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Seducing the Black Prince
Seducing the Black Prince
Seducing the Black Prince
Ebook371 pages8 hours

Seducing the Black Prince

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A lesson, Jackson "Beast" Marshal, learned the hard way. Cursed to spend his life as a twisted creature, he has given up o returning to the man he once was. Until he met her... his last chance at salvation.


Life has taught, Sonya "Beauty" Lamar, that fairytales are better left in children's books. As she struggles to pick up the pieces of her world, a mysterious stranger appears on her doorstep. Quickly, she learns that there are worse things than the heartbreak of starting over.


To break the spell of a mad witch, can a prince, who is more beast than man, win the heart of the only woman who could save him from his torment? Or will she damn him to the darkness as the last rose petal falls?

Release dateOct 3, 2020
Seducing the Black Prince

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    Seducing the Black Prince - Layla J. Omorose

    Seducing the Black Prince


    Layla J Omorose

    © 2017 Seducing the Black Prince

    Seducing the Black Prince

    Copyright © 2017

    Copyright © 2017 by Layla Omorose

    Proofreading by Tia Silverthorne Bach

    All rights reserved. This E- Book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author.

    The moral right of Layla J Omorose as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act of 1988.

    This E- Book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.










































    About the Author


    Other books by Layla J Omorose


    "I don’t understand, aren’t you happy with me?"

    He gave her a bored stare as he pulled up his pants.

    I did everything you asked me to. Her voice, growing higher in pitch was starting to give him a headache.

    Yes, he said as he finally turned to face her. You did everything I asked, and I gave you everything you wanted. For the last century, we’ve been playing this game. He walked towards her, unaffected by her teary eyes.

    Reaching out, he twisted one of her black locks between his fingers. As he stared into her dark gaze, he wondered what he had found so enticing about her all those years ago. Was it her eyes and the intense way she had stared at him when they had first met? Was it a combination of yearning and challenge that had sparked his interest? Or was it the flawless and supple skin that covered her curved body from head to toe that lured him in? Maybe it was the way she felt under him. Whatever it was that had drawn him to her in the first place was gone. In its wake, he was left bored and empty.

    It was finally time he ended their little love affair once and for all. He just hoped things didn’t turn ugly. Although, given her temper at times, he was sure things would not go as smoothly as he wanted.

    Let’s end this now, before we do something we both regret, he whispered to her. Wrapping one hand around her waist, he pulled her to him. As expected, he felt nothing with her pressed against him.

    I love you, he heard her whisper, and he fought the urge to roll his eyes.

    She loved him?

    Really, just who did she think she was fooling? The only thing she loved more than herself was the power he gave her. Had she forgotten he had watched her play this game one too many times with other men?

    Tilting her head up so that she was looking at him, he told her, Love is nothing but a four-letter word that holds too much power over those who use it. He paused. You don’t love me. You have never loved me. 

    Releasing her, he took several steps back before he continued. You used me the same way I used you. There were many things between us, but never the love you claim. He turned from her then. Walking back over to the bed where he had laid his ironed shirt, he continued to ignore her quiet sobs.

    Now, leave before you embarrass yourself even more, he told her as he put his shirt on. Fastening his buttons, he continued to pay no attention to the enraged woman behind him... or the subtle shift of air in the room.

    You know, for a prince, you aren’t very princely. The clear and strong female voice had him looking at her over his shoulder. Raising a brow, he finished buttoning his shirt and turned to face her. Gone was the sobbing woman he was just talking to. In her place stood the woman he had met all those years ago.

    I wondered when you were going to stop your little crying bit and show your true self. Fixing the sleeve of his shirt, he walked up to her. Really, a weak and crying woman does not suit you. He gave her a quick once over and huffed. Now get the fuck out of my castle before I throw you out. You and I are done. With that he turned from her, walking over to his armoire to get his jacket.

    I really did love you, you know.

    He didn’t bother to look at her. Of course, you did. From his armoire, he walked over to his mirror, adjusting his collar.

    Silly little prince. The sudden mocking in her tone had him once again struggling to control his temper. When he locked gazes with her, his world shifted. Within the walls of his mind, he could hear her laughter. Abandoned and alone. She walked up to him. He tried to move, only to find he couldn’t. Remember... She caressed his face. Again, he tried to move.

    Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. She walked around him, circling him like a hungry vulture. Tell me, how many women have you hurt? Used and tossed to the side? Told them you loved them but had no intention of staying? She came to stand in front of him again, a wicked smile playing at the edge of her lips. You have broken one too many hearts over the years. And now you will reap what you sow.

