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According to Wikipedia: "Gene Stratton-Porter (August 17, 1863 – December 6, 1924) was an American author, amateur naturalist, wildlife photographer, and one of the earliest women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote some of the best selling novels and well-received columns in magazines of the day... She became a wildlife photographer, specializing in the birds and moths in one of the last of the vanishing wetlands of the lower Great Lakes Basin. The Limberlost and Wildflower Woods of northeastern Indiana were the laboratory and inspiration for her stories, novels, essays, photography, and movies. Although there is evidence that her first book was "Strike at Shane's", which was published anonymously, her first attributed novel, The Song of the Cardinal met with great commercial success. Her novels Freckles and A Girl of the Limberlost are set in the wooded wetlands and swamps of the disappearing central Indiana ecosystems she loved and documented. She eventually wrote over 20 books. Although Stratton-Porter wanted to focus on nature books, it was her romantic novels that made her famous and generated the finances that allowed her to pursue her nature studies. She was an accomplished author, artist and photographer and is generally considered to be one of the first female authors to promulgate public positions — in her case, conserving the Limberlost Swamp."
PublisherSeltzer Books
Release dateMar 1, 2018

Gene Stratton-Porter

Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American author, photographer, and naturalist. Born in Indiana, she was raised in a family of eleven children. In 1874, she moved with her parents to Wabash, Indiana, where her mother would die in 1875. When she wasn’t studying literature, music, and art at school and with tutors, Stratton-Porter developed her interest in nature by spending much of her time outdoors. In 1885, after a year-long courtship, she became engaged to druggist Charles Dorwin Porter, with whom she would have a daughter. She soon grew tired of traditional family life, however, and dedicated herself to writing by 1895. At their cabin in Indiana, she conducted lengthy studies of the natural world, focusing on birds and ecology. She published her stories, essays, and photographs in Outing, Metropolitan, and Good Housekeeping before embarking on a career as a novelist. Freckles (1904) and A Girl of the Limberlost (1909) were both immediate bestsellers, entertaining countless readers with their stories of youth, romance, and survival. Much of her works, fiction and nonfiction, are set in Indiana’s Limberlost Swamp, a vital wetland connected to the Wabash River. As the twentieth century progressed, the swamp was drained and cultivated as farmland, making Stratton-Porter’s depictions a vital resource for remembering and celebrating the region. Over the past several decades, however, thousands of acres of the wetland have been restored, marking the return of countless species to the Limberlost, which for Stratton-Porter was always “a word with which to conjure; a spot wherein to revel.”

