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Legacy of Light
Legacy of Light
Legacy of Light
Ebook566 pages8 hours

Legacy of Light

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The Effigies must uncover the connection between Saul, Blackwell, and the Phantoms before it’s too late in this epic conclusion to the Effigies trilogy.

The world is in chaos.

After Saul’s strike on Oslo—one seemingly led by Maia herself—the Effigies’ reputation is in shambles. Now they’re being hunted by nations across the globe, grouped in with the very terrorists they’ve been trying to stop.

With Maia’s resurrected twin, June, carrying out vicious attacks across the world, everyone believes Maia is a killer. Belle has gone rogue, Chae Rin and Lake have disappeared, and the Sect is being dismantled and replaced by a terrifying new world order helmed by Blackwell. As for Saul, his ultimate plan still remains a mystery.

And Maia? No one has seen or heard from her in weeks.

It’s all somehow connected—Saul, Phantoms, the Effigies, everything. But if the Effigies can’t put the pieces together soon, there may not be much left of the world they’ve fought so desperately to save.
Release dateDec 4, 2018
Legacy of Light

Sarah Raughley

Sarah Raughley grew up in Southern Ontario writing stories about freakish little girls with powers because she secretly wanted to be one. She is a huge fangirl of anything from manga to sci-fi fantasy TV to Japanese role-playing games and other geeky things, all of which have largely inspired her writing. Sarah has been nominated for the Aurora Award for Best YA Novel and works in the community doing writing workshops for youths and adults. On top of being a YA writer, Sarah has a PhD in English, which makes her a doctor, so it turns out she didn’t have to go to medical school after all. As an academic, Sarah has taught undergraduate courses and acted as a postdoctoral fellow. Her research concerns representations of race and gender in popular media culture, youth culture, and postcolonialism. She has written and edited articles in political, cultural, and academic publications. She continues to use her voice for good. You can find her online at SarahRaughley.com.

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    Legacy of Light - Sarah Raughley


    When shall I marry?

    This year, next year, sometime, never.

    What will my husband be?

    Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich-man, poor-man,

    beggar-man, thief.

    What will I be?

    Lady, baby, gypsy, queen.

    What shall I wear?

    Silk, satin, cotton, rags.

    How shall I get it?

    Given, borrowed, bought, stolen.

    How shall I get to church?

    Coach, carriage, wheelbarrow, cart.

    Where shall I live?

    —an English fortune-telling song



    Come on, girl, remember. Remember, dumb-ass . . . before it goes dark. . . .

    Maia . . . Yes. My name . . . Maia Finley. Good. Good . . . I guess. . . .

    Lips shut against the water. No breath. Eyes stinging. The image of a rocky cliff rippling in the darkness, just above the waves of Dover Strait. I caught the reflection of the moon against the surface of the water, bright flashes in my dimming vision.

    What happened? My chest was going to explode. Bubbles slipped from my lips when I moved them. The sounds of heavy, baritone, rumbling water battered my senses, cacophonic until it slipped into the recesses of my mind.

    I was sinking.

    Wow. It was for real this time. I was totally dying. This was me dying.

    My body felt cold. It was a cliché, maybe, but still true. It had gone numb, even before breaking the surface of Dover Strait. The feeling in my arms had vanished. The water pressure’s death grip on my skull . . . even that began to feel like a wistful caress.

    Time was up. My life was over. But maybe it was what I deserved.

    Those reckless decisions born out of fear. The secrets kept. Step by wrongful step until the steel of Belle’s sword pierced through my sternum. This was the fate I’d paid for.

    I was dying.

    Oh well. At least I’d get to see my family again.

    It went dark.


    Darkness . . .

    Then I saw that which I never could with living eyes. A mysterious white light swept through me, pulling soul from dead flesh. It surrounded me, filling me with a sensation I’d felt before. This power. The power that fed the Effigies and the existence of the phantoms. A spring that connected life and death in a continuous cycle.

    A continuous cycle.

    But I was not to be part of it.

    My lonely white river was my own. The power of fate spirited me away on a journey just for me. I was a traveler and I was traveling.

    Traveling to the next girl . . .

    •  •  •

    So it’s finally time, Maia.

    Natalya Filipova. The Fire Effigy before me. A familiar panic hit me too suddenly, and for a moment I thought I’d faint. I’d been conditioned to fear this girl on sight. And why wouldn’t I after the number of times she’d tried to take over my body?

    But she was different now. It was her quiet, unreadable expression, devoid of the contention I was used to seeing. You didn’t last as long as I thought you would, she said.

    I thought Natalya’s voice would have some kind of mocking lilt to it. Like: Ha, moron, you’re dead! Look at you! But her pale face was stone set into a somber expression.

    Why would she mock me? She knew too well the pain of death.

