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City of Sin: Vegas Men, #2
City of Sin: Vegas Men, #2
City of Sin: Vegas Men, #2
Ebook202 pages4 hours

City of Sin: Vegas Men, #2

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Commitment - I hate the damn word,

That's since my ex walked out on me.

Not even looking back at our son,

My son is my world. 

I think he deserves so much better than her,

In fact, we both do!

And then I notice Mia stepping into my Gym.

My world stops still, 

I notice the first drop of sweat from her forehead and God, I am hooked.

I can see that dark, hooded desire in her shy eyes.

I am picturizing her being an animal in bed…all wild and unhinged!

And soon I give into the temptation,

Forget she's my client and it's so off-limits.

Bring my lips down to hers,

All prepared to make her mine.

After all, this is Vegas – "The City of Sin" where anything can happen.

But what happens when my ex comes back complicating my life – again! 

Suddenly Mia becomes a stranger. 

Guess some things can't be hidden forever, right?

I am determined to win my lady back, 

And gift my son the mother he rightly deserves!

PublisherMia Ford
Release dateDec 4, 2019
City of Sin: Vegas Men, #2

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    Book preview

    City of Sin - Mia Ford

    Chapter One – Noah

    D o you like it, Daddy ?

    God, I love the way my son calls out my name. It sends a real warmth bolting to my heart. The way he looks at me is awesome too, like I’m the most important person in his world. How anyone can have a child in the world and not want to be with them all the time is beyond me. My son is my world.

    That’s excellent, Alex. How long did it take you to draw that?

    All day. He cocks an eyebrow at me. I worked hard.

    This makes me chuckle, since it’s only seven fifteen in the morning. But my son has always had a little streak of dramatism in him. But I love him for it. I adore all his personality quirks.

    Wow, well I can tell. It looks like it’s taken forever. Tell me about it.

    That’s me and you there, from the day we went to the water park. And Bobby with his Mom...

    Heart break crosses Alex’s face, but only for a second. He might only be five years old, but he knows more than anyone else realizes. I think he understands his mother’s disappearance better than anyone cares to accept.

    Oh, well that’s lovely, Alex. You’ve done a really good job there. I cough, trying to swallow down my feelings. I’m really proud of you. Will you do some more art for me today while I’m at work?

    Do you have to go to work?

    I’m afraid I do, kiddo. The gym won’t run itself.

    But I want another fun day with you.

    We’ll have another fun day really soon, I promise you. We can even go back to the water park if that’s what you want? If you keep being a good boy for Jenny, then we’ll do something amazing.

    You promise me?

    I promise, and you know that Daddy doesn’t break promises. I kiss him on the top of the head. Now, if you’re finished with your cereal, you should go and get dressed. Jenny will be here soon.

    Okay. I will. I’m going to wear my dino tee shirt.

    You definitely should. I like that one on you.

    As he runs away, my heart bleeds again. I always understood Hayley walking out on me, our marriage wasn’t great for a while, I just didn’t want to let go for Alex’s sake, but leaving him without looking back is something I’ll never get. I can’t understand how she can live her life knowing her son is out there. It’s insanity.

    I grab my cell phone and look through the recent string of messages that I’ve had from her, shaking my head as I do. These just show how selfish she is. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.

    Hayley: Noah, we need to talk.

    Noah: It’s been eighteen months, Hayley. What do we have to talk about now? This makes no sense.

    Hayley: I need your help.

    Noah: With what?

    Hayley: Money.

    Noah: Are you fucking kidding me? You have a child who you haven’t seen for over a year and you don’t even ask about him? It’s just straight for money. What sort of a woman are you?

    Hayley: Don’t be an asshole, Noah. You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need it. I’m desperate.

    Noah: Marvelous. You still haven’t asked.

    Hayley: You’re taking care of him, aren’t you? I’m sure you’d tell me if anything was wrong.

    Noah: Unbelievable. You selfish bitch. You really don’t give a shit, do you?

    Hayley: So, are you going to help me out or not? Or are you going to keep being an uptight asshole?

    Noah: Hard pass.

    Hayley: Noah, I need it. Please, help me out. I thought you cared about me? You married me for a reason, don’t forget that. You can’t pretend that you’ve never cared about me now.

    Hayley: Noah, is this a joke? Why are you ignoring me now?

