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9 Ways to a Resilient Child
9 Ways to a Resilient Child
9 Ways to a Resilient Child
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9 Ways to a Resilient Child

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Resident parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance Dr Justin Coulson, on raising kids who'll bounce back from adversity and challenging times.

'How can I help my child be more resilient?' is a question Dr Justin Coulson often hears from worried mums and dads.

9 Ways to a Resilient Child gives parents practical strategies to help their children cope with the challenges that life throws at them - from friendship problems and bullying to losing a game or failing an exam. Even our home environment and the way that we parent can impact our children's potential to recover from difficulty.

Dr Coulson explains the factors that help or hinder resilience and why common advice such as 'Toughen up, princess' just doesn't work. Learn the secrets of positive psychology that will build your child's capacity to bounce back, stronger and more resilient than ever, including the ability to think flexibly, exercise self-control, and make safe and healthy choices. Discover the powerful impact of family, relationships, school and community, and the most effective ways to support your child.

Dr Coulson aims to bolster resilience - not just in our children, but also in ourselves. Because it takes resilient parents to raise a resilient child.

Release dateFeb 1, 2017
9 Ways to a Resilient Child

Justin Coulson

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host of the popular TV program Parental Guidance, and Australia's top ranked parenting podcast, The Happy Families podcast. He is author of five bestselling family and parenting books: 21 Days to a Happier Family, 9 Ways to a Resilient Child, 10 Things Every Parent Needs to Know, Miss-Connection and The Parenting Revolution. His viral video about raising children has been viewed over 80 million times. Justin is a regular contributor to the Today show and other major Australian media outlets. He and his wife, Kylie, have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of six daughters.

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    Book preview

    9 Ways to a Resilient Child - Justin Coulson

    Author’s Note

    Several of the stories in this book are on the public record. I hope I have treated them respectfully and accurately. In all other case studies cited in this book, names and other details have been altered to protect the privacy of individuals (except for examples drawn from my own family).


    For my six precious, precious daughters.

    When life puts you in a tight spot, don’t ask, ‘Why me?’

    Instead, stand tall and say, ‘Try me!’


    We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, each of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)


    Author’s Note




    PART ONE Misunderstanding Resilience

    MYTH 1 Young children are resilient

    MYTH 2 Steeling our children: why ‘Toughen up, Princess’ damages resilience

    MYTH 3 Is helicopter parenting really ruining resilience?

    MYTH 4 The dark side of grit, and how being too gritty might reduce resilience

    MYTH 5 Good praising: why praise is a problem in promoting resilience

    MYTH 6 Winners are grinners, but what does that make everyone else? How competition undermines resilience

    PART TWO Building Resilience

    CHAPTER 1 Who am I? And why does it matter for resilience?

    CHAPTER 2 Building resilience by being psychologically flexible

    CHAPTER 3 Self-control: the secret to success?

    CHAPTER 4 Stinking thinking: overcoming a negative attribution style

    CHAPTER 5 There’s no such thing as smart

    CHAPTER 6 It’s all about relationships

    CHAPTER 7 Boosting resilience by supporting autonomy

    CHAPTER 8 Strengths-based parenting

    CHAPTER 9 Screen time vs green time





    About the Author




    In early 2015 I wrote an article for an online parenting website. As their parenting expert, I am tasked with answering parenting dilemmas and providing inspiring ideas for mums or dads who are struggling. It so happened that this particular article – about resilience – struck a chord. Titled ‘18 ways to raise a resilient child’, it was a hit. When it was shared on social media, its reach was phenomenal. A few weeks after the article was shared, I shared it again. Same result. Then a couple of months later I decided to try it again, and was amazed to see the article going even wider and reaching more people. I’ve since shared that article several times more, and time and again the response has been enormous.

