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Born to It
Born to It
Born to It
Ebook256 pages4 hours

Born to It

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About this ebook

Enemies to lovers, this is one passion fueled ride ... are you ready?

Third generation Hellions MC patched member—earned, never given.
I’m the son of Talon “Tripp” Crews and namesake to my grandfather Blaine “Roundman” Reklinger.
I was born to wear this cut, to take this ride.
I am Blaine “BW” Crews.
I deal in motorcycles, money, and mayhem.

I wasn’t born a killer. I was made into one. Earn my place on my back or by my blade ... I choose option two.
I am Karsci “Fox” Sheridan.
I deal in death, dollars, and destruction.

When she’s pulled into his world, they have one choice—end each other or hang on for the ride.

Release dateJun 17, 2018
Born to It

Chelsea Camaron

USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Chelsea Camaron is a small town Carolina girl with a big imagination. She’s a wife and mom, chasing her dreams. She writes contemporary romance, erotic suspense, and psychological thrillers. She loves to write about blue-collar men who have real problems with a fictional twist. From mechanics to bikers to oil riggers to smokejumpers, bar owners, and beyond she loves a strong hero who works hard and plays harder.

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    Born to It - Chelsea Camaron



    Born to It

    The Tail of the Dragon, Deals Gap, North Carolina.

    The ride for life is love, loyalty, and respect. This is how I ride, because this is the legacy. This is how the Hellions ride.

    My shoulders feel light. I don’t fucking like this feeling, not one single bit. I want my cut back on my body where it belongs.

    Soon enough, I remind myself.

    I’ve waited years for this moment, what’s another hour or two. This is just more time to take it all in, absorb every feeling, every second because this is a moment that will never happen again. It doesn’t matter how many more times I will take this ride in my lifetime, only this once is it my patch day. The moment I get this final rocker, I’m forever a Hellion until the day I stop breathing.

    That is the lifestyle. There is no out. Years spent earning each patch aren’t something anyone walks away from or betrays. Patch stripping is something unheard of to the Hellions.

    The man I am, I’d die before I betray this cut. Period, end of story.

    The honor and pride to wear it runs deep in my veins down into my very soul. Today is the best day of my life.

    I remember the first time I wore the leather vest. It’s something that has always stuck with me. I was five-years-old and my dad was in the shower. I slid the heavy garment on my shoulders and climbed on my parents’ bed. While attempting to jump up and down, I pushed my body harder with my legs to accommodate the weight of the leather. I lifted myself up higher and higher with my dad’s Hellions cut covering me to my ankles. Over and over again, I went up and let it wrap around me as I came down on the mattress. With every fall I took, it came with me, always covering my chest and back. I found comfort in the fabric like I never had before. A cloak embracing every inch of me, covering me in a warmth unlike any other.

    At the time I didn’t think of the significance of the cut draping around me. As a boy, I wanted to be like my dad. He is my hero and his cut was part of that. Now, though, it has a deeper meaning. The club would always have my dad’s back, and now, today as I fully patch in, through thick and thin, the Hellions MC will have my back too.

    My mom found me first that day, and immediately took pictures. Her smile was as bright as ever. My dad came out and took the leather from me; he smiled proudly, telling me one day I would have my own, but I had to earn it. Until that time, I needed to leave his alone. I wasn’t in trouble, but the tone stayed with me keeping me from playing in his cut again. This isn’t something you can buy at the mall. It’s full of history, tradition, and the sacrifices of the Hellions who came before me. Every patch is earned never given.

    That day is here now.

    I have waited my entire life for this moment, this ride. I was eighteen when I got my cut and the Prospect patch. While I knew it would take years to get me to today I still beam with pride even as a Prospect. My dad didn’t cut me a bit of slack over the years. And yes, I have prospected years. It’s been hell doing everyone’s bitch work. From cleaning the damn bathrooms to mowing grass for brothers on runs and even to cleaning bikes, I’ve done everything ordered and done it all with a fullness in my soul. Today though, today it’s a full rocker set and the title Brother that comes with it.

    The honor, the respect, they are all mine. I worked for this.

