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Hospitality Branding
Hospitality Branding
Hospitality Branding
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Hospitality Branding

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In recent years the brand has moved squarely into the spotlight as the key to success in the hospitality industry. Business strategy once began with marketing and incorporated branding as one of its elements; today the brand drives marketing within the larger hospitality enterprise. Not only has it become the chief means of attracting customers, it has, more broadly, become the chief organizing principle for most hospitality organizations. The never-ending quest for market share follows trend after trend, from offering ever more elaborate and sophisticated amenities to the use of social media as a marketing tool—all driven by the preeminence of the brand.

Chekitan S. Dev’s award-winning research has appeared in leading journals including Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Marketing, and Harvard Business Review. He is the recipient of several major hospitality research and teaching awards. A former corporate executive with Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, he has served corporate, government, education, advisory, and private equity clients in more than forty countries as consultant, seminar leader, keynote speaker and expert witness. Hospitality Branding brings together the most important insights from the author’s many years of research and experience, all in a single, affordably priced volume (available in both print and eBook formats). Skillfully blending the knowledge of recent history, the wisdom of cutting-edge research, and promise of future trends, this book offers hospitality organizations the advice they need to survive and thrive in today’s competitive global business environment.

Release dateNov 1, 2012
Hospitality Branding

Chekitan S. Dev

Chekitan S. Dev is professor of marketing at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration in the SC Johnson College of Business.

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    Hospitality Branding - Chekitan S. Dev

    Hospitality Branding


    Cornell University Press

    Ithaca and London



    Part I. The Hospitality Brandscape

    chapter 1 Hospitality Marketing and Branding: Past and Future

    chapter 2 Branding Challenges and Opportunities

    chapter 3 Branding and the Internet

    case study I Carnival Cruise Lines

    Part II. Global Branding

    chapter 4 Global Brand Expansion

    chapter 5 Branding beyond Borders

    chapter 6 Brand Strategies

    case study II Ritz-Carlton Bali

    Part III. Strategic Branding

    chapter 7 Brand Equity

    chapter 8 Brand Positioning

    chapter 9 Brand Extensions and Customer Loyalty

    case study III Taj Hotels, Resorts, and Palaces

    Part IV. Branding Execution

    chapter 10 Managing Marketing and Branding Relationships

    chapter 11 Brand Franchising

    chapter 12 Brand Partnerships

    case study IV Groupon




    This book distills the essence of my thinking about hospitality marketing and branding and brings the results of my academic work to a wider audience that I hope will benefit from its insights. Its contents cover over twenty years of scholarly labor, presenting studies undertaken with the help of many collaborators, whose contributions I have acknowledged elsewhere in the book. Although the chapters are organized around four general themes, taken together they represent an evolution in hospitality marketing and branding studies that has brought the development and management of the brand squarely into the spotlight as the focal point of theoretical analysis and industry success.

    Today scholars and industry leaders view branding in a new light. Whereas hospitality business strategy once began with marketing and incorporated branding as one of its elements, such strategy now begins with branding and incorporates marketing within the larger enterprise. The brand has become not only the chief means of attracting customers; it has, more broadly, become the chief organizing principle for most hospitality organizations.

    Over the past two decades, industry observers and the public alike have witnessed an explosion of brands in every market segment and in every sector, from hotels to restaurants to resorts to cruise lines. As a result the consumer can be easily overwhelmed by a sea of sameness in which it is increasingly difficult to distinguish one brand from another, one positioning approach from another, one splashy media campaign from another. Brands unceasingly search for the latest marketing hook and fall all over themselves to catch the consumer’s eye—and wallet.

    This never-ending quest for market share follows trend after trend, from offering ever more elaborate and sophisticated amenities to novel, cross-sectoral brand affiliations to the use of social media as a marketing tool—all driven by the preeminence of the brand. Hospitality firms today use their brand identities to generate brand value, hoping to leverage the presence of a brand in the marketplace to attract customers, breed customer loyalty, and, ideally, create passionate lifelong brand champions.

