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Principles of Engineering Geology
Principles of Engineering Geology
Principles of Engineering Geology
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Principles of Engineering Geology

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In Civil Engineering practice, engineering geology plays a vital role. For an efficient and appropriate judgment in the analysis and execution of any project, it is extremely essential not only to have a basic understanding of the geological processes and products at the site to select the best site based on an integrated site evaluation approach but also for the ground reinforcement at the site to withstand the constructions whether it be dam, tunnel, transportation routes in problematic regions or the shore-protection structures. Further, in the area of Water Resources Engineering, watershed management and groundwater development are primarily based on the site geology and aquifer evaluation. Thus Engineering Geology is an interface area of Civil Engineering and Geology. It has gained acceptability world over as a branch of Civil Engineering. Keeping this in mind, the present book is designed by the author based on his vast experience spanning about four decades, as a basic first course, in particular, to the students of Civil Engineering. The contents of the book are dealt under eleven chapters. The first four chapters deal with the Geological Processes and Products with an emphasis on Civil Engineering needs. The next seven chapters deal with geological considerations in site evaluation, ground improvement, effect of geological features on the choice and construction methodology, ground water hydrogeology, prevention or protection from geological hazards and role of geology in the environmental problems. At every stage in the Book enough Indian examples are cited to enable a good comprehension of the subject by the reader. In addition, material useful for the reader but does not find a place in the main text is provided in annexures 1 and 2. Annexure 3 contains rveiews questions on each chapter, useful for self-evaluation of the students understanding.
PublisherBSP BOOKS
Release dateNov 20, 2019
Principles of Engineering Geology

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    Principles of Engineering Geology - K.V.G.K. Gokhale


    Chapter 1

    Minerals and Rocks

    Minerals, rocks and soils constitute earth materials. These materials influence the processes active on the surface and in the subsurface of our planet. They play a vital role in the site evaluation and operations in Civil Engineering practice. Whether it is in tunnelling, hydroelectric projects, groundwater development, foundation treatments or in the assessment of slope stability, a basic understanding of the earth materials is essential. Thus the study of these materials forms the first step.


    A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic compound with a definite chemical composition, physical properties and crystalline structure. To be considered as a mineral, all these attributes are necessary. Minerals are the building blocks for the rocks. One rock is distinguished from another essentially on the basis of its mineralogical composition. The different criteria for classification of various rock types will be dealt later.

    Minerals are broadly grouped into (a) the rock-forming minerals and (b) ore-forming minerals. The former constitute a rock while the latter form the composition of an ore. In Civil Engineering practice, it is important to have knowledge of the important rock-forming types. The ore-forming minerals are to be understood in detail by the Mining, Metallurgical and Mineral Engineering professionals.

    All the minerals are grouped into 8 classes :

    1.   Native elements (like gold, silver, copper, sulphur and carbon)

    2.   Sulphides

    3.   Oxides and hydroxides

    4.   Halides

    5.   Carbonates, nitrates and borates

    6.   Sulphates, chromates, molybdates and tungstates

    7.   Phosphates, arsenates and vanadates

    8.   Silicates

    Among these, the minerals of interest to Civil Engineers are essentially the oxides, hydroxides, carbonates and silicates.

    In a rock, among the minerals present, the ones, which are dominant and characterize the rock, are termed as the essential (primary) minerals. The remaining present in the rock are known as accessory minerals. The accessory minerals normally are present in relatively small proportions and are composed of the minor components.

    Essential Rock-Forming Minerals

    Important among this category are :


    Quartz (silica)

    Feldspars (Na-, K- and Ca- aluminate silicates)

    Amphiboles (Na-, Ca-, Mg-, Fe- Al silicates)

    Pyroxenes (Mg-, Fe- and Ca- silicates)

    Micas (K-, Mg-, Fe- Al silicates)

    Garnets (Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca and Al silicates)

    Olivine (Mg and Fe silicate)

    Clay minerals (K, Fe, Mg and Al silicates)


    Calcite (Ca carbonate)

    Dolomite (Ca-Mg carbonate)

    Minerals with Fe, Mg and Mn in their composition are dark-coloured. The dark-coloured ones are thus the ferro-magnesian minerals.