    Hayley: This is a fucking joke.

    Hayley: Fuck you, Noah. You never gave a shit about me.

    How did I fall in love with that woman? How did I marry her? Honestly, it boggles me now. To keep reminding myself that not all my choices are amazing ones, I’ve kept everything. The wedding photos, the move letters from the early days, the gifts we got each other when we were young and naïve... I guess that’s the stuff I’ll show Alex when he’s older, but I also have the bad things. The screenshots of all the messages she sent other guys, the pathetic note she left me when she ran off with another rich guy, all the times she’s tried to get money from me.

    Those memories are just for me, for when I need to reminder.

    I sigh loudly and look at the picture Alex has drawn again. There’s a big gap where his mother should be, where she’d never be again. I wouldn’t ever let her back into her son’s life because she’s done nothing to prove herself worthy. I won’t have her being the sort of person who darts in and out of his life. He deserves so much better than her. We both do.

    There hasn’t been anyone after Hayley. Not someone serious anyway. I’ve had flings, but she’s really put me off the whole romance thing. It would have to be someone utterly amazing to turn my head for long enough.

    Here, Daddy, what do you think?

    Oh, wow, you look amazing, kid.

    Where is your uniform?

    I laugh loudly. You mean my gym kit?

    Well, you are going to work.

    That’s true, I am. I’m just going to get it on now. Why don’t you see if there are any cartoons on TV?

    He bounces off my lap and races into the other room, a giant smile on his face as he goes. I smile to myself, but it’s a sad smile. All these thoughts of Hayley haven’t left me in the best mood.

    Knock, knock.

    Ah, that must be Jenny, and time for me to really get sorted. I push myself up into a standing position and head towards the stairs. Come in, Jenny, Alex is waiting for you.

    I hear my favorite nanny sliding in through the front door, before a low hum of talking fills the living room. Jenny is amazing. After things imploded with Hayley, I needed help with child care. I can’t be a full time parent and run my gym to the successful level I have been at the same time. It just wouldn’t work. I had a few nannies looking after Alex, but none of them felt right until her. She just has this awesome way with my son which leaves us both happy. Even with Alex now in school, I keep her around for weekends, after school, and holidays like now. He has a fair few weeks off for the summer during which time they’ll have great fun.

    It’s good for him to have a positive female role in his life.

    Ring, ring... ring, ring...

    The early hour if the cell rings gives a stress in my chest. This is the sort of time Hayley likes to get in touch, reminding me how well she knows my schedule, but thankfully it isn’t.

    Hi, Mom, how’s it going?

    Hello, Noah. Sorry, I know it’s early. I’m just checking you and that gorgeous grandson of mine are still coming to dinner this weekend? I’ve been looking forward to it all week.

    Yes, of course we are. You know we wouldn’t miss it for the world.

    Good, good. Because it’s been a long time.

    I know, I’m sorry about that. I’ve just been so busy.

    Any communication from that woman?

    That woman... the only way Mom speaks about Hayley now. She never liked her, she tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen until it was too late, which she likes to remind me all the time.

    Only the usual, Mom. She wants money.

    You aren’t going to give her anything, are you?

    Of course not. I’m not stupid.

    You were once.

    Thanks for reminding me. I roll my eyes and snort. I need that this morning.

    Yeah, yeah, whatever. So, how is everything else? Alex good? Work okay?

    All good, we’re all very busy, but it’s good.

    I’m glad to hear it. Well, I’m sure you are about to head out, so I will leave you to it.

    Speak to you soon, Mom.

    Love you.

    Love you too.

    I hang up the phone and crick my neck, slowly trying to brush off this uneasy feeling. Hayley isn’t going to affect me anymore, I won’t let her under my skin. I did once but I’m way over that. She’s ruthless, she will do whatever she can to get what she wants, but I’m strong, I’m powerful, I’m a survivor.

    I pull my clothes on, getting myself into work mode, and I bounce back down the stairs with a beaming smile on my face. Okay, guys. I’m off, but you two have a good day, okay?

    They both raise a hand to me, barely acknowledging me because they are so wrapped up into one another which is sweet to see. Alex is absorbed and happy, just as I want him to be.

    Okay, well I’ll see you both at dinner time! Bye.

