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Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries: Your Happy Days Begin Here and Now
Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries: Your Happy Days Begin Here and Now
Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries: Your Happy Days Begin Here and Now
Ebook250 pages3 hours

Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries: Your Happy Days Begin Here and Now

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As human beings, we search for the same thing our entire lives: happiness. There are many paths to this elusive and precious destination. But once attained, some joys last, while others wither quickly. What are the secrets to findingand keepinglifelong happiness? Do these secrets even exist?

Do you search for true happiness? Within these ancient practices, you can discover tools to help you become the cocreator of your destiny. Do you search for your perfect soul mate? Finding this person isnt hard at all, once you understand how universal energy truly works. Do you search for financial stability? The key to this treasure is well within reachwith the right education and some hard work.

We all have the power to turn our dreams into reality; this guide, packed with ancient theories and backed by modern science about the power of mind energy, can help you do so. The power of Feng Shui is immeasurable; it can change your life. By living in harmony with the universal Chi, you can shape your destiny. Youll learn how Feng Shuis potent secret formulas can be used to create your new destiny.

Are you ready for happiness beyond anything you could have imagined? Feng Shui beyond Boundaries can show you the path; its time to take that first step on your journey to a new life.

Release dateDec 13, 2012
Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries: Your Happy Days Begin Here and Now

Vee Huynh

Vee Huynh has worked as an architect’s assistant and freelance designer since earning his degree from California’s Woodbury University in 1993. His own pursuit of happiness has inspired a decade-long study of Feng Shui, as part of his exploration of other ancient philosophies. He is married and has two children.

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    Feng Shui Beyond Boundaries - Vee Huynh

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    How You Will Benefit from This Book


    Part I

    1.   The Intangible Powers of Feng Shui

    2.   Three Reasons Keeping You from Happiness, Good Health, and Success

    3.   Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Soul

    4.   The Power of Transformation

    5.   Changing Destiny, Redefining Fate

    Part II

    6.   The Truth about Feng Shui

    7.   Feng Shui Astrology

    8.   Applying Feng Shui Systems

    9.   Quick Feng Shui Tips and Symbolism



    For Phuong, Hannah, and Karen—

    and anyone who’s ready to make a change in destiny.

    How You Will Benefit from This Book

    A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

    —Lao Tzu

    Congratulations! You have made one of the greatest decisions of your life, and perhaps the most significant investment you’ll ever make for yourself and your loved ones. What you have in your hands holds the magic to your happiness; it’s a new start that promises joy and sweet dreams.

    You are about to embark on a leap of faith, undertaking a new venture with a clear vision to begin a new life. In other words, you are about to redefine your future.

    The purpose of this book is both to provide you with feng shui’s potent secret formulas and to offer suggestions for using them to create your new destiny. The book is packed with ancient theories backed by modern science about the power of mind energy. This vital information will help you escape from any of your current undesirable situations and enter that pivotal moment when you change your life. You’ll get the real wisdom you need to resolve conflicts in every area of your life, including your health, your relationships, your career and education, your wealth and power, and even your reputation.

    This book is filled with spiritual wisdom to awaken the buddha-nature that is seated deep within each of us. It will help broaden the windows from which you view the world so you see life from a different perspective, looking within to find solutions to your problems rather than focusing on the problems themselves.

    Life can be as difficult as swimming in treacherous ocean waters, but you can stroke your way back to land with ease when you understand how to identify the three main causes of your struggles.

    Your thoughts comprise your mind energy, which is the most powerful force in the universe. It is also essential to successful feng shui practices—a fact that most people ignore or simply do not know. The quality of your thoughts affects the results of feng shui as well as how quickly you achieve those results. With this book, you will gain deeper insight into this remarkable and wondrous power. What you’ll discover will help you cut through waves of useless emotions; overcome endless walls of worries and obstacles; and eradicate conflicting internal energies that can stop you from moving forward, dampening your spirits and diminishing your dreams.

    You’ll gain invaluable techniques that will help you finally put an end to unhealthy habits that have been ruling your life for years. Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, drinking, overeating, or gambling, this book will give you insight into the hidden reasons behind your unhealthy behavior. The best part of this type of healing is that it’s as natural as it can be—and I promise you that there will be no struggle or withdrawal in the process either. At the same time, you’ll be able to effectively identify potential bad habits and prevent them from developing.