    I had to be dead, at any rate. I mean, what else could this be? I wasn’t scrying. The weird thing was, I could still kind of feel it. My soul leaving my body behind to sink in the lonely strait. And yet here I was too, standing in this familiar white stream before Natalya Filipova, the once legendary hero.

    How does it feel? she asked, genuinely curious, like maybe we’d had different experiences.

    What, death? I thought for a moment. It feels . . . stretchy.

    Natalya tilted her head, her brown eyes narrowed. Stretchy . . . ?

    I breathed in deeply, contemplating the odd sensation rippling through my body, or whatever this was. Yeah, stretchy. Like I’m being pulled in two places at once.

    It’s all the same, she said in her intense voice familiarly inflected with a Russian accent. Your life force, your consciousness, and the magic within you . . . it’s all going to the same place. Searching for the next one.

    The next Fire Effigy . . . , I whispered.

    It’s only been seconds, she said. But it’ll start to feel like years. We experience time here differently. It feels slower. Much slower. You’ll see.

    Her expression darkened, and for a moment her gaze looked off-kilter, unfocused like one of her glass decanters sliding off an unbalanced shelf, alcohol spilling everywhere. You’ll see. Her promise resonated like echoes in a graveyard.

    I looked down at my feet shimmering beneath the waters. And this place . . .

    Everything is connected, Natalya said. "Life and death. Those that die tether to the life they will become. But not for us. For us, our souls don’t manifest into new life. We are pulled into existing life. Our souls find refuge in the bodies of others. The channels of fate twisted only for us. We’re bound only to each other. Like links in a chain."

    Links in a chain. A dangerous game. I remembered the words but couldn’t place where I’d heard them.

    Natalya looked up at the endless sky. "If all life is bonded by chains of fate that lead one form to the next, then you could say this place is a manifestation of our chain. Every girl linked here, tucked inside the other like a matryoshka doll. She smiled. A fitting fate for me."

    Said the girl once called the Matryoshka Princess. I understood now—there were many layers to this girl, layers I never noticed as a fan. The legendary hero. The struggling alcoholic. The mentor. The vengeful spirit. Now she was the mentor again, like she had been for Belle, imparting her wisdom upon the girl whose mind she’d tried too many times to destroy.

    Where we are now is how we perceive our connection, she said, how we see each other with eyes of the dead. Of course, we should be able to see each other when we share souls.

    When I was alive, I’d have to meditate—scry—to get here. Natalya’s tall frame guarded the magnificent red door as she always had, her hand on the hilt of her proud sword, her Zhar-Ptitsa, whose tip had disappeared into the waves at her feet. But this time, there was no fanfare, no shock or conflict. Nothing but pity and maybe a hint of disappointment—the kind my parents used to have whenever they knew I could have done better. June too. She’d given me that look more than once.

    June . . . She’d smiled so prettily just before Minerva’s dazzling stream of light hit the ground and obliterated her.

    Minerva, the Sect’s secret satellite weapon. And Rhys . . . Oh god, Aidan. I covered my mouth, stifling a teary gasp.

    It hurts, doesn’t it, Maia?

    Too many memories came rushing back, but they were all in the wrong order. I couldn’t piece them together. Why was June in Oslo? Why with Saul? What was this intense anger that drummed against my chest as I thought of Rhys’s father, and the hopelessness when I thought of his son? Why was my sister gone again . . . ?

    It’s hard to piece things together after dying. Natalya placed a hand atop her dark brown hair, cut closely to her head. Memories fall to pieces, events become blurred. All this time you came to speak with me, wanting to know everything I knew, but I could only give you what I could muster in this state. Pieces and reflections. It’ll become more difficult for you too soon. Perhaps you should let them go. Let it all go.

    Natalya, the strongest Effigy in history, worshipped by all during her tenure. Worshipped by me too, until she began scheming to take my body. But now there was no body for her to take.

    Let it go? I repeated. "That’s funny, coming from you. You didn’t let it go."

    Natalya considered the golden hilt in her hand. That was my decision to make. Now you have yours.

    A gentle breeze grazed my cheek as I saw the red door behind me.

    A door.


    As magnificent as Natalya’s, with golden embroidery around the wooden edges. I guess each door was the link in the chain, then, opening itself into the subconscious and soul of the next girl in a path that stretched on for more than a century. A bronze doorknob waiting for my hand. When my soul found the next girl, I would walk through and stand at my station.

    For eternity.

    The Seven-Year Rule. That old Sect joke. Effigies were considered legendary if they could last seven years on the job. Natalya was the baddest of them all, having survived twice that. What was my number? Three months.

    What will be your number? Ironically, it was Belle who’d asked me, three months ago.

    Belle. The fear I’d usually reserved for Natalya gripped my chest in one exploding moment, an electric impulse that soon gave way to a silent, seething bitterness.

