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Today Is My Monday…
Today Is My Monday…
Today Is My Monday…
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Today Is My Monday…

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This is not your typical fitness book that would like for you to mimic everything that they have done to get you to a possible mirror image of themselves. This is a book about gaining knowledge, power and changing mindsets. I want the reader to feel that they are important enough to take a little time out to care for their bodies.

As a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Counselor I constantly run into people that know nothing about changing their lives for the better as far as fitness and nutrition. The fundamentals are not there so they do not dare to attempt. I have seen so many fly by night fad diets that give false hopes and dreams but none try to start where most people are at, the beginning. Good nutrition and exercise working together has been the key to better health all along. Unfortunately living in a microwave society there are many that will come along trying to sell you pipe dreams. They leave out the parts telling that it is extra hard work that takes a lot of focus, dedication, soul searching and sacrifices. There are no short cuts, but with hard work and tenacity you will gain a better more fulfilling life.

This book will not only give you the very basics for starting your journey but will also give you encouragement to stick with it for a life time. Changing your life first starts with changing your mind and gaining an understanding of what you need to do to care for it. If you start with that then the possibilities are unlimited. Hopefully Today is your Monday.

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Today Is My Monday…

Alura T Jefferies

Alura T Jefferies is a dedicated Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant. The mother of one has a deep passion to design personalized plans to impact her clients lives in a positive way. She focuses on the entire person, positively, asking them to challenge themselves to push further than they ever thought possible with their nutrition & exercise allowing them to meet & exceed their goals. She leads by example by living a healthy lifestyle and without judging, invites all who desires to change to follow along. She also remains in the beauty industry as a Licensed Hair Designer and Make-up artist, determined to transform lives from the inside- out.

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    Today Is My Monday… - Alura T Jefferies

    © 2012 Alura T Jefferies. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/10/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2445-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2444-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012911049

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    Changing lives and transforming bodies by changing minds.




    Finding Motivation

    Familiarize Yourself With Food Labels And Food Ingredients

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    As a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant, I love health and fitness. I try to keep myself educated and up to date on all things fitness and good health. I do courses and seminars to seek out any information that I can in order to be able to help others. I own and have come across many books that have been written to help and inspire others in their own fitness journeys. There are many that are very helpful and have changed many lives, but in my research there are a lot that read like stereo instructions. To be very truthful and honest, many are hard to read and understand. I thought to myself that if I am having a hard time following and understanding the how and the why as fitness Trainer then imagine the lay person’s response. That’s the person that has no clue of where to start, what to do or where to go first. Well at least that is what I run across on a daily basis in my profession. People have very busy lives with their jobs and families and need something that is simplified and straight to the point. Getting healthy in the beginning can be difficult and very confusing. Some of the information starts as if the person who is reading already knows exactly what they speak of. In most instances that is not the case. There are tons of people in whom which have no knowledge about where point A is when trying to get healthy or how to get there. In this case, I wanted to write a straight to the point, basic fundamental book that will hold your attention as you get you started on your fitness journey.

    I started writing this book after my entire life was turned upside down. I was already a Certified Personal Trainer but I was not living up to my potential. At that time I just did enough to look better than the client. I did not practice what I preached so to speak. But after the life that I knew crumbled, I used my misfortune as fuel to my fire and transformed my body into what I always envisioned it to be. I didn’t do it because of my situation, but I did it despite of it. It made me feel so much better physically as well as mentally. I think I used my tragedy to finally gain triumph over my body and my bad eating habits that had controlled me for so long. In my very trying time I did not turn to food as my numbing drug of choice as I so often times did, but I wanted to turn to something that was beneficial for me in the long run. I told myself that I had the control and that day was to become forever know as My Monday.


    Our Bodies are our main asset and as far as I know we only get one of them on this side of the earth. We use many common excuses on why we can’t take better care of our bodies. A few of the excuses deal with time, expense, aches and pains, energy and others. The list of excuses is endless. All these excuses can be dispelled always. The fact of the matter is that we are ailing and dying daily because of the excuses. Obesity causes many deaths and preventable diseases. We must get serious about our health or we will be doomed to live a lifeless life or worse be destined to an early death.

    In this book I will show you how to gradually begin to change your life one day at a time. My main objective is to get you to take control of your life by understanding food, its purpose and not to be controlled by it. There are countless fly by night, get slim and healthy over night advertisements that build you up to let you down because there is no clarification or long term solution offered to you. It has been my experience when trying to obtain a healthy and fit lifestyle it goes right back to plain ole proper nutrition and exercise. Those two together always work and they never get outdated.

    If you read and follow these simple, plain English steps and gradually incorporate them into your life then you will gain success. Everyone has a starting point which in my opinion is the hardest thing to do. It starts with making a clear decision and continues with focus and determination.

    Today is my Monday was written out of my genuine love and concern for people. I hope that it will help you gain some knowledge and understanding that is needed along your fitness journey. So let’s get to it. Today is your Monday!

    Speak with your Doctor before starting your fitness journey

    This is number one because it is very important to set up a Doctor’s visit before starting your fitness journey. It is always a great thing to begin to get healthy, but keeping this very important step is crucial to the whole entire process. There are many things that are of vital importance to you that you need to know before you begin. The Doctor will administer several test that the results will play a very important role in where you should begin. At this time you will need to make an appointment for a full physical. The doctor will check out something such as, Lung capacity, blood pressure, blood levels, sugar levels, and bone and joint to name a few.

    If there are any specific concerns that you have be

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