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Convergent: Starstruck, #8
Convergent: Starstruck, #8
Convergent: Starstruck, #8
Ebook472 pages7 hours

Convergent: Starstruck, #8

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The middle of nowhere keeps getting more interesting! 


Little Jewel, Indiana, has seen a lot of changes over the past year, to include a dozen new students at Jewel High who all happen to be Martians, not that any of the other students realize that…yet. The locals are getting more and more suspicious of the athletically gifted and attractive newcomers who all seem to have a connection to NuAgra. What's really going on out there anyway?


Marsha, known at school as M and to the Martian people as Sovereign Emileia, is already stretched to her limit trying to keep her people and their secret safe. Now she learns of a devastating new weapon that could destroy the whole town of Jewel, Indiana, including its fledgling Martian government center disguised as an agricultural research company. 


Fortunately, she doesn't have to face this menace alone. Along with her soulmate Rigel, she now has two other newly-bonded couples by her side. Maybe, if they work together, there's a chance their bonds of love and friendship can somehow avert the looming threat…before it's too late.


The much-anticipated continuation of the electrifying Starstruck series, where teen romance blends with science fiction to open a whole new world of action, adventure and discovery!

PublisherBrenda Hiatt
Release dateOct 27, 2020
Convergent: Starstruck, #8

Brenda Hiatt

Brenda Hiatt is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen novels (so far), including historical romance, traditional Regency romance, time travel romance, and young adult science fiction romance. In addition to writing, Brenda is passionate about embracing life to the fullest, to include scuba diving (she has over 60 dives to her credit), Taekwondo (where she is currently pursuing her 4th degree black belt), hiking, traveling...and reading, of course!

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this series!!! I just read the newest edition and it was so good it inspired me to read the whole series again!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was so excited to find a new book in this series! I've loved every minute of all the books.

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Convergent - Brenda Hiatt




Finally! The message I’ve been watching for since I got up this morning shows up on my omni-phone as Rigel parks in the school lot. I was starting to think the Council changed their minds.

I’m about to read it when I see Molly getting out of Tristan’s black Porsche a few spaces away. She and I usually take the bus, but after yesterday’s assassination attempt, our boyfriends understandably insisted on driving us today.

With that in mind, I pause a moment to focus on Molly’s emotions, to see how she’s feeling after such an eventful weekend. I detect a trace of nervousness but no actual fear, which tells me she’s more concerned about the impact her new status will have than additional threats to her life. Good.

Scrambling out of the car, I hurry over to them. Guess what’s out? I say excitedly.

Molly turns, her smile of greeting tinged with alarm. They sent it, then, did they? Mum checked right before Tristan picked me up.

Yep. I speak quietly enough that no non-Martian can hear. The announcement popped up like a second ago. I haven’t even read it yet.

Catching up, Rigel throws an arm around my shoulders. Can you let us all see it, M? The rest of us just have regular phones, not omnis.

Oh, sorry. Everyone huddle around, then.

My new Martian omni doubles as an ordinary phone—easily my coolest Sovereign perk yet. Among other things, it can produce a holo-screen of any size, but I don’t dare activate that in the school parking lot. Instead, I angle the regular smartphone screen so all four of us can read the statement together.


For immediate distribution

The Echtran Council is delighted to announce the existence of a second heir to our Sovereign line. According to recently recovered records, Sovereign Leontine’s son Mikal fathered not one, but two daughters before his untimely death. This second daughter was concealed from birth to protect her from Faxon’s depredations, raised anonymously by an Agricultural couple until such time as her identity could be safely revealed. Unfortunately that couple was killed in an uprising when the Royal girl was barely a year old. She was then adopted by the O’Gara family when they assumed the Mulgrews’ identity in order to continue leading the Nuathan Resistance against Faxon. Prior to the discovery of those long-hidden records, neither the O’Garas nor anyone else had any suspicion of their adopted daughter’s true identity.

Last night the traditional foare rioga was performed upon the girl known as Molly O’Gara, who for the past year has served as Sovereign Emileia’s Chomseireach. That test conclusively proved that the O’Garas’ adopted daughter, previously believed to be a member of the Agricultural fine, is in fact Princess Malena, twin sister to our Sovereign. While the role she will play in our people’s future is yet to be determined, we hope you will join us in celebrating this near-miraculous discovery.