    Cold steel breaking through bone. Mind-numbing pain. That moment when your heart stops—so painful in the midst of sweet release. The water crashing against my body upon impact like a speeding truck barreling into me.

    I’d once stood outside a building for hours just hoping to catch a glimpse of her. My idol.

    Now my murderer.

    Natalya was watching me curiously. Another idol. Another disappointment. Another enemy—well, no, not an enemy anymore. Now that I was dead, she no longer had reason to harm me, though the fear I’d learned at her hands wouldn’t let me trust her, wouldn’t let me feel completely in control.

    I stared at the door. Ruby, like blood on a blade. My beautiful gravestone bought and paid for by the combined efforts of my so-called heroes.

    My heroes.

    I’d tried to believe in them—tried to model myself after their strength, only to find myself crumbling under it.

    When it came down to it, I couldn’t beat either of them.

    And now I was here, dead. Stuck for eternity in front of a pretty door. I was a failure. I was a failure alive and a failure dead.

    June really should have been the one. She would have made a better Effigy than me.

    I buckled over. Tears began to build, but Natalya was still watching me. I had to collect myself. Raising my chin, I kept up the ruse of nonchalance. It was all I had in this place. There was no point in being angry. Anger wouldn’t do a damn thing for me. Not here.

    A door. Ah, that’s right. My lips stretched into a smirk. I guess this is what it means to be on the Dead Girl Squad now. I turned back around. Wow, this effing sucks.

    I wondered what death was like for regular people—where they ended up. What had it been like for June?

    I could see very easily how one could go mad standing here. The worst part of it would be the loneliness, certainly. Unless the next girl came stumbling in here, in which case I doubted I’d have much to say—or maybe I’d say a bunch of confusing shit just to keep myself from being bored. Wouldn’t surprise me if that had been part of Natalya’s motivation.

    That day I watched my family’s coffins lower into the ground, I’d felt a secret solace in the notion that I might see them again in death. Instead, I was here. And I would never be able to see them again.

    An image of June flashed in my mind. Her hand on the gun, pulling the trigger.

    No, I breathed. It was all barreling back. June. She was alive again. She’d been with Saul in Oslo, which he’d taken over with his gang of criminals and traffickers. June had been standing there among them. She murdered an agent. Rhys was there too, crouched in defeat, his fate sealed by his own father. I desperately held on to these memories, knowing that soon they’d shatter to pieces, leaving me with nothing but frustration, hate, and anger.

    Natalya, you were right about the corruption in the Sect. But I don’t think Rhys’s father knew. I think— I remembered the dread etched into the saggy lines on Director Prince’s red face as he stared at the cold blue eyes of Blackwell. It was as if Blackwell had manipulated him into firing the Sect’s satellite weapon. Like he’d meant for all of it to happen.

    And? said Natalya.

    And! I glared at her. Project X19. The traitorous Sect agents. Saul’s plan wasn’t just his plan. This is bigger than Saul. Probably bigger than we could have ever imagined.

    A mystery for the next girl to solve, I suppose.

    The crushing reality of my own helplessness made my knees buckle. No. There’s more I can do. Baldric! The sound of the old man’s name sparked something behind Natalya’s steel gaze. Baldric Haas. You remember him? One of the Council members with Rhys’s mother, Naomi? I immediately pictured the old man in his wheelchair, eyes sunken into his wrinkled face ashen with dread. They sent you to get the volume Thomas Castor wrote in secret. The one in Prague. We went there. Naomi sent us too. We found it, but it was stolen.

    By Vasily. I remembered his pale blond hair, wild around his shoulders. His wicked grin promising chaos.

    Baldric knew about the rebel faction within the Sect—and I know you met with him before you died. I scried it.

    Yes. Natalya tapped her temple. I remember you milling around in there.

    Did he tell you anything else about what Blackwell was planning?

    Maia, stop this.

    Stop what? I bellowed, and I could hear my voice echoing. My fists were tight. This is your mystery too! You were trying to solve this before I even stepped into the picture.

    I was trying to be something more, Natalya said quietly.

    More than what?

    Natalya’s head turned slightly, her eyes downcast. More than an empty shell. I waited for her to elaborate, but she wouldn’t, not at first. She only shook her head, looking at me almost as if she pitied me. Somehow, the pity was more infuriating than whatever malice I’d seen whenever I’d come here alive. It won’t do you any good to know these secrets now. Believe me. I was like you too when I first died. No, even before. Desperate to know. After seeing Baldric, I scried to find Marian, thinking that if I could only reach her, she’d tell me everything I needed to know. I scried longer and harder than I ever had, to the point of madness. The chain—our chain—became blurred. All the doors opened at once. Memories assaulted me every which way. And in the end, what I found . . . She shuddered. Marian’s death. And riddles. Teachings—Emilia’s teachings. Her words, her symbols. Where it all began. It was too much, but I thought I could handle it. I thought I could bring all the pieces together, but it wasn’t to be. I died. No— Her gaze darkened. I was killed.

