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A Vampire's Dream: Fate's Chronicles, #3
A Vampire's Dream: Fate's Chronicles, #3
A Vampire's Dream: Fate's Chronicles, #3
Ebook146 pages3 hours

A Vampire's Dream: Fate's Chronicles, #3

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A Fated Mates Vampire / Witch steamy romance

I just want to go home.

Charles has me here against my will and has become a completely different person. One that I am struggling to resist even as I fight to get back to my Devon. The attraction between us is magnetic but I am determined to make him take me back to Devon.

My sister wants me dead.

I don't know what makes her want me dead more, that I bound her powers or that I am here with Charles. Whatever the reason, Charles' house is a lot less safe for me with her here. She pops out everywhere, constantly attacking me.

Something has to give...

Charles has to take me home or my friends are going to show up and drop this entire house in a shiny new sinkhole created by Memré. The only thing holding them back is me, but I don't know how long that will last before they risk exposing us all to the regular world.

Release dateDec 3, 2020
A Vampire's Dream: Fate's Chronicles, #3

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    A Vampire's Dream - Rhiannon Futch



    This book is useless! I can’t find anything that will help us find her in here, and the search function doesn’t damn work for me! Ajah snickers as I slam my hands down on the book. This does not help my mood at all. What are you laughing at?

    The tiger shifter twists her mouth up on one side, completely unafraid of me she says, I would be surprised if it worked the same for you. You aren’t the Chronicler, I would bet it wouldn’t work if you went and told a family that they weren’t holding up their end of the contract either. You’re just going to have to look through the book the old-fashioned way - one page at a time.

    She out right laughs as I groan and let my head fall onto the book in front of me. As her laughter dies down, Ajah tells me, You know, if I were a witch there is a good probability that I wouldn’t put my really good spells into a book meant for preserving the legacy. I would keep those to myself. However, the book your Grams sent over, that was a personal book that someone kept until they died. I think it is more likely you will find what you are looking for in that book.

    By the time she finishes speaking, I am staring at her open-mouthed. How did this not occur to me? You are exactly right. It is much more likely that the contributors to this book were like the Hales, and the lead bitch would definitely hold back on things. Wait here, I am going to switch out the books. Ajah nods and leans back in her chair as I leave the room. I can feel her watching my hips sway as I walk, but there is no threat in her gaze, only admiration. Honestly, I mind her polite gaze much less than the stares of the creeps out in public. These stairs are so much nicer now that I am a vampire. I think I could literally run up them in my heels, but I need not be anywhere that fast.

    Walking into the office I shared with Fate until her disappearance, the pain hits all over again. I feel my throat closing and I can see Fate’s resignation, all of us watching helplessly as Charles takes her away. Shaking my head to clear it, I go after the book I came here to get.

    An hour of paging through this book later, we have to face facts. We will not find a spell in the books we have available to bring back our Fate. I close the book and Ajah looks up, Can’t you just write a spell to find her?

    I make a face as I repeat her words back to her, No! I can’t just write a spell! It takes skill and knowledge of how spells work to do that. This is why I don’t have my own spell book. I’d rather just set a fool on fire than deal with him if he can’t act right. Getting up to pace, I continue, You know, you may have something there. When I don’t have the right spell for the job I usually go see Grams. Maybe that is what we need to do now! Yes! I need to go see Grams. Would you like to go with? I need to find Billy, he has been eager to meet her. This isn’t the best time, but who knows when that will be?

    Ajah nods and says, I’ll get the suburban out and we can take Owen. I know you don’t need protection, but it makes us happy. Go find your man. She leaves the kitchen with me staring after her this time. I guess the bodyguards probably are bored as hell. Shrugging to myself, I grab the book and take it back to the office before heading down the hall to Devon’s office. They are usually holed up in there.

    I tap on the door, and it swings open. It wasn’t closed fully so even a little tap made it swing open, Devon and Billy look over at me from either side of his massive desk. They have papers strewn everywhere. This office is a nightmare right now. I carefully pick my way through discarded papers and stop a foot or so from the end of the desk. Hello gentlemen. We seem to have run into a stumbling block as there are no spells in the books we currently have that will suit our needs. However, I hold up a hand to stop Devon before he starts talking, I think my Grams may have one that will work. Or, she may be able to write one. Before you ask, no, I cannot. It’s a sore spot, don’t ask.

    Devon nods, I understand. I know you will do everything in your power to find her. As will I. Are you leaving now?

    Yes. Actually, I came to see if Billy wanted to go with me since he wants to meet Grams and it seems like the right time is likely to be half past never, I figured may as well poke the cat now. So, do you want to go?