    Silicate minerals form the bulk (around 95%) of the Earth’s crust. Of these silicate minerals, quartz and feldspar are the most common ones in the crust. With increasing depth (for instance in the mantle region), the minerals are of Fe, Mg silicates such as the pyroxenes and olivines.

    In a silicate structure, Si-O tetrahedra are the units. Silicon has tetrahedral coordination with oxygen. This is dictated by the ratio of the radius of the cation (silicon) to the ratio of the anion (oxygen). This ratio is commonly termed as the radius ratio. In a closed packing of silicon with oxygen, only four oxygen ions can be in linkage with the centrally situated cation (silicon) forming a Si-O tetrahedron. For close packing, it is necessary that, while all the anions (oxygen) not only are in contact with each other, but also should individually be in contact with the central cation (silicon). In such a situation, only four of the oxygen ions can be in linkage with one silicon ion. If the cation involved is not silicon but Al, for its close-packing with oxygen or hydroxyl, (OH)-, it is in octahedral coordination with six of these anions O- or OH- surrounding each Al³+ ion. In silicate minerals with other cations such as Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg and Fe, these silicon-oxygen tetrahedra occur in specific linkages with other cation-hydroxyl octahedra.

    Silicate minerals are classified on the basis of the linkage of Si-O tetrahedra.

    The different groups are :

    The bonding between the silica tetrahedra and the other cation linkages impart the characteristics to the individual silicate minerals. For example, in the structure of quartz, the Si-O tetrahedra being in continuous framework are in strong bonding and consequently the mineral quartz has no cleavage. On the other hand, in the clay mineral structure (also in the micas), the Si-O sheet alternates with a sheet of Al- (OH) octahedral sheet and due to weak bonding between the different unit layers of the mineral, distinct basal cleavage exists. This is clearly seen in the case of mica, which can be split along the cleavage (parting). Minerals with chain structure are generally fibrous or prismatic.

    Mineralogical Phase Rule

    Although several hundreds of minerals exist in nature, maximum number possible in a rock is dictated by the components and the degrees of freedom in the parent material. As we know, components are the smallest number of independent chemical entities, which completely define the composition of the system. These can be elements or compounds since some of the elements exist together as compounds in the parent melt.

    Minerals are the individual phases in the system. They exist as homogeneous within themselves and are different from each other. To find out the maximum number of phases, the number of components and degrees of freedom operative in the geological process of the mineral formation are to be understood and substituted in the phase rule expression.

    Phase rule

    In a system under equilibrium conditions

    In a geological system, the degrees of freedom are :

    •    bulk composition

    •    temperature

    •    pressure

    For a melt of a particular composition, the pressure and temperature are the two degrees of freedom

    Hence,      P = C (for F = 2)

    This expression is termed as the mineralogical phase rule.

    Thus the maximum number of minerals (phases) will be equal to the number of components (in the composition of the melt).

    For example, if we consider pure silica (SiO2), at any specific P and T conditions, two phases only can coexist (like quartz and tridymite).

    In an igneous melt, the possible components are O, Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Fe and Mg. These are eight in number. Hence in general, the maximum number of minerals possible can be eight. However, the number will be much less since O exists in combination with others such as SiO2.

    Igneous Rocks

    Igneous rocks form through cooling and crystallization of molten rock material. If this molten material is below the Earth’s surface, it is called magma. If it comes out above the surface, it is known as lava.

    Nature of Magma

    The molten rock material is semi-solid in nature (like porridge) and consists of liquid, gas and earlier-formed crystals. The volatiles are dominantly water vapour and carbon-di-oxide constituting around 15% of the material by weight. The main elements are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and magnesium.

    The volatiles in the magma influence its fluidity, mobility and the melting point. Its viscosity is largely controlled by silicon and water. Magmas with more volatile material erupt more violently. Magma is mobile and moves through the rocks of the crust and is capable of penetrating or intruding into them. As it moves to upper levels, it gradually cools and solidifies into a rock with its constituent minerals crystallizing during this process.

