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The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living
The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living
The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living
Ebook490 pages6 hours

The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living

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About this ebook

Completely revised and updated-Jack Challem's powerful plan to safely prevent and overcome inflammatory disorders

Inflammation is what happens when our body's own defenses turn on us-and it is a huge and growing problem. Written by the author of the groundbreaking Syndrome X, this essential updated edition of The Inflammation Syndrome draws on cutting-edge research conducted around the world to provide a revolutionary approach to healing inflammation-related problems through an easy-to-follow nutrition and supplement program.

  • Includes new recommendations for individualized diet and supplement plans
  • Presents fourteen steps for restoring dietary balance, plus recipes and menu plans
  • Reveals the powerful role inflammation plays in a wide variety of common health conditions–from simple aches and pains to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and athletic injuries
  • Features dramatic case histories and the latest information on dosage recommendations for anti-inflammation supplements such as fish oils, vitamins, and herbs
  • Other books by Jack Challem: Syndrome X, The Food-Mood Solution, Feed Your Genes Right, and Stop Prediabetes Now

Read The Inflammation Syndrome and learn just how easy it can be to take charge of your diet and health.

Release dateJan 6, 2010

Jack Challem

Jack is one of America's most trusted nutrition and health writers • He's widely known as The Nutrition Reporter™ • Jack is also a personal nutrition coach and available for in-person and telephone coaching • He’s a member of the American Society for Nutrition • Click on the book links to read free excerpts from Jack's bestselling books • Order Jack's books via easy links to amazon.com • Read sample issues of his newsletter, The Nutrition Reporter™ • Whether you're nearby or far away, find out how Jack's writing and personal nutrition coaching can help you • And discover much more right here that can change your life for the better...

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting read with good nutritional insight into the modern diet and foods that contribute to many health issues, as well as quality suggestions for healthier options that relieve symptoms and sometimes even heal the body. As someone who's prediabetic and a long time sufferer of allergies (airborne and food) and asthma, I'm anxious to make some dietary and supplement changes and see if it helps.

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The Inflammation Syndrome - Jack Challem

Introduction to the Original Edition

One condition explains your stiff fingers, aching muscles, and arthritic joints. One condition lies at the root of your troublesome allergies and asthma. And one condition describes the underlying cause of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and some types of cancer.

It is inflammation.

As you read this, medicine is rapidly redefining coronary artery (heart) disease, the leading cause of death among people in the United States and most other Westernized nations, as an inflammatory disease of the blood vessels. Physicians are quickly adopting a new and inexpensive blood test—high-sensitivity C-reactive protein—to measure their patients’ level of inflammation and risk of suffering a heart attack. And as the evidence mounts, physicians and medical researchers are recognizing that other major chronic diseases are fueled by inflammation as well.

Most of us understand inflammation as something that causes redness, tenderness, stiffness, and pain. It is the core of inflammatory -itis disease, and it also is intertwined in every disease, including obesity, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

Inflammation is why professional athletes and weekend warriors often development muscle aches. It is why some people’s gums bleed whenever they brush their teeth. And it is why some people develop stomach ulcers.

Despite their different symptoms, all of these health problems are united by the same thread: they have runaway inflammation in common.

And as you may well realize, many people suffer from more than one inflammatory disorder. This constellation of related diseases, such as the combination of heart disease, arthritis, and periodontitis, can best be described as the Inflammation Syndrome.


Estimated Number of North Americans with Some Inflammatory Diseases

Millions of North Americans suffer from inflammatory disorders, some of which have only recently been recognized as inflammatory in nature:


Everyone experiences inflammation at one time or another, and we actually need it to survive. But chronic inflammation is a sign that something has gone seriously awry with your health. Instead of protecting and healing, chronic inflammation breaks down your body and makes you older and more frail.

Most people treat inflammation with one or more over-the-counter or prescription drugs. At best these drugs temporarily mask the symptoms of inflammation, not treat its underlying causes. Worse, the side effects of these drugs can often be extraordinarily dangerous, causing weight gain, severe stomach pain, bone deformities, and heart failure.

