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Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity
Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity
Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity
Ebook393 pages3 hours

Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity

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This monograph surveys recent research on the collision and interaction of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. "This is a particularly important topic in general relativity," the author notes, "since the theory predicts that there will be a nonlinear interaction between such waves." Geared toward graduate students and researchers in general relativity, the text offers a comprehensive and unified review of the vast literature on the subject.
The first eight chapters offer background, presenting the field equations and discussing some qualitative aspects of their solution. Subsequent chapters explore further exact solutions for colliding plane gravitational waves and the collision and interaction of electromagnetic waves. The final chapters summarize all related results for the collision of plane waves of different types and in non-flat backgrounds. A new postscript updates developments since the book's initial 1991 publication.
Release dateApr 6, 2016
Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity

J. B. Griffiths

Jonathan Griffiths, University of Lincoln, UK

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    Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity - J. B. Griffiths

    Colliding Plane Waves

    in General Relativity


    Professor Emeritus of Applied Mathematics

    Loughborough University

    Loughborough, UK

    Dover Publications, Inc.

    Mineola, New York


    Copyright © 1991, 2016 by J. B. Griffiths

    All rights reserved.

    Bibliographical Note

    This Dover edition, first published in 2016, is an unabridged, corrected republication of the work originally published in 1991 by the Clarendon Press, Oxford. The author has provided a new Postscript for this edition.

    International Standard Book Number

    eISBN-13: 978-0-486-81098-0

    Manufactured in the United States by RR Donnelley

    80121701     2016


    To my wife



    For many years after Einstein proposed his general theory of relativity, only a few exact solutions were known. Today the situation is completely different, and we now have a vast number of such solutions. However, very few are well understood in the sense that they can be clearly interpreted as the fields of real physical sources. The obvious exceptions are the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions. These have been very thoroughly analysed, and clearly describe the gravitational fields surrounding static and rotating black holes respectively

    In practice, one of the great difficulties of relating the particular features of general relativity to real physical problems, arises from the high degree of non-linearity of the field equations. Although the linearized theory has been used in some applications, its use is severely limited. Many of the most interesting properties of space-time, such as the occurrence of singularities, are consequences of the non-linearity of the equations.

    In this book we will be considering one of the most obvious situations in which the effects of the non-linearity of Einstein’s equations will be manifest. We will be considering the interaction between two waves. By restricting our attention to somewhat idealized situations, it will be possible to describe some types of wave interaction in terms of exact solutions. Moreover, these solutions have a clear physical interpretation in terms of combinations of gravitational or electromagnetic waves and their interaction.

    Much attention has been focused on these problems in recent years. An initial approach to the subject was pioneered by Szekeres (1970, 1972) and Khan and Penrose (1971). More recently, an alternative approach using an analogy with stationary axisymmetric solutions has been exploited by Chandrasekhar and Ferrari (1984) and their co-workers.

    After spherically symmetric situations, the most studied and best understood space-times are those that are stationary and have axial symmetry. In these situations the field equations can be reduced to a single equation involving a complex potential – the Ernst equation. It is now known that, with this, all possible stationary axisymmetric solutions can be generated in a finite number of steps using standard techniques. In their 1984 paper, Chandrasekhar and Ferrari showed that the main field equations for colliding plane waves can also be written as the same Ernst equation. In fact, it is then found that most of the techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times can also be applied to colliding plane waves. This has introduced considerable mathematical interest in the subject in recent years.

    In fact colliding plane wave space-times have been found to have a surprisingly rich structure. Initially, it was widely believed that the collision of plane waves would necessarily produce a future space-like curvature singularity. This seemed to be implied by the focusing properties of plane waves. However, numerous counterexamples have subsequently been produced in which the curvature singularity is replaced by a Killing-Cauchy horizon. Extensions of the space-time through this horizon may, or may not, contain a space-like curvature singularity, or even a time-like curvature singularity which could be avoided by an observer travelling on a time-like world line. Recent research has clarified the singularity structure of most colliding plane wave space-times. These have been found to have a surprisingly rich variation.

    In view of the recent advances, it is clearly time to present a comprehensive and unified review of the now vast literature on this topic. The purpose of this book is to provide such a review. Interesting lectures on this topic have been presented by Chandrasekhar (1986) and Ferrari (1989). However, in view of the considerable interest in the subject, a more thorough review is now required.

