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Allah and Space
Allah and Space
Allah and Space
Ebook246 pages2 hours

Allah and Space

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About this ebook

Dr Anwar El-Shahawy
Professor of Physical Chemistry
1- Doctorat D'Etat De Science from USTL Montpellier France (1974- 1979)
2- Assistant Professor at Center of Science and Mathematics-Taif, KSA (1982-1986).
3- Head of Science Department, Faculty of Education-Nizwa (Sultanate of Oman) 1994-2000.
4- Professor of Physical Chemistry Since 1993 at Assiut University-Egypt.
5- Anwar El-Shahawy " Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry" Protea Publishing ,Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2004)
6- Anwar S. El-Shahawy and Galal M. El-Nagar," Vibrational Spectra and Group Theory." Assiut University-Egypt (2008). ISBN 977-246-082-3
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateOct 18, 2010
Allah and Space

Dr Anwar El-Shahawy

Dr Anwar El-Shahawy Professor of Physical Chemistry 1- Doctorat D'Etat De Science from USTL Montpellier France (1974- 1979) 2- Assistant Professor at Center of Science and Mathematics-Taif, KSA (1982-1986). 3- Head of Science Department, Faculty of Education-Nizwa (Sultanate of Oman) 1994-2000. 4- Professor of Physical Chemistry Since 1993 at Assiut University-Egypt. 5- Anwar El-Shahawy " Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry" Protea Publishing ,Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2004) 6- Anwar S. El-Shahawy and Galal M. El-Nagar," Vibrational Spectra and Group Theory." Assiut University-Egypt (2008). ISBN 977-246-082-3

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    Allah and Space - Dr Anwar El-Shahawy

    Allah and Space

    Dr Anwar El-Shahawy

    Professor of physical Chemistry

    Copyright © 2010 by Dr Anwar El-Shahawy.

    ISBN:            Softcover                978-1-4535-8134-6

                          Ebook                    978-1-4535-8135-3

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    The Space

    The unity of the space

    Time and Space

    Mathematical concept of space-time

    Basic concepts

    Space-time in Relativity Theory

    Quantized space-time

    Character of space-time

    Properties of Dimensional Space-times

    General point of view

    Some Future Events in Holy Quran

    Project Mercury

    Project Gemini

    Program of Apollo

    Moon Voyage

    First walk on Moon

    Return to the Earth

    Program of Space Shuttle

    Mariner program

    Program of Pioneer

    Program of Voyager

    Program of Viking

    Helios probes

    Hubble Space Telescope

    Magellan probe

    Galileo probe

    Mars Global Surveyor

    Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Exploration Rovers

    New Horizons probe

    NASA’s future

    Vision for Space Exploration

    Moon Base

    Human exploration of Mars

    Recent developments



    Research centers

    Construction and launch facilities

    Deep Space Network

    Ozone depletion

    Salt evaporation and energy management

    Earth Science Enterprise


    Jewish history

    Ancient Israelites

    Babylonian captivity

    Post-exilic period

    Hellenistic period

    The Hasmonean Kingdom

    Roman Rule in the Land of Israel (63 BCE-324 CE)

    The diaspora

    Late Roman Period in the Land of Israel

    Middle Ages Byzantine period in the land of Israel (324-638)

    Islamic period in the land of Israel (638-1099)

    Crusaders Period in the Land of Israel (1099-1260)

    Mamluk period in the land of Israel (1260-1517)

    Early Modern Period Ottoman period in the land of Israel

    The European Enlightenment and Haskalah (18th century)

    19th century

    20th century Modern Zionism

    The Holocaust

    The Establishment of the State of Israel Declaration of Independence of Israel

    21st century

    The Holocaust and Shoah

    Etymology and Use of the Term

    Historical usage of Holocaust, Shoah, and Final Solution

    Use of the term Holocaust for Jewish and non-Jewish victims

    Distinctive Features Compliance of Germany’s Institutions

    Dominance of ideology and the scale of the genocide

    Medical experiments

    Development and execution Origins

    Legal repression and emigration

    Kristallnacht (1938)

    Resettlement and deportation to colonies and reservations

    Early measures in German occupied Poland

    Early measures in other occupied countries

    General Government and Lublin Reservation (Nisko Plan)

    Concentration and labor camps (1933-1945)

    Ghettos (1940-1945)

    Pogroms (1939-1942)

    Death squads (1941-1943)

    New methods of mass murder

    Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution (1942-1945)

    Gas chambers

    Jewish resistance

    The Jewish Tragedy


    Escapes, publication of news of the death camps (April-June 1944)

    Death marches (1944-1945)


    Victims and death toll


    Non Jewish victims

    Ethnic Poles

    Ethnic Serbs and South Slavs

    East Slavs

    Soviet POWs

    Romani people

    Disabled and mentally ill


    The political left

    Free masons

    Jehovah’s Witnesses

    3—Expansion of the Universe

    4—Black Holes



    The great importance of the Space in our life gives us an attention to think more about its interference in our life. Space is the arenas in which all physical events take place. An event is in a point of Space specified by its place and in a specific time. For example, the motion of a planet around a star may be described in a particular type of Space in certain time, or the motion of light around a revolving star may be described in another type of Spacetime continuum. An event is in a unique position at a unique time. However, physical event occurs at certain moment of time in a given region of Space. This attracts our attention about time. Is the time created by the energy or energy is created via the time according to Newtonian mechanics? What is the importance of the Spacetime continuum with respect to the life of the humanbeings? What is the relationship of this Spacetime continuum with the God of the Universe? From the importance of the Space and the time in our life we must think more about the Spacetime problem with respect to our Universe. What is the relationship of this problem with the religions? Try to find out the answers through this book. This text has exposed to some future events with respect to the Holy Quran such as Invasion of the Space, Holocaust and some astronomical events. Enjoy with the reading of this text.

