Undoing Hashimoto's: A Guide to Managing Symptoms, Relieving Overwhelm & Living Well
By Leah Carver
About this ebook
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, you’re probably exhausted and overwhelmed by the prospect of making all the recommended lifestyle and dietary changes—and that’s on top of being exhausted by Hashimoto’s itself! Health coach Leah Carver, a Hashimoto’s patient herself, has written this book to help guide you on your journey back to wellness, without unnecessary stress.
In Undoing Hashimoto’s, she reveals how she used her twenty-plus years in the spa and wellness industry to bio-hack Hashimoto’s and build her capacity to make the changes she wanted in her life. Now she feels better than she has in decades, and is sharing the information with you so that you can get back on your feet and reclaim your life. You’ll learn:
- How to bio-hack your health and switch out of survival mode
- How to pause and engage with what you are feeling
- The difference between rest and relaxation
- How to build your most important commodity: energy
- Practices that support you so you can make lifestyle changes that feel empowering, not restrictive
- How to put all of this together so you can live a life that is healthier and happier
Leah Carver
Leah Carver is an author, the founder of the Claim Your Health, Claim Your Life movement, a successful entrepreneur, a spa wellness coach, and a certified spa therapist and yoga teacher. For the past twenty years, she has helped clients along their paths to health and happiness. Leah lives on a small bonsai farm in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband, two daughters, a dog, a cat, chickens, and occasional chaos.
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Book preview
Undoing Hashimoto's - Leah Carver
Maybe who we are isn’t so much about what we do, but rather what we’re capable of when we least expect it.
Iknow you have been researching all the right things to do since you got your diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Maybe you have even tried to go on the Auto-Immune Paleo Diet or some other form of an elimination/anti-inflammatory diet, but things came up: a birthday party or holiday. Maybe you just don’t feel good and feel like you need sugar to get you through the day. But you know you can’t stay where you are, or things won’t get better. You know the only way to make the pain better is to try something different, but you don’t know where to start and you don’t want to fail again.
It is not easy to hold yourself accountable and make changes when you don’t feel well. You may be struggling with brain fog, fatigue, physical pain, headaches, depression, and so much more. When you look to Facebook groups, some people seem to have had no problem making the lifestyle changes they needed and yet here you are, struggling to understand or even remember what you just read you were supposed to do. How come it seems easy for some people and almost impossible for you? Why don’t you have the willpower to make these necessary changes?
I spent lots of time ruminating on the answers to these questions. I discovered that it wasn’t something I needed to push myself to create, in fact, it was the opposite. It was not more self-discipline, it was pulling back, looking inward, and reassessing the foundations I had built.
Stop putting unrealistic expectations on yourself and then having to deal with the feeling of failure or anger or shame when you fail. It’s time to shift the way you look at the problem. Don’t waste important energy blaming yourself for getting sick or thinking that somehow you deserve this. In general, life is a figure-it-out-as-you-go kind of thing. You may have a master’s degree in business or education, for example, but it doesn’t mean you should be able to navigate all of life’s twists and turns alone. Instead, know that you are going to struggle and that there is no place of unchanging perfection. Allow the struggle, but work to build resiliency and stability. This is the key question: How can we set ourselves up for success? Right now, what you know is that you are not feeling well, and you’re probably exhausted and just wishing for a miracle. If you can just put your trust in me for a little while, know that I have been there in the struggle just like you, completely exhausted, and with not much left to give. I know how to start shifting the way you are feeling, because I did it for myself and for many others. Let me help the tired, overwhelmed you navigate this part of the journey. Of course you wish this was not your situation, but it is, and now you will have the tools to transform. Right now, you may be wishing everything could just go back to how it was before the pain, and while that is not something I can guarantee, my hope for you is that you will grow profoundly. If you integrate these steps into your life, you will begin to once again feel inspired and excited about life.
In this book, I will present to you some information that changed the game for me. I’ll introduce you to tools that will awaken the power within you and help you feel a renewed sense of purpose in life.
I know there is a part of you right now that understands how important it is for you to make these changes. After all, here you are, reading another book in the hopes of gaining some more awareness and information on how to get well. How to respond on the days you feel pain, what to do when you are exhausted, and what you can take a chance on doing on the days when you feel pretty darn great. With autoimmune disease, you basically have two choices: suffer and continually see your symptoms get worse, or chose to engage and show up in a way that feels powerful and true. The latter way, there may still be days of pain, but not so much suffering.
I wrote this book for you; it is intended to help you reexamine and rebuild your foundation, a foundation on which to build your journey to wellness. What does it mean to reexamine your foundation? It means learning to access your soul, to begin to listen to your heart, to hear the underlying thoughts that have been driving your life, and begin to choose the big Yes over the little yes. To support your body as a means to build your power and create the life you want. Many books on the subject of Hashimoto’s are rich with information, but can be overwhelming and difficult to understand when you feel your worst. I want you to know you are not alone; there are a lot of people, including myself, who have been right where you are now. I have a shelf full of books on Hashimoto’s, and yet when I was at my sickest, all they seemed to do was reinforce my overwhelm. It was my experience that until I implemented the steps I’ll take you through in this book, I consistently just strengthened the voice that was saying I wasn’t capable or good enough. These steps made it possible for me to shift my lifestyle habits without feeling deprived or alienated. This process adds a softness that is necessary for you to make lasting changes, and have a sense of ease about them. I would argue that without the information in this book, you may struggle to enforce rules on yourself and chide yourself when you fail.
It is not about being perfect. In fact, it is about being gentle and kind. It’s about setting realistic expectations of yourself and slowing down enough to notice your stuff. Pema Chodron says that the most fundamental aggression to ourselves, the most fundamental harm we can do ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently.
This living and living well is not something most of us have been taught. We have to figure it out, and yet we have a perceived belief that we should know how to do everything already. When babies first learn to walk, they fall multiple times, but we don’t chastise them, we encourage them to keep trying. At what point do we begin to set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and then tell ourselves we are not capable or not smart enough, etc.? Instead, if we show ourselves kindness and compassion on our journey to wellness, we will evolve into something beautiful.
It doesn’t have to be hard. This is why I wrote this book. I had been in the spa and wellness industry for almost 20 years when I got my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Once you get a diagnosis – or even before – if instead of hurrying to fix it you just begin by following the method in this book, you will be able to gently and easily make lifestyle changes you desire, and stick with them.
If you don’t know much about nutrition and the holistic health field, working on your own to make these changes can take a lot of time and energy. If instead you take the time to listen to your body, to soften to it and to learn how to nurture yourself, you will begin to build the energy you need to implement some of the more difficult or foreign concepts.
The following chapters are full of information and insights that will help you on your road to wellness. I recommend just reading it straight through, cover to cover, first. It is very intentionally easy reading because I understand right now you may not be up for a textbook. Don’t worry about implementing all the exercises; just read the book. After you have finished the whole book and have an understanding of the path ahead, go back and re-read Chapters 2 through 7, giving yourself a week to practice the actions in each chapter before you move on.
The program is designed to be done in 6 weeks, so if you