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The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life
The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life
The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life
Ebook505 pages3 hours

The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life

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ECPA Christian Book Award Winner

Filled with more than 100 easy and delicious recipes, The Daniel Plan Cookbook will help you enjoy healthy eating as a new way of life.

Clean eating never tasted so good! The Daniel Plan Cookbook is the mouth-watering companion to The Daniel Plan book that shows you how to make recipes like Chile Verde Chicken and Mongolian Beef, as well as great American classics such as pancakes, pizza, and even mac and cheese in a more health-conscious way.

Full of practical tips, food facts, and inspiration from The Daniel Plan signature chefs, this book equips you with the knowledge, tools, and freedom to choose from a variety of delicious options to create your weekly menu and give momentum to a healthy lifestyle from the inside out.

Plus, explore The Daniel Plan further with the main book, The Daniel Plan Journal, and The Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional

Release dateFeb 18, 2014

Rick Warren

A Time magazine cover article named Rick Warren the most influential spiritual leader in America and one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Tens of millions of copies of Pastor Rick’s books have been published in 200 languages. His best-known books, The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church, were named three times in national surveys of pastors (by Gallup, Barna, and Lifeway) as the two most helpful books in print. Rick and his wife, Kay, founded Saddleback Church, the Purpose Driven Network, the PEACE Plan, and Hope for Mental Health. He is the cofounder of Celebrate Recovery with John Baker. Pastor Rick has spoken in 165 nations. He has spoken at the United Nations, US Congress, numerous parliaments, the World Economic Forum, TED, Aspen Institute, and lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and other universities. Rick is executive director of Finishing the Task, a global movement of denominations, organizations, churches, and individuals working together on the Great Commission goals of ensuring that everyone everywhere has access to a Bible, a believer, and a local body of Christ.

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    The Daniel Plan Cookbook - Rick Warren

    Title page with Zondervan logo

    Medical Disclaimer

    The Daniel Plan offers health, fitness, and nutritional information and is for educational purposes only. This book is intended to supplement, not replace, the professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of health conditions from a trained health professional. Please consult your physician or other healthcare professional before beginning or changing any health or fitness program to make sure that it is appropriate for your needs — especially if you are pregnant or have a family history of any medical concerns, illnesses, or risks.

    If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Stop exercising immediately if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time. Please do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read in this guide.


    The Daniel Plan Cookbook

    Copyright © 2014 by The Daniel Plan

    ePub Edition © January 2014: ISBN 978-0-310-34427-8

    Requests for information should be addressed to:

    Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Warren, Rick.

    The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life / Rick Warren, D.Min., Daniel Amen, M.D., Mark Hyman, M.D.; with The Daniel Plan Signature Chefs, Sally Cameron, Jenny Ross, and Robert Sturm.

    pages cm

    Includes index.

    ISBN 978-0-310-34426-1 (hardcover)

    1. Natural foods—Health aspects. 2. Natural foods—Recipes. 3. Nutrition—Religious aspects—Christianity. I. Amen, Daniel. II. Hyman, Mark. III. Title.

    RM237.55.W36 2013



    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    Cover design: Curt Diepenhorst

    Cover photo: Kent Cameron

    Cover food styling: Sally Cameron

    Interior photos: Photography and Styling by Matt Armendariz and Adam Pearson, unless otherwise noted on page 280

    Interior design: Ralph Fowler

    Editors: Shelly Antol, Andrea Vinley Jewell, Jim Ruark

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    Please note that footnotes in this ebook may contain hyperlinks to external websites as part of bibliographic citations. These hyperlinks have not been activated by the publisher, who cannot verify the accuracy of these links beyond the date of publication.


    The Daniel Plan Approach to Healthy Eating for Life

    A Note from Pastor Rick Warren

    Kitchen Talk with Dr. Amen and Dr. Hyman

    The Daniel Plan Signature Chefs

    Better Together

    Gather Around The Daniel Plan Table

    Turn Ordinary Moments into Special Moments

    The Family Kitchen

    Getting Started

    Creating a Daniel Plan Pantry

    Setting Up a Daniel Plan Kitchen

    How to Shop Yourself Healthy

    Food 101: Making the Best Choices

    Basic Cooking Essentials

    Tips and Guides



    Smart Snacking

    Developing Healthy Portion Habits

    Equivalents and Metric Conversions


    American Classics

    Salads, Sandwiches, and Wraps

    Soups, Stews, and Chilis

    Snacks and Appetizers

    Fish, Chicken, and Beef

    Side Dishes


    Mealtime Celebrations




    The Daniel Plan Approach to Healthy Eating for Life

    The Daniel Plan Cookbook is based on the Essentials written about in The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life. The foundational principle for Daniel Plan eating is one of abundance, not deprivation. This is not a diet; it’s a plan that you adopt for the rest of your life. It’s a new way to live. When you focus on eating The Daniel Plan way, health, healing, weight loss, balance, and increased energy are the natural result.

