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The Edible Cure: Foods That Heal from A to Z
The Edible Cure: Foods That Heal from A to Z
The Edible Cure: Foods That Heal from A to Z
Ebook282 pages3 hours

The Edible Cure: Foods That Heal from A to Z

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Millions of Americans struggle with severe or chronic pain, excessive weight, muscle aches, and low energy. We're prescribed medication to heal our diseases, viruses, and injuries, and we pop pills just to feel better or more relaxed. However, the relief we seek through conventional medication can be found in the everyday foods we consume, replacing the pharmacy with the grocery store and manufactured drugs with natural healing. Fruits, vegetables, herbs and vitamins have the power to relax you, restore your energy, and aid in healing the body naturally; yet many of us are unaware of the healing superpowers foods possess. 

The Edible Cure explores a variety of foods from A to Z that will empower you to transform your mindset and look at food not just as a way to satisfy your hunger, but a means to heal you from the inside out. It's time to put down the prescriptions and start really living. 


Release dateApr 29, 2020
The Edible Cure: Foods That Heal from A to Z

Kristina Grant

Kristina Grant is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer with a bachelor’s degree in human nutrition and foods. She works with people, young and old, to educate and heal them while improving their lives naturally with food. Currently residing in Houston, Texas, Kristina is a big foodie, and she loves exploring new recipes to heal the body. She also enjoys exercising and running with her dog, Jackson. 

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    The Edible Cure - Kristina Grant


    I’VE HAD A PASSION for health and nutrition from an early age. I did crunches in the den and daily workouts with fitness guru Gilad at the age of ten—crazy, right? As I grew older, my love for health turned into my career as a personal trainer with a BS in nutrition. Then it became my life as I practiced what I preached. Daily, people asked, What do you eat? How can I lose weight? or I always workout and lose weight, but I can’t get my stomach to go down. What should I do? I found myself constantly giving advice and tips, and I easily became overwhelmed; I knew there had to be a more efficient way to reach people and answer their questions.

    When my father was diagnosed with high cholesterol, the doctor wanted to put him on medication, but I convinced him to give me three months to change my father’s diet, and if his low-density lipoproteins (LDL) numbers were not improved, he would start taking medicine. To this day, my father has never taken medication for high cholesterol, and he no longer has it. I wanted more people to know they could improve their lives and overall health by making small changes to their diet, but I wondered how I could reach the greatest amount of people and help them identify exactly what they need to eat. Then it hit me—write a book! 

    This book will not only help you, but it will also make a change in the world and how we view and approach food daily. Food is medicine, and when you change how you view it, you change your lifestyle. We will explore a variety of foods and their health benefits from A to Z. I hope this book educates and inspires you and, overall, makes you truly love eating real food! 



    FOR AGES, WE’VE HEARD An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what does that really mean? How do apples keep the doctor away? Well, apples are not just good to look at. There are thousands of types of apples, and they have great health benefits. Biting and chewing an apple stimulates saliva, therefore helping to prevent tooth decay by getting rid of bacteria. Apples are also full of pectin,¹ a soluble fiber that helps to prevent many health issues like free radicals, which are unstable atoms that cause stress and damage to our cells, and Parkinson’s disease. They also prevent gallstones by ensuring there’s not too much cholesterol in the bile, and they even help release stubborn stool. Pectin can lower cholesterol levels, help with diabetes by curving sugar levels, decrease your weight by making you feel fuller longer, and reduce the effects of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

    Apples not only help with minor health problems, but also serious diseases and life-threatening diagnoses like cancers and liver disease. Scientists have shown that the consumption of apples can reduce the risk of developing cancer. In the apple peel are anti-growth properties that fight against cancer cells. The chances of developing liver, colon, breast, and pancreatic cancer can be reduced by eating apples.

    Apples help detoxify the liver, decrease inflammation, and improve the heart. They also contain quercetin, which is an antioxidant that fortifies your immune system. Apples are good post-workout snacks with almond butter and can be used to make dessert for those late-night sweet cravings.


    NOW, WE’RE GOING TO talk about the vegetable that makes your urine smell. Yeah, you know what it is—asparagus. Asparagus is a good source of fiber and contains essential vitamins and chromium, which enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into the cells.