    Stepping back, she eyed him up and down, and for a brief moment, he swore he saw a hint of sadness. Had he been able to he would have acted on that moment of weakness. He would have grabbed her in his arms before she could do any harm to him. Because there was no doubt, by the way the air prickled with hidden power and the hairs on the back of his neck rose, that nothing good would come from this.

    In that moment, he wished he had kept his mouth shut and played along with her little game.

    Foul and heartless, you are a disgusting and deformed beauty. I gave you my heart, my soul, and still I mean nothing to you. After all this time, I am nothing but a toy to be used and discarded, she paused and a dark sensation crept along his spine. Your looks have aided in your selfishness and they will be your undoing.

    Closing the gap between them, she took him by the chin and jerked his face to hers. I curse you, for now and evermore. May your appearance on the outside reflect what lurks beneath the surface of that beautiful mask you so proudly wear. Let the blackness of your soul seep out from your pores and cover the body you have so fervently used to pursue the things you wanted. Twisted and ugly, your face will reflect the beast you are on the inside. Again, she paused, a single tear falling from the corner of her eye. When she spoke again, her voice cracked, but the power that flowed from her and into him was absolute.

    Never again will a woman look at you with lust and desire. All you will know from this moment forward are mocking sneers and repulsive glances. I hope the years ahead of you are cold and harsh. I pray you learn what true heartbreak is.

    The more she spoke, the more he could feel her magic wrapping around him, suffocating him until he swore he would die from affixation.

    Beastly Prince, your fate has been sealed. With that she kissed him long and hard. Just as quick as the kiss started it was over, and she released him.

    With emotionless eyes, she watched him fall to the floor, his legs giving out from under him as her curse took hold of him. Her eyes seemed to emit a dark satisfaction as he withered on the floor, pain assaulting him as his body transformed right before her eyes.

    However, unlike you, I am not without mercy. Using her powers, she summoned a beautiful crimson rose in her hand. Should you find someone who can truly love you and who you can truly love, you will be free from me and my curse. Kneeling, she held the rose out before him. Yet there is one condition: this rose is your time clock. So long as your heart remains cold and unfeeling, this rose will stay in bloom. But, the moment your heart beats for another, the rose will begin to wither away. Petal by petal, it will die. You will have until the last petal falls to win the heart of the one you love and reverse what was done to you. Rising to her feet, she walked over to his nightstand and summoned a glass case.

    Placing the rose in the case, she sealed it and turned back to him. When that last petal falls and you have been rejected, not only will you know true heartache, but you will be forever the twisted monster you are right now. Towering over his scrumming form, she whispered, You should lose hope now, because really, who could ever learn to love a beast like you?


    Sonya Beauty Lamar sat quietly at the dinner table, patiently waiting for her father’s return. Beside her, her two obnoxious sisters bickered back and forth about the truth of meaningless gossip.

    Who was sleeping with whom? Who’d had the latest plastic surgery, and anything else they could find on social media that they could flap their gums about. Each time one of her sisters laughed in their high-pitched voices, Sonya wanted to ram her head through a wall.

    Really, what was father thinking leaving me alone with these two? He should have taken me with him. At least then I wouldn’t have to constantly listen to hyena laughter.

    Twirling her fork on her dinner plate, she concentrated on trying to figure out what exactly her oldest sister Daphne had put on their plates. It looked almost edible, but the smell... Sonya was sure if she took one bite she would be sick for months.

    What’s the matter, Sonya? You don’t like my cooking? Daphne asked as she took a break from her cackling to bother Sonya.

    Of course, she doesn’t. She only likes Daddy’s cooking. Beth mocked as she tossed her phone on the table. There’s nothing good on the internet... eww, what the hell did you make, Daph?

    What? It’s supposed to be stewed beef. Daph shrugged. It doesn’t look so bad to me. Taking her spoon into one perfectly manicured hand, she tasted what Sonya was sure the worst thing her sister had ever tried.

    See it’s not—

    Sonya watched as her sister’s face turned three different shades of green just before she excused herself and darted off to obviously hurl her insides into the upstairs toilet.

    Guess, we better order out. Beth sighed as she picked her phone back up. What do you want to eat, Beauty? she asked Sonya without taking her eyes of her phone.

    She wished they’d stop with the nickname already. Shit, she wasn’t even sure how she had gotten it, but she knew she didn’t deserve it. Compared to their perfectly polished appearances, she was nothing but a plain Jane.

    Sonya glanced over at Beth, who was the nicer of the two. Although Sonya was sure Beth despised her just as much as Daphne did, Beth was just politer about her hatred.