    The accusing tone was meant for me. It was I who’d protected her murderer, Aidan Rhys, even after I’d discovered what he’d done to her on the Sect’s orders. We’d both paid with our lives, but that wasn’t enough for Natalya. Her anger still quietly hummed.

    And now that I’m dead, the world continues as if my life never mattered. And I stand here for an eternity, Maia, unable to affect it, except through you. But now you’re dead too.

    My hands tingled from restlessness. My soul was still traveling. I could feel it.

    And so, what will it accomplish now if you knew the secrets of the world, Maia? Natalya continued. What can you affect from this place that has become our grave? There’s nothing that can be done from here. Nothing.

    I looked from Natalya’s door to mine, silently calling me. There was nothing I could do from here in this prison. Nothing I could accomplish but to stand here, waiting for some stranger to show up so I could give her a few cryptic warnings based on faded memories.

    No, there has to be more I can do. . . . I had to reach the others. Uncle Nathan and Sibyl, quietly working against the evil faction of the Sect in the shadows. Lake and Chae Rin, who’d driven off to meet them. I had to help somehow. I had to get back into the trenches.

    You could let it go, Natalya said again, thinking it over. Or you could make the decision that I made.

    She smirked, sharp eyes glinting maliciously. She didn’t have to elaborate.

    I glared at her. No.

    I supposed it wouldn’t be impossible for me to steal her body if she finds her way through your door to me. It wouldn’t be impossible for me, but the consciousness of the one who died last is always stronger. You could—

    I said no.

    Silence charged with an intense hatred followed. Hatred and fear. Both mine.

    It would be easier to do it yourself, wouldn’t it? Letting her sword drag behind her, she walked closer to me, step by deliberate step. Rather than trying to lead another frightened ingenue to the answers you couldn’t find alive. Just pick up where you left off. The sword made no sound as it traced a line in the shallow waters behind her. Wearing new flesh. It’s what I would do. And I would do it again.

    Stop, I blurted out before she could come any closer. I had to remind myself that she wasn’t a danger to me anymore. I was already dead. She couldn’t hurt me if she had no use for me. As long as I was dead, I was safe. How ironic. I looked at the Effigy whose trading cards I used to collect. "God, I used to admire you. Don’t you feel sorry for what you did to me? Don’t you feel sorry for any of it?"

    I was dead now, so I might as well take the opportunity to give her a piece of my mind. Ignoring the fear still bleeding into my flesh, I squeezed my hands into fists. "You made my last few months alive hell when you should have been helping me like I figured you wanted to be helped. My sister and I thought you were everything. We wanted to be you."

    Though June was more like her than I ever was or could be. Noble, confident. Maybe that was why I’d idolized my sister too. Nobility was June’s last act. I could still remember her chiding me. Telling me to do better. And I tried, June. I really tried. But that kind of strength was a hard skill to master. Effigy fans online always dragged me for it: "Why can’t she just be the unflappably perfect bad-ass action-chick we demand her to be?" But that took courage. Even now my courage was shaking before Natalya. She must have known it too. But I just kept talking.

    I thought I could be stronger if I could act like you, Natalya. I thought if I got everyone to respect me like they did you, then I wouldn’t have to feel so . . .

    I remembered those days I shut myself in my room and blocked out the world while June was out living life. That dreaded feeling of being left behind. Of standing still while others were running forward.

    So useless, I finished, biting my lip. So pathetic.

    And how have you changed, Maia? Natalya lifted her sword, studying her reflection in its familiar steel. Or have you changed?

    Changed. Had I really?

    I looked up at the never-ending white stretching upward and thought of flames burning. Burning down my house. Burning New York’s La Charte Hotel, where Saul had attacked with his phantom-controlling ring. Burning the elevator that took a screaming woman I’d failed to save. Burning Oslo after Minerva’s light obliterated my sister and the boy of my dreams and nightmares. I was still scared. I was still looking at this dead Effigy with fearful eyes. I was still looking to her for answers, for validation. Had I changed?

    "I will change, I whispered, tears stinging my eyes. I swear, I’ll change."

    Nothing changes here, Natalya said flatly. She closed her eyes. Change is only for the living.

    No. I will change. I stumbled back. "I will change. I just need a second chance."

    Something desperate in me stirred. I couldn’t stand still. A terrible truth began breathing fire. I wasn’t satisfied. I wasn’t ready. There was more to do, more to fix.

    And Natalya . . . Natalya, who opened her eyes again, was smirking as she watched me squirm because she knew that what I was experiencing was the very thing that had driven her mad in here. I didn’t care. There were too many mistakes to atone for. I couldn’t be done. But my soul, my consciousness, and my power were on the move.

