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I Live Because I Choose To
I Live Because I Choose To
I Live Because I Choose To
Ebook134 pages1 hour

I Live Because I Choose To

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“I live because I choose to”... Written in simple language will inspire, uplift and give you new zest for life as a diabetic. There is so much information out there that the effort to understand it all, sometimes becomes a task on its own. People has to deal with the fact that they now have a condition that needs focus and attention. Trying to unravel the mystery of what works and how it should be done, could seem like just to much effort. This book attempts to address many of your concerns about diabetes as my journey has been a great one for almost 30 years.
It will help you to understand it in a way that allows you to adopt a good attitude and it will give you a better understanding of the condition. It will take the fear out of not knowing its dangers and threats. You will enjoy foods that you did not think possible to enjoy. Mostly it will help you live a long and healthy life!
Your destiny is determined by the choices you make in life as well as what you decide you want from the future. It is not a “which wires should I cut” guessing game. It is an opportunity to live your life without self-inflicted pain, suffering and hopelessness.

PublisherJune Hamman
Release dateAug 20, 2015
I Live Because I Choose To

June Hamman

June Hamman is an Entrepreneur who coaches and guides people in terms of Private /Business needs and has a reputable name in the Entrepreneurial Industry. She is equally passionate about training and development and loves growing people.She has a Masters Degree B.Sc (Counselling and Educational Leadership)She has done extensive work for various Colleges and Corporates . Many government projects have been successfully executed as a result of her invaluable contribution. To name one, she played an integral part in the Public Works Transport Strategy for 2010 and was one of the Projects Managers for the Road Show Campaign within the Western Cape. This proved to be a very successful Project.She is a MM of a Construction Company. She lectures Artisans in terms of communication and life skills at various colleges as well as design the SA approved Educational aligned training material when the need arises.She has extensive experience in people skills and worked for one of the countries leading Financial Institutions as a Regional Relationship Manager, where she grew the Company to phenomenal heights and left years ago to pursue her own dreamsJune owned and hosted a very Successful Business Network at a reputable Golf estate and assisted the National Franchise Owner, while doing so. She is now requested to attend many Networks as a Guest Speaker.She has won many awards for her success in business. She has been active in the media for her business affiliations & connections. She use to be on the committee of a well known children’s home but dedicates her spare time now to various charitable causes that equally requires her services.

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    Book preview

    I Live Because I Choose To - June Hamman

    I live because I choose to

    June Hamman

    Copyright 2016 by J Hamman

    Smashwords edition

    Table of contents

    Symptoms and causes of diabetes

    Types of diabetics

    How important are your checkups

    Levels too low and too high

    Glucometer (Diabetic monitor)

    Best places to inject you

    Diabetic logbook

    Great facts and rules to know

    Glossary terms

    Body Mass Index (BMI)

    The affects of Stress

    Good and Bad foods

    Information of vitamins

    GI Value

    Value added additives


    Travel tips

    Diabetic children

    Food options and information

    Author J Hamman profile

    I live because I choose to

    1st Printing 2012 Publisher Mind Power Publications www.mindpowerpublications.com

    Copyright © in published edition June Hamman 2011

    Smashwords edition

    Websites www.thebig5speakers.com www.businessvision.co.za

    ISBN 9781310662782

    While every precaution is taken to ensure that the information is correct and accurate at the time of going to the press, the author cannot be liable or responsible for any outcome of any action or decision based on the information contained in this publication. The author and publishers do not give any warranty as to the accuracy of this book’s contents nor of any supplementary information, explanation or opinion. Nothing in this publication should allow you to deviate, discontinue, adjust or ignore the advice from your Personal Professional Advisor, Doctor and /or Specialist.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted; in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Violation of this will result in legal implications.


    This book is dedicated to all diabetics who experienced a lost feeling, after hearing the words...

    You are a Diabetic

    The realization of this news can be very scary. The intention of this book is to give you clarity on how to deal with this condition because it is certainly affecting more and more people every day, and becoming the world’s number one Silent Killer. The objective is to pave the way forward for a brighter and healthier future.