Unfortunately, a physician’s diagnosis of many -itis diseases, such as dermatitis or gastritis, is often meaningless. The doctor might feel proud of his diagnosis, but it is merely a description of the symptoms, not of its cause.

To understand the cause of the modern epidemic of inflammatory diseases, we have to look at how the average person’s diet has deteriorated over the past two or three generations. The bottom line is that the foods you eat have a powerful bearing on your health and, specifically, inflammation.

How does food influence your inflammation, your aches and pains? Your body is a remarkable biological machine, designed to make an assortment of pro- and anti-inflammatory substances. What you eat—proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and vitaminlike nutrients, and minerals—provides the nutritional building blocks of these substances. Some nutrients help form your body’s inflammation-promoting compounds, which normally help fight infections. Others help produce your body’s anti-inflammatory substances, which moderate and turn off inflammation.

Until recently, people ate a relative balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Today, because of extensive food processing, our diet has become seriously unbalanced. The typical Western diet now contains at least thirty times more of pro-inflammatory nutrients than just a century ago. As a result, people have become nutritionally and biochemically primed for powerful, out-of-control inflammatory reactions. An injury, infection, or sometimes nothing more than age-related wear and tear create the spark that, in a manner of speaking, sets your body on fire.

The Inflammation Syndrome reveals many of the hidden dangers in foods that set the stage for inflammation, worsen aches and pains, and increase the long-term risk of debilitating and life-threatening diseases. This book explains how and why inflammation eats away at your health.

For example:

• Common cooking oils, such as corn, safflower, and soy oils, can make arthritis and asthma worse.

• Fries and other deep-fried foods, breakfast bars, and cookies can interfere with your body’s innate ability to control inflammation.

• Corn-fed beef, promoted as healthy, is far worse than grass-fed beef and can aggravate your inflammation.

• Not eating your vegetables or taking your vitamins can increase breathing problems in people with asthma.

• Being overweight increases your body’s production of inflammation-causing substances.

• Taking common anti-inflammatory drugs will actually make your osteoarthritis far worse.

• If you have one inflammatory disease, you are likely to develop others in the coming years, because the inflammation will eventually spread and affect other parts of your body.

I have had my own experience with inflammation and how I have avoided chronic pain. Several years ago, while in the British Museum in London, I paid careful attention to a sign reading Mind the Step. Unfortunately for me, the area was not well lit and the sign failed to warn me of a second step. I tripped and seriously injured my right foot. The pain was so excruciating that I almost passed out. I sat down while my head cleared and, I had hoped, for the pain to ease.

It didn’t. By the next morning, my entire foot was literally turning black and blue. Although no bones were broken, I did give myself one of the most serious types of muscle strain. A couple of days later, on the next leg of my trip, in France, I hobbled around at a scientific conference on antioxidant vitamins. Climbing into the shower was an ordeal, as was putting on my socks and shoes. My foot had swelled, its color was awful, and I was taking aspirin several times daily to reduce the inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Weeks later, at home, my foot had regained its normal color and, by all outward signs, had healed. However, I still felt a sharp pain in the foot whenever I walked. I realized that this injury, if it did not heal soon and properly, could lead to a lifetime of chronic inflammation and pain. Frustratingly, all of the vitamin supplements I had been taking for years didn’t seem to help. And then it dawned on me. That scientific meeting in France was about a well-known herbal antioxidant made from French maritime pine bark (called Pycnogenol), and the scientific literature showed it to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. I started taking it, and within days the pain went away. To rule out the power of suggestion, I stopped taking the supplement for a few days, and the pain returned. I started taking the supplement again and the inflammation and pain went away and have never returned. I walk and hike long distances without any discomfort in the foot.

The Inflammation Syndrome does not simply dwell on the problem of inflammation. Most of this book coaches you on how to avoid the foods that make you more susceptible to inflammation and to instead select foods that can reduce inflammation and your risk of many diseases. The Inflammation Syndrome describes a new way of viewing inflammatory disorders as a consequence of eating an unbalanced diet.

