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Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Startup Guide
Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Startup Guide
Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Startup Guide
Ebook1,400 pages15 hours

Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Startup Guide

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About this ebook

Turn your passion for life into a fulfilling, lucrative career as a motivational coach. Whether you want to inspire others to go after their dreams, achieve their business goals or better manage their everyday life, Entrepreneur gives you the steps you need to get started.

This hands-on guide shows you how to launch your own successful coaching company, helping clients with life, motivation and business. Learn step by step how to establish your business, position yourself as an expert, attract clients and build revenue. Our experts provide real-life examples, sound business advice and priceless tips to put you on your way to making a difference- and making money.

Learn how to:

Set up your business with minimal startup investment
Develop your coaching expertise
Build a business brand that gets noticed
Capture clients by showing them you're worth their money
Price your service
Advertise and publicize to attract more clients
Boost profits by expanding your business
You already have the motivation and the passion-this guide shows you how to share it with others and make a profit!

BONUS: Every Guide contains Entrepreneur’s Startup Resource Kit!

Every small business is unique. Therefore, it’s essential to have tools that are customizable depending on your business’s needs. That’s why with Entrepreneur is offering you access to our Startup Resource Kit. Get instant access to thousands of business letters, sales letters, sample documents and more all at your fingertips!

You’ll find the following:

The Small Business Legal Toolkit
When your business dreams go from idea to reality, you’re suddenly faced with laws and regulations governing nearly every move you make. Learn how to stay in compliance and protect your business from legal action. In this essential toolkit, you’ll get answers to the how do I get started?” questions every business owner faces along with a thorough understanding of the legal and tax requirements of your business.

Sample Business Letters
1000+ customizable business letters covering each type of written business communication you’re likely
to encounter as you communicate with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. Plus a complete guide to business communication that covers every question you may have about developing your own business communication style.

Sample Sales Letters
The experts at Entrepreneur have compliled more than 1000 of the most effective sales letters covering introductions, prospecting, setting up appointments, cover letters, proposal letters, the all-important follow-up letter and letters covering all aspects of sales operations to help you make the sale, generate new customers and huge profits.
Release dateApr 19, 2013
Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Startup Guide

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    Coaching Business - Entrepreneur magazine


    Every small business is unique. Therefore, it’s essential to have tools that are customizable depending on your business’s needs. That’s why Entrepreneur is offering you access to our Startup Resource Kit. Get instant access to thousands of business letters, sales letters, sample documents and more – all at your fingertips!

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    You’ll find the following:

    The Small Business Legal Toolkit

    When your business dreams go from idea to reality, you’re suddenly faced with laws and regulations governing nearly every move you make. Learn how to stay in compliance and protect your business from legal action. In this essential toolkit, you’ll get answers to the how do I get started? questions every business owner faces along with a thorough understanding of the legal and tax requirements of your business.

    Sample Business Letters

    1000+ customizable business letters covering each type of written business communication you’re likely to encounter as you communicate with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. Plus a complete guide to business communication that covers every question you may have about developing your own business communication style.

    Sample Sales Letters

    The experts at Entrepreneur have compliled more than 1000 of the most effective sales letters covering introductions, prospecting, setting up appointments, cover letters, proposal letters, the all-important follow-up letter and letters covering all aspects of sales operations to help you make the sale, generate new customers and huge profits.


    Entrepreneur Press, Publisher

    Cover Design: Jane Maramba

    Production and Composition: Eliot House Productions

    © 2012 by Entrepreneur Media, Inc.

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    Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Business Products Division, Entrepreneur Media Inc.

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    Coaching Business: Entrepreneur’s Step by Step Startup Guide, 2nd Edition,


    Previously published as

    Start Your Own Coaching Business, 2nd Edition ISBN: 978-1-59918- 445-6

    © 2012 by Entrepreneur Media, Inc., All rights reserved.

    Start Your Own Business, 5th Edition, ISBN: 978-1-59918-387-9,

    © 2009 Entrepreneur Media, Inc., All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1 - Prepare to Get Motivated

    The Evolution of the Motivational Coaching Field

    Some People Just Won’t Change

    All Coaching Needs to Be Motivational

    You Need to Be Motivated Before All Others

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 2 - What Is a Motivational Coach?

    The Differences Between Consulting and Motivational Coaching

    More Than Just Motivation

    You Can’t Make Someone Change

    Choose Your Clients Wisely

    How to Coach

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 3 - Establishing Your Expertise

    Write That Book!

    Building Your Credentials

    Building Your Reputation

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 4 - First Steps: Setting Up Your Business

    Think Big and International

    URL Out Of Luck

    Business Formalities

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 5 - Choosing a Target Market

    Your Target Market

    Being Unique

    The Competition Question

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 6 - Setting Up Your Office—Online and Off

    Home Business or Business Office

    Setting Up Your Office

    Brochures and Business Cards

    Putting It All to Work

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 7 - Finding Those First Clients

    First Clients

    Getting the Word Out

    Tell Them You Can Help Them

    Warm Up Those Cold Calls

    Ask for the Sale

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 8 - Deciding How Much to Charge

    Trial and Error

    Break- Even Analysis

    Your Bottom Line

    Creating a Financial Cushion

    What Are You Worth? Perception Is Reality

    A Balancing Act

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 9 - Creating Coaching Packages

    Packaging Your Time

    Becoming a Great Motivational Coach

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 10 - Profit and Loss

    Income Statement

    Component Analysis

    Balance Sheet

    Tools for Preparing Financial Statements

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 11 - Running Your Business

    Establishing Your Business Profile

    Prepare for Take Off!