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Horatio Alger meets L. M. Montgomery in Gene Stratton Porter's Freckles, the story of a one-handed orphan who makes good. Freckles wins the hearts of everyone around him and proves himself a man in the challenging environment of the swamp. It's a bit sentimental and farfetched for my tastes (and does anyone else think it's weird that several main characters don't have proper names—just "Swamp Angel" and "the Bird Woman"?). I've loved A Girl of the Limberlost since my teen years and I think I was putting this one off because I knew it could not be as good. Well, it isn't.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this book a few years ago & am now reading it to my boys for our literature (ages 10 and 13). Wonderful story about a remarkable young man, Freckles. Inspirational for everyone
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oh, Victorian morality stories about the nobility of suffering, and the redemptive power of hard work, how I love you. Gene Stratton Porter (and not Jean as they have above, good grief) wrote a lot of books in this vein -- the healing power of the natural world and the nobility of suffering, and the purity and rewards from mixing the two. Rewards such as marriage, of course, or a good death, or other similarly unmodern offerings, but she's *is* product of a particular time and set of attitudes that tried to make bearable a difficult world. She fits in with authors like Susan Coolidge, L.M. Montgomery, L. M. Alcott, who I also like, who don't quite manage the complete Dr. Pangloss depiction of the world, and reality and their own humanity creeps in to gentle what might otherwise be a harsh Christian sententiousness. Violet Needham does something similar, but less overtly Christian, and I suspect that is a function of the differences between UK and US attitudes to public avowals of religion. Which isn't really a review of the book, which is a rather enjoyable amble through the tribulations of one-handed, red-headed orphan, Freckles, whose courage and intrinsic goodness make him beloved by all. Which sounds awful, and somehow, it's not.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was really good, but I have to admit I got a little bit tired of Freckles by the end. Still....
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An old story - old even when I first read it decades ago - about a crippled red-headed boy who finds where he belongs in the world, as he makes friends in a lumber camp, and learns to love the creatures of the swamp - the Limberlost.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the first of Stratton-Porters Limberlost book. This is a prequel to both Girl of the Limberlost and Song of the Cardinal (this one has not been re-printed you can find it at the Gutenberg Project). These books are excellent both as stories and in their descriptins of the wetlands biome. Freckles is also an inspiring tale of a young man who does not believe that his lack of an arm disables him in any way.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this story. It is sweet and old fashioned. It falls in the genre of "orphan boy is honest and hard-working and makes good". Safe for any age, boy or girl. Adventure, romance, a little history, what could be better. The author was an amateur naturalist and wildlife photographer, and that can be felt in her beautiful descriptions of the location where the story is set, and her knowledge of the plant and animal life common to the area.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    To see one little corner of the country undisturbed, look in the pages of Freckles. Gene Stratton-Porter has so vividly captured the Limberlost swamp area of Indiana, that you feel as though you've been there. Into that location, she sets Freckles, a 19 year old orphan, with one hand, but strong heart and initiative, who would do anything for the boss-man who shows him kindness and gives him a job. Freckles' adventures made for some happy reading, starting with his fear of the creatures on the land he must guard against timber thieves, his “chickens”, yearning for knowledge, and friendship with the Bird-Lady and the Swamp-Angel. A nice old-fashioned story. I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this book when about 8 or 9 years old and loved it. My grandmother was a librarian and often passed on books that were duplicates or not needed, not just classics like Little House on the Prairie, The Bobbsey Twins or the Oz books, but lesser-known works such as The Five Little Peppers and The Outdoor Girls. Recently I came across a mention of Girl of the Limberlost, one I never read by Gene Stratton Porter. Maybe it was nostalgia, but I decided I wanted to read it and grabbed a copy of Freckles to reread first to reacquaint myself with that world.The author was a conservationist and her writing reflects her love of the woods and swamp. The Limberlost is a real place in Indiana, mostly gone now. She evokes the feel of that world so well, the flowers, trees, animals, and especially the birds. Her descriptions are just lovely, though she's clever at showing the grimmer aspects of the swamp. Mrs. Duncan's misadventure contrasts well as a reminder with Freckle's daily walks with his 'chickens'.This was also probably one of the first romances I read. The growing relationship between Freckles and Angel is sweet and pure. The book certainly harks back to a different time, in some ways simpler though there is evil in the story also. My young heart fell in love with the poor Irish orphan with one hand, and I'm not ashamed to admit some of those twinges still existed as I reread his story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Smarmy, but sort of sweet. Wouldn't read it unless one was without a book completely.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Themes: belonging, nature, overcoming challenges, love, familySetting: the Limberlost swamp in Indiana, 19th centuryI loved this quiet little classic. Freckles was raised in an orphanage. He has only one hand, no friends, no family, and no prospects for a job. He doesn't even have a name, just Freckles. But he arrives at Mclean's lumber camp and is willing to do anything at all, if he is given a chance. Mclean feels sorry for the boy and decides to take him on, giving him the name of his own father, and makes him the guard of the camp. His job is to walk along the trail through the swamp, seven miles or so, and make sure that the lumber is safe from thieves.Freckles may not look like much, but once his is shown some kindness, he repays it with his complete loyalty and hard work. He learns to love the swamp and the creatures that live there. He gets to know all the birds and plants and trees there and makes friends with them. He falls in love and faces a gang of thieves. And it all has a happy ending.It sounds like it would be unbearably sweet and sappy, but it's not. I really enjoyed this book. I'm counting it for my 50 states