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Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul
Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul
Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul
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Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul

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The book is about my experiences in life and how those experiences introduced me to the wisdom of my very soul. It is a story about where I truly began as a child of God, who I thought I was because of where I was born, and how I became enlightened to the most profound kept secrets that were ever devised in the history of mankind. It is a story that unravels the mystery behind your suffering.
Without realizing it, your soul has been hiding from you for many lifetimes, and by choosing to open up your heart and put aside your dogmatic beliefs for a while, your soul will reveal to you all the whys of you choosing the route of sin, physicality, earth, brainwashing, forgetfulness, and suffering as the means to remember who you are.
If you are looking for clarity in life and how to overcome distress, grief, anger, and the pain you are feeling right now, then it becomes very important to understand who you truly are, where you truly come from, how miracles are created, and why you do the things you do. It is a story that touches on the human struggles of life and how to overcome them just by learning to connect to the wisdom of your soul.
The story takes you all the way back to the first creation, known as the Garden of Eden, and how it relates to your evolution through time and space. When you live and make decisions from the mind of reason, from others long established interpretations of Gods written words, and from what the experts assert what is best for you, your soul cannot bring forth the wisdom that you hold deep within your consciousness. Thus, you become more and more susceptible to turbulent experiences.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 8, 2012
Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul

Terry L Newbegin

Terry, born in 1948 in Caribou, Maine, now lives in Tennessee and is an innovative clairvoyant, a pioneer in new energy consciousness at a time when religious thoughts are rooted in conventional beliefs. Terry has a lifelong history of having an open mind, heart, and a call for consciousness awakening.

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    Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul - Terry L Newbegin


    Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul

    Copyright © 2012 Terry L Newbegin

    Copyeditor: Nancy Salminen

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5866-0 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012917074

    Balboa Press rev. date: 5/23/2013

    Table Of Contents



    A Note From the Editor

    A Word From The Author


    1. Opening Up To Your Soul

    2. The Challenge

    3. The Beginning

    4. The Spirit Of One

    5. Leaving Your Divine State

    6. Moving Into A Divided Consciousness

    7. The Structuring Of The Second Creation

    8. The Divine Plan

    9. Earth Bound

    10. Uniformity Of The Physical Body

    11. The Search For God

    12. You Are A Divine Being

    13. The Creation Of Many Personality-Aspects

    14. Belief Systems, And How They Affect Your Reality

    15. How Susceptibility, Vulnerability, And Belief Systems Led To Control And Death Of The Soul

    16. Misunderstanding Lucifer’s (Satan) Role

    17. How Energy Works

    18. Understanding Your Soul

    19. How To Create Miracles

    20. The Importance Of Deep Breathing

    21. Learn To Be A Conscious Creator

    22. Moving Beyond Perception And Lies

    23. True Freedom



    I give thanks to my parents, Frederick and Florence Newbegin – for they have given me the foundation that transformed my outlook on life to meet whatever obstacles that came in my path. Their display of courage and total love became the standard for me in optimizing my opportunities that came my way without showing any fear of loss or failure because of my education and position in life. Their selfless endeavors were all that I needed to encourage me to become what I am today.

    I give my love, respect, and thanks to my dear wife Diane for her love, support, patience, and devotion – for she gave me the space, time, and trust to stay committed to what I feel within, and then write about it.

    I give thanks to all who work for Newbegin Enterprises, notably to my sons Troy and Toby Newbegin, my daughter Tanya Dufore and her husband James, along with Zhiqiang (Ralph) Cui, Thomas Ritter, and Andrew Crunkleton. These individuals made it possible for me to write about my passion for truth and awareness by taking care of my business.

    I give my love, gratitude, thanks, and my blessing to Nancy Salminen. Nancy’s editing has made it possible for me to express my writing in a clear and precise manner. Nancy has now worked with me on two of my books and her contribution has proven to be invaluable. Nancy’s resolve has made the production of this book possible.

    My dear friends, we are all faced with situations everyday in life that don’t look like blessings or miracles. But how we choose to meet these challenges and conditions in life determines the reality we will experience. Therefore, I dedicate this book to a unique and special friend, my own I AM Soul – for it was my soul that came forward in helping me unlock my consciousness, introducing me to my personal journey through time and space.