As I read, I also do a quick probe of the others’ emotions. Molly’s nervousness shoots up, no surprise. And though Tristan looks calm, inside he’s struggling with a mixture of pride, trepidation and protectiveness.

When I’m sure everyone’s done, I click the screen off. Well, word’s officially out now! Wonder how long it’ll take everyone to see it?

We’ll know soon. Tristan links hands with Molly. "Let’s go in and see how people act. Our people, I mean. No reason the Duchas will treat you any differently."

Molly’s still so anxious, I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Don’t worry. It’ll feel weird at first when strangers come to gawk, but that probably won’t happen for at least a few days.

She’s right. Tristan gives her a quick kiss as the warning bell rings. It’ll be fine. M’s the only one allowed to have an omni at school. No one else will even see that bulletin before they get home.

Molly gives us both a tentative smile. Aye, right, then. Let’s do this.

Together, we walk through the double doors into Jewel High School. All four of us have Pre-Cal first period and sure enough, Liam—the only other Echtran in the class—shows no sign he’s heard the big news.

But when Kira shows up in French class next period, it’s obvious she has. Athletic, auburn-haired and taller than Molly or me, she exudes excitement as she comes over to us.

Sean told me everything, she whispers to Molly. How are you holding up after that attack? And what incredible news! No wonder you couldn’t get those rosebuds to open when I was coaching you. Remember how frustrated you were?

Molly chuckles. "I thought I was the worst Ag ever. At least I won’t feel like a loser about that, anymore."

Not about anything, I tell her firmly. "You’re way more prepared than I was, when I first found out who I am. Shoot, you helped get me up to speed on everything I needed to know!"

I guess.

She still looks uncertain—which I totally get. She’s experienced almost as big a paradigm shift as I did last year, when I first learned there were Martians on Earth, then that I was heir to the Martian throne. At least Molly already knew all about the secret human colony on Mars, having grown up there. But still.

Give yourself time, I advise her. "Everybody else, too, including your parents. Things probably will be awkward for a while, but they’ll all get used to the idea soon."

When we walk into Chemistry class, Mr. Abbot, our Echtran teacher, gives Molly a piercing look and sort of half-inclines his head before catching himself. He’s obviously seen the bulletin. I hope the others can be that restrained when they find out my Handmaid—and best friend—is also my sister.

Sitting at the lab table I share with Rigel, I glance over at Molly, reliving that wondrous moment two days ago when we learned the truth upon meeting the parents neither of us had ever known. I can’t wait to talk with them again.

Molly’s not in my next class but as Rigel, Tristan and I are on our way to lunch afterward, we see her up ahead in the hallway. Before we can catch up, Alan Dempsey comes out of a classroom she’s passing.

Alan’s one of our newer Echtran students, a senior. He’s taller and blonder than Tristan, and nearly as handsome. But the moment he sees Molly, his expression turns peevish. He and Molly went out a couple of times pre-Tristan and he wasn’t happy about her new relationship.

Hey, grow any good plants lately? Alan taunts, his back to us. "Guess your new boyfriend can’t help you with that, huh?"

With an indignant exclamation, I hurry to Molly’s side. Wow, Alan. What kind of jerk makes fun of a girl for something that’s not even her fault?

His pale blue gaze snaps to me and he sucks in a breath, clearly embarrassed that I—the Sovereign—overheard him. Um, sorry. I, uh, yeah. That was out of line, he says. To me.

It’s Molly you should be apologizing to, I point out, glaring at him. Guess you’re not up on the latest news?

He blinks at me in confusion. News?

Maybe you should give your parents a call over lunch, I suggest, turning away.

The four of us leave him stammering and continue toward the lunchroom.

Why did you do that? Molly whispers the moment we’re out of earshot. Once he calls home, he’ll tell everyone else and—

Sorry. He ticked me off, talking to you like that. I’d have lambasted him for it even if you weren’t, y’know, my sister. I give her an apologetic smile.

She frowns at me uncertainly for a moment before returning it. Thanks. I guess it doesn’t matter, since everyone will know by tonight anyway. I may as well start getting used to it.

After getting our lunches, the four of us go to our usual table. A moment later my Duchas friends Bri and Deb join us, giggling together—again—over what happened at Trina’s Halloween party Friday night. Rigel and I share a smile at the memory, too.

While I eat, I keep an eye on Alan a few tables away. He and several of the newer Echtran students still sit together, even though I’ve repeatedly encouraged them to spread out more. The exact moment Alan hears the news is obvious. He puts down his phone, his expression stunned, then stricken, as he looks toward our table.