You will learn plenty of practical information about how to prevent and reverse inflammation. The book’s Anti-Inflammation [AI] Syndrome Diet Plan describes

• the dietary imbalances that lead to chronic inflammation;

• a balanced, nutritious diet plan to reduce inflammation;

• tasty recipes and guidelines for making your own anti-inflammatory meals;

• the best natural anti-inflammation supplements, such as fish oils, vitamin E, herbs, and many others;

• case histories of patients treated by nutritionally oriented practitioners.

You may wonder why you should trust the advice of someone who is not a physician.

The reason is simple, though it may surprise you: while I believe the majority of physicians are sincere and well-meaning, most do not understand the fundamental role of nutrition in health. Medical schools teach virtually nothing about the practical, preventive, and therapeutic uses of nutrition and supplements. The doctors I write about in this book are notable exceptions to this rule in that they are both sincere and have an understanding of nutrition.

For more than twenty-five years, I have been reading scientific and medical journals; talking with nutritionally oriented biologists, biochemists, and physicians; and writing about how vitamins, minerals, and other aspects of nutrition can greatly improve health. I have also published original research articles in medical journals, something rare for nutrition writers. Though I am not a medical scientist, I have a solid understanding of the science behind the health benefits of nutrition and supplements.

In many ways, The Inflammation Syndrome expands on the concepts described in my previous book Syndrome X: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance. Far more than genes, poor eating habits are at the core of most modern degenerative disorders, including chronic inflammation. The Inflammation Syndrome is supported by hundreds of scientific studies and by successful clinical experiences, many of which you will read. Some of my scientific references are at the back of this book, and I encourage you to share all of them with your physician. [As of the revised edition, the references have been moved to www.inflammationsyndrome.com.]

Ultimately, you alone are responsible for your own health. You cannot ignore your personal responsibility and simply turn your body over to a doctor the way you might ask a mechanic to fix your car. This book provides a plan for you to empower yourself to safely prevent and overcome inflammatory disorders. You will discover how easy it is to take charge of your diet and your health—and to feel better than you ever imagined.

Introduction to the Revised Edition

When The Inflammation Syndrome was first published early in 2003, it proposed what was then a bold and audacious idea—that many different types of inflammatory diseases were related to one another. Today, this idea is widely accepted.

Indeed, a great deal has changed over the last few years, necessitating this updated edition of the book. First, inflammation is now recognized as an undercurrent in all disease processes. Second, inflammation (not cholesterol) is now understood to be the primary determining factor in coronary heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in most developed countries, although many doctors are yet to act on this knowledge. Third, inflammatory disorders—for example, allergies, arthritis, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease, to name but a few—share common causes and also increase the risk of developing other inflammatory diseases.

What events have led to such dramatic changes in the perception of inflammation?

Medical thinking about the role of inflammation in disease began to broaden in the late 1990s, following the development and increased use of the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) test. The test was revolutionary in that it could measure subtle, low-grade inflammation—the type of inflammation that is not always obvious but that slowly breaks down the body and leads to chronic degenerative diseases. Researchers at Harvard Medical School showed that chronic low-grade inflammation was a major factor in the development of heart disease and, just as important, that the CRP test could identify people who were at risk of suffering a heart attack. In fact, high levels of CRP are a far better predictor of heart attack risk than is cholesterol.

It didn’t take long before other researchers began to look for elevated CRP levels in other diseases. What they found was fascinating and further shifted medical thinking about the role of inflammation in disease. For example, people who are overweight or have type 2 diabetes typically have elevated CRP levels. Being overweight and having type 2 diabetes are major risk factors for heart disease, another proof of the disease linkage that forms the inflammation syndrome. Almost everyone with type 2 diabetes is overweight, and fat cells (particularly those that form around the waistline) secrete inflammation-producing compounds, including interleukin-6 (IL-6) and CRP.


The Prevalence of Some Inflammatory Diseases in North America

How has the prevalence of inflammatory diseases changed since the first edition of The Inflammation Syndrome was published in 2003? Compare the numbers below with those on page 2.


At the same time, there has been a surge in research on natural anti-inflammatory substances, such as certain foods, herbs and spices, and supplements, and my discussion of these substances forms the core of The Inflammation Syndrome. Here’s the good news: you can use these natural substances to safely reduce inflammation and pain and restore your health.

