God Is
By Omer Dawson
About this ebook
Omer Dawson
I have spent a lifetime learning to do what Jesus said we could do. I was a teacher for 36 years, A healer at the Pasadena Awareness Center, and local psychic who was respomsible for helping Gen Dozier escape from the Red Guard in Italy in 1981. I worked as a Coast Guard Artist in the Pacific during WWII. I have talked souls into returning home wherever they may be. Ican tell you about the angels who with us always, protecting us from harm. I am a child of light, who traveled alover showing others how to observe the aura. I want it known that Robert came through me to write the book. My wife, Grace was instumental in making the typed copy of this work. I had a lot of help from souls on other planes. God is all that I am, and that was the inspiration I had.
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God Is - Omer Dawson
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This is a book which makes it easy for the reader to understand how he fits into the universal scheme. You will experience the feeling of tuning in to the infinite knowledge of the universe. This is one way for you to experience the wonderful feeling of being close to that which you have known on this earth plane. This is made possible, because you have shown enough interest to read this book.
You have been able to be close to souls on this plane when you were able to see them, touch them, and to speak with them. You will be able to see it is possible to be even closer to those who have moved to another level of consciousness. This can be a feeling of closeness that you were never able to sense when you had a physical, geographical separation between you on this plane.
You will note that this book attempts to explain the difference between a soul with a physical body, and one without it. This is the total difference between the two existences. Life continues after the physical body has been laid aside. This life is one that continues to do the things that either were not accomplished here, or the things which will insure the further raising of the soul’s consciousness to a higher level of attunement with the infinite.
This is all being made possible, because loving souls on other planes are doing their best to help the new arrivals adjust to this new existence, and to prepare them for the work that must be accomplished on that level. You will be made aware of the many levels of attainment by the souls on other levels. This is only because you may have difficulty comprehending those many levels which the souls need to experience. You will be able to understand many puzzling things which may have bothered you up to this time. Souls may advance on a higher plane, or they may regress for some time, before they are ready to advance. This is particularly true of souls who have had many emotional hangups on the physical plane.
I am only able to do this writing when I can leave the physical plane, by going within, and letting this material flow through my fingertips onto the paper in this form. You too, are able to do this, if you can become quiet, and begin to look within. This is an easy thing to do. You will not try to make it happen, but you can relax, and let the universal power flow through you, as this is being done.
Now, it is time to show you some of the secrets of the universe which help make this possible. First, you must feel close to God. This is an absolute must. It is the basic source of this energy which flows through you, making this possible. Next, you must realize that this power is only for good. This is important, as it must be for the greatest good to the whole universal scheme, as it unfolds before our very eyes.
This again, is one reason that you must develop a positive attitude toward your fellow man. This same attitude must be felt toward all energy, on all levels of existence. This encompasses all existence, whether it is animal, vegetable, or mineral. What a wonderful way to begin to understand all of this energy which surrounds you every moment on this level. God does not love one more than the other, but this very wonderful power is what unites all existence. You must realize, this is the most important thing for you to grasp. It is the binder for all existence.
You will now be able to enter into a new world of experience, which opens up new avenues of knowledge for your psyche to expand upon. Life will have a new meaning for you as you travel. Every moment of every day will become one which could be the beginning of a new existence for you. It is time for you to make this commitment which is necessary for you. This commitment enables you to reach out into the universe to communicate with levels of existence. This is important for you as you need to expand your consciousness so it will include all forms of life, and all levels of consciousness. This consciousness represents the many houses spoken of in the Bible. These houses are many, and varied, but must be understood before you can understand existence itself.
With this behind you, you are now ready to become one with all existence in this great adventure called life.
You will now experience life as it should be. This chapter holds the key for you to an understanding of all existence as you perceive it, and as you cannot perceive it. Will you now place yourself in a quiet place, and relax every muscle in your body. Begin with the head, and relax the muscles on the top, then the eyes, then the tongue. Let this eliminate the tension in the head. You will wish to relax the neck and shoulders completely. Take a deep breath, and relax the upper arms, lower arms, then the hands and fingers. Feel the tension flow out through the arms, hands, and fingers. Relax the back and shoulder muscles, letting the tension move out of this area. You will relax the chest and stomach, then let the tension flow through the upper leg, then the lower leg, then let it all pour out through the toes. Take another deep breath, then relax completely, all over.
You will feel at peace with yourself. Let the mind become as a screen. Keep it blank until you have become completely relaxed. You will first visualize yourself as a small person who can look into the minute details of a leaf in your garden. See the rough texture of the leaf. Walk among the bristly hairs until you come upon a tear in this leaf, out of which the life-giving juices are flowing. You will now be able to enter this cellular tube, and flow along its channels. Follow this intricate network until you reach the broken stem, which is the source of life for this leaf. You may wish to continue through this stem, into the branch, down into the trunk to the roots where the vital energy enters this plant. Now you will want to flow back up this channel to the small leaf. Experience the warm sunlight striking the upper side, and feel the cool side where the chemical changes take place, and the life-giving oxygen is given off.
You will notice the life-giving juices are not too different from your own blood. The energies from the earth are absorbed into the roots, very much like the energy absorbed into your own stomach wall, to be sent to all parts of the body. You will be refreshed, when you feel your first sprinkle of rain on the leaves, or take a drink from the recently moistened ground. Torn, or broken branches and leaves will register pain with you. You will be happy if soothing music is played for you, or if you are fed at regular intervals. Do you have a master who loves you, bathes you, touches you? If you have these things present, you will be a happy plant during this life cycle. You might feel anchored with your roots firmly planted in the earth, but you still have mobility. The pollen from your blossoms may be transferred to neighboring trees by the bees, birds, and gentle breezes. Your seeds may be carried by animals, and breezes as well.
All this, should help you to have a keener understanding of the plant kingdom, in relation to your own kingdom. All this, you may say is far-fetched. Yes, it will take the imagination of a little child to experience these sensations. This is important, and you will develop a feeling of closeness with all plants, and the balance they afford for life on earth as we know it.
You may wish to take a trip through the mineral kingdom as well. It would be no more difficult than the trip through the plant. Experience all these wonderful things as an insect, or a pet in your home. The possibilities are endless, and you will begin to feel at one with all of God’s creations on this earth.
This chapter will be one which should raise your level of concentration to that of a higher plane. This is as it should be for your greatest good. We have all been placed on this earth to do a specific task. Your Father in Heaven, knows what this task is, and your higher-self also is aware of this. It is up to you, to find out what this task is.
This is necessary, before you will be able to know if you are on the right track. Your meditations, and quiet moments, are the moments when the small voice within will give you the direction you need. Listen, and you shall know the truth. Be still, and let the power of the Father flow into your consciousness. This inner strength will be all that is needed to carry many on a constructive path, directed toward the goals which have been laid out for you.
Remember, you must let the Father direct you, and must be the loving, willing soul who is willing to do the wishes of the hierarchy which are completely in harmony with God’s plan for Universal Advancement of all Souls. Some