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Anguished: Crimson Elite, #2
Anguished: Crimson Elite, #2
Anguished: Crimson Elite, #2
Ebook218 pages3 hours

Anguished: Crimson Elite, #2

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

It wasn't meant to be this way—she shouldn't have fallen for my brother and left me for him. But she did. And now I'm left to pick up the pieces of my shattered, broken heart. And to top it off, they want me to come to their wedding. Do they think I'm a pushover? Do they think of me as a joke? The old saying stands true, 'why have enemies when you can have family.' I understand it now, better than I ever have in my life. There's one unexpected surprise though, Storm. She blew in just like one and makes the pain diminish. She's exactly as her name describes her—she is a storm. A beautiful and powerful one. But not all things are meant to last. Like a storm that wreaks havoc, some things cause anguish, and in my life she may very well be one of them.

(All books can be read as a standalone)

PublisherT.L Smith
Release dateFeb 19, 2019
Anguished: Crimson Elite, #2

T.L. Smith

T.L. Smith is a USA Today bestselling author who loves to write about characters with flaws so beautiful and dark they’re hard to turn away from. Her books have been translated into several languages. She can be found in her home state of Queensland, Australia, or off traveling the world—sitting on a beach in Bali or exploring Alcatraz in San Francisco or walking the streets of New York.

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    Anguished - T.L. Smith



    My head hangs low as I listen to them speak as if it doesn’t affect me. My ex-girlfriend, the one I wanted to marry, is now sitting across from me. But she isn’t here in my family home with me, no. She smiles at my mother as she taps her shoulder then looks over at me. I cringe because she caught me staring when I try my hardest not to let her get to me. The problem is she’s deep within my skin, and I can’t replace her. No matter how hard I try.

    Echo, my mother says.

    I look up at her and see pity in her eyes. It’s one of the reasons I avoid days like this and prefer to spend time at Creed’s mother’s house. There I don’t feel scrutinized, looked upon with worry or hurt. Here, I get every damn feeling and then more. It hurts, but mostly it pisses me off. I drink my beer in one long swig before standing, not caring what my mother wants to say. Guaranteed it will be something I don’t want to listen to, anyway. It was my fault. I should have paid more attention. How did I not see it coming? Shaking my head, I open the fridge. Their voices become louder like it reverberates through my mind. My name being whispered on their lips like they don’t realize I can hear them. Well, I fucking can that’s for sure.

    He just doesn’t know any better. I mean, what is it that he even does?

    They don’t know because they have never cared to ask. They know I work, and that’s the extent of their knowledge. Assholes, the lot of them. Shutting the fridge, instead, I reach for my father’s top-shelf whiskey, I pull it down not even taking the trouble to grab a glass. I intend to drink as much as humanly possible to drown out their voices if I have to be here tonight, which believe me is the last place I want to be.

    He’ll come around.

    I snort at that comment. Come around! Like a hole in my fucking head will I come around.

    Shoot me now.

    Taking another long swig, I put the bottle back just before my father walks into the room. He looks to me then walks over opening the cabinet to see what I was doing.

    Really, Echo? That whiskey is aged. Couldn’t you have stuck with something that doesn’t cost me the price of my car?

    I snort back at him reaching for another beer from the fridge before making my way out to the dungeon in fucking hell. All eyes fall on me.

    My father walks up behind me. He was drinking my damn whiskey this time. Going to have to start locking shit away when he’s here.

    My eyes look up to find her watching me. There’s shame in her eyes. Did I always drink this much? Maybe not. But she’s one of the reasons I do now.

    I raise my beer bottle to her, her eyes go wide before I take another drink.

    Echo, we do need to talk.

    I shake my head. I don’t want to talk. Fuck that! All they ever say to me when I’m here is shit like… ‘Echo, you drink too much,’ ‘Echo, can’t you see reason,’ ‘Echo, it was bound to happen.’ For fuck’s sake that shit makes me drink—more. Just once I’d like them on my side, raising their glasses to me.

    Fuck them.

    Fuck them all.

    Echo. This time she says my name, it falls away from her lips like honey, and I think back to how she used to scream my name when I fucked her in every room and the way she would cry for more.

    Does she cry at him for more? I doubt it.

    Shaking my head, I rid those evil thoughts from my brain. Instead, I mutter words that make everyone go silent, Last time you said my name like that I had you up against the wall with my cock buried deep inside you.

    My brother Mike stands abruptly from the table pushing it with his legs as he does. I smirk knowing I’ve finally made him angry. His composed facade is busted—he isn’t as straight and narrow as they think he is. Looking up at him he stops, shakes his head, blinks a few times then sits back down. I watch as her now wide eyes turn to him, and she rests her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

    Perfect. Happy. Fucking couple.


