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Executive Command
Executive Command
Executive Command
Ebook599 pages10 hours

Executive Command

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A Secret Service agent must stop terrorists targeting America’s most valuable—and vulnerable—natural resource…“A great thrill ride.”—Dwight Jon Zimmerman, New York Times-bestselling coauthor of Lincoln’s Last Days

The nation’s water resources are high on the terrorist target list—but low in America’s consciousness. Water sources are largely unprotected, providing open access to any enemy with chemicals and biotoxins.

So far we’ve been lucky. But now that luck may be running out…

This is the all-too-real-and-present danger facing President Morgan Taylor and Secret Service Agent Scott Roarke as they try to prevent terrorists from destroying America and its infrastructure city by city, state by state. Fact-based in frightening detail, Executive Command is a political thriller that will leave you wondering the next time you pour a glass of water.
“Moving at break-neck speed and nothing short of sensational. Grossman is a master storyteller who sets you up and delivers. Executive Command is not just a great book, it’s a riveting experience!”—W.G. Griffiths, award-winning and bestselling author of Methuselah’s Pillar
Release dateDec 12, 2013
Executive Command

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    Book preview

    Executive Command - Gary Grossman

    PART I

    Chapter 1

    Houston, Texas

    George Bush Intercontinental Airport

    January 3

    He tried not to look nervous.

    Step forward.

    At first, the man didn’t hear the order. The thick, bulletproof glass of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer’s booth muffled the sound.

    Step forward, the agent at the Houston terminal repeated.

    The man wanted to be invisible. Mistake. His instructions were to blend in, act casually, and make small talk. He was five-eight, clean shaven. He kept his brown hair medium length; normal. Except for a small scar under his chin, there was nothing memorable about his look. Nothing distinctive.

    Step forward!

    He tensed. Not good. He should have smiled politely and done as he was told. However, the man was not used to being told what to do by a woman. He hesitated again and was slow to hand over his passport.

    The agent didn’t know how much harder the president had just made her job. Generally, work came down to evaluate, stamp, and pass. Sometimes it took longer, but it was usually the same thing every hour of every day. Evaluate, stamp, and pass. In twelve years, she’d probably only flagged twenty people, principally because they were belligerent to her and not a real threat. It was different today. Houston was beta testing a new system that was sure to be on a fast track everywhere. But right now it was slow, and Agent Carlita Deluca was already feeling pissed off.

    The man finally passed his papers under the glass in the booth. With the Argentine passport finally in hand, she studied the picture; then the man before her. The evaluate part. She made quick assessments. Recent scabs on his face. Cuts from shaving? Sloppy knot on his tie. Not a professional. She rose up from her chair and examined his rolling suitcase. Brand new. Then Deluca looked at the passport more closely. Armenian name, but citizen of Argentina. She checked whether he had traveled in the Middle East. No stamps.

    State your business in the United States.

    The man cleared his throat. A bad signal, but he didn’t know it.

    Job interview.

    She listened to the accent. Carlita Deluca had become pretty good at detecting certain regionalisms. Not Armenian. German? She needed more.


    University. I’m a professor. He put his hand out impatiently, expecting his passport, which Deluca didn’t return.

    Of what?

    The man shifted his weight from one foot to another. Philosophy. Comparative religions.

    Have you taught here before?


    And where is your interview?

    New York.

    Deluca nodded, scanned the passport through her computer and waited while the photo traveled as data bits across the Internet. The accent? Definitely not German. Not European at all. More….

    A video camera also captured the man’s image at the booth. The new image and picture on the passport were instantly cross-referenced against millions of other photos through FRT or FERET—Facial Recognition Technology. Some of the process was standard post 9/11; some as recent as the president’s last sentence.

    What school?

    Universidad Nacional De Cordoba‎, he answered, almost too quickly.

    No, where is your job interview?

    Oh, New York University.

    Middle Eastern? She couldn’t quite peg it yet. So, Deluca continued to study the man. It also gave the computer—which she understood very little about—time to talk to whatever it talked to. It was definitely sluggish, and the line behind the man was growing longer. She stamped the passport and wondered whether the computer was even working. It was.

    • • •

    A 2004 report to Congress concluded that America’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies missed, ignored, or failed to identify key conspirators responsible for the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The public agreed. People who should have been flagged as dangerous or, at the very least, undesirable, entered the United States undetected. Once here, they engaged in highly suspect activity that went unchecked.