    Asparagus is a natural diuretic, which promotes the production of urine, causing excretion of excess water from the body. It’s good for individuals who suffer from edema, which is excess accumulation of fluid in the body and body tissues. For women who are prone to urinary tract infections (UTI), eating asparagus decreases the swelling, pain, and frequency of the infection.

    Ever been in a rut sexually or just not in the mood? Try eating asparagus. It is a natural aphrodisiac because it contains folate and vitamin B6, which are known to enhance feelings of arousal. Asparagus can also stimulate estrogen and testosterone hormones due to the vitamin E it contains. All the more reason to eat this vegetable. Let’s Get It On! But what if that one steamy night leads to pregnancy? Don’t worry, asparagus can still benefit.

    Asparagus contains about twenty-two percent of the recommended daily allowance of folate, which is crucial for pregnant women or women who want to become pregnant. Folate helps lower the chances of neural tube defects in the fetus. It also helps make new proteins and cells in the body, which is vital when developing a baby. It is also an excellent source of vitamin K, which helps reduce bone fractures by increasing your bone mineral density.

    Do you take forever to stop bleeding when you get a cut? Not to worry; asparagus helps your blood clot, and it helps prevent atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of your arteries.

    It is a good source of fiber because one serving contains more than a gram of soluble fiber, which helps soften stool, making digestion easier and smoother. High fiber intake means less chances of heart disease, congestive heart failure or (CHF), and type 2 diabetes. It also decreases the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypertension, stroke, and much more. Many Americans don’t take in nearly as much fiber as they should, so eating asparagus is an easy way to get that fiber in.

    Asparagus has a significant amount of thiamine. Great ... What does that mean? Thiamine is a B vitamin, and it’s crucial for the development of our bodies and our energy levels. It helps the body convert carbohydrates to energy. B vitamins help metabolize those donuts we love and the bread and pasta we intake to help us maintain balanced blood sugar.

    Lastly, asparagus helps fight cancer. How? It contains glutathione. Okay, what is that? Glutathione is a compound that helps fight and destroy carcinogens. It is huge when it comes to protecting our healthy cells and regulating immune function.² So if your family is known to have bone, breast, lung and/or colon cancers, try making asparagus a staple in your diet to help lower your chances of developing it, too.

    Wait, I’ve seen purple asparagus in the stores. What’s the difference? Purple asparagus has slightly less fiber than green asparagus but has more protein and vitamin C. It’s full of anthocyanins, which gives it its color and antioxidant effects that help fight damaging free radicals.


    ASTRAGALUS? NEVER HEARD OF it. Is it a plant? Well, yes and a root. Astragalus can lower your cholesterol and boost the immune system all because it has the active compound saponin. I know it’s hard to pronounce, but you don’t need to be able to pronounce it, just be able to ingest it to receive the benefits. Have a weak immune system and always sick? Astragalus helps prevent the common cold and flu. It also inhibits herpes, heals wounds, and lowers cortisol levels, all possible because flavonoids and polysaccharides are in astragalus. They’re known to fight free radicals, prevent viruses and even have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial capabilities.

    I know you’re wondering, Can this plant really heal wounds and prevent the common cold? Yes! It can control your helper T-cells, the cells that deal with the immune system and your fight or flight response. Furthermore, it can lower your blood pressure and triglycerides, which is imperative to a healthy heart and overall cardiovascular system. Are you insulin sensitive or resistant? Astragalus can help with diabetes and relieve insulin resistance by protecting pancreatic beta cells. From renal disease and kidney issues to cell regeneration and repair of tissues, astragalus can be life changing.

    Even asthma may be reduced by taking astragalus. Inflammation in your lungs and airways and mucus can be lowered greatly, possibly decreasing the amount of attacks.

    What about problems with the skin like scarring from dark marks? Astragalus can minimize scars, even if you have eczema or acute dermatitis like I do. It can help alleviate the inflammation and decrease your chances of scarring.


