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Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More
Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More
Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More
Ebook223 pages2 hours

Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

#1 Amazon Best Seller! ─ Disease-fighting healthy foods

Beat cancer and other diseases by changing your diet: If you want to feel active, clear-minded. and strong enough to fight off disease, it all starts with the food you put into your body. Eat Real to Heal shows you the organic, plant-based foods you should be eating. Focusing on diet, nutrition, and meditation, this book teaches you how to power up your immune system and give yourself the best possible chance at beating chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, acne, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and even cancer.

Fortify and detoxify with vegan recipes: Eat Real to Heal shows you how to create and follow a meal plan that utilizes nutritious, vegan recipes, made with pure and organic ingredients, that are quick, easy, and delicious! Also, learn about juicing, managing stress, detoxifying your home, breathing exercises and yoga that connect you with your body, and the Gerson Therapy.

Reach optimal health in just 5 weeks: If you've been diagnosed with a serious or a non-life-threatening illness, you're in remission, you want to stop taking medications or you're just looking to feel better this book is for you! The easy-to-follow advice and instructions in Eat Real to Heal will get you feeling vibrant, strong, and energized, and give you the best possible chance at preventing and beating all kinds of chronic diseases—from acne to diabetes to cancer in just five weeks!

Eat Real to Heal will teach you how to:

  • Upgrade your eating habits and your lifestyle.
  • Flood your body with nutrients and detoxify your system.
  • Boost your immune system and turn your body into a disease-fighting machine.

Fight off disease and feel rejuvenated with this ultimate guide to healthy eating.

Release dateSep 30, 2018

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    From the little I read about this book, I know it will work for those who are determined to change their lifestyles of eating and living to get uptimum health or get healed.

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Eat Real to Heal - Nicolette Richer

Copyright © 2018 Nicolette Richer.

Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.

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Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis to Cancer and More

This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his or her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

Library of Congress Cataloging

ISBN: (print) 978-1-63353-782-8 (ebook) 978-1-63353-783-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018952296

BISAC category code: CKB039000—COOKING / Health & Healing / General

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Praise for Eat Real to Heal

Nicolette is like an encouraging best friend who takes you by the hand and leads you into a new way of eating and living. She’s not preaching a gimmicky weight loss diet or a ‘miracle’ powder or pill. She’s preaching about real, unprocessed food that’s packed with nutrients—food that makes your body say, ‘Thank you. This feels so good!’ Keep this book in your kitchen and it will serve as a daily reminder to take excellent care of your body—after all, it’s the only one you’ve got!

—Alexandra Franzen, author of You’re Going to Survive

What a wonderful read! Nicolette describes in detail the specific protocols for implementing the Gerson Therapy, but she also offers us a plethora of tools in setting ourselves up for optimum health success.

—Nancy Kremer, writer/producer, Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless feature film

This is the real deal to heal. Richer smoothly guides us through an attainable step by step healing process. She alleviates the daunting and overwhelming fears around overcoming illness with a simple and necessary tool to heal, giving those traumatized with a negative diagnosis a real chance at living again.

—Erica Nasby, Personal Development Coach and Speaker, Exit Reality Corp.

Nicolette Richer not only makes the science of healing and long-term health easy to understand, she breaks it down into very consumable chunks (no pun intended). I have known her for many years and I trust her advice completely. Every bit of what she recommends has been thoroughly researched and tested on herself and her family. This is not a fad diet. This is for real! And it works. Her mission to help you heal your body is sincere and from the heart. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to live a long and healthful life.

—Sylvia Dolson, author, aspiring centenarian, and animal welfare advocate

I met Nicolette when I was traveling through Canada. We instantly hit it off, having a mutual passion for food, health, and … a billion other things. Working alongside her and watching this project, and the beautiful ‘PS I Love You’ campaign, come to life was nothing short of incredible. So many people reach out to her for help. In writing this book she will be able to reach all of them, creating a ripple effect that will touch many lives forever.