    It’s not that the system didn’t work. There was no effective system. That changed with the establishment of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 6. In Beltway speak—HSPD-6. The White House directive, issued September 16, 2003, consolidated interagency information sharing. The avowed goal—to put the right intelligence into the hands of the right people; securely and in a timely manner.

    At the center of HSPD-6 is TSC—the Terrorist Screening Center. The department has been charged with identifying, screening, and tracking known or suspected terrorists and their supporters. Feeding TSC is the FTTTF, the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, and TTIC, the Terrorism Threat Integration Center, all administered by the FBI.

    In addition to establishing the TSC, HSPD-6 effectively rerouted watch lists and terrorist identification programs through another service called TIPOFF.

    This is precisely where the photograph of the man at the airport was being examined electronically against hundreds of thousands of other pictures.

    TIPOFF began in 1987 with little more than a shoe box full of three-by-five-inch index cards. Now it ran through a complex computer network; one of the most secretive in the world. Every nanosecond, search engines mine data from CIA deep cover reports, to Customs photo scans, right down to Google, Yahoo, and Bing images. Until recently, the subjects in the TIPOFF database were primarily non-U.S. persons. Out of necessity, that changed. Today, the program cross-references records of American citizens and even legal permanent residents who are of interest. It feeds that information to the U.S. Customs Service, now administered by the Department of Homeland Security.

    • • •

    The man’s biometrics—the physical characteristics including facial geometry—were being interpreted at the speed of light by the TIPOFF computers. The nation’s interlocked FRT programs rejected more than 99.999999 percent of the matches. That took less time than the next step. The program kicked the photograph back into the database for further analysis when it registered positive against some fourteen other pictures.

    Can you tell me where I can find Southwest Airlines? the man asked as politely as possible. He was beginning to feel this was taking too much time.

    After baggage claim, go outside. There’s a tram.

    Thank you. The man shifted his weight again and forced a smile, hoping this would speed things up.

    Egyptian. Deluca decided. But the computer’s identity program still hadn’t given her any reason to hold the man. She reluctantly returned his passport.

    Proceed to your right and straight through the doors.

    The man smiled again and then let out a breath.

    A sigh of relief? Deluca could hold him, however travelers behind him were growing impatient after their long international flights. But still.

    One more question. The fifty-nine-year-old mother of four was clearly stalling. Agent Deluca wanted to give the computer another moment. That’s when a short pinging sound indicated an incoming message onscreen. She checked the monitor. One word appeared under the picture captured by the new Customs surveillance program.


    When she looked up, a couple and their child were now standing at her window. The subject had taken his passport and left.

    Where the hell?

    Deluca rushed out of the booth, down the hallway, and through the doors where she had directed the man. She reached for her walkie talkie, but she’d left it at her post. On the other side of the doors she faced the concourse lined with luggage turntables. Which flight? She remembered. Aeromexico out of Mexico City.

    Another customs agent read the urgency on her face as she passed him.

    What is it?

    Got a detain. White male. Well, white-ish. Medium build, brown sports jacket. Short brown hair.

    Carlita Deluca had just described dozens of men within fifty yards. The second customs agent did what Deluca hadn’t done. He radioed upstairs. But it was already redundant. Homeland Security computers had signaled an alert. Simultaneously, the conveyer belt froze. The outer doors locked. No one was going to get through.

    Five agents converged in the baggage area; all with printouts of the subject’s photograph. Deluca pushed past some arriving passengers to get to the arrivals board. She read it aloud until she came to Aeromexico 4325/Mexico City. Baggage Claim 7. Yes! Deluca turned and looked down the line.

    From twenty feet she spotted the man who was walking near the conveyor belt. She signaled the agent closest to radio the location. Seconds later, agents appeared from everywhere. People automatically made room for the uniformed officers whose 40-calibre Glock 23s were out.

    The Egyptian sensed the mood change in the concourse. Three of the largest men he’d ever seen were now running across the expanse on an intercept course. Behind them, he saw the cursed female agent who was pointing him out. She had a gun. So did the others. He couldn’t place the weapons. That wasn’t his expertise. He panicked.