challenge. I had no idea there was a swamp in Indiana, and now I'll have to read more about it. 4 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was on the lookout for a copy of Freckles for years. I first read A Girl of the Limberlost (a sort of sequel to Freckles) in elementary school and loved it. While reading it, however, I got the sense that I was missing something, because everyone kept mentioning 'Freckles'. I realized that another book came before A Girl of the Limberlost and I hoped to find it and read it someday. I didn't look too hard, admittedly, but I happened upon a very old copy of Freckles in a used book store a few months ago and I have just now had the chance to read it.To be frank, I was very disappointed. I remembered being enchanted with A Girl of the Limberlost, but I didn't like Freckles very much at all. If you love sickly sweet children's books from over 100 years ago, you'll probably like Freckles, but even I wasn't a huge fan. It was just a little much. I suppose my main issue was with Freckle's age. I am fine with wholesome children's classics about little boys. They're generally not too realistic concerning what I know of little boys today, but I can stand them. Freckles is a different story, however. In Freckles, the protagonist (known as, of course, 'Freckles') is 18-years-old and ages to 20 by the end. You'd never know it, however, from reading the book. Freckles acts like a 12-year-old and everyone treats him that way (indeed, some confused publishers have mistakenly put a picture of a little boy on the cover of the book, though there are no actual children among the main characters in 'Freckles'). He is always referred to as a "boy". I'm not saying that he is immature exactly, but he is altogether too wholesome and juvenile. Unless this book was intended for very young readers, Gene Stratton-Porter is talking down to her audience. Freckles characterization was too distracting and too annoying for me that I couldn't enjoy the book.Besides that, the novel has some issues concerning vague classism, racism, and sexism, but it's not too bad for something written over a century ago. The real highlight of the book is how it portrays nature. Gene Stratton-Porter was an amateur naturalist and it really shows through the novel. Her descriptions of the Limberlost Swamp are wonderful. Some aspects of the book may be somewhat disconcerting for a modern-day environmentalist (including the depiction of loggers as the 'good guys,' the clearing of the forest as a matter of course, and the planting of non-native species in the forest) but that part is still enjoyable.After reading Freckles, I was concerned that I had remembered wrongly and that maybe A Girl of the Limberlost wasn't as good as I once thought, but that was not the case. I found that it wasn't even really necessary to read Freckles before reading A Girl of the Limberlost. In fact, I may even advise against it.All in all, if you wish to read Freckles because you loved A Girl of the Limberlost, I'm going to tell you that isn't necessary. In my opinion, Freckles is not as good as that book and you may find it, frankly, disappointing. I wouldn't particularly recommend Freckles to anyone, but it wasn't altogether awful. If you are able to withstand any sort of sugary tooth-decayingly sweet book from over a hundred years ago, be my guest and read it. For anyone else, you may just wind up with a toothache.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is truly a forgotten classic. I first read it many years ago, and recently had the desire to pick it up again. I found that it was not as readily available as many other classics, which is certainly a shame as it is a wonderful book.The story concerns a young orphan, named Freckles, who has personally experienced many of the worst aspects of humanity in his short life. Sadly, these experiences have left Freckles with only one hand, no material possessions, little education, and most importantly, no concerned friends or loved ones. As a result of the kindness of Mr. Mclean, part owner of the grand rapids lumber company, Freckles finds himself serving as the protector of timber in the Limberlost swamp. The timber itself is very valuable, and there are several unsavory characters who would love to have a chance to sell the timber for themselves. This employment proves to be life changing for Freckles, and ultimately leads to his discovery of the history of his past. The book also features a charming love story that is both tender and engaging.This is a great read, but I did find it slightly less enjoyable than Porter's Girl of the Limberlost, which also takes place in Indiana. Porter describes Freckles as "plucky," and that really is the best word to describe him. This book has just enough action to keep the reader engaged, and is a quick and easy read. What really comes through on each page is Porter's love of nature and all it's wonders. I am sure I will be rereading this again in years to come.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love Freckles. OK, it's way too convenient an ending, not to mention the belief in "good blood" - but it's still a magnificent story. The descriptions of the Limberlost alone - the beauty and the horror of it, the dangers and the wonder - make it wonderful to read; Freckles, and his utter determination to achieve and fulfill his promises as soon as he's given trust and responsibility, make it heart-wrenching and glorious. There are funny bits (including the Angel's first encounter with Black Jack's men...and the second, for that matter), parts that make me cry every time I read it, and parts that make me hold my breath with excitement (even though I know, pretty much, how it comes out). I first read Freckles in a B&B, on a rainy day, when I hadn't brought my own books (ok, hadn't brought _enough_ books); I've reread it at least a dozen times, and I expect I'll read it at least as many times again. I like some of the author's other books, but Freckles has a special place in my heart.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    still as applicable today as when it was written.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is a short novel about an orphaned boy coming of age at the turn of the century. The pace of the book is very slow; so slow that in fact I was tempted to pitch the book. Mind numbing boring!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is a short novel about an orphaned boy coming of age at the turn of the century. The pace of the book is very slow; so slow that in fact I was tempted to pitch the book. Mind numbing boring!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a book for children, written when in a naive, innocent style. While its message of perseverence is a good one, the books suffers from an overly-optimistic outlook. This book would suit anyone who believes that Leave It To Beaver was an accurate representation of life in the 1950s. While it may be pleasant to wish life were like that, it ignores reality.

