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Ebook354 pages5 hours


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The Great Network is an ancient web of routes and gates, where sentient trains can take you anywhere in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Zen Starling is a nobody. A petty thief from the filthy streets of Thunder City who aimlessly rides the rails of the Network. So when the mysterious stranger Raven offers Zen a chance to escape the squalor of the city and live the rest of his days in luxury, Zen can’t believe his luck. All he has to do is steal one small box from the Emperor’s train with the help of Nova, an android girl. But the Great Network is a hazardous mess of twists and turns, and that little box just might bring everything in this galaxy and the next to the end of the line. The highly anticipated novel from Carnegie-medal-winning author Philip Reeve, Railhead is a fast, immersive, and heart-pounding ride perfect for any sci-fi fan. Step aboard -- the universe is waiting.
Release dateJan 1, 2016

Philip Reeve

Philip Reeve wrote his first story when he was just five years old, about a spaceman named Spike and his dog, Spook. Philip has continued writing and dreaming up adventures and is now the acclaimed author of the Mortal Engines series, the Fever Crumb series, Here Lies Author (2008 Carnegie Medal Winner), and many other exciting tales. Born and raised in Brighton, England, Philip first worked as a cartoonist and illustrator before pursuing a career as an author. He lives in Dartmoor with his wife, Sarah, and their son, Sam.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    After reading "Mortal Engines", I eagerly grabbed "Railhead" to read over the weekend and all I can say is that I'm left feeling really confused and disappointed. For a start, the protagonists are called Zen and Nova (is that best he could do?) and then there is a succession of unpronounceable names such as Kwisatz Haderach and Sundarban. Unfortunately, I didn't discover the glossary until I finished the book. Always beware of a work of fiction that needs a glossary!At one stage I thought I was reading something from Kafka's "Metamorphosis" with the shape-shifting insect-like creatures, then it seemed I was in Crichton's "Jurassic Park", not to mention "The Matrix".Then there's the question of time and place. Where are we? Are we on some distant planet or a place like Earth complete with dinosaurs, drones and virtual reality?Why are we weightless one minute and travelling in elevators the next? Why are we travelling faster than the speed of light but on train tracks? I just don't get it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Zen is a thief and proud of it. Unwittingly, he becomes embroiled in a battle between two opposing forces who believe they they are in the right, and readers aren't really sure where good resides. Trains have their own personalities and are able to leap across time and space to other galaxies along an intricate pattern of rails. Zen befriends Nova, an artificial intelligence with very human qualities, and the two of them are tested for their loyalty and cleverness. A sequel is likely and will be welcome.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I heard rave reviews on this book, but resisted for a while.But some of those raving like books that I like, so I threw caution to the wind and decided to dive in. I didn't like it. At first, I didn't like it. But I kept reading.The k in K-gate stands for a word that means shortening of the way. The word is from the language of "old earth" which is more or less us, our time.The main character is Zen. He's a Railhead.He rides the trains And the trains, well they travel the K-bahn, and they travel swiftly and to other planets. No one can walk the K-bahn, or travel it in any way other than the trains. The Guardians made it so, and the trains were made and controlled by the Guardians.Zen lives his sister and mother and has a light fingered way of helping to support his family, while still riding the trains to worlds far and wide.His mother is mentally unstable, and they seem to be always on the move, trying to out run her fears. But finally, they found a world, his sister found a job, and they are determined to stay. Then one day, Zen lifts a necklace, and life as he knows it changes.The ending is amazing. I never came close to guessing what would happen. The characters, human and not are interesting and multidimensional and sometimes, composite, all serve to build an exciting and compelling story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Zen Starling is a petty thief. He thinks he has just been caught stealing but instead he has been chosen for a mission by a mysterious stranger named Raven. Zen has to infiltrate the Emperor's train and steal something Raven desperately wants. He has always wanted to traverse the Great Network - a vast place of a thousand gates leading to very different places, of Station Angels, drones, maintenance spiders and many different trains all with their own personalities. Zen Starling jumps at the chance to see the worlds and steal something big.