    Abdul Hassan started to run. There was no time for how or why. All he could do now was escape. The exit.

    Hassan ignored the shouts to Stop! He pivoted right and bounced off an elderly couple. The man nearly fell down. A pregnant woman next to him was not so lucky. She hit the ground hard. This brought screams from another family and the crowd began to scatter. People tripped over one another. The route to the doors clogged. He darted to the left and suddenly found himself running at full force toward the customs agent from the kiosk. He jammed his head into her gut, instantly bringing Deluca down. The Egyptian grabbed her gun.

    Drop it! shouted another agent.

    He answered the order with a wild shot. Twenty feet away, a father of two fell to his knees. His last thought before his head cracked on the cement floor was for the safety of his twin boys.

    People screamed and dropped low. Only five remained upright. Hassan and four of Houston’s most experienced U.S. Customs and Border agents. Their guns rang out from nearly 360 degrees to the target, each finding its mark—a difficult-to-make head shot, two bullets to the lungs, front and back, and two more in the heart. Any of the agents could have taken credit for the kill.

    Chapter 2

    Washington, D.C.

    The White House press room

    The same time

    Why, Mr. President? shouted a dozen reporters in one voice. Each hoped to be the loudest. Morgan Taylor knew this would come. Even his chief of staff warned against making the announcement. But it was time.

    The president of the United States looked around the room. It didn’t matter who he went to. The question would be the same.

    Okay, Mark. He pointed to Mark Montgomery, Washington bureau chief for Time. He’d tell Montgomery. The rest of the world would hear it.

    Why, Mr. President?

    Why? was the most important follow-up question any reporter could ask. Why? was exactly what he expected. Why? hadn’t been asked enough in recent years. And it was hardly ever answered honestly.

    In that single moment, Morgan Taylor cautioned himself. Be clear. Be precise. With seventy-five reporters in the room his answer could be reported seventy-five different ways. Be very clear. That wouldn’t be a problem. Taylor suffered from clarity. It was his trademark, particularly in his second term as president.

    Now Why? would take him where he needed to go. He would tell the nation why every traveler passing through U.S. Customs, whether at an airport or a border crossing, whether American or foreign national, would be photographed. And that photograph would be checked against the largest bank of interlinked computers in the history of the Internet.

    Why, Taylor began. Today we face the greatest challenge of our lives. The enemies of freedom and liberty are out to destroy us. He stared at the faces in the room and shook his head. Shit. Too political. Sounds like another stupid campaign stump speech, he quickly told himself. The president ran his hand through his hair, still trimmed to military regulation length. No, he continued, Let me give it to you straighter. They want to see us dead.

    Everyone in the room sat mesmerized by the man in the black pin-striped Brooks Brothers suit. He was fifty-four, the average age for a president these days. But nothing about his character was average. Taylor was a former fighter pilot. He had experienced war firsthand; as recently as the previous fall in the jungles of Indonesia. He could fly an F/A-18 off a carrier or bring Air Force One in for a crash landing in the Pacific. Morgan Taylor was a force of nature; a man who wasn’t used to the word no. He drilled that point into his cabinet and staff. World leaders also knew he meant what he said. That was ultimately more important than how the reporters reported his answer. Still, he wanted to be unquestionably precise. No more Whys.

    He had stature well above his 5’11"—not just because of the electorate, but because he commanded. Morgan Taylor really commanded. It earned him respect and made him hated. He represented American ideals more than any American political party. And though he was a Republican, as a rule he was neither left, right, nor center. In this, his last term, he viewed the country and the world from a white house, not tainted or painted with a red or blue political brush.

    Taylor was an Annapolis graduate, earning top honors in his class. As a Navy pilot, he was praised for his skill. The fact that he was brought down by enemy fire in Iraq during the war which drove Saddam out of Kuwait only elevated respect for him.

    After his discharge, Commander Morgan Taylor, USN (Ret.) signed a lucrative contract with Boeing, the parent company of McDonnell Douglas, which manufactured his high-performance jets. In time, he used his military contacts to score an appointment as a strategist at the State Department. A few years later, he made a run for the Senate from Washington State, where he was elected as a moderate Republican from a progressive state. Two terms later, he took his place in history as President of the United States.

