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Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1: Finding Anna, #1
Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1: Finding Anna, #1
Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1: Finding Anna, #1
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Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1: Finding Anna, #1

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

An emotional journey that will take hold of your heart and leave you breathless.  


Brianna has endured unspeakable trauma for a grueling 10 months. She's lost all hope, accepting that all she will ever be is a slave, trapped with a cruel man who sees her as nothing more than a thing for him to use however he sees fit. But what happens when a young wealthy Dominant, Stephan Coleman, buys her from her Master?  


Stephan Coleman knows what his future holds as the president of a not-for-profit foundation and he knows what he wants out of life. All that changes when a simple lunch with his college friend, mentor, and fellow Dominant, Daren, leads him to buying a slave.  


Thrust into a situation he never thought he'd be in, Stephan can't walk away. He is compelled to help this girl in the only way he knows how.  

Brianna knows only one thing: she is a slave. She has nothing. She is nothing.  


Can Stephan help Brianna realize that she is much more than just a slave? 


Slave is the first book in Sherri Hayes's captivating Finding Anna series. If you like stories of healing and finding love in the most unexpected places, you'll love this unconventional love story. 


Don't miss this first installment Stephan and Brianna's journey. Get your copy of Slave today! 

PublisherSherri Hayes
Release dateAug 14, 2016
Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1: Finding Anna, #1

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Reviews for Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1

Rating: 3.675324706493506 out of 5 stars

77 ratings21 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a captivating story that resonates with personal experiences. Although it starts slow and has a cliffhanger ending, the book gradually comes together and explores themes of growth and self-discovery. The reviewer appreciates the representation of a D/s relationship and expresses a desire to reread the series.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was interesting. It was not what I expected from reading the descriptions or reviews. I didn't really find it to be erotica or anything of that sort, but more of a beautiful story with certain aspects mixed in.

    If you are looking for a beautiful story I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For some reason, I really had high hopes for this one. I don't know, the summary just sounded so promising and I have been reading books that are pertaining to "slavery" lately that I just couldn't pass it up.Stephan: If all men we're like him, the world would probably a better place. He was no Christian Grey with bad pasts but he was a dominant. I've read couple of BDSM books, so I know what type of content I should see but this was different. There was hardly any sex, and if anything, he didn't initiate anything. He was a man who can control his needs and not running off to someone else to take it out on. I liked him, I can only imagine a guy ever being that patient.Brianna: She was broken, I get that. She went through horrible stuff she probably had no say on, but if she had a life before, what the hell happened to at least 1% of that girl? I mean, she was just.... dead. I sympathize with her character but it was exasperating getting anything from her. Good thing for the alternating POVs, or else, I wouldn't probably realize she was part of the story.As I said, there's hardly any sex nor romance for that matter. It's the prince trying to save the damsel in distress but maybe she's too far off to be saved? Hm, I don't know but I guess I'll find out in the Sequel: Need.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A reasonably well-written book, but it surprised me with it's content. Not a genre I read at all, but there is a market for it. Would I recommend it? Not to many of my friends, but as I said, it's not my "cup of tea". A classic, no. Well written, yes.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    It was Different than other books I have read. I liked it more than I thought I would when I started.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The most disappointing thing about this book is that it ends on a cliffhanger, which is a tactic I despise. It's clearly part of a longer story, and it's difficult to truly evaluate it without reading the rest of the tale. Readers looking for BDSM erotica won't find it in this part of the book - better to read Morgan Hawke or Cherise Sinclair. This first installment is a necessarily slow build up of characters, offering a faint hint of the reality of how very difficult it is to rescue someone who has been damaged. I found the writing reasonably competent and the characters, while not fully three-dimensional, were not flat. It was a pleasant read, and I will be interested to read the next installment when (if) it is published.Depending on the remainder of the series, this could be worth reading more than once, but personally, I'll probably wait until the full series is published before reading on.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I desperately wanted to give this four or five stars - and one third in that would have been what I would have done. At the end, not so much.

    First the good points - it is incredibly well written, the language drawing me in and creating a reality for me. The idea of the story has a sensual and erotic potential that cannot be missed. The story has such potential for depth and engagement. And that is the reason why I nevertheless gave it more than one star.

    So, why did I end up not liking it? The characters: She is a little flat, which is entirely believable with her backstory. The problem is that it requires him to have real strength, real draw - and he just does not. He is a rich kid playing at philanthropy and though he described as a practiced and experienced Dominant, he comes over as a little boy frightened of his newest toy. Moreover, he seems to undermine her burgeoning trust again and again with nonsensical demands based on too vague, too random rules, which seemed to be based more on his need to satisfy some undefined need to be the centre of attention than any attempt to help her. I want to buy him an ice-cream and send him back to Kindergarten - rather than fantasise about a few hot and heavy hours of erotic indulgence.