Freshman Jana asks him something and after a moment’s hesitation, he answers. Immediately, all the other Echtran students at the table lean forward, bombarding Alan with more questions.

Word’s out, I mutter to Molly.

She sucks in a panicked breath and convulsively grabs Tristan’s hand. As she turns to look at the other table, the four youngest Echtrans jump up and rush our way.

Crap! Now it’s my turn to panic.

Is it true? Kira’s little sister Adina squeals as they reach us, her short blonde hair bouncing.

Then the others chime in. We just heard— Alan told us—

Not here! I hiss, making frantic shushing motions.

They all freeze, belatedly coming to their senses.

Sorry, sorry! Sophomore Erin’s face turns as red as her hair. We didn’t— That is— Sorry! Abashed, apologetic and scared, they all scurry back to their table.

But now my Duchas friends are curious. Deb, petite and blonde, looks questioningly at me. "What was that about?"

Something to do with NuAgra? Shaking her dark, curly hair out of her eyes, Bri frowns over at the Echtran table. It’s no secret that all the newcomers’ parents work at the top-secret facility on the outskirts of Jewel. "Why would they ask you about it?"

To my relief, Molly steps into the breach. I think it was me they were asking. The cheerleaders are putting together a special routine for when the football team goes to State and we want to do a demo at NuAgra. But it’s still in the planning stages, so we’re not supposed to talk about it yet.

But you knew about it? Bri asks me suspiciously. She’s become kind of sensitive about me being more popular with the in crowd this year, though I keep telling her that’s only because of Rigel being Jewel’s star quarterback.

I, ah— I stammer.

This time Tristan comes to my rescue. Molly told me and I told Rigel here, and I guess he told M. Probably won’t happen anyway, tight as security is out there.

That seems to satisfy my non-Martian friends. For now. Keeping our secret has become harder since the recent influx of Echtrans into Jewel. We need to do better.

As we’re all leaving the cafeteria a little later, Alan hurries to Molly’s side. "I, uh, heard that you— I mean, my parents told me about— I mean, I’m really, really sorry for…for everything, Molly. I never would have— That is—"

Molly shrugs, looking nearly as embarrassed as he does. It’s okay. You didn’t know.

No, it’s not okay, I inform Alan with a frown. "Being rude is never justified, no matter what fine someone’s in." I have to speak softly because of all the Duchas students around, but that doesn’t keep the disapproval out of my voice.

Alan flushes. Sorry. You’re right. I only meant… Anyway, I’m sorry, Molly.

With a quick, respectful nod to me, then another to Molly, he hurries on to class. Tristan, I notice, looks amused.

I’ve been looking forward to that, he admits, grinning after Alan. "He gave us nearly as much flak as my father did for dating outside our fines."

"Not something you two should need to worry about now." I can’t keep a trace of irony out of my tone.

Molly notices. Maybe soon you and Rigel won’t, either. Or Sean and Kira—even Mum’s come around on that one. All those old, entrenched attitudes are bound to change before long.

I smile at her. "Hope so. I’m working on some ideas for articles I can write for the Echtran Enquirer to help that process along."

By the end of the day, every Echtran student and teacher at school has discreetly told Molly and me how happy they are about our news. Some of them seem a little uncertain how to act toward her now, but I keep assuring her they’ll get over that.

Don’t worry, I repeat before she heads off to cheerleading practice after the final bell. By next week things will be back to normal. You’ll see.

That evening, I go to Molly’s house after dinner. Our boyfriends are meeting us here in an hour to walk to Dream Cream, the local ice cream shop. When she greets me at the door, I sense she’s still stressed.

Everything okay?

Molly lifts a shoulder. Oh, it’s just Mum and Dad. Since Saturday night, they’ve been— She breaks off and glances toward the kitchen, where I can hear Mr. and Mrs. O’Gara talking together quietly.

I nod in sympathy. Want to go up to your room? I came early on purpose, hoping we might have time to…you know.

It was such an incredible gift to discover our parents’ stored images, memories and personalities in a Martian Archive Molly had kept for years without realizing what it was. We haven’t had a chance to talk to them again since our first conversation Saturday evening.

Yes! she eagerly agrees. I’ve been dying to do that, too. Grinning at each other in anticipation, we hurry up the stairs together.