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Freckles - Gene Stratton-Porter


Published by Seltzer Books

established in 1974, now offering over 14,000  books

feedback welcome: seltzer@seltzerbooks.com

Children's books by Gene Stratton-Porter available from Seltzer Books:

At the Foot of the Rainbow

A Daughter of the Land

The Fire Bird


A Girl of the Limberlost

The Harvester

Her Father's Daughter

Laddie: a True Blue Story

Michael O'Halloran

Moths of the Limberlost

The Song of the Cardinal

To  all good Irishmen in general and one CHARLES DARWIN PORTER in particular


CHAPTER I  Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard Is Hired

CHAPTER II  Wherein Freckles Proves His Mettle and Finds Friends

CHAPTER III  Wherein a Feather Falls and a Soul Is Born

CHAPTER IV  Wherein Freckles Faces Trouble Bravely and Opens the Way for New Experiences

CHAPTER V  Wherein an Angel Materializes and a Man Worships

CHAPTER VI  Wherein a Fight Occurs and Women Shoot Straight

CHAPTER VII  Wherein Freckles Wins Honor and Finds a Footprint on the Trail

CHAPTER VIII  Wherein Freckles Meets a Man of Affairs and Loses Nothing by the Encounter

CHAPTER IX  Wherein the Limberlost Falls upon Mrs. Duncan and Freckles Comes to the Rescue

CHAPTER X Wherein Freckles Strives Mightily and the Swamp Angel Rewards Him

CHAPTER XI  Wherein the Butterflies Go on a Spree and Freckles Informs the Bird Woman

CHAPTER XII  Wherein Black Jack Captures Freckles and the Angel Captures Jack

CHAPTER XIII Wherein the Angel Releases Freckles, and the Curse of Black Jack Falls upon Her

CHAPTER XIV  Wherein Freckles Nurses a Heartache and Black Jack Drops Out

CHAPTER XV  Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject

CHAPTER XVI Wherein the Angel Locates a Rare Tree and Dines with the Gang

CHAPTER XVII  Wherein Freckles Offers His Life for His Love and Gets a Broken Body

CHAPTER XVIII  Wherein Freckles refuses Love Without Knowledge of Honorable Birth, and the Angel Goes in Quest of it

CHAPTER XIX Wherein Freckles Finds His Birthright and the Angel Loses Her Heart

CHAPTER XX  Wherein Freckles returns to the Limberlost, and Lord O'More Sails for Ireland Without Him


 FRECKLES, a plucky waif who guards the Limberlost timber leases and dreams of Angels.

THE SWAMP ANGEL, in whom Freckles' sweetest dream materializes.

MCLEAN, a member of a Grand Rapids lumber company, who befriends Freckles.

MRS. DUNCAN, who gives mother-love and a home to Freckles.

DUNCAN, head teamster of McLean's timber gang.

THE BIRD WOMAN, who is collecting camera studies of birds for a book.