    Having said that, my emotions were definitely engaged in the story - though after the first third in no sexual way.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book! Where’s the second one!? I have to know what happens next!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this book series so much I could reread it again and again!!!! :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Started out kinda slow. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it but it was rather short and I was already half way in. Cliff hanger ending sucked BUT it started to come together. I saw a lot of myself and my now husband in this story. I came from a seriously abusive situation before. Mine opened his home and helped me grow, and find myself again. I do have a D/s relationship so I completely understand everything that happens on both sides. Little slow going but overall good. Now to try and find the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Slave was so different than what I expected which made it even more wonderful. Although I assume this series will become more erotic, the first installment of Finding Anna was demure and about the healing of a broken young girl. I really enjoyed this book - even through the editing mistakes (typical of an ARC) and frustrating repetitiveness - I simply couldn't put down.Brianna is a slave. Broken and beautiful. I can't imagine a character I've cared for more but was still left with so many unanswered questions. I expected this book to be a bit about healing, but more sexual in nature, giving Brianna control of her life sexually first thereby growing confident in her normal life. Instead, Sherri Hayes shows just how gentle a Dom can be in caring for and healing his sub - without the sex but with all the tension.This book spanned about a month in time with Brianna growing closer to Stephan every page turn. Although your first thought is why not get this girl some professional help, you come to respect and understand Stephan's choice.Unfortunately, I can't say too much without giving everything away. But I can say that Stephan is friggin sexy! Even without showing much of his Dominant side, I was drawn to his inner (and outer) alpha and wanted to much to learn more about him. What made him even more attractive was his ability to control without instilling fear, showing us how to gently encourage a woman sold and broken by the cruelest of Masters to finally trust again.At the end of this book I was SO frustrated it was over and we had only just began to uncover pieces of Brianna. I can't wait to read Need (Finding Anna, Book 2) and really delve into Brianna and Stephan's past.This is definitely a must-read! :)

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Book review of Slave by Sherri HayesWell, for me, a strange narrative. The story is mainly concerned with the gradual recovery of a young abused woman from sexual slavery. She, Brianna, is saved from an abusive, violent and detestable man by the main character in the book, Stephan. Unfortunately although we are supposed to like Stephan and sympathise with him and his motives, I have issues with her being ‘rescued’ by a person who wishes his partners to always be submissive to his whims.The book is well written, possibly overly detailed on the minutiae of every day life but the Brianna character held my interest as she started to recapture and then assert her own personality.However the book does not reach any sort of conclusion and annoyingly just ends.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Stephan is a Dom. He’s been in the lifestyle for a few years, but currently he is alone. That’s when his friend, Darren, tells him about a girl who he saw that looked very uncomfortable in the presence of her master. She wasn’t just a sub, she was a slave. And seemingly not a willing slave. This shook Stephan, and he decided he would help. But how? How do you rescue a slave from a man who is rumored to be pretty ruthless? Well, you buy her from him, obviously.The slave, Brianna, is brought before Stephan for inspection. Playing the part up well he even goes so far as to check her teeth. The deal is finalized and he brings her home, where she promptly throws up her first meal with him. Brianna is broken. And not in a good way. She is the very essence of a slave. Do not speak. Do not look anyone in the eyes. And kneel, for Pete’s sake. The list of rules is long, and she obeys them like it is her first nature. But Stephan doesn’t want a slave. But Brianna is in no shape to be released out into the general public. And so he takes great care to be gentle with her. The only thing I didn’t understand in their initial communication and interactions, is why didn’t he explain the situation to her? He sees she is basically a robot, incapable of the smallest decisions without permission.I can’t say how much I loved this book. You get the view from both Brianna and Stephan, and it is really eye opening, how they each perceive each situation. If you are looking for an erotic story, this isn’t the book for you. In fact, other than one sort of encounter, there is any sex in this book at all. I really had a hard time putting this book down it was so good. In fact, I went right to NetGalley and got the next book in the series, Need.Sherri Hayes does a superb job painting the scenes in this book. The characters are multidimensional and intricate. The emotions are raw and right there. You love both of these two people, and you want to see things set straight and good. But good isn’t always easy. Stephan is a real man. Strong and in control, no doubt, but he is also extremely caring and gentle. And thoughtful. In my opinion, he is perfect. And then you have Brianna, who is pretty much a kid. She has such horror in her past, your heart will break for her. And you will feel her fears.I definitely recommend this book who has interest in the BDSM scene, even though its not a BDSM book per se. This book will open your eyes and your heart.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I must have missed something in the description of this book when I requested it from the Early Reviewers scheme. It was only when I imported the book into my ebook library that I saw the tags BDSM, erotica, romance. I’m fine with erotica and romance but BDSM – no! Pain - receiving or inflicting it - is not one of my preferred leisure activities. However if I’m to continue taking part in the scheme I have to fulfil my side of the bargain so I read it (admittedly very quickly, ready to skip any nasty detail) and this is my review.As it turned out I needn’t have worried about any nasty details (except for the snakes, but that’s a problem for me generally – nothing to do with BDSM), it was boredom that made it hard to get through to the end. I read it on my kindle and the contents page lists 26 chapters contained in 279 pages. That's not as bad as it might have been as on the printed page I think there would have been a lot of white space. The writing has a lot of boring and unnecessary detail and description by way of scene setting; there is no plot to speak of – the characters just go about their ordinary daily lives: going to work, preparing and eating meals, having baths and showers, reading books, watching TV, going to bed and so on. Our heroine – The Slave – gradually adjusts to a more independent life, not unrealistically quickly, but perhaps for the sake of literary enjoyment it would have been better not to describe every day in the same mind-numbingly tedious detail. It’s possible to give a sense of time passing without listing the detail of every day, after all.Then at the end of Chapter 26 it stops. Not finishes it just stops. And that was the best bit.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is much more novella than novel, and judging by the openended endinging would lend itself to the serial book format that Stephen King incorporated with The Green Mile series. A quick read. I would have liked a more indepth view of the characters, but still peaks your interest as to how their lives will unfold and leaves you wanting more. Concept seems a bit far fetched, then again not a genre I’m familiar with. That said, it would be interesting to see how the various relationships unfold. Will there be more? I predict there will.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When Stephan gets a call from his friend Darin about a slave in distress, he is taken aback by the suggestion that he can help. The girl in question is the property of a rather sadistic Dom Ian, but blatantly doesn’t want to be so. After making some inquiries, Darin has established that the sub is for sale for the right price. Stephan has the money, and the unattached status, to help out but there is one tiny little problem; Stephan has no interest in being anyone’s master. After some marvellous guilt trips by Darin, Stephan agrees to go and “inspect” Ian’s property and see if he wants to purchase her. Upon arrival, Stephan sees the terrified girl and knows that he cannot simply walk away. However, the dilemma is how to best help her. Not knowing how she came into Ian’s possession, Stephan is unwilling to let her loose. Without being able to get her to talk to him, he can’t decipher who put her into slavery and so can’t be sure he isn’t putting her back into danger. He resolves to take her home with him, but he can’t get her to trust him to believe that he doesn’t want her to be HIS slave. By implementing his own version of a Master/slave relationship, he starts to show her that she can trust him enough to help her escape. But Brianna isn’t a natural submissive; she is merely broken to do so. After her abuse at the hands of a Dom, will she ever be able to trust a Dom again?

