures make the total of small area estimates match a design consistent estimate for a larger area. With respect to benchmarking, all the families of methods offer a solution.

    There are two kinds of benchmarked estimators: estimators that are internally benchmarked (or self-benchmarked) and those that are externally benchmarked. Self-benchmarked predictors are the GREG estimator and the pseudo-EBLUP introduced by You and Rao (2002). The externally benchmarked ones are more common under the model-based approach. For a recent review see Wang et al. (2008).

    The GREG procedure uses the higher level totals as auxiliary data in calculating survey weights, thereby adjusting the lower level weights so that the total and subtotal estimates are consistent (see also Smith and Hidiroglou, 2005). In addition, the weights that are used for direct estimation using survey data in GREG expression are often constructed using calibration methods, Often benchmarking to auxiliary totals is used together with weight equalization. Benchmarking (forcing certain estimates to match known totals) has been shown to reduce variances for statistics correlated with the auxiliary characteristics, and weight equalization (forcing the weights within higher-level units to be equal) has been shown to further reduce variances for statistics measured on the higher-level units (Lehtonen and Veijanen, 1999). The pseudo-EBLUP estimators satisfy the benchmarking property without any adjustment in the sense that they add up to the direct survey regression estimator when aggregated over the areas. A drawback of this type of self-benchmarked estimators is that they force the use of the same auxiliary information used for the direct usually GREG-type estimator also for the model-based small area predictors, whereas it could be very profitable to allow for different auxiliary variables at the small area level. Coming to the M-quantile approach note that expression (1.12) has a GREG-type form. This is the basis to see that the MQ predictors do not satisfy the benchmarking property as it is shown in Fabrizi et al. (2014b). Here the authors propose a method of constraining M-quantile regression. It can be applied to obtain benchmarking MQ small area estimates.

    The treatment of the outliers is not the focus of the estimators of GREG type nor of those under the pseudo-EBLUP approach, while the weighted M-quantile approach this issue.


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