Once in her bedroom, Molly locks the door before fetching my Royal Scepter out of her closet, along with the blue crystal that contains our parents’ Archive. I swap it out with the main Archive—an identically-sized pink crystal embedded at the top of the Scepter.

"Chartlann rochtana," I say, to activate it.

Instantly, two incredibly lifelike holograms appear in the room with us—the birth parents Molly and I met for the first time two days ago.

Hello, Malena, Emileia, our mother, Galena, says, smiling at us both. She’s beautiful, her gray eyes exactly like Molly’s. It is lovely to see you again.

The strong emotion I sense off Molly matches my own. Like me, she was probably starting to wonder if we’d merely imagined Saturday’s momentous discovery.

I swallow the sudden lump in my throat. It’s great to see you both, too. We wanted to let you know that after we talked on Saturday, Molly—Malena, I mean—was officially certified by the Council as my sister. But neither of us are sure what will—should—happen next.

Yes, our father, Mikal, agrees. His eyes are green, like mine—and like Sovereign Leontine’s. This situation is unprecedented, so it stands to reason that it may take time to settle the specifics. Fortunately, you are both still quite young, so there should be no hurry.

Molly radiates relief. That’s good to hear. I should remind the O’Garas of that. Especially since the Council only sent the announcement about me out to our people today.

I’m sure that was very happy news for them. Galena smiles at Molly. I imagine soon you’ll have prospective Consorts lining up. Or has one already been designated?

Molly and I exchange a startled glance.

Er, not officially, she says, but I do have a boyfriend. Tristan Roark. I think you knew his parents?

Why, yes, Galena replies. Teara and I were quite close, particularly before her marriage. She is still on Earth, then?

Molly nods. She and Tristan live here in Jewel. They moved here because of Connor being on the Council, but plan to stay even though Connor got kicked out yesterday.

Galena’s eyebrows rise. "Connor Roark was removed from the Echtran Council? For cause?"

He shared classified information outside the Council, I explain. About Molly’s identity, among other things. That nearly got her killed. I tell them about yesterday’s assassination attempt and what followed.

Connor always was ambitious, Mikal comments dryly. His and Teara’s bloodlines are impeccable, however, so Tristan should be acceptable to our people as a future Royal Consort. What of you, Emileia? He turns to me. I assume yours was chosen some time ago?

I hesitate, biting my lip before answering that awkward question. "Sort of? I mean, it was supposed to be Sean O’Gara, Molly’s brother, but by the time he and I met I was already graell-bonded with Rigel—Stuart, I mean. So I obviously couldn’t break up with him to be with Sean, no matter how much the Council wanted me to."

Both of our parents look rather taken aback.

"Graell-bonded? Galena echoes. I always understood the graell to be a myth."

So did almost everybody else, I agree. "But it’s not. Earlier this fall, some of our Scientists verified our bond by running a bunch of tests on us. We get sick when we’re apart too long, we can create electrical charges, speak to each other telepathically—all the classic graell stuff from the storybooks."

Molly nods emphatically. "It’s true. They even used their electrical power to save the whole Earth from… Well, I guess that’s too long a story to tell right now. But it’s definitely real. Even though Rigel’s not Royal. Apparently fine doesn’t matter much to the graell, because it looks like Sean and his girlfriend Kira may have it, too, and she’s an Ag. Like we all thought I was, until a couple days ago. I, ah, also think Tristan and I might be bonded."

I stare at Molly in amazement. You once hinted about you and Tristan, but I didn’t know about Sean and Kira. Really?

She shrugs. "They haven’t actually told me so, but from some stuff Sean’s said… Anyway, we can talk about that later."

Oh. Right. Where were we? I look back at our parents.

In the process of exploding some of our people’s long-held beliefs. Mikal’s amused smile reminds me of the one his father Leontine sometimes gets while talking to me. I’m curious, at what point after Faxon’s overthrow were you Acclaimed Sovereign?

Unfortunately, a complete answer will take way more time than we have now. I’ve barely started recapping the events of last winter, spring and summer when the doorbell chimes downstairs.

Oops, that’ll be Rigel and Tristan, I interrupt myself. We can tell you more later, but right now we’d better go if we want to keep these Archives secret. Love you!

Molly echoes that, then I deactivate the crystal. Sticking the Scepter back in the corner of her closet, she unlocks her door and we both hurry downstairs to greet our boyfriends for the walk to Dream Cream.