    It was my soul that awakened me to the insights of it not being about where I was born, about my education, my religion, my intellect, or even about money. It was, and still is, about the wisdom that I have learned from every experience and encounter that I have had with myself, with my family, with others, and with my many past lifetimes.

    So with that, my desire is to help my readers discover their own soul and their own journey of lifetimes and blessings – for we are all here on earth by choice even though we may not think so.

    A Note From the Editor

    After the completion of this book, Terry asked if I would write down a few comments of my own to his work. I was so delighted to have this opportunity as I wanted to explain my own discovery and personal journey while absorbing the content of his book. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to receive such enrichment and confidence from this experience which I can now share with you.

    Although I thought my life was in good order, I never realized just how much better it could still be with more freedoms from any power that judges or controls my true being. I have learned to embrace my true strength and clearly understand the following:

    • I am my own God

    • how to embrace the moment on this earth with love, health, and abundance that I create

    • judgment, jealousy, and fear with belief systems that will not control me

    • my future will be exciting as I now have the ability to create it

    • ultimate trust within is my true power

    One may say these are miracles, which in fact, they are not! Happily, you will discover why they are not miracles as you read this book and learn about your true soul. As I have recognized these abilities and embraced them, I have also watched happenings in my life unfold with ease. Some of them include:

    • my retirement was a very easy transition

    • my medical status is in my power and I live pain free

    • my house sold instantly

    • my new house fulfills my desires

    • my bank account holds the amount I envisioned

    • my pets selected me and we share an unconditional bond and love

    • I travel with no fears

    • my family personalities are not judged and I enjoy the company of all my relatives and many fine friends

    I also observed that I am no longer influenced by:

    • negative news

    • the complexity of almost everything

    • the illnesses of our societies and systems

    • the struggles of other individuals

    • the irregularities of earth’s characteristics

    Now I realize how simple it was for me to experience all these beautiful happenings. All I did was provide a quiet and comfortable space for myself with little disturbances. Then I rested my mind and asked it not to make any judgment or busy itself with past knowledge. And finally, I allowed the content of the book to do its work. With the help of deep breathing I began to feel a transformation take place that was warm, and weightless. My emotions that were personally tested at the beginning of this book began to soften and that is when my being began to feel my true self.

    My life did not just turn a corner…it was far more than that. The challenge falls in wording this feeling as there are no words that exist beyond the ultimate elation of existence. Therefore, my experience was indescribable!

    I feel freedom and confidence like never before. I allow the power of my heart, and not my mind, to guide me. I feel the energy of my limitations become released, and the energy of my freedom become increased. I know that all my experiences on earth are gifts to gain wisdom in whatever forms that may be, and I know this journey is mine and only mine.

    Lastly, I also recognized that it was not necessary to feel that I must try to retain all the information in this book at once. The author provides repetition for reinforcement and justification. I learned to trust myself, and feel my own energy guide me through the book. As a result, I better understood myself as my own God and that I am the creator of my future in all ways. I realized I am just an ordinary person who found my true being and you can do the same.

    Happy reading!

    Nancy Salminen

    A Word From The Author

    From my two earlier books, Genesis: Your Journey Home, 2nd Edition and the Book of Revelation: A New Beginning, I revealed the deeper metaphysical (beyond the literal) meaning behind what was transcribed in the Bible as physical creation and the ending of the world. And now, I present to you my new book, Unlocking the Consciousness of Your Soul. The book introduces you to the wisdom of your soul and to who you truly are instead of who you believe you are.

    The book pertains to how it was by means of building my business that led me to the wisdom of my soul. It is a story regarding where I truly began as a child of God, who I thought I was because of where I was born, and how I became enlightened to the most profound kept secrets that were ever devised in the history of mankind. It is a story about how to experience your soul’s wisdom on a more profound level.

    Without you realizing it, you have been hiding from your soul for many lifetimes. By you choosing to open up your heart and put aside your dogmatic beliefs for awhile, your soul will reveal all the whys of you choosing the route of sin, physicality, and earth as the means to remember who you truly are.

    If you are looking for clarity in life and how to overcome distress, grief, anger, and the pain that you are feeling right now, then it becomes very important to understand who you truly are, where you truly come from, how miracles are created, and why you do the things you do.