    I’m unconvinced that the article was particularly well written, wise or profound. But it highlighted what resilience is (for now it’s enough to say that resilience means that we bounce back from challenges and adversity, and that our developmental progress isn’t thwarted by difficult – even traumatic – circumstances), and it tapped into the importance of parents connecting with their children to build up their resilience. There is much more to building resilience than these ideas, but it seems that the idea of resilience resonates with parents who are worried that their children are somehow not coping, or may not be able to cope in the future. Parents and carers want to know how to help their children be more resilient. They ask questions like:

    • Why does one child seem capable of thriving in spite of incredible odds while others crumble at the first hint of opposition or adversity?

    • How is it that some children relish a challenge and a chance to learn something new – even if that means failure – while others will not try anything unless they can be assured of success?

    • How can I help my child be resilient when friendships falter?

    • How can I help my child stick at something for more than three lessons, or three school terms?

    • What can I say to my child when he loses on the sports field or fails an exam? He seems incapable of dealing with failure.

    After reading the article, one mother complained to me, ‘My daughter Corinne will be 15 years old soon. She’s a funny, empowering person – loving, caring, kind and supportive to others. She brings people together. Her coaches, teachers and family see this quality in her as unique and valuable.

    ‘She keeps asking me why she quits everything, why she gives up on everything. She’s a swimmer. She’s been swimming since Year 2. She got to the top of her game two years ago. In order to be faster she needed to build up her leg strength but she fights it. She wants it but isn’t willing to do it.

    ‘In school she starts off really well then gives up and ends up submitting crappy assignments. She won’t finish reading a required book or chooses not to read it at all because she doesn’t like to read and can’t get herself to do it. She’ll just refuse to bring herself to study for a test – not all tests, but maybe something she perceives as hard or she is uninterested in. She knows she has to study and tells herself she will but never does it and gets a bad mark. She won’t put in the effort in maths. She asks me why she gives up on everything and isn’t willing to do what it takes to get what she wants or what she knows is best for her.

    ‘She’s stuck! When things get hard, she gives up.’

    Perhaps your child gives up too quickly and easily for your liking, moaning, ‘I can’t.’ Maybe your child resists going to school because they don’t like their teacher, or because the teacher said something that upset them. Your child’s resilience may seem low because a friend rejected them, or they failed in a sporting contest or an exam, or missed an opportunity to get a job they desired.

    How can we or our children ever do something great, or even mediocre, when the minutiae of family life, school life or work life gives resilience such a hammering? In the following pages we will explore the idea of resilience: what it is and how it works. We’ll consider research that shows how well our children are doing – or are not doing – and why. We’ll examine the myths that surround resilience, slaying some sacred cows in the parenting-advice world. And we will investigate what researchers have discovered really does build resilience – not just in children, but in adults as well.

    A resilience problem?

    The evidence indicates that we have a resilience problem. Why? One in nine people in Australia experience high levels of psychological distress each year.¹ To be clear, experiencing depression, anxiety or other forms of psychological distress does not tell us whether someone is resilient. It’s how they bounce back and adapt that tells us that. However, this statistic suggests a resilience challenge because in too many instances people are being affected by mental health issues and not actually bouncing back. They are not adapting well. Instead, their mental health spiral is negative. They get stuck in rigid stinking thinking, and cannot get out of the rut. Or they find a way to get on with life, simply living with the psychological pain. If an average home and family has approximately five people, based on the numbers mentioned above, one person is experiencing high psychological distress in every two households. The numbers are significant. And so is the level of distress.

    Let’s pick this apart a little more. In 2014–15, 11.7 per cent of people aged 18 years and over experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress. In a population of just over 23 million people, 3.4 million Australian adults experience depression or anxiety each year. Depression reports are at an all-time high, with 1 in 11 Australian adults reporting having depression or feelings of depression each year. And 1 in 20 Australians reported experiencing both an anxiety-related condition and a mood (affective) disorder.²

    Resilience check-up for our kids

    If Australia’s adults are struggling rather than flourishing, how are our children doing? Resilient Youth Australia is a not-for-profit group run by highly regarded Australian child and adolescent psychologist Andrew Fuller.³ The organisation has collected resilience data from over 90,000 Australian children in over 400 communities throughout the country. The data reveals clear and distinct patterns. In Years 3–12, 43 per cent of students (47 per cent of girls and 40 per cent of boys) have good or high levels of resilience. That shows that just under half of our children aged 8 through to age 18 are in good shape. Not an ideal picture, but certainly not as bad as it might be.