    I'm not really into made up worlds and stuff like that but this book sounded interesting enough to give it a go. And I must say it was really good! There is a very helpful glossary at the back. I really enjoyed going into these weird new worlds and meeting different types of creatures and trains. I was fond of Uncle Bugs. He is a Hive Monk which is a million bugs clinging together to form a human-shaped skeleton by using old junk like a cloak and a face mask. Very creative!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Railhead by Philip Reeve is a superb fantasy/science fiction book. It is filled with so much unique imagination, it was refreshing. It was a guessing game throughout the book figuring out who was really the good guys, was our hero doing the right thing, how was he getting out of this, and so on... It was a great ride! The boy of the story was not who we think he is, the robot the helps him is more than a robot, so is others that help him. The man who hires him has many secrets that is later exposed. In this strange world the author makes, trains transport people from one part of the galaxy to another through gates but the trains are living things with personalities. At the jump sites, the gates where the trains jump from one spot to another, people watch for the 'angels' which seem to linger there briefly. These angels come into play. This is such an imaginative book, I loved it! I hope there is book 2. I received this book from NetGalley for a honest review and it in no way effected my rating or review content.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reeve, best known (to me, at least) for the steampunk-flavoured Mortal Engines, here moves into a realm closer to cyberpunk, and does it very well. The notion that an interstellar empire might be based on a form of wormhole-crossing railway network is inspired, as is the focus on the resulting flotsam and jetsam of train-surfers, train-spotters, and graffiti artists. There is much thought-experiment in relation to the impact of advanced AI on human society, from the transcendent AI Guardians who protect humankind to the Motorik androids who interact with them rather after the classic robots of Asimov and his ilk, but with a more down-and-dirty feel than the high-tech Asimov universe. I also loved the little jokes buried in the text (such as the logo of the Imperium - lightning across two parallel lines - which may seem vaguely familiar to any British Rail passengers, and the nicknaming of the Emperor as "the Fat Controller"). The identification of the future ruling class with the Anglo-Indian business community rather than the usual suspects (mainly white European scientists) is neatly done. MB 10-xi-2021
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ambiguity is often missing in young adult fiction and you find it in this book all over the place. I checked what page number I was on early (page 50) and was bummed to realize I was already a sixth of the way done. Plus, I like trains.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I would like to thank Capstone Publishing & NetGalley for a copy of this e-book to review. Though I received this ebook for free, that has no impact upon the honesty of my review. Goodreads Teaser: "Come with me, Zen Starling, she had said. The girl in the red coat. But how did she know his name?The Great Network is a place of drones and androids, maintenance spiders and Station Angels. The place of the thousand gates, where sentient trains crisis-cross the galaxy in a heartbeat. Zen Starling is a petty thief, a street urchin from Thunder City. So when mysterious stranger Raven sends Zen and his new friend Nova on a mission to infiltrate the Emperor's train, he jumps at the chance to traverse the Great Network, to cross the galaxy in a heartbeat, to meet interesting people - and to steal their stuff. But the Great Network is a dangerous place, and Zen had no idea where his journey will take him."Written with a deft hand, this book quickly pulled me in and made me feel the story instead of simply allowing me to sit back and observe. Zen is an entertaining character, and has no trouble surrounding himself with others that fit the same description. He also has a real knack for finding trouble, but not as much luck in determining who, or what, will be the cause of that trouble until it's already too late for him to alter his course. Some of that is his own doing, while some is done to him by older and more experienced players. Raven is a prime example, for he is most certainly not your average Joe, and it's mighty tough to get a handle on him. Sometimes he seems so honest and sincere, yet others it seems that every other line that comes out of his mouth is a lie. How's a young man to determine the truth of an older, and far more experienced, grifter than him? Even after finally hearing his own story it's tough to know just how much is true and how much is fabricated to gain him what he needs at that moment. That's a real skill, and that Reeve left us in the dark as well made it that much more potent and enjoyable. Then there's Nova. Zen isn't quite sure what to make of her. She's loyal to Raven for one thing. And of course she's nothing like the other girls Zen knows. Nova is still figuring out who she wants to be, even though she's got some pretty strong ideas about who she already is. And at her core Nova truly is nothing like the other girls Zen knows; she's very much her own being. The other characters are well crafted, and they grow and change as the story progresses. But the ones that really caught me were the trains. As interesting as the other people were, the trains appealed to me on so many levels. They all had their own stories, and those stories were ongoing and almost always unseen by all the blind riders. But some of the real 'railheads' like Zen heard their stories and fell just that much deeper in love with them. Even those trains that were frightening became more understandable and even accepted as the truth of their stories became clear. It really got to me that these trains had such extensive stories when they weren't the central focus of this story, or at least not in the conventional manner. I found their different personalities fascinating and appealing, as well as their various experiences — all of which made their interactions with Zen different and unique. This story flows smoothly and at a decent clip, never once losing my interest or attention. The story and characters intertwined in a beautiful way, and while separately they were strong, when combined they became exceptionally powerful. The whole arc of the story was smooth and graceful, and even the ending was the same. Thankfully it left plenty of room to return to several characters, regardless of their humanity or not, and venture forth from where we last saw them. And I for one sincerely hope that Mr. Reeve decides to return to this rich and palatable creation of his, very soon and very often!

