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Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI
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Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI

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A collection of 15 papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 40th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 24-29, 2016. This issue includes papers presented in Symposia 6 - Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy Generation, Conversion, and Rechargeable Energy Storage; Symposium 13 - Advanced Ceramics and Composites for Sustainable Nuclear Energy and Fusion Energy, and Focused Session 2 – Advanced Ceramic Materials and Processing for Photonics and Energy.

Release dateJan 31, 2017
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI

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    Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI - Hua-Tay Lin


    This proceedings issue contains contributions from three energy related symposia that were part of The American Ceramic Society’s (ACerS) 40th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 24–29, 2016:

    Advanced Materials for Sustainable Nuclear Fission and Fusion Energy

    Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy Generation, Conversion, and Rechargeable Energy Storage

    Advanced Ceramic Materials and Processing for Photonics and Energy

    The first symposium is sponsored by ACerS Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division and the final two by ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division.

    The editors wish to thank the authors and presenters for their contributions, the symposium organizers for their time and labor, and all the manuscript reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. Acknowledgment is also due for financial support from the Engineering Ceramics Division, the Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division, and The American Ceramic Society. The editors wish to thank ACerS for assembling and publishing the proceedings.

    Hua-Tay Lin, Guangdong University of Technology, China

    Josef Matyáš, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

    Yutai Katoh, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

    Alberto Vomiero, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden


    This collected proceedings consists of 104 papers that were submitted and approved for the proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), held January 24–29, 2016 in Daytona Beach, Florida. ICACC is the most prominent international meeting in the area of advanced structural, functional, and nanoscopic ceramics, composites, and other emerging ceramic materials and technologies. This prestigious conference has been organized by the Engineering Ceramics Division (ECD) of The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) since 1977. This year’s meeting continued the tradition and added a few grand celebrations to mark its 40th year.

    The 40th ICACC hosted more than 1,100 attendees from 42 countries that gave over 900 presentations. The topics ranged from ceramic nanomaterials to structural reliability of ceramic components, which demonstrated the linkage between materials science developments at the atomic level and macro level structural applications. Papers addressed material, model, and component development and investigated the interrelations between the processing, properties, and microstructure of ceramic materials.

    The 2016 conference was organized into the following 17 symposia and 5 Focused Sessions:

    The proceedings papers from this conference are published in the below seven issues of the 2016 CESP; Volume 37, Issues 2–7, as listed below.

    Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites XI, CESP Volume 37, Issue 2 (includes papers from Symposium 1)

    Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electronic Ceramics II, CESP Volume 37, Issue 3 (includes papers from Symposia 3 and 14)

    Advances in Ceramic Armor, Bioceramics, and Porous Materials, CESP Volume 37, Issue 4 (includes papers from Symposia 4, 5, and 9)

    Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Nanostructured and Multifunctional Materials III, CESP Volume 37, Issue 5 (includes papers from Symposia 8 and 11 and Focused Sessions 4 and 5)

    Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications VI, CESP Volume 37, Issue 6 (includes papers from Symposia 6 and 13 and Focused Session 2)

    Developments in Strategic Materials II, CESP Volume 37, Issue 7 (includes papers from Symposia 2, 10, 12, Focused Sessions 1, and the Special Symposia on Carbon).

    The organization of the Daytona Beach meeting and the publication of these proceedings were possible thanks to the professional staff of ACerS and the tireless dedication of many ECD members. We would especially like to express our sincere thanks to the symposia organizers, session chairs, presenters and conference attendees, for their efforts and enthusiastic participation in the vibrant and cutting-edge conference.

    ACerS and the ECD invite you to attend the 41st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (http://www.ceramics.org/icacc2017) January 23-28, 2017 in Daytona Beach, Florida.

    To purchase additional CESP issues as well as other ceramic publications, visit the ACerS-Wiley Publications home page at www.wiley.com/go/ceramics.