    Now, he brought all of his experience, all of his jobs, and all of his sensibilities to bear. He evaluated problems with the perspective of a highly skilled pilot who had delivered death from twenty thousand feet and considered life from the position of a downed flier who had crawled through the desert sand hoping to see his wife and family again. He publicly embraced science and personally maintained his faith. He was a hopeful man and a realistic leader. If anything, as commander in chief he didn’t mince words. Not in the cabinet room or during a press conference.

    I’ll give it to you again, Mr. Montgomery. They want to see us dead. You. Me. Your wife and children. Your sister, your brother, and everyone you know. That’s what they want. So from this day forward, we’re going to start thinking the unthinkable. That is the way we’ll stay alive in today’s world.

    CIA Headquarters

    Langley, Virginia

    Jack Evans cracked the seal on the file. He’d waited months for the report. It was finally here and as complete as it was going to get—for now.

    Evans, the director of national intelligence, oversaw the entire intelligence network that included the NSA – the National Security Agency, the CIA, the DIA—the Defense Intelligence Agency—and elements of the FBI. America’s chief spy, a former top cop, and head of civil service investigations from New York state, opened to the first page.


    The report was commissioned by, and intended solely for, Jack Evans. Depending upon its contents, he’d be sharing it one office up.

    The White House

    press room

    Now I’ll save you the trouble of asking the next obvious question, Taylor volunteered. "What is the unthinkable?"

    There were rumblings of yes in the room. The former Navy vet bore down on the young turk Time reporter who got frequent airtime on Meet the Press. Everything is unthinkable. Everything that turns civilians into armed combatants, cities into the front lines, cars into explosive devices. The enemy is not working off the playbook we teach our military at West Point, Annapolis, or Colorado Springs. They’re not equipping uniformed officers to take ground and lead troops. They’re arming women and children to blow themselves up. They don’t see defeat in death. They see victory. But a suicide bomber is just one means. We’ve also seen them turn hijacked airplanes into missiles. Thinking the unthinkable means we consider where we are most vulnerable, and we defend against attack. We cannot allow ourselves to be blindsided, either by natural disasters or holy wars.

    Taylor almost wished he could have called back his last comment, an attack on a previous Republican administration and a worldwide religion. But it was time to tell the truth. He had already enumerated and acted on his policy to go after terrorist strongholds and arms caches anywhere in the world. Now he needed to prepare Americans for the same at home. No more platitudes, he told himself.

    "Sir Ian Hamilton, in his Gallipoli Diary in 1920, said, ‘The impossible can only be overborne by the unprecedented.’ 9/11 was unprecedented. A bomb on a London subway was unprecedented. What else do we need to add to that list? Because each time, under the headline, are names of people. And whether it is one, ten, hundreds, or thousands, we share the blame for not recognizing the unprecedented. But we will not be blamed for ignoring the unthinkable.

    Now I’m going to tell you how we’re going to do it.

    Durham, New Hampshire

    The second-year doctor looked up from the chart and saw the teenage girl doubled over. She had no color in her face.

    Hello, I’m Dr. Renu Sitori, she said through an Indian accent. What do we have here? Appendicitis?

    The nurse at the rural New Hampshire clinic in downtown Durham, NH, who had already seen her said no. But severe abdominal pain, like the man who came in yesterday. One-hundred-three fever.

    The girl barely opened her eyes.

    I have a few questions for you. Then we’ll get you taken care of. Can you speak?

    She barely nodded and clutched her stomach.

    This won’t take long, but I have to know. Did you eat anything unusual?

    No, she whispered.

    Did you take a fall?

    Another labored no.

    Did you touch anything unusual around your parents’ farm? Especially any dead animals? She was trying to rule out birds.


    Is anyone else in your family sick?

    She blinked once and tried to nod yes. It was becoming too uncomfortable for her.

    Dr. Satori turned to the nurse who shrugged her shoulders.

    Who brought her in?

    Her father. He’s in the waiting room.

    Stay with her. Satori tore out of the examination room and found the forty-year-old farmer pacing the floor, ignoring the president’s speech on the TV. The young doctor introduced herself, and then asked him the same questions.

    Dunno, he kept answering. Dunno.

    And what about anyone else? How are your other family members? Your daughter indicated that someone else was sick.

    My wife. She’s in bed.

    With what?


    Like your daughter?

    Kinda. Maybe.