—Stephie Hennekam, Certified Dietitian, plant-based yogi and Richer Health team player

Eat real food. Be healthy. Nicolette shares a simple, powerful idea with us all in this wonderful book. Her heartfelt message is backed up by years of experience, and a solid plan on how to live and eat well. Told in her own passionate voice, this book has transformed my life! This book condenses Nicolette’s wonderful advice into a convenient package to keep at home. You can hear her voice in every page, full of enthusiasm and joy at sharing the simple, beautiful idea of eating real to heal. Try it. Feel it. Believe it.

—Selene Moore, teacher, artist, mom and Eat Real to Heal convert




How Do You Want to Feel?

Is This for You?

What You’ll Learn

What You’ll Need

Five Things to Know

Legal Disclaimer

Part One: Understanding—and Beating—Disease

What Is a Chronic Disease?

Why Do Chronic Diseases Happen?

Myths about Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

What Is the Gerson Therapy?

Why Hasn’t the Gerson Therapy Been FDA-Approved?

The History of the Gerson Therapy

From Death’s Door…Back to Life

The Six Components of Gerson Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions about Food and Disease

Part Two: Your New Lifestyle Begins

Ready to Reverse Disease and Feel Amazing?

The Best Time to Change Your Lifestyle Was Yesterday.

Eating Real

Eating Real: A Sample Meal Plan

The Power of Eating Real

Cooking Techniques

My Favorite Recipes

Time-Saving Tips

But I Already Eat Really Healthy!

But What about Protein?

But What about Salt?

And What about Alcohol?

Healing Reactions

A Few Tips for Parents

Mindful Eating

From Miscarriage To Miracle

All about Juicing

Nutrient Absorption



Measuring Your Progress

After the Five-Week Mark

Part Three: Your Whole Health Plan

Creating Your Whole Health Plan


Managing Stress

Unlimited Energy

Detoxifying the Home

Connecting with Nature

Become a Tree-Hugger

Connecting with Your Breath

Simple Breathing Exercises

Hydration and Water Contamination

Goals and Your Subconscious Mind

Becoming a Savvy Patient

Ask the Right Questions

The Facts about Medical Error

Build Your Whole Health Team

Write Your Own Prescription

Closing Words



Example Daily Food Guide

Nicolette Richer

About the Green Moustache


It would be hard to find a more energetic, enthusiastic proponent of natural health than Nicolette Richer. Her knowledge and commitment to helping those around her retain, recover, and maintain their good health shine through these pages like a bright floodlight, bringing intelligent observation and deep understanding to the immense task of educating people about the power of nutrition to fuel the human immune system. This book is more than just a dietary recommendation. It is vastly more than that, including sections on exercise, meditation, parenting, and healing, all with good humor and wry wit, and a love of humanity, family and friends that is rare to see in these contentious times.

Not only is Nicolette an advocate for good, nay, great health, her worldwide travels and eclectic background give her a broad perspective and understanding about how and why people need to have the information she shares. Oh, great-tasting, healing and life-giving food, happily shared with friends and family, is a terrific start, but that’s only a starting point for Nicolette’s unstoppable drive to help people understand how, and more importantly why, to practice mindful agriculture, cuisine, exercise, and peacefulness. The combination is powerfully attractive, drawing fans not only from her local community, but also from a much wider audience and an eclectic mixture of cultures and nationalities.

Having founded the chain of plant-based whole-food Green Moustache restaurants, Nicolette is seeing an international surge of interest in her methods. Medical doctors, initially skeptical of her approach, have quite literally been forced to acknowledge its correctness by seeing tangible results in patients they would have otherwise deemed incurable. Government health department officials have responded by consulting with Nicolette regarding their own organizations’ goals and problems. She has lectured in China to a highly receptive audience, half of whom were physicians. Nicolette uses a philosophy strongly grounded in the Gerson Therapy, biochemistry, and nutritional sciences. This, combined with a sharp, assured intelligence and business savvy, brings results to her audiences and clients. Her confident delivery, combined with deep knowledge and long experience, resonates strongly with layman and health professional alike.