    The burning hot Las Vegas sun sears my skin as I step outside and I breathe it in deep. I fucking love my home, I adore living in the City of Sin. Since I run a health center I’m not exactly in the thick of it, but I like knowing it’s just there. The neon lights, the constant parties, the endless fun. I grew up in this amazing city, and I wouldn’t leave it for the world.

    I slide my sun glasses onto my head and start the drive to downtown where I spend most of my days...

    HEY THERE, BOSS. HOW are you doing this morning?

    I’m good thanks, Foster. You look like shit though. It’s pretty obvious you’ve done the night shift.

    Well, if you will insist on running a twenty four hour gym...

    I will. Some of our best customers come in at night.

    Yeah, that’s true. And we had some fine chicks last night. You missed out.

    Ah, I’m not too worried. We get some good looking girls in the day too. Not that I would ever mix business with pleasure.

    Oh no, me neither. He shoots me a wink, suggesting otherwise. I turn a blind eye to it unless it hurts my customers. My staff aren’t stupid enough to let that happen. But for now, I’m off. I need some shut eye.

    Of course. I’ll see you soon alright?

    The gym is empty for the moment, but I know it won’t be for long. I won’t have long to admire the business I built up from nothing. I knew I wanted to run my own company even while I was at school and I knew fitness was the only thing I could do well. Thank goodness for my charisma. It meant investors were willing to take a chance on me. Without that, I wouldn’t have my dream.

    But I do have my dream, and I’ve clung onto it despite everything, which I will class as a win.

    No point in letting the equipment go to waste. I grab the weights. I might as well use them.

    Not everyone turns their passion into a career. I see so many people who skate by in life accepting misery as normality. That’s a part of this experience for me. I don’t just inspire people to get fit and healthy, I inspire them to better every aspect of their lives and that is why they come back over and over again.

    I stare at my reflection and pump the weights, watching my muscles flex as I do. It isn’t a bad life. It could be better in some ways, but I’m sure as hell not complaining.

    Chapter Two – Mia

    M ia, you will love running the marathon, honestly! And it’s for such a good cause, my best friend whines at me in a pleading tone while flicking the puppy dog eyes at me. You can’t turn your back on it now.

    Don’t use the Cancer card on me, it isn’t fair.

    I know, I know. She rolls her eyes and plonks a cup of coffee in front of me. I understand that’s harsh of me since you lost your mother to Cancer last year, but I don’t want to do this alone.

    I flick a red curl over my shoulder and shake my head. I’m just not a runner, Kayleigh. Not like you. I mean, look at you. You have this gorgeous athletic body and you’ve kept up fitness ever since we left college. I’ve let it go and now I’m just the curvy chick who can’t run at all. I want to do a marathon, I want to raise money for charity, but I don’t think I can do it. I’ll humiliate myself in front of the whole of Las Vegas.

    The marathon is popular, but not quite popular enough to have everyone out on the streets.

    I suppose so, but I still don’t think I can do it.

    You aren’t as unfit as you think you are. I know you can do it! We both can.

    Kayleigh rests her hand on my arm and she gives me a desperate glare. I need you, Mia. I can’t do this without you. I can’t run twenty six miles without you there.

    When is it? I throw my hands in the air in dismay, giving myself away. How long would I have to train?

    Three months, which according to the schedule is plenty of time. We will just need to jog every day and maybe join a gym as well. We can do it. Honestly, trust me. We should at least try anyway.

    I roll my eyes, not liking how easily I can be manipulated by my best friend. I suppose so.

    Is that a yes? She bangs her hands excitedly on the table, drawing the attention of the other people in the café. Is that an actual agreement? You’re going to run the marathon with me?

    I narrow my eyes at her. A very reluctant one, yes. I don’t know how happy I am about it.

    Oh, that’s amazing news. I’m so happy. She claps her hands together gleefully, her blonde pony tail swings around her shoulders. I knew you’d do it with me. We are going to kick ass. We don’t even need to finish it quickly, we can just do it at our own pace. Some people finish it in ten hours.

    I am not running for ten hours. I will have to train harder.

    Shall we go and join a gym now? Get you signed up?

    You seem like you don’t trust me, I giggle. Do you really think I’m just going to ditch you?

    Maybe. I don’t know. You need to do this anyway, for therapeutic reasons.

    "What do you

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