    ARE AVOCADOS A VEGETABLE or a fruit? They contain a seed, so technically, they are a fruit, even though they’re viewed in society as a vegetable. Avocados are the number-one known source of healthy fats, but they provide numerous health benefits.

    I have always heard people like Dr. Oz and others say avocado is a superfood, but how? Let’s break down the different types of fats. Avocados contain good fat because they’re made of mostly mono-unsaturated fats. These fats are known to be great for the heart. They help fight against atherosclerosis and aid in preventing unwanted plaque in the arterial walls and arteries.³

    Also, avocados are high in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins K, A, and E, which are all necessary for proper body function and can impact our metabolic function as well. Avocados are packed with antioxidants and carotenoids, which are phytochemicals that aid our body in fighting against free radical damage and oxidative stress. The carotenoids make avocadoes great for our hair, to get that healthy shine we desire, and it promotes healthy skin. They are packed with protein to help repair damaged cells and hair follicles while providing enough protein for vegans and pescatarians who strive for sufficient protein intake.

    Want a good face mask? Try mashing avocado in a bowl. (Add a little water for a looser texture.) They are great at reducing inflammation, brightening dark marks, and moisturizing your skin without harsh chemicals, leaving a radiant glow.

    Did you know avocadoes are considered a low-sugar, high-fiber fruit? Suffer from constipation or irregular bowel movements? Avocadoes contain more than ten percent of our daily need of fiber and help coat the lining of the intestines to ease bowel movements and increase the frequency. More fiber helps add bulkiness to your stool and gives the sensation of satisfaction, meaning your appetite will likely decrease, aiding in weight loss.

    Now, when you think of potassium, what is the first fruit that comes to mind? Bananas, right? Well, an avocado has double the amount of potassium as one banana. Looking for ways to boost your immune system heading into the fall and winter seasons? Avocadoes are full of vitamins B and C, which help your body combat unwanted illness and viruses and make copies of the viruses to prevent the illnesses from reoccurring. I wear glasses, and the eye doctor informed me that I am at risk for macular degeneration. But I learned avocadoes are great for vision health because they contain the carotenoid⁴ lutein, which is known for taking in the light rays that could be damaging to the eyes, thereby lowering my chances of developing eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

    Now do you see why avocadoes are a superfood? From the fiber to potassium, heart health, and even eye benefits, avocadoes are an excellent fruit with endless health benefits. 


    EVER HEARD OF CIRRHOSIS of the liver? Maybe, maybe not. In short, it means the hardening of the liver, and it’s a serious condition. Apricots can help the liver and its function way before it gets to a condition like cirrhosis. They can help protect against damage to the liver, decrease inflammation and may protect against accrual of fat in the liver. High in beta-carotene, hence the color, they are full of antioxidants that can fight against chronic diseases and prevent cell damage. Apricots reduce inflammation and protect against disease, especially in the large intestines. They’re high in fiber, preventing constipation and even hemorrhoids.

    Apricots are high in vitamin A, which is good for eye health. Eating one cup of apricots can provide you more than fifty percent of the recommended daily amount. Apricots are an excellent choice whether you eat them raw or dried; if dried, be sure to watch the sugar content.

    Apple cider vinegar

    MOST PEOPLE VIEW VINEGAR as something to clean with. Others use it to add flavor to their cabbage or other dishes; however, not many think of vinegar with apples. Let me explain. Apple cider vinegar comes from apple cider that has been fermented, making it low in sugar and healthy for you, providing numerous health benefits.

    Recently, a new trend started with apple cider vinegar consumption for weight loss. Is it a fad that will soon fade, or is there something to this? Actually, ACV helps with weight loss by curbing appetite and breaking down fat accumulation, particularly in the midsection. ACV, in one study, was able to reduce caloric intake up to 275 calories daily.

    Do you have acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? ACV reduces acid reflux by adding more acid to the stomach, preventing rear flow, and helps prevent stomach illness.

