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Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12: The True Force Behind All Classroom Strategies, Higher Teaching Potential and Student Progress
Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12: The True Force Behind All Classroom Strategies, Higher Teaching Potential and Student Progress
Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12: The True Force Behind All Classroom Strategies, Higher Teaching Potential and Student Progress
Ebook272 pages4 hours

Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12: The True Force Behind All Classroom Strategies, Higher Teaching Potential and Student Progress

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This book is a resource educators will want to keep on their desktop. If you are considering implementing mindfulness into your classroom or wish to encourage self-awareness, this book is definitely the place to start. Although it is written for the educational setting, don't be surprised if the benefits extend beyond the school day.
Nancy Ashworth, special educator for thirty years

"Powered By Me is a wonderful book for educators at all levels! Sherianna's gentle coaching voice shines through every page! She offers poignant stories and helpful exercises to support, encourage and empower her readers."
Sharon Hartley, retired principal

An essential guidebook to mindful teaching methods that will renew teachers, empower students and build communities.

Imagine an educational environment where teachers and students can mutually thrive. Does power reside in the tool or in the individual wielding the tool? Is self-awareness the key to student progress? How might empowered teachers benefit students? These questions ignited the vision of Powered by ME, a perceptual shift that modifies any teaching tool into a power tool. Every single strategy in this book is mutually beneficial. Teachers and students receive the boundless benefits of resiliency, balance, and strength. The best part is you and your students already have everything you need to begin. This book allows you to deepen your toolbox with practices that come from within.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 13, 2012
Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12: The True Force Behind All Classroom Strategies, Higher Teaching Potential and Student Progress

Sherianna Boyle

Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS, is an adjunct psychology professor, author of eight books, and founder of Emotional Detox Coaching, C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Method, and C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Yoga. Her work has been featured in more than eighty articles in publications such as Yoga Journal, Psychology Today, Organic Authority, Prevention, and First for Women. Sherianna provides Emotional Detox workshops through renowned centers such as Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and 1440 Multiversity. Find her Emotional Detox podcast, workshops, and services at SheriannaBoyle.com.  

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    Powered by Me® for Educators Pre-K to 12 - Sherianna Boyle

    Copyright © 2012 Sherianna Boyle Powered by ME®

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    About The Author

    Introduction Powered By Me®

    Chapter 1

    Manifesting Your Teaching

    Are You Repeating Or Teaching?

    The Process


    Power Myths

    Power Suckers


    Unconscious Speech

    Conscious Speech


    Speed Bumps


    The Emotional Roller Coaster

    Everything Begins With The Breath

    Breathing Basics

    How Breathing Affects Mood And Attitude

    The Three Agreements

    Chapter 2

    Expanding Into The Guide Role

    What Is A Guide?

    Creating A Guide Vision

    Honor Your Guide Make-Up

    The Guide Foundation


    Don’t Step On The Cracks

    Desire To Fix

    From Self-Compromise To Compromise

    Hushing The Voices That Whisper


    Chapter 3

    Emotions: Your Inner Guide


    How Emotional Flow Strengthens Teaching And Learning

    Emotional Restoration

    Fear & Anxiety


    Chapter 4

    Modifications For Observations


    You First

    Mindful Questions

    It Only Gets Better

    I Think You’re Alone Now

    Time For Class

    How Mindful Observations Differ From Data Collection

    Introducing Mindfulness To Your Students

    Hidden Messages

    Cast Off Your Life Preserver

    Tension Matters

    Chapter 5

    Dissecting The Onion Of Behavior

    The Influences On Behavior


    The Big Picture

    Sense Of Belonging

    How To Grow A Behavioral Onion



    Classroom Theater: Performing For An Audience

    Actions: Ways To Respond

    Logical Consequence

    Natural Consequences


    Rhythm Provides A Free Ride Into The Present Moment

    Experiences Of The Inner Onion:

    Power Struggles & Transitions

    Three Step Process

    Let Go Of My Label

    How Power Struggles Are Invited Into Your Classroom

    How Mini Moments Prepare You For Macro Moments


    Chapter 6


    Recognizing Temperament

    Complimenting Temperament


    Stimulating Heart

    Heart Moments

    Heart Talk

    Goodness Of Fit

    Supporting Teaching Style And Creative Spaces

    Chapter 7

    Power Tools

    Development Of Self-Awareness

    What’s In The Tool Box?

    #1 Tool: Teach Students How To Breath

    #2 Tool: Incorporate Play

    #3 Tool: Review Progress

    #4 Tool: Allow The Word No.

    #5 Tool: Rituals

    #6 Tool: Hit Your Refresh Button.

