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A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity
A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity
A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity
Ebook71 pages50 minutes

A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity

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This is the most significant breakthrough in over 100 years. Scientists, such as Einstein, Hawking and others have been seeking a “Grand Unified Theory, GUT” that would unify electromagnetic, gravity and other forces without success. Since the force of gravity is an electrical force their search is futile.
At the level of rocks, blocks, cars, trucks, trains, planes, houses and such we see only attractive forces. Similarly at the level of moons, suns, planets, solar systems and galaxies only attractive force is exhibited. This attraction holds satellites, moons, and planets in their orbits about the sun.
The Van der Waals force was invented to account for the attraction between gas molecules. Electronegativity was invented to account for an extra attraction between atoms in forming molecules.
The description of the bonding of molecules is based on the attraction of the nuclei of atoms being attracted to the electrons of the other atoms. At the same time the repulsion of the like charges of the nuclei are said to repel each other. Logically then the atoms would be repelled from each other. Logically this concept of the bonding of atoms is absurd.
Chemistry text books clearly state that over 99.9% of the mass of an atom is contained within the nucleus. From this it follows that there must be gravitational attraction between the nuclei of atoms. The nuclei of atoms are also positively charged. Ergo; gravity is the electrical attraction of positively charged particle to positively charged particle. The Van der Waals force is gravitational attraction. Atoms have an overall, residual positive charge. Electronegativity is an exhibition of this residual positive charge of atoms.
There is no repulsion between like charges there is only attraction between unlike charges. By definition “like charges” are charged in relation to the surrounding environment of unlike charges; they are attracted apart.
Part I presents the concepts and aspects of gravitation as an electrical force.
Part II, “The Genesis of Hurricanes and Tornadoes” presents how electrical/gravitational force is significant in meteorology and produces tornadoes, hurricanes and thunderstorms. Tornadoes produce a local reversal of gravitational force.

Release dateJun 30, 2016
A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity

Victor W. Hatch

Victor W. Hatch Resident of Vancouver Washington Inventor; Engineer; Musician; Researcher Self-employed engineer and consultant for over 30 years. Primarily analog and power electronics design. PE License in 1983. Member IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.) Grew up in NW Oklahoma and SW Kansas. Four years in US Air Force. I've always been curious about how things work. Correspondence course in electronics 1949. Radar and gun-laying--gun turret tracking using radar in the USAF, 1950-53. Further training at Boeing. Into industrial power electronics as technician and then design for physics research, 2000 to 500 thousand watts. Studied to learn to use transistors, and silicon controlled rectifiers instead of tubes. Worked for about 13 years designing high power induction heating power supplies, 2000 watt to 800 thousand watts. Took tests and got Professional Engineer License in 1983. Worked as engineer and consultant since then. Visited many factories , providing training, design and repair service. This included foundries, forging plants and heat treating equipment. It is my curiosity about how thing work that lead me into investigating the cause of tornadoes. Solving that also showed the cause of hurricanes. This lead to the resolution of gravity--the fact that it is not a separate force from electricity eliminates the presently existing fantasies of gravity. This illustrated some basic errors in chemistry and physics, simplifying and explaining much phenomena.

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    Book preview

    A Unified Theory of Matter, Gravity and Electricity - Victor W. Hatch

    A Unified Theory of Matter,

    Gravity and Electricity


    The Genesis of Tornadoes and Hurricanes

    Victor W Hatch

    April 2016

    Copyright © 2016 Victor W, Hatch

    All rights reserved.

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    Part I: Matter, Gravity and Electricity

    Introduction I

    Chapter I: Time and Spacether Density

    Chapter II: Gravity in the Atom

    Chapter III: Gravitational and Electrical Force.

    Chapter IV: Ionization of Matter

    Chapter V: Electromagnetic Radiation

    Chapter VI: Electrostatics

    Chapter VII: Matter, Energy and Electrons

    Chapter VIII: The Earth’s Electric Field

    Chapter IX: Discussion and Tests

    Part II: The Genesis of Tornadoes and Hurricanes

    Introduction II

    Chapter I: Electricity and Tornadoes

    Chapter II: Thunderstorms

    Chapter III: Hurricanes

    Chapter IV: Prediction/Prevention


    Appendix: Electrostatics III

    Part I

    Matter, Gravity and Electricity


    This is an update from the previously updated version published December 2017 with added data, conclusions and clarifications.

    A good scientific theory should provide in the simplest possible manner the manifestations of the physical universe. Ideally the explanation of physical phenomena should be as simple as possible to fit the phenomena while at the same time providing explanation of other previously unexplained phenomena.

    The start of my investigation began with the puzzle of the genesis of tornadoes. Tornadoes were clearly associated with very strong electrical phenomena. Lightning and glowing of tornadoes have been reported by many observers. The lightning associated with tornadoes is all positive cloud to negative ground. The extreme forces and other phenomena associated with tornadoes could only be reconciled by the attraction of positive charge to positive charge. This lead to the realization that hurricanes and thunderstorms where similarly driven by the same electrical force of positive to positive attraction. Further that the positive voltages positive voltages were generated by the ionization of water as it is vaporized,

    This fit an observation in the late 1950s. I had gone for lunch in the cafeteria of the Boeing flight test center in Moses Lake, Washington. The coffee was brewed in glass Pyrex coffee pot which had been warming on the stove for some time. I poured a cup of coffee into a styrene foam cup. When I placed the cup on the table, a wooden table, powder that had been spilled on the table jumped to the side of the coffee cup to the exact level of the coffee in the cup. At the time I thought it was salt, since then I’ve realized it was more likely sugar that was more finely ground. This was an aha moment: Water is ionized by heat! Further research by a scientist reported positive ionization of water by wind creating waves in 1958.

    This provided basis for the concluding that; 1, the law of electrostatics that states that like charge repel was wrong and; 2, that there is a strong attraction of positive charge to positive charge and; 3 there are no repulsive forces and; 4, that this attraction of positive to positive is the force of gravitation. This fits provides a simple explanation of existing phenomena and also provides a better understanding of other phenomena.

    This unites the connection between the macro, as in cars, houses, planets, suns and moons, and the micro universe of atoms, and molecules. It provides a simpler and more logical basis for the bonding of atom to atom in forming molecules.

    In the various chapters the ramifications of gravitation being an electrical force is explored.

    Chapter I

    Time and Spacether Density

    Einstein's theory of general relativity [i], proposes that space-time is curved by matter and that this curvature of space-time is gravitation which then dictates the movement of matter. This

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