    Let’s clear up something. This book is not erotica. It has no sex in it, therefore cannot fit in that particular genre. That being said, it is a BDSM book. It deals exclusively with the dynamics of a Master/slave relationship, just not a sexual one. It is not an easy book to read; the themes were disturbing and reading just how broken Brianna is was slightly soul destroying. That being said, it was one of the best books I have read and I can’t wait to read more. When I read that it was TPE, I immediately thought I’d hate it due to previous experience in this genre. The beautiful way this was written made this book one that I could access and, although it left me emotionally raw, I was hooked in to the tale of these glorious characters. The tale is written in first person, from the side of both characters, and I don’t think it would have worked as well, if it was written in any other way.

    Beginning with Stephan, I think he is one of the most fantastically written Dom’s I have ever read. When he meets Brianna, he doesn’t want to get involved at all but the Dom in him cannot leave her there in so much distress. His heart breaks when she bows at his feet all the time and then shrinks at his touch. He wants to help her, but I did wonder if he was really helping her in the right way. The author did well in the way she seemed to anticipate every question I had regarding his treatment of her and answered them well. I couldn’t believe he took her into his home and not the nearest police station but she took that qualm and completely obliterated it with one stroke of a pen. I cringed when he started to Dom her but then I could see how much Brianna needed that one continuity. She had been beaten and forced into that lifestyle by a completely deranged sadist; she had to get used to having her old lifestyle striped away a bit at a time to prevent a complete breakdown. He handled the situation with such delicacy that, in the end, I couldn’t fault him for his assessment of the situation. The man is also as sexy as hell; a Dom that keeps in shape, is completely focused on his subs needs and is so very naturally Dominant…..*swoon* :D By the end of the tale, I was completely in love with him, I just didn’t know whether or not he would be able to break through the layers of pain surrounding her.

    Brianna’s tale made me cry. She was so completely broken she didn’t even think of herself as an individual. Some of the tales that we encounter about her past are completely horrific and I couldn’t imagine that someone could be that cruel. This story doesn’t take place over a long period of time, but it’s so intense I feel that we got to know her quite well. Unfortunately, the character we meet is so completely broken, she doesn’t feel like a whole person. I loved when she started to get a little more confident with Stephan, problem was that it never lasted very long. Her relationship with Lily was lovely to read; Lily was a friend who was a role model of how she should be able to act in a D/s relationship. Again, the realisations conflicted with her conditioning and she struggled with them greatly. Although I was hacked off with the ending, and hacked off that it also wasn’t stand-a-lone, by the end of the book I completely agreed that this is not a tale that could be told over one book.

    This is a tale that grabbed me by the heart strings and wouldn’t let me go. It shocked me, thrilled me, repulsed me and warmed my heart….after being put through an emotional wringer it left me at a place I could accept for the both of them. Bring on book two!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Sorry, but the foundation of any BDSM relationship is INFORMED CONSENT. Brianna is a severely traumatized young girl who is in constant fear. She cannot give her consent to enter a M/s relationship, no matter how good Stephen's intentions are.