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 12 - Improving Your Offerings

    Option! Option!

    Back to Bill by the Hour?

    In-Person Courses and Seminars

    Hours and Groups

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 13 - Keeping Those First Clients

    Current Clients are Better Than New Clients

    Customer Service

    60/40 Rule

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 14 - Sales and Marketing Systems

    Your Client Attraction System

    Your Client Engagement/ Conversion System

    Your Client Retention System

    No Only Means Not Now

    Follow Up!

    What about Your Current Clients?

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 15 - Making a Profit

    Breaking Even Is Only the Beginning

    Getting to Profitability

    The Three Bells

    Business Savings Accounts

    Raising Additional Capital


    Wrap Up

    Chapter 16 - Company Operations Handbook

    Assembling Your Magic Handbook

    Preparing for Change

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 17 - Publicizing Your Business

    Publicity, Marketing, and Advertising

    Plan a Solid Publicity and Advertising Campaign

    Low-Cost Campaigns

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 18 - Expanding Services Offered

    New and Different Directions

    Don’t Lose Touch

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 19 - Expanding Into New Markets

    Going National

    Going International

    What about Physical Expansion?

    Horizontal and Vertical Expansion

    Expanding What You Offer

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 20 - Hiring and Firing

    Be Prepared for Success

    Hiring Coaches

    The Benefit of Experience

    Interns and Work Study

    The Fewer the Better… at First

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 21 - Hiring an Office Manager

    Hire the Best

    Plan for the Worst

    Trust but Verify

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 22 - Selling It

    Deciding to Sell

    Who Will Buy?

    Valuing Your Business

    Finding a Buyer

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 23 - Franchising It

    Pros and Cons of Franchising

    How to Find Your First Franchisee

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 24 - Keeping It

    Become Savvy

    Deciding When Enough Is Enough

    Ensuring Generational Longevity

    Wrap Up

    Chapter 25 - Expect the Best

    Appendix - Coaching Resources

    About the Author




    Thank you to Jere Calmes at Entrepreneur Press for trusting in me, taking a chance on me, and giving me this wonderful opportunity to be a part of the EP family.

    Thank you to Peter Bielagus, author of Getting Loaded, for inviting me to BEA in New York, and then introducing me to Jere at the booth.

    Thank you to Jay Conrad Levinson for taking me on as a protégé. It’s an honor to have you as my mentor, and I’ll forever hold you in the highest esteem. You rock!

    Thank you to Dr. Jim and JoAnn Carland at Western Carolina University’s Master of Entrepreneurship Program. Your course of study was spectacular.

    Thank you to all of my clients who have made Unstoppable Artists, LLC, such a resounding success. It couldn’t have happened without you.

    Thank you to Marissa Higgins for helping me to edit the book, and for all your help assisting me at the office. I’m grateful to have you on my team.

    Finally, thank you to my parents, Carolyn and Monroe Sr., my sisters Hilary and Emily, and perhaps the finest motivational coach in the history of the world, Jesus Christ. Thanks for teaching me how to fish!


    The appeal to become a motivational coach has never been more alluring than it is today. This book is for the hundreds of thousands of successful people who want to take their expertise and help others become more successful as well. It is the first how-to book focused expressly on those who want to work hands-on, one-on-one with their clients to help them think bigger, and become more successful.

    Over the seven years I have run my own motivational coaching firm (including the difficult 18 months when I was keeping the company alive while stationed in Iraq with the Army), I’ve learned quite a bit. This book is the result of those seven years of trial and error. It is the result of falling on my face time and time again, and making hundreds of mistakes with my own company, Unstoppable Artists—a company I started from the ground up on a shoestring budget in 2001 and is today a premier business, marketing, and financial coaching firm for those in show business, music, and publishing.

    This book will explain what you need to get started, how to properly position yourself, how to handle both the internal and external aspects of running the business, and even what to do when you want to expand.

    There are only three things this book can’t provide you: the discipline, the guts, and the enthusiasm to take the plunge, open up shop, and do what needs to be done to stay in business. If you can provide those three ingredients, this book will provide the rest.

    On that note, this book takes a long-term approach and assumes that the reader is interested in starting his own motivational coaching firm, and then expanding it to the heights of profitability and prestige. Of course, not all readers will want to take their company that far, but a good entrepreneur knows and understands exactly where the company can go, even if he or she decides not to take it there.

    Reading this book will take you from conception all the way to franchising your firm, and will cover every step along the way, from choosing a name and getting things started, to hiring an office manager and firing employees who aren’t making the cut. This book is not designed to be an exhaustive treatment of every subject; my intent is to give you enough information to get your company off the ground, and up and running. It will also act as a jumping off point to other books that will cover each chapter’s subjects in far greater detail.

    I applaud you for having the guts to start your own business, and especially one in such a tough field as motivational coaching. I know for a fact that while the journey is going to be fulfilling, it is also going to be difficult and challenging, and at some times it is going to drive you absolutely nuts. But don’t fret! This is normal, and is part of the process. All entrepreneurs go through this from time to time. If you need some help, let me know! If you have any questions, comments, or need clarification on anything, I encourage you to please email me at roe@unstoppableartists.com. Actually, I’d be very pleased just to hear that you liked the book. So if you have the inclination, don’t hesitate: get in touch! Finally, just remember one thing: If you start a motivational coaching firm, you in many ways become responsible for those you coach. Coaching is not something you should dabble in, because people’s futures are at stake.