    #7 Tool: I Am Living My Dream.

    # 8 Tool: Teach Strategies For Self Doubt.

    #9 Tool: May I Offer You A Suggestion?

    #10 Tool: La, La, La

    #11 Tool: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

    Tool # 12 Strengthening Social Skills

    Chapter 8

    The Empowered Teacher

    Component #1: You Have Arrived

    Component # 2: Teach For You

    Component #3: Body Whispers

    Component # 4: Tend To Your Spirit

    Component # 5: Notice Your Models Of Empowerment

    Component #6: Connecting Energy

    Component #7: Teach To Serve

    Component #8: Getting To Gratitude

    Component #9: Surrender Your Job

    Component #10: Create Intentional Gatherings

    Component #11: What’s Love Got To Do With It

    Full Circle



    I dedicate the energy of this book to educators, parents, students, and families. Also to our three little mermaids.


    I feel incredibly blessed to have been guided and supported by the following individuals along this path. My mother, Judy Zradi and father Larry Zradi for all the sacrifices you made in order to provide me with the education and foundation I am so grateful for today. I love you both so much. To my husband, Kiernan Boyle; my soul mate, parenting partner, and most of all, my friend. Thank you for taking care of our girls to give me time to write. I love you. To my children; Megan, Mikayla, and Makenzie for the privilege of witnessing your life experiences. Your insight and wisdom of what it is like to be a child in education was one of the many propellers for this project. Megan thank you for the believe in you note you placed on my computer. Mikayla for showing me through your eagle eyes how to be present. Makenzie, thank you sweet girl, for supplying me with a sacred time nap time.

    Cindy Horgan, my partner, friend and mentor who contributed her insight and stories to this book. Thank you for giving me the wings to fly. You are a treasure to the field of parenting and education.

    Jueli Garfinkle my developmental editor. Thank you for helping me to see I had more inside me than I ever imagined. The imprint you have made on my life I will cherish forever. I am certain we will work together again. Mary Blair, my copy editor and yogi friend thank you for the time, commitment and energy you gave to this project. I will always be grateful for our connection.

    Thank you Karen Maregni for sharing your third grade experiences, those students are lucky to have you. Sue Tilton for your free computer support, Mara Fornier for inviting me into your classroom, Gia Esquivel my original website designer which lead me to my vision. Holly Rounseville at MainstreetHost for your fabulous website creations. Thank you, Stefanie Patterson for your unselfish support and passion for supporting girls. I send out huge hugs to my friends and colleagues Lori Rush and Nancy Ashworth. My former principal Sharon Hartley, thank you for all the wonderful experiences at Station Avenue Elementary School and for reviewing this book. My friends Angela Church and Shauna Child’s for cheering me on. Ana Zick for clearing my heart, literally.

    Finally, to all of my students, thank you for shining your light and love on me these past ten years.

    God Bless,



    Sherianna Boyle, resides on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her husband and three daughters. She holds a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in School Psychology from The University of Massachusetts, Boston. Her background includes extensive work in the field of parent education, educational workshops, and she is a adjunct Professor of Psychology at Cape Cod Community College.

    For the past ten years Sherianna has been teaching yoga and meditation. This includes a strong professional development in alternative approaches for anxiety, and the experience of owning and operating a yoga studio. In 2009, she branched into facilitating empowerment, community based workshops / resources for girls and young women. After six months of working on a curriculum she found her ideas and insight were capable of empowering not only girls but also the individuals supporting them. Sherianna shifted her focus, dedicating herself to writing, researching, and developing ways to support individuals in the educational community. Powered by Me® followed, a way to empower and connect students, teachers and families. Sherianna hopes to continue her journey educating about internal power through Powered by Me® books and workshops.


    I would love to hear your feedback, stories, and responses to this book. To contact the author, go to www.PoweredByMeNow.com or send an e-mail to sheri@PoweredByMeNow.com.



    When I first started writing this book, I wanted to contribute to positive change in education. However, the final stages of this process awakened me to a new intention. My purpose is to cultivate acceptance and to guide educators on viewing themselves from a higher mind as creators with unlimited potential. Acceptance in the now supports authentic movement from the depths of compassion. This stirs perception, permitting the revelation of self-imposed obstacles. It is neither necessary nor helpful to rehash some of the obstacles living and breathing among educators today, which include the suppression of creativity, instinct, and self-expression. I intend to focus on resources that free you from distracting perceptions, beliefs, outside influences, and short-term (quick-fix) strategies. Upping the educational ante on standards, expectations, and professionalism may very well be appropriate and necessary. However, in order to truly make a difference in the lives of students and their families, one must not negate the power of individual and group consciousness. In its absence, educators are susceptible to the tug of perfectionism, self-criticism, negativity, burning out, and frustration, all of which weaken the self, clogging pathways to higher teaching potential.