    It is a story that touches on the human struggles of life and how to overcome them just by learning to connect to the wisdom of your very own soul. The story takes you all the way back to the first creation, known in the Bible as the Garden of Eden, and how it relates to you.

    From my research I have learned that not only did we go all the way back to the Garden, we actually lived in the Garden. However, because of not knowing who we were and our connection to the Spirit of One, we purposely left the Garden with the intent to learn about life, love, who we truly are, and to help us take full responsibility for our choices in life.

    Because of my willingness to open my mind to other possibilities, I have discovered secrets so profound that when I was awakened to them I felt a spiritual frequency of such a high degree deep within my being that it ended up as my soul. Once I became aware of my soul, I then became aware of my soul’s wisdom and how to open up to it.

    Now my life has transformed into being a true master in my own right. A master that knows who I truly am, where I stand in this material world, and how energy works to create the miracles of my heart. The chaos you see around the world today is a sign that deep within, you want a change because religion, the Bible, your family, the media, and the governments of the world cannot offer you anything more because they are all broken and outdated.

    Therefore, to master your own life and to bring in the miracles you seek, including the healing of the mind and body, you must take a good look and see why you confined yourself to a prison-like mentality of reasoning, dogmatic beliefs, and logic as the means to understand God, yourself, and life. I did, and to my surprise, I have learned that my prison was that I was hiding from my very own soul – for this is my soul’s untold story.

    I know that many of you have been going through health issues, job worries, money problems, family problems, worrying about loved ones, and wondering what this world is coming to. And yes, many of you are scared to death about what government is doing and what might befall on you because of it. I know that you can get very emotional and mental with all of these things that are going on right now. What a combination this is when your emotions and mental state come together in trying to figure this mess out.

    When we live and make decisions from the mind of reason, logic, judgment, and from others long-established interpretations of God’s written words, not counting what government has established what is best for us, the soul cannot bring forth the wisdom that we hold deep within our consciousness. Thus, we become more and more separated from our soul and to the wisdom it possesses.

    It is not about intelligence, or your ability to be smarter than someone else, or if government, religion, and others know more than you, or if they can help you. It is not even how much you know about God or how much you do for your church. It is about knowing and being aware of your soul, who you truly are, and how the body and mind relate to your soul’s wisdom. It is about being aware of your creations, from the food you eat, to what you believe are your truths and everything in-between.

    If you believe in destiny, that you are a sinner, that you have to belong to a religion, or go to church, or that you are unworthy of miracles because of what you think you did, then you are processing who you truly are in an intellectual way, through the rational mind and not through your soul and I AMness.

    In what my soul has conveyed to me since my awakening is more than astonishing, so astonishing that I felt that I needed to write this book in an effort to awaken others to the real truth about who we truly are and where we truly have come from. We did not come from our human parents as we might think. Also, to the statement of who we truly are. Well! No matter our station in life or the name given to us by our parents, we are indeed equal to God. Understanding this could lead to a wonderful life.

    Unlocking The Consciousness of Your Soul is a book that reveals the deep secrets behind your suffering, the whys of wars, and that power and manipulation by government and religion have been the method used for brainwashing. It is a book that opens up the real truth about God, Satan, and Christ, including who you truly are, where you truly come from, and that you, no matter your station in life, are indeed equal to God and not less than.

    This book will challenge you to the very core of your being. It will help you come face to face to what you have always accepted as your truths. It is a book that will certainly challenge your mind-set about everything that you have always been taught by your parents, by their parents before them, by government, by the educational system, and by the churches, for it all has been a big lie. Lies that have become so deeply hidden and rooted within your heart, that it took your soul to come up with a divine plan to unlock the memories of those lies.

    The consensus of my soul, and that of the angelic realm, is that you have been journeying (incarnating) through time and space for a long time. Even so, now is the time for you to wake-up from your sleep and see how your beliefs, and those in power, have been lying to you.

    What Jesus mentioned over two thousand years ago was not about Him coming for your salvation. It was about the divine you suddenly coming out from behind your own ignorance. For the mystery of God can no longer be hidden from you because your soul is now willing to lay out God’s covert plan for you to see. All that is left is your willingness to take the leap in consciousness to see it.