    So read this whole book with an open mind and use it as a guide in helping you to decide whether opening this type of business really is something you want to do. E-mail me with questions if you have any. And just talk to others. Ask everyone for their thoughts. And then—make a decision. When you are certain that this truly is the business you want to start, just jump in with both feet. Running this business is going to require every ounce of life experience you have earned to date.

    On that note, meet you—and your clients—at the top!


    Prepare to Get Motivated

    Congratulations! You’ve just made a brave step into a field that few people understand, and even fewer can actually do well. Welcome to the wild world of motivational coaching.

    Why is this such a unique field? Well, first off, a lot of people get the wrong idea about the field; the term motivational coach is at best misleading, and at worst, misunderstood and ridiculed. Second, it’s a unique field because it’s somewhat of a limbo field; it’s not standard consulting where you provide specific business information to someone from a position of expertise, and it’s not psychotherapy, where issues of mental health are handled by professionals with licenses and degrees.


    Smart Tip

    Motivational coaching is a cross between consulting, coaching, and counseling, and you should aim to be well versed in all three.

    Motivational coaching falls in a very strange place somewhere in between consulting and therapy, and to add even more confusion, at one point of the triangle there’s this additional word thrown in: motivational. So it’s consulting meets psychotherapy with a motivational twist.

    Like I said, it’s a strange field, but it’s a wonderful and fulfilling field, and it’s more rewarding than perhaps any other field. And thanks to the hybrid/limbo characteristics of motivational coaching, you end up not only giving great advice as a consultant and helping your clients get over their roadblocks as a counselor, but you have the added thrill of motivating them to achieve heights that they never could have imagined without your help. And WOW—that is an amazing feeling.

    The Evolution of the Motivational Coaching Field

    As far as I am concerned, Tony Robbins really put motivational coaching on the map. While certainly there are the greats such as Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill, it was Tony Robbins who really took motivational coaching to an international level and made it a modern craze.

    This concept of motivation expanded into finance with Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad series, Robert Allen, and Suze Orman; into real estate with Carlton Sheets, and Donald Trump and Trump University; into the stock market with Investools and Robert Allen, and the list goes on.

    Over the last 20 years, motivation moved from being a fringe industry into the international spotlight, in large part thanks to the internet and the ease of communication that e-mail brought into nearly every home. Motivational coaching is no longer something that those people do; it’s something that is starting to intrigue even Joe Public in Anytown.

    Some People Just Won’t Change

    This discussion of the growth of motivational coaching leads to an interesting fact: While the number of people who are interested in motivational services these days has greatly increased, the vast majority of those who seek such help don’t really change their lives all that much as a result of what they’ve learned. While I am coaching people today who ten years ago might not have hired me, it is also clear that not everyone I coach soars to new heights. Some just refuse to change. I provide them the information and get them inspired, but they just fizzle out. Sure, many of my clients do take what I give them and run with it to the tops of their field, but others take what I give them, put the information in a closet, and return to their old ways of doing things. While this is disappointing, there is not much I can do about it. And there won’t be much you can do about it, either.

    You see, statistics show that if 100 people attend a seminar, only 30 of them will actually act on the information provided, even if they agree completely with the actions recommended. Why is this? Well, for one, people are generally lazy, no matter what they may tell you or lead you to believe. Second, most people don’t want to actually work to change their life; they want a quick fix that doesn’t require hard work. They would really like to see change in their lives, but they don’t want to change themselves in the meantime to help effect that change in their lives. Unfortunately, the quick fix doesn’t exist, and many people just give up.



    Do not call yourself a psychotherapist unless you are licensed to do so.

    This point is crucial. Just because there has been a large increase in curiosity for motivational coaching and services, it doesn’t mean that there is a large change in the psychological tendencies of human beings. Most people still remain unwilling to do what they know they need to do in order to become and remain successful. This is why, today, there are some people who I just will not accept as a client, and also why there is always going to be a large group of people who will never hire a motivational coach—they just don’t care enough about the future to sacrifice in the present.


    Stat Fact

    Most people who attend seminars do not implement what they learn from seminars. The same is true of those who use coaches for a brief stint, and then stop. This is why it is in your best interest to work with clients over a period of time. The accountability you provide the client over a long-term coaching period will result in better results.

    All Coaching Needs to Be Motivational

    The other key transition is that everyone is starting to demand that all coaching—no matter what the field—needs to be motivational. Consulting is—in my opinion—starting to take a backseat to coaching, because people no longer want to be bored to death with dry data (i.e., a consultant). Today, clients demand more. They not only want the expert analysis, but they also want to be instilled with the confidence to know that they can implement the new plan. They want the passion to come with the plan. They want to be inspired to take the leaps of faith that they just couldn’t do alone. They want—and crave—the validation that they just can’t find anywhere else.


    Smart Tip

    Read this book with a no rules frame of mind. What works for you may differ from what I recommend here. Every company is unique, and needs to be approached as such. Don’t be afraid to break the rules.

    Yes, today, coaching of any sort needs to be motivational, and most consultants will agree that their approach today is beginning to morph to include aspects of coaching, and motivational coaching at that. Isn’t it rather funny, though, that it is even called motivational coaching—as if there are other branches of coaching that are not motivational? How can anyone be a good coach without being motivational? It seems so obvious. Whether you are coaching a basketball team or a five-person computer programming group; the cast of a feature film or an individual entrepreneur; the CEO of a company or a police officer on the local force; it’s all the same—if you’re not motivational, you are not doing your job! If you are not helping them to realize that the plan is doable, and is going to be successful, what kind of coach are you anyway? And it all involves the magic five-syllable word: Mo-ti-va-tion-al.