    I really liked the inner monologs and the characters, and Brianna is a brilliant traumatized heroine, but the more I read, the more I cringe at their relationship. She needs serious help! Not just a nicer Dom. She can't enter into that dynamic consensually in her present state.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Going into this book, I thought it was going to be reminiscent of “50 Shades of Grey”…I couldn’t have been more wrong. It blew my expectations out of the water. While this was tough subject matter, the author could have easily gone the way of exploitation and titillation, but thankfully didn’t. The story is handled with delicacy and grace.“Slave” takes the young, wealthy hero, who happens to be a Dominant between submissives, and puts him in the position to purchase a sex slave. Now Stephan is not into sexual slavery, but it’s obvious this is not something this young woman has chosen for herself. Since Stephan has the means, he buys Brianna from her Dom and takes her home in the hopes of helping her rebuild her life.Stephan is one of those guys who wants to fix what is wrong with the world, and he literally puts his money where his mouth is. I absolutely loved him. Brianna, meanwhile, couldn’t be more broken. The reader sees things from her point of view, frequently, and the inner dialog she has with herself is fascinating. Little bits of her pre-slave days peek out a couple of times, but it’s mostly dialog from her broken psyche. It’s so sad. I loved that Stephan’s uncle, a doctor, thinks he knows what is best for Brianna. The Uncle knows about Stephan’s lifestyle and completely disapproves.It so easy to live in a bubble and try to forget the fact that people are sold into slavery and are abused. Sadly, I’m sure that this story mild in comparison to some of the evil that exists in this world. Some of this story is very hard to read, but yet I couldn’t put the book down. It was only when my kindle battery died that I actually got some sleep last night…only to be late for work this morning because I had to see how it ended. I am anxious to start the second book to see if Brianna is able to regain her independence…I suspect she will but what obstacles will she find and I wonder if we will ever find out how she was forced into sexual slavery.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have to say probably one of the more unique books I have read in the BDSM genre. It is a story of a man who rescues a slave who is truly not just damaged mentally, but broken. Can he reach her to help heal her?

    I am working on a blog post right now for this book, so will I will only say that I think this book is certainly worth the read. It moved me deeply in many spots.