LORD AND LADY O'MORE, who come from Ireland in quest of a lost relative.

THE MAN OF AFFAIRS, brusque of manner, but big of heart.

WESSNER, a Dutch timber-thief who wants rascality made easy.

BLACK JACK, a villain to whom thought of repentance comes too late.

SEARS, camp cook.

CHAPTER I  Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard Is Hired

Freckles came down the corduroy that crosses the lower end of the Limberlost.  At a glance he might have been mistaken for a tramp, but he was truly seeking work.  He was intensely eager to belong somewhere and to be attached to almost any enterprise that would furnish him food and clothing.

Long before he came in sight of the camp of the Grand Rapids Lumber Company, he could hear the cheery voices of the men, the neighing of the horses, and could scent the tempting odors of cooking food.  A feeling of homeless friendlessness swept over him in a sickening wave.  Without stopping to think, he turned into the newly made road and followed it to the camp, where the gang was making ready for supper and bed.

The scene was intensely attractive.  The thickness of the swamp made a dark, massive background below, while above towered gigantic trees.  The men were calling jovially back and forth as they unharnessed tired horses that fell into attitudes of rest and crunched, in deep content, the grain given them.  Duncan, the brawny Scotch head-teamster, lovingly wiped the flanks of his big bays with handfuls of pawpaw leaves, as he softly whistled, O wha will be my dearie, O! and a cricket beneath the leaves at his feet accompanied him.  The green wood fire hissed and crackled merrily.  Wreathing tongues of flame wrapped around the big black kettles, and when the cook lifted the lids to plunge in his testing-fork, gusts of savory odors escaped.

Freckles approached him.

I want to speak with the Boss, he said.

The cook glanced at him and answered carelessly:  He can't use you.

The color flooded Freckles' face, but he said simply:  If you will be having the goodness to point him out, we will give him a chance to do his own talking.

With a shrug of astonishment, the cook led the way to a rough board table where a broad, square-shouldered man was bending over some account-books.

Mr. McLean, here's another man wanting to be taken on the gang, I suppose, he said.

All right, came the cheery answer.  I never needed a good man more than I do just now.

The manager turned a page and carefully began a new line.

No use of your bothering with this fellow, volunteered the cook.  He hasn't but one hand.

The flush on Freckles' face burned deeper.  His lips thinned to a mere line.  He lifted his shoulders, took a step forward, and thrust out his right arm, from which the sleeve dangled empty at the wrist.

That will do, Sears, came the voice of the Boss sharply.  I will interview my man when I finish this report.

He turned to his work, while the cook hurried to the fires.  Freckles stood one instant as he had braced himself to meet the eyes of the manager; then his arm dropped and a wave of whiteness swept him.  The Boss had not even turned his head.  He had used the possessive.  When he said my man, the hungry heart of Freckles went reaching toward him.

The boy drew a quivering breath.  Then he whipped off his old hat and beat the dust from it carefully.  With his left hand he caught the right sleeve, wiped his sweaty face, and tried to straighten his hair with his fingers.  He broke a spray of ironwort beside him and used the purple bloom to beat the dust from his shoulders and limbs.  The Boss, busy over his report, was, nevertheless, vaguely alive to the toilet being made behind him, and scored one for the man.

McLean was a Scotchman.  It was his habit to work slowly and methodically.  The men of his camps never had known him to be in a hurry or to lose his temper.  Discipline was inflexible, but the Boss was always kind.  His habits were simple.  He shared camp life with his gangs.  The only visible signs of wealth consisted of a big, shimmering diamond stone of ice and fire that glittered and burned on one of his fingers, and the dainty, beautiful thoroughbred mare he rode between camps and across the country on business.

No man of McLean's gangs could honestly say that he ever had been overdriven or underpaid.  The Boss never had exacted any deference from his men, yet so intense was his personality that no man of them ever had attempted a familiarity.  They all knew him to be a thorough gentleman, and that in the great timber city several millions stood to his credit.

He was the only son of that McLean who had sent out the finest ships ever built in Scotland.  That his son should carry on this business after the father's death had been his ambition.  He had sent the boy through the universities of Oxford and Edinburgh, and allowed him several years' travel before he should attempt his first commission for the firm.