    Magmas can be classified into two types :

    Silicic magma : Composed mainly of silica (around 65% or more) with a temperature below 800 °C . Because of the large presence of silica and relatively low temperature, it is thick and viscous. There is greater resistance to flow due to the Si-O tetrahedral linkages.

    Basaltic magma : It has silica content less than 50% and temperature relatively higher than silicic magmas (more than about 900 °C). It is more fluidy and mobile. When it comes onto the surface, it spreads out. Most popular example in India is Deccan Trap lava flows, which occupy a substantial area in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

    Sequence of Crystallization of Minerals in Magma

    During cooling of the molten rock material, as the temperature falls down, minerals of basic composition crystallize first controlled by the respective melting points. Minerals rich in silica subsequently crystallize. At the end of the crystallization period, the excess silica that remains forms quartz. So quartz is the last mineral to crystallize. Thus, in the deeper levels within the Earth, the material is extremely basic (ultrabasic) in its composition. As the depth decreases, the basic rocks form followed by granites and similar silicic rocks in the upper parts of the crust.

    This sequence has first been proposed by Bowen and hence known as the Bowen’s Reaction Series. In this sequence, depending upon the discrete formation of minerals or a gradual change in composition from one to another, the discontinuous and the continuous reaction series are proposed. The series can be illustrated as follows :

    In the continuous reaction series, calcium-rich plagioclase (anorthite) appears first during cooling. With the gradual decrease in the temperature of the melt, its composition gradually changes into a more alkali-rich type. Between the pure Ca-rich plagioclase (anorthite) and alkali-rich plagioclase (albite), several plagioclase types with intermittent compositions are there (forming a solid-solution series). In the final stages, albite (alkali plagioclase) appears as a mineral.

    From the above series, it can be seen that the ultrabasic rocks crystallize first followed by the basic and ultimately the acidic ones. Thus a granite (acidic rock) forming towards the end phase of crystallization is essentially composed of quartz, K-feldspar (orthoclase) and muscovite mica.

    The temperature ranges for crystallization of the minerals from the melt are given in Table 1.1.

    Table 1.1 Crystallization temperatures of important rock-forming minerals

    Classification of Igneous Rocks

    Based on the silica content in its composition, an igneous rock is classified as :

    •    acidic

    •    intermediate

    •    basic

    •    ultrabasic

    Acid igneous rocks are very rich in silica and poor in the ferromagnesian minerals. Quartz, alkali feldspar and mica are the common constituents. Presence of quartz indicates excess silica remaining after all the other chemical ingredients have combined with requisite proportions of silica to form minerals like feldspar and mica. Besides granites, pegmatites also fall in this category. Pegmatites are the last ones to form during magmatic crystallization conforming to the last stage in the Bowen's reaction series.

    In the intermediate igneous rocks, free silica in the form of quartz is either less or absent. Alkali feldspar (the K-variety) is the main ingredient. Syenite and diorite pertain to this category.

    The basic igneous rocks are composed essentially of the dark ferromagnesian minerals. Quartz is absent or if at all present it is in minute quantities. Plagioclase feldspar is significant in its proportion. Presence of plagioclase in the rock is indicative of relatively reduced silica content as compared to the acid igneous variety. Gabbro, dolerite and basalt are typical examples of this category.

    The ultrabasic rocks are very deficient in silica. Quartz is invariably absent. The rocks are rich in Mg and the dominant ferromagnesian minerals contain magnesium. Peridotite and dunite are typical examples. Dunite essentially is monomineralic (composed of olivine as the dominant mineral).

    Table 1.2 Generalized classification of igneous rocks

    Presence of all these four types, since their formation is temperature-pressure controlled, is depth-related. From the surface, as the depth increases, the acid igneous rocks are followed by the intermediate, basic and finally the ultrabasic types at great depths in the lower mantle. Earth is thus a differentiated planet with lighter rocks in the crust and the heavier ones at depths. The Earth’s density thus increases from the surface to the core. The core, centrally located, is of very heavy material similar to nickel- iron metals in its composition (Annexure - II).

