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Revisiting Evergreen: Ghosts of Evergreen, #3
Revisiting Evergreen: Ghosts of Evergreen, #3
Revisiting Evergreen: Ghosts of Evergreen, #3
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Revisiting Evergreen: Ghosts of Evergreen, #3

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About this ebook

In this third book of the Evergreen series, the family of Evergreen's original owners return, but their reunion is problematic. Stephanie Perry is hiding a terrible secret from her past that has caused her to separate from her husband Neal. Determined to uncover her secret and win her back, Neal agrees to go to her family reunion at Evergreen. Upon seeing the house again, Stephanie senses that her ancestors are still in residence there. Will the kindred spirits from Evergreen's past give her the courage to tell the truth?

PublisherL.K. Campbell
Release dateApr 22, 2016
Revisiting Evergreen: Ghosts of Evergreen, #3

L.K. Campbell

As both a reader and a writer, I'm a lifelong lover of the written word. After 21 years with my hometown newspaper, I ran a successful freelance business from 2009-2019 formatting ebooks for independent authors and publishers. Keeping my hand in the publishing industry helped fuel my desire to continue writing. My first full-length novel, A Soldier's Love was published in 2003. Now 20 years later, I've written books covering a variety of genres from World War II romance, ghost stories, and Old West mysteries. My current works are cozy murder mysteries set at a small hotel, owned by a 60-something widow, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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    Book preview

    Revisiting Evergreen - L.K. Campbell

    Revisiting Evergreen

    Ghosts of Evergreen Book 3


    L.K. Campbell

    Copyright © 2016, 2021 by L.K. Campbell

    All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this work may be reproduced in any fashion without the express, written consent of the copyright holder.

    Revisiting Evergreen is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed herein are fictitious and are not based on any real persons living or dead.

    Cover photo © L.K. Campbell

    Cover Design © L.K. Campbell

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Excerpt: Mrs. Carlyle’s Second Honeymoon

    Chapter 1

    THE VIBRATION ON NEAL PERRY’S hip yanked his attention away from the commuter train’s passing scenery. He ran his thumb across the text message icon.

    Steph? Her name made his pulse race but not in the way that it once had. The message read, Please call. Need to talk. She needs to talk? She’s spent three weeks rejecting every attempt at communication. He’d begun to accept that their marriage might be over.

    Will call from home, he texted back. 15 mins away.

    Her reply came back, Will meet you there.

    He stared at the screen. Her art gallery is within walking distance of the train depot. Why would she want to meet at the house two miles away, unless…? He didn’t dare hope that she might want to come home. Is she going to serve me with legal separation papers tonight?

    Stephanie had left a lot of unanswered questions when she’d walked out on him by sending the text message: Need to be alone. Can’t explain. What had that meant? When he got home, he found a handwritten note telling him that she’d moved into the studio above her gallery. He’d rushed over there, but she wouldn’t come to the door or answer her phone. The next morning, he’d gone back only to find one of her art students minding the store.

    "She’s gone into the city," the woman had said.

    "Did she act as if she were upset about anything?"

    The woman shrugged a shoulder and turned her head to keep from making eye contact with him.

    "I don’t know. I really don’t want to…"

    The screech of train wheels braking on metal rails jerked him out of the memory. From the window, he could see the depot ahead. He turned off his phone and returned it to his pocket. He stood and found a place in line at the nearest exit. When the doors opened, the other commuters dashed from the train and made their way to the hundreds of cars that filled three parking lots alongside the tracks. He bided his time—unlike when he and Steph were first married. Back then, it seemed as if it took forever to get home to her. This evening, he had no idea what awaited him at what used to be their home. I’m in no hurry to find out.

    Stephanie stared at the door and clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking. The pills aren’t working today. Come on, Neal. What’s taking you so long? She lowered her head and closed her eyes. She couldn’t bear to look at the happy home she’d decorated, or her own artwork adorning the walls. Those paintings depicted beautiful things—birds, flowers, and seascapes. She must’ve been living in a fantasy world to think that her past would never come back to haunt her.

    The door opened, and he seemed surprised to see her sitting on the sofa. He loosened the knot in his tie, removed his suit jacket and tossed it over the back of the nearest chair.

    Okay, what’s this all about? he asked without any preliminary pleasantries.

    It didn’t bode well for her. She took a deep breath and blurted it out.

    My dad emailed me this morning, she said. He wants the family to spend a week in Blowing Rock at a B&B that used to belong to his grandfather.