    Learn to ask and trust the mighty power of your intuition for answers and guidance. Find out how to face your fears with conviction and overcome them in difficult situations. With this book you will learn how to gather information and build your own map of energy flow, or chi, in your home, business, or office. That information will help you pinpoint where good and bad energies are located so you can take the necessary steps to strengthen or correct them.

    Everyone can benefit from the information in this book—information you don’t get from formal education. It’s highly beneficial for young readers who are just beginning life’s long journey, with so much to be discovered and learned. It will prepare them emotionally when they’re facing a crisis or experiencing one of life’s darker moments. Adult readers will find this book fascinating as they read about circumstances that mirror their own daily lives—and as they consider for the first time what might have been the effect on their lives if they had made some choices differently. Those people whose lives have been disrupted by the economy will find hope for breaking out of this dreadful moment. Older folks still seeking inner peace and tranquility in their lives will discover the joy that comes from balanced living. Life is filled with magic and miracles, but your mind must be ready to see them.

    We are all pursuing happiness, but some of us get lost in the hunt when we chase one of the world’s many temptations. When our ego takes control, we’ve lost our understanding of our true nature; we become disconnected from our inner world. This feng shui book is intended to stimulate your true self, enlighten your spirit, and heighten your senses, taking you to a deeper and higher level of thinking so you can discover your true, natural state of happiness. Its purpose is to accompany you on your lifelong, adventure into the unknown. Not only will it help you understand the true art of living, but it will also help you gain clarity to discern your ideal path to living purposefully and meaningfully, filling in what is missing and lessening what is already full.


    The world isn’t coming to an end, but nowadays it seems like it is—there’s just something in the air. Differences among nations are threatening peace around the world, and the financial meltdown in 2008 certainly did enormous damage to many families and individuals. Some unfortunate souls have found that their lives have forever changed. Perhaps you’re one of them: you may have lost your home, your business, or your life savings. Your family may be one of the many facing foreclosure. Maybe you’re unemployed—or you have a job, but you don’t know if you’ll have one tomorrow. And just when you think things can’t get any worse, they do. Why? Because the negative energy inside you has grown stronger than ever, and the problems won’t end until you make a change within.

    Some people escaped the financial crisis only to find themselves immersed in some other difficulty. Their lives may have been affected by the recent onslaught of natural disasters: earthquakes, storms, floods, mudslides, and fires. And then there are individuals and couples, young and old, who may be financially secure but who have problems in their relationships, either at work or within their family circle. Members of the younger generation, especially, may find it hard to deal with everyday life in this fast-moving society where everything is expected to happen instantly: instant gratification of needs, instant results, instant wealth, etc. Without patience and proper guidance, they will find that their lives are as difficult as swimming in a rough ocean.

    Our world is impermanent, and so are we. Everything in the universe is constantly changing from one state to another. Change is both immediate and imminent, and everyone experiences it differently. Some people are living in joy, while others are living in hellish agony.

    What if I told you there’s way out for those of you who are going through a crisis at the moment—would you give it a try? If you could learn the key to living a happy life even in turbulent conditions, would you care to find out what it is? What if I said your fate is about to change for the better—would you be interested? You see, to change your luck, first you must change your mind-set, your attitudes, and your views. Once you have decided to do so and make those changes within, that negative energy takes on another form and emerges as positive energy. Positive and negative energies cannot expand within you simultaneously: according to the natural law of the universe, only one can take precedence at any given moment. The effect on your life will be phenomenal.

    Did you know that if you live life according to Tao—known as the Way or the Middle Way in Buddhism—you can dramatically change your fate in life? Your present actions and accumulated good or bad deeds—your merits or demerits—can change your destiny.

    True, certain elements of your fate are set the moment you are born, predetermining your life’s course. For example, fate determines when your life will begin and end, and whether you will be born a genius or physically impaired (or maybe both). What kind of family you’ll have, how rich or poor you’ll be—all these things are predetermined based on your karma, your deeds, and your actions from your past two lifetimes. In Buddhism it’s called the law of cause and effect; in the West it’s called the golden rule. But once you understand the reasons for your creation and abide by universal rules, fate will gradually lessen its powers over you, and you will then be in control of your own destiny.