    Panicked, I turned, facing the door. "No. No. Somebody has to give me a second chance."

    There’s something I should tell you, Natalya said. Now that you’re here.

    Ignoring her, I sloshed through the stream, pounding on the wood of my magnificent red door because it was the only exit I could see in this expanse of nothingness. Please, you have to let me out. I can’t be here!

    You may have been disgusted with me in the past, Natalya told me. But soon you’ll come to understand me. The longer you’re here, the more the silence drives you mad.

    Links in a chain. The Effigies’ fate was a fate worse than death.

    No. I stepped away from the door, looking everywhere that this prison with no bars would allow me. No, no . . .

    Eventually, you’ll start to consider things you never would have in life. You’ll start making exceptions to every rule you’d lived by . . . until the next one comes knocking on your door. This is our reward after living, fighting, and dying to protect humanity. The price of a twisted fate.

    An ugliness had seeped into her beauty, her small features sharpening like the stretch of her blade. I saw it reflected there, reflected in the white stream. I saw my reflection too.

    You and I are the same now, Maia. Not heroes. Not even monsters, she said. Simply shadows.

    But it was not to be so.

    Something was stirring in the land of the living. A silent force tugged at my soul, pulling it back.

    Back toward my body.

    Natalya, the door, the endless blank space—it was fading. Or maybe I was the one disappearing. I was being called back.

    A second chance.

    A surge of ecstasy stung my eyes like tears. A second chance. And I wouldn’t screw it up this time. Though my vision blurred, I could see Natalya’s features screwed up in fury.

    It isn’t fair. . . . Natalya’d whispered it. But before I faded, her face had calmed. And before disappeared, I could hear her whisper. "I told you I would do it again if I had the choice. And now I have that choice. You will see me again soon."

    Her murderous promise receded until it was nothing more than a silenced echo. And I could still hear the last of its murmur as I shuddered alive with breath.


    LOOKS LIKE SHE’S BACK, DAD! The mouth-to-mouth worked!

    Good, son. Get her onto the deck. Keep the pressure on her chest. We need to take this girl to a hospital.

    I hacked all of the water in my lungs out onto the sand. An unspeakable pain shot from my chest. Coughing, I struggled to move my hand to the open gash in my chest oozing blood.

    My god. The young man who’d spoken first sounded English, like his dad. My eyelids were still shut from exhaustion, beads of water dripping through my lashes. She can still move a little bit.

    Air passed through my lungs once again. And though Natalya’s grimace persisted like a shadow in my thoughts, I couldn’t remember much else from my time as a carcass.

    What did come back was the time I was missing. I’d just escaped the London facility with the other Effigies. After Director Prince of the North American Division made the blunder of firing Minerva on Oslo, we’d had to flee. Sibyl had arranged for our escape, and so we’d split up: Chae Rin and Lake in one van. Belle and me in another. The two of us were to meet up with a ship that would take us into France.

    The boy and his father must be part of the crew. They’d come after all. Thank god . . .

    The father’s voice wheezed a little as he exhaled. She can move? That’s impossible. Her body’s broken. Probably has a concussion. And this knife wound in her chest—

    It missed her heart, Dad. I think she still has a chance if we can get her to the hospital in time—wait a minute. I felt a hot, large hand brushing the wet curls away from my face. "Bloody hell, Dad . . . This . . . this is an Effigy. She’s that Effigy, isn’t she?"


    I recognize her. She’s an Effigy.

    An Effigy . . . ?

    The video’s going around online. She was in that terror attack in Norway.

    And I could feel the pressure of the two of them leaning over me. Something wasn’t right. If they were Sibyl’s men, they’d already know who I was.

    I see, the father finally said. My hunch was right. So this was the cargo. . . .

    Cargo . . . ? The son sounded bewildered. Dad, what do you mean by—

    Si-Sibyl . . .

    The sound of my hoarse voice had clearly spooked the young man.

    W-what? he said in a high, agitated pitch. Who?

    Take . . . me . . . I didn’t know what was happening or how to make sense of it. But I knew where I had to go. Take . . . I tried again, but it hurt too much to push out the air from my lungs.

    There was a dog barking in the distance. Short, staccato, impatient.

    Dad, we have to turn her in. The police are looking for her.

    She needs a hospital—

    Screw the hospital. She’s a terrorist! The son sounded more fearful than malicious. His weight shifted in the sand as he stood on his feet. If she really is an Effigy, she’ll be fine, right? Don’t they heal really quickly? We can’t wait around for that to happen. What if she attacks us? I saw on the news the police are raiding that Sect building. We need to turn her in. Maybe they’ll even give us a reward!