    The doctor considered food poisoning. However, the nurse had already pointed out that the girl’s symptoms were similar to another patient’s. This was going to take more time. She told the farmer to wait for a few minutes.

    Satori went to the nurses’ station down the hall and pulled the chart for the patient she saw the day before. The diagnosis was relatively the same. Abdominal pains, high fever, developing nausea. Where’s this? the resident pointed to the address. The nurse didn’t know. Nor did the senior nurse on duty. Come on, you all live here, it’s a small town. Where is Foss Farm Road?

    An aide called out. Past Oyster River Reservoir on Mill Road.

    And Lee Lane? That’s where the girl lived.

    Lee’s west of town. On the 155.

    Dr. Satori walked back to the waiting room to speak to the girl’s father. He was still pacing.

    Is she all right?

    Satori ignored him. Does your wife have a high fever, Mr. Huggins?

    Well, a little.

    Bring her in. It wasn’t a polite request.

    As the father turned to leave he grabbed his side and stumbled over a metal folding chair. Satori caught him before he hit the wall. Get a gurney!

    Satori helped Huggins to a chair and saw that his eyes were suddenly cloudy and vacant as if he were going into shock.

    CIA Headquarters

    The same time

    The first few paragraphs simply rehashed the history. A shooting in Moscow that wasn’t really a shooting.

    There were eyewitnesses. People saw the chase. An elderly man was hunted down at the Gum Department Store blocks away from Red Square. But officially there was no police action, just a cover story. Something about a training exercise with an undercover officer disguised as an old man; a drill to determine whether citizens might note a terrorist, possibly a Chechnyan, in their midst.

    Considering how quickly the crime scene was contained, it seemed plausible.

    Tourists bought the story. Muscovites knew not to question it.

    Days after the training exercise, a New York Times reporter was shot to death in the Bronx. On its own, it could have been written off as a simple robbery. But this particular reporter had been at Gum; a witness to the shooting and a recipient of some remarkable information. Jack Evans knew some of it. As director of national intelligence, he was anxious to learn more.

    Evans read what five grand could buy in Russia today. The cash went to a thirsty, horny Moscow police officer; the first to arrive at the Gum shooting. He was happy to take the money. After all, the cop was talking about a man who didn’t exist. The FSB, the new KGB, had made certain of that.

    The Moscow cop explained that when he got to the famous Gum mall complex, a trapezoidal Neoclassical structure built in the time of the tsars, he did exactly as he was told by the FSB agent in charge. Leave. But doing so, he overheard another agent mention the name of the old man who had been shot.

    Dubroff. Aleksandr Dubroff.

    He remembered it and told the CIA officer. It really didn’t matter to him. There was no police report to back it up.

    Jack Evans continued to read. Once CIA analysts had a name to work with, they began to find a great deal.

    Dubroff, Aleksandr. Former Politburo member. Former Colonel, KGB. Former Chief Intelligence Officer of Red Banner training program (see footnote on Andropov Institute). Widower.

    There were additional biographical hits, then a qualitative note.

    Based on the following information, Aleksandr Dubroff could be considered one of the KGB’s true Cold War henchmen.

    Evans continued. Next came excerpts from online blogs, posted by an assortment of Dubroff’s associates, underlings, and a few who survived his wrath. They were all writing or rewriting their version of Soviet spy history; most without a publisher; most unsubstantiated beyond their own accounts.

    Jack Evans believed all of it. Dubroff had sensitive information for the West; information even the new Russia didn’t want out.

    The DNI finished reading. Good, but not good enough. Before he went to the president he needed more verifiable data. Not just a tip from a cop on the take. Not just Google searches or even Interpol’s assessment. He needed more from the inside. He had just the man who could find it.

    The White House

    Press Room

    "I’ve called on the secretary of Homeland Security, Norman Grigoryan, to tighten the screws; to identify weaknesses in our infrastructure, from airports to power grids to transportation hubs. We will divert resources to strengthen these possible hard targets. Do not expect life to get easier as we do this. We will be faced with more surveillance cameras, admittedly an assault on some of our traditional rights. And we will require tighter entrance and exit policies. Count on being asked to prove who you are and what your business is. It won’t be popular, but it is necessary. We will improve our ability to process data quicker and determine who belongs and who doesn’t. It’s not what I want. It’s what it’s come to. Do you belong on the airplane? Do you belong on the bridge? Are you allowed in the building?