Book preview

Railhead - Philip Reeve



He was running down Harmony when he heard it. Faint at first, but growing clearer, rising above the noises of the streets. Out in the dark, beyond the city, a siren voice was calling, lonely as the song of whales. It was the sound he had been waiting for. The Interstellar Express was thundering down the line from Golden Junction, and singing as it came.

He had an excuse to hurry now. He was not running away from a crime anymore, just running to catch a train. Just Zen Starling, a thin brown kid racing down Harmony Street with trouble in his eyes and stolen jewelry in the pocket of his coat, dancing his way through the random gaps that opened and closed in the crowds. The lines of lanterns strung between the old glass buildings lit his face as he looked back, looked back, checking for the drone that was hunting him.


Who’d have thought that the goldsmith would send a drone after him? Zen had come to believe that the merchants of the Ambersai Bazar didn’t much mind being robbed, as long as you didn’t steal too often from the same shop. Like maybe they felt a bit of pilfering was a price worth paying for a pitch in the biggest market on the eastern branch lines. For as long as anyone could remember, the Bazar had been a happy hunting ground for people like Zen who were young and daring and dishonest, the low heroes of this infinite city.

Ambersai was a big moon. The dirty yellow disc of its mother-world gazed down upon the busy streets like a watchful eye, but it never seemed to notice Zen when he filched food or bangles from the open-fronted shops. Sometimes the shopkeepers noticed, and chased him, bellowing threats and waving lathi sticks, but they mostly gave up after a street or two, and there were always crowds to hide in. The Bazar was busy day and night. Not just the cafés, bars, and pleasure shops, but the stalls of the craftsmen and metal dealers too. There was a whole district of them, selling stuff that the deep-space mining outfits brought in. Ambersai’s local asteroid belt was as full of precious metals as an expensive necklace.

By coincidence, an expensive necklace was just what Zen had lifted that night. He could feel it in his pocket, swinging against his hip as he went down the greasy stairs toward the station and the approaching train.

He wasn’t usually so ambitious. A couple of anklets or a nose ring was all he usually scooped up on his visits to Ambersai. But when he saw that necklace lying on the goldsmith’s counter, it had seemed like too good a chance to miss. The goldsmith herself was busy talking to the customer who’d just been looking at it, trying to interest him in others, even more expensive. The guard she paid to watch her stuff was watching sportscasts or a threedie instead; he wore a headset and that glass-eyed look that people got when they were streaming video straight to their visual cortex.

Before Zen’s brain knew what his fingers were planning, he had snatched the necklace and slipped it into his coat. Then he was turning away, trying to look casual as he melted back into the crowds.

He hadn’t gone twenty paces when someone blocked his way. Zen had his head down, so all he saw of her at first were her clumpy boots and her red raincoat, the belt knotted around her waist. He raised his eyes and glimpsed the dim outline of her face in the shadow of the raincoat’s hood. A girlish face, he guessed, but he had only that one glance, because the goldsmith had worked out by then that she’d been robbed, and her guard had woken up and skimmed back through the stall’s security footage and seen Zen take the necklace. Thief! the goldsmith screamed, and the guard grabbed a lathi and came wading through the crowd toward Zen.

Come with me! said the girl.

Zen pushed past her. Her hand shot out and gripped his arm, surprisingly strong, almost pulling him off balance, but he twisted free. Behind him he could hear the lathi boy yelling and shoving shoppers aside. Zen Starling! yelled the girl in the red coat—only she couldn’t really have said that, he must have misheard her, because how could she know his name? He ran on, losing himself in the crowds on Harmony Street.