    The old man took a second to think. No, he said finally. What happened in Oslo is recent. She can’t be in two places at once. On top of that, the place was nearly destroyed. How did she escape all that and turn up here?

    His son had no answer.

    What’s more, the father continued, is that the Effigies aren’t evil. They wouldn’t work for a terrorist, least of all for the one they’ve been trying to catch for months. Something’s not clean in the milk. Come on, Harry. We’re taking her with us.

    So you can what? Investigate? Harry scoffed. "Thought you didn’t work for them anymore, Dad. You’re retired."

    Harry . . . I didn’t tell you this before we left. But there’s another reason we crossed the strait.

    Dad . . . did you . . . ? Harry paused, choosing his words carefully. Did you know we’d find her here?

    I need to know why she’s in a place like this, the man said. And I’m not going to get answers by giving her over to some bloody mob in uniform. Now, enough talking. Help me get her onto the boat.

    Soon I was being lifted off the cool sand with no control over my dangling limbs. The shift of gravity and the sudden rush of pain knocked the senses from me.

    Whoever you are, I begged, just take me to Sibyl and Uncle Nathan. . . . I need to . . .

    After another second I fell unconscious again.

    •  •  •

    Waves crashed against the little boat. My broken body rocked back and forth on hard wood, consciousness slipping in and out. Harry and his father were whispering conspiratorially. About me. I couldn’t make out what they were saying. My eyes remained shut.

    Sloshing, sloshing. Slippery against my skin. A sticking smell. God, what was that? Smelled salty. Fishy.

    Fish. I could feel their flopping against the left side of my body through the netting. I was just as much cargo. Where were those men taking me?

    Effigy healing or not, it was still a struggle to breathe. My shirt was off, so that explained the light chill. One of them had placed a sterile gauze onto the stab wound and fastened it with a bandage under my bra. I was too relieved to be alive to feel embarrassed.

    My consciousness was as volatile as the waves. A panting, barking dog brushed up against my leg, its little bell jingling as it trotted up to my face for a lick.

    Vader, get back here, the boy scolded.

    The dog obeyed. Its saliva dripped down my cheek from where he’d licked my hair, just above the ear. I slipped out of consciousness again until the aggressive moans of a bullhorn jolted me awake, hot red lights washing over my closed eyelids.

    Dad, is it the coast guard?

    Harry, said his father with urgency, get my ID. And cover the girl.


    Do it.

    Clomp, clomp went Harry’s boots against the wooden floor. If you can hear me, he said, leaning in close, now would be a good time to hold your breath, yeah?

    Before I could figure out what was happening, a rough burlap carpet fell onto my body with a particularly unceremonious thwap against my face. He dragged the net of fish over my body, mercifully leaving my head free. I get that being an Effigy made me more durable than a regular girl, but this dude was manhandling me as if I were nothing more than a broken action figure. Needless to say, Harry was far from a gentleman.

    I’m still wounded, you idiot! That was what I wanted to say, but I’d fallen unconscious again from the sudden shock of pain. I slipped back into consciousness long enough to hear an exchange.

    What else do you need? said Harry’s father. As I’ve already shown you, we’re a licensed fishing vessel taking our cargo into France. You’ve already seen the cargo for yourself.

    Sorry, sir. We’ve been extra cautious tonight. I had to concentrate to hear the second man’s voice through the wet sloshing of smelly fish. There’ve been smugglers illegally crossing the strait, using antiphantom technology to pass through unofficial routes from the North Sea. Not to mention there’s also the Sect we’re looking out for.

    My fingers twitched.

    The Sect? Harry repeated, and I swore I felt him staring at me.

    Not too long ago, an agent turned himself in to the police department in Dunkirk. Said he was part of a crew of Sect rogues planning to make their way to Dover from around the English Channel. They were supposed to rendezvous with some fugitives.

    And by fugitives, Harry said, you mean—

    The Effigies, of course.

    A chill ran through the dull, throbbing pain in my body. Fugitives. We were fugitives. Luckily nobody could have noticed me squirm while I was buried in fish, but Vader made his way toward me, rummaging through the net, looking, maybe, for another slurp of my hair.

    So it’s true that they’re wanted? Harry’s voice was low. The rogue agent turned himself in. What happened to the other agents?

    Police picked them up after he told us where their hideout was, said the coastguard. They never left the city. You’ve seen the news. Oslo. Those Sect rogues are out of control and so are the Effigies. We have to do what we can. There’s more out there, I’ve no doubt.

    I carefully swallowed the sweet, tangy saliva sticking to the roof of my mouth. Fugitives. My heart jerked along with the fish pounding against the wound in my chest. How many police officers and coastguards out there were actively trying to sniff us out?

    Belle was probably long gone by now. Fled the murder scene. But what about the others? Lake and Chae Rin. What if they’d been caught? How did I even know they were still alive?

