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Repentance—Good News!
Repentance—Good News!
Repentance—Good News!
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Repentance—Good News!

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Repentance. From Jesus's own adoption of repentance at his baptism and the opening word of his preaching, the theme winds its way through his ministry and into our lives. We see Peter, the exemplar of repentance, and the unfortunate Judas, caught up in remorse. We look at sins both personal and collective, and at God forgiving and healing. Above all we see Jesus taking on the sin of the whole world and bringing the kingdom of God so very close, this kingdom of love which brings us to our knees in adoration. This book tellingly brings home the wonderful, humble love of God to be found in Jesus.
PublisherCascade Books
Release dateOct 5, 2016
Repentance—Good News!

Daniel Bourguet

Daniel Bourguet has been a pastor in the French Reformed Church. He has exercised a range of ministries in the local church and in theological institutions. He currently leads a contemplative life that involves prayer and writing; he also conducts retreats and receives visitors.

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    Repentance—Good News! - Daniel Bourguet


    Repentance—Good News!

    Daniel Bourguet

    Foreword by Bob Ekblad

    Translated from the French

    Repentance—Good News!

    English translation Copyright © 2016 Wipf and Stock Publishers. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

    Translated from the original French edition. Copyright © 2000 Éditions Olivétan, Lyon, France.

    Cascade Books

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

    199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

    Eugene, OR 97401


    paperback isbn: 978-1-4982-8170-6

    hardcover isbn: 978-1-4982-8172-0

    ebook isbn: 978-1-4982-8171-3

    Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

    Names: Bourguet, Daniel.

    Title: Repentance—Good News! / Daniel Bourguet.

    Description: Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016 | Includes bibliographical references.

    Identifiers: isbn 978-1-4982-8170-6 (paperback) | isbn 978-1-4982-8172-0 (hardcover) | isbn 978-1-4982-8171-3 (ebook)

    Subjects: LSCH: Repentance — Christianity | Repentance — biblical teaching | Old Testament — influence |

    Classification: BS680.R45 B65 2016 (print) | BS680.R45 (ebook)

    Manufactured in the USA. 10/03/16

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Translator’s Note



    Chapter 1: Repentance—Good News

    Chapter 2: On the Threshold of the Gospel

    Chapter 3: The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand

    Chapter 4: The Depth of Repentance

    Chapter 5: The Repentance Preached by the Disciples

    Chapter 6: God’s Repentance

    Repentance—Good News! is translated from the French published by Éditions Olivétan as La repentance, une bonne nouvelle.

    In the same collection of translations:

    The Silence of God during the Passion

    Praying the Psalms

    Spiritual Maladies

    The Tenderness of God

    Becoming a Disciple

    From Darkness to Light

    Translator’s Note

    In some instances there are idioms in French that are difficult to translate, but that has not generally been the case with this book. The author’s original notes and references are all to French works or translations, and it has not always been possible to provide equivalent references in English. Further to the author’s original notes some translator’s notes have been added as footnotes, generally as glosses of the French, sometimes of a more explanatory nature; in every instance these notes have been checked with the author. Biblical passages are mostly the translator’s version of the French since at times the point would be lost if this were not so; the author chooses freely among French translations.


    This book reprises studies given at a retreat of La Fraternité spirituelle des Veilleurs held at Orsay in March 2000 . In retreats, as with preaching, bibliographic references are left to one side; these might have had their place in marginal notes, but I have preferred to keep them to a minimum in order to stay close to the style of a retreat, as if the reader had also been invited to take part in a retreat through this book.

    The people present at these retreats were believers, Christians, and the reader will see that my remarks assume this. Nothing has been changed anything here, so a reader who is not a believer will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable at times; for the multitude of questions that will arise for such a reader I ask pardon; however, to go on a retreat is to retire from the world for a time to be face to face with God, and the teaching at a retreat is a means to that encounter; for this, a person would have to be a believer. You need to know this before starting to read the book; I am speaking here as if at a retreat, to a reader who is a believer.

    Finally, again as if on a retreat, I have kept the elements of an oral style. You are addressed here as a reader friend, in the form of a dialogue, a dialogue that doesn’t propose to be more than an overture to the most sublime of dialogues, that with God.

    So there we are, my reader friend! May your dialogue with God find something here to nourish it.


    The publication of Daniel Bourguet’s books in English is a valuable contribution to the literature of contemplative theology and spirituality that will nourish and inspire the faith of all who read them. Daniel Bourguet, a French Protestant pastor and theologian of the Huguenot tradition, lives as a monk in the mountainous Cévennes region in the South of France. There at his hermitage near Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Daniel maintains a daily rhythm of prayer, worship, Scripture reading, theological reflection, and spiritual accompaniment. All of his books flow out of a life steeped in love of God, Scripture, and the seekers who come to him for spiritual support.