He was just starting to think his luck had held when he heard the flutter-thud of rotors, and looked back to see the drone behind him, hovering like a May bug over the heads of the crowd. It was sleek and serious and military-looking. Neon reflections slithered over its carapace and its laser eyes glowed red. Zen had a nasty feeling that those pods on its underside held weaponry. At the very least, it would be able to flash his image and location to the local data raft when it found him, and that would bring cops or the goldsmith’s thugs down on him.

So he chameleoned his old smartfiber duffel coat from blue to black and pushed on through the crowds, listening out for the sweet sound of trainsong.


Ambersai Station: grand and high-fronted like a great theater, with the K-bahn logo hanging over its entrance in letters of blue fire. Booming loudspeaker voices reciting litanies of stations. Moths and Monk bugs swarming under the lamps outside; beggars and street kids too, and buskers, and vendors selling fruit and chai and noodles, and rickshaw captains squabbling as they touted for fares. Through the din and chatter came the sound of the train.

Zen went through the entrance barriers and ran out onto the platform. The Express was just pulling in. First the huge loco, a Helden Hammerhead, its long hull sheathed in shining red-gold scales. Then a line of lit windows and a pair of Station Angels flickering along the carriage sides like stray rainbows. Some tourists standing next to Zen pointed at them and snapped pictures that wouldn’t come out. Zen kept his place in the scrum of other K-bahn travelers, itching to look behind him, but knowing that he mustn’t because, if the drone was there, it would be watching for just that: a face turned back, a look of guilt.

The doors slid open. He shoved past disembarking passengers into a carriage. It smelled of something sweet, as if the train had come from some world where it was springtime. Zen found a window seat and sat there looking at his feet, at the ceramic floor, at the patterns on the worn seat coverings, anywhere but out of the window, which was where he most wanted to look. His fellow passengers were commuters and a few Motorik couriers with their android brains stuffed full of information for businesses farther down the line. In the seats opposite Zen lounged a couple of rich kids: railheads from K’mbussi or Galaghast, pretty as threedie stars, dozing with their arms around each other. Zen thought about taking their bags with him when he got off, but his luck was glitchy tonight and he decided not to risk it.

The train began to move, so smoothly that he barely noticed. Then the lights of Ambersai Station were falling behind, the throb of the engines was rising, the backbeat of the wheels quickening. Zen risked a glance at the window. At first it was hard to make out anything in the confusion of carriage reflections and the city lights sliding by outside. Then he saw the drone again. It was keeping pace with the train, shards of light sliding from its rotor blades as it burred along at window height, aiming a whole spider-cluster of eyes and cameras and who-knew-what at him.

The train rushed into a tunnel, and he could see nothing anymore except his own skinny reflection, wide cheekbones fluttering with the movement of the carriage, eyes big and empty as the eyes on moths’ wings.

The train accelerated. The noise rising, rising, until, with a soundless bang—a kind of un-bang—it tore through the K-gate, and everything got reassuringly weird. For a timeless moment Zen was outside of the universe. There was a sense of falling, although there was no longer any down to fall to. Something that was not quite light blazed in through the blank windows…

Then another un-bang, and the train was sliding out of another ordinary tunnel, slowing toward another everyday station. It was bright daytime on this world, and the gravity was lower. Zen relaxed into his seat, grinning. He was imagining that drone turning away in defeat from the empty tunnel on Ambersai, a thousand light years away.


The K in K-gate stands for KH, which stands for Kwisatz Haderech, which means the shortening of the way in one of the languages of Old Earth. Only the Guardians know how it works. You step aboard a train, and the train goes through a K-gate, and you step off on another planet, where the sun that was shining on you a moment ago is now just one of those tiny stars in the sky. It might take ten thousand years to travel that far by spaceship, but a K-train makes the jump in seconds. You can’t walk through those gates, or drive through in a car. Rockets and bullets and lasers and radio waves can’t make that crossing. Only trains can ride the K-bahn: the old, wise trains of the Empire, barracuda-beautiful, dreaming their dreams of speed and distance as they race from world to world.

Nowadays most people rode from one star-system to another as carelessly as if they were traveling between the districts of a single city. But Zen was one of those who still sensed the magic of it. That night, like all nights, he kept his face to the window, watching the worlds go by.