    Belle. Lake. Chae Rin. Rhys. June. Alive. Dead. Oslo. The murder of Rhys by his own father. Saul’s attack. June’s obliteration. Belle’s betrayal. It was too much. A sob choked somewhere deep in my throat. My thoughts flew everywhere at once. It was too hard to concentrate, too hard to breathe. The ship went on its way, but by the time the fish, the net, and the burlap slid off my body and my face once again kissed the clean air, I’d fallen unconscious once more.


    THE SMELL OF FISH FRYING in oil seduced me back into consciousness. Groaning, I pressed a hand against my throbbing head.

    My hand. I could move it! I stared at it in awe, at my knees buckling as I dragged them up to my chest. There was a weird dark bruise on my arm. Everything was still sore, but I could move all the same.

    I sat up in a bed. It was nothing fancy: clean white sheets, flat pillow. The mattress springs just barely had a little bit of life in them. The window was closed to the darkening skies, and through the trees—and there was nothing outside but trees—I just made out the sinking sun streaking the atmosphere orange and red.

    The small room had only a simple wooden desk and a chair to my right, a pad of paper next to a desk lamp. Everything here was made of evergreen or maybe cedar. Cozy as a camp. Except for the ominous hoots outside, and the howls, and the cicadas chirping in the night.

    Slipping my hand underneath my shirt, I traced a line across the fresh bandages. A scar had definitely formed. The raised, hardened scab tinged with pain as I pressed my palm against it. Had Belle missed by accident, her brain too addled to make the death blow? Or had she simply chickened out of taking my life?

    Once again my bitterness stung. The fangirl in me, the one who’d waited outside Lincoln Center just to catch a glimpse of her hero, still tried to make excuses. Belle had been tortured, the fangirl would say. Belle was an abused orphan. Natalya was her only friend, her mentor. Like family. She’d wanted answers so desperately, but once I found out that it was Rhys who’d killed Natalya, I kept it from her. She’d had every right to be pissed.

    But did she have the right to kill me?

    First Natalya. Then Belle. I’d already learned the hard way not to deify them. But during those shining days, as the four of us traveled across the world, searching for answers, I’d thought we’d all become greater than just the magic that bound us. We’d become one. The Effigies. A team. Friends. Maybe even family.

    That was all shattered now.

    If only I’d told her the truth from the beginning. I’d had so many chances. So many times when the words were on the tip of my tongue. But once again I was too scared. She was a monster for killing me, but she was a monster I created.

    I shattered the team. I shattered it with my indecision. With my cowardice. Belle pulled the trigger of a gun that I placed in her hands and aimed at my own head.

    Just another failure on my part. One that, for a time, had cost me my life.

    A powerful ambivalence pulled me to the opposite extremes of anger—anger directed outward and inward. I stared at my sheets in silence until the sound of a dog barking outside snapped me back to reality. Vader?

    Okay, calm down, Maia, I told myself. First you need to figure out where you are—and who’s been changing your bandages.

    Gingerly, I got out of bed, stepping across the wooden floor with swollen, bare feet. A stubborn pain needled my left hip, so I held on to it as I opened the door.

    Whoa! Harry almost fell over the couch in the living room I’d just entered. His laptop crashed to the ground. Grabbing the back of the couch, he watched me shut the door to my room. It’d been a while since I’d seen someone truly terrified of me.

    He was older than I originally assumed. Older than me, but probably not by much. Blond hair, shaved close to his skull, faded at the sides. A light golden beard was forming around his angular, flushed chin. He was scrawny, almost malnourished, but his arms were long, so I could tell he was tall even as he peered at me from behind his couch as the television blared in the background.

    He stared at me for another second. Dad, he yelled finally, she’s awake.

    His words were directed at the old man cooking in the tiny kitchen quartered off from the living room by a pair of swinging half doors. The father turned off the heat on the stove, set down his spatula, and began toward me.

    Looking at him in the kitchen reminded me of Uncle Nathan, though where Uncle Nathan was the long, gangly limbed type like Harry, this man was short and brawny, with wide-set shoulders draped by flannel. Uncle Nathan would have worn one of his goofy aprons too. I missed it. I missed him.

    Are you okay? He must have noticed my body suddenly droop. He was blond like his son, though his hair was longer, more disheveled, his beard fully grown but unruly. His shirt was only half tucked in to his gray trousers while Harry had everything in order. I would have thought it’d be the opposite.

    I’m all right. The words were hesitant, a little painful, but clear. Thank you, sir.

    Please, it’s Harvey. Harvey Dawson.

    I rubbed my neck. Mr. Dawson . . .

    From outside the cabin, Vader’s excited barking interrupted the silence stretching between us.

    You Effigies really do heal fast. Dawson casually pointed at my chest with a finger. My hand instinctively touched the bandages. The way we found you in the strait, broken and bloodied, a normal girl would have been dead before we could do CPR.