    The truth is, you have the ability to make your choices, as emphasized in Zen or dharma, a Buddhist teaching. You can decide on the course of your life right now by altering your thoughts, your actions, and your attitude toward life.

    There are many individuals who have refused to let their physical condition control their lives or constrain their ability to perform tasks. Instead, they took control of their own destiny and altered their fate.

    Here’s an excellent example we all can look to for inspiration:

    This person has suffered from neuromuscular dystrophy since young adulthood; the disease has left him paralyzed and incapable of speech. He can communicate only through a voice synthesizer hooked up to a computer. Yet his writing—particularly his book A Brief History of Time—has earned him worldwide recognition. He is renowned physicist Stephen Hawking.

    In the first part of this book, I will elaborate in detail on various perspectives on feng shui from ancient Chinese wisdom as well as modern metaphysics. I think both help us understand this complex topic, much of which is still a mystery, and they can help us learn to see the physical world not only with our senses but with our intuition. At the basic level, this wisdom serves as inspiration for self-examination; through heightened self-awareness and continuous improvement, we can come to find true meaning in daily living. Young readers will find that the insights in this book are like messages from their personal guiding angel, assisting them along the way to a happy lifelong journey. And undoubtedly, the real wisdom they will gain will help them overcome any rough spots in their life.

    Feng shui functions at two energetic levels—mental and physical. At the mental level, we must prepare our frame of mind so it presents the optimum conditions for good results. We should (1) look within to release blockages; (2) sharpen our visions and goals to ensure clarity; and (3) take necessary action.

    At the physical level, our body responds to and mingles with the surrounding environment, which was created by our mind in the first place. The mind and body are interdependent, as signified by the Tao’s yin-yang symbol: one defines the other, and neither can exist without the other.

    Once you have worked to change from the inside out, feng shui can enhance your power of intention by strengthening it and shifting it from negative to positive—allowing events, situations, people, and resources to appear in your life and propel you toward your goals and dreams.

    Everything we consider here can be used as a catalyst—a trigger, if you will—to gather your inner energy and strength so that you can break out of your old patterns and let new ones emerge. It’s a way of thinning out older layers of suppressed negative energies (emotions). Your new attitude, coupled with the implementation of feng shui, can help you reconnect with your true nature (your buddha-nature). At the most fundamental level, changing your fate is all about your ideas toward life; your outer world is only a physical manifestation of your innermost thoughts. It all begins with your mind energy.

    The method I prescribe here is the same method I used to transform my vision into this book. The energy is the same type that was operating in your subconscious to attract your attention to this book—only now you will have a clearer understanding of its powers and its principles, so that you, too, can put them to work for you. I learned about this fascinating notion in Joe Vitale’s book Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.

    Part I

    Chapter 1

    The Intangible Powers of Feng Shui

    Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again.

    —Joseph Campbell

    We’re constantly affected by the many life-force energies we encounter every day—including our own chi that comes in contact with the surrounding environment, thus affecting our mood, behavior, and luck. The human body naturally functions like a receiver, picking up all energies that cross its path. The weather, other people, news, events, food and beverages—all these things can have an immediate effect on our mental state. Other energies such as lighting, colors, textures, sounds, and smells, can be subtler, affecting us gradually.

    Failure to understand these truths that underpin the magical world of feng shui is the reason why some people haven’t experienced its full powers. The results of feng shui vary from one person to another; some people don’t experience any results at all. Why? Because they mistakenly believe that they can solve their problems by simply placing certain objects here and there. But without a proper understanding of feng shui, without putting thoughts and feelings into the process, by not interacting with the power, it becomes weak and ineffective, just as your home may not feel like home if your chi-energy is missing from it. You and your belongings define the character of your home. Think about it: you can sense the difference in energy between a relative’s house and a friend’s. Even within the same house, the energy changes from your parents’ room to your sibling’s room to your own.

    Feng shui isn’t just about the placement or rearrangement of things in our immediate environment to get rid of bad luck or to attract what we want. It’s a lot more than that—its principles extend far beyond walls and other physical barriers. In fact, if you were to learn just the physical placement aspects of feng shui, you’d have learned a partial truth. The proper practice of feng shui has as much to do with our inner selves as

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