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The Painted Hall Collection
The Painted Hall Collection
The Painted Hall Collection
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The Painted Hall Collection

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A curse binds the City of Winter and the Dragon's prophecy holds the key to breaking it. But will a poor fisherman from the South have the means to fulfil the prophecy? Or will the foreignness of the North itself repel him and his efforts?

The Painted Hall Collection is a series of four short, old-school fairy-tales designed to open your eyes to wonder.

*When Winds Blow Cold*

Go north, little human.
Go north until the winds blow cold and you walk on water.
Go north, and there you will find her.

With the Dragon's prophecy ringing in his ears, Danis travels from town to town, seeking a wife. But at every stop, he is turned away, until he enters the City of Winter itself...

* The Flame of the North*

Ten-year-old Mica hates the cold. Yet he’s bound by duty—and prophecy—to rule over the City of Winter as his grandfather’s heir. All signs seem to indicate that something is wrong and the reappearance of the Yuki-Onna in the Painted Hall is an additional worrisome detail...

*Beneath the Rumbling Earth*

In the Deep where none dare go
Beneath the rumbling earth
Before the Flame is doused
You must rekindle birth

Mica’s only comfort in the City of Winter is the once-cursed Painted Hall. When the deep sea creatures start speaking to him, he must decide if he should listen... or if this new magical event is related to the Dragon’s new prophecy.

*The Still, Small Voice*

On her eighteenth birthday, Hono is to be crowned Queen of the City of Winter but the Dragon disrupts the coronation ceremony with a peculiar cry:
Listen. Listen. Listen!
There is one more task to free the City of Winter of all enchantment—and Hono must listen carefully for it.

Including: *BONUS SHORT STORY* Shattered Memories

For generations upon generations, Memories have been passed from mother to daughter in an unbroken line of Secretkeepers.
Not this time. When Nek Ramalan dies, her granddaughter, Rahsia, does not inherit the Memories. Instead, Iman struggles to fulfil a role she's not prepared for... piecing together shards of Memories she's not equipped to understand.

A sneak peek into the current trilogy Anna's working on!

PublisherAnna Tan
Release dateDec 20, 2018
The Painted Hall Collection

Anna Tan

Anna Tan grew up in Malaysia, the country that is not Singapore. In 2015, she traded in a life of annoying other bean counters for one of annoying the online world with questions about life and death and everything in between. The answer is sometimes 42. Sometimes they try to eat you.When she is not writing or nitpicking over other writers' copy, she can be found reading a book or attempting to organise her room.

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    Book preview

    The Painted Hall Collection - Anna Tan

    By Anna Tan

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Teaspoon Publishing


    Copyright 2018 Anna Tan

    Collection cover by Rachel Bostwick, RachelBostwick.com

    Individual story covers by Yuin-Y Chew, http://instagram.com/elvenstar

    When Winds Blow Cold © 2015 Anna Tan

    The Flame of the North © 2017 Anna Tan

    Beneath the Rumbling Earth © 2017 Anna Tan

    A Still, Small Voice © 2018 Anna Tan

    Shattered Memories © 2018 Anna Tan

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Title Page

    When Winds Blow Cold

    The Flame of the North

    Beneath the Rumbling Earth

    A Still, Small Voice

    *BONUS STORY* Shattered Memories

    About the Author

    Other books

    When Winds Blow Cold


    He was a son of the sun, and the sun had made him old before his time. He stood half a head taller than his father, his body baked brown in the sun as he swam like a dolphin in the diamond sea. His black hair had bleached over the years, growing in a thick tangle that flopped over one eye. Laughter filled the fishing boat his father operated and the house his mother jealously guarded, mingling laugh lines with crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes.

    Who would marry a twenty-year-old who looks like he’s forty? his mother grumbled as she waddled her way slowly around the table, heading to the kitchen sink.

    Don’t worry, ma, I’ll find someone, Danis replied with a smile.

    Oh, you try and see.

    He thought her reply uncharacteristically pessimistic as he snuck a brown arm around her waist in a strong hug. I’ll see the matchmaker tomorrow.

    She smiled back at him, but he was too distracted to notice the worry behind it.

    Danis scrubbed himself clean early the next morning, taking special care to wash behind his ears and around his neckline and to scrub beneath his nails; things his mother had said every girl would be sure to notice instantly. He pulled on a smart new shirt, blue like the sea he loved, and freshly pressed slacks. He combed his hair, carefully tweaking out the snags, slipped on his shoes, and went into town.