Fifteen minutes later, the four of us claim a table as far as possible from the gaggle of Duchas teens on the opposite side of the ice cream shop. We’re just sitting down when Sean and Kira walk in. Spotting us, they come over.

Mind if we join you? Mum said you might be here, Sean tells Molly. Don’t blame you for wanting to get out of the house. He pulls up a chair for Kira, then one for himself.

Yeah, Mum and Dad are stressing me out a little, Molly admits. Going on and on about what kind of leadership position I should have, no matter how many times I say I don’t want one.

Does she mean that? Rigel sends silently, startling me.

For now she does, I reply. If she changes her mind later, I’ll be fine with that. After all, she has as much claim to the throne as I do.

He quirks an eyebrow. Aren’t you older?

Only because her embryo was in stasis for three months. Anyway, Nuathan succession hasn’t always gone by chronological age. Psychological profiles are just as important when evaluating potential Sovereigns.

Will you guys stop that? Sean interrupts. You’re being a little obvious, you know.

You’re right, that was rude, I apologize. Just because you know we can do this, doesn’t mean we should shut you out.

Rigel looks sheepish, too. Yeah, I guess old habits die hard. He stands up. What does everyone want from the counter? Mint chip ice cream, M?

And some water. Thanks, Rigel.

Sean and Tristan ask Kira and Molly what they want, then the three boys head to the front to order. A few minutes later we’re all digging into our various ice cream treats.

You know what I just realized? Molly says when her hot fudge sundae is nearly gone. Sean and I got to Jewel a year ago this week, the first week of November. So much has changed since then!

No kidding, I agree. The six of us hanging out together is proof of that.

I actually fantasized about exactly this last November—that someday Rigel and I would come to Dream Cream with Sean and Molly, all of us friends. At the time it seemed impossible, considering how hostile Sean and Rigel were toward each other.

Like most of our people, Sean only accepted the fact of Rigel’s and my graell bond in September—and the last of his lingering resentment didn’t disappear until he and Kira got together last month.

"Efrin, I couldn’t imagine becoming actual friends with all of you when I first got here, Kira quietly agrees. I was still trying to get dirt on you for Allister and Lennox. Of course, I had no idea they’d stuck a bomb in my neck…"

I sense an echo of her remembered fear as Sean puts an arm around her. Don’t remind me, he murmurs. It’s terrifying how close I came to losing you.

Kira smiles tenderly at him. I was more terrified my stupid mistake would kill you, too, than I was for myself, when you refused to leave me.

The love passing between them is palpable, emphasizing just how thoroughly Sean is over me. Thank goodness.

Tristan looks around at the rest of us. Sometime you guys need to catch me up on all the stuff that happened before I got to know you all—before my life took a huge turn for the better. He and Molly exchange a look similar to the one Sean and Kira just shared.

Suddenly giddy, I grin around the table. Guys, I can’t tell you how happy I am right now! It’s so wonderful we can all— I’m interrupted by my omni-phone vibrating in my pocket.

Pulling it out, I frown at the message displayed. Hm. This doesn’t sound good. Kyna’s calling an emergency Council meeting—right now. I’d better go. Molly, you should probably come, too.

She sucks in a startled breath. Me? Do I have to?

I shrug, getting up. Since it’ll be at your house, you might as well. Besides, it might have something to do with you.

Rigel and Tristan stand up, too.

We’ll walk you back, Rigel says. I know Cormac’s out there somewhere, but he’s only one Bodyguard for the two of you—or have they assigned someone to Molly?

I don’t think there’s been time, I reply. I’m sure they will soon.

Though Molly’s clearly startled again, Tristan takes her hand in his. Until they do, I’ll stick close, he promises.

Carrying our drinks and leaving Sean and Kira to finish theirs, the four of us head for the door.

Oh, I meant to tell you, Rigel says as we head down Diamond Street, my parents both need their cars tomorrow, but I’m sure one of them can drive you to school first. It would probably look weird for Cormac to do it.

I snort. Yeah, it would. My Bodyguard, Cormac, is also our school’s Vice Principal.

She can ride with us, Molly volunteers. "Right, Tristan?

He nods. So, M, you think they might let me train to become Molly’s Bodyguard, like Rigel is for you?

We can ask. I glance at Molly, who seems pleased by the idea. Tonight, if there’s a chance.

Rather than stress about the upcoming meeting, I try to focus on the wonderful sensation of Rigel’s hand clasping mine as we walk. It works until he asks, Any idea what this emergency is?