    The Author

    Dr Anwar El-Shahawy

    Professor of Physical Chemistry

    The Space

    When we are dealing with the space we aim to empty space. Where is the space? We know that atom which is the unit of any material is consisted of a very tiny heavy nucleus bearing positive charge and electrons of negative charge revolving around the nucleus in the center. But what is the ratio between the volume of the nucleus and the atom? it is 10-12 i.e. if you imagine a nucleus of 1cm3 volume therefore it should be in the center of an imaginary atom of 1 million cubic meter. This means that the big component of all atoms of anything is the space filling the atom and in the same time surrounds it. Hence, the space occupies all the molecules and around them. Therefore this space is the base of the existence of the world. On the other hand, space penetrates the material and surrounding it. Hence space is always bigger than the material whatever it is big or small. When you look around yourself to see something around you but you do not ask yourself what is between your eyes and this matter? May be nothing. But when you think more and more you will say that is air between your eyes and all things you see. But, when you think more and more you find out that air molecules, N2, O2 and CO2, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules are in between your eyes and all things around you. But, when you think deeply, you will ask yourself where those molecules are? Of course, the answer will jump to your mind telling you that all these molecules of air move inside the space. Therefore space is inside the matter and surrounding it. Extension of this idea, you will find out that space is inside yourself and surrounding yourself. But the space inside yourself contains atoms, molecules, tissues, organs and finally your body as a whole but the space around yourself contains the molecules of air. So when you see something around yourself you see them through the space. So space is very transparent to permit the vision through. But may be a question jumps to your mind; is the space being the same every where? Physicists Michelson and Moorly 1887 found out by their famous experiment that the speed of light in all directions is the same which is always equal to a universal constant value 3×1010 cm s-1 or 3×105 km s-1. This means that space is the same every where. Also the light coming from far stars has the same velocity 3×105 km s-1 as well as the light coming from the sun star. This gives us an impression that space is the same from the earth planet to the heaven or to the seventh sky which have resemblance with the seven orbitals of the atom [May be].

    When you breathe air (inspiration and expiration) you withdraw molecules of the air from the space into the space of your lungs and pushing air molecules from the space of your lungs to the big space surrounding yourself. When you separate the space of your lung with the big space surrounding you by closing the holes of your nose you will die. This means simply the life of any animal is the communication between the space of the lung with the big space surrounding the animal as well as the human beings or every thing.

    When you hear a voice from another person, you receive the sound waves, the compressed and evacuated waves of air molecules, to enter through the space in your external auditory meatus in your ear to arrive to tympanic membrane inside the ear to hear this voice. So you hear the voice not only by your ear but also by the aid of the space in which the air molecules move in compressive and evacuated waves.

    When you see television, you will find out that this device does not work by itself only but this device receives the electromagnetic waves from the satellite through the space to see the television show. So, the television device works by the nature of the space as well as when you talk in your mobile; of course your device receives the microwaves through the space to transmit the voice. The final conclusion which jumps to your mind is that you see through the space and hear by the aid of the space. To understand how is the space surrounding us? Imagine a glass sinks in water, you will find that water is inside the glass and surrounding it. So you will find out that when you move on the land in front of you, you penetrate this space and the air molecules replace your behind to keep the pressure around you being constant to keep pressure being equal always one atmosphere. Also, when you move to your back, you penetrate the space and the air molecules replace yourself in front of you, finally you will find out that you must have the space always in front of you and behind you to live in the earth planet, to do your work to do any thing you need. Finally your motion on the land is the replacement of the air molecules in the space wherever your direction.

    Also, even when you eat, you take food from the space in front of you to the space of your mouth to chew the food and then to swallow it to the space of your stomach. Oh . . . . You will find out that space is the big partner with you every instant from your birthday to your death day as well as your parents and all people in the past and future.

    Really did you think like this? So you will find out that space is the mysterious of the existence. More over, this space can contain everything whatever it is but is not affected by any thing and retains his properties after leaving the matter from its position to retain its properties without any effect. Also we must remember that the importance of the surrounding of the space to the matter is preservation the character of the matter from decay.

    Do you remember the explosion of atomic bombs in Japan 1945, Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Every thing had been damaged and destroyed strongly but the space was not affected absolutely. Do you remember that the space is inside the sun star and surrounding it although the temperature inside the sun maintains several millions of temperature degrees, so the space is very strong or the strongest over the entire universe! So we can abbreviate some of the properties of this space as follows:

    1. Space is the widest i.e. bigger than any thing, electron, proton, atom, molecule, animals, plants, planets, stars and galaxies.

    2. Space surrounds every thing and anything and can be described as circumambient with all the matters.

    3. Space is very transparent or very diaphanous from which we can see every things through the reflected light, i.e. fortune-teller.

    4. Space is earshot as we mentioned before.

    5. Space is bigger than anything.

    6. Space is softness or tenderness. All the matters can move in the space easily without remarkable resistance [Affable].

    7. Space is superintendent for the events or the motion of the materials [Watcher].

    8. Space has the ability to contain the matter.

    9. Space has the ability to contain the magnetic field.

    10. Space has the ability to contain the electric field.

    11. Space

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