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Coherence: The Ultimate Guide to Accomplishing Goals and Achieving Success Without Side Effects: Reintegration Fundamentals, #3
Coherence: The Ultimate Guide to Accomplishing Goals and Achieving Success Without Side Effects: Reintegration Fundamentals, #3
Coherence: The Ultimate Guide to Accomplishing Goals and Achieving Success Without Side Effects: Reintegration Fundamentals, #3
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Coherence: The Ultimate Guide to Accomplishing Goals and Achieving Success Without Side Effects: Reintegration Fundamentals, #3

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This book describes powerful goal-achievement methods which will enable you to finally actualize your deepest desires.

However, this practical guide is neither for lazy people, nor for quick-fixers. There is no magic pill. You will have to put in some real work if you want to achieve your dreams. But if you are doing the procedures steadily, and if you persevere, you simply cannot fail. And, what is more important, you will improve the quality of your whole life!

This volume is filled with illustrations and accounts from real life, which is important to better understand the system and how to apply the methods I will present.

First, with an overview of the basic concepts of the Reintegration System, which these methods are actually a part of, you will be guided through three quick and easy mind techniques designed to bring immediate results: “Dissolving the Temporary I,” “Moving to the Heart,” and “Dissolving the Temporary I Plus.”  These methods will enable you to quickly and efficiently remove any negative thoughts, emotions or sensations, thus allowing the creation of your desired, positive state of mind. These techniques are essential for all other elements of the Reintegration System and are widely used as methods for achieving the goals presented in this book.

Next, you will find that these techniques are actually the foundation of several more complex methods, which will teach you how to attain goals in a safe and enduring way. You will be able to find your own exciting pathway to the goal, revealing unexpected aspects of your personality, subconscious mind, and real life along the way.

Through the goal-achievement processes that will be presented here, you will not only achieve your goals, you will reintegrate many parts of your personality and improve the quality of your whole life.

The two main methods for achieving the goals presented in this book are:

1. Comprehensive Goal Achievement Process

2. Determination Technique

The Comprehensive Goal Achievement Process is a really broad and thorough method. It allows you to avoid most of the possible pitfalls of “usual” goal achievement work, because it leads you through the process of wide-ranging integration of your personality.

The Determination Technique is one of the “usual” approaches, and is best for those who are short on time for inner work, but desperately need to accomplish some goals. Yet, as is the case with the majority of other goal achievement methods, after you achieve the goal through this technique, you should do a systematic integration of the most limiting elements of your personality, in order to avoid any unexpected problems in other areas of your life.

You will also be presented with several efficient ways to overcome procrastination, which is important for all your endeavors.

You won’t find empty promises here, only practical guidance. Once again, if you apply the given procedures, it is impossible for you to fail.

Being one of the Reintegration series books, with some additional practical content, this volume is effectively a part of an even more comprehensive book, “Inner Peace, Outer Success,” which covers the whole Reintegration System, including detailed descriptions of all Reintegration techniques, as well as meditation, mindfulness, healing, and achieving goals.

Join us on this new journey of personal transformation and start feeling better now!

Release dateJan 21, 2017
Coherence: The Ultimate Guide to Accomplishing Goals and Achieving Success Without Side Effects: Reintegration Fundamentals, #3

Nebo D. Lukovich

Nebo D. Lukovich is the creator of the Reintegration System, one of the newest breakthroughs in the development of human consciousness. Based on timeless spiritual principles and compatible with modern science, the Reintegration System is a versatile tool, applicable in all areas of our daily lives. It teaches us that we can indeed wake up and attain both inner liberation and outer wealth, without suffering, but through wisdom and expansion of our consciousness. As you can see in his books and other texts, Nebo's greatest passion is spiritual work and writing. He has been researching and practicing various spiritual and psychological systems and techniques for more than 25 years. Nebo was born 1972 and lives with his wife and two teenage children in Montenegro, a country in Europe. Although he prefers a peaceful family life, his experience in spiritual work (both personal and with friends and acquaintances) often calls on him to engage in personal coaching and educational work in the field of personal transformation. His published writing career has only just begun with the books published in 2016 and 2017, as there is more to come. He will continue to write and research even more advanced techniques, many of which are currently being tested with his friends.

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    Coherence - Nebo D. Lukovich


    You are the sky. Everything else—it’s just the weather. ― Pema Chödrön

    In order to learn concrete ways to achieve your goals, first you will have to be introduced to the foundations of the Reintegration System—the very structure of all your experiences, what you can do with them and the basic principles for dealing with them. Once you’re familiarized with the system’s concept, you’ll be able to apply its main techniques to achieving goals.

    Although we may be eager to remove or change an unwanted experience, or to quickly create a desired one, we have to be careful in that process. Perhaps that unpleasant event helped you grow into a more mature person, and it would ultimately be better to accept it as it happened, as an integral part of your history. Or, maybe that desired experience would not benefit your spiritual or psychological development, but instead, dull or corrupt you in the long run.

    Thankfully, the techniques presented in this book will give you the tools to safely transform all types of mind content, eliminating entirely the risk of losing a valuable life lesson or piece of your past, and deepening your understanding of personal development. You will learn how to control your thoughts, emotions, sensations, traumas, goals, and sometimes even illnesses through this robust system.

    The biggest strength of the Reintegration System is that it covers so many areas of personal development: spiritual growth, meditation, solving problems, healing, interpersonal relations and comprehensive integration of personality. It was carefully designed to cover all these fields through removing, changing or creating the content of one’s mind.