    Food truly is medicine, and learning to cook is invaluable for your health. Food becomes a powerful healing force when you cook and eat whole, unprocessed, fresh foods made by God. So let’s dive into Daniel Plan cooking.

    American Classics, Made Healthy

    For this cookbook we have created more than a hundred delicious, healthy recipes, transforming some of our favorite dishes. They are full of flavor, yet packed with benefits for your body. These wonderful foods taste good and promote a long and healthy life. We have also included tips for a Daniel Plan pantry and kitchen, plus tips on how to shop, plan menus, save time, prepare ahead, and snack smartly.

    Maybe this is your first brave foray into the world of cooking. Maybe you are a seasoned home chef. Wherever your cooking skills fall on this spectrum, we have created delicious, easy recipes to make mealtime enjoyable for everyone.

    We began by thinking about you and what most people like to eat. We then created versions that fit with The Daniel Plan. Included are American classics such as burgers, tacos and meatloaf, soups, salads, and stews. We created great recipes for chicken, beef, and fish as well as meatless dishes. Of course, you will find lots of vegetables, side dishes, and fabulous sauces. We have got you covered from breakfast and appetizers to snacks and dessert.

    Read more about The Daniel Plan at danielplan.com.

    A Note from Pastor Rick Warren

    On a typical summer morning when I was growing up, I would find my mom in the kitchen preparing all sorts of fruits and vegetables that we had picked from our garden. We lived on five acres, and my dad was an organic farmer before organic farming became an in-thing. As a sixth grader, I remember reading his monthly Organic Gardening magazine.

    My mom always cooked with fresh ingredients straight from the garden. She would can, pickle, and freeze foods such as corn and strawberries and give away the rest.

    As a result, one of my favorite things to do now is gather my kids and grandkids to cook and grill fresh food from our garden. Last year, even as a busy pastor, I grew fifty-eight varieties of vegetables and ten varieties of fruit trees. There is nothing better than homemade salsa and grilled veggies that were just picked

    Over the years, gardening not only has provided our family with fresh, nutritious food, but has also cultivated my appreciation for what God provides. God’s intention from the beginning (see Genesis 1:29) was to provide us with real, whole food — the kind of food that allows us to stay healthy and live fully. God loves variety, and I see that in the abundant harvest of seasonal fruits and vegetables we get to enjoy.

    When Kay and I got married, we were a great match because, for one thing, I love to eat and she loves to cook. Kay is an incredible baker, and in this cookbook you will see some of our family favorites.

    In this cookbook you will find a menu of American classics that don’t compromise taste and that will help you live healthier and give you energy to fulfill your God-given purpose. Food is one of the great ways to create fellowship and build relationships. So gather your friends and family and enjoy each other around the table. Get back in your kitchen, and rediscover how easy it is to cook fresh, delicious whole foods. God bless you.

    Kitchen Talk with Dr. Amen & Dr. Hyman

    Pastor Warren recruited three nationally known doctors — Daniel Amen, M.D.; Mark Hyman, M.D.; and Mehmet Oz, M.D. — to coach him in getting healthy and help design The Daniel Plan. All three doctors graciously volunteered their expertise and time for free because they care about our health. Dr. Hyman and Dr. Amen have transformed thousands of lives with their medical insight. Their passion to help people get well started years ago and affected their own lives. Get to know a little bit about their journey toward health and the impact that eating and cooking well has had on both of them.

    What was the turning point for you that changed how you eat?

    Dr. Amen: When I read the study that showed that as your weight went up the size of your brain went down, it just horrified me. I knew my brain was one of my most precious resources.

    For thirty years I had been trying to lose weight. So when I got really serious about changing my eating habits, the big surprise for me was that I wasn’t hungry. I took out the high-glycemic foods and got my vitamin D level normal. (It was 17 when I started, while normal is between 30 and 100). Plus, I realized that you actually have to eat to lose weight, but eating well got my appetite under control.