    I first met Daniel Bourguet in 1988 when my wife, Gracie, and I moved from rural Central America to study theology at the Institut Protestant de Théologie (IPT), where he taught Old Testament. The IPT is the Église protestante unie de France’s¹ denominational graduate school in Montpellier, France.

    Prior to our move to France while ministering among impoverished farmers in Honduras in the 1980s, we had come across the writings of Swiss theologian Wilhelm Vischer and French theologian Daniel Lys by way of footnotes in Jacques Ellul’s inspiring books. Vischer had written a three-volume work entitled The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ, of which only volume 1 is translated into English.² That book, along with a number of articles and Daniel Lys’ brilliant The Meaning of the Old Testament,³ exposed us to a community of Bible scholars who articulated a continuity between the Old and New Testaments that was highly relevant then and now. This connection would ultimately lead me to Bourguet.

    We experienced firsthand how a literal reading of the Old Testament in isolation from the New Testament confession that Jesus is both Lord and Christ (Messiah) brings great confusion, division, and even destruction. In rural Honduras churches often distinguish themselves by selective observance of Old Testament laws and use certain Old Testament stories to inspire fear of God as punishing judge. In North America Christians were drawing from the Old Testament to justify the death penalty and US military intervention in Central America and beyond.

    Wilhelm Vischer himself had been an active resister of Nazism from his Old Testament teaching post inside Germany. He resisted the misuse of Scripture to justify anti-Semitism, nationalism, and war, insisting on the importance of the Old Testament for Christian faith at a time when it was being dismissed. He was consequently one of the first professors of theology to be pressured to leave his post and eventually depart Nazi Germany before World War II, and served as Karl Barth’s pastor in Basel after he too left Germany. After the war, the church in France, having been widely engaged in resistance to Nazism and deeply encouraged by Barth, invited Vischer to be the professor of Old Testament at the IPT in Montpellier.

    Ellul, Vischer, Lys and other French theologians were offering deep biblical reflection that led us to look into theological study in France.⁴ We wrote the IPT about their graduate program and discovered that Vischer had long since retired after training several generations of pastors. His protégée, Daniel Lys, had recently retired but was still available. In Lys’s place was his doctoral student Daniel Bourguet, who also had been trained by Vischer. The IPT welcomed us with a generous scholarship and we were soon making plans to learn French and move to Montpellier.

    We were eager for help to understand Scripture after being immersed in Bible studies with impoverished farmers in war-torn Honduras. Disillusioned with America after being engaged in resisting US policy in Central America, we felt drawn to reflect from a different context. We reasoned that studying in a Protestant seminary with a history of persecution in a majority Catholic context would prove valuable. We left Tierra Nueva in the hands of local Honduran leaders and moved to Montpellier two months early to study French and began classes in September 1988.

    Daniel Bourguet taught us Hebrew and Old Testament in ways that made the language and text come alive. He invited students into his passion and curiosity as we pondered both familiar and difficult passages of Scripture. I remember continually being surprised at how seriously Daniel took every textual critical variant, even seemingly irrelevant ones. He masterfully invited and guided us to both scrutinize and contemplate each variant in its original language until we understood the angle from which ancient interpreters had viewed the text. Daniel modeled an honoring of distinct perspectives as we studied the history of interpretation of each passage. He sought to hold diverse perspectives together whenever possible, yet only embraced what the text actually permitted, exemplifying fine-tuned discernment that inspired us.

    Daniel’s thorough approach meant he would only take us through a chapter or two per semester. This meant we took entire courses on Genesis 1-2:4, on Abraham’s call in Genesis 12:1-4, and on Jeremiah 31, Exodus 1-2, Psalms 1-2 and others. In each of his courses he included relevant rabbinic exegesis, New Testament use of the Old Testament, and the church fathers’ interpretations. Daniel imparted his confidence that God speaks good news now as he accompanied us in our reading, making our hearts burn like those of the disciples on the road to Emmaus—and inspiring us to want to do this with others. In alignment with Vischer and Lys he demonstrated through detailed exegesis of Old Testament texts how God’s most total revelation in Jesus both fulfills and explains these Scriptures, making them come alive through the Holy Spirit in our lives and diverse contexts.

    While living in France every summer Gracie and I traveled from France to Honduras, spending several weeks sharing our learning with Tierra Nueva’s Honduran leadership and leading Bible studies in rural villages before returning back for classes in the Fall. We had pursued studies in France with the vision of bringing the best scholarship to the service of the least in a deliberate effort to bridge the divide between the academy and the poor. Our experience of

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