Un-bang. Tarakat: chimneys belching vapor and some big moons hanging. (The train sped through without stopping.) Un-bang. Summer’s Lease: white streets above a bay; the kind of place people like Zen could only dream of living. Un-bang. Tusk: giant gas planets tilting their rings like the brims of summer hats across a turquoise sky. There was a big market in Tusk. Maybe next time he’d go there rather than risk showing his face in Ambersai too soon. Or maybe he should just keep off the K-bahn altogether for a while; there were plenty of things to steal at home in Cleave.

But he knew he wouldn’t. His sister, Myka, said he was just a railhead, said he needed the K-bahn like a drug. Zen guessed she was right. He didn’t make these journeys up and down the line simply to steal things, he made them because he loved the changing views, the roaring blackness of the tunnels, and the flicker of the gates. And best of all he loved the trains, the great locomotives, each one different, some stern, some friendly, but all driven by the same deep joy that he felt at riding the rails.

Those locos didn’t care what loads they pulled. Shining carriages or battered freight cars, it was all the same to them. They didn’t usually take much interest in their passengers, either, although they were romantics at heart, and you often heard about them helping fugitive lovers, or good-looking thieves. And now and then a murderer might board a train, or a banker absconding with other people’s savings, and the loco would whistle up the authorities at its next stop, or just set its own maintenance spiders on the creep…

Zen was thinking about that as the Interstellar Express tore through one last gate and the long darkness of a tunnel gave way to a cavernous rail yard. Stacked freight containers like a windowless city. Chilly reflections in ceramic tiles, the name of the station sliding past the windows. The gentle voice of the train announcing, Cleave. End of the line. Cleave. All change. Stepping out onto the platform, he noticed a couple of maintenance spiders scuttling along the carriage roofs. It made him wonder if the drone had pinged his details to the train before it left Ambersai. Maybe it was going to turn him in. Maybe he was not good-looking or romantic enough. Maybe the train felt sorry for the goldsmith he had robbed. As he went along the platform he imagined those many-legged robots jumping down on him. Pulling him apart with their mechanical pincers, or just holding on to him till the local law arrived.

They did neither. He was just letting his fears run away with him like Ma did. I ought to watch that, he thought. He knew where too much imagining could lead you. The spiders went about their work, checking couplings, repairing scratches in the train’s paintwork, while Zen walked through the barriers and out of the station amid a little crowd of other passengers, a herd of roll-along suitcases scurrying behind them, nobody looking exactly delighted to be getting off at Cleave.


Zen’s hometown was a sheer-sided ditch of a place. Cleave’s houses and factories were packed like shelved crates up each wall of a mile-deep canyon on a one-gate world called Angkat whose surface was scoured by constant storms. Space was scarce, so the buildings huddled into every available scrap of terracing, and clung to cliff faces, and crowded on the bridges that stretched across the gulf between the canyon walls—a gulf that was filled with sagging cables, dangling neon signage, smog, dirty rain, and the fluttering rotors of air-taxis, ferries, and corporate transports. Between the steep-stacked buildings, a thousand waterfalls went foaming down to join the river far below, adding their own roar to the various dins from the industrial zone. The local name for Cleave was Thunder City.

Zen had been just ten standard years old when he came there with Ma and Myka. Before that they had lived on Santheraki, before that Qalat, and before that he couldn’t even remember; so many worlds; a blur of cheap rooms and changing skies. They tended to leave places in a hurry, always running from the people Ma said were following them. But by the time they got to Cleave, Myka and Zen were starting to understand that the people were just bad dreams leaking out of Ma’s imagination, like the thought waves that she saw coming off walls and windows sometimes. So there they had stayed, managing Ma as best as they could. Myka had found a job for herself in the factories. Zen had been drawn to easier ways of making money.

Well, not that easy. The chase in the Ambersai Bazar had shaken him. As he came out of the station he could still feel the weight of that stolen necklace dragging his coat down on one side. It felt like bad luck. Wanting rid of it, he walked through the neon puddles and the white noise of the falls to the street where Uncle Bugs kept shop.

He did not notice the drone that followed him, training its cameras on him through the rain and the spray and the crowds.