What’s new in this edition of The Inflammation Syndrome?

• I have updated much of the information throughout the book, based on recent scientific and medical research. (To save space, my references appear at www.inflammationsyndrome.com.)

• I have simplified many of my recommendations to make them more practical and easier to follow. For example, companies market dozens of anti-inflammatory supplements, but I have focused on the ones most strongly supported by scientific research. I also recommend specific brands of products (which I tended to avoid doing in the past), to make purchasing decisions easier for you.

• I discuss several natural anti-inflammatory substances produced by the body that have been discovered since I wrote the first edition of this book. These remarkable compounds include resolvins, protectins, and lipoxins, and the body makes them from healthy dietary fats. Their activity can be increased through both diet and supplements.

• I explain the research that demonstrates the benefits of curcumin, one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Curcumin is an extract of the spice turmeric, and the latest research indicates that it blocks ninety-seven different inflammatory mechanisms in the body—more than any other natural or synthetic substance.

• I also discuss at length the anti-inflammatory properties of another natural compound, Pycnogenol. Long known for its cardiovascular effects, this extract of French maritime pine bark has impressive and scientifically documented anti-inflammatory benefits.

• In the first edition of The Inflammation Syndrome, I explained how gamma-linolenic acid (a plant oil) has a potent anti-inflammatory action and is synergistic with the inflammation-quenching omega- 3 fish oils. Over the last few years, researchers have documented still more health benefits from gamma-linolenic acid, and I have included a discussion of these.

• Similarly, the research on the health benefits of omega-3 fish oils has amounted to a medical landslide. Almost every week, medical and scientific journals report new advantages of consuming fish oils. I have included more recent and comprehensive information on omega-3 fish oils.

• I also include information on vitamin D, which has emerged as an immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory nutrient, and on many other nutrients you may lack in your diet.

• There’s much more in the updated edition of The Inflammation Syndrome, such as new recipes for tasty anti-inflammatory meals.

Before you read further, I would like to share three brief case histories about how The Inflammation Syndrome has helped people regain their health and their lives.

Susan had long suffered with frightening episodes of asthma. Like many other people, she had gone from doctor to doctor, and then a specialist (a pulmonologist) prescribed several different medications to control her asthmatic symptoms. She still had to use a steroid-containing inhaler several times a day. After she followed the advice in The Inflammation Syndrome for only one month, her symptoms decreased, and now she often goes an entire week without having to use the inhaler. Susan has also been able to reduce her other medications.

Deirdre had dealt with the crippling symptoms of Epstein-Barr infection and inflammatory pain for years. After reading The Inflammation Syndrome, she added gamma-linolenic acid supplements to her regimen—without making any changes to her diet—and nearly all of her muscle and joint pain disappeared. Her initial success motivated Deirdre to take other supplements, including vitamins C and E, and then to make important dietary changes. She has had such a dramatic recovery that she now recommends a similar program to her relatives.

When Jennifer read The Inflammation Syndrome, everything about her health and that of her family suddenly made sense. She weighed more than three hundred pounds and had type 2 diabetes. She and other family members had allergies, a brother and a sister had inflammatory bowel disease, and her mother had ulcers. Jennifer felt better within several days of beginning to follow my dietary recommendations and e-mailed me: This book has changed my life! Jennifer has a lot of health issues to deal with, but she’s on the right track and was quickly able to start walking without her cane.

These are some of the many success stories I’ve heard from readers. These people have been successful in large part because, for the first time in their lives, they’ve been able to connect the dots in their inflammatory disorders—and then take small and big steps toward regaining their health. You can, too!


The Inflammation-Disease Connection


Meet the Inflammation Syndrome

The Inflammation Syndrome Helps Janet Make Sense of Her Health Problems

Janet was in her midforties and felt worn down and much older because of a growing list of health problems. She was overweight and prediabetic and had high blood pressure, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, rosacea, gastric reflux, and morning aches and pains. Janet was taking seven different prescription drugs that had marginal, if any, benefits—but that did zap her energy levels.