    MANABU FUKUSHIMA, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

    ANDREW GYEKENYESI, Ohio Aerospace Institute/NASA Glenn Research Center, USA

    Volume Editors

    August 2016

    Advanced Materials for Sustainable Nuclear Fission and Fusion Energy


    J.R. Fellowsa, C.A. Lewinsohna, Y. Katohb, T. Koyanagib

    aCeramatec, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT 84119, USA

    bOak Ridge National Laboratories, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

    Notice: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan).


    Fabrication of large, or complex, components from silicon carbide, or other technical ceramics, used in heat exchanger devices, energy production and chemical synthesis systems, and for components within fusion and fission reactors require robust joining processes. Ceramatec has developed a novel method for achieving bonds using an air brazing process. For silicon carbide joining, the braze acts under certain conditions to promote diffusion bonding. The resulting joined regions are thought to form by rapid interdiffusion of the diffusion-enhancing braze material and silicon and carbon species, resulting in a microstructure more similar to one formed by diffusion bonding than brazing. Processing of these joints is accomplished at relatively low temperatures, 900°C-1200°C in air, with minimal applied load. The brazed joint strength was found to be statistically equivalent to monolithic control samples at room temperature. Oxidation testing, using dry oxygen and saturated steam, was conducted at 1000°C for 1000 hours on joined specimens, resulting in further microstructural development of the joint, with subsequent shear testing showing no appreciable reduction in strength. Torsion tests on irradiated joined samples show that the joint’s mechanical integrity is resistant to radiation degradation.


    The use of silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics within high efficiency heat exchanger systems and other energy related structures is increasingly prevalent due to SiC exhibiting high strength and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures and pressures¹. There is also a great deal of focus on SiC-SiC composites, due to the composite structure offering improved mechanical properties (compared to monolithic SiC), for accident tolerant fuel (ATF) cladding and fuel rods (assemblies that include tubular cladding sections and an endplug bonded together) that will survive a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), which is vital for the improved safety of light water reactors (LWR)²,³.

    For the fabrication of ATF cladding and other structures used in industrial applications where silicon carbide-based ceramics are utilized, joining of individual components to produce larger structures is required where complex shapes, geometries, and often substrate morphological variations (such as gradients of structural porosity and volumetric alterations) cannot be fabricated as an individual component. Such is the case, for example, with heat exchanger stacks that utilize individual micro-channeled plates joined into larger modules⁴. Current efforts are being made to identify joining solutions to join a monolithic CVD-SiC endplug to SiC-SiC composite tube cladding for ATF application within light water reactors⁵. In all cases, the joint itself must meet certain criteria of strength, ability to obtain hermetic seals, resistance to corrosive environments such as oxidative damage, and also, especially in the case for use in LWR, the joint must be able to survive neutron irradiation and show stability in this environment.

    The focus of this current research is to identify a candidate joining method with adequate properties that can be further evaluated for possible use in joining a dense silicon carbide endplug to a SiC-SiC composite tube used in light water reactor application, where the joint itself must also be suited to survive constant neutron irradiation and the possibility of a loss-of-coolant accident. In addition, it is desired that this joining solution will be applicable to other assemblies and applications, such as heat exchanger devices, electronic materials processing tools, metrology tools, satellite mirrors, modular structures, etc.


    2.1. Materials – Joint Initiator

    Ceramatec has developed and patented⁶ a ceramic to ceramic brazing process that utilizes aluminum as a ‘joint initiator’. As described in the patent, there are various processing and joining parameters to vary depending on the desired joint microstructure. All SiC joining described in this paper was accomplished according to methods discussed in the patent, with aluminum (purity greater than 99.5%) being applied to only one joining substrate surface (SiC surfaces ground using a 15 micron diamond grit wheel before aluminum application). The temperature used to join the samples described below was between 900°C and 1200°C. Nominal load was applied to the samples to maintain alignment during processing.