    The first eight chapters of this book cover the background to the subject, presenting the field equations and a discussion of some qualitative aspects of their solution. A detailed discussion of the Khan-Penrose solution is included in this part, since it is the simplest solution and exhibits the general character of most colliding plane wave solutions. Further exact solutions for colliding plane gravitational waves are obtained and described in Chapters 9 to 14. The collision and interaction of electromagnetic waves is then considered in Chapters 15 to 19. The final chapters contain an attempt to summarize all related results for the collision of plane waves of different types and in non-flat backgrounds. A few general conclusions and some outstanding problems that still require attention are also indicated.

    In the preparation of this book, I have been greatly assisted by a number of colleagues. I am extremely grateful to Chris Clarke, John Stewart and Sean Hayward for providing me with most helpful comments on the first draft of this work. This final version has been substantially expanded and seems to bear little resemblence to that initial draft. I am also very grateful to Parvinder Singh for reading through a late version, and to Roger Penrose and the American Physical Society for permission to copy Figure 4.1. Finally, I must record my debt to most of the authors of papers on colliding plane waves for regularly sending me preprints of their work prior to publication.

    I have also benefited greatly from numerous discussions on colliding wave problems with many colleagues including Professor Chandrasekhar, Alex Feinstein, Chris Clarke, Sean Hayward, Valeria Ferrari and Basilis Xanthopoulos. The views expressed in the book, however, are my own and I take full responsibility for any errors that it contains.


    October 1990

    J. B. G.



    1.1Why consider wave interactions?

    1.2Simplifying assumptions


    2.1Basic notation

    2.2Components of the curvature tensor

    2.3Spin coefficients

    2.4Einstein-Maxwell fields


    3.1The approaching waves

    3.2The solution describing the interaction

    3.3The structure of the solution


    4.1The class of pp-waves

    4.2The class of plane waves

    4.3Particular cases

    4.4Global properties


    5.1The focusing of congruences

    5.2General theorems

    5.3Colliding waves


    6.1The coordinate system

    6.2The derivation of the field equations

    6.3The Einstein and Einstein-Maxwell equations

    6.4Integrating the field equations


    7.1General discussion

    7.2Junction conditions for colliding plane waves



    8.2The singularity in region IV

    8.3The Khan–Penrose solution

    8.4The structure of other solutions


    9.1The solution in region IV

    9.2The approaching waves

    9.3The singularity structure


    10.1A general method

    10.2The non-singular ‘solution’ of Stoyanov

    10.3The solution of Ferrari and Ibañez and Griffiths

    10.4The soliton solution of Ferrari and Ibañez

    10.5The degenerate Ferrari–Ibañez solutions

    10.6An odd order solution

    10.7The second Yurtsever and the Feinstein–Ibañez solutions

    10.8The first Yurtsever solutions

    10.9Further explicit solutions


    11.1A derivation of the Ernst equation

    11.2Boundary conditions

    11.3Colinear solutions


    12.1The colinear case

    12.2Rotations and Ehlers transformations

    12.3Geroch transformations

    12.4The Neugebauer–Kramer involution

    12.5A combined transformation

    12.6Other methods


    13.1The Nutku–Halil solution

    13.2The Panov solution

    13.3The Chandrasekhar–Xanthopoulos solution

    13.4Other solutions


    14.1The initial data

    14.2The colinear case

    14.3The non-colinear case


    15.1The Bell–Szekeres solution

    15.2The structure of the solution

    15.3Extensions of the solution

    15.4 A non-colinear collision


    16.1The field equations

    16.2A simple class of solutions

    16.3The Bell–Szekeres solution


    17.1A technique of Chandrasekhar and Xanthopoulos

    17.2Two particular examples

    17.3Another type D solution

    17.4A technique of Halilsoy

    17.5Other solutions


    18.1The generation technique of Panov

    18.2An alternative approach

    18.3Electromagnetic Gowdy cosmologies

    18.4Other methods


    19.1A simple example

    19.2General initial data

    19.3A general class of solutions


    20.1Scalar fields

    20.2Perfect fluid solutions

    20.3Null fluids and the uniqueness problem

    20.4Plane shells of matter

    20.5Neutrino fields

    20.6Other null fields


    21.1Other wave interactions

    21.2Collisions in non-flat backgrounds


    21.4Alternative gravitational theories

    21.5Numerical techniques


    22.1General conclusions

    22.2Prospects for further work







    The subject to be discussed in this book is the collision and interaction of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. This is a particularly important topic in general relativity since the theory predicts that there will be a non-linear interaction between such waves. The effect of the non-linearity however, is unclear. It is appropriate therefore to look in some detail at the simplest possible situation in which the effect of the non-linearity will be manifest: namely the interaction between colliding plane waves.