    Anything is fine. Did you cut your hair again? Sonya asked. How many times had she watched her sister change her body, be it her hair or dropping ten pounds in one week, for a job?

    Sonya really didn’t understand it at all.

    Beth was beautiful. Who thanks to their mother’s side of the family, possessed a flawless bronzed complexion that had been unaffected by the scars of puberty or the stress lines of life that normal people had. For a woman in her early thirties, she still looked no older than twenty-one. With her naturally light brown hair cut into a short pixie style, she looked even younger. Add to that her eyes, which were the same light color as her hair and seemed to sparkle with radiance, Sonya didn’t understand her sister’s need to torture herself to look like some anorexic Barbie doll.

    Yeah, this photographer wants something more edgy for his shoot, and my long hair wasn’t cutting it. Beth’s bored tone, as if she would rather be anywhere other than talking to her, cut Sonya deeply.

    Their relationship hadn’t always been rocky. When they were younger and while Daphne was chasing boys and the limelight, Beth and Sonya had been inseparable. They were each other’s best friend, and there wasn’t a thing Beth couldn’t tell Sonya.

    She truly missed those days when they would laugh and joke with each other. But as the years passed and they grew older, Beth became more distant, choosing to hang with Daphne and treating Sonya as if she didn’t exist.

    When things changed between them she didn’t know. Nor did she care at this point. The damage had been done to their relationship, and there was no going back to how they were before.

    I ordered pizza, Beth said as she rose from her seat at the dinner table.

    Are you actually going to eat it or throw it back up like you usually do? Sonya didn’t mean for her words to come out as harsh as they did, but it was the truth. She couldn’t remember the last time her sister had eaten real food.

    Beth gave Sonya a side glace, and she was sure that if looks could kill, she would have had her throat slit in that instant.

    I’m going to check on, Daph. Beth waved a dismissive hand in the air as she turned away from Sonya and began walking out the kitchen, the sound of her designer heels clicking against the hardwood floor as she left. Make yourself useful and wash the fucking dishes. With that, Beth walked out of the kitchen.

    Bitch, Sonya whispered as she moved out of her seat. She would clean the dishes later. Right then, she needed some air. Leaving the kitchen and Daph’s killer stew on the table, Sonya headed towards the back patio that was connected to the library down the hall from the kitchen.

    The moment she walked into the room a calm sense of serenity washed over her, and she was able to breathe freely. Away from the judgmental stares of her sisters, Sonya locked herself away in the library. Taking her shoes off by the door, she dug her toes into the soft blue carpet. This room had been specially built for her by her father. He had spent thousands to create the perfect space for her to get lost in world after world. Compared to an actual library and the ones she saw on TV, hers featured small, yet beautiful mahogany bookcases lined along the back wall. On the shelves were some of her favorite books, and some she had yet to jump into. In the center of the room were light colored sofas arranged in a half circle around a glass coffee table that still held her coffee from this morning and the new book she had just started.

    Picking up the book she had been reading, Sonya sat on the sofa and stretched out against the soft cushions as she once again dove into the world of monsters and heroes. She had opened the curtains earlier to let light into the room. With the sun setting, she was given a beautiful display of the changing sky as she let herself be swept away. Before she knew it, exhaustion overtook her, and she was drifting into a peaceful sleep where she would dream of dark princes and their fierce passion...

    How many times had she come to this very same castle? How many times would she stand before its large doors and wonder what lurked behind its walls? How long would she look up at its dark peaks and wonder who was watching her from the single lit window?

    Too many times Sonya found herself wanting to see what waited beyond the castle doors. As much as she wanted to push open the door and walk into the castle, she couldn’t. Each time she reached her hand out to the handle she froze, and a prickling sensation would travel up her arms. Instantly she would jump back. Holding her stinging arm, she would stare at the castle doors wondering just what type of permission she had to have to gain access to the looming structure that lay before her.

    Open for me, Sonya whispered as she once again found herself reaching for the castle door’s handle. Please. Closing her eyes, she took hold of the handle and almost leaped for joy when she noticed there was no pain this time.

    Slowly opening her eyes, half expecting to see that her arm had been cut off without her knowing, she found that not only was her arm still attached to her body but the castle doors were no longer locked.

    Saying a small prayer of thanks, Sonya held the handle and pressed down on the lock. She eased open the large doors, huffing as she struggled with the weight of the ancient wood. The old doors opened. The sound of their rusted hinges moving for the first time in, what she assumed was years, echoed through the air as strong gusts of wind tossed her hair into her face. Behind her, Sonya heard the sound of crows as they took flight from the forest behind her.

