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My Beautiful Adra
My Beautiful Adra
My Beautiful Adra
Ebook91 pages1 hour

My Beautiful Adra

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About this ebook

Adra accepted a coffee shop date with a guy from her performance arts college. They conversed well, but they were still new to each other, so there were momentary silences. She ventured an idea on getting to know each other better. The idea... Game of 20 Questions. Adra allowed him to ask the first question. His first question was, "What's the most important thing to you in the whole world?" Her answer... "Being a member of the Royal Family."

Unfortunately, Adra had to bail before clarifying her answer. If she didn't leave the coffee shop that moment, she'd be late to her next class. So, he was left wondering what in the world she meant by that answer.

Through missed dates, mishaps, illnesses on both sides, it took FOREVER to complete the game.

When the game was finally completed, or so Adra thought, she was asked one final question beyond the game... Question Twenty-One. Adra knew her mind and what her feelings were for this talented man. But, even so, what would her answer be, and what would it mean?

This is number 2 in an 8-surprise-ending-novelette series called, "FOREVER BRIDE IN 21 QUESTIONS".

PublisherSheila Holmes
Release dateApr 12, 2020
My Beautiful Adra

Sheila Holmes

I have been in love with the written word since I was old enough to read. After graduating college, I taught high school until I decided I wanted to spend more time "creating". So, twenty years after beginning to teach public school, I "retired myself" and now I write full time.After living half my life on the West Coast, we moved all the way across the country, where we now live on the East Coast. It is just the two of us after our one daughter had the audacity to grow up, marry, and move away. However, that "move away" is only five miles from our home.While writing, I also own and run a website business:http://www.marriage-vow-renewal.comI love to create, whether it is designing marriage vow renewal certificates, marriage certificates, creating romance plans for married couples, or writing books. I'm blessed by the Lord to do exactly what I love.You'll find a more complete introduction (with pictures), plus my other writing endeavors, at my website: www.sheilaholmes.com.

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    My Beautiful Adra - Sheila Holmes

    My Beautiful Adra


    Sheila Holmes

    Copyright © 2020 Sheila Holmes

    All rights reserved.

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    Ebook formatting by Sheila Holmes

    Cover by Sheila Holmes

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales or events is entirely coincidental.


    Daniel, my adorable husband, is a light under my resisting will. He spurs me on to write, even when I don’t feel like it. He will forever be my hero. His laughter is adorable, and just what I usually need. (I tend to be far too serious about life.) He holds me accountable spiritually, and he’s just so cute that I can barely stand it. His encouragement to continue writing is often the only thing that pulls me back into the writing posture.

    Our daughter, DanniLaii, is my best girlfriend, which has surprised us both. And she tells her dad and me that we’re their (she and her husband’s) best friends. She is funny, funny, funny, and has a compassionate heart for the underdog like no one I’ve ever known. I think being funny is something you either have or you don’t, but I can learn from her compassion for others. And that’s what I seek to do. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

    But, my greatest thanks is to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is Everything and All Things. I thank Him for helping me continue to write, and pray that my stories will lift Him up as the only name by which we must be saved.

    Books by Sheila Holmes

    Wedding Woes Series

    A Wedding Disaster… Or Was It?

    A Catastrophic Wedding Reception… Or Maybe Not?

    Wedding Designed by Email… KiirstiAan's Nightmare?


    With This Ring: Creative Ways to Give Your Purity Ring to Your Future Spouse

    Awesome Love Series

    Becoming His Awesome Beauty: Volume 1

    Becoming His Awesome Beauty: Volume 2

    Fixing His Broken Ballerina: Volume 1

    Fixing His Broken Ballerina: Volume 2

    All in a Name Series

    Joyful, Joyful

    From Grace Abounds Grace (coming mid-2020)

    Christmas, and You Too Series

    Christmas Scavenger Hunt (A Novella)

    Christmas Snowball Fight (A Novella, coming mid-2020)

    Christmas Song on Third Avenue (A Novella, coming Fall 2020)

    Grampy’s Old Typewriter Series

    Manicotti Kisses: A Marriage Proposal Gone So Wrong! (A Novelette)

    Chili Dog Hugs: We Met, We Ate, We Fell in Love (coming early 2020)


    Christmas Fantasy Fulfilled

    Return to Cinder ~ A Christmas Tale

    Forever Bride in 21 Questions Series

    My Beloved Leilani ~ A Novelette

    My Beautiful Adra ~ A Novelette

    My Funny Felicia ~ A Novelette (coming soon 2020)

    My Tranquil Kathy ~ A Novelette (coming mid-year 2020)



    Books by Sheila Holmes


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    A Review, Please

    A Word About My Funny Felicia

    About the Author


    My Beautiful Adra,

    First, and most importantly, I want you to know that I love you with a forever love, and believe you to be the most beautiful woman in this world. How I ever managed to gain your love, I’ll never know. But, this one thing I know… I will spend my life cherishing you and ever-growing more into the man that you can honor and respect above all others.

    Ours has been a long road to this day. I can’t believe we’ve jumped so many hurdles to get here.

    But, my Adra, it has been worth it. I am just amazed that by the end of today – this very day – you’ll be my wife. My wife! I love the sound of that!

    I’ve been working all this last week re-counting the Game of Twenty Questions we’ve played together over these months. It was the best way I could think of during that time to get to know who you are. Even as I’ve been writing, I’ve wondered repeatedly how we finally made it to today.

    Do you remember when I asked you…

    No, strike that. I’m sorry now that I didn’t type this page up with the rest of them, instead of handwriting it, but I wanted it to be something you could save, if you wanted to. And, the question above is actually part of the 20-question game we played. (Sorry for the cross out.)

    Unbelievable! Between the explanation paragraph above, and the strike out above that, this is not the love letter I hoped to give you today.

    And, now… the second explanation paragraph above… I give up! I’ll just share from my heart from this point on.

    As I said above, I love you more than I ever believed would be possible. I’m enamored with everything about you. I love your slight southern drawl (which was a complete surprise the first time I heard you speak). But, a beautiful one. I’ll

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