    1.1 Why consider wave interactions?

    In classical theory, Maxwell’s equations are linear. An immediate consequence of this is that solutions can be simply superposed. This leads to the prediction that electromagnetic waves pass through each other without any interaction. This prediction is very thoroughly confirmed by observations. Radio waves are transmitted at many different frequencies, yet it is possible for a receiver to select any one particular station and to receive that signal almost exactly as it was transmitted. The only interference that is detected arises from other transmitters using the same frequency, and from the difficulty of isolating just one frequency within the receiver.

    After many years’ experience, no interaction has ever been detected between propagating electromagnetic waves. This applies not just to radio waves, but to all types of electromagnetic radiation, including light. That we can see clearly through a vacuum, even though light is also passing through it in other directions undetected, is one of the best established of scientific observations. More remarkably, this applies not just to local phenomena, but to the vast regions of space. The light that reaches us from distant galaxies arrives without any apparent interaction with the light that must have crossed its path during the millions of years that it takes to reach us. The apparent linearity of the field equations for electromagnetic waves is thus one of the best established scientific facts.

    However, this is not the entire story Einstein’s equations which describe gravitational fields are highly non-linear. It follows that gravitational waves, if they exist, cannot pass through each other without a significant interaction. In this book we will be using the standard general theory of relativity. In this theory gravitational waves are predicted, though their magnitudes are so small that the possibility of detecting them is only just coming within the scope of the most sophisticated modern apparatus. The purpose of this book is to contribute to an understanding of the character of the interaction that is theoretically predicted between gravitational waves.

    In Einstein’s theory, gravitational waves are considered as perturbations of space-time curvature that propagate with the speed of light. As these waves pass through each other, theoretically there will be a nonlinear interaction through the gravitational field equations. It will be necessary to consider the general character of these interactions, and how the propagating waves are modified by them.

    Consider again electromagnetic waves. According to Einstein’s theory, all forms of energy have an associated gravitational field. Electromagnetic waves must therefore be coupled to an associated perturbation in the space-time curvature. In the full Einstein-Maxwell theory, Maxwell’s equations describing the electromagnetic field remain linear, indicating that there is no direct electromagnetic interaction between waves. However, Einstein’s equations, which apply to the gravitational field, are highly non-linear. Thus, as two electromagnetic waves pass through each other, there will be a non-linear interaction between them due to their associated gravitational fields.

    This non-linear interaction between electromagnetic waves that is predicted by Einstein’s theory must necessarily be very small in order to be consistent with the fact that such interactions have not yet been detected. An interaction, however, is predicted, though its magnitude is likely to be similar to that between gravitational waves.

    Since the interactions we will be considering are so weak, it may be considered appropriate initially to use approximation techniques. A number of authors have considered this approach. The modern techniques of numerical relativity have also produced some interesting results. However, these approaches will not be used in this book. The method adopted here will be to concentrate on exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. This has the advantage of being able to clarify something of the global structure of wave interactions. This turns out to be one of their most remarkable features. It leaves us, however, with the problem of finding exact solutions, and these are only possible in a very limited number of situations.

    1.2 Simplifying assumptions

    The problem that is to be considered in this book is the interaction between two waves. A simple case in which the waves propagate in the same direction has been analysed by Bonnor (1969) and Aichelburg (1971). They have found that, for the class of vacuum pp-waves that will be defined in Section 4.1, the waves can be simply superposed without interaction because of the linearity of the field equations when written in a certain privileged class of coordinate system.

    It is therefore appropriate to concentrate on the general case in which the waves propagate in arbitrary different directions. In this case it is always possible to make a Lorentz transformation to a frame of reference in which the waves approach each other from exactly opposite spatial directions. It is therefore only necessary to consider the ‘head on’ collision between the two waves. However, even this situation is too difficult to analyse without some further simplifying assumptions.

    In order to obtain exact solutions, it is appropriate initially to make the additional assumption that the approaching waves have plane symmetry. This is a very severe restriction indeed, even though we intuitively think of plane fronted waves as approximations to spherical waves at large distances from their sources. However, the two cases must be distinguished as their global features are totally different.

    The waves we will be considering not only have a plane wave front, but also have infinite extent in all directions in the plane. In contrast, waves generated by finite sources must have curved wave fronts, but it is very difficult to set up boundary conditions and field equations for the interactions between such waves. The reason for concentrating on plane waves is that in this case it is possible to formulate the problem explicitly and to find exact solutions.