Uncle Bugs wasn’t really anybody’s uncle. He wasn’t even technically a he. He was a Hive Monk, a colony of big brown beetles clinging to a roughly human-shaped armature, which they’d made for themselves out of sticks and string and chicken bones. There must be millions of them, thought Zen, as he stood in the dim little office behind the shop, holding up the necklace. A rustling sound came from under Uncle Bugs’s grimy burlap robe. In the shadows of the hood there was a paper wasp’s nest of a face, like a chapati with three holes poked in it—two eyes and a ragged mouth, with shiny bug bodies crawling and seething in the dark behind. The voice that came out of the mouth hole was made by a thousand saw-toothed limbs rubbing together.

That is a nice piece, Zen. Better than the usual junks you bring me. Long black antennae wavered at Zen through the holes in the mask. Most Hive Monks spent their time riding the K-bahn on endless, mysterious pilgrimages. It was odd to find one running a shop, but Uncle Bugs was good at it; he could haggle as well as any human. Two hundred, he buzzed.

That was at least a hundred less than Zen had hoped for, but he was tired, and he didn’t like that necklace anymore. So he put it on Uncle Bugs’s greasy counter, and a crude, insect-covered, coat-hanger-sculpture hand reached out from beneath the burlap robes and took it.

He came out of the shop counting the wad of notes, each with its smiling video portrait of the Emperor. Then he headed for home, feeling like he always did at the end of a job—like he’d flown free for a while and now he was going back into his cage.

He didn’t think to look back. He did not see the drone descend out of the neon fog onto the roof of Uncle Bugs’s shop. There was a flare of light, a quick clattering sound from inside the shop, and the drone reappeared. It hovered outside until a girl in a red raincoat arrived. She looked up at it. The drone angled its rotors and took off after Zen, with the girl following on foot.


The Starlings were living that year on Bridge Street, a low-rent district built on one of Cleave’s spindly suspension bridges. The houses there were all bio-buildings, grown from modified baobab DNA. They huddled on the bridge like dejected elephants planning to fly off to warmer climes. Most had gone to seed, sprouting random balconies and bulbous little pointless extensions. Zen’s family rented the top floor of one of them: a few shapeless rooms that opened unexpect-edly off a winding corridor. They lived there like three beetles in an oak gall. Their front door was a chunk of plastic packing crate, stenciled with the logo of a Khoorsandi rail-freight outfit.

Zen pushed the plastic door open and went in. Dim yellow light on fading carpets and cancerous-looking walls. There had been a time when his sister, Myka, had tried to keep the place nice. She’d cleaned daily, and tried out holowallpapers that made the living room look like a beach on Summer’s Lease or a meadow in the Crystal Mountains, if you ignored the downstairs neighbors’ amped-up bhangra booming through the floor. But none of it made much difference to Ma, who was as scared of beaches or meadows as she was of blank walls. When Myka started working extra shifts and hadn’t time to do housework anymore, Zen couldn’t be bothered to take over. Dishes heaped up in the sink, dead flies dotted the windowsills, and the wallpaper had shut down long ago.

Ma looked up at him with scared eyes as he let himself in. Her fine, graying hair made crazy pencil scribbles against the light from the window behind her. She said, You’re back! I didn’t think you’d ever come back; I thought something had happened to you…

That’s what you always think, Ma. That’s what you say when I go to the food store for five minutes.

(And one day it will be true, he thought. One day soon he’d find the courage and the money to leave this place for good, take the Interstellar Express all the way to Golden Junction, and keep going…)

I was sure they’d caught you, his mother grumbled. Those people…

Myka came through from her small room, still wearing the gray overalls and grumpy scowl that she wore every day to her job in the factory district. She didn’t look too pleased to see her little brother.

Where have you been?

Here and there.

Riding the trains?

Those trains are part of it, Ma interrupted. And the Guardians. The Guardians see everything.

With everything that’s going on in all the worlds, the Guardians are hardly going to bother watching you and me and Zen, said Myka wearily.

She was nothing like him, this sister of his. Or half sister, maybe—Ma had never told them who their fathers were, and they’d not asked. Myka was big, taller than Zen, broad across the hips and shoulders, with darker skin, and a cloud of black hair, which spat angry lightning when she tugged a comb through it. She knew what Zen did on his jaunts through the K-gates, and she didn’t approve, but she never turned away Uncle Bugs’s money. Without it, they couldn’t afford to live anywhere half as nice as Bridge Street.

She’s been bad, Myka said, deciding to talk about Ma rather than Zen and his thieving ways. She was in a real state when I came home…

They’ve found us again, said Ma. They listen to us. Through the walls.