    This is a wide age range, though. We should expect some variability in this age group. Our children experience tremendous developmental changes from ages 8 through to 18. Think of a young Year 3 child and consider the tremendous development that needs to occur for her to become a high school graduate and young adult in a decade’s time. So many things will impact on her resilience: physical changes, neurological development, social growth and learning, academic pressures, identity, character and personality development, and more will influence resilience across this age span. So too will the various life experiences that this girl will encounter – in her family, at school, with her friends, and in a range of other settings that can help or hinder her resilience and wellbeing for her entire life.

    When we examine the Resilient Youth Australia data by age, we see a distinct pattern emerging. The results show a steady drop from 59 per cent of students reporting good or high levels of resilience in primary school to a lowly 27 per cent by Years 11–12. All of that is concerning – it should be higher throughout these years. Of greatest concern: adolescence seems to be a time where resilience and wellbeing are dropping – significantly.

    When our children do not feel hopeful, they too often feel hopeless. Hopeless children set fewer goals. Their view of the future dims. They perceive pathways as too challenging to traverse, or don’t even perceive pathways towards goals at all. Often they doubt themselves and their capacity to accomplish anything of value. In short, that feeling of hope-lessness pervades their thinking, their emotions, their actions and their relationships. It affects their approach to school and to life. It reduces their resilience and impacts their wellbeing.

    Rather than experiencing adversity and challenge and then finding effective strategies to work through the difficulties, our children are losing the fight against ‘stinking thinking’, and in too many cases they are losing their lives as well. Suicide is responsible for one-third of all deaths of young people aged 15–24 years. Suicide rates among young people are at the highest they’ve been for over a decade. And certain parts of our population are at greater risk than others. The rate of suicide among Indigenous young people is significantly higher than among non-Indigenous young people.

    These concerning statistics appear consistently in studies of children and young people.⁴ It seems to have become ‘normal’ that our children struggle with adversity, experience low hope and subsequent depression, anxiety and lowered resilience. But simply because it is normal, does not mean it is either appropriate or healthy. And it certainly does not mean we should accept it. The data demonstrates that around a quarter of our children, even during the teen years, maintain high levels of resilience. This small percentage is bucking the trend. How can we make it possible for more of our children to thrive?

    We must approach the late primary school years as a golden opportunity to pre-arm our children, to inoculate them against the changes that affect so many so detrimentally. This is a time where we scientists have found a second surge in neuro-development. (The first surge occurs throughout infancy.) As our children enter this early adolescent phase of development (ages 9–13), their brain is beginning to wire itself with changes that will potentially lead to lifelong habits and ways of being. Their identity is still remarkably malleable – and at this stage they are still open to parental influence. We have to capitalise on this critical time in powerful ways to build on the positive foundation of resilience that childhood has provided, and reduce the risks and challenges of adolescence that chip away at resilience.

    The good news is that we know how to do this. We know what undermines resilience, and we know what builds resilience – in children and in adults. A great deal of it starts well before adolescence – at birth and during infancy. And there is also much that can be done as our children traverse the adolescent years that are so often rocky, challenging and in too many cases tragic.

    Because resilience is not just an issue for children but for us as well, some of the stories in this book are not about parenting, but are about adults who have shown extraordinary resilience. They are examples to motivate and inspire us, as adults, towards greater resilience so that we can be better examples of resilience to our children.