    You saved my life. I looked over at Harry, who gave a skittish shift on the couch. Thank you.

    Are you hungry? Dawson waved me over to the kitchen. Got some long-grain white rice and fish. Some string beans too.

    Harry wouldn’t look at me. He shrank back into his seat wordlessly as Mr. Dawson prompted me to follow him. He gave me a plate and the food was ready for eating. Smelled good. I still had no clue who these people were beyond their names, but if they wanted to turn me in, they could have. If they wanted to kill me, they could have. I sat down at the little table up against the wall—wood, all wood, yet again—and began eating. I had no idea how hungry I was until I tasted the fish, and then suddenly I was stuffing my face.

    Well, your appetite’s back. Dawson swiveled the chair around so the back rested against the table and sat next to me. That’s good.

    Who are you? I asked after forcing a mush of beans down my throat.

    He smirked. Pleasantries aren’t your style, then.

    Where am I? I dropped the fork onto the plate and wiped my mouth. Thank you for the food, but where am I?

    Just my cabin—our cabin. He nodded his head toward the living room where I knew his son was watching television. Cabin in the forest near Calais. We stay here during the summer months.

    You fish? I stared at the bones on my plate, picked clean by my greed.

    Luckily for you, yes.

    Ironically, it was a fishing ship that was supposed to take me to France anyhow. But those Sect agents were all in jail. There was no way to get to where Sibyl and Uncle Nathan were if I didn’t know where they were or how to reach them.

    Well, first things first.

    What day is it? I asked him.


    Thursday . . . I didn’t even know what that meant, or if it was important.

    You’ve been out cold for five days, if that helps.

    Five days? Well, with my injuries, that wasn’t too hard to imagine. I stretched out my neck, swallowing the last bit of food in my mouth. Then I lifted my arms above my head, satisfied with the crack in my joints. Oof. My shirt stank, though. I dropped my arms quickly and gave a self-conscious look toward Dawson, who was too interested in his mug of coffee to care. How long had it been since I’d taken a shower?

    I started to map it all out in my head. There was the awards show in Toronto. Then we went to Spain to meet Naomi.

    I breathed in sharply. Naomi. I could see in my mind’s eye the bullets flying through the window of Natalya’s apartment, piercing her body. She could be dead for all I knew.

    The more I thought, the more I realized just how much had happened. Going to Prague, losing Castor’s volume, getting locked up in the London facility. This shirt had been through a hell of a lot, all things considered, and the funky stench was clearly its reward.

    At least I was alive.

    Dawson dropped his coffee mug back onto the table. Now, I should let you know before this goes on that while I’m glad you’re finally back with us, I didn’t exactly save you just out of the goodness of my heart.

    My eyes narrowed. What’s that supposed to mean?

    Mug in hand, Dawson stood and left the kitchen, beckoning me to follow. While the television played a French sitcom, Harry streamed the BBC news on his laptop, which he’d set up on the glass surface of the living room table.


    Black letters printed across a red and white band at the bottom of the screen with the white flashing Breaking News! just next to it.

    Hackers. I made my way to the couch in a daze, barely paying attention to Harry as he slid to the armrest so he could get away from me.

    George, I’m standing outside an abandoned building in Frankfurt where a police raid took place moments ago. The reporter swept his large hand toward the dirty red bricks, the winds battling with his clothes and microphone. Four agents from the Frankfurt Sect facility were found hiding here in an attempt to evade officials. Now, as our viewers know, over the months, many antiphantom devices around the world have malfunctioned, causing large-scale destruction at the hands of the terrorist Saul and the phantoms under his control.

    But, Steven, said George, a tan-skinned news anchor with white patches of hair around the sides of his bald head, have they been able to apprehend Saul?

    My fingers curled around the couch. I remembered Saul, his pale silver hair draped down his high cheekbones, his grin deep in wickedness as he brought forth my sister and announced her as a cold-blooded murderer in front of the world. I would never get out of my mind the sight of her empty gaze as she shot a Sect agent.

    How had he brought her back? With the ring? The stone that controlled phantoms . . . that granted wishes . . .

    George, he and his associates haven’t been seen since the disaster in Oslo that left a section of the city in ruins, said the reporter. Authorities in Norway are assuming that everyone in the area had been killed by the blast from the Sect’s satellite weapon.

    It was almost bewildering how powerful the chilling effect of a single word could be.


    Rhys. June.

    The word was a gut punch. I pressed my lips against the moan building in me.

    In the meantime, one of the agents, after being apprehended by police, confessed that they, like others around the world, had been involved in aiding in Saul’s terrorism efforts. While we won’t know the details for certain until the German authorities have finished interviewing the offenders, George, this is a shocking development nonetheless.

    We’d already

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