Then he was ordered to southern Canada and Michigan to purchase a consignment of tall, straight timber for masts, and south to Indiana for oak beams.  The young man entered these mighty forests, parts of which lay untouched since the dawn of the morning of time.  The clear, cool, pungent atmosphere was intoxicating.  The intense silence, like that of a great empty cathedral, fascinated him.  He gradually learned that, to the shy wood creatures that darted across his path or peeped inquiringly from leafy ambush, he was brother.  He found himself approaching, with a feeling of reverence, those majestic trees that had stood through ages of sun, wind, and snow.  Soon it became difficult to fell them.  When he had filled his order and returned home, he was amazed to learn that in the swamps and forests he had lost his heart and it was calling--forever calling him.

When he inherited his father's property, he promptly disposed of it, and, with his mother, founded a home in a splendid residence in the outskirts of Grand Rapids.  With three partners, he organized a lumber company.  His work was to purchase, fell, and ship the timber to the mills.  Marshall managed the milling process and passed the lumber to the factory.  From the lumber, Barthol made beautiful and useful furniture, which Uptegrove scattered all over the world from a big wholesale house.  Of the thousands who saw their faces reflected on the polished surfaces of that furniture and found comfort in its use, few there were to whom it suggested mighty forests and trackless swamps, and the man, big of soul and body, who cut his way through them, and with the eye of experience doomed the proud trees that were now entering the homes of civilization for service.

When McLean turned from his finished report, he faced a young man, yet under twenty, tall, spare, heavily framed, closely freckled, and red-haired, with a homely Irish face, but in the steady gray eyes, straightly meeting his searching ones of blue, there was unswerving candor and the appearance of longing not to be ignored.  He was dressed in the roughest of farm clothing, and seemed tired to the point of falling.

You are looking for work? questioned McLean.

Yis, answered Freckles.

I am very sorry, said the Boss with genuine sympathy in his every tone, but there is only one man I want at present--a hardy, big fellow with a stout heart and a strong body.  I hoped that you would do, but I am afraid you are too young and scarcely strong enough.

Freckles stood, hat in hand, watching McLean.

And what was it you thought I might be doing? he asked.

The Boss could scarcely repress a start.  Somewhere before accident and poverty there had been an ancestor who used cultivated English, even with an accent.  The boy spoke in a mellow Irish voice, sweet and pure.  It was scarcely definite enough to be called brogue, yet there was a trick in the turning of the sentence, the wrong sound of a letter here and there, that was almost irresistible to McLean, and presaged a misuse of infinitives and possessives with which he was very familiar and which touched him nearly.  He was of foreign birth, and despite years of alienation, in times of strong feeling he committed inherited sins of accent and construction.

It's no child's job, answered McLean.  I am the field manager of a big lumber company.  We have just leased two thousand acres of the Limberlost.  Many of these trees are of great value.  We can't leave our camp, six miles south, for almost a year yet; so we have blazed a trail and strung barbed wires securely around this lease.  Before we return to our work, I must put this property in the hands of a reliable, brave, strong man who will guard it every hour of the day, and sleep with one eye open at night.  I shall require the entire length of the trail to be walked at least twice each day, to make sure that our lines are up and that no one has been trespassing.

Freckles was leaning forward, absorbing every word with such intense eagerness that he was beguiling the Boss into explanations he had never intended making.

But why wouldn't that be the finest job in the world for me? he pleaded.  I am never sick.  I could walk the trail twice, three times every day, and I'd be watching sharp all the while.

It's because you are scarcely more than a boy, and this will be a trying job for a work-hardened man, answered McLean.  "You see, in the first place, you would be afraid.  In stretching our lines, we killed six rattlesnakes almost as long as your body and as thick as your arm.  It's the price of your life to start through the marshgrass surrounding the swamp unless you are covered with heavy leather above your knees.