    "We will think the unthinkable. Why? Because three fishermen walked onto the grounds of Kennedy Airport undetected and were not stopped until they came to a security building. They were not terrorists. But they could have been.

    "A pickup truck stopped along Interstate 405 adjacent to the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant between San Diego and Los Angeles. The door opened. A man pulled a long cylindrical object out of the flatbed. It was a section of three-inch pipe that had become dislodged. Not a MANPAD, a shoulder-fired missile. But it could have been.

    "A plane crossed above the fall foliage of Delaware and bore down on the White House. F-15s were launched to chase him away or eliminate him. They had less than a minute to decide to commit. The private pilot realized his mistake and broke away. He was not on a suicide run. But he could have been.

    "We must learn from those scenarios and think the unthinkable; consider how and where an airplane, a shoe bomb, a MANPAD, or a truckload of fertilizer can be deadlier than an advancing army. Thinking the unthinkable is not even letting a twelve-year-old girl pass through the gates at the Super Bowl with her backpack or an unobserved boat moor off a runway at JFK, Boston’s Logan, San Francisco or any other airport near a body of water.

    We must think the unthinkable. Sadly, there is no more important rule. Not anymore.

    Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

    Travel posters don’t tell the story. Ciudad del Este, a city of a quarter million, is an unimaginable haven for drug runners, money launderers, and criminals of all stripes—killers and bankers alike.

    The notorious Paraguayan city is a long way from the civilized world. It sits at the apex of the triple border region of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Those who are drawn to Ciudad del Este usually aren’t there to buy postcards to send home. Many visitors who cross over the Paraná River via The Bridge of Friendship from Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil don’t want anyone to know they’re there. They traffic in weapons, illegal immigration, and terror.

    Ciudad del Este is an ungovernable center for transnational crime and most recently home to a man named Ibrahim Haddad, a successful art dealer who earned his fortune in imports-exports. To the few people he socialized with at his compound, he was retired. That was not true. He had a job; actually more of a passion than a vocation. Ibrahim Haddad was still trying hard to bring down the American presidency.

    What better place to set up camp than where criminals run things? Ciudad del Este was the closest thing to Baghdad in the Western hemisphere. The description is not so far from the truth. Over the past decade, the Muslim presence has rapidly grown. At the last imprecise census, nearly a fifth of the population was Arab. Many of them Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda members.

    Ciudad del Este attracted Arab rebels because its uncontrollable environment helps sustain criminal activity, or worse, outright terror.

    It works like this: Many Arab businessmen export large sums to purchase goods for import. Since much of the export business of Ciudad del Este operates underground, the people who trade can easily siphon money and supplies to terrorist organizations.

    Of course, proving this has been difficult. Still, authorities have little doubt. Paraguayan police estimate that 70 percent of the six hundred thousand vehicles on the road are stolen from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Brazilian law enforcement claims that Paraguay’s thieves trade cars for drugs. Those drugs end up in the United States and Europe.

    Virtually everything is for sale. Cigarettes, TVs, computers, soybeans, marijuana, cocaine, and guns. Early in the last decade, a Paraguayan national in Miami was arrested for allegedly selling some three hundred passports, various shipping documents, and visas. Among the sales—sixteen passports to terrorist suspects from Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria.

    Ibrahim Haddad lived in Miami at the time. He was Syrian born.

    CNN described the border as a terrorist paradise. A New Yorker article said it is the center of Middle Eastern terrorism in South America. Even the Paraguayan daily Ultima Hora wrote of the lawlessness of Ciudad del Este. It was wild and open with unprotected airspace; the perfect place to hide in plain sight.

    Even the head of USASOUTHCOM, the nation’s Southern Command for all military operations in Central and South America, argued that the Tri-border is refuge for the narco-terrorist, the Islamic radical fundraiser and recruiter, the illicit trafficker, the kidnapper, and the gang member.

    A few years earlier, the governments of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina attempted to stem the rising crime. They established a tripartite command of the Tri-border; a joint criminal database interfaced with the banks. But with so much money laundering at risk, and the banks hardly interested in seeing their accounts dwindle, the Tri-border cooperative quickly fell apart.