    This book captures the most critical developments in the quest for brand value. Each of its four parts includes presentations of empirical studies followed by a related case study offering an important application or illustration of that part’s theme. Part I, The Hospitality Brandscape, begins in chapter 1 with an overview of hospitality marketing and branding studies over the past two decades and a look forward to the trends that will define the next decade. That is followed in chapter 2 with the highlights of a brand roundtable held at Cornell University’s Center for Hospitality Research in which industry leaders and leading scholars shared ideas about the use of branding to drive business survival and success. Chapter 3 then presents an analysis of the use of Internet flash sales to market hotel stays. Part I closes with a case study reviewing the efforts of Carnival Cruise lines to differentiate itself in the burgeoning cruise market and offering suggestions for branding success.

    Part II, Global Branding, features three studies that offer insights on effective strategic approaches to branding in the era of globalization. Chapter 4 discusses and analyzes strategies for global market entry; chapter 5 compares the merits of franchising and management contracting; and chapter 6, acknowledging the trend toward adopting a market orientation in global branding, analyzes the choice between a competitor orientation and a customer orientation. The case study for part II presents the main outlines of a fascinating legal case, summarizing the issues involved in a lawsuit brought by a Ritz-Carlton hotel owner against the parent brand, which had placed a co-branded resort carrying the Bulgari name (guided by Ritz-Carlton and initially promoted as such) on the island of Bali.

    Part III, Strategic Branding, delves more deeply into branding as strategy. Chapter 7 introduces an approach to managing brand equity using a system that measures such equity quantitatively. Brands using this technique would be able to assess their brand equity more effectively. Chapter 8 offers an analytical framework with which brand marketers can assess and manage their market positioning within a competitive set by mapping that position on a four-quadrant grid. Part III also includes, in chapter 9, an analysis of the use of brand extensions to generate customer loyalty. The case study for part III describes an effort by a property under the Taj brand in Goa to undertake service innovation as a means of upgrading a property’s market position.

    Part IV, Branding Execution, offers three studies that examine the relationships that hotel brands develop with the properties that carry their brand names directly to the customer. To manage the use of its brand image to attract customers to its properties, a brand must develop effective relationships—brand partnerships—with its property owners and managers. Chapter 10 argues that understanding how to reduce or eliminate opportunism is best approached from a relational exchange perspective rather than from a transaction cost perspective. Chapter 11 reports evidence that franchisor-franchisee relationships work best when both parties communicate openly and interact harmoniously in a strong partnership. The study presented in chapter 12 shows evidence that brand partners can reduce opportunism by adhering to a set of relational norms. Finally, the part IV case study follows a small tour operator offering winery tours in the Finger Lakes region of New York State as it weighs the benefits and costs of partnering with the online marketing brand Groupon.

    The purpose of this book is to make all these findings from scholarly research available to anyone with an interest in hospitality management and marketing, particularly those who appreciate the role that branding has assumed. It strikes a balance between the wisdom of recent history and the cutting-edge promise of future trends. While the principles recommended here might not guarantee survival or success, the research shows that they can provide a competitive advantage to hospitality brands seeking to survive and thrive in an increasingly cluttered brand world.




    Hospitality Marketing and Branding: Past and Future

    Hospitality marketing helps businesses provide real value to targeted customers, motivate purchase, and ultimately solve customer problems. Creating customer value and satisfaction are at the heart of hospitality and travel industry marketing. While many factors contribute to making a business successful, the most successful companies at all levels are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to marketing.

    Against this backdrop of marketing preeminence, this chapter discusses the evolution of hospitality marketing over the past fifty years, at a moment coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (CHQ), by reviewing key marketing developments by decade, particularly as seen through the pages of the CHQ. The chapter closes by exploring the possibilities the next decade offers.¹


    In an attempt to triangulate our analysis by using multiple sources of data, we completed this study using three unrelated sources. First, we used Google Scholar to conduct a citation analysis of all hospitality marketing articles published in the CHQ over the past fifty years to reveal the most influential CHQ articles in each decade. Second, we obtained marketing spending data from PKF Hospitality Research to reveal trends by decade. Third, we used an informal e-mail survey of industry and academic experts who were invited to provide insight into the most influential people, practices, and papers in each decade. Then we merged the data from the three sources we tapped (Google Scholar, PKF, and the experts) to present our findings by decade.

    1960s: Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

    Developments in technology and marketing drove rapid changes in the hospitality industry in the 1960s. The founding and development of several national hotel chains brought on new standards and dramatically increased competition. From a marketing perspective, based on a review of CHQ marketing-related articles and experts’ opinions, promotion was the prevailing theme.