    I am also hoping that there's a part two as I really want to find out what happens.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this book on a recommendation from a friend here. Once I started time just fell away from me. Next thing I knew it was 5am! When I woke up at 9am I didn't get out of bed I turned on the light and finished it. This was a great read, and I can't wait for July to read the next book in the series.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Slave is one of those random book choices that I picked up because it sounded good, and I’m happy to report that it turned out to be a great read. It’s the first installment in a four-book series about two people who are brought together by strange circumstances, but who just might be perfect for one another once they’re able to overcome the pain of the heroine’s past. Our hero, Stephan, is a dominant, who reluctantly purchases the heroine, Brianna, who is being held against her will as a sex slave. From there, he sets out to rebuild her trust and self-confidence bit by bit, hoping that one day she might willingly consent to being his submissive. But their journey together is a long and gradual one that takes a great deal of patience on his part and courage on hers. Sometimes, it’s a case of them taking two steps forward and one step back, but by the end, she’s definitely showing signs of starting to heal and being on the road to recovery. The author doesn’t tell us how old Stephan is, but I got the sense that he’s probably at least in his late twenties, possibly a bit older. He was introduced to the BDSM lifestyle in college and has been living the life of a dominant ever since, but he hasn’t had a sub in a while. Then a college friend comes to him, telling a tale of having met a slave at a party who he didn’t think was willingly playing that role and asking Stephan to look into buying her. Stephan is properly horrified at the thought of owning a slave, but as the CEO of a non-profit organization, he’s also a man who cares deeply about others and wants to help people whenever he can. Having the monetary resources to do something about it, he can’t ignore the situation, so he reluctantly meets with the girl’s master and cuts a deal with him, buying her and taking her home with him. From there, all of his actions are very carefully and deliberately chosen to demonstrate to Brianna that she is, above all, safe and cared for, but also free to make her own choices. It’s a long arduous road, but one that gradually pays off by slowly earning her trust. Stephan clearly displays some of his dominant tendencies, but at least in this volume of the story, he’s no chest-beating alpha. In fact, he’s nothing but kind, caring, tender, and loving toward Brianna in every word and deed, making him easy to fall for. He sometimes questions his ability to help her overcome her past, but I greatly admired his patience and self-control. He’s not a man given to losing his temper and he’s very deliberate in all of his actions. Also, even though he’s deeply attracted to Brianna and later realizes that he’s fallen in love with her, he keeps his libido in check, knowing that she’s not ready for anything sexual yet and doing anything of that nature would only harm her further. Perhaps best of all, though, is that he loves her enough to let her go if she decides she doesn’t wish to be his submissive, even though the thought of it breaks his heart.Brianna was only seventeen years old when she was sold into sexual slavery against her will. The last ten months of her life have been a nightmare of horrific abuse at the hands of her so-called master that has left her with numerous scars both inside and out. It appears that she may have some natural submissive tendencies, but regardless of whether she does or not, she’s been so beaten down by the things that have been done to her that she doesn’t really see herself as anything but a slave anymore. When Stephan buys her, she fears that he might be even worse than her previous master, and therefore, she’s pretty afraid of him at first. But as he shows her kindness and compassion every single day and even allows her to make some of her own choices, she slowly begins to trust him more and more. Brianna is a deeply broken character, who nearly broke my heart with how lost she is and how resigned she’s become to the abuse she’s suffered. Bits of her backstory are revealed in this book, too, that paint a rather bleak picture of her past and make me hope that those who’ve harmed her get what they deserve. I enjoyed seeing Stephan help put her back together piece by piece until she’s starting to resemble a whole person again. The story ends just as he finally reveals that she isn’t his slave and is free to leave if she chooses. I look forward to seeing more of her recovery in the next installment.Given the subject matter, Slave is a surprisingly sweet and tender romance, but also a heart-wrenching one in its emotional intensity. Brianna is a brave young woman, but she still has a ways to go in getting back to some sense of normalcy in her life. Stephan is infinitely patient with her and finds creative ways to get her to open up and regain some of her self-confidence. Because of all that Brianna has been through, they’re still in the early stages of their relationship even by the end of the book, but I can tell that Stephan loves her and I feel certain that given time, she’ll eventually feel the same. The supporting characters are great, too. Stephan’s aunt and uncle welcome Brianna with open arms, although his uncle, who is aware of Stephan’s lifestyle, doesn’t really approve, leading to a bit of friction. Stephan’s friends, Logan and Lily, are a great help as well, with Lily eagerly becoming Brianna’s friend, too. My only small complaint that knocked off the half star is that there were a few times I felt that the author could have given more details to enrich the narrative, such as when Stephan and Brianna are said to have had a long conversation but readers aren’t given much information as to what they talked about. In those moments, I found myself craving more, but I have high hopes that we’ll learn more in the installments to come. Otherwise, I really liked this book and very much look forward to delving deeper into Stephan and Brianna’s relationship in the remaining books of the Finding Anna series.Note: I’m classifying this book as an erotic romance, because of the underlying BDSM themes. However, there is very little in the way of actual sexual content in this installment.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This 236 page book begins with Brianna living in an abusive slave relationship from which she cannot escape. Stephan is a dominant who is looking for a submissive when a friend tells him of Brianna's situation. Being Stephan, he cannot walk away from her plight and approaches her current master, who is known to be abusive. When Stephan first sees Brianna, he knows he wants her and is forced to "buy" her from her master.The balance of this story is told in mostly Stephan's POV as he struggles to help a broken Brianna, but we do also hear her POV occasionally and understand what she is going through. Their relationship develops painfully slowly, as Brianna requires careful handling and support. Often it is one step forward and two steps back.There is no real conclusion at the story's end, rather a feeling of to-be-continued.I found this story very compelling and very different than other BDSM titles I've read. Do not expect bdsm scenes or sex in this first installment, as neither take place. For me this was not a problem, and I grew fond of both Brianna and Stephan as they struggled to find their way. I look forward to reading more of their story.

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Book preview

Slave, Finding Anna, Book 1 - Sherri Hayes

Chapter One


Geno’s was a small Italian restaurant about a mile from my office. They had good food and a cozy atmosphere, which made it a great place to have an informal meeting with an old friend.

The hostess greeted me at the door and let me know that my party had already been seated. She escorted me through a maze of tables to a corner booth in the back.

The restaurant was busy, but not packed. Still, getting the back corner booth with no one sitting at any of the immediate tables surrounding it told me either luck was with Daren today or he’d pulled some strings. My bet was on the strings.

Daren, my college roommate for two years, had called out of the blue this morning, asking if we could have lunch. He introduced me to the lifestyle I’ve lived for the last five years. Although he’d graduated a year ahead of me, we’d kept in touch through e-mails and the occasional phone call. Until I ran into him last month at a BDSM party, I hadn’t seen him since his graduation day.

My mentor was always more social than me, so seeing him at a party wasn’t exactly a shock. I just wasn’t aware that he had moved back to Minneapolis. It had been a pleasant surprise.

After sitting down across from my friend, I took the menu from the hostess.

Kelly will be around to get your drink orders in a minute.

I thanked her, set the menu down without looking at it, and faced Daren. He was nearly my exact opposite. Where I had brown hair, he had blond. His eyes were a baby blue, whereas mine were a vivid hazel. I was tall and lanky, even though I’d buffed up some since college. Daren, on the other hand, was four inches shorter and could have easily passed as a body builder.

Today he looked nervous, which was rather unusual for him. Not unheard of, but definitely not common either. Needless to say, it piqued my curiosity.

So do you want to tell me what’s up?

I will in a minute, he said, looking over my shoulder. His behavior gave me an uneasy feeling. Do you know what you want, Stephan?

Yes. I come here all the time.

Good. He sounded relieved.

And then Kelly was there asking for our orders.

As soon as she left, I raised my eyebrow in question, but he ignored me. You’re still running the family business, I see.

Yes, I said, not sure what he was getting at. I doubted it had anything to do with why he’d called me. I’m still head of The Coleman Foundation, but since it’s a not-for-profit, I’m not sure you could say it’s the family business.