    Ibrahim Haddad is one of the reasons for its failure. Long ago he bought off key people who, through the course of time, rose in the ranks of the banking community.

    For years, Haddad worked out of Miami’s luxurious Fisher Island. Then he moved to Chicago. All the while, most of his financial transactions went unchecked through the banks, his banks, at Ciudad del Este.

    Now, Haddad was untouchable in an untouchable city. He was protected by white collar workers on the take, local militia who drank and fucked away most of their payoffs, and a band of paramilitary thugs who protected him day and night in his fortified country-club mansion.

    Rarely did Haddad venture into the city’s souk with its twenty thousand tin-roofed shops, makeshift stalls, and slipshod mini-malls jammed into fifteen blocks. His sacolerios, his couriers, did the work for him. They brought back food to his seemingly impregnable fifteen-thousand-square-foot fortress and guests he deigned to meet.

    • • •

    Haddad had aged in the last year.

    After fleeing twice from the United States, time was catching up to him. He was no longer a young man, and a sixth sense told him that he was not well. His last breathless escape from American authorities took a physical toll. His run through a field ten miles from Chicago’s O’Hare airport triggered severe asthma attacks. This led to serious bronchitis and habitual coughing that had only recently begun to subside. He knew he’d never be able to exert himself to that extent again. And he’d probably never go back to the United States.

    But he didn’t have to. He could exact the damage he wanted from his new home. The Internet continued to afford him the means to securely manipulate his riches, execute his plan, and track the panic that would ensue.

    So far there was no news. That was all right. But soon.

    The sixty-four-year-old businessman handled his final plans in the manner he had handled everything over the last four decades—with meticulous planning. His mastery of English, French, German, Russian, and Arabic gave him the ability to trade in a variety of commodities globally: art, stocks, motion pictures, terrorism, and now natural resources.

    His appearance changed over the years. Sometimes from age, sometimes by his own hand. He could hide a great deal with the length and color of his hair, a new beard, and an accent. But the man could never mask the coldness in his eyes and the hatred in his voice.

    He was Ibrahim Haddad. He was Luis Gonzales. He was a dozen other people over the course of his life. Upon arriving in Paraguay, he decided to take his family name again. The name his wife accepted. The name his daughter shared. It was his way to honor the memory of his beloved and their daughter, killed by an Israeli missile attack. When his work was finished—which would be soon—the Americans very well might find him. But revenge would be served. Then, he could join Allah and his family, having fulfilled his mission—his personal jihad.

    For more than thirty years, he had patiently pumped millions into a plan to plant a sleeper in the White House. His ultimate goal was to undermine the United States’ relationship with Israel, discredit and undermine the administration, turn American support from the Jews, and forever change the political structure of the Middle East.

    He had come so close to succeeding. Now, sensing that he no longer had the benefit of time, Haddad launched a quicker, more strategic plan. Israel would crumble once the Great Satan collapsed under its own political weight. Americans would experience the horrors of Rwanda and Bosnia firsthand. He alone would be the architect of the destruction.

    This time, he prayed. This time, my sweet wife and daughter. This time.

    The White House

    Press Room

    Mr. President! Mr. President! shouted the reporters.

    Morgan Taylor pointed to Ed Baron of AP. Eddie.

    Mr. President, the wire service editor began, What you’re suggesting…

    What I’m saying, Taylor correcting him, is going to be policy of the United States.

    The reporter rephrased his point. Mr. President, this policy could have serious Constitutional implication. I suspect, curtailing freedom of assembly for one. Do you have a sense of what kind of pill you’re asking the American people to swallow? I can foresee both the left and right claiming bloody murder.

    "Bloody murder. A very appropriate description. Bloody murder is precisely what I’m trying to prevent, Eddie. Do you think our museums and hospitals would be safe? Your D.C. apartment? Shopping centers in cities across the country? I’m sure you consider most security a joke. At a concert? A stadium? Everyone talks about it, but little else except for show. The price of a ticket must include the cost for true vigilance.

    "We are not going to go the way of the dinosaur. When the meteor struck was their last conscious thought—if they had one—where the hell did that come from? We have the means to see where the danger is coming from. And I’m going to do something about it.

    Constitutional implications? Yes, there will be. Taylor allowed himself a quick smile. Learned minds will certainly have their work cut out for themselves.