    You Need to Be Motivated Before All Others

    Surprise! In order to be a motivational coach, you need to first be a motivated person!

    What does that mean? It means that you can’t just say that you’re a motivational coach; you need to embody it, and mean it. To that end, it’s nothing more than having a three-fold passion for:

    • coaching a particular subject matter

    • teaching and helping others with the subject

    • igniting and fueling a fire within someone else, especially when they think that they can’t do it.

    Each of these three requirements are going to be discussed at length throughout this book, but the key to take away from this introductory section is that you need to be an exciting person! Sure, it seems like an obvious necessity that you need to be motivated first, but a lot of people don’t get that. They think that just because they understand the subject matter they are coaching—voila—they are going to have a successful coaching business. WRONG.

    You need to be that first mover that Aristotle talks about; that force that inspires motion in others. You need to be the inspiration and role model for your clients. If they don’t see the fire within you from the moment the relationship begins, you are never going to be able to ignite it within them.

    Life Is Still Going to Suck Sometimes

    Want the harsh reality? Being a motivational coach to others is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs in the world, and for one reason: It is sometimes incredibly hard to motivate others when you yourself are not.

    You see, just because you are motivational and inspiring to others does not mean that you are impervious to depression, loneliness, doubt, fear, and self-consciousness yourself. In fact, you, as a motivational coach, may in fact be more in tune with these psychological issues within yourself than any of your clients.


    Smart Tip

    There’s a strange phenomenon that you will encounter over and over again: When you are depressed and don’t want to meet with a client, the best thing you can actually do is go ahead with the client meeting anyway. Why is this? Simple: Your clients are going to end up motivating you!

    The point here is that being a motivational coach is not always fun. Some days, you are going to look at your appointment book, and think, Helping someone else out today is really the last thing I want to do right now. Some days—it is inevitable—you are going to receive some bad news about some aspect of your own career or life. Many times, this bad news will arrive right before a scheduled meeting with a client. That is going to bring you down, and you are not going to want to be a motivational coach anymore. In fact, at times like this, you may question whether you are even qualified to be a motivational coach. You’ll start thinking, Maybe I’m just a charlatan!

    There is some good news here: Don’t worry about it! All this means is that you are human, and that just as your clients aren’t superhuman, neither are you.



    You too are going to become depressed sometimes. This is okay, as long as you understand from the outset that you are an entrepreneur first, and a motivational coach second. All entrepreneurs feel down sometimes. Just because you become a motivational coach doesn’t mean you are incapable of feeling sadness and defeat. Do not think of yourself as a failure if you yourself become depressed along the way. It’s all to be expected.

    My clients ask me constantly, "But who is your coach?" True, I myself do have my own coaches and mentors, from Jay Conrad Levinson to my various professors at grad school. But they aren’t the ones who get me motivated on a daily basis. Who is then? The answer is clear. My clients! It is by helping my own clients, and seeing their eyes light up, and seeing their hopes and dreams come alive within their own souls that gets me pumped up again about my own hopes and dreams.

    The end result is that—without fail—I always feel like a million bucks after a client meeting, no matter how depressed I felt going into the meeting. That’s one of the best lessons I can give you: As a motivational coach, you need to force yourself to go meet with a client even if you don’t feel like it. Once you do, you’ll be glad you did. As they say in showbiz, the show must go on!


    Smart Tip

    Don’t come across as too much of a superhuman character to your client. Despite your accomplishments, you want others to be able to relate to you, feel that they know you, and to feel that they too can be successful. To that end, let people know that you too have struggled or are struggling, and show them how you—the motivational coach—are getting through it.

    Create Your Own Accountability

    Another nice byproduct of being a motivational coach is that all of your clients, and all of the people on your e-mail list (a list which you are soon going to start amassing), are going to start to depend on you as a beacon of light and inspiration. From day one, their hopes and dreams are going to start falling on your shoulders—and you are going to start to feel obligated to these people.

    Why is this good? Well, at that point, you are less likely to give up. The more people who find their hope and inspiration in you, the less likely you are going to have the guts to abandon what you started when the going gets tough.

    Think about it. Let’s say I, Monroe Mann, suddenly decided to just give up on everything. Gosh, how would that make all of my clients feel? How would that make all of my prospective clients feel? At the very least, these people might end up giving up on their dreams, and I sure don’t want that on my conscience! Just knowing that others might give up if I do is enough to get me thinking—do I really want to be responsible for others giving up their dreams? No matter how bad things ever get at my end, I can never give up, because if I did, I would be encouraging others to do so—and that is simply not acceptable.

    Wrap Up

    So what is the best way for you to prepare, and how long should you take in preparing to launch your venture? I’m not going to answer that question. Instead, I am going to let you in on a little secret: No entrepreneur in the history of the world ever felt completely prepared—and neither will you. You can prepare for the next 10 years, and you’ll still not feel ready. This means that the best time to start is now. Did I wait until I had all of my credentials before opening up shop? No way, I’m too impatient for that. Did everything work out? It sure did. Could I also have waited for five years and then started? Sure, I could have done that too. But why wait?

    Think about the word preparation for a moment. If you look it up in the dictionary, Merriam Webster defines it as, the action or process of making something ready for use or service, or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty. In other words, preparation happens before you begin the activity in earnest.

    A big problem with a lot of people is that they do either one of two things when starting a business. First, they don’t take the time to properly prepare, and just rush to start—which is a mistake—or second, they actually take so much time preparing to prepare that they never even get started. Hint: Don’t do either.