    Dr. Hyman: I visited my sister at her college when I was fifteen years old, and she introduced me to the veggie room in her cafeteria. That’s when I learned about crunchy organic peanut butter — rich, deep, and flavorful — slathered onto dense multi-grain homemade bread. The vegetarian food was so good, so delicious, that I became a vegetarian for eight years.

    Then, in college I lived in a community house with eight people. Each of us cooked for everyone else one night a week. Making fresh, delicious, and inexpensive meals from scratch (we had little money) for a bunch of hungry college students, and sharing the joy and pleasure of real food made with love was the beginning of a lifelong passion.

    Dr. Amen, Dr. Hyman, Pastor Warren, and Dr. Oz at the first Daniel Plan rally

    How have your eating choices changed your life?

    Dr. Amen: In every way. If I am more conscious about my eating, I am also more conscious about my overall health and brain. If I am conscious about my eating, I am also more conscious about how I feed my loved ones. If I am conscious about my eating, I am now more conscious about the health of our planet and how agriculture affects many aspects of life.

    Dr. Hyman: I love food. I eat almost anything, as long as it is made by God, not man. Food is the fabric that ties everything together for me — my health, my work, my family, my friends, and the health of our environment, even our global, social, and economic prosperity. Food is the medicine I use to treat my patients. It is more powerful than anything else I have at my disposal as a doctor to prevent, treat, and even reverse disease. Think about that the next time you take a bite of something.

    How long did it take for your food tastes to change?

    Dr. Amen: Literally less than two weeks. It was more my mind that had to change. When I realized that I was loving to eat right, what was good for me tasted a whole lot better.

    Dr. Hyman: It took one week for me. Once you unhook from processed food, sugar, flour, and industrial packaged foods, your taste buds change, your brain chemistry gets reset, and you quickly stop craving the junk and start craving vegetables — really!

    Dr. Amen: You should see us [Dr. Hyman, Dr. Oz, and me] when we are together: we’re like squirrels. We take healthy food with us wherever we go; we stash it in our desks, our pockets, and our briefcases. That’s how vigilant we are about healthy eating.

    What are some foods that you used to love that you can’t imagine eating today?

    Dr. Amen: Brownies, Snickers, Rocky Road ice cream, pancakes, muffins . . . simple carbohydrates that boost the risk of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. For me, I have to be really careful, because I can easily get triggered to dive back into those foods. So I am irritatingly vigilant for the health of my brain and my body. My treat is 65 percent dark chocolate that has DHA [an omega – 3 fatty acid] in it. Eating well means there is no suffering required.

    Dr. Hyman: When I was a kid, I loved Twinkies, Hostess Cup Cakes, Lik-m-aid, Smarties, and Peanut M&Ms. I used to pour powdered colored flavored sugar into my mouth. Now my body rejects those things. I walk by the candy aisle, and no matter how hungry I am, it just doesn’t register as food. In fact, when I eat food-like substances, my body now knows immediately. I get sores in my mouth, my tongue feels weird, and I get a strange cloudy feeling in my head. So I can’t imagine eating junk or candy; I love the naturally sweet things — fruit, maple syrup, honey.

    For someone just starting, what important first steps would you suggest?

    Dr. Amen: Prayer, education, motivation, support, and brain envy. It all comes down to our minds and what we believe about ourselves. If you start today, think about what your life will be like in thirty or sixty or ninety days. Then think about what your life will be like ninety days from now if you don’t change your health. If you are like most people who start The Daniel Plan, you will feel better, your clothes will be loose, and you will have to go shopping.

    Dr. Hyman: I agree. The first step in changing how you eat is to connect to why you want to change. Once you realize you want to change, I recommend a very short detox. It can be a powerful way to realize just how bad the food you were eating truly makes you feel, and how quickly and easily you can feel better. It is also important to design your life for success. Clean up your pantry. Put real food in your kitchen. Stock emergency food packs so you always have something to eat that will nourish you.

    When you cook, what are the go-to ingredients that you have to have on hand?

    Dr. Amen: Tana — my wife! When I met her, she didn’t know how to cook. I didn’t even want her to cook! She would make a mess in the kitchen. But as she became more familiar with my work, and because she had cancer that came back three times, she began to take health seriously. So she figured out how to become masterful at taking healthy foods and making them taste great.

    Besides Tana, in our kitchen we always have lean protein powder, frozen berries, spinach, and sugar-free dark chocolate.

    Dr. Hyman: I stock my kitchen so that even if I don’t have time to shop or plan, I always have something to eat or can make a simple meal in less than thirty minutes. I was recently

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