    The real message of this book is simple: every child has an innate personality and temperament – a disposition – towards resilience that is inbuilt. Some children possess the attributes that promote resilience naturally, and others less so. Every child and every child’s circumstances are different. But regardless of that nature-based starting point, the environment in which we raise our children, and the psychological, social and emotional habits that we teach our children can boost their resilience. We have good evidence to show that we can literally make our selves, our children, our families and our communities more resilient. And as we will see throughout this book, there are few legacies we can leave that are greater than the legacy of resilience and wellbeing.



    Some individuals faced with a traumatic event actually develop new strength.

    Nassim Taleb

    It’s called Post-Traumatic Growth.

    In many ways, post-traumatic growth is exactly the opposite of post-traumatic stress. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious psychological disorder some people experience after living through significant trauma and hardship. Post-traumatic growth is where, instead of experiencing hardship and trauma and turning into a shell of who they once were, people somehow leverage that trauma to their benefit. They live through and experience all of the pain, grief and utter awfulness of their situation. Their pain is as real and profound as it is for those who experience post-traumatic stress. They hurt, shake, and question everything.

    Then they rise.

    This is the essence of resilience.

    Rosie Batty is a person who experienced and demonstrated post-traumatic growth.

    Rosie’s relationship with Greg Anderson ended two years after it began. It was rekindled several years later and Rosie had a son, Luke. But Greg became unpredictable and violent towards her upon discovering she was pregnant. After multiple assaults on Rosie over a number of years following Luke’s birth, she finally left Greg and obtained an intervention order to keep him away. Greg was only allowed to see their son in public while at sports events.

    In February 2014, Greg was watching Luke at cricket practice. As families packed up and left for the evening, Greg isolated Luke in the cricket nets and stabbed him to death. Emergency services were called. Anderson threatened ambulance and police officers, and died that evening in a Melbourne hospital with self-inflicted stab wounds and police gunshot wounds.

    The morning following this horrifying attack, as shocked Australians reeled, a grieving Rosie Batty faced the national media and said: ‘I want to tell everybody that family violence happens to everybody, no matter how nice your house is, how intelligent you are. It happens to anyone and everyone.’

    Rosie spoke clearly. She spoke loudly. She spoke eloquently. She went on to promote change to legal processes related to domestic violence. She pushed for improvements to help victims. Rosie gained national prominence in a remarkably visible and deeply personal effort to stop domestic violence. And in 2015 Rosie Batty was honoured with the mantle of Australian of the Year.

    During 2015 I had the opportunity to speak with Rosie a couple of times at various venues as we shared presentations on issues confronting young people. In a break at one of the conferences I asked Rosie if I could share her story as an example of resilience and post-traumatic growth. Rosie responded, ‘I’ve heard of post-traumatic stress disorder. I haven’t heard of post-traumatic growth.’

    ‘Well, you’re it,’ I responded.

    Rosie and I spoke briefly about how her trauma, despite being with her every day, had provided a stepping stone to profound purpose, influence, personal growth – and resilience. Rosie wishes, every day, that she had Luke with her, but she explained to me that she feels tremendous gratitude that, because of her pain, she is able to make a difference.

    There are so many examples of everyday people overcoming pain, difficult environments, and odds that are stacked against them. They grow through – and in spite of – trauma. They are resilient. Many of them are children. In some cases they endure the worst kinds of adversity and yet they have some capacity to move past their circumstances to create new and better lives.

    But would we respond like that under similar circumstances? Would our children?

    We marvel at the resilience shown by those who overcome significant adversity. Could we push through those challenges? What makes those people so remarkable?

    One of the most pernicious myths about resilience is that we are either born with it or we are not. Harvard researchers argue that resilience is a combination of qualities we are born with and capacities developed as we live and experience life. Yes, there are some differences in the way people respond to adversity. But to actually develop and strengthen resilience, being born with it is not enough. We need to go through difficult experiences.⁷ Carrying a load can, and does, make us stronger. (But not always. More on that in the next chapter.)