He waved it away. Same thing.

I waited, but he didn’t continue so I decided to play along. You’re still consulting?

Daren released a sharp breath. Yeah. He leaned toward me. Are you still looking to collar a sub?

So that’s what this was about? If I find the right one, yes. I noticed his shoulders relax, and he sat back a little. What does that have to do with anything? I asked, truly confused.

The subject that I did not currently have a submissive came up during our conversation last month at the party. I hadn’t played with anyone in the last six months. No one had struck my fancy, and most of them reminded me too much of Tami.

Daren had been with his submissive, Gina, since college. They were well matched in likes and dislikes and were much more open in their relationship than I personally preferred. I did not share my submissives, nor did I play with others when in a relationship. Many did, like Daren and Gina, but I’d never found it to be appealing. What was mine was mine.

Kelly came back with our drinks, so Daren waited for her to leave again before answering. Because I found a girl for you.

Daren, I warned, shaking my head. This was another no on my list. I didn’t enjoy being set up. Logan, my best friend, and his girl, Lily, had tried to set me up more times than I could count. I wasn’t interested.

Hear me out. She needs your help.

This aroused my curiosity. What do you mean she needs my help?

I know how much you like to help people, Stephan. I mean, look at what you do.

I was in complete disbelief. Helping fund medical care for those who can’t afford it is a little different than taking on a submissive. Is she already a trained sub? Is she looking for a Dom?

She’s a slave.

A slave. I didn’t have a problem with that, fundamentally. It was a complete power exchange. Slaves gave up all control of their lives, their bodies, to their Master or Mistress. Some women, and even some men, chose to be slaves. For most slaves it was a comfort to have someone else make the decisions in their lives for them, to give up complete control to someone else. That didn’t sound like the case here if she needed my help.

Okay, I said, drawing out the word, still not quite sure where Daren was going with this.

I was at a party Saturday night. She was there. Her name is Brianna, and she belongs to Ian Pierce.

I knew of Ian solely by reputation. I’d never met him personally. He was well-known in the community, but from what I heard, he was into pain and humiliation. And he already had a slave. What happened to his other one?

Oh, she’s still there. Alex was at the party as well. Brianna is a new acquisition.

And you don’t think she wants to be?

No, he said firmly. I don’t.

Maybe she’s into what Ian does.

Trust me, she’s not, he said, shaking his head. I wouldn’t have come to you otherwise. And if you had seen her Saturday night, you would know it, too.

I considered this bit of information. There was no doubt in my mind that Daren believed what he was saying. If this girl didn’t wish to be Ian’s slave, I couldn’t sit by and do nothing. How to help her was the problem. My options were limited.

What do you want from me exactly? It’s not like I can call the police and have them storm the place just on my word. Or yours for that matter.

He leaned in again, clasping his hands in front of him, but had to pull back when our food arrived. Daren took a bite, and then looked me straight in the eye. I have a collared sub, or I’d do it myself. Plus, he said with a smirk, you have more money than I do.

It was then I got it. You want me to buy her. It wasn’t a question, and he didn’t deny it. The thought of buying a woman turned my stomach, but if what Daren said was true, I couldn’t just leave her there.

I needed more information and ignored my food as it grew cold on my plate. What makes you think he’d be willing to part with his property?

Daren gave me a devilish smile. This was the Dom I knew. He could be quite twisted when he wanted to be. I asked, he said with a shrug. In fact, I told him about you. Said you might be giving him a call.

"You what?" I nearly shouted. I couldn’t believe he’d told this man I might be interested in anything without talking to me, let alone the purchase of another human being.

Daren looked around us, and I followed his gaze. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. That was something we definitely didn’t need, so I lowered my voice to almost a whisper. Explain.

Look, when I saw the girl, I thought of you. She has brown hair and blue eyes. I know how much you like brunettes.

I scowled, but he ignored me. "She’s really pretty, and scared to death from what I could see, he said pointedly. So I simply asked Ian if he was planning to keep her now that she was fully trained. He asked if I was interested. I told him no, but that I knew of someone who might be. He shrugged. I didn’t tell him you’d be looking for a submissive, though, Stephan. If you do this, you’ll have to go in acting like you’re looking for a slave."

My mind raced. If I did buy her, what would I do with her? What would she be like?

I couldn’t just leave her there—that was certain, not if she was there against her will. It just wasn’t in me. If I could help, then I had to.

Could I do what needed to be done? Could I treat a woman like a piece of meat? Buy her?

But how could I not, given the alternative?


Chapter Two


The entire drive back to my office I could not stop thinking about what Daren had told me. How did she get there? And was she really, as he suspected, there against her will? What if he was wrong?

I couldn’t think about that. Daren wouldn’t have come to me unless he was sure.

Pushing all thoughts of this mystery girl aside, I waited for the elevator doors to open. No matter what I decided to do, I would need a clear head.

When I returned to the office, Jamie, my secretary, informed me our CFO was waiting in my office. The previous acting president had hired Karl Walker while I was still in college and before I took over my duties as head of the foundation. Karl was good at what he did, which was why he was still here. That didn’t mean I liked the man.