    Tools and Strategies

    Consider this book a toolbox of super potential, practices robust with effects well beyond the classroom.What makes them so powerful is every single strategy in this book is mutually beneficial, to you, your students, and others. Not only are you exposed to new ways of handling the classroom, but you also electrify the more familiar ones. This is not meant to replace or even add to your collection, as that would imply the ineffectiveness of your current practice. There lies the reason why I wrote this book. Although often unspoken, the idea of not being, doing, or working hard enough is capable of searing the roots of who you are. What is happening around you, opposed to inside, dictates your experiences. If your students are focused and performing well, you may feel peaceful, if they are struggling, you may also struggle. One of the intents of the strategies in this book is to soften the voices around you, the voices of policy makers, administrators, parents, colleagues, and students. As they soften, your voice and its ties to your inner body are pronounced, carving the way for presence and deeper experiences with yourself and others.

    The tools and strategies you currently utilize with your students may not change. However, how, why, and when you use them may. Your awareness is what modifies a teaching tool coming from you to a tool that comes through you. Tools that come through you carry your potential, passion, purpose, vibration, and strength.

    Throughout the book, I have included studies that support this way of being. Also included are Try This! practices and classroom examples you may relate to. They are opportunities to experience mindfulness. The Try This! practices are simple and, at times, purposely playful. To begin, I would highly suggest you read the entire book. If you skip ahead, you may dismiss the power of process. This book is more than knowledge, it is an experience. Your experience with the Try This! practices prepares you for incorporating mindfulness into the classroom. Some of the strategies are direct while others move through quiet observations of self. One is not better or more effective than another. Allow yourself time to truly absorb and play with the material. This book is less about doing and more about being.

    Powered by Me®

    You are a resource of unlimited potential, according to the Powered by Me® mindset. Who you are goes well beyond what you do. Your awareness of your beliefs, thoughts, attention, action, and effort shapes the experiences within you as well as outside of you. Your power is strengthened through practices that unify the mind, body, and breath. With guidance, consistency, and commitment, these practices set consciousness in motion. Higher consciousness is the part of you that contains the utmost respect for self. When thoughts, decisions, and responses are generated from this place, you become an unconditional source of support, inspiration, and connection.

    Five Tenets of Powered by Me®

    Powered by Me® is based on five beliefs:

    1.   To truly empower another individual, you must first empower yourself.

    2.   The power does not lie in the tools but rather in the individual using the tools.

    3.   True power comes from the gathering of many individuals with a likeminded intention.

    4.   People do better when they feel better.

    5.   Finally, Powered by Me® is a collective shift that focuses on what you, your school community has rather than what it lacks.

    The publication of this book is timely as 2012 marks the eleventh anniversary of No Child Left Behind, a long journey of collecting data, identifying problems, and brainstorming solutions. In the mean-time, teacher retention rates in the United States have hit an all time low since the 1980s and teacher attrition has grown by fifty percent over the past fifteen years (Forbes.com, 2011). As educators and policy-makers continue to collect, sort through, and learn from the data, alternatives with compelling benefits are finding their place in it all.

    As the movement of awareness pedals into schools across the world, its amazing attribute of connecting human beings of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities speaks volumes. Researchers such as Emiliana Simon-Thomas, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, report how compassion (generated from awareness) is a natural instinct which has been observed by children as young as one years of age(Simon-Thomas, 2012, p. 81). There are no limitations. The only form of resistance is within the individuals themselves. To truly support this inner movement, it must come through the educators themselves. This requires a conscious shift from teaching what you know to becoming the change you would like to see.

    I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed the process of writing it. To those of you on the frontlines who are doing the work more directly, thank you. I leave these seeds with you, and may the breath of your awareness water them.

    "Become the change you would like to see." Gandhi


    Manifesting Your Teaching

    H ow you see yourself has a tremendous impact on how you teach your students. If you see yourself as free, then examples of freedom will unfold in front of you. These include taking risks, opening to new ways of learning, offering ideas, problem solving, working beyond expectations, respecting individual differences, working independently, sharing openly, and getting along better with others. Witnessing these reflections naturally alters your teaching. However, you cannot witness what you don’t see. If you are free, you no longer need to cope or survive the experiences of your day. You become less encumbered by what you are working toward, what is expected of you, and what you are attempting to prevent. This is replaced by a growing interest in what is happening inside you in the exact moment. The present moment is your greatest treasure. The more energy you generate, the less likely you are to resist, or control what is happening around you. This energy is different from the energy you use to teach or complete tasks. It originates from inside and is expanded through focus and awareness. To begin this journey, you must see yourself as already free, and with that freedom springs honor, truth, effectiveness, and a deeper connection to your love of teaching.