    Paying no attention to the tingling suddenly going down her spine, she continued to push the door until its opening was wide enough for her to fit through. Squeezing through the space, Sonya entered the castle. Before she could step fully into the hallway, the doors slammed shut behind her. Sonya jumped and found herself surrounded by cold darkness. Panicked, she went for the door handle, only to find it had disappeared.

    Franticly, she felt where the castle doors had been, searching for any sign of the entrance she had just come through. All she felt was the coolness of smooth stone. When she banged against the newly formed wall, she winced as a pain shot through her.

    What the hell is going on? Confused, she was left with no choice but to move forward and hope she found a way out. Shivering against the cold, Sonya wrapped her arms about her body and pressed forward.

    She didn’t know how long she walked for or how far she had gone. Even with her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the castle, she couldn’t make out anything. No shadowed figures of lamps, windows, or anything else that could offer her warmth and light.

    Who are you?

    Jumping at the sound of the sudden voice, Sonya’s eyes quickly darted around. Still she saw nothing but darkness.

    What are you doing here?

    This time she felt something brush against her. Again, she jumped and looked around. Once more she saw nothing.

    Who’s there? she asked into the darkness, the sound of her heartbeat echoing wildly in her ears. Who are you?

    You come into my home, the voice grew darker, more animalistic, and ask me who I am?

    In the distance, Sonya heard something that sounded like a giant animal had just entered the room with her. Terror snaking its way through Sonya’s body, she slowly found herself backing away from the direction the sound come from.

    I asked you a question, woman. There was a dark growl and another footstep.

    Without a second thought as to where she could go or what she could do, Sonya turned on her heels and took off running. She only made it a few meters before she ran into a massive body. Stumbling back, she looked up to find a pair of yellow eyes staring intently at her. A scream caught in her throat as horror consumed her. In the darkness, not only could she see the yellow of the monster’s eyes but the sharp tips of long fangs that were too big to fit inside its mouth.

    Answer me. The creature took a step forward. The ground shook beneath her feet, and she fell backwards to the ground. Why are you here! This time the monster’s voice boomed in the darkness, and around her lights flickered on, illuminating the hallway in a low and eerie light that did nothing to ease her fear.

    What is it? Does the sight of me offend you? With another earth-shattering step, the creature came into view.

    This time she did scream. A loud and horrifying scream that would have chilled the darkest soul. In the background, she heard a dark laugh. Or was it growling? She couldn’t be too sure. What she did know, was that with the fading sound of his amusement was a bleak darkness that quickly consumed her as her body fell to the ground in a limp heap...

    Sonya woke up screaming, the dark creature from her dreams still fresh in her mind. When strong arms wrapped around her, she screamed louder and struggled to break free.

    Shh, Sonya. A voice like her father’s penetrated through the horror of her nightmare. Still, she struggled, not sure if she would open her eyes and see the creature that would haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. Or if she would find the dark loving eyes of her father.

    Sonya, baby, open your eyes. Unmoving arms held her tighter. Gradually, she calmed as her father’s comforting embrace surrounded her. Like always when he held her, she reverted to the young girl she once was. Leaning into him, as she had done so many times before, Sonya found comfort in the arms of the one man she knew would never hurt her.

    Just as that thought crossed her mind, so did the image of the beast from her nightmare. She shivered in her father’s embrace, and he held her tighter, rubbing her arms in an effort to ease her fears.

    Bad dream? he asked, and she felt the warmth of his breath across the top of her head.

    She nodded.

    What to talk about it?

    She shook her head.

    All right then, he said before softly patting her head with one of his large palms.

    A contented sigh escaped Sonya, and she snuggled closer to him.

    Aren’t you a little too old to be cuddling up to your father?

    Never, Sonya whispered, and she felt the rumbling of his chest as a light chuckle escaped him.

    Despite herself, she smiled.

    Sonya didn’t care if she was seven or thirty-seven. She would always seek comfort in the arms of her father. He was the only one who understood her, and she would do anything for him. She didn’t care what anyone said, friends, family, and especially her sisters. None of their opinions mattered. All that mattered was her father and his love for her.

    For a long moment, they sat in silence, enjoying each other’s missed presence. The silence was so peaceful between them that Sonya almost drifted back off to sleep in his arms. But just as she lowered her lids, she felt his tap on her arm.

    Sitting up, she stretched as her father moved from the sofa. and watched him walk over to his discarded duffle bag by the door.

    I’ve brought something back for you and your sisters. He told her as he rummaged through his bag.

    You know you didn’t have to. Even as she said the words, she was sitting on the edge of the sofa, anxiously waiting to see what new gift her father had brought her.