He was rude. Not to me, of course, but to those he felt were beneath him, like Jamie. Karl was subtle about it, though; it was more sly comments than outright rudeness. Once, he’d told Jamie she was pretty good at her little job. The disparaging comment was a vast understatement of Jamie’s duties as an executive secretary. She earned every penny she made.

Jamie had said more than once that she was very glad to be working for me and not him. Her comment was along the lines of, If I had to work for him, I’d quit before the week was out. Although her words inflated my ego, it didn’t solve my overall problem with him. Or my current problem: why was Karl in my office?

My CFO stood as I entered and waited until I took a seat before retaking his own. What can I do for you, Karl?

He handed me a stack of papers. I wanted to bring you the quarterly numbers as soon as the girls finished compiling them. The look on his face was full of the arrogance I’d come to associate with Karl. And though I bristled inwardly at his words for the all-female team he’d assembled, I kept my irritation in check. My anger would get me nowhere, so I ignored his choice of words.


The numbers are good, but not where I would like them to be. I think we may need to ramp up the fall fundraiser to make sure we exceed our financial goal.

I set the pile down in front of me; there was no need to look at it immediately if there were no glaring issues. Besides, I had enough on my mind right now. I’ll be happy if we meet our goal, considering the economy.

I still think we need to set our sights high, he said, pushing for more.

I was not going to argue something so stupid with him. Fine. Meet with Lily and put together a proposal.

With that he left. I picked up the phone and dialed Lily’s number to let her know he was coming. She detested Karl Walker and would kill me if I didn’t warn her he was coming. Lily didn’t take crap from anyone.

Lily answered on the third ring. Stephan. To what do I owe this honor?

I managed a smile. Karl Walker’s on his way down to see you.

She whined. I have to be nice?

This time an actual chuckle escaped. Yes. You have to be nice.

Do you know what he wants? She sighed.

He wants to discuss some changes to the fundraiser.

Lily’s tone became defensive. Changes? What kinds of changes?

The fall fundraiser was Lily’s baby. She took it personally. The quarterly projections are lower than what he’d hoped.

Ah, she surmised. He just wants to impress the boss.

I wasn’t going to disagree with her. She was probably right.

~ * ~

Ian Pierce had been pleasant enough when I’d talked to him on the phone. Daren had been correct; he was open to selling Brianna.

My appointment was for six o’clock Wednesday evening, and when I pulled my car up to the gated house ten miles outside the city, my stomach started churning, just as it had every time I thought about what I was going to do. I am going to buy someone!

The gate opened. My sweaty palms gripped the steering wheel as I drove my car down a long driveway leading to a house that looked like something out of a Gothic horror movie. I could only imagine how eerie it would be once the sun set.

Taking a deep breath, I put my game face on. I’d done a little research on Ian after setting up the appointment. From everything I’d found, Daren had been right about the man. Ian respected those who emanated power and detested those who exhibited weakness. I would have to mind my actions the entire time I was within the walls of his house.

Less than a minute after ringing the doorbell, a tiny woman opened the door, wearing nothing more than a tube top and a short miniskirt. Her hair was long and blond. This was not Brianna.

The woman did not speak and her gaze, after the second it took for her to see who I was, was cast down.

I’m Stephan Coleman. My voice was firm but even.

Yes, Sir. Will you follow me?

She stepped back and waited for me to enter before closing the door behind me. I assumed this was Alex, Ian’s alpha slave. She led me down a long hallway to a large, solid-wooden door that she knocked on twice. A stern voice answered, telling us to enter. My escort opened the door for me before following and immediately dropping to her knees.

The room was masculine, full of dark woods. The walls were lined with bookcases filled with books. In the center of the room sat an older man, who I assumed was Ian, behind a large desk. He looked up and appraised me. I’d just come from work and wore a tailored black suit and tie with a white shirt. Classic, but it also said power, which was exactly what I’d intended.

Without looking at the woman on the floor he dismissed her, telling her to wait outside until she was wanted. The door closed behind me, and suddenly the room felt small. Ian sat staring at me, watching, looking for something. He stood to walk in front of his desk, stopped, and appraised me some more. Scrutiny was nothing new for me, but for some reason this guy gave me the creeps. I refused to let it show and stood confident under his examination.

I made the decision right then that I wasn’t about to walk out of there without Brianna, so I pushed my nerves aside and stepped forward. I’m Stephan Coleman. I’m here to look at the girl.

Ah, yes. Brianna. Your friend told me you had an interest in my slave. Why? His tone was even and cold.

This was a test. My response would determine if I was worthy in his eyes to own his girl. I don’t believe I need a reason.

He smiled wickedly at my response. Yep. Test. True. He tapped his fingers together just under his chin. Would you like to see the merchandise?

I would. I kept my voice flat.

Alex! he yelled. The door immediately opened and the woman from before stepped through. Bring Brianna to me.

Yes, Master.