    In addition to the assumption that the wave front is plane, the imposition of plane symmetry also requires that the magnitude of the wave is constant over the entire plane. Further, it is appropriate to concentrate on ‘head on’ collisions and thus to impose the condition of global plane symmetry. It is always possible to make a Lorentz transformation to include oblique collisions but the physical interpretation of the solutions is now severely restricted by the above assumptions.

    The situation being considered in this book is thus the very restrictive one in which two waves, each with plane symmetry, approach each other from exactly opposite directions. A topic of further research will be to consider how to apply the qualitative results obtained here to more realistic situations, involving waves originating in physical sources. In the absence of more realistic exact solutions, however, the solutions described here form an important first step in an understanding of the non-linear interaction that occurs between waves in Einstein’s theory.



    It is not the purpose of this chapter to introduce or explain Einstein’s general theory of relativity, since the reader who is not already familiar with it is unlikely to gain much from this book. The main purpose here is simply to clarify the notation that will be used. It is also appropriate in this chapter to briefly introduce the Newman-Penrose formalism which facilitates the geometrical analysis of the colliding plane wave problem and which will be used in Chapter 6 to derive the field equations.

    2.1 Basic notation

    Basically, we will be following a very traditional approach, and the notation adopted will be that of the well known paper of Newman and Penrose (1962).

    Accordingly, a space-time will be represented by a connected C∞ Hausdorff manifold M together with a locally Lorentz metric gμv with signature (+, −, −, −) and a symmetric linear connection Гλμv. Greek indices are used to indicate the values 0,1,2,3, and the covariant derivative of a vector is given by

    where a comma denotes a partial derivative.

    The curvature tensor is given in terms of the connection by

    The Ricci tensor, which is the first contraction of the curvature tensor, is given by

    The curvature tensor has twenty independent components. These can be considered as the ten independent components of the Ricci tensor, and the ten independent components of the Weyl tensor, which is the trace free part of the curvature tensor, and is given by

    where R = Rαα is the curvature scalar.

    These two groups of components have different physical interpretations. The components of the Ricci tensor are related to the energy-momentum tensor Tμv of the matter field present, through Einstein’s equation

    These components can be considered to define the amount of curvature that is directly generated by the matter fields that are present at any location. For a vacuum field they will be zero, but they will be non-zero when electromagnetic waves or other fields are present.

    The components of the Weyl tensor, on the other hand, define the ‘free gravitational field’. They may be considered as describing the components of curvature that are not generated locally. In this sense they describe the pure gravitational field components. They may be interpreted as the components of gravitational waves, or of gravitational fields generated by non-local sources.

    2.2 Components of the curvature tensor

    It is convenient to represent the curvature tensor in terms of distinct sets of components. Not only may it be divided into the Weyl and Ricci tensors, but each of these tensors may be described in terms of distinct components. The appropriate notation here is that of Newman and Penrose (1962).

    It is found to be convenient to introduce a tetrad system of null vectors. These include two real null vectors and , a complex null vector , and its conjugate. They are defined such that their only nonzero inner products are

    and they must satisfy the completeness relation

    Having defined a tetrad basis, the Ricci and Weyl tensors may now be expressed in terms of their tetrad components. The ten independent components of the Ricci tensor can conveniently be divided into a component Λ representing the curvature scalar and the nine independent components of a Hermitian 3 x 3 matrix ΦAB which represents the trace free part of the Ricci tensor and satisfies

    where A, B = 0, 1, 2. These components are defined by

    The ten independent components of the Weyl tensor, representing the free gravitational field, can more conveniently be expressed as the five complex scalars

    These components have distinct physical interpretations that will be mentioned below. They also have particular convenience when considering the algebraic classification of the space-time.

    Gravitational fields are usually classified according to the Petrov–Penrose classification of the Weyl tensor. This is based on the number of its distinct principal null directions and the number of times these are repeated. This classification is most conveniently described using a spinor approach. However, there is no need to introduce spinors here, as tetrads are sufficient.

    According to the tetrad approach, a null vector is said to describe a principal null direction of the gravitational field with multiplicity 1, 2, 3 or 4 if it satisfies respectively

    where square brackets are used to denote the antisymmetric part. There are at most four principal null directions.

    If all four principal null directions are distinct, the space-time is said to be algebraically general, or of type I. If there is a repeated principal null direction, then the space-time is said to be algebraically special. If it has multiplicity two, three or four, the space-time is said to be of types II, III or N respectively. If a space-time has two distinct repeated principal null directions, it

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