"You should be able to swim in case high water undermines the temporary bridge we have built where Sleepy Snake Creek enters the swamp.  The fall and winter changes of weather are abrupt and severe, while I would want strict watch kept every day.  You would always be alone, and I don't guarantee what is in the Limberlost.  It is lying here as it has lain since the beginning of time, and it is alive with forms and voices.  I don't pretend to say what all of them come from; but from a few slinking shapes I've seen, and hair-raising yells I've heard, I'd rather not confront their owners myself; and I am neither weak nor fearful.

Worst of all, any man who will enter the swamp to mark and steal timber is desperate.  One of my employees at the south camp, John Carter, compelled me to discharge him for a number of serious reasons.  He came here, entered the swamp alone, and succeeded in locating and marking a number of valuable trees that he was endeavoring to sell to a rival company when we secured the lease.  He has sworn to have these trees if he has to die or to kill others to get them; and he is a man that the strongest would not care to meet.

But if he came to steal trees, wouldn't he bring teams and men enough: that all anyone could do would be to watch and be after you? queried the boy.

Yes, replied McLean.

Then why couldn't I be watching just as closely, and coming as fast, as an older, stronger man? asked Freckles.

Why, by George, you could! exclaimed McLean.  I don't know as the size of a man would be half so important as his grit and faithfulness, come to think of it.  Sit on that log there and we will talk it over.  What is your name?

Freckles shook his head at the proffer of a seat, and folding his arms, stood straight as the trees around him.  He grew a shade whiter, but his eyes never faltered.

Freckles! he said.

Good enough for everyday, laughed McLean, but I scarcely can put `Freckles' on the company's books.  Tell me your name.

I haven't any name, replied the boy.

I don't understand, said McLean.

I was thinking from the voice and the face of you that you wouldn't, said Freckles slowly.  I've spent more time on it than I ever did on anything else in all me life, and I don't understand.  Does it seem to you that anyone would take a newborn baby and row over it, until it was bruised black, cut off its hand, and leave it out in a bitter night on the steps of a charity home, to the care of strangers?  That's what somebody did to me.

McLean stared aghast.  He had no reply ready, and presently in a low voice he suggested:  And after?

The Home people took me in, and I was there the full legal age and several years over.  For the most part we were a lot of little Irishmen together.  They could always find homes for the other children, but nobody would ever be wanting me on account of me arm.

Were they kind to you? McLean regretted the question the minute it was asked.

I don't know, answered Freckles.  The reply sounded so hopeless, even to his own ears, that he hastened to qualify it by adding:  You see, it's like this, sir.  Kindnesses that people are paid to lay off in job lots and that belong equally to several hundred others, ain't going to be soaking into any one fellow so much.

Go on, said McLean, nodding comprehendingly.

There's nothing worth the taking of your time to tell, replied Freckles.  "The Home was in Chicago, and I was there all me life until three months ago.  When I was too old for the training they gave to the little children, they sent me to the closest ward school as long as the law would let them; but I was never like any of the other children, and they all knew it.  I'd to go and come like a prisoner, and be working around the Home early and late for me board and clothes.  I always wanted to learn mighty bad, but I was glad when that was over.

"Every few days, all me life, I'd to be called up, looked over, and refused a home and love, on account of me hand and ugly face; but it was all the home I'd ever known, and I didn't seem to belong to any place else.

Then a new superintendent was put in.  He wasn't for being like any of the others, and he swore he'd weed me out the first thing he did.  He made a plan to send me down the State to a man he said he knew who needed a boy.  He wasn't for remembering to tell that man that I was a hand short, and he knocked me down the minute he found I was the boy who had been sent him.  Between noon and that evening, he and his son close my age had me in pretty much the same shape in which I was found in the beginning, so I lay awake that night and ran away.  I'd like to have squared me account with that boy before I left, but I didn't dare for fear of waking the old man, and I knew I couldn't handle the two of them; but I'm hoping to meet him alone some day before I die.

McLean tugged at his mustache to hide the smile on his lips, but he liked the boy all the better for this confession.