    The sun peeks in through the old curtains of the biker motel as it begins to rise over the mountains. The joint isn’t fancy, but we don’t come here for the amenities.

    It’s tradition.

    Plain and simple.

    Everything about this place is a step back in time to when my grandfather was alive and built this club—this family. The view is beautiful. Nothing less could be expected on a day as powerful and important as today. It’s like Mother Nature knows how important today is and she is making sure the weather will give us the best memories.

    Moment by moment, I commit it all to memory.

    Today is the day I ride the Tail of the Dragon. It’s a rite-of-passage in the Hellions Motorcycle Club. Upon completion of The Tail ride, I will be presented with my cut again as a fully patched member of the Haywood’s Landing chapter of the Hellions MC.

    Rising for the day, I stretch before heading to the bathroom to get ready. Since today is so important, a party is sure to ensue after. That is when I can let loose and not worry about being the asshole stuck with the clean-up. Pussy will be plenty and for once, I don’t have Red as my roommate. Not that I hold back when he’s in the room, but some broads get shy.

    Typically, we would all be bunked up two to a room unless you’re one of the brothers with an ol’ lady. As a prospect we didn’t get shit anyway. Hell, there were times I was left to crash on a floor, but today I have the room to myself, so tonight I can find a barfly for some pussy later. And I plan, without a doubt, to throw back a few drinks with my brothers, then find a broad and fuck her senseless. Before all of that though, I have to finish something I was born to do.

    I can’t remember a time in my life where this wasn’t on my mind. The goal is reached.

    Twenty-one is the age to earn my final rocker. Finally, after years stuck as a prospect doing the shit work for my dad and all his brothers, I get to be a fully patched member of the Hellions Motorcycle Club. No matter the legacy I carry, my father stood firm not to give me this cut until I reached twenty-one. At first, it bothered me. Now, though, I understand I needed more maturity and time under my belt as a man.

    This club is everything.

    A club I was born into. A club my grandfather built with his friends who were a family of their own making. A club that began in the small coastal North Carolina town of Haywood’s Landing and it now encompasses multiple charters throughout the Carolinas. With additional affiliations, connections, and markers, we are protected and respected nationwide. My grandfather, Roundman, built this all by his word and deed.

    His name is the name I now carry on.

    Blaine Roundman Reklinger is a legend. One round, one shot, it’s all he ever needed. He was ruthless in business and gave no fucks about anyone but the people he called family. No one crossed him or his club; if they did, they paid with their life. He was everything this club stood for and who they stood behind.

    My mother, Delilah Doll Reklinger, was his whole world outside of this club. To this day, years after he’s been gone, everyone still talks about him with the utmost respect. My mother gave me the best piece of him she could. She gave me a strong man’s name.

    A name I’m proud to claim, and today a tradition I’m honored to carry on.

    Blaine Ward Crews, I continue on with the legacy of my grandfather and father’s names to carry me on.

    The Hellions are family. We aren’t a bunch of thugs. We’re not a gang. We’re not some outlaw, one-percenter diamond patch wearing crew fighting with the cops. Are we outlaws? Technically, yes if you define it by the laws of our great nation. Do we wear a diamond patch with pride? Yes, but we don’t wear it as a sign of intimidation. We wear it to represent our lifestyle, period. We don’t shy from trouble, but we aren’t hell-bent on stirring it up either. We strike back because we won’t stand down, but if we’re left alone, we leave others alone. It’s a code and it’s simple: don’t fuck with us and we don’t fuck with you. We’re about our freedom, our lifestyle, and protecting each other.

    We are family.

    Sure, I’ve heard the stories about the club skirting the line of the law. We aren’t choirboys. We just don’t seek out illegal activities in the businesses our clubs run. There are things I don’t know about because, until today, I wasn’t a fully patched member. I’m sure the future holds more for me to learn, but at my core, I know who we are and what we represent. I know what lines I will cross in the name of family, and which ones I would never be asked to cross because it simply isn’t who we are. Women are respected, cherished, and never harmed. I may slice a motherfucker ear-to-ear in the name of family, but I’ll never use a broad as a form of retribution. This is a man’s world and I’ll stand toe-to-toe with any man without backing down.