She left quickly, scurrying out of the room, but returned shortly. The woman at Alex’s side was taller than her but still petite, and wore the same tube top and miniskirt uniform. I couldn’t see her eyes, but I knew they would be blue just as Daren had said. She was beautiful from what I could see. Beautiful and broken.

Brianna had medium brown hair that fell below her shoulders and curled up at the ends, framing her face and drawing attention to her breasts. Her curves were well defined, but not extravagant. In different clothing, she would have reminded me of the girl next door.

Seeing her, all my reservations vanished. Something inside me screamed that I needed to protect her. I would buy her no matter the cost.

Then Ian’s sharp voice interrupted my thoughts. Stand in the middle of the room, Brianna. She did so quickly, obviously fearful of her Master.

I knew what was expected of me. Walking to her, I circled, giving her a cursory evaluation. Nice. And she was. She was young, and she had a subtle beauty to her. Her skin was pale with a light pink hue. There were no blemishes that I could see, which surprised me given how young she looked. I was drawn to her lips. They were a darker shade of pink, but with the expression on her face they look wrong. She was not happy, and I wondered what her lips would look like as she smiled.

Ian’s prideful voice interrupted my thoughts. Isn’t she, though? She was a bit of a challenge at first, but we’ve taken care of that.

I nodded and cringed internally because of what I was about to do.

My hand went to her chin and pushed her face up. She kept her gaze downcast as much as she was able, but I could see the fear. Daren was right. This was not her choice. There was no satisfaction in her eyes or her posture in serving her Master.

Open, I commanded.

She did as she was told, and I made a point of looking at the health of her teeth. I had no idea what I was looking for, of course; I was no dentist or doctor, for that matter. How long have you had her?

His voice was smug as we discussed his property. A little over ten months. One of the best purchases I ever made. She has been . . . His voice trailed off as he looked for the right word. Entertaining. Then he sighed. But I’m willing to part with her. For the right price, that is.

Nausea returned as I listened to him, and I was glad I’d forgone dinner.

I pushed her chin up, indicating I wanted her to close her mouth, and ran my hands down her bare neck and shoulders before palming her breasts over the thin material of her tube top. I gave them a light squeeze as if measuring their size and the feel of them in my hands. I noticed a small furrowing of her brow, but otherwise she didn’t move. I tucked that piece of information away for later.

Then I knelt, bringing my hands to her narrow waist. I knew she most likely wasn’t wearing underwear, so that was not what surprised me when I lifted her skirt. It was the deep bruising running up the inside of both her thighs made worse by the evidence of older bruises.

My anger roared inside me, and I had to fight with myself not to let it show. It wouldn’t help my cause. I stood and continued to do what was expected.

Going around behind her, I ran my hands over her once again before stepping away.

Do you like her? She’s well proportioned. Her oral skills are quite good as well. You are more than welcome to try them out if you’d like.

That won’t be necessary. I do believe she will work. And then I uttered the words I never wanted to say again. How much?

I felt Brianna shift beside me. It was small, but I wasn’t the only one who saw it.

Ian glared at her before walking to her side. Maybe we should go downstairs first, and I can remind you of your place, he snapped.

She didn’t answer him. Instead, her head bowed farther, showing him her submission. He seemed pleased with her compliance.

My apologies, he said, all business again. Now, where were we?

The negotiation took almost an hour, but in the end I handed over a check for a substantial amount of money. Daren was correct when he mentioned that I had more money than him. He would have been hard pressed to access the sum I now freely handed over to Ian Pierce. I wouldn’t miss it.

Ian removed a painting from the wall behind him and placed the check in a safe before turning to Brianna and removing her black leather collar. He laid it on his desk and asked, Do you have something for her already?

I didn’t bring it with me since I hadn’t looked her over yet. All I wanted to do was get out of there. This entire charade was making me sick. He just nodded and then took her face in his hand, forcing her to look at him for the first time since I’d been there. I could see his fingers biting into the flesh of her cheeks. You belong to him now. You will not embarrass me, do you understand?

Yes, Master. Her voice was cold, almost robotic.

His wicked smile reappeared. I do love hearing you say that, but I am not your Master now.

With that, he released her and turned his back on both of us to stroll back to his desk. Alex, show them out, he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Alex walked us directly to the door and opened it, letting the chilly evening breeze wash over us. I looked down at Brianna and her attire. A tube top and a miniskirt were not the best things to wear mid-April in Minnesota. Turning to Alex, I asked, Does she have other clothing or a jacket?

Ian’s alpha slave looked at Brianna with what could only be described as disgust. "She does not own anything, Sir."

I sighed in exasperation, took off my suit jacket, and placed it around her shoulders. It was far too big for her, but it would work for now.

Brianna walked one step behind me the entire way to my car. She stopped outside the vehicle even after I opened the door for her. You may get into the car.

After I’d given her permission, she complied quickly.

The ride back to my condo was quiet, as I knew it would be. She held my jacket close to her body as we drove. Her hands were shaking even though I could see she was trying to hide it from me. She was scared. After living with Ian Pierce for the past ten months and seeing the bruises, I had no doubt of that. Brianna lived in fear, not pleasure.

I was going to change that.

When we arrived at my building just

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