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This book will distinguish the difference between black and blak, also Afrikan rather than African, with the unity and pride of culture within the beauty of tolerance and rising up.
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Kuush-Nuba - Amurugan Bahyete
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The greatest civilization can attest that nothing is more fundamental than- know thyself. How can one move in the external world without the internal being (at one atonement) of your existence. The promise of creation is to escalate forthrightly while compulsory; and for what the universe needs from each of us is to stay in accordance with our personal destiny. You have been given a soul to complete a mission and also to ascend, remove personal karmic impurities and to recognize, a truer Source and also of those things within yourself. Then as to recognize a higher being of and in oneself is the most divine return to our Source beyond time and theorems. When matter and existence disappear all that is left and will remain is spirit and soul. But within the law of complimentary opposites is the most prudent judicious question for any human being to analyze; and that is to excavate the formulation of the collective in being one with the universe. A person must know who she or he is in relation to how they are interrelated to everything else in the universe so that also she or he will or sees it; with a shared experience of the many. This sharing includes going along our travels crossing numerous living entities. They meaning those experiences are inclusive with purpose and reason within us; and that our separate discoveries are not withholding tribulations as they are sections of a lifelong quest. This inescapable and higher will can never cease; for it is eternity which sheds time which will involve truth and love and wisdom for you. What one can do and see in anything is included in everything; and everything comes from the Source of truth.
The question is what strengthens the spirit and what sustains it; and to acquiesce with unselfishness by such issues of love/wisdom/truth knowingly displayed with all. The next step is to proceed within and in your daily life to yield to a personal realization. You can not judge others, which is not a good characteristic, until coming to the ultimate correct judgment of yourself; and even at that moment one should not judge or act upon it. That is a maturation and actualization that can take a while but it shall arrive about by the proper faculties. Those would include meditation→experience→elders→critical advice→introspection→ humility and as to bring about something fully comprehensive to encompass our personal destiny and goals. A nation needs people who have a foundation. We have to cement each other and one another on an unwavering platform of heritage and keep our truth and culture vigorously sturdy as our remedy; before attempting other endeavors of nationalistic imperativeness.
But we are focusing on you, family, community, and collective. This will lead to all the greater prospects and probabilities and perspectives of yourself. The actual definition of yourself does not need an explanation (everything is 360 degrees) still we arrive at that which is hardest to know; and sometimes our toughest answer to get to is merely your reality and you. We think we may know who we are but we have to purely reach out and absorb erudition that each breath has granted us. Therefore as easy as it is to have recognition, being complimentarily opposite, it may still become hardest in its attainment. What we thought of as the easiest question sometimes comes back to the apogee of the circle as the most difficult. That realization is not answered by oneself but by the collective effort. We will get there after while soon enough- together.
Family is a group of individuals who you have blood relations with; along to numbering a very few to a very many (depending on the person) and your obligations are there because they have been there since the beginning of your inception or conception. Those who you feel close to and who have your concerns and are genuinely thoughtful of your considerations also are what we are going to call, with a similar holistic mindset, your spiritual family group. Community are those who you live among and must see everyday and therefore you should have a respect for them as to include nature/trees/spirits/animals from the breathing of the same air; being in the same vicinity. Collective is a step wider or ahead of nation or a collection of nations meaning all of us as Afrikan people those who started humanity; in matters of all of the sciences including culture. We are the record that everybody keeps sampling and playing on the worldwide radio of heritage, quite obvious. These others and people have been given love from us and sometimes without giving us adequate recognition; and these global cultural reforms which we have given to the world has since then evolved into a very distinct and cultural everyday usage in the daily patterns of the many lives on this planet having become globally critical. We are the proven gateway to all sciences and arts that allow others to use what we explored millions of years before their existence; to continue along with new titivations. It started with our culture and heritage deep in the heart of Africa and that spread throughout the world. That word heritage is more fitting and will replace history in our deliberations and inclinations. We will also use cultural heritage instead of race because this is not a competition; to outdo another suite of human beings because we are here together. This mindset will help bring us more love and answers.
We are going to need everything to get to anything (realistically as a team). But to love yourself; you have to know yourself honestly, your deficiencies and edicts. You have been sent here with each of us; and have emerged along with your soul to unquestionably materialize to this dimension with a quest to fulfill that love and purpose. But That is found in ourselves. But how do we get to that and therefore there- find out.
It does not matter whether you are broken as long as you have become settled with those issues and work towards solving them because (life is a long process of expiation with pain and joy to reflect a removal of impurities) to realize this as a part of the situation is necessary; and of the circumstances/parents/life you have chosen in the spirit realm. We have now arrived to the keys of consciousness. You always have the final say even in spirit; and before arriving to craft your path to actuality it shall become settled with determination. This is getting deeper to what others do not want you to know; which is how to control your soul. You have the answers to every one of your questions and are complete in everything you need; already given to each and every one of us from Source in the body’s template of our many cells. That does not need any embellishment and merely just means we are never without Source and never far away from the aim of our goals. But it is our solution. But even if some are contemptuously having refusal to see that truth in the light from higher and lower experiences blessed upon from a greater ordained entity, then you have lost your soul. Conversely, with family and nation you and the team can find it again. You must return to the mission intended; and that is decoded for you being accurately situated in the stars and galaxy. The law of complimentary opposites says helping me is helping yourself. The resolution and ripostes are with Source and within us to find everything around our being thoroughly for an answer; and in utilizing all that is within and outside of us evolving in our lives. Each of us should assist our sister or brother along as we toil to get there; for we are all connected. This is on an individual basis surely. But also as part