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C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7
C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7
C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7
Ebook51 pages43 minutes

C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7

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C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas returns for a seventh action-packed issue! Readers will again find two features.

Rick Cave is once more up to his neck in trouble. This time, he comes out of a drunken doze to find himself trapped in a salt extracting vat as the sea water closes in. A pair of leering faces taunt him from safety above, promising a terrible death. How did he come to be here, who is the mysterious woman down with him, and most importantly, how will he get out before the sea water fills these flood halls?

In a new backup feature, meet Wynn Moss, who happens to also be the best professional thief in the galaxy. She has a mask that can disguise her face and modifications that can make her bones soft when she wishes or solidify them, giving her an unparalleled ability to slither out of harm's way. This is what gets her into the heavily guarded vaults of the Smoking Sixes casino on Piotr's World. However, when an off-the-grid guard shows up to stop her, Wynn soon learns that her movements have been monitored by men wearing top of the line assassin suits. They want her for a job, and they are not willing to take no for an answer . . . Will Wynn Moss make out big or lose it all when she stands for her principles?

Over ten thousand words of brand new fiction as well as a new installment of Blake's Take are sure to entertain readers looking for space opera thrills set in lived in worlds!

Release dateDec 23, 2018
C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7

C. C. Blake

C.C. Blake has lived across the United States, starting in the suburbs of Detroit, to Massachusetts’ second largest city (Worcester) to the country’s seventh largest city (San Antonio, Texas, that is). He’s has a variety of jobs, working as a substitute teacher, the graveyard shift dishwasher at a haunted Denny’s, lab research monkey and teaching assistant at a second tier college. Currently, he works as an automation consultant for a chemical company on the Northeast side of SAtown (which isn’t as Hellish as it sounds). Blake’s most popular character, irrepressible adventurer Chuck Cave, has appeared in over two dozen stories, including the 2005 Man’s Story 2 Story of the Year Award winner “Chuck Cave and the Vanishing Vixen.” The character’s supernatural thriller stories (which began with the seminal “Cave and the Vamp”) are all being released as a part of Vampires2.com’s initial foray into e-books. These new versions are presented in expanded and revised versions, all are the author’s preferred texts. Be sure to collect them all! In addition to his pulp stories for the 2-Empire (Man’s Story 2, Vampires 2, Androids 2 and Paranormal Romance 2), Blake’s fiction has appeared in several anthologies, including Unparalleled Journeys II (from Journey Books Publishing) and Fearology: Terrifying Tales of Phobias (from Library of Horror Press).

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    C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas, Issue 7 - C. C. Blake

    C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas

    Issue 7

    C. C. Blake

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

    Copyright © 2018 by C. C. Blake

    Cover Art © by Tithi Luadthong

    Cover Design © 2018 by Twice Told Tales

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Twice Told Tales

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    If you have any questions, please contact the publisher at daniel.robichaud@gmail.com.

    Table of Contents

    Blake's Take

    Rick Cave in the Flood Halls

    Wynn Moss' Big Losses

    Other Works by C. C. Blake

    About the Author

    Blake's Take

    Welcome to the seventh issue of my magazine dedicated to Sweaty Space Operas. Folks who have been reading along through any of the six issues prior to this know what to expect. Folks who are picking this up for the first time, let me take the time to extend a hello and a quick update on what to expect.

    C. C. Blake's Sweaty Space Operas is a magazine dedicated to the kinds of fiction I was publishing back in the days of the new pulps circa the mid to late 00s. A god's age, I know. Each issue presents at least 10,000 words of fiction and a bit of commentary in the form of this Blake's Take article (named for a column I used to write for the Vampires2 community in the early 10's.

    My space operas are sweaty not because they are sexy stories—though some are—but mostly because of the universe I have built to tell these tales in. This is not a shiny, plastic galaxy. It's a place with dirt under its fingernails, peopled with all kinds of humans and aliens. My attention is less on the upper crust types, the folks who think the big thoughts and move the laws into being, so much as I am interested in the folks who work the docks, the jocks who pilot the interstellar freighters (and maybe make some side cash moving illegal items from time to time) and the wronged folks who were shot down from lofty positions they fought and clawed their way to by eager rivals. This is pulpy fiction about troublemakers and the trouble they get themselves into. I deal in sweaty situations, the labors of a hard day's work and a harder night's illicit labors.

    I hope you enjoy.

    This month is a special situation. Last month saw the first story arc wrap up in the form of a double-sized issue featuring a single short novel. Well, it's high time for me to talk about the next arc for the magazine. After that, I'm going to do my best to turn you on to a book or two you might not have heard about or if you have heard about them maybe you've not had the chance to check out for yourselves.

    On the Magazine

    The first six issues were somewhat episodic. Readers can and did jump in wherever they liked and they could mostly keep up. With the exception of

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