    The energy you choose to invest in is the energy that will most likely be repeated. If your thoughts are colored with deficiency the energy generated from those thoughts is likely to be repeated. For example, imagine thinking I don’t get paid enough for what I do. This thought generates energy, which contributes to your belief system. If you think this thought over and over, you may start to believe that your worth is based on how much money you make. Accordingly, an administrator (who gets paid more money) is worth more than a teacher. This kind of belief system erodes self-esteem and contributes to the development of cultural myths.

    Without awareness, the energy of your belief system may imitate itself at some point in your day. Could the disappointment of your paycheck be related to the disappointment you feel about a student’s work? The power of the subconscious mind has been studied by psychologists and scientists extensively throughout history. In your mind, you are teaching. However, in your subconscious mind, you may also be reiterating your inner thoughts and beliefs. Chris Howard, author and co-founder of The Academy of Wealth and Achievement, states, Perception is projection. This means how you handle situations in your day is highly connected to the experiences of your inner atmosphere.


    The process of cultivating freedom lies within your own self-awareness. This book leads you through the process from the viewpoint of working in an educational setting. Trust the process. Trust that your interest in this book is enough. Allow the energy generated from your interest to lead the way. Along the way, you may encounter speed bumps. A speed bump is a feeling or sense that encourages you to pause while you are reading, perhaps to digest the material. Each speed bump is there for a reason. Try not to rush through them, as the speed bumps are linked to moving through potential roadblocks. Roadblocks are feelings that are held back or pushed away; speed bumps, however, are your awareness of the roadblocks. Moving through roadblocks is deeply powerful. Moving through your roadblocks in an educational community is transformational.

    This chapter begins with recognizing possible roadblocks. Recognizing your roadblocks is essential for setting up the foundation you are about to embark upon (chapter 2). Please do not skip ahead. That is a prime example of leaping over a roadblock. By doing so, you may undermine the power of process.


    Below I have identified possible roadblocks as power myths and power suckers. Power myths are beliefs and perceptions that are learned. Power suckers are actions, reactions, and habitual responses that may occur passively or actively. Passive responses typically take place in your head in the form of self-talk. Active responses are what you choose to do with those thoughts. Everyone has power myths or power sucker experiences. It does not matter where or why they exist. What matters is how they are maintained. When myths and suckers are left unspoken, and are never truly allowed to rise to a conscious level, you may feel held back or inhibited from being able to function from your highest potential.

    As you review each myth, notice how you feel and if you can resonate in any way. Listen to yourself as you read each myth either out loud or silently. Notice your tone of voice, speed, and any thoughts that come up. Each myth is followed by an illustration of truth. The purpose is to show you how to see each myth in another way.


    Power Myth: I have no choice

    Truth: You always have a choice.

    Power Myth: Being in your power means you are very laid back and never get angry.

    Truth: Being in your power means you are real. You have real feelings. However, your feelings do not define you, your values, competence, or your belief system.

    Power Myth: Your students’ progress reflects your power as a teacher.

    Truth: Your true power is not based on outcome of others but in the way you chose to see the process.

    Power Myth: There is only one way to teach and one way to learn.

    Truth: Appreciating learning styles create capable students and teachers.

    Power Myth: Assessments allow you to see where your students are weak and where you are failing.

    Truth: Assessments serve as tools for knowledge, communication, and setting goals.

    Power Myth: I know I am powerful if I am popular.

    Truth: Teaching is not a popularity contest. Worth based on numbers is only an illusion of power. Feedback from others is simply an opinion.

    Power Myth: You are what you do.

    Truth: It is not about what you do but who you are.

    Power Myth: When everyone is happy, then I can be happy.

    Truth: Happiness is a feeling, becoming your own source of inspiration is a mindset.

    Power Myth: If I had more time, I could do better.

    Truth: Time is a roadblock that leads to the power sucker doubting one’s abilities.

    Power Myth: Power is the ability to survive all situations.

    Truth: Power is the ability to move through all situations.


    Treat power myths as a community journal. Write down your myths and consider opening up a dialogue of myths amongst your colleagues. You may want to temporarily hang up a blank poster board with two columns in the teacher’s room. On one side have individuals anonymously state their myths and on the other side have them state their truth. Writing myths and replacing them with truths loosens the grip they hold over you. Community journals are a

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