    The February 1964 CHQ published three full chapters of C. Dewitt Coffman’s landmark book on hotel promotions, The Full House: A Hotel/Motel Promotion Primer.² The book was devoured by hotel owners, managers, and marketers and quickly became required reading in hospitality marketing courses. Coffman was not alone among marketing and promotion-minded luminaries. According to the CHQ survey, Curt Carlson, Kemmons Wilson, Conrad Hilton, Adrian Philips, and Bill Marriott—whose names are synonymous with hotel development and promotion—had the greatest impact on hospitality marketing in the 1960s.

    During the 1960s marketing evolved into a discipline with its own set of theories, principles, and tools, beginning with the coining by Harvard Business School professor Neil Borden of the term marketing mix. Soon thereafter another Harvard professor, E. Jerome McCarthy, suggested the four elements of the marketing mix, the now-famous 4 Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Marketing-related articles found in early issues of CHQ have confirmed that the last element, promotion, was the most important marketing practice of the decade.

    David Dorf wrote one of the first marketing-related articles published in the CHQ.³ Dorf expounded on the importance of package plans that would attract travelers looking for economical, planned vacations. Published that same year, an article by H. Victor Grohman made availability and accessibility to customers the key to successfully organizing the operation and space of a hotel.⁴

    CHQ articles of the 1960s by Robert Bliss and Edward Bursk underlined the primary importance of promotional marketing and insisted on its powerful future.⁵ William Morton followed up on Bursk’s article, cautioning hotel managers that refusing to adopt marketing as a new business philosophy is tantamount to shutting your door not only to opportunity—but barring your own survival (9).⁶

    The 1960s was also the decade when technology met promotion. Introduced in 1965 by Holiday Inn, Holidex was the first automated hotel reservation system and it revolutionized hotel operations. The CHQ itself marked this revolution, praising systems that could instantaneously guarantee room reservations at a set price.⁷ These new systems dramatically decreased no-shows and virtually eliminated the need for overbooking.

    1970s: Product Development and Market Research

    Innovative developments of the 1960s, such as Holidex and John Portman’s radical new hotel designs, set the stage for marketing activity and growth in the 1970s and beyond. Innovations in reservations technology and the development of many new hotel brands propelled the industry as customer expectations changed rapidly. Smart hoteliers had to work hard to keep pace. This review of CHQ marketing articles of the 1970s found that product development and market research were the predominant themes.

    The work of Michael Leven, who was hired from Americana Hotels to become the CEO of Days Inn, indicates the importance of marketing knowledge during the 1970s. With Leven at the helm, Days Inn more than doubled its portfolio of hotels and rooms after he introduced a program showing Days Inn management and employees the importance of a customer orientation. Under Leven, employees were rewarded—never penalized—for taking the initiative to help a customer. According to Leven, Service falls short when employees are always trying to please their immediate boss. You end up putting layers between yourself and the customer.

    In the 1970s hospitality marketers recognized the need for product development as a long-range corporate strategy. It became clearer that hospitality establishments had to be constantly adjusting the product to changing tastes, technologies, and competition. Portman’s innovative architecture radically changed the look and feel of contemporary hotels and, more to the point, gave permission to others to experiment with hotel design. Portman’s designs—such as restaurants revolving atop skyscrapers—also revolutionized hotel restaurants by blending architecture and technology.

    CHQ articles in the 1970s by Graham Campbell-Smith, William Swinyard, and Charles Ramond reflected these developments in marketing the restaurant experience, providing a comprehensive overview of the state of restaurant marketing and guiding managers in the use of customer research for advertising and product development to enhance customer satisfaction.⁹ Other top articles from the 1970s analyzed marketing research for hotels in considerable detail; notable examples were a piece by Clarence Peters and two written by Peter Yesawich, who was included in the list of the most influential hospitality marketers of the decade, along with the aforementioned Michael Leven, as well as W. W. Bud Grice and marketing researchers Peter Drucker and Robert Lewis.¹⁰