    However, to see it, you must become a true master, like Jesus, in your own right and let go of your belief that you originated from your parents, and that you are only human. For this is your soul’s untold story as much as it is mine. Your soul has been waiting for the human ego to evolve to where you, while in the flesh, understand that the truth about who you truly are lies in understanding that you have no mind because all thoughts and beliefs come from a mental disposition, and not only from this lifetime but lifetimes past.

    We have all forgotten that the soul has never ventured out beyond the gates of our divine oneness. It is only a mental perception on our part that we did, which is why we have this belief that we have sinned. Of course, that is the gift and the love that came from our spirit because our spirit desired to know all things.

    From reading my soul’s story, you too will walk away feeling that you are not trapped in a world of chaos and confusion because you will know exactly what to do next in creating miracles for yourself.

    From what I have learned from my soul, and that of the angelic realm, is that we have actually overlooked our beliefs and how they have actually come from others including our family, our religion, and what we were taught in school. And now, these beliefs have shaped our thoughts into creating the world that we are experiencing today thus, leaving out the desired life that we have always dreamed of experiencing.

    So, if you are ready to move beyond your suffering, your concerns about life, and your pain forever, then by all means buy this book, and then check out my website at www.terrynewbegin.com for updates on expanding your consciousness beyond your physical senses.

    Also, while you are on my website, and if you are ready to learn the real wisdom behind the Bible’s Genesis and the Book of Revelations, then read the template on them, watch their related videos, and then buy the books, for you will learn how fear, punishment, and sin have become the vehicle for power and control.

    Now, allow me to help you open up to your soul and see what your soul has for you, for your journey and mine are similar, other than your soul’s narrative account in what you have chosen for your divine plan.


    If I asked you your name, whether you are a male, female, black, white, yellow, red, or brown, if you believe in God and Satan, what your point of view is on sin and religion, and what you think about money, health, and power? Then what would be your answer? I do suggest that you think about these questions for a moment because how you choose to answer them could reveal the mystery behind why you suffer and cry out for miracles.

    In fact, if you say that you believe in God, then in what way do you think about God, his laws, and how he allocates his miracles? Do you even feel worthy of God’s miracles or do you believe that miracles only come to those that are good and upstanding people that go to a place of worship on a regular basis? How about the belief that God is fair when it comes to allotting his blessings and his miracles?

    Dear reader, do you really believe that you were born a sinner? Have you really put any thought into the assertion of sin? Do you believe, since you give your loyalty to a church, and because you are without money, that you will go to heaven? What about those that never attend church, visit a synagogue, and always have money? Are they destined to a place of hell or somewhere in-between because of it?

    When religions say that you are part of God do they mean that you are equal to God or do they mean something totally different? How do you view Jesus, or any holy name for that matter, that declare themselves, God? Are you a person that views what the church has declared as God as being the one and only Supreme God that is all-powerful, all-knowing, and the creator of all life, including the creator of your mind, body, and soul? Moreover, how do you view your soul, mind, and physicality anyway?

    Were you given a soul and a mind when you were born on earth or has your soul and mind been around since your awakening back in the Garden? Or, for that matter, do you even believe that you were in the Garden or part of it in the beginning?

    How about a divine plan, not just for mankind, but for you too? Do you believe in a divine plan or are you one of those people that believes man was an accident and therefore just wondering around in life hoping things will turn out okay?

    What about reincarnation? Do you believe that you come to earth over and over again in a different body? I have heard some people say that reincarnation does answer the questions when it comes to God’s fairness in dealing with his creations and his blessings.

    How about those that don’t believe in God, heaven, hell, Jesus, or for that matter, any holy person, even the belief that one doesn’t have a soul? Are you a person that is confused about what your soul does or is, or do you just believe that once you die that’s it?

    When I was baptized as a young boy I took on the belief that I belonged to the Catholic Church. Now, why was that? Do you think it was because of my parents and their parents before them being Catholic? I believe it was, and you know it was the same for you. I believed, since I was born into the family religion, that I was expected to observe, follow, and support the convictions of the Catholic Church. Isn’t this true for most everyone that is born into a family religion?

    The teachings I received from the Catholic Church were based on the promise made by Jesus that the church is guided by the Holy Spirit and protected from falling into any personal viewpoints that would distort or misrepresent those teachings. Therefore, everything that I was taught was based solely on the Catholic faith in what was written in the Bible and how it was presented to me by my parents, grandparents, and the church. As you can see, I know this would be true for most that is born into a family religion.