    Even if I still love her, I can see her for what she is, an asshole.

    His jaw clenches hard, and my mother’s hand touches his shoulder to reassure him that I, of course, was in the wrong as usual. I start laughing at the absurdity of the situation because if you think about it long enough, it is quite ridiculous. Whose fucking life does this kind of shit happen to? It must only be in the movies because this is crazy, totally fucking crazy.

    You need to stop this, Echo. You should know better, my mother warns.

    I shake my head at her.

    "You need to stop picking him all the time, I’m your son, too. Her eyes go wide at my words as my father says my name in a stern voice, Echo. His eyebrows are lowered and drawn together so hard they are forming a V over his nose, and the intense stare is enough for me to pay attention. Maybe if you acted your damn age… He pauses for a second and slams his hand on the table. Your brother works, he’s built a good life for himself, and doesn’t drink until he can’t see straight."

    I look across at my straight and narrow brother, the one that’s holding my ex-girlfriend’s hand right now on the table across from me like it shouldn’t affect me. Again.


    I work. They all look at me. I own my own fucking business. Does he? I raise an eyebrow, while they all just stare at me with blank expressions. And do you want to know something else as well? I’m fucking rich. Richer than this asshole will ever be in his shit lawyer job. I stand, my vision’s blurry while everyone watches me. Stop inviting me to this shit-show. Especially, considering you’re making it perfectly clear you don’t fucking want me here, I say mostly to my mother who guilts me into coming and then proceeds to put me down. Why I put myself through it all, I have no fucking idea.

    You’re a real piece of work, aren’t you? my brother says sitting proudly in his spot at the table.

    I guess I am. Ask Selena… she should know. She fucked me almost every day for years straight, couldn’t get enough of me. Is she the same with you? Do you make her toes curl and her voice high pitched? Because believe me, brother, I sure as shit know how to.

    Selena lets go of his hand placing it in her lap as she looks down.

    He spins to watch her then back to me. But look where she ended up, brother. Look whose bed she climbs into every night. It isn’t yours, is it? You’re a drunk, you piece of shit.

    The love that emanates from this family sometimes even blindsides me, honestly. Jesus! What family speaks to each other the way we do. No one, that’s fucking who.

    That’s why I don’t feel bad when I suddenly fly over the table. His chair pushes backward, and I catch his neck in my hands and squeeze until we’re both on the floor. I sit on him and sneer as I watch him turn blue.

    Oh my God, Selena screams.

    "Get off of him, now." My mother tugs at my shoulder to pull me loose, but I stay still and taunt him until he starts to lose consciousness.

    I hear the cock of a gun, then the tip of it hits the back of my head.


    Now, son. I let go, slowly getting up as my father puts away his gun.

    Selena drops to his side as I smile with disdain down at him.

    Don’t expect me to be this nice next time. This is your last warning.

    Get out of my house, and don’t ever come back, my mother says angrily as she points to the front door.

    I reach for my beer, grabbing the neck and tip it to her as I walk backward. Gladly. Have a nice fucking life with your perfect fucking son.

    Get the fuck out, my father says while shaking his head at me.

    I don’t have to be told again. So, I make my way to the front door of my family home where I grew up but was always treated like an outsider. One where I was never appreciated like I should have been. One where my perfect fucking brother is treated like royalty.

    No. I had Selena, and that was all I needed for a long time. Her and my three non-blood brothers who are there for me more than anyone in this world. They see him for the asshole he is, and when my brother attempted to be friends with my group, it never worked.

    But, I guess he ended up winning anyway.

    Because he got what mattered most to me—the girl.

    He got her and rubs it in my face every chance he gets.

    Again, I can’t stress the word asshole enough.

    How did it go? Falcon asks the minute I get into my car, his voice booming through the speakers.

    As well you could imagine.

    Shit, he curses. That bad?

    I ended up having a gun pointed at my head. So what do you think? Pulling away, I flip the house off and hope I never see it again or the people inside it.

    Want me to sic Creed onto them? I mean he does have a pregnant wife and all, but I’m sure he’s itching to lay down some bad shit on someone. He laughs.

    I heard that you dick. I’m not your fucking lap dog you can order to sic on people, Creed says to him who’s clearly sitting next to him listening in on the conversation.

    I won’t be seeing them again anytime soon. So no. I got it handled.

    Echo, a sweet angelic voice comes through the line. I’m sorry. I almost let my body drop at those words and think of the mess I created. Almost.

    Thanks, El. I hang up my cell and wish I found a love like Creed and El have. That my love didn’t run off with my brother the first chance she fucking got.