It’s all right, Ma, said Myka softly. She wasn’t a soft sort of person usually—she was usually angry at everyone—Zen, her coworkers, the company she worked for, the corporate families, the Emperor, even the Guardians themselves. She had taken part in the anti-Moto riots, and sometimes Zen found her frowning over illegal pamphlets, dreaming of rebellion. But with their mother, she always kept her temper.

It’s not all right! Ma whimpered. They’re watching us! We’re going to have to leave this place…

No one is watching us, Ma. Myka gently laid a hand on Ma’s shoulder, but Ma, with a hiss of irritation, slapped it away.

Zen didn’t know where Myka got her patience from. Perhaps it was because she was older than him, and remembered Ma in times when Ma’s imagination was still under control, before the men started hunting her, the walls started listening. Myka just pitied her. Zen pitied her too, but mostly he felt angry. Angry at the way his whole life had been shaped by her delusions. At how many years she’d had him believing in her made-up conspiracies.

They’re outside now! she whimpered. Spying on us!

He crossed to the window, peered out through the misted cellulose. Ma, he said, there’s nobody—

And then he stopped.

He was looking down onto the bridge, at the narrow roadway that ran between the two lines of bio-buildings. It was crowded with pedestrians: day-shift workers like his sister trudging back from the factory district, night-shift workers tramping in the opposite direction to go on duty. Rickshaws and maglev cars pushed through the river of wet rain capes, hats, and umbrellas. And on the far side of the street, the girl in the red coat stood motionless, staring straight at him.


Just before a train went through a K-gate there was a moment of quiet, so short that only railheads caught it, as the wheels moved from the normal K-bahn track to the strange, ancient, frictionless rails that ran through the gate itself. That was what it felt like to Zen when he recognized the girl: a heartbeat’s silence, and then he was in a new world.

Nobody there, he said, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. He took a step back from the window, although he didn’t really think the girl would be able to see him. He kept watching her. How had she followed him here? She must have been on the same train as him out of Ambersai. But she couldn’t have been; he had not seen her get off at Cleave. It couldn’t be the same girl…

And then she raised her face and seemed to look straight at him, and although he still couldn’t make out her features through the rain and the shadow of her hood, he felt sure that it was her.

Come with me! she had said.

She had known his name.

So what was she? Police? An assassin? The goldsmith must have sent her, Zen thought. That didn’t make much sense. It was only a necklace that he’d stolen, and once it went through the K-gate the insurance would have covered the loss. But it was the only explanation he could think of. The Ambersai goldsmiths must be hiring killers now, to hunt down anyone who robbed them.

The girl crossed the street toward his building.

Myka was asking Ma about the evening meal. When Ma was bad she always believed that they couldn’t afford food, and that the water and power would run out at any moment. She didn’t want to eat and she didn’t want anyone else to eat either. Myka was being patient still, asking her if she could manage a little green curry. Zen wondered how he could warn Myka about the watcher without Ma overhearing and getting even more scared.

Through the smeared cellulose of the window he saw a shape slide past. If it wasn’t the drone that had pestered him at Ambersai, it was another exactly like it.

He dropped to the floor. Ma screamed. At the same moment there came a knock on the apartment’s plastic door, and a voice calling, Zen Starling!

Zen scrambled on hands and knees across the room and into his own narrow bedroom, shaking his head at Myka when she glanced at him. He stood in the shadows, as still as he could, like a kid playing hide-and-seek. He could hear Ma whimpering, then the sound of the front door opening. He’s not here, Myka was saying, and, Can’t you see you’re frightening her?

The girl saying something, too softly to hear, then Myka again, angrier. "He’s not here! Go away! We don’t like your type in Cleave."

Zen looked around his room. The unmade bed and strewn clothes. Stuff from when he was a kid: his model trains, and the brooch he’d stolen from a stall at McQue Junction when he was seven. The brooch had been an impulse theft, followed by six weeks of guilt and worry. By the end of that time he’d learned something that he’d lived by ever since: it was possible to take people’s stuff without getting caught.

But he’d been wrong, it seemed. Retribution had arrived at last. He heard the drone go clattering past outside, circling the building. Myka was telling their visitor again that Zen wasn’t there. Ma was shouting too, words Zen couldn’t catch, angry and afraid.

There was a window above his bed,

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