    None of us will raise our hands, our blades, or our guns to a woman … unless we’re left no other choice. In that case, we make it swift.

    I’ve heard the stories from the past. When my grandfather went to prison for the club. I know some of the things my dad has done. For the most part, now, the club is in a good place and everything is relatively quiet.

    The side jobs we take for the club, well, yeah, we’ve all gone down for a handful of things, but overall, we aren’t known for dealing drugs, guns, or pussy, patch or not, I know this holds true. We run transports.

    Sometimes, do we break laws? Yeah.

    Sometimes are those transports full of guns, drugs, or other illegal items? Absolutely.

    Sometimes, yes, we have shed blood. There isn’t a line we won’t cross if provoked as far as murder and mayhem. Sometimes, do we land ourselves behind bars? Yeah. Sometimes, shit just happens.

    Together we rise and together we’ll fall. More importantly, together we’ll rise up again.

    We all work and live together as close as possible but still maintaining separate living spaces. The compound is a vast space with the clubhouse, the club owned businesses, and even some duplexes for crash pads.

    I work in the garage for the most part. Occasionally, I take on a transport, but not often. I know now that I’m fully patched in, I’ll be expected to take more transports, especially the off the books ones we do. I enjoy the shop, though. Turning wrenches alongside my dad, Talon Tripp Crews, and his brothers, we restore, rebuild, and maintain cars of any make, model, or year, along with any motorcycles. It’s lucrative, along with the mini-storage business and of course, the transports.

    As I climb on my custom Harley, I feel the smirk build on my face. I can’t help it. Shit is as real as it gets today.

    Before I can crank my machine and pull away, my sister Dia comes running out of her room, straight to me with our mother on her heels. She’s a fireball of energy who doesn’t back down. I love my sister, but today I don’t have time for her antics. Telling her no has always been a challenge for me. She’s my kid sister and I don’t like to see her sad. Today, I know what she wants and it’s not my place no matter what she says to give in.

    Dia’s blonde hair is wild around her face as our mother, who is the most beautiful woman I know, has hers braided tightly down her back ready to ride. The two look like sisters instead of mother and daughter.

    Our mother doesn’t seem to age and our dad, while he has a few wrinkles, will still kick my ass or anyone else’s. Our parents are tough, but fair, and have raised us with a firm hand. Given the things I have gotten into over the years, well, my sister and I haven’t always made shit easy for them. Yet, here we are in one piece even when they should have probably skinned us alive.

    Me? I like to drive fast and I’m fucking fearless. My sister, she’s got fire in her veins instead blood and doesn’t take shit from anyone. She is balls to the walls in everything she does. Everyone loves her but she can be a lot to handle. When she wants something she goes for it, not holding back in the least bit. Talking her down can be a full-time job for our mother sometimes.

    I’m ridin’ with you, BW, Dia calls out to me as our mother shakes her head behind her.

    Oh no, this is a fight. One of monumental proportions. A fight I want no part of. I love my sister, but my mother will always win. I see the determination in my sister’s eyes. That look is one that is going to break some man one day.

    While I’ve taken my sister on plenty of rides, I know the rules about today. This ride, I can’t have a passenger. This is about my cut, my place in the club, and has nothing to do with my little sister, Dia Nicole Crews.

    Not today, Mom tells her.

    I shrug my shoulders. Dia needs to be talked down before she starts a fight she will most certainly lose. You aren’t ready, Dia. Your hair’s gonna tangle up and you’ll be whinin’ later if you try to ride like you are, I explain to my sister, trying to diffuse the situation. I’ll take you out anywhere else tomorrow. Sure, she has the practiced ease to get it tied back in seconds, but I’m trying to find the easy escape.

    I may be a grown ass man and my mother might be almost a foot shorter than me when I stand, but I know that woman will have not a single issue whipping my ass for disobeying her. My mother won’t let her size stand in her way. When she’s fired up, well, Hell hath no fury like Delilah Doll Reklinger-Crews.

    No matter how old I get, my father won’t let me disrespect my mother in any way, shape, or form. Sorry to my sister, but our mother is a tiny tornado who will pick me up, spin me around, and land me flat on my ass. Then if by some miracle, I’m managing to gasp for air, my father will step in and end me. No matter how bad my sister wants this, I won’t get involved.