    Did you know taking just two tablespoons a day of apple cider vinegar (diluted, of course) can aid in lowering cholesterol? A study was performed on diabetic and non-diabetic mice, and it measured how ACV affected their lipid profile and total cholesterol.  Apple cider vinegar helped the lipids in the normal and diabetic rats while reducing the triglycerides. It also decreased the LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased the HDL (good) cholesterol and may help manage diabetic problems.⁵ This does not mean you can still eat high fat foods without getting high cholesterol. A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet while regularly ingesting ACV may help prevent high cholesterol.

    Maintaining a balanced blood sugar level is not just important for diabetics but all individuals. ACV helps increase insulin sensitivity, decreases blood sugar levels, and helps them stay balanced, decreasing the frequency of peaks and drops. Also, ACV contains acetic acid, which may help reduce high blood pressure.⁶ Now, it is important to balance your sodium, potassium levels, and salt intake, especially African Americans; however, a case was conducted on hypersensitive rats, and when given ACV,  it was observed that vinegar significantly reduced both blood pressure and renin activity compared to controls that were given no acetic acid or vinegar.⁷

    Suffering from an upset stomach, maybe an ulcer or even bad internal gut bacteria? Apple cider vinegar can make your gut healthier. It helps digest and absorb foods better, detoxes the body, and makes for healthy gut bacteria.

    Acne or scars from previous acne? ACV can improve your skin because of its antibacterial properties, and it kills off acne-causing bacteria. Even if you have hyper-pigmentation or severe scarring, ACV can help decrease the visibility and reduce the amount.⁸ Have you experienced warts, fever blisters, or an eye infection? Add ACV to tissue or a cotton swap, and apply it directly to the affected area. Mix ACV with water and drop it into the eye. It will sting initially but help rid any bacteria.

    Got a rash or bug bite? ACV contains potassium and can reduce inflammation, swelling, and itchiness. Arthritis is due to inflammation on the joints and can cause intense pain and discomfort. ACV reduces that inflammation, enhances circulation,⁹ and eases the pain. ACV is not just for humans; it can be used to kill bugs and fleas on pets. If you’re like me, you sweat during an intense workout, but no one wants the odor from a workout to remain on their clothes. ACV is a natural deodorizer. Add some to your detergent, and your clothes will smell clean and fresh. You may even make it into a deodorant for your body; it will neutralize odor.

    Lastly, due to the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in apple cider vinegar, it is great for killing fungi. Whether you’re dealing with a yeast infection or an open sore, mix ACV with water and use it on the fungus to help eliminate it. Use it on your nails or even your hair. It conditions and detangles hair, removing excess buildup, leaving hair moisturized and shiny.

    From topical uses to internal and even for pets, the benefits of apple cider vinegar go on and on. Every household should keep a bottle in the cabinet. Be sure to purchase apple cider vinegar with the mother.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid

    ALA, OR ALPHA LIPOIC acid, can help prevent diabetes. It protects cells and nerves in the legs, arms, and other places on the body that are usually associated with diabetes. ALA can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and even sugar levels.

    Ever heard of peripheral neuropathy? It is a disorder that affects the nerves that provide sensation, which causes pain, tingling, and burning symptoms of the nerves affected.¹⁰ However, ALA can help relieve those symptoms and even reduce swelling and related pain.

    Do you have poor vision, maybe cataracts or glaucoma? ALA can help. Several eye diseases are caused by oxidative stress, and ALA can control that stress and decrease or almost stop the oxidative damage in the eye. We all know that as we age, our vision changes, so for those up in age, I highly recommend taking ALA to help prevent vision damage or decline.

    ALA is also good for cognitive development and stability. It helps protect memory and can prevent you from having motor impairment. For individuals who are at risk for developing dementia, Alzheimer’s, or strokes, ALA can help protect nerve and brain tissue and stimulate cognitive function.

    Dealing with skin cancer or skin damage? ALA can help sun lines or even skin damage from the sun. Lastly, ALA helps build your immune system and your glutathione levels.

    Aloe Vera

    ALOE VERA HAS MANY benefits, from topical use in the gel form to internal benefits in liquid form. Aloe vera’s antimicrobial and antifungal properties can treat herpes, acute dermatitis (also known as eczema), frostbite, acne, and minor inflammation.¹¹ It helps calm the itching you experience with skin rashes and reduces the amount and frequency of the irritations.

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