    Instead, research first and then be impulsive. Read this entire book, then pick up a few more that are recommended and read through them too. And then… just start.


    What Is a Motivational Coach?

    While there are indeed similarities between coaching and consulting, there is also a distinct difference between the two, and in fact, another big difference between coaching and motivational coaching.

    Consulting is primarily focused on information. You go to a consultant when you know what you want to accomplish, and just need an expert to tell you what needs to be done. Coaching, on the other hand, takes consulting to a higher level. Not only must you be that expert that your clients seek, but now you must also guide them and tell them what you think they should do. A consultant can provide important data, but a coach provides the added benefit of opinionated information reflecting his or her experience and expert analysis—actually telling the client what should be done.

    Taken a step further, motivational coaching now adds some inspiration to the mix, with the intent of inciting action and forward motion. Now, instead of just being a batting coach on the sidelines passively watching the game play out, you are now out on the field, screaming motivation, pushing for progress, and demanding nothing less than success.

    The Differences Between Consulting and Motivational Coaching

    Think of it this way:

    1. A consultant is someone who tells you what books you need to read in order to get the job done.

    2. A coach is someone who then takes that material from the books and explains how it applies directly to your particular situation.

    3. A motivational coach then is someone who then grabs you by the shoulders, turns you towards your goals, and then starts pushing you forward, one step at a time, continually pushing, continually refining, continually inspiring, and continually developing while reading from the very books cited before.

    In other words, when you choose to become a motivational coach, you are taking on a big burden. You not only have to know what you’re talking about (consultant) and know how to apply it to someone else’s life (coach), but you now also need to know how to encourage someone else to take action on the wonderful information you are providing, and provide the essential accountability we all need in order to move forward in life (motivational coach).

    Misconceptions about Motivational Coaching

    Here’s a big red warning flag! The idea of being a motivational coach and/or a motivational speaker often has a bad reputation. We see the idea of it mocked and used as the butt of countless numbers of jokes. Do I think this is funny? Of course I do! However, more than that, I have found it all instructing.

    You see, despite the fact that you are a motivational coach, you probably don’t want to go around calling yourself that. It gives off a creepy vibe. Visions of charlatans and flaky wannabes are brought to people’s minds. Despite the fact that you indeed are a motivational coach, you need to temper that truth with care.

    I see too many up-and-coming so-called motivational coaches who are all about performance rather than substance. The way they dress, the way they talk, the way they write; everything about them is overkill to the point of absurdity, goofiness, and with many, downright insincerity.

    Do not act like a motivational coach—just be one! Truly, you don’t need to necessarily do anything differently. Just know your stuff, know how to apply it to others, and know how to inspire others to action.

    It’s that last part (knowing how to inspire others to action) where a lot of people stumble. Remember, just because you’re the expert, and just because you know how to fix other people’s problems, doesn’t mean you know how to inspire them to fix their problems. In other words, just because you’re a success doesn’t mean you know how to teach that success. Remember that, always.

    The Overabundance of Consultants

    Consulting is a lot easier than coaching. This is why I believe you run into more consultants than coaches: coaching is harder! You are required to be more, do more, and know more.

    • A consultant doesn’t need to have a winning personality. A coach most certainly does.

    • A consultant can get away without charisma. A coach needs it in droves.

    • A consultant provides information but takes no responsibility for what happens with it; a coach, on the other hand, is expected to drive that information into action and make sure the client follows through.

    It should be clear to you now that a coach has a lot more to do than a consultant. That’s great if you understand that. Just don’t fall into the trap of acting motivational in an effort to be more than a consultant. That projects a falseness that is a turn-off to prospective clients, so try to avoid that.



    No one likes a crazy or creepy motivational coach. Exude energy and enthusiasm, perhaps, but that’s it. Don’t go overboard with your idea of what is motivational.

    More Than Just Motivation

    Folks, don’t think that all you need to do is to say, Rah rah, come on, you can do it to your clients and you’ll become a world-class motivational coach. You are not just a cheerleader. I know a lot of people who make me feel good, but I would never pay a single dime to any of them to guide me with my life. Motivational coaching is more than just initial inspiration; it involves a lot of hard work, commitment, and follow through.

    Become Known as the Motivational Expert

    In addition to being motivated, your clients need to be inspired by you too. This is where being known as the expert comes in handy. This is also where the fact that you know how to apply that expertise to their career comes in handy too. A motivational coach is someone who is a true part of the team, coaching from the field, with a real vested interest in a successful outcome. One of the biggest reasons my clients give me repeat business is because they say, He not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. In other words, I am not just some critic on the side; I am also in the arena. I am not just giving blind advice, but instead, am also doing for my own career exactly what I am urging my clients to do for theirs. As I tell them they need to write out the table of contents of a book, I am finishing up the table of contents on one of mine. When I encourage a client to put together a budget for a film they want to produce, they know that I am actively producing feature films of my own. There is a feeling of trust my clients have when working with me because they know I am not giving them advice based on what I read about in a book; instead, I am giving them advice based on what I have learned from my own successful experiences.

    In other words, you need to do more than just motivate with talk; you also need to inspire your clients with your own acts and deeds. Motivational coaches with no skill base or life experience are lame. How can you be a motivational coach if you are not living the dream yourself, and proving to your clients that it can be done?



    Note that I am not saying that you need to have succeeded at the highest level with you own various projects before starting your motivational coaching firm (I certainly did not); all I am saying is that you can be very effective if you are currently pushing for the very same goals and dreams that your clients have. They will be more forthcoming with you, and they are more likely to want to become your client, if you do.

