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The Handbook for Integrity in Business
The Handbook for Integrity in Business
The Handbook for Integrity in Business
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Handbook for Integrity in Business

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About this ebook

This book is all about providing information to help businesses and organizations instill integrity principles within their organization. The topics identified for the chapters are important issues in operating any business or organization. The points and approaches to various issues associated with the information will I hope provide some insight and suggestions to make sure integrity principles are in place for all decisions. The subjects addressed in each of the chapters though they may not cover all situations they are the main aspects important to being successful.
This book is also an opportunity for individuals searching for a quality organization to use the information in evaluating the operations and decisions of any business. Having the criteria and the reasons why quality is important helps anyone better understand the need for quality in all aspects of a business.

Release dateApr 23, 2020
The Handbook for Integrity in Business

Dennis AuBuchon

Dennis has a background in quality assurance and auditing and is a certified quality auditor with ASQ (American Society for Quality). He has written over 1,000 articles mostly on the topic of integrity and hot topics of the day. Links to articles can be found on his website and hubpages.com. He is not one to shy from controversial topics as can be seen in his articles.Dennis believes in the principle that one person can make a difference and through hisweb site, his articles and his current book he is doing just that. The one key phrase on all his web site pages is quality writing and services to make a difference. Dennis designed his own web site www.myqualitywriting.com which is a resource for other authors to gain exposure for their work. Through his web site Dennis provides marketing information and opportunities to help other authors and the general public. Any person in business can learn from the information on his site through his articles and articles by other authors. Dennis continually tries to help other authors with information on all aspects of the publishing industryDennis has been a part of auditing teams and a team leader. Dennis’ relationship with quality assurance principles and integrity principles can be seen in his commitment to operate his business and web site with honesty, integrity and quality principles. This is evidenced by the fact that he has signed a business ethics pledge committed to treating all stakeholders fairly, with compassion and a commitment to service.

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    Book preview

    The Handbook for Integrity in Business - Dennis AuBuchon

    The Handbook for Integrity in Business

    By Dennis AuBuchon

    Copyright © 2018 AuBuchon Books, Articles and Services

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Table of Contents


    Introduction – This is a preview of the approach taken for this important topic focused in this book.

    Chapter1 – Business Objectives and Policies - Each business has or should have business objectives and policies. How they are developed and the approach to accomplish them is discussed in this chapter

    Chapter 2 – Customer Satisfaction – Customer satisfaction should be the primary objective of a company but often businesses focus on the bottom line not the customers. The importance of this topic and the situations which surface in an organization are examined for proper action/decisions.

    Chapter 3 – Employee Evaluations – Employee evaluations are an important element in any organization. Employees have the right to be properly evaluated for the jobs they do and should not be blamed if other management individuals are the cause of issues.

    Chapter 4 – Management Integrity – Management integrity is another important topic and in some cases issues which have surfaced in society the principles of integrity seem to be nonexistent.

    Chapter 5 – Negotiations – Negotiations are always in place within an organization or with other activities with regards to contractual agreements. All parties should be honest in discussions and as a result better deals can be accomplished

    Chapter 6 – Products and Services – Quality products and services is the key to being a successful business and making a profit.

    Chapter 7 – Corrective Action – The importance of corrective and the basis for it appears to be lacking as can be seen where issues have surfaced within products or services but the cause is not properly resolved.

    Chapter 8 – Data Integrity – Data integrity is important to properly identify situations and comparisons should reference what has improved and by how much from one year to the next. Leaving out details of previous year activities and just promoting successes of current year activity does not provide a reference to the details of what is different.

    Chapter 9 – Honesty and Truthfulness – Honesty and truthfulness are important in any business and how these principles impact business success and operations are examined

    Chapter 10 Respect for the Customer and Employees – Companies need to respect not only their customers but their employees. With this respect customers and employees will not be happy and it will or can be seen in the attitude of customers and employees

    Chapter 11 – Ethics – Ethics in a business environment can damage the reputation of a company or organization. Making decisions about information to present a conclusion already determined is wrong. Decisions must be based on all the facts not just some of them.

    Chapter 12 - Quality Principles in Business Policies and Structure Quality principles must be in place in a company or organization. Customers want quality not just in products and services but in the way companies manage their organization

    Chapter 13 - Quality Principles in Business Operations – Quality principles in business operations are important. Consumers appreciate quality products and services and when these principles exist in business operations the chances for quality products or service is dramatically increased

    Chapter 14 - Quality Principles in Business Training – Any good training must include quality principles to arrive at a successful outcome for the function to completed

    Conclusion – There are many conclusions drawn from the topics presented in this book. Some are identified in this section but the reader can draw their own conclusions

    About the Author – This section is about my activities including other books I have written, articles I have written and my social media activities.

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    I have been writing for several years and in that time I have had the support of my family (my wife and son), friends and co-workers. I wish to acknowledge that support for without this kind of support it would be difficult to make the time to do what I love to do and that is to write. I also wish to acknowledge that the many topics on which I write and the experiences I have acquired helped me to be the person I am today. Individuals I have worked for or with identified the importance of integrity principles. The topics on which I write are a result of the interaction with others throughout my working life.

    I can never say enough about the encouragement I have received from countless individuals not only for the topics on which I write but the positive responses I receive about the articles/books I have written.


    This book is all about providing information to help businesses and organizations instill integrity principles within their organization. The topics identified for the chapters are important issues in operating any business or organization. The points and approaches to various issues associated with the information will I hope provide some insight and suggestions to make sure integrity principles are in place for all decisions. The subjects addressed in each of the chapters though they may not cover all situations they are the main aspects important to being successful.

    This book is also an opportunity for individuals searching for a quality organization to use the information in evaluating the operations and decisions of any business. Having the criteria and the reasons why quality is important helps anyone better understand the need for quality in all aspects of a business.

    Chapter 1 Business Objectives and Policies

    Business objectives and policies and how they are established are common subjects which each organization must address if it is to succeed. Lack of policies which are not connected to objectives can project disconnects within the business and the organizational structure.

    Contemplating starting a business must start with creating the purpose or reason for existing. Each business before it begins and after it has been created must address the objectives they seek to accomplish. This not only includes where they are and where they want to be but how they will get there. Creating the right business objectives and policies is only the beginning. The principles a company or organization wishes to achieve must be reflected not only in the organizational structure but the policies and procedures throughout the organization. Common sense must be part of this process. Common sense is often missing in an organization but it is critical to being successful. The principles of integrity along with quality principles within the objectives and policies are keys to becoming successful.

    Objectives must be honorable ones which incorporates such characteristics as honesty, character and truthfulness to name a few. As a business changes and grows other objectives will surface. Changes can often times occur either in products/services or philosophy driven

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