This book reflects all the above qualities in a delightful combination that is a joy to read, helpful beyond virtually any health book you can find, with practical instructions and often laugh-out-loud parenting moments thrown in for leavening. Read it, have a ball, be inspired and heal!

Howard Straus

Carmel, CA 2018


My mom and grandma raised me on real food. Thanks to our African and East Indian heritage, our home was always filled with simmering stews and soups, warm baked potatoes and okra, curried veggies and whole-grain rice, and tons of fresh, crunchy salads.

We always had vegetables and fruits growing in the backyard. We rarely ate meat. Processed junk food like macaroni, canned soda, potato chips, or sugary granola bars—this stuff just wasn’t part of our routine. I don’t think I ate a single bite of junk food until I was in my early teens. That’s when everything changed. The first and last time time my lips tasted Kraft Dinner was when I was twenty-nine-years-old—a ridiculous pregnancy craving that came back up just as fast as it went down. Clearly, my soon-to-be-born babe inside wasn’t impressed.

In high school, like many teenagers, I started working and earning a bit of my own money. I wish I could say that I spent my money on educational books, or that I donated my money to noble charities. Not exactly. I spent my money on Diet Coke, Mars bars, Big Macs, and dishes of gravy-smothered poutine. Immediately, my body reacted to these toxins. I developed intensely painful PMS symptoms and terrible, embarrassing acne. Of course, I couldn’t help but wonder, Is it because of what I’ve been eating?

I stopped eating junk food and, just like magic, my bloating, cramps, and zits disappeared. That’s when I realized what my mom and grandma already knew—the food you put into your body has a direct impact on how you look and feel. This is common sense, of course. But sometimes, we have to experience it in order to believe it.

I graduated from high school, went to university, and pursued a career in environmental studies. Later, I went on to complete my master’s in Environmental Education and Communication at Royal Roads University. I specialized in researching toxicity in the air, water, and soil, and studying the link between pollution and chronic diseases, including cancer.

Over the years, I did thousands of hours of research, wrote hundreds of papers, and reported my findings while working for non-profits and government organizations. It was exciting work, although frustrating at times. Frustrating because, even with all the knowledge we’ve gained about how environmental pollution can shorten our lives, many governments and companies are still doing very little to make things better. I loved my work, but most of the time, I felt powerless. I was exhausted, as I felt like I was endlessly pushing a boulder uphill—a boulder that government and corporations kept wanting to bury. Often, I’d think, I’m just one person. Sure, I can keep reporting my findings and keep creating education programs and policies. But there’s not much I can do to influence government policies and change all of these big systems if the other people within these organizations don’t want to also make the changes. The bureaucracy within the places I worked was thick like smog, slow-moving like a big, leaking oil tanker, and as resistant as a thousand tons of toxic lead. I needed to do more, but I didn’t know what.

When a friend was diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, I recalled that another friend, Bill, ten years earlier, had also been diagnosed with cancer. It had been stage IV. Terminal. Things were really bad. I remember not knowing how to respond when I heard about his diagnosis and prognosis. I remember being heartbroken and frightened for him—but, rather than opting for chemotherapy, my friend did something radical: He completely transformed his eating habits. He switched to a 100 percent plant-based meal plan packed with organic veggies, fruits, and nutrient-dense juices. He did the Gerson Therapy. He fueled his body with the best possible food—straight from gardens, trees, bushes, and vines. Within a few months, his cancer markers were…gone. Completely gone. As if they’d never existed. Within a year, he was cancer-free. His doctors were astounded. This seventy-two-year-old man had completely healed himself using food as medicine, and he was rewarded by living twenty more years. I tried to explain the Gerson Therapy to my other recently-diagnosed friend, but failed miserably, as I really didn’t know what it entailed. This is where my research transitioned and merged from environmental health to human health.

I was astounded by Bill’s recovery, too, and the fact that food had the power to heal his cancerous body, let alone reverse the

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