    Now, when I reached the age where I attended public schools, I was taught that the mind, science, and mathematics were all that was needed to understand physical earth, to measure my life, what I wanted in life, and how to obtain what I wanted. Well! I have read and studied the Bible, and I have revisited what I was taught in school about the mind, mathematics, and how science rationalizes the physical world around me. What I have found is that Scripture, and what I have learned in school, is not what it was all made-out to be, for we all have been brainwashed.

    For example: I have found that our religious leaders have been lying to us since the time man has been introduced to God, Satan, and Christ, and what God wants for us. I have also found that the more I studied Scripture, and revisited what I was taught in school, the more I discovered the divine plan and how the vibrational energy of good and evil, sin, and our rational mind has all been a big lie. It was my soul that revealed to me God’s greatest kept secrets, and now your soul can do the same for you.

    I have discovered secrets so profound that when I was awakened to them I felt a spiritual frequency of such a high degree deep within my being that it ended up as being my soul. What my soul conveyed to me was more than amazing, for my soul laid out before me my true beginning, where I truly came from, and that it was me, and not science, religion, or even God, who shaped and laid out my divine plan.

    What I learned that day coming from my soul was that my real beginning was not from my parents or from a single white male God. It went all the way back to the Garden. Now, at first, I was confused about what I was feeling coming from my soul. My head was trying to push that feeling out because of what I was taught by the church about God, and what I have learned about physicality in school.

    However, because of my persistence in learning about myself, who God is and what He wants for me, compared to someone else’s point of view in what is best for me, I began to question the why of it all, including what I was taught in school. In fact, studying of Scripture and revisiting what I was taught in school led me to ask myself a big question. Who am I, really? This question then led to another question. Why was I born and for what purpose? I even had thoughts about why there is so much suffering in the world. However, my big question was why is God such a mystery?

    As you can see, our schools and our religions are a mess today. The biggest reason is because today’s schools and religions are structured around old ideas and old beliefs. What do you think is going to happen when children are forced in a classroom approach where one teacher stands in front of many students trying to get each student to learn the same thought on a particular subject? What we, as adults, fail to see is what might be good to learn for one student may not be relevant to another.

    Look, I have been an entrepreneur for a long time, and there is one thing that I have learned about having a room full of people having a discussion about something that may be relevant to one individual but is irrelevant to another. What happens is, if one does not understand, or is not interested, or how something may relate or don’t relate to one’s own goal or future, then one will not care about what you are discussing, and therefore will not work toward the benefit of the whole.

    If one cannot see the relevance of the material covered in the meeting and has no desire to score political points with the boss, one will just sit there and tune out. Thus, the discussion becomes very boring to the one that cannot see the relevancy of the material, and therefore will show no interest or desire to learn.

    If a child does not understand how knowing history, himself, or knowing why he needs to understand math, or know about his physicality, or the concerns of his life, and he is not really interested in pleasing the teacher, then what do you think the child is going to do? You see, it is not so much about trying to please the teacher or understand who one is. It is about the teacher addressing the subject to fit into the concerns of the child, or in a business case, the employee.

    As we all know, most children, as they work through their school years, do find topics of study that they really enjoy as well as not enjoy. However, no matter what the topic of study is, one can be poles apart from what the teacher is teaching them. The idea of matching individual interests to the schools fixed curriculum these days might seem impossible. The reasons are that students, as well as adults, clearly have different backgrounds, beliefs, and objectives, all because of one’s religious training.

    Of course, we can force the subject matter down the student’s throat just like we do religion. But this only makes it appear relevant; however it does not make it beneficial to the student. Why? It is due to the student, after being taught by the teacher, forgetting about it. It is the same with religious training. Once the student becomes an adult they leave the church.

    Therefore, instead of me pushing this repetitive high energy frequency out of my heart because of what I was taught by my parents, religion, and my school, I, without thinking, took a deep breath and invited in my soul to come closer to me. That is when I began to ask my soul even more questions than what I just asked you in the first few paragraphs.