I didn't even have to steal clothes to get rid of starting in me Home ones, Freckles continued, for they had already taken all me clean, neat things for the boy and put me into his rags, and that went almost as sore as the beatings, for where I was we were always kept tidy and sweet-smelling, anyway.  I hustled clear into this State before I learned that man couldn't have kept me if he'd wanted to.  When I thought I was good and away from him, I commenced hunting work, but it is with everybody else just as it is with you, sir.  Big, strong, whole men are the only ones for being wanted.

I have been studying over this matter, answered McLean.  I am not so sure but that a man no older than you and similar in every way could do this work very well, if he were not a coward, and had it in him to be trustworthy and industrious.

Freckles came forward a step.

If you will give me a job where I can earn me food, clothes, and a place to sleep, he said, if I can have a Boss to work for like other men, and a place I feel I've a right to, I will do precisely what you tell me or die trying.

He spoke so convincingly that McLean believed, although in his heart he knew that to employ a stranger would be wretched business for a man with the interests he had involved.

Very well, the Boss found himself answering, I will enter you on my pay rolls.  We'll have supper, and then I will provide you with clean clothing, wading-boots, the wire-mending apparatus, and a revolver.  The first thing in the morning, I will take you the length of the trail myself and explain fully what I want done.  All I ask of you is to come to me at once at the south camp and tell me as a man if you find this job too hard for you.  It will not surprise me.  It is work that few men would perform faithfully.  What name shall I put down?

Freckles' gaze never left McLean's face, and the Boss saw the swift spasm of pain that swept his lonely, sensitive features.

I haven't any name, he said stubbornly, no more than one somebody clapped on to me when they put me on the Home books, with not the thought or care they'd name a house cat.  I've seen how they enter those poor little abandoned devils often enough to know.  What they called me is no more my name than it is yours.  I don't know what mine is, and I never will; but I am going to be your man and do your work, and I'll be glad to answer to any name you choose to call me.  Won't you please be giving me a name, Mr. McLean?

The Boss wheeled abruptly and began stacking his books.  What he was thinking was probably what any other gentleman would have thought in the circumstances.  With his eyes still downcast, and in a voice harsh with huskiness, he spoke.

I will tell you what we will do, my lad, he said.  My father was my ideal man, and I loved him better than any other I have ever known.  He went out five years ago, but that he would have been proud to leave you his name I firmly believe.  If I give to you the name of my nearest kin and the man I loved best--will that do?

Freckles' rigid attitude relaxed suddenly.  His head dropped, and big tears splashed on the soiled calico shirt.  McLean was not surprised at the silence, for he found that talking came none too easily just then.

All right, he said.  I will write it on the roll--James Ross McLean.

Thank you mightily, said Freckles.  That makes me feel almost as if I belonged, already.

You do, said McLean.  Until someone armed with every right comes to claim you, you are mine.  Now, come and take a bath, have some supper, and go to bed.

As Freckles followed into the lights and sounds of the camp, his heart and soul were singing for joy.

CHAPTER II  Wherein Freckles Proves His Mettle and Finds Friends

Next morning found Freckles in clean, whole clothing, fed, and rested.  Then McLean outfitted him and gave him careful instruction in the use of his weapon.  The Boss showed him around the timber-line, and engaged him a place to board with the family of his head teamster, Duncan, whom he had brought from Scotland with him, and who lived in a small clearing he was working out between the swamp and the corduroy.  When the gang was started for the south camp, Freckles was left to guard a fortune in the Limberlost.  That he was under guard himself those first weeks he never knew.

Each hour was torture to the boy.  The restricted life of a great city orphanage was the other extreme of the world compared with the Limberlost.  He was afraid for his life every minute.  The heat was intense.  The heavy wading-boots rubbed his feet until they bled.  He was sore and stiff from his long tramp and outdoor exposure.  The seven miles of trail was agony at every step.  He practiced at night, under the direction of Duncan, until he grew sure in the use of his revolver.  He cut a stout hickory cudgel, with a knot on the end as big as his fist; this never left his hand.  What he thought in those first days he himself could not recall clearly afterward.

His heart stood still every time he saw the beautiful marsh-grass begin a sinuous waving AGAINST the play of the wind, as McLean had told him it would.  He bolted half a mile with the first boom

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