    A second myth is that resilience cannot be taught. This is an extension of the first myth. But studies have found time and again that resilience can be taught and increased, including in people and populations who are at risk, facing challenges, and have shown limited resilience in the past.⁸ Thus, a load is insufficient on its own. We need support and the skills to turn adversity to our gain.

    A third myth is that resilience is only necessary in times of significant adversity. While some researchers will argue strongly for this (and Rosie Batty exemplifies this), we actually need resilience every day. Life has a way of demanding lots of us, wearing us down, and asking even more of us tomorrow. When we are resilient we can respond to these demands. We are equipped with capacity and resolve. We develop and enlarge and magnify our ability. In fact, it may be our propensity to do this when times are good (but busy and demanding) that empowers us with the capacity to push through when those significant challenges arise.

    So what is resilience?

    Most people instantly and unthinkingly define resilience as ‘bouncing back’ from stress and difficulty. If you’re resilient, something bad happens and you ‘shake it off’. The resilient person stands tall in the face of adversity, remaining positive and pushing through obstacles. Resilience is like the bungee cord, the rubber band. Challenges stretch us and strain us. But when we are resilient, we move past the challenges and resume our usual shape.

    But what does it mean to bounce back? If you have a child with anxiety, does resilience mean they just ‘get over it’? Or if you suffer depression, does resilience mean somehow just moving past it, and no longer being depressed?

    At its simplest, the answer is ‘yes’. But as we dive into it, we find that resilience means a little more. Individual resilience⁹is a person’s achievement of positive developmental outcomes and avoidance of maladaptive outcomes under adverse conditions.¹⁰ Or to be more precise, it is ‘the capacity of a dynamic system to adapt successfully to disturbances that threaten its function, viability or development.’¹¹

    Bleurgh. That sounds like academic jargon – let’s unpack these ideas.

    A person is considered resilient if they are doing better than we might expect given the circumstances they are facing, or have faced previously. We see someone born into challenge, and they thrive. The statistics tell us that with the risk factors present in that person’s life, they should struggle, fail school, have dysfunctional relationships and never get ahead. But they stand tall, develop well and succeed in school, relationships and life. Thus they are resilient. Something inside them, or something or someone in their environment, or both, helps them find the capacity to ‘make it’.

    Risk factors

    Resilience researchers speak of doing well in spite of the experience of ‘adverse’ conditions. We typically refer to these adversities as risk factors. Early research into child resilience focused on single risk factors such as foetal alcohol exposure, low birth weight, premature birth, or being born with a genetically transferable illness or disability (such as schizophrenia, dyslexia or depression.) Each of these factors predicts increased risk of undesirable developmental outcomes. In other words, they undermine resilience. For each one of these risk factors a person possesses, their resilience is likely to be lowered, and they are more likely to find it harder and harder to have positive developmental outcomes. And the more researchers investigated these variables and their relationship with child development, the more they realised that these risk factors often co-occur.¹²

    Risk factors also occur at the family level. Some are obvious: poverty is regarded as a particularly potent risk factor that undermines resilience.¹³ Other family factors related to reduced resilience include living in a home where violence or alcohol and other drug abuse occurs, experiencing parental divorce or separation, being raised in a single-parent home, lack of parental nurturing, and more.

    A landmark study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that angry, cold and ‘overprotective’ parents are rearing a generation of children with significant risk factors that can (and likely will) impact their mental health as they grow, with effects lasting well into adulthood.¹⁴ The study indicated that 20 per cent of our children are exposed to at least five ‘risk factors’ for mental illness by the age of eight or nine – risk factors that reduce resilience over the short term, and may have even greater influence over the long term. The study pointed to three central triggers for children’s negative outcomes: parental anger, bullying and ‘low parent warmth’. The researchers discovered that a little over 50 per cent of our children under three are experiencing risk factors that will undermine their resilience and wellbeing, from parental psychiatric problems through to divorce, alcoholism and drug abuse.

    As children grow, these family-based challenges grow with them. One in six teenagers has a parent with a mental illness, 18 per cent of teens have parents who are separated and one

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