    The main pillars of the methodology are the following:

    There exists an underlying reality, which is supreme and perfect, independent of time and space, yet subtly present in all phenomena. In turn, that Divine presence[1] can transform every experience in the best possible way.

    Everything is interconnected. The apparent separation of entities is an illusion; the subject and his experience are inseparable.

    Our external world is but a mirror of our inner being. Therefore, everyone is completely responsible for their own life.

    All apparently negative inner structures have a genuinely positive origin and purpose. We must not fight any perceived negativity—we should face it, accept it, transform it and thusly reintegrate it.

    This is a world of polarities; every imperfect state has its own imperfect, opposite state. Every negativity should be dealt with alongside its opposite.

    Some of these assertions may seem a bit implausible. Yet, many are backed by and based on contemporary scientific discoveries.

    For example, the first principle has its corresponding approach in quantum physics: the implicate order as postulated by David Bohm, one of the most influential American theoretical physicists of all time.[2] He assumed that there was an underlying ground, the implicate order, from which whole reality, the explicate order, emerges. Within the explicate order, the closest analogies to the first principle could be found in the notions of quantum vacuum and light. This postulate will be applied specifically in the Gentle Touch of Presence procedure, but is also present throughout the techniques for healing, meditation sittings, and mindfulness. 

    Also from quantum physics is the quantum entanglement effect, the spooky action at the distance, the experiments which strongly indicate our interconnectedness at a quantum particle level.  This principle will be employed in the basic Reintegration techniques, especially in the Dissolving the Temporary I procedure.

    Then there is the holographic principle, well-known in theoretical physics and increasingly accepted in cosmology. From there stems the idea of mirroring one’s inner being to external reality.

    Similarly, the fourth principle has its roots within contemporary psychological methodologies, which show that the subconscious structures that cause unpleasant emotions must not be suppressed nor fought back. Since they inherently have a positive initial purpose, they must instead be understood and transformed.

    The fifth principle about polarities can be found in many areas of science and life. In quantum physics, it is stated that for every positively or negatively charged particle there is an opposite particle, equal in all properties, except in electrical charge. In a quantum vacuum, the so-called virtual particles are continually leaping into existence in pairs of opposites. Biology teaches us that almost all living species have two sexes. Moreover, in various phenomena in life (colors, shapes, movements, living beings), you will find pairs of opposites or complementary traits. This is focused on in the Inner Triangle technique.

    When these five principles are applied in life, they have huge transformative power. Consequently, we will use them extensively throughout this entire system.

    Structure of Human Experience

    Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

    When we look deep into ourselves, we can get a sense of the apparent dichotomy between our inner being, I, and our external reality, no-I. Although the feeling may be blurry, or indistinct, it follows us throughout the entire life, except during deep sleep. It is symbolically shown in Figure 1 below.

    Figure 1:  Basic dichotomy

    The subject is an apparent center of being, an observer, a conscious I, who experiences the reality. The key question is: who or what actually is that subject?

    It is our source of conscious perception. Although in its true nature it’s limitless and indescribable, in this universe of space, time, matter and energy it manifests itself as a kind of condensed energy of being. The physical site of that source of individual reality is fixed within our body, in the chest. It is the Heart, whose nature will be elaborated on later.[3]

    Often in this book, we will use the term mind content. It refers to three kinds of mind/body experiences:

      Thoughts, including mind pictures and other mind replicas of bodily experiences, which are purely mental entities.

      Emotions, which are energy entities stemming mostly from desires and fears.

      Sensations, which are experienced through the five senses of the body, such as physical pleasure, pain, itching, eyesight, sounds, taste, smells, etc.

    It is important to note that mind content encompasses also all external events and beings that one experiences in their individual reality because all these externally imposed experiences are projected into one’s mind through the five senses. The individual then reacts to the external experience with emotions or even thoughts of bodily sensations.

    Unlike the Heart—the source of our individual reality—there is also a transitory center within our being that perceives and shapes that reality, even creating many details of it. Thus, as the whole universe is transitory and elusive, a conscious being’s center of perception should be considered unsteady too.

    We will name the transient subject who perceives the content of mind the Temporary I. It is an apparent center of the being that perceives the thoughts, emotions or sensations at the particular moment.

    Accordingly, everyday human experience consists of the Temporary I and mind content, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2:  Structure of Everyday Human Experience

    As was pointed out earlier, the Temporary I is not fixed at a single location in a human being. Depending on many factors—usually on a state of consciousness—it moves around the body, sometimes even outside of it, although we may rarely be aware of that.

    If the idea of Temporary I still feels confusing, try finding your sense of I while reading this very text. Where is the center of your being at this moment? What is the I-feeling you get when you experience contents of the mind, in this case, the text of this book? The location of that I-feeling may change in relation to the specific nature of the mind content within your reality. Even more precisely, the thoughts, emotions, and sensations you’re feeling are created or shaped by this Temporary I.

    In many cases, the Temporary I is located on an imaginary line, connecting the brain and the Heart (see Figure 3).

    Figure 3:  Some Common Positions of the Temporary I

    Don’t forget that the Temporary I is not technically a real center of the being. It is a provisional, false I that can move around inside your being or even disappear altogether. The true center of being is considered to be the Heart.

    Here is an exercise that will help you to find your current Temporary I:

    Look around you. Feel your presence in the room where you are sitting now. Turn your attention inward. Where is the center of your being at this moment? Where do you sense it? Don’t think about it, just guess. Maybe it’s located inside your head or neck. Or is it somewhere else? Feel it. Don’t try to move it or change it in any way, just accept that your I is there. Do not worry whether the I-feeling is located within the Heart, or not.

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