    Texture and Mode of Occurrence of Igneous Rocks

    Texture refers to the grain size, shape and mutual arrangement (fabric) of the grains. The igneous rocks formed at great depths are known as plutonic variety. Since cooling takes place over considerable period of time, the crystallization of minerals is slow and the grain growth continues unhampered. Thus the plutonic igneous rocks are coarse-grained. Compared to this situation, the volcanic igneous rocks that form on cooling and consolidation of lava (molten rock material above the surface) have very fine-grained texture. The temperature falls rapidly during cooling and consequently there is not enough time for crystallization to take place. The material is rapidly chilled. In fact, the solidification is so rapid that the volatile constituents escape forcing their way through channels during such rapid solidification. This results in the vesicular structure in the volcanic rocks. Any volcanic rock, for example basalt, is characterized by the presence of vesicles or interconnected pores. In some cases, these vesicular openings may be filled with minerals deposited from solutions at a later stage. These secondary minerals (like zeolites in the Deccan Trap basalts) in the vesicles are thus not genetically related to the volcanic rock in which they are present. The structure of the rock with infilled vesicles is termed as amygdoloidal structure.

    The vesicular openings only host such minerals. Also, due to rapid cooling, tension cracks develop. These cracks are polygonal in shape and vertically extend downwards (Fig. 1.1). These planar openings are called columnar joints since on weathering, the material within these polygons stands out as vertical columns. Columnar joints are common in basalts. The rock in such a case is said to have columnar structure.

    Fig. 1.1 Columnar joints in basalt, Mt. Baker, U.S.A (Photo : Nagendra Kolluru).

    If the grains are in the same size range, the texture is referred to as equigranular. Otherwise it is termed as inequigranular. If the larger mineral grains have inclusions of the smaller ones, the texture of the rock is designated as poikilitic texture. In the case of dolerites, the texture is ophitic with laths of plagioclase enclosed by grains of pyroxene.

    If large grains of minerals are surrounded by the fine-grained matrix, the texture of the rock is termed as porphyritic texture.

    Mode of Occurrence of Intrusive Igneous Rocks

    Igneous intrusions occur in different sizes and forms depending on the manner of intrusion. Dykes and sills are the common forms. If the intrusion is parallel to the layering in the host rock, it is called as a sill. On the other hand, if the intrusive is present cutting across the trend of the host rock, it is known as a dyke (Fig. 1.2).

    Fig. 1.2 Dyke and sill.

    If the intrusion takes place forcibly in a stratified rock, resulting in the development of a mushroom-shaped (with a dome) intrusive in the host rock, it is termed as a laccolith (Fig. 1.3). This is the case with intrusions of viscous material that cannot spread too far sideways. In folded rocks, if the intrusion takes place at a later stage, it occupies the openings at the crest (in the case of anticlines) and trough (in the case of synclines) of folds. The resulting form of the intrusive of a curved-type is denoted as a phaccolith (Fig. 1.4). Large igneous intrusion of several kilometers in extent having a form which is convex upwards and concave downwards, is known as a lopolith (Fig. 1.5). Lopoliths are generally composed of gabbros.

    Fig. 1.3 Typical form of a laccolith.

    Fig. 1.4 Phaccoliths in folded rocks.

    Fig. 1.5 Lopolith.

    Very large intrusive bodies with steep outward slopes extending to great depths are known as batholiths (Fig. 1.6). Batholiths are composed of granites. Quite often, the base is not visible. The batholiths are present in orogenic regions and are associated with mountain building. The offshoot of a batholith, irregular in shape, is known as a stock while an offshoot having a circular pattern is called a boss.

    Fig. 1.6 Batholith.

    Sedimentary Rocks

    The source material for these rocks is contributed by weathering of the pre-existing rocks. The nature of the material derived from weathering depends on the type of weathering. Mechanical weathering contributes to the clastic or detrital load, which is in the form of disintegrated material of small sizes. Chemical weathering on the other hand involves dissolution of material. The product of weathering in such a case is in the form of dissolved load. As already indicated in chapter 3, removal of material from the site of weathering is through transport of both the suspended (clastic) load and the dissolved load during erosion. Erosion involves weathering and transportation of material.