    The White House

    Katie Kessler was one of those learned minds. She had history weighing heavily on her as she rolled another Constitutional boulder up Capitol Hill. The work was indescribably difficult, but Kessler was living her dream as deputy White House counsel; catapulted to Washington virtually overnight.

    Katie Kessler had been a quiet and successful junior attorney in a Boston firm on a slow track to the middle. But after a chance meeting, she was propelled into a world she never could have imagined. She found herself in the inner chambers of government, meeting the country’s most powerful people. Nothing short of a miracle for a woman not yet twenty-nine.

    So was the fact that she was alive.

    During the past year, Kessler had to persuade the chief justice of the Supreme Court not to swear in a president-elect and that a sleeper spy plot went all the way to the White House. She also had to convince President Morgan Taylor why the presidential succession laws were a disaster in the making.

    This was all due to the man she met, fell in love with, and now dared to think about a future together. The only thing that made that hard was that he was a special agent for the Secret Service, with duties he could never fully reveal to her.

    Kessler worked the computer keys as she watched the president on TV. She was deep into the constitutional law archives, researching the dangerous ground the president was charting. Six months, she expected. Six months before a related case might reach the Supreme Court. Max. Maybe sooner.

    Kessler was five-six, alluring, and fit. Depending upon her mood, she wore her curly hair down or put it up in a bun. By day, she favored black suits, colorful silk blouses, and pearl necklaces. At night, it was back to jeans or a loose-fitting jogging suit, unless she and her boyfriend were out for drinks and appetizers. However, as the White House’s newest and brightest counsel, there weren’t too many nights out. She spent hour after hour in law books reviewing precedent and case history with two pressing assignments: the president’s avowed doctrine which stretched borders like giant rubber bands and a proposed radical change in the rules of succession. Her proposal.

    Katie heard the president’s press conference in the background. Her days were getting longer. That meant less time to see the man she loved.

    The White House

    A Basement Office

    the same time

    Scott Roarke was not watching the TV, though it was also on. He was absorbed in an online Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper report. Through his reading, Roarke tapped his fingers to the rhythm of the William Tell Overture. He did this unconsciously; a Lone Ranger himself with the gun to prove it.

    Roarke actually wasn’t working alone. He reported to a man he usually just called boss. Others called him Mr. President. He got away with the informality strictly because of their past, which was off the record books. That’s because Roarke often went on missions as a lieutenant in the army’s secret Defense Intelligence Agency that never happened. One occurred well inside the lines of Saddam Hussein’s fierce Republican Guard just when Morgan Taylor dropped out of the sky.

    Taylor was zeroing in on a suspected biological weapons plant with one Rockeye bomb left in his stores. As he was coming around to his target, a trio of SAMs locked on from a portable launch facility. Taylor was fast, but not fast enough this day in low-level combat. He evaded two of the missiles, but not the third.

    The Navy commander ejected from his $24-million machine fearing he’d never see home again. But he landed close to Roarke’s dugout, which meant that his mission was scrubbed and now he had to get both himself out and this Navy flier who was pretty useless on the ground.

    That pilot however was always grateful. When he became president, he brought Roarke into the Secret Service to man a department designated PD16 for Presidential Directorate 1600; an homage to the president’s local address.

    And now Roarke had a job in the basement. Not any old basement. A very secure, high-tech and extremely wired staging area where Roarke launched to different parts of the world. Few people beyond the Director of National Intelligence, National Security Advisor, FBI Chief, and a few key members of Congress actually knew who Roarke was and how he served the president. There were those in Washington who had their suspicions.

    Scott Roarke topped off at six feet, just an inch or so taller than the president. He had a swimmer’s physique, or someone skilled in the martial arts, which he surely was. Unlike others in the Secret Service, he wasn’t a suit-and-tie guy. He didn’t wear a lapel pin or talk into his sleeve. He dressed casually, wore sneakers, and preferred a Blackberry.

    He kept his thick brown hair longer than required. Regulation would have looked incongruous. But there was very little regulation or structure to Scott Roarke’s life. He was unique in the ranks of the Secret Service; Morgan Taylor’s go-to man. He earned $114,300 per year but had access to so much more, whether it was in Yen, Euros, or Rubles.

    Roarke was loyal and principled.

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