    He ran a hand across his forehead as if he had a headache.

    Blowing Rock? Where is that?

    In the North Carolina mountains, she said.

    His shoulders relaxed, and he sat down in the chair across from her. She stared at the coffee table. She couldn’t look at his face—couldn’t bear to see the hurt and confusion she’d placed on those handsome features.

    The woman who owns the place found artwork hidden in the house that belonged to Dad’s uncle, Stephen, she said. And she’s created some sort of memorial to him. She’s establishing a college scholarship in Uncle Stephen’s memory. There’s going to be a formal presentation, and Dad wants everyone to be there.

    That all sounds nice, he said. But what does it have to do with me?

    The lump in her throat felt like a tennis ball. Time to rip off the bandage. Just say it.

    "I want…I need you to go with me and pretend that everything is fine between us," she said.

    He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees.

    Why would you want me to do that? he asked.

    Because my parents don’t know that we’re living apart right now, and I’d rather not tell them yet, she said.

    You haven’t told them? I don’t understand, he said.

    It killed her to hear the hopeful tone in his voice. Why did life have to be so unfair and open old wounds that she’d thought were healed?

    Are you kidding me? I thought they would never speak to me again when I dropped out of law school to open an art gallery. How am I supposed to tell them that we’re separated and disappoint them again?

    He flopped backward in the chair. But you dropped out of law school ten years ago, he said. I hope they would be over that by now.

    She stood up and paced to the other side of the room and back.

    "You really don’t know my parents," she said.

    Maybe not in the way you do, but I can’t believe you haven’t shared this with them, Steph.

    They would want an explanation, she said. And I can’t give them one.

    He squinted and massaged his temples.

    Any more than you can give me one, he said. You’ve spent the last three weeks rejecting me, and now you want me to go on some family vacation and lie to your parents.

    She stood in front of him and clinched her fists by her side.

    I don’t blame you for being confused, she said. All I’m asking for is one week of your time.

    Can’t you see how unfair that is? he asked.

    She wished that she could tell him the truth about why she’d left. She’d never get the words out without breaking down and retreating into that dark place that threatened to consume her.

    You’re right, she said. I haven’t been fair to you, but it’s complicated.

    His grip on the arms of the chair turned his knuckles white.

    Is there another man?

    His question threw her off-guard. Where did that come from?

    No, of course not, she said. I can’t believe you would assume that I’d be unfaithful…

    He sprang forward in the chair, slamming one fist into the leather upholstery. She jumped backward.

    What the hell am I supposed to assume, Steph? Tell me why you left, he said. Was it me? Did I do something wrong? I thought we were happy. For God’s sake, we were trying to have a baby.

    She fought back tears. He doesn’t know what he’s asking of me.

    Tell me, he said. Tell me the truth, and I’ll go with you to North Carolina.

    You didn’t do anything wrong, she said. "This is my problem."

    "But it’s our marriage, he said. So that makes it my problem, too. Why can’t you tell me what’s going on?"

    She cupped her hands over her cheeks.

    Because it’s too difficult, she said.

    Whatever it is, he said. We can work through it together for better or for worse. Wasn’t that in our wedding vows?

    He stared at her with those translucent blue eyes that always seemed to look straight through her. What answer can I give him? He deserves one, doesn’t he?

    As I said, it’s complicated, but I’m seeing a doctor…

    He got to his feet and came to her side.

    Oh, my God, are you ill?

    No, not that kind of doctor. I’m seeing a psychiatrist, she said.

    His chest heaved with the sigh he released.

    Then it’s an emotional problem, he said. That doesn’t happen all of a sudden. Was I too self-absorbed to notice you were having problems? Is that why you had to leave me?

    She reached for his arm but drew her hand back before she could touch him—before she could feel his strength and attempt to hide in it.

    Please don’t blame yourself, she said. It wasn’t like that at all.

    "What was it like? he asked. I need to know. This is killing me, Steph. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I can barely get myself through my work."

    He’d described her feelings to a tee, and she’d been so wrapped up in her emotions that she hadn’t considered his.

    I left because… She paused, taking deep breaths in and out. "I had a breakdown, and I didn’t want you to see me that way. I never want you to see me that way."

    I’m strong enough to handle it, he said. I love you. Tell me what caused it.

    She swallowed. I-I can’t tell you. I’m not ready, she said.

    He turned his back to her, went into the kitchen, and took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He rummaged in the cabinet where they kept the medicines and shook an ibuprofen from its bottle. Oh great, I’ve given him a headache. That’s why I had

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