    I look to Billy, he is smiling wide as he says, I thought you would never ask. Yes, let’s go meet your wonderful Grams.

    Devon watches as Billy stands and comes to put an arm around me and pull me a little closer. Devon looks away, blinking fast. Clearing his throat, he says, Be safe, I’ll see you when you get back. He is gone before we can respond, Billy looks toward the door and says, He isn’t handling this very well. Having her so close and knowing that Charles has her, well, it messes with his head.

    We head out to the truck, his hand in mine as he continues, I can’t imagine what kind of hell he has gone through every time she was snatched away from him. You and I, we love each other, but if we split up for whatever reason, it won’t hurt the other one anywhere near how it has hurt him every single time. Usually she is dead, but this time she is here in this city. And he only just found her, I can’t even imagine how he is managing right now.

    Billy talks all the way to the truck and I realize we got there much faster than I would have before I was turned. I would have definitely done this a lot sooner if they had assured me that I would have a dear friend to spend the long years with. I love every aspect of being a vampire, and I thought I wouldn’t like the blood-drinking aspect. As it turns out, that isn’t so bad. It really is just another food source. Kind of like eating meat. The blood we drink doesn’t even have to be human, any blood will work.

    Getting in the truck I tell Ajah the address to Grams’ place and she pops it into the gps. Billy closes the door after climbing in behind me and off to grandmother’s house we go.

    Arriving at Gram’s house always brings me a sense of peace. I think she designed it that way, or perhaps ensured it would be by casting a spell on the place. She does see all sorts of people and the rule at her place has ever been that whatever troubles follow you are left at the end of the drive. I only ever remember her having to enforce that rule once. A wolf and a vampire were in love with the same person, and the wolf showed up at Grams for healing and Grams therapy. The vampire followed him to Gram’s place and after she let him in; the vampire tried to attack the wolf. The wolf tried shouting ‘Not here!’ but the vampire paid it no mind. Then Grams clapped once.

    The sound was amplified, and it rang through the house. The wolf and vampire were both frozen in place. It looked massively uncomfortable. The wolf had his hands out, pressed against the vampire’s chest to keep him back while the vampire had buried his long nails into the wolf’s shoulders. I watched as Grams plucked the fingers of the vampire out of the wolf. The wolf whimpered with each one. She pushed the vampire over to the corner, faced him into it and told him that he could stay there until he learned some manners. He actually threatened to eat her once he got free, but she laughed at him. Told him that all he would accomplish was an acute case of tooth loss.

    She eventually sorted the two of them out, and the vampire became a great friend of hers. The girl they were both after was human and wasn’t interested in either of them once she found out they were not human.

    I lead the way to the door. All the scents are distracting for everyone but me. I have been here so many times that even with my enhanced sense of smell, it just smells like home. Grams is at the door by the time we get to it, beaming and saying, Oh! You brought your young man! And some new friends! How wonderful! Where is my Fate at? I want to see her too. Could she not make it?

    I freeze, remembering that I haven’t told Grams yet. That is what we came to talk to you about Grams, Fate is missing. We know who took her but not where, and we need your help.

    She puts her hand over her heart, Oh child, I so hoped that dream had been a lie. Well, come in, come in. All of you. Let’s get some brandy-laced tea and you’ll tell me all of it.

    We file in, Owen being last in, shuts the door. Grams kitchen has always magically managed to accommodate however many people showed up and needed a seat, today was no exception. Last time I had been here, the kitchen was cozy with a small table and three chairs. Today the kitchen was massive and the table equally so. It was now rectangular and had six chairs, one at either end and two on each side. Sit down, sit down. I’ll get the tea, you all get comfortable.

    Grams is ever Grams, and she is always about her tea. Usually it is an herbal blend suited for the situation, but today I have a feeling it will be dark and laced with cacao, sweetened with caramel and dosed heavily with brandy. Grams has always said that heavy things need heavy teas. The longer I live, the more I think she is right about everything.

    Finally she brings a tray over to the table, passing cups all around. Once she has settled, she looks expectantly at all of us and sips her tea. I grin and lift my cup. The fragrance is divine. I was right, cacao with caramel and brandy. Everyone else follows my lead and sighs of enjoyment, along with compliments to Grams echo through the kitchen. She smiles graciously and thanks everyone before turning to me, Now. Tell me what happened to our Fate.

    I tell her the whole sorry story, from beginning to end. By the end, she has tears in her eyes. I go on to tell her that we have been searching for a

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