    While she wasn’t into extravagant presents and gifts, she loved anything her father brought back from one of his many trips.

    I know that, but still... ahh, there it is.

    What is it? Sonya asked, almost falling off the edge of her seat as she tried to peek around to see what her father had pulled out of his bag.

    Now, close your eyes, her father said as he turned to face her while keeping his hands behind his back.

    Raising her brow, Sonya gave her father a questioning look, and when he smiled at her, she couldn’t help but smile back. For the thousandth time, she couldn’t understand why her rugged but handsome father wouldn’t find a woman and settle down. Although Sonya might not have wanted to share her father with anyone else, she wasn’t the young and naïve girl she used to be. Her father had needs just like any other man, and with her mother being gone for so long, Sonya was sure he was lonely. With dark piercing eyes that were highlighted by the rich brown of his skin and the dark brows and long lashes that surrounded his eyes, she was sure there weren’t many women who could resist his charm. Especially when he smiled and showed off the dimple he had in his left cheek.

    Come on, close them, he told her in that smooth voice of his.

    Sonya could see how others would be confused by her father. His gentle and good-hearted nature was sometimes at odds with his tall and wide frame. And often times his temper surprised her, especially when it came to him coming up to her school when she was young and threatening all the boys that picked on her. Thinking back, she couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped her.

    Beauty, he said. While she hated when her sisters called her that nickname, she didn’t mind her father saying it. Because to him, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and the nickname suited not only her looks but the person she was on the inside... or so he told her.

    I’m closing them. She shut her eyes.

    Hold you out your hand.

    Following his instructions, Sonya held out her hands.

    Don’t open them until I tell you.

    I know, Daddy. She heard him chuckle and then heard his footsteps as they neared her. Excitement replaced any lingering fear, and she found her hands itching to hold what he was about to give her.

    Good girl. With that, he placed a box into her hand. Sonya frowned as she heard something that sounded like a jewelry box opening.

    Okay, now, open your eyes. Her father said.

    Following his instructions, Sonya slowly lifted her lids. The first thing she focused on was her father standing a few feet away from her. He nodded at her hands and her gaze followed. Wide eyed, she stared at the beautifully crafted necklace in her palms. The perfectly cut diamonds twinkled against the black velvet of the box.

    A red rose, her father said as he came to sit beside her. All Sonya could do was openly gape at him and the necklace. Beautiful both inside and out, it is a timeless piece. Her father took the box from her. Sliding the necklace out of the box, he held it up for her to see.

    See how the diamonds shine... just like you.

    She couldn’t hold back her tears. Raising her hand, Sonya brushed her fingertips against the cool surface of the rubies that made up the rose’s petals. Its stem was crafted from gold and emerald gemstones and dangled off a gold rope chain.

    Daddy. She sobbed, and suddenly her vision blurred.

    Come, let me put it on you.

    Unable to form words, Sonya simply turned around, lifted her naturally curly hair, and waited patiently as her father hooked the necklace around her neck.

    There we go. Turn around and let me see how it looks.

    Releasing her hair, she turned and faced her father with teary eyes.

    It’s beautiful, just like its owner. She felt the smooth caress of her father’s thumb as he wiped away her tears. It’s a custom piece, and when I saw it, I knew it was for you.

    Sobbing like a twelve-year-old, Sonya tackled her father in a tight bear hug. Thank you, she whispered.

    You’re welcome. Anything for you. He hugged her tighter, and she sighed. Truly, nothing felt better than the love of her father.

    I love you, Daddy, she said as she finally released him.

    I love you, and that idiot ex-husband of yours didn’t deserve you.

    Just when she thought she had herself together, she broke into another round of sobs as painful memories assaulted her.

    Damn, I’m sorry... you know what... Standing from the sofa her father grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to her feet. Let’s get you cleaned up, grab your sisters, and head out to eat. I saw that Daphne tried to cook again.

    Laughing, Sonya wiped the tears from her face. Yeah, and she paid the price for it. When she saw her father cringe, her laugh echoed loudly as she followed him out the library.

    Even with her spirits momentarily lifted, the creature from her nightmare still lurked in the back of her mind. Those intense yellow eyes staring at her, telling her that it wouldn’t be the last time they’d meet.


    How many years had he spent locked away in the darkness?

    How long had it been since he last saw the light? Since he last felt the warm rays of the sun against his face?

    Beast couldn’t remember. Loneliness had become a solemn companion, a bittersweet sorrow. Every time he thought about his life and trying to reclaim a small remnant of the joy he once felt, his gaze would go to the glass-encased rose that sat on the stained-glass table. A beautiful yet ugly reminder of his past

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