    2.2. SiC Substrates used for Joining

    This paper describes both qualitative and quantitative results of joints formed between direct sintered SC-30 SiC and CVD-SiC substrates provided by CoorsTek. It is acknowledged that direct sintered SiC is a candidate ceramic often used in micro-channeled heat exchanger devices, energy related SiC ceramic systems, and many other SiC ceramic applications, while CVD-SiC is representative of the CVD matrix and coating anticipated on the proposed ATF fuel rods. As will be discussed in this paper, the qualitative nature of the joint has been observed to be identical for either substrate type. Due to the experimental observations, it is reasonable at this time to state that resulting joints formed using direct sintered SiC substrates, with inherent sintering additives found in the SiC microstructure, are comparable to joints obtained using CVD-SiC substrates, which do not have sintering additives in the microstructure despite the minor differences between the materials in the presence of second phases and in grain morphology. This observation will be seen in testing data shown later in this report.

    2.3 Joined Specimens for Shear, Tensile, and Torsion Strength Testing

    2.3.1 Shear Testing: Double-lap Shear Samples (direct sintered SC-30 SiC substrates)

    As a screening method to evaluate several joints being investigated by Ceramatec, a double-lap shear sample geometry was developed. Figure 1 shows FEA modeling that indicates that the notched samples produce the highest shear stress on the joint plane. The initial goal was to be able to test and rank various joints in double-lap shear and test the effects on processing variables. As such, this model is based on a monolithic structure, where (when the notches are placed and the structure is loaded as indicated by the arrows) maximum shear stresses develop at the region where the joints exist in actual joined samples. The dashed lines, as noted in this figure, indicate the location of the joints. Figure 1 also shows a typical sample that is finish ground (320 grit grinding parallel to the joint plane) to dimensions of 14.0 mm wide × 7.75 mm tall × 4.0 mm thick. While both Ferraris et al.⁷ and Ventrella et al.⁸ discuss more accurate shear testing methods, this initial test method was sufficient to identify which joint types used in the scoping trials were superior to others among those that were joined and evaluated.

    Diagram of FEA modeling shows shear stress at joint which is shown in graph with declining curves in MPa, sshear equals F/2A where A is joint area, joint as nominal 4000N case, et cetera.

    Figure 1. FEA modeling showing that the maximum shear stress occurs on the joint plane.

    Double-lap shear testing was completed at both room temperature (RT) and at elevated temperatures in air. RT shear testing was accomplished using an Instron Model 5566 test frame (utilizing a 10 kN static load cell). For elevated temperature testing, this same test frame was used with a box furnace placed within the frame as seen in Figure 2. An image of a single specimen placed within the furnace ready for testing is also seen in this same figure.

    2.3.2 Tensile Testing: 4-pt Bend Samples (direct sintered SC-30 SiC substrates)

    Joined samples were prepared and evaluated in 4-pt bend according to the ASTM C1161 standard (configuration B) with testing completed using the Instron Model 5566 test frame (utilizing a 10 kN static load cell).

    2.3.3 Torsion Testing (CVD-SiC substrates)

    CVD-SiC substrates were joined and ground to specific dimensions as discussed by Henager et al.⁹, and shown in Figure 3. Testing of torsion specimens was conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratories (Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA), with the torsion test fixture shown in Figure 4.

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 2. Shear testing on Instron universal testing machine Model 5566 (utilizing a 10 kN static load cell): a) Elevated temperature testing box furnace was placed within the frame, b) single shear sample, and c) sample placed inside the box furnace within the test frame.

    RT torsion testing was accomplished on as-joined samples to establish baseline strength values. Additional samples were then subject to neutron irradiation (using the High Flux Isotope Reactor) at various irradiation conditions and temperatures: irradiation at 2.9 displacements per atom (dpa) at 480°C, 2.3 dpa at 730°C, and 8.7 dpa between 270°C-310°C. 1.0×10²⁵ n/m² (E >0.1 MeV) = 1 dpa is assumed. RT torsion testing of irradiated samples was then completed to evaluate the effects of the irradiation on the joint.

    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 3. CVD-SiC torsion test specimen geometry and actual sample.

    2.4 Joined Specimens for High Temperature Oxygen and Saturated Steam Corrosion Test

    Additional double-lap shear samples (as described in Section 2.3.1) were prepared to evaluate the corrosive and oxidative effects on the joint at

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