    They both stop just in front of my bike, which I balance between my thighs effortlessly.

    Why? Dia challenges.

    I want to laugh and say, because mom said so. But I don’t. Instead, I watch mixed emotions cross our mother’s face just as our father comes up behind her joining in the argument.

    What’s going on? Dad asks Dia.

    I came out to catch BW so I can ride The Tail with him, but Mom said not today. Every Hellion rides The Tail. I wanna go, too. She’s fifteen going on thirty-five and thinks she can override any rule.

    Our dad looks to our mom who gives a soft sigh. Her eyes take on a far-away gaze like her mind is somewhere else as she speaks.

    Sweet Dia. I’m gonna tell you like my father told me. It’s not BW’s place to take you on The Tail. The Tail of the Dragon is a hidden beauty. This two-lane mountain road has over three-hundred curves in an eleven-mile stretch. It takes an experienced rider.

    Dia laughs. So, you don’t think BW can handle the ride? Not sure he should get that final rocker to complete his patch if he can’t keep little ol’ me safe on a few curves on a mountain.

    I don’t know if I want to throttle her or laugh out loud at her. You cocky little shit, I fire back at her.

    Our dad steps up to her. Watch yourself, girl, he says harshly before his features soften and begins to explain. Dia, The Tail is a ride of many things. It’s a ride the Hellions have taken longer than you’ve been alive. It’s a ride of focus, where a man is forced to clear his mind. It’s a ride where a man is forced to accept the things he cannot change, challenge the things he can, and be open to the possibility of new horizons in the future. He must become one with his bike or one with the pavement under him. The Tail has claimed a number of bikes and bikers to its gravel top. It takes skill. This is a serious moment and an important day for your brother.

    My dad speaks in a way that is almost poetic for a rugged biker. Each word is full of passion and history from our club.

    I’m not gonna be a distraction, Dia says, jutting out a hip and resting her hand on it.

    It’s not about you, Princess, our father tells her with a firm stare. Today, it’s about your brother. The man he has grown into. The dues he has paid. The cut he has earned. This ride is his to take and his to take alone.

    Ol’ ladies ride, Dia again challenges to which our mother glares.

    Our mother, the head of the women in the club, mimics my sister’s stance as she explains. Ol’ ladies earn their place, too. It ain’t about being born to this club, Dia. You gotta understand that.

    She throws her hands up in frustration. It’s all about BW. I get it. His day, his ride, his cut. All because he was born with a damn Y chromosome, a ball sack, and a dick. Dia rushes off as our father glares and his nostrils flare with anger.

    Check your attitude, Dia, he shouts out after her. I won’t be disrespected because you wanna throw some damn temper-tantrum.

    Our mom pats our dad’s chest. Easy, Talon. It’s hard to be raised to be a strong, independent woman, only to then get told you gotta stay in your lane. She’s young. At fifteen, I begged my dad to take me on The Tail. Every year he gave me the same speech and it wasn’t until I took the ride with you that very first time, twenty-three years ago, that I truly understood what he had told me my entire life. There is this gaze in her stare that tells me she remembers that very ride like it was yesterday. They have that timeless kind of love.

    I look out at the road ahead. I know all about the ride. I’ve studied the map and readied my mind.

    Year after year, people ignore the warnings. The asphalt here is unforgiving and is happy to swallow man and machine whole. I may have adrenaline in my veins, but I still have my brain. I’m not about to fuck up because my mind didn’t understand the ride ahead of me.

    The curves of The Tail are like the curves of a woman. And Heaven knows, I love my women full of curves. Deep ones, short ones, sharp ones, and wide ones, I want to touch them all. Today, like a woman, I’ll grab the pavement and hug that shit tight, hold it close, and caress it gently, but always with a firm hand. This ride defines my transition from a boy into a man.

    For the club, the ride is to solidify trust in a new brother. We ride two by two, only feet separate our handlebars as we glide through each mile of mountain black-top. It’s a ride where the ol’ ladies hold on tight, giving their complete trust to their men. We ride together as one.

    As we line

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