Her life wasn’t getting better, it was getting worse. And as she looked at her parents and older sisters, she could see her future: a debilitating combination of diseases that forced her parents into early retirement and that led to long-term disability for her sisters. Tough-minded and tenacious, Janet didn’t want to follow in her family’s footsteps.

As she searched for a solution, she found a nutritionally oriented physician who understood that eating habits had a strong bearing on health and disease risk. He ordered Janet to undergo blood tests for nutrient levels, food allergies, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), an indicator of chronic low-grade inflammation.

His diagnosis stunned Janet. Her vitamin C and D levels were low, she was sensitive to wheat and dairy products, and she had high blood levels of hsCRP. Chronic inflammation was underlying most of Janet’s health problems. I was a disaster—and an even bigger disaster waiting to happen, she said.

The doctor explained how Janet’s health problems were related to one another, and he outlined a new approach to eating that focused on high-quality proteins (such as fish and chicken) and high-fiber, nonstarchy vegetables (for example, salad greens and steamed broccoli and cauliflower). He suggested that Janet avoid all packaged foods containing wheat and dairy products. On the doctor’s advice, Janet began to take a number of supplements, including vitamins C and D, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fish oils, and an anti-inflammatory plant oil called gammalinolenic acid.

By the end of the first week, Janet’s energy levels were higher than they had been in years, and her general sense of well-being had increased considerably. By the end of Janet’s second week on the anti-inflammatory diet and supplements, she had lost seven pounds and her gastric reflux had stopped. Even though it was springtime and the height of allergy season for Janet, her nasal symptoms were relatively mild. After one month, most of Janet’s symptoms had either diminished or disappeared, and, working with her doctor, she was able to cease taking most of her medications. She also continued to lose weight.

I’m a new person, she said. I had forgotten what it was like to feel good and energized about life.

Even if you seem to be pretty healthy today, there’s a good chance that inflammation is simmering in your body, quietly damaging your heart, your mind, and other tissues. Such inflammation may be stirred up by physical injuries, by frequent colds and flus, allergies, by eating the wrong types of fats and carbohydrates, and by having a spare tire around your middle. At a certain point, your inflammation will boil over into painful and debilitating symptoms.

Inflammation is a normal process that can go dreadfully wrong. It is supposed to protect us from infections and promote healing when we are injured.

Yet chronic inflammation does just the opposite: it breaks down our bodies and makes us more susceptible to disease. Inflammation forces millions of people with arthritis to alter their daily lives, and it compels millions of people with asthma to be cautious because they do not know when their next suffocating attack will occur. Millions of other people— with multiple sclerosis, lupus, diabetes, and other disorders—also suffer from chronic inflammation.

The Inflammation Syndrome

Individual inflammatory disorders such as asthma or rheumatoid arthritis are bad enough. Far more insidious is the inflammation syndrome, the significance of which is only now being recognized in medical circles.

A syndrome is a group of symptoms that characterizes a particular disorder. For example, in my earlier book Syndrome X: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance, Syndrome X was defined as a combination of abdominal fat, insulin resistance, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol—all of which significantly increase the risk of diabetes and coronary artery disease.

Similarly, the inflammation syndrome reflects the coexistence of at least two (and often more) inflammatory disorders that greatly increase the risk of developing more serious inflammatory diseases. What causes this ongoing buildup of inflammation? Although an inflammatory response may primarily affect specific tissues, such as the knees, it frequently radiates through the body and attacks other tissues. Over a number of years this systemic (bodywide) inflammation contributes to diseases that might appear unrelated but that do share a common thread of chronic inflammation.

Some examples of the inflammation syndrome are in order. Let’s start with being overweight, a condition that affects two-thirds of Americans and growing numbers of people in most other developed countries.

Excess weight contributes to inflammation because fat cells secrete chemicals, such as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein, that promote inflammation. Being overweight increases the risk of developing many other diseases, and part of the reason is related to the undercurrent of inflammation. If you are overweight, you have a greater risk of developing adult-onset (that is, type 2) diabetes, which also has a strong inflammatory component. Inflammation in diabetes is related to being overweight, to having elevated blood sugar and insulin levels, and to consuming too many refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and sugary breakfast cereals).

