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Stronger Each Day
Stronger Each Day
Stronger Each Day
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Stronger Each Day

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About this ebook

It may be that today you are going through a difficult time. Maybe you already went through it, and you are merely in the process of getting back up. No matter what your case may be, through these pages, you can find your reflection and find the motivation to move forward without allowing your circumstances to prevent you from doing so or pushing you back.
"Stronger Each Day" is the second compilation of personal experiences used to illustrate the various ways in which we can rise from our falls, shake off discouragement and continue to progress ever stronger. In these readings, we share our learnings, some simple and quick, others long and undoubtedly painful. But with each, we have experienced growth and have been able to realize they are indeed the means through which we often discover inner strength.
Contributing Authors: Lucion Ouellette and Frank Felix Tavarez

Release dateJan 14, 2018
Stronger Each Day

Xiomara Mayo Ingram

Xiomara Mayo Ingram is a Life Coach and facilitator with Emotional Café, a virtual platform where she shares her vast experience in weekly videos, motivational articles and monthly newsletter. She currently lives with her family in Central Florida, where she hosts private Bootcamps with individuals and couples coming from around the world who seek to build better lives by discovering who they really are and defining where they want to go. She also provides long distance coaching sessions via SkypeTM.

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    Stronger Each Day - Xiomara Mayo Ingram


    There are times when we inevitably want to give up, drop the towel as many would say. Moments in which it seems as if no effort is good enough and everything goes from bad to worse.

    Perhaps for some, it is adversity or a tragedy of some nature. For others, it might be facing a health situation, whether it is their own or of a loved one. Sometimes it can be ending a relationship in which we had put all our illusions. In some cases, it can even be a broken dream.

    No matter what the circumstances, that moment of despair overwhelms us in such a way that we feel we can not move on. We don’t have the strength to take even one more step.

    This feeling is not exclusive to anyone. I would dare to say we all have felt it at some point. And in fact, it is something humanly normal. Although we can understand this rationally, the emotional burden that overwhelms us is tremendously draining, and we do not know how to get out of that place.

    "Stronger Each Day" is the second compilation of personal experiences used to illustrate the various ways in which we can rise from our falls, shake off discouragement and continue to progress ever stronger. In these readings, we share our learnings, some simple and quick, others long and undoubtedly painful. But with each, we have experienced growth and have been able to realize they are indeed the means through which we often discover inner strength.

    It may be that today you are going through a difficult time. Maybe you already went through it, and you are merely in the process of getting back up. No matter what your case may be, through these pages, you can find your reflection and find the motivation to move forward without allowing your circumstances to prevent you from doing so or pushing you back.

    I hope the readings of Stronger Each Day will motivate you to get up immediately, adopt a new attitude and continue with your growth process. May you gain new courage with each reading and above all, may these help you to discover the path to your own inner strength.

    Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

    ― Walter Anderson ―

    Rising Up

    We are all familiar with the extremes. The good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, having much or little, and so the list goes on. In the same way, as humans, we are divided into two broad categories.

    Some people seem to be made of a unique material that allows them to survive no matter what they encounter. There may be great storms, obstacles, challenges, unexpected changes, surprises (not pleasant), and far from these being reasons for them to collapse and stay down, they arise every day with more determination, strength, and encouragement. They face whatever comes their way and with their best attitude. Therefore, these people are always grateful to live, and they are examples of real inspiration for others.

    Contrarily, there is another group of individuals who don’t need much to find an excuse to give up and spend the rest of their lives in self-pity. They blame the people around them, their circumstances, continually complaining about not having good opportunities and being victims of bad luck. They represent those who feel that life owes them something and they rarely connect with gratitude.

    No matter how many times we fall, no matter the discouragement, irrespective that at some point we may lose our strength, what is paramount is to rise and not stay down. Get up and look up high, look forward and take steps to move away from the place where you have been.

    There will always be new opportunities, new achievements, and we can still try to redefine our walk, but only if we rise inside ourselves and make the firm decision not to stay down in our sorrow or our circumstances.

    Today is the moment to decide which group you want to belong. To belong either to those who remain down or to those who rise-up gracefully and redefine the life they want to live.

    Making New Resolutions

    by Xiomara Mayo Ingram

    We typically associate resolutions with the beginning of a new year. Finding the resolve to make significant life changes does not, and should not be isolated to once a year. Sometimes, we need to step up and redefine our commitments, our attitudes and our intentions on as much as a daily basis.

    Defining resolutions is no easy task. Especially when we’re not quite clear about what we want. Most of the time we think we know and end up realizing we don’t.

    I remember years ago when I started this process. I was sitting on

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