    Mother Yara looked up from her knitting as a dark stranger walked up to her doorstep. What would you be looking for, my good sir?

    Mother, I’m looking for a wife, Danis replied.

    At your age? she tapped her lips thoughtfully. Would a widow do?

    At my age? But I’m only twenty, he said, kneeling so that his face was level with hers.

    She peered at him, taking his chin in her grasp. Twenty? Only three single girls in this town around that age and none of them would have you, she said.


    Mother Yara pursed her lips and refused to elaborate. Instead, she instructed the man with skin like polished wood to sit on her porch whilst she went to call the girls.

    He was sitting on the edge of the top stair, staring up into the sky, when the beauties of the town came to heed Mother’s call, curious to see this new suitor she had found.

    But he is so old, Mother! they exclaimed. Surely, he isn’t seeking for us.

    He is but twenty, or so he says, she replied, leaning on her walking stick.

    Surely he tricks you, one said, tossing her long black locks. Look at those wrinkles!

    Or he is mistaken, said the one with the pretty almond eyes. His skin is dry and old.

    The third merely smiled and walked away, the others following her lead.

    Mother Yara took pity on Danis, his disappointment written clearly across his face. If you do not mind someone older than you and a widow, Peony is a fine young woman, alone with a small child, she said, not unkindly.

    If she would have me, he said, a crack in his voice.

    But Peony, standing at the gate of her house, a toddler of two clinging to her skirts, shook her head. I don’t need a man about the house, she said, her voice hard and grating, much less one who looks like he would need my help to stay alive.

    Nodding, Danis brushed aside Mother Yara's apologies and set his face to the north.

    If I can find no wife here, I will travel from town to town until I find one, he said resolutely. Not stopping to return home, he set off with nothing but the clothes on his back and a pack of freshly baked bread that Mother Yara pushed into his hands.


    The verdant forest hummed with life. Danis stopped and watched in awe as birds of bright colours flitted from branch to branch. He leaned against a large rock, listening to the stream that bubbled nearby. He wanted to plunge into the water, to hide his pain and disappointment in the hands that had held him all this time. He wanted to float on its waves until it led him back home.

    Why do you sigh so loudly, little human? a voice of endless wells said softly into his ear.

    Danis looked around sharply. Who—who is that?

    The rock beside him moved. Does it matter who I am before you answer my question?

    Danis scrambled away as a scaled head raised itself and a bright gold eye looked down at him.

    I suppose it does not, O Great Dragon, Danis stammered. I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was leaning on you.

    No. Most of you do not until I reveal myself, the dragon said. But you have yet to answer my question.

    I sighed because I could not find a wife. None of them would have me.

    And this wife is important to you, little one?

    I suppose. Every man my age has one.

    And what is this ‘wife’ that everyone has but you do not?

    A wife… well, a wife would be my partner and my love. We would raise children together and—

    Ah, you look for a mate! The dragon looked ponderously upon him and Danis wondered if he was quite safe. Why is there none for you in the town?

    They say I am too old—or look too old, if there is a difference.

    You? Old? You are but a fraction of my age and I too have yet to find a mate.

    It is different with us. We do not live as long as your kind do.

    Hm, I suppose so.

    A silence fell between them as the dragon continued to stare at the young man.

    Danis nervously backed away a step at a time. I apologise for disturbing your rest, he said. I will go now.


    Danis looked up into the dragon’s burning eye.

    Go north, little human. Go north until the winds blow cold and you walk on water. Go north, and there you will find her. The dragon blinked once, twice, and then it spread its mighty wings and flew away with a mighty rush of wind, leaving Danis’ question floating unheard behind it: Is that a prophecy?

    The forest was quiet now. Danis pulled his cloak around him, hugged his pack of bread, and continued on the road.

    At every village and town he entered, Danis approached the matchmaker with a hopeful heart and a sunny smile, hoping that he had gone far enough north to find his wife. Yet at every stop, the young maidens looked upon him with scorn and derided him for his sun-kissed skin and his calloused hands whilst the older women accused him of being a rascal and a layabout, trying to find a woman to support his idleness.

    After the tenth town, he stopped asking. Instead, he watched the faces of the women watching him and wondered why he was being treated so fearfully and harshly. He bought food where he could, counting his coin now, uncertain how long it would last. The weather grew colder as he walked further and his smart blue shirt, once pressed and new, was now dull, torn, and dusty. His cloak no longer warmed him and he shivered as he walked, yet his heart refused to let him return home.

    Then one day, the winds blew and Danis shivered to his very

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