The inflammation syndrome does not stop here. Having diabetes also heightens your chances of suffering from periodontitis, a type of dental inflammation. Each of these disorders—overweight, diabetes, and periodontitis—is serious by itself. But as the inflammation in these disorders simmers year after year, it also increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease, which medicine has recently recognized as an inflammatory disease of the blood vessels. In a nutshell, each inflammatory disorder has an additive effect, aggravating the body’s overall level of inflammation and the risk of succumbing to very serious diseases.

Other examples of the inflammation syndrome abound. Allergies stir up the inflammatory response, which may give rise to rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune (self-allergic) disease. Infections also trigger an immune response, and chronic infections and inflammation account for an estimated 30 percent of cancers. Joint injuries frequently put an inflammatory response into motion, setting the stage for osteoarthritis. Serious head injuries and their resultant brain inflammation increase the long-term risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which is also being viewed by doctors as an inflammatory process affecting brain cells.

This is serious and scary stuff, and the stakes for your health are very high. But the point of this book is to teach you that chronic inflammation and the inflammation syndrome can be prevented and reversed.


Connecting the Dots in the Inflammation Syndrome

Unless inflammatory problems are controlled or reversed, they tend to get worse, creating a cascade that leads to more serious inflammatory diseases, such as coronary heart disease and Alzheimer’s. This list describes the greater risks associated with certain inflammatory disorders.

• Obesity boosts the risk of developing diabetes.

• Obesity and diabetes set the stage for coronary heart disease.

• Diabetes increases the likelihood of macular degeneration and cataracts.

• Joint injuries often lead to osteoarthritis.

• Brain injuries increase the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

• Periodontal disease heightens the risk of getting coronary heart disease.

• Allergies can aggravate the pulmonary system and may give rise to asthma.

• Allergies increase the odds of suffering from autoimmune disorders.

• Rheumatoid arthritis may bring about conditions that promote coronary heart disease.

• Chronic inflammation increases the risk of getting cancer.

• Gastritis may eventually result in gastric cancer.

• Inflammatory bowel disease increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.


What Is Chronic Inflammation?

Inflammation assumes many different forms, and everyone experiences it at one time or another. The most familiar type of inflammation is sudden and acute, such as when you burn yourself in the kitchen, overuse your muscles while moving furniture, or injure your tendons when playing sports. The injured area swells, turns red, and becomes tender to the touch.

Under normal circumstances inflammation helps you heal, and it can even save your life. For example, if you accidentally cut your finger with a knife, bacteria from the knife, the air, or the surface of your skin immediately penetrate the breach. Unchecked, these bacteria would quickly spread through your bloodstream and kill you.

Your body’s immune system almost immediately recognizes these bacteria as foreign, however, and unleashes a coordinated attack to contain and stop the infection. Inflammation encourages tiny blood vessels in your finger to dilate, allowing a variety of white blood cells to leak out, track, and engulf bacteria. Some of these white blood cells also pick up and destroy cells damaged by the cut. In addition, inflammation signals the body to grow new cells to seal the cut. Within a day or two, your cut finger becomes less inflamed, and a few days later, it is completely healed.

Your body responds in similar fashion if you strain a muscle, for example, when you lift too heavy a box or overexert yourself during sports. The resulting inflammation, characterized by swelling, pain, and stiffness, is designed to remove damaged muscle cells and help initiate the healing process to replace those cells. Again, within a few days the inflammation decreases and you are well on the road to recovery.

Chronic inflammation, however, is very different. It does not go away, at least not quickly, and many people believe from their own experience that it will never go away. It results in persistent swelling, stiffness, or pain. Furthermore, you have a greater susceptibility to inflammation as you age, but that, too, may be reversible.


The Inflammation Syndrome Quiz

Many people know that they regularly experience inflammation—the pain, stiffness, and swelling are obvious signs. Yet other people interpret stiffness and pain as vague signs of not being in good health, or they don’t connect their use of certain drugs (such as ibuprofen and aspirin) to inflammatory diseases or the inflammation syndrome. This quiz is designed to help you make those connections. Circle Y (yes) or N (no) for each item or question.

Do you have any of the following health problems or issues?

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