    Nevertheless, by reading the Bible myself, instead of someone telling me what it says, and then questioning what I was taught by my parents, religion, and government, as well as learning institutions, it actually became one of the best things that I ever did in my life. Not because of its spiritual message according to the views of my parents, or the church, or what I thought that I learned in school. It was because it developed a formula for me to question my core beliefs. At the same time, it set up a challenge for me to learn the real truth about who I am, what my purpose here on earth is all about, and why is it that I have to suffer.

    Many of us overlook our purpose here on earth, why we suffer, and why religion presents God as being such a mystery. Maybe it is because we are overshadowed by the stress of life, or some illness, or accident, or not having enough money, or maybe not having a good relationship with someone. You see, we overlook our purpose and what it means because we fail to notice the purpose of our own soul and why it was created in the first place.

    Most of us look at our soul as a gift from God at birth and, if not at birth, then when we die. Because of my examining of these things, I have found the Bible, and what we are taught in school, as outdated. Why? It is because of how it leaves out the importance of our soul, our many lifetimes past, and how everything, including family, friends, government, businesses, and religion, interacts with our human ego personality.

    However, I do admit here, studying biblical scripture was what actually created the first step in my interacting with my own soul, which I must say happened quite unexpectedly. Now, I did not experience my soul through my human senses as if my soul was talking to me like it was standing next to me. I felt my soul intuitively through my thought patterns, and because of the knowledge and the wisdom being displayed in those thought patterns, it could only have come from a place of a much higher consciousness than my human ego consciousness.

    That is when I realized I was more than what religions, my parents, the government controlled schools that I attended, and what science say about what I am made of. I have found that I am more than my human name and the education that I received in this lifetime. For instance: Most everyone is familiar with Genesis 1:27, God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female.

    Just by reading this verse you can see that it is your birthright and duty to question all authorities including your priest, rabbi, minister, or all religious leaders and teachers, even the Bible, God, Jesus, and all translators of the Bible. It’s birthright to question your parents and family traditions when it comes to God, your government controlled schools, and what science says about the big bang. It all comes down to understanding that you have been brainwashed by our leaders for centuries.

    Look, if Genesis 1:27 is indeed correct, then God created you, me, and everyone else, no matter if one is good or bad, in the divine image of Himself. It says that in the verse. If you are in God’s divine image, then this makes you, me, and everyone else worthy of His love unconditionally, no matter what we do or did, even if it was appalling.

    So, instead of fighting, ignoring, and doubting my soul, I invited my soul (higher Christ self) to join me within my human consciousness. And when I did, it was amazing, even to the point of mind-boggling, because that was the day when I learned the wisdom behind all of my choices, my experiences, and my suffering. I even asked my soul about this long confusing question that I know that everyone has asked. Why does it seem like God overlooks those of questionable character and allows those that are of good character to suffer or die young? And yes, my soul answered that question too.

    What it comes down to is that we are so connected with our human name, our parent’s traditions, our education and our intellect, and how we interpret our experiences because of our religious training. We actually overlook our beliefs and how they shape our world, therefore our experiences. If we are attached to our beliefs then we cannot know life other than what we are experiencing today, therefore leaving out the wisdom of our very own soul.

    Chapter 1


    Opening Up To Your Soul

    The consensus of my soul is that we have been journeying through time and space for a long time, and now it is time for us to wake-up from our sleep and see how our beliefs, and those in power, have been lying to us. The lie is about us being only human, being unworthy of God’s miracles, that we are sinners, that we need supervision, and about prayer. Praying, according to my soul, is a mental and emotional activity of the rational mind that says that we don’t have it within ourselves to know and understand who we truly are at the human level, which is generally why prayers go unanswered, and why we don’t heal.

    What Jesus mentioned over two thousand years ago was not about Him coming for your salvation. It was about the real you suddenly coming out from behind your own ignorance because the mystery of God can no longer be hidden from you. Your soul is now willing to lay out God’s covert plan for you to see. All that is left is your willingness to take the leap in consciousness to see it.

    For instance: When we look at something, anything, even our physical body, what we do not see is how it all splits up into infinite possibilities, all of which exists simultaneously in other dimensions. We even have other etheric bodies in those many dimensions that are very healthy and know how to create miracles for us, and all that we have to do is bring them into our current reality; because reality is only energy put in to action, therefore it is an illusion.