    Become the Role Model

    Think about it. If you are living the life that you want for your clients and that your clients want for themselves, then you are a model for them to emulate, and that’s the whole idea. My clients look at me and see that I too am producing films, writing books, managing my finances, acting in commercials, getting graduate degrees, speaking at colleges, etc. When they see this, they realize that they too can do the same. Moreover, they realize that I most certainly am not a charlatan; that I truly and honestly believe in what I am teaching my clients. Remember: Your client base—and your bottom line—are built on your client’s trust in you.

    Another reason why you want to walk the walk while talking the talk is simply for competitive reasons. If you are not actively working to improve yourself every day, then your competition—who are working to improve themselves every day—will soon overtake your market, and abscond with all of your clients as well. For that reason alone, I am on a never-ending quest to become more and more competitive, and that is never ever going to stop.


    Smart Tip

    You need to make cogent arguments to your clients in such a way that they understand how important the prescribed action is to take, and can decide for themselves that it is the right decision to make.

    Keep Growing and Never Stop Learning

    The only way you are going to keep your current clients is by ensuring that you are growing right alongside them. If you help your clients succeed, but are not adding additional experience and expertise to your name along the way, you risk eventually losing your clients to someone else, who is more experienced and might have more education and more clout. Remember, you are not just motivating someone. That is a given. To become and remain competitive, you have to go beyond the motivation, and be sure you are constantly adding more and more credentials to your name.

    You Can’t Make Someone Change

    There is a huge misconception among many up-and-coming motivational coaches. They somehow believe that it is their job to get their clients to do something. Indirectly, yes, that is the mission, but it’s more complicated than that.

    You see, there is only one person who can make someone do something—and that is the other person. You can’t make someone do something. No matter how important you may know a task to be for a client, if the client himself doesn’t see the need or the benefit in doing it, then he won’t do it.

    Therefore, part of the art of being a motivational coach is inspiring trust in YOU. Your negotiation skills need to be top-notch as a motivational coach, not only to get them as a client, but to get them to do what you know they need to do.

    Often, clients will come to you with a preconceived notion of what they need to do for their own career and life, and only want reassurance. Yet, often you may know from experience that there is in fact an even better way. You can’t just tell them; you often have to nudge them into your way of thinking through diplomacy.


    Stat Fact

    Only one person can change your client’s life—your client. Each client needs to take ultimate responsibility for his life and career. In the end, there is only so much that a coach can do for them.

    Too many motivational coaches try get people excited and pumped up, and then just tell their client what to do, expecting that the clients will blindly follow. However, very few people are going to blindly follow you. And that’s actually a good thing; we all want to feel in control of our own lives, and feel that we are making the decisions—not because someone told us to—but rather, because making the decision is in the best interest of our future.

    Choose Your Clients Wisely

    Along these same lines, when you are pre-interviewing clients to see if you and the potential client will be a good match, one of the key things you need to look for is whether this person is someone who follows through. If you have a client who says they are going to do things but never does, that’s not good. It’s not good because it is indescribably draining on you. It is incredibly frustrating to have to talk about the same tasks and issues with a client at every single meeting because the client isn’t doing what he says he would do.

    As you might see, the client relationship has to cut both ways. Your sanity has to come first, not your bank account. Do not welcome clients on board who aren’t ready and willing to work; who are just paying you the money because the idea of having a coach makes them feel better. That is meaningless if their lack of action in between meetings makes you feel worse! These people need a therapist or a psychologist, perhaps, but not a motivational coach.

    This is why during every pre-screening interview, I make it clear that I have no interest in hard selling them into closing the deal. I tell them up front that some people work really well with me, and others do not. I make it clear that if they decide to work with me, they have to really be willing to work and to work hard. They will need to do the homework, do the research between meetings, and to actually put into action all of the great plans we assemble. Now that is what excites me! Nothing gets me more pumped up than to speak to a client and hear in the first 30 seconds how much they accomplished, and how far they have come since the last meeting. That is just plain exciting! That gets my adrenaline pumping. And that is what makes coaching worthwhile—when you hear the excitement in your client’s voices, and see it in your client’s eyes; when you know that they too are excited because of how much they accomplished. When clients make it unequivocally clear that you have helped them succeed, that feeling is simply priceless.

    How to Coach

    Coaching at its core is rather simple. You do the following:

    • ask probing questions to get to the heart of the matter

    • listen to what the clients have to say

    • empathize with their situation, and

    • guide them firmly forward.

    In a typical one-hour session, I start off with a minute or two of pleasantries, then get down to business by asking, Okay, so what have you been up to? I work through the hour by asking my clients questions about their projects, their finances, their marketing, etc., and listening to what they have to say in response. I listen intently to their tone of voice and how they are saying things, and if in person, I watch their body language.

    Given my years of doing this, I can now usually tell if someone is hiding something, not being completely honest, or is hinting at something else entirely just by their tone of voice or their body language—and that’s a key skill you are going to soon pick up. When I notice something that I think a client needs to discuss, I will stay on that issue longer until it feels like we should move on. On the flip side, I am very cognizant of time, and will sometimes deliberately change the subject just so that we cover a variety of topics during each meeting.

    The entire time, I am giving my clients homework. If I realize that a client should do something during the week, I always say, Okay, write that down. Add that to your to-do list. By the end of the hour, the client always has a brand-new, focused to-do list based on what we discussed.