Not yet. Maybe they got info from that assassin they want to act on right away.

Rigel tightens his grip on my hand. Like another attack?

The guy did say there were lots more like him, Tristan reminds us. If he provided names, maybe the Council can round them up before they try anything else.

I hope so, Molly and I say simultaneously. Despite our worry, we flash a quick grin at each other. Sisters!

When we get to the O’Garas’ house, I call my Aunt Theresa to say I might be late coming home. She must guess it’s to do with that Martian business she prefers to ignore, because she doesn’t ask any questions, just reminds me it’s a school night.

I’ll call you later, Tristan, okay? Molly says, her earlier apprehension creeping back.

You’d better. Especially if it sounds like you’re still in danger.

She promises, going up on her toes to give him a lingering kiss.

Rigel pulls me to him and we indulge in our own delicious good-night kiss. You want me to stick around out here? he sends silently.

No, I’m sure if there was any immediate threat, Kyna would have said so. Go on home and I’ll fill you in on everything as soon as the meeting ends.

See you guys tomorrow, I add aloud as Molly opens the door.

Mrs. O’Gara meets us in the front hall carrying a tray with tea, cups and cookies. Ah, good, you’re both here. Kyna and Nara have already holo-ed in and the locals should arrive any minute. I don’t suppose you know—? She directs a worried glance at me.

I shake my head. We probably all got the exact same message.

Ah, well, we’ll know soon enough. Oh, I forgot the napkins. Molly, will you— That is, if you wouldn’t mind terribly—

Mum! I’ve asked you not to go all formal on me. Please? I’m the exact same person I was last week.

Mrs. O chuckles but I can sense her conflicting feelings. Yes, of course you are, but it still seems—

We know, I interrupt, smiling. Come on, Molly, we’ll both go get the napkins.

When we’re alone in the kitchen, Molly sighs. I wish Mum would stop doing that.

She will, once she’s more used to the idea of you being…who you are, I assure her. It’s only been two days. Aunt Theresa acted pretty weird at first, too, after learning the truth about me, but she’s mostly back to normal now. And she had a whole lot more to absorb—not just me being Sovereign, but the whole concept of Martians on Earth.

Grabbing a stack of napkins, Molly manages a smile. You’re right. It’s not like I’m used to the idea myself yet.

You’ll get there. Let’s go see what this meeting’s about.

The six remaining members of the Echtran Council—down from seven, now Connor’s gone—are waiting in the O’Garas’ small living room. When Molly and I enter, they bow in unison—Royals Breann, Malcolm and Mrs. O, as well as Science fine representatives Kyna, Nara and Rigel’s father, the newest member.

Molly and I incline our heads in response, Molly carefully mimicking me, then we take seats next to each other.

I’m sure you are all busy, so let’s get right to business, shall we? Council leader Kyna suggests once we’re seated. She’s a NASA astrophysicist and always seems to have something time-sensitive going on. Both she and little Nara, a pediatric specialist and microbiologist, are here holographically from Washington, DC.

I apologize for the unexpected nature of this meeting, Kyna continues, but given the sensitive and rather frightening nature of the news I received today, I considered any delay unwise.

Not surprisingly, I immediately sense anxiety from everyone physically in the room, Molly and me included.

First the good news, Kyna says. Our efforts to track the source of the antimatter used for the explosive implanted in Kira Morain have finally borne fruit. This evening our investigators in Dun Cloch discovered which secure microchamber was compromised—and precisely how much antimatter was taken. It has now, of course, been secured against further intrusion.

My worry spikes higher. "Then…more is missing than what they put into Kira?"

Kyna nods, her mouth pressed into a grim line. "That’s the bad news. It appears that attempt on your life used only a fraction of the total amount stolen. If our Scientists are correct—and believe me, our antimatter stores are very closely monitored—nearly half a milligram is yet unaccounted for."

There’s a long silence. Then Breann hesitatingly says, That’s…that’s not very much, is it?

I’m surprised—again—by how little science most Royals seem to remember from their school days. I open my mouth to correct her but Kyna beats me to it.

It is more than enough to be concerning, she replies. For context, less than one picogram—one trillionth of a milligram—was used in that previous explosive. While not enough to pose a global threat, half a milligram of antimatter could certainly destroy several city blocks…or a town the size of Jewel, Indiana.


Disruptive selection

There’s a moment of shocked silence at hearing the magnitude of the threat laid out in such stark terms, even among those of us who already understood the math.