    Pulling up at the closest bar, I get out running my fingers through my hair and decide to drink myself to sleep. Let’s face it, it’s probably my best option today.

    Fuck Christmas! What a shit-show that was.



    One Year Ago…

    Selena’s complaining, again. Why? I can’t even remember for the life of me. I should probably try to remember. I mean I care, don’t I? Her face is scrunched up in anger, she’s clearly pissed at something I’ve done. I scratch my head in confusion. Fuck! What did I do?

    You just don’t care anymore. Do you? Is that it?

    I step closer to her. Her pulse is fast as I touch her wrist, I can feel it steadily beating on my fingers. I run my fingers back and forth until she starts to calm, but her eyebrows are still scrunched.

    I care. You know I care. Stepping up close to Selena, I linger so close to her lips, knowing I’m going to claim her and make them mine as I’ve done over the last five years. Calming her is one of my many talents, among other things which I plan to do very soon.

    Don’t do it. She looks at my lips then back to me.

    Do what? I ask breathing her in.

    I’m trying to have a serious conversation here, Echo. Don’t ruin it.

    Ruin it? I mutter looking at her lips then back to her eyes—her very green eyes. Only improve it, baby. Before I let her utter another word, I close the distance which is separating us and kiss her, my lips touch hers, and within seconds her body relaxes fully. I knew it would make her relax just as I know her. My hands leave her wrists and envelop her body lifting her as she wraps her legs around my waist.

    We can’t, she states as I enter the bedroom, the one we share together. I don’t listen to her excuses as I lay her down and start kissing her neck. Pulling open her dress, I kiss my favorite parts of her. It’s very fucking hard to decide when you love someone like I love Selena—with all that I am.

    Tell me to stop.

    She opens her mouth but before she can say another word my mouth is on her clit, and in reaction, her legs spread wider as I keep her panties pushed to the side. I make her squirm and taste what I always love to taste. Her hands find my blond hair that seriously needs a cut as she roams her hands through it, pulling it slightly then just before she comes she pulls me to her and slams her own lips to mine. I kick my jeans off then reaching between us I slide in—it’s easy, just like breathing. Something we’ve done multiple times and something I plan on doing for the rest of my life with her.

    She is it.

    I knew it from the moment I met her.

    Selena moans loudly, her heels digging into my ass while I hold her hands above her head. She keeps her eyes closed tightly as she starts screaming my name from her lips.

    The sound is like ecstasy, and I don’t stop. Not when I feel her loosen her grip, not even when she starts to come a second time. Her hands are now in her hair pulling at it trying to control her onslaught of emotions hitting her like a fire truck. As her pussy starts to squeeze around my cock for the second time I come, laying on her chest as we both try to catch our breaths.

    Looking up at her, she smiles and shakes her head.

    You just can’t help yourself, can you?

    I almost laugh. Almost.

    You’re mine, are you not? Rolling off her and to my side, I watch Selena pull her dress up over her chest and sit up, she looks back at me her green eyes haunted with something I can’t make out.

    We need to talk, Echo.

    Touching her back I tickle my fingers up and down as I wait for her to speak.

    Echo… She doesn’t have a chance to finish as my cell starts ringing and Darby’s name flashes up. Holding up a finger to her, I listen as he asks me to come in immediately. Standing, I lean down to kiss her, but she shakes her head at me.

    Come on, baby, I’ll be back.

    Her eyes narrow. What is it that you do exactly, Echo? After all these years you’ve never really told me?

    We own a private establishment, you know this.

    Her hands cross over her chest. Do you ever plan to tell me what you do in there? I scratch the top of my head unsure of how to answer her. You’re trying to come up with a lie right now, aren’t you?

    I shake my head at her crazy words. Of course not, it’s just very elite for a reason, baby.

    She stands, doing up her dress. Don’t baby me, you asshole. I’m leaving.

    Okay. Want me to grab something for dinner tonight?

    She walks to our closet, pulls out a bag and starts throwing her shit in it. I’ve found someone else, Echo. Someone who can give me his all. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about today. But, of course, you get distracted easily as usual. She keeps packing, then stops and looks up when I don’t answer her. Selena’s words try to process through my brain as if I didn’t hear them correctly.

    You’re fucking someone else?

    Selena groans loudly, standing up with bag in hand. Of course, that’s all you hear. I’m leaving you, Echo. And I’m not coming back this time. I can’t.

    She’s left me before. But she’s always come back the next day once she’s cooled down, but seeing someone else hasn’t happened before. She pulls the bag up her shoulder, and it takes me a moment longer to realize what she’s saying.

    "You can’t do that to me. To

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