    Review Everything

    At the end of the session (which I allow to run over time if necessary), we then go over everything we discussed during the meeting for a few minutes. I ask my clients if they have any questions regarding anything we didn’t cover. I also go over my own checklist of housekeeping items to ensure that the client has homework from all avenues for the next week. For me, the checklist includes such items as:

    • attitude and psychology

    • projects and book ideas

    • finances and investing

    • marketing and sales

    • long-term strategy

    This list helps me to ensure that I am not forgetting any major instructional areas. At the end of every meeting, I look over this briefly and verify that I covered everything that needed attention during that meeting. Usually, even if we didn’t cover every area, I will still ask for a quick update on each area, and give some homework items from each area so that each meeting is still comprehensive. And of course, I have a folder for each client, and keep track of how many meetings we’ve had, what we’ve been discussing, and what the goals will be for the next meeting. This is crucial.


    Smart Tip

    You can train for years and still not be sure if you’re ready to coach others. Therefore, just start right now. Today. With each person you coach, every book you read, and every class you take, you are going to get better and better.

    Create a Flexible Format

    The key to successfully coaching someone is to work flexibly around a standard format that you have created. In other words, you should have a coaching playbook that you have as a backup in case you are ever at a loss for what to discuss—the whole idea is that you, as a coach, should never be at a loss for something to say or recommend to your client. This is absolutely key. You are being paid big bucks to be the opposite of quiet. And your playbook will help.

    Flexibility is also key. You should allow each call to play itself out based on the client’s unique requirements. Some come to me with a single-minded purpose of producing a film, or writing a book, or getting their finances in order, or creating a new marketing strategy. While I will agree with them and start there, I only use that as the jumping off part, and eventually start bringing additional elements into the coaching mix, i.e., in the end, I ensure that we discuss every aspect of a client’s career and life. To do otherwise, in my opinion, is a disservice.

    Practice Makes Perfect

    Finally, you have to realize that your coaching skills—like any skills—are going to be shaky at first, and are going to improve the more you use them. You are going to inevitably get better and better with time. This is why initially, you might consider coaching for free with some friends—just to get the hang of it. Heck, they may love what you do so much that they become your first clients!

    In order to improve your coaching skills, at the end of your sessions you should ask your client, Is this what you were expecting? Is there anything you think I should be doing differently, or better? That question alone shows that you care and that you truly value your client’s business, because you are taking the time to ask how you can improve. And that says a lot. Asking these questions has kept many of my clients coming back again and again—and all because they know that I expect them to tell me if I am doing something wrong.

    Wrap Up

    As discussed at the end of the last chapter, while preparation is key, it is not everything. The whole idea is that you are meant to prepare for a while… and then execute. In other words, create your plan—and then just do it. Take some chances. Fall flat on your face a few times. It’s ok! In fact, it is encouraged! That is the hallmark of a true entrepreneur: Someone who sees something that isn’t already there and sets a goal of filling the gap—even though there may be mistakes made along the way.


    Establishing Your Expertise

    The most amazing credibility builder and proof positive evidence of expertise is a published book. My first book was The Theatrical Juggernaut—The Psyche of the Star. I self-published it back in 2001, and because of the credibility this book gave me, here I am today, not only with a successful and thriving motivational coaching business, but with the experience and confidence to write a book on the subject: the one in your hands!

    Think about this. Whatever credibility I had before as a motivational coach, can you imagine how much greater that credibility will be now that I am the author of this very book you hold in your hands? And what about my next book about time management and organization? And the next about running a career like a business?


    Smart Tip

    If you could only implement one marketing strategy, make it this one: Write and publish a book that is going to make you the expert on your particular subject. Nothing else will do more for your long-term credibility and trustworthiness.

    With every book I write and publish, my credibility and expertise skyrockets. Even better, with every book I write and publish, I make money! And with each subsequent book, I make more and more money, because with every book you publish, your fanbase grows. With every book you publish, every other book you have written increases in popularity. In other words, sales rise for all of your books with every new published work. And your credibility and authority rise along with the rising sales. It’s a magnificent circle, and it all starts with one important key: that first book.

    Write That Book!

    So write that book! If you have already written it, publish it! If it’s already published, market it—and start writing your next book.


    Smart Tip

    If you’re thinking, How do I find a publisher? the answer is simple: Do a Google search for POD (Print on Demand) publishing. Make sure they handle cover design, typesetting, ISBN registration, and online distribution.

    For me, it wasn’t until my fifth book that I was able to entice a traditional publisher to actually pay me an advance up front. My four prior books were all self-published. It took four books and over six years before I considered myself established as a published author. It took a lot of work. But it all started with the first book.

    I co-wrote a book with Jay Conrad Levinson called Guerrilla Networking. While traditional networking is about meeting people, guerrilla networking is all about becoming the type of person other people want to meet. Well, that’s what a book can do for you.

    The key is getting over your ego. Stop thinking your book is so good that it deserves to be published by a traditional house off the bat. That’s backwards. Start thinking that your book is so good that it deserves to be out there immediately , regardless of the publisher. Get the book out there! Start establishing your reputation as a knowledgeable writer—today. Your audience deserves to read your book, right? If so, who cares who publishes it!

    Bottom line: Don’t wait. Write your book establishing your expertise today, get it printed this afternoon, and sell lots of copies of it tonight—and watch your client base soar tomorrow.

    Building Your Credentials

    Truthfully, I started my business with just a bachelor’s degree, no books to my name, and basically on a wing and a prayer. In fact, the reason why I decided to get started with motivational coaching is simply because I taught a successful class called, How to Break Into Student Films.

    The outcome was overwhelmingly positive. You are so motivating! What a wonderful teacher you are. And finally, Hey, you should do this for a living. Ding! Ding! A business was born—without a trust fund, without any nice clothing, and perhaps a bit prematurely as well. But that didn’t stop me (nor should it stop you).