    1980s: Revenue Management and Brand Development

    Scholarly interest in CHQ marketing articles increased dramatically during the 1980s, culminating near the end of the decade in the revolutionary concepts of revenue management and branding. Articles by Eric Orton, Walter Relihan, and Sheryl Kimes explained the basic theory and mechanics of the concept and showed hospitality managers how they could employ revenue management techniques in their businesses.¹¹

    Revenue management, which had already spread across the airline industry, would significantly alter the hospitality industry’s sales practices. Its sophisticated mathematical techniques put new demands on data resources, requiring analysts with detailed market knowledge to work with advanced computing systems. Many large business-class and luxury hotels added full-time revenue managers to their staffs. The ability to maximize revenue became such an important management tool that today it is not unheard of to find corporate vice presidents of marketing whose careers started as revenue managers.

    Our survey revealed, however, that the most influential industry people of the 1980s were not revenue managers but visionary leaders who led their companies into new territories of brand development and brand management. Gerard Pelisson, Paul Dubrule, Ian Schrager, Bill Marriott, Horst Schulze, and Isadore Sharp were the names cited by survey respondents. A recent study notes, If we review the concept of branding, it’s really about communicating values, mission, and vision of the company to the employees and customer.¹²

    This branding trend made the 1980s the decade of brand development, producing the greatest number of new brands and brand extensions in hotel business history. This was also the decade of a new industry phenomenon, brands with numerous tiers, initiated by Robert Hazard and Gerald Pettit, of Quality International (later Choice International). The ensuing decades continued to witness the unveiling of new brands, but not to the extent that was seen during the 1980s.

    1990s: Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

    Conventional marketing wisdom says that it costs five times as much to create a new customer as it does to maintain a current one. Bill Marriott is credited with saying that it costs ten dollars to bring a guest into a Marriott Hotel the first time but only one dollar in special effort to persuade that guest to return. This wisdom became particularly critical following the profligate brand development activity of the 1980s.

    CHQ marketing-related articles of the 1990s reflected this trend, focusing on keeping customers in the face of new and greater competition. The most influential marketing articles of the decade were about customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. For example, John Bowen and Stowe Shoemaker’s 1998 empirical study of customer loyalty showed that loyal customers are less price sensitive than other customers are, that they will spend more on food and beverage and other services, and, most important, that they will generate additional business for a hotel through positive word of mouth.¹³ Laurette Dubé and Leo Renaghan produced a large-sample study that compared chain preferences with specific chain attributes. Their article identified industry best practices as these relate to customer loyalty and, in so doing, discovered—to the surprise of many managers—features that customers valued more highly than managers did.¹⁴ Other prominent articles exploring loyalty were written by Richard Labagh and Jonathan Barsky; Dubé, Renaghan, and Jane Miller; and Atila Yüksel and Mike Rimmington.¹⁵

    Customer relationship management (CRM) became a buzz term during the 1990s. The CRM phenomenon was generated by additions to the body of research knowledge and the development of automated guest history programs. Four Seasons had begun developing its Greetings system at individual properties as early as 1986, although it was not rolled out systemwide until the 1990s.¹⁶ Other chains quickly followed suit in developing their own proprietary programs.

    The most influential people in hospitality marketing during the 1990s, the survey revealed, included John Bowen. During the 1990s Bowen produced not only the widely cited abovementioned article with Stowe Shoemaker, but also a textbook, now standard issue, with Philip Kotler and James Makens. This textbook is as popular in hospitality marketing classes today as were C. Dewitt Coffman’s books in the 1960s and 1970s. Other individuals cited by our survey included hoteliers Barry Sternlicht, Frank Camacho, Bill Kimpton, Steve Wynn, and Sol Kerzner. These hospitality leaders were all responsible for important innovations and developments that advanced the industry’s customer focus.

    The decade of the 1990s was focused on generating research to better understand customers, develop closer relationships with them, retain them as loyal customers, and secure a lifetime stream of income from them. The Internet came to prominence in 1995, and over the balance of the 1990s an anxious industry and an apprehensive public haltingly learned how to use it. It was clear that this new medium would benefit those who could harness its great power, although the public had not yet been fully convinced as the new millennium approached.

    2000s: Internet Marketing Comes of Age

    The predominant theme for the 2000s was web marketing, but many marketing-related articles of the new decade continued to mine the customer focus theme of the 1990s, focusing

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