    This is a condition and not a disease, making it a matter of CHOICE...

    Everyday new findings and information are being discovered and we learn about things that were acceptable in the past that is now unacceptable and vice versa.

    Test what works for you as we are all different and unique.


    This book was inspired by many factors, including the fact that so many people do not really know the true dangers of Diabetes and I was previously part of this statistic.

    The battle to understand all the confusion around it, increases the risks involved which leads to the huge volumes of deaths and unnecessary complications. The facts are that there is a huge lack of knowledge as people are not educated enough. It is therefore not uncommon to feel uninformed and confused, as it can be very overwhelming in the beginning and the thought of doing the necessary research and checks can be uncertain and scary. Personally, I also felt very challenged when I was first diagnosed 27 years ago. I had good support from my sister at the time who assured me she would follow my diet if it made things easier for me. The irony of that statement was that a year later, she too developed the condition as we have a family history of diabetes. Another family member reversed his type 2 diabetes through a strict diet plan and now has a healthy diabetic free lifestyle. I did what I could in terms of trying to find the correct answers from all kinds of sources and research; but one eventually learns through trial and error, some good expert advice, and proper monitoring and discipline. There are so many different views from various dieticians and advisors etc, that it is an easy route to just put it aside or sweep it under the carpet and forget about it.

    As the years progressed, the diabetic topic always sparked interest wherever I went and I realized that this was all the inspiration I needed to write this book.

    Through experience I also discovered that everyone battles in the beginning with terminology, understanding of the Diabetic lingo i.e. what is meant by exchange rate portions, low GI, type1 & 2, etc.; but through dedication and persistence one becomes more confident, better at it and an expert in what works for you.

    I did many talks on the subject and did an interview with Shape Magazine a few years ago for a diabetic article they published in their magazine. I named it I listen to my body. I was also asked to partake with other candidates in another interview with Shape Magazine and our contribution formed part of a supplementary magazine on Diabetes which reached International recognition for the article. I received feedback from people telling me how the article, I listened to my body, touched and changed their lives; which was very uplifting for me.

    The one thing that I soon realized, sooner than later, was that this was a non-negotiable, life-threatening condition and one has to adopt a lifestyle to make the necessary changes. One cannot look at it as a sacrifice or death sentence but as a lifestyle of choice. This is a Key Point to taking the first steps to newness. It kept me slim, trim and balanced and I’ve maintained my same weight for all these years. I am constantly asked about my age as I’m constantly told that I look much younger than my actual age. My healthy diet and exercise routine affords me this luxury and keeps me youthful, energetic and positive.

    My diabetes has not deteriorated that much since I was first diagnosed because I try to stick to the rules but unfortunately it does get harder as one gets older. Your body has to work harder as your organs are not as young as it used to be and changes and ailments occurs that comes with ageing. However, the more adjustments and effort you make the more you are able to stay healthy and positive.

    The secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is correct consistent eating habits, regular exercises and a positive mind.

    I have to smile at times when people comment that they cannot believe I am a Diabetic as I don’t look like one. I’m not sure what a Diabetic is supposed to look like though and thought of a good analogy ...Is it not true that most Paedophiles are mostly of gentleman demeanour and the last person one suspects? The point is that there are no set profiles for anything in life, but I understand the intention of compliment behind these kinds’ words.

    My other secret is that I have been given a God given Gift which is an incredibly healthy mind. I stay positive and associate myself with like- minded people. I don’t see the glass half full or half empty, but rather the possibilities of the glass. I educate myself on a regular basis and research what I am not clear on or confused about. If I’m still not clear, I ask my Professional Diabetic Advisor.

    My Dr. always comments on me being a breath of fresh air when I need to see him as I find the bright side of things, instead of moaning about everything that cannot be changed. This type of attitude as he puts it is contagious and affects people in a positive way.

    On the flip side, I am a Life Coach, Motivational/Keynote speaker, Business Advisor/Trainer and Entrepreneur. And I’m always focussed on walking my talk (See profile at the end of book. Diabetes is a topic very dear to my heart, so I’m passionate when delivering my speeches).

    Changes and thoughts on how to

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