There must be some way to locate that missing antimatter before the thieves can deploy it? Malcolm exclaims, his fear palpable.

We certainly mean to try, Kyna assures him. However, keep in mind that the amount used in the bomb the traitors implanted in Miss Morain was the size of a small bacterium, virtually undetectable. Even a containment capsule five hundred billion times larger would be absurdly easy to conceal.

More fearful looks are exchanged.

What about the memories of the man who attacked Princess Malena yesterday? Mrs. O’Gara asks. Do we have those yet? That might help.

The extraction should be performed by the end of the week, Kyna tells her, though he may know nothing of this. Van, I don’t suppose you’ve picked up any more messages from those rogue settlements?

Mr. Stuart shakes his head. None since the signals abruptly stopped two weeks ago. If they’ve switched to another method of communication, I haven’t found it yet. I did discover that there were four, not three, locations sending messages. One in rural Idaho, another in Nevada and two in Montana—Dun Cloch and another site within fifty miles of it. My triangulation algorithm did not originally distinguish that one from Dun Cloch itself. I am still working on pinpointing it.

Ah. Please make finding that location a priority, Kyna says. The antimatter might well have been taken there. Any progress deciphering the messages you intercepted earlier?

Enough to rule out any innocent purpose, Mr. Stuart replies. The timing alone suggests orders and responses to those orders. I’m working on a new decryption program now and should learn more in time.

Kyna raises a brow. Time is something we may not have in abundance. We don’t know how far along these people are in their planning. While we hope the traitor Enid was the only one in their ranks with the expertise to create an antimatter bomb, she could have created others prior to her capture and subsequent suicide. If so, the most likely targets are the Sovereign, her sister and this Council.

Rigel’s dad glances uncertainly at me, which I take as my cue to speak up.

Mr. Stuart is working on some extra safeguards, both in Dun Cloch and here in Jewel, based on the security system in the Royal Palace on Mars, I tell Kyna. We didn’t mention it sooner because we suspected a leak on the Council. But since that leak was Connor and he’s gone now, the rest of you may as well know.

Kyna nods approvingly. Van?

Yes, the Sovereign provided me with some extremely sensitive technical specifics for the creation of far more robust security systems. I’ve already begun installations at NuAgra, as it is to become our primary Earth-based government facility. I plan to do the same for the Sovereign’s house and Princess Malena’s.

What about members of the Council? Malcolm asks.

Mr. Stuart gives him a reassuring smile. Yes, I believe I will also be able to provide personal protection for each of you.

Malcolm and Breann, another Royal, both look relieved.

Molly will be assigned a Bodyguard, too, won’t she? I glance sideways at her, remembering my promise.

Mrs. O nods vigorously. At once, I should say, given this news. That should be—

Can’t Tristan be trained for that, like Rigel was? Molly interrupts. He offered.

Eyebrows go up all around the room.

Sensing general disapproval, I quickly add my support. I think that’s a great idea. At school, Rigel’s my main Bodyguard, since it would look weird for Cormac to stick close to me there. That will be true for any adult Bodyguard you assign Molly, too. Tristan’s already in most of Molly’s classes, so he’s in a perfect position to keep her safe there.

Kyna now looks thoughtful. "You make a valid point, Excellency. I suppose Tristan could be a supplemental Costanta, as under the circumstances, the more protection both of you have the better. Can Tristan be trusted in such a role, however? He is Connor’s son."

Absolutely, Molly affirms before I can reply. "I…I’ve gotten to know him really well these past couple of weeks. Believe me, he’s nothing like his father. And he, um, cares a lot about me."

Very well, I’ll see what can be arranged, Kyna concedes. We’ll also assign an experienced, adult Bodyguard immediately. She glances at Mrs. O, who nods her approval. "Meanwhile, Van, I suggest you give your new security systems a higher priority than deciphering those old messages or implementing our new Echtran communication network."

He readily agrees.

Kyna thanks him, then turns to the rest of us. I’m sure I needn’t caution you all to keep tonight’s revelations private. We don’t wish to spark a panic. As it is late and a weeknight, I suggest we postpone further discussion until our regular meeting on Saturday—though it is likely to be a long one. Quite a few items have accumulated on our agenda due to recent, unexpected developments. She smiles at Molly, who blushes.

With that, Kyna adjourns the meeting and winks out. Nara lingers for a few minutes to again tell Molly and me how happy she is about our newfound relationship, then