    Smart Tip

    Contributing articles to periodicals and writing a professional-level blog are other good ways to establish your credibility and reputation though writing, in addition to writing a book.

    However, degrees, certificates, and higher education do help. I now have a masters degree, I am a student in law school, and I’ve begun studies for a PhD. Beyond that, I am certified as a Guerrilla Marketing Coach, I am working towards a Certified Financial Planner designation, and I’m a bronze star nominated combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. And this list goes on.

    My point? Not only will exposure to new ideas and concepts help you to be a better coach, but the more credentials you have, the easier it is to establish yourself as a professional. Does it mean you are more credible and have more expertise? Not necessarily, but it does help provide a great first impression. And that is the key to attracting your clients.

    Perception Is Often Reality

    Of course, with the degrees and certificates, you probably do have more expertise than those who don’t, but that’s not the point. The point here is just to establish that expertise in the first place in order to gain the attention of prospective clients. Better yet, these credentials are going to encourage your clients to stay with you.


    Dollar Stretcher

    You can take out more than $200,000 in student loans from the government in your lifetime, and as long as you are still currently enrolled in school, you do not have to begin paying back those loans. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity, and get your PhD! With all of the accredited programs offered online these days, and given these amazing low-interest loans from the government, there really is no excuse for not taking advantage.

    Sure, the number and variety of degrees and certifications you have won’t mean as much as the way you treat your clients, and whether you service them properly, courteously, and professionally, but your clients—as their own businesses and careers grow—are going to only want the best of the best. And the only way to ensure that is to be sure that you are growing right along with them.

    Coaching Certification

    To expand your horizons in the coaching field and add to your credentials, consider some of the various coaching organizations out there such as Coachville, the International Federation of Coaches, the Coaches Training Institute, and Guerrilla Marketing Coach. Any of these will add credibility to your name. However, while these types of designations are certainly applaudable, they should not be the only training you have, or the only designation you have after you name. Being certified as a coach is not what makes you a good coach, or what gives you the ultimate credibility you need to succeed as one.

    For example, I don’t currently have certification credentials from any of the official coaching companies. While I am indeed a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach, I consider that designation a bonus, rather than the foundation of my credibility. My foundation in fact is my masters degree; my experience in Iraq, in showbusiness, and in running my own businesses; my books; and soon my law degree, my MBA, and my PhD. Those are my true credentials. Anything else is a bonus that becomes icing on the cake. Delicious icing, I might note, but icing nonetheless.

    Building Your Reputation

    Trust Is Earned, Not Bought

    It seems that a lot of newbie coaches think that getting certified as a coach is going to make people trust them more. Not so. What is going to get people to trust you is what they learn from your writing and what they know about your reputation in your field. In fact, what is going to get people to trust you the most are testimonials from satisfied customers spreading the good word.

    To that end, your best bet is to just start coaching. The more you do it, the better you are going to get. If you do that, learning as you go, and continuing to add education, experience, and other credentials to your name over the next few years, you’re going to do just fine.

    Don’t use the fact that you don’t have credentials as an excuse for not getting started. I really had no credentials when I got started, and everything has worked out just fine. But that’s only because I had the discipline, guts, and enthusiasm I mentioned earlier in the book. If you have those qualities, then just go for it. You have to start somewhere, and there’s no better time or place than right now.

    Blurbs and Testimonials

    Jay Conrad Levinson gave me one of my best testimonials ever: To make it big, you need the Real Deal. Mr. Mann is the Real Deal. I started out as Monroe’s teacher; now I am his student. Nice quote, eh? Well, I’ve got hundreds of blurbs, quotes, and testimonials like this from clients, the media, prominent authors, actors, etc.

    The sooner you can get a few blurbs yourself, the sooner you are going to be on the road to establishing your expertise.

    How do you get them? Ask for them! Just talk to people who know you. Talk to the people you coached. Anytime someone compliments you, ask them immediately if you can quote them—get them to give you a blurb. Speak to any prominent people you know and see if they can help. You’ll be surprised at who will be willing to lend their name to your cause.


    Smart Tip

    An effective way to get blurbs is to offer to write one for someone—if they’ll do the same for you.

    In some cases, you might just want to write up three or four blurbs yourself, and have the person pick which one they like. Or ask them to mix and match the blurbs as they see fit. There’s nothing wrong with this. Usually the people who you want to blurb you the most are also the most busy—so all you are doing is making it easier for them to help you out by making it less of an effort to help you.

    In addition, whenever someone sends me a compliment about one of my books, I will immediately ask them to take that same paragraph and post it on Amazon and BN.com on that book’s page. Testimonials are key. The more you have, the better.

    The reason why most people don’t have lots and lots of blurb and testimonials is simply because most people fail to ask for them. Ask and ye shall receive. Just make it a part of your daily ritual to be on the lookout for opportunities for blurbs, and then just open your mouth and make things happen. You’ll be surprised at what may happen as a result.

    Word-of-Mouth Referrals

    Speaking of opening your mouth, word-of-mouth referrals are king. The best recommendation you can get is if people hear positive praise about you from someone else that they already know, trust, and respect. The whole idea is that if someone you know, trust, and respect refers someone to you that they know, trust, and respect, then it is always assumed to be true. In this scenario, there really is no need for you to hard sell that person at all. In fact, when you speak with this person, it won’t be a matter of proving that you are who their friend says you are, but rather, of making sure that you don’t disprove it. In other words, with a word-of-mouth

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