    Formation of sedimentary rocks involves deposition of the clastic and chemical sediments, lithification (compaction) and cementation of the particles with matrix resulting in a solid sedimentary rock. As indicated in chapter 3, deposition of clastic material is controlled by the change in physical parameters of the transporting agency while the deposition of the chemical load is a result of variations in the chemical framework of the system. Deposition can be under continental (fluvial, laccustrine, glacial or eolian), marine (in the ocean at different depths) or in the transitional (deltas and near-shore) environments. The depositional environment of a sedimentary rock is reflected in the physical, mineralogical and structural characteristics of the rock.

    Classification of Sedimentary Rocks

    Sedimentary rocks are classified under two broad divisions depending on their formation from detrital or Chemical load.

    The clastic or detrital rocks are composed of the clastic particles. Nomenclature of the rocks in this category is based on the grain size of the particles.

    Clastic material is classified on the basis of grain size ranges as follows :

    Rock Types

    Clastic sedimentary rocks

    Sedimentary rocks of Chemical Origin

    Sedimentary Structures

    Several primary structures are evidenced in sedimentary rocks. These structures offer significant evidences of the depositional conditions (environments). These are primary in the sense that they are related to the mode of formation of the rocks and not developed subsequently. Tectonic structures, due to deformation, belong to the secondary category.

    Stratification or Layering : Strata (individual layers) vary in thickness, indicating the time period involved in their deposition. Variation in composition in different strata is seen as colour change in individual layers. If undisturbed during or after deposition, the strata are horizontal.

    Cross-bedding : Strata are inclined to each other. Cross-bedding is evidenced in shallowwater deposits or eolian (wind-borne) deposits. A typical cross-bedding feature exhibits horizontal bottom strata followed upwards by a set of inclined strata and again a set of near-horizontal strata on the top. The middle set (inclined strata) are asymptotic to the bottom set and are truncated at the top (at the contact with the top set) (Fig. 1.7). The inclination of the middle set is towards the current direction. By noting the current directions as exhibited in the field by the sandstones at different places, it is possible to infer the paleocurrent directions during the deposition of sediments in a region. Once the current directions are inferred, the source material that contributed to the formation of these rocks can also be inferred. The location of the source material is towards the direction (upstream) opposite to that of the current direction.

    Since the truncated part of the middle set is towards the top in a sequence, current bedding is useful for inferring the top direction of a geological sequence in disturbed areas. For example, using the top and bottom criteria from the cross-bedding in rocks with isoclinal folding, the anticlinal or a synclinal nature of the fold can be established.

    Fig. 1.7 Cross-bedding in Navajo sandstone, Zion National Park,Utah (U.S.A.)(Courtesy: U.S. Geological Survey Photo: E.T.Nichols).

    The type of cross-bedding is indicative of the natural agency involved in deposition. In eolian deposits, asymptotic trend with the bottom set is not present. This type of cross-bedding is known as tabular cross-bedding. It has truncated features with both the top and bottom sets. In zones of agitation, like in a beach environment, the cross-bedding shows frequent change in the direction of the current. This is termed as an agitated current-bedding or festoon type (Fig. 1.7).

    Graded Bedding : This structure is typical in relatively deeper and quiet water. The particles get sorted as they settle down forming a gradation of size from bottom to the top of the beds. Coarser particles settle down first followed by particles of relatively smaller dimensions progressively to the top (Fig. 1.8). Graded bedding is associated generally with graywackes and is related to deposition of the material carried by turbidity currents. Using graded bedding, the top direction in a geological sequence can be established. In each unit of graded bedding, the finer particles are towards the top.

    Fig. 1.8 Graded bedding (King George IV Lake Area, New Foundland) (Courtesy: Geol. Survey, Govt, of New Foundland & Labrador).

    Ripple Marks : Ripple marks are characteristic of shallow water deposition and also of eolian deposits. Ripple marks are of different types - symmetric or asymmetric ripples. Symmetric ripple marks are characteristic of still water or a surf zone. Asymmetric ripple marks (also known as current ripples) have typical geometry with the stoss side followed by a lee side. The stoss side has a gentle slope compared to the lee side. Crest is the highest point separating both sides. The direction from stoss to the lee side indicates the paleocurrent direction. Ripple marks in fluvial and eolian

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