    Most of you believe that God is a white, male personality unto himself, who created all things, including mankind, your soul, and that He lives in a heavenly place that is far from your reach. However, God is closer than you think. Religions, your parents, and governments have been lying to you for centuries about God’s true identity, and where he lives. Of course, it was all done on an unconscious level.

    You see, we have been trained to function in a certain way that tells us that we are only human, and that is why we understand matter or material substance as all that there is because of the way we perceive it. God is not a mystery, and He never was, for God’s greatest secret is that we, as humans, are God, for the real God is our soul in disguise!

    Now, let me make myself clear! The mystery of God and how we look at our physicality was introduced to us a long time ago by religion, science, and our governments (rulers) because of where we were in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. However, it was appropriate for its time since the belief gave us stability and moral direction. Nevertheless, we have grown in consciousness since then because what we describe as God today is actually the consciousness of our soul and all that we are at all levels of our existence.

    You see, the human you, which is nothing but the ego personality disguised in the flesh, helps you blend into your environment without you knowing who you truly are. It is your human ego and your rational mind that supports the feeling of being separate from your soul, from everyone else, and from everything that surrounds you, including your understanding of being solid.

    My fellow searchers, your physical body is not as solid as you think, and this was proven by Einstein himself and other physicists. We all know that the physical body and physical reality is not real. In truth, it appears that you are both solid and non-solid, and therefore it becomes a question of how you perceive your ability to view your reality.

    Reality only behaves according to universal laws and your perception of things because your higher divine mind is non-physical and non-mental, and therefore not subject to universal laws or physicality, which is very important to understand. The illusion of physicality allows the disguised human ego to express a belief in something that actually causes it to feel real so you can experience it. That’s all!

    By allowing the disguised human ego to feel separate from your soul and higher, divine mind, your soul gains the wisdom of your experiences at the human level, both good and bad. Once the human ego formulated this separateness from your soul and that of universal divine mind eons ago, the human ego ultimately became limited only to the belief systems of group consciousness and what you picked up through your experiences as you journeyed through time and space in many physical bodies.

    Now the question, how do you open up and reconnect to your soul and to this higher universal divine mind? The only way is for you to connect to your wisdom and to the Christ that you are. How do you do that? You do it by the human you raising its vibrational signature to meet up with your soul’s vibrational signature. It would be like your physical body traveling less than the speed of light and your soul traveling at the speed of light.

    Now, I do not mean to confuse you here, but the truth is that God is really a Goddess. God is just a symbol of your connection to universal divine mind and to the wisdom of your soul. You see, what gives the universal, divine mind life, or life to God, is your spirit consciousness, the Goddess. This concept will be explained more as you read on in the book but for now allow my soul to continue.

    So, if you learn to raise your human consciousness to a higher level, you then reconnect to your soul that is traveling at the speed of light. To do this, you have to have the courage to let go of all of your beliefs, everything that you have been taught by your parents, teachers, and especially your religion. By letting go of your beliefs you will find the greatest truths. Once you move into your divine or Christ consciousness, you can actually move faster than the speed of light.

    For example: The human rational mind is nothing but the center for mental impressions that are only based on opinion and thought patterns that carries within them a dense, impenetrable, intellectual, vibrational energy signature that only perceives you as a human who is unworthy of being a divine expression of the Spirit of One. This is why you suffer and create the things you experience in life.

    This dense, impenetrable, intellectual energy signature is of a mental process that deals only with rational thought, analyzing, duality, judgment, emotions, and the belief that intelligence only comes from education, and of the mind. However, what we are not aware of in what we perceive as our mind is that this is actually a mental version of a mind that we identify as real. We, in truth, have no mind. What we do have is our connection to universal divine mind or what we happen to call God.

    You see, you have forgotten that the universe is not really solid but is nothing but a mental manifestation, and therefore not truly real. So, what you consider as your mind is nothing more than your brain, for the brain belongs to this world of duality and that of flesh, which is why you have a left and right brain hemisphere. Therefore, the only way for you to overcome this dense energy dualistic signature of a mental nature is by way of self-generated masked personality-aspects of yourself that consist of many storied lifetimes where your soul cloths them with a physical body.

    This process allows your soul to journey through time and space in many different lifetimes creating stories for you to learn and understand life, responsibility, and how to overcome the forces of duality. Once this is understood from the human level then the chaos and confusion that you are experiencing today is finally removed. Hence, no more suffering, just great miracles.

    Why no more suffering? It is because your consciousness can move faster than the speed of light, which then allows you to bring into expressions those potentials of joy, health, and abundance. All that it takes is trusting in yourself as a divine being and a true creator God in your own right, leaving behind all of what you have been taught by your parents, your religious leaders, and your government.

    Since we humans have collectively agreed that everything around us is real and solid, including a God that created us, the belief in it causes it to feel real even though it is all an illusion, a hologram that we take as being solid and real. The illusion of us feeling separated from our soul has allowed the soul to gain overwhelming wisdom through the experiencing of many lifetimes playing with the belief of positive and negative as being real.

    Because we chose separation and duality over our divine state long ago (illustrated by Adam and Eve), we, as in all humans, created our world in a way that defines us today. Thus everything we see in this world, together with good, bad, sin, religion, and our governmental societies, we have helped participate in their creation, even though we may not be conscious of it from the human level. Even the battles of many wars throughout history, the human ego of today helped create them.

    For Instance: When we chose to separate our soul’s divine nature, the Christ self, to a human belief in duality, we changed our energy frequency signature into what is called today light and dark, and then on to good and evil. Once we began to experiment with the dark side of this dual energy, we began to fear it. (Adam and Eve’s eating of the apple is the metaphorical example of it). This fear was so great that we wanted to move back into our divine state again.

    However, it was too late! Our belief in this dualistic energy at the time was too strong for us to return home to our I AM Divine State. So, we had to move forward. Hence, our soul’s consciousness of a divine state and our creation of a consciousness of a mental state became integrated into a mental perception of us having a rational mind that now carries the forces of positive and negative. And now, both our divine state and our mental perception of positive and negative, has become the essence of our total being – for they are now as one consciousness.

    It took your soul (icon for Christ), your part in universal mind (icon for God), and self-awareness to move you outside of your soul consciousness of a divine state and into an outer superficial mental consciousness (human) that held a belief in duality as the means to understand life, good and bad, right and wrong, and to answer the question, Who am I? It was the masked human ego, represented by the serpent in the Garden, that has made it possible for you to move beyond your divine state and into a two and three-dimensional body and on a three-dimensional planet for the testing of positive and negative (the eating of the apple).

    It was perfect because it gave the soul, by way of the human ego, an avenue to explore all the unknown principles of duality because it brings to us the understanding of responsibility, the wisdom of understanding our choices, and it helps to identify us as a true Christ in our own right. The old saying that God knows all things cannot ring true enough without the masked human ego participating in choosing duality and physical earth as a means to appreciate and understand all things, including joy, pain, and suffering.

    You see, in the beginning of our earthly life a long time ago, when we feared the forces of the wind, fire, cold, rain, the sun, and the air we breathed, especially when those elements of nature became harmful and damaging, it reflected back to us our dark creations because we, in our mental and emotional state, had no way to control any of them. So, in order to appease these wild and uncontrollable forces, we began to call them gods.

    From that point we, all humans, began to offer these gods sacrifices, believing that we would be saved from their fury and the intense viciousness that they brought. However, as time passed, we learned that our sacrifices did not work, for our dark creations kept on haunting us thereby evoking those dark and fearful creations to come to us again but in a much stronger force than before, especially our emotions of guilt, shame, unworthiness, and that we are prone to do bad and evil things.

    The more we pushed our dark creations out of our head, especially the darker ones, the more the dark forces pushed back at us, eventually becoming our human beastly nature, which religions happen to call the devil. Because of seeing ourselves as a victim, we began to deny these dark emotions within ourselves to the point of projecting them onto others, blaming them for our failures and the way we felt. This blaming game created a force of responsibility and accountability (sowing and reaping in the Bible), where in the end, the hurt inside of us began to be expressed within our light creations, thereby distorting even our light creations as well.

    For Instance: Love, trust, and that we are the creator of our experiences, became confusing and difficult to understand as it led to the distortion of our light creations. Thus ushering into our life experiences, where love, trust, power, and our ability to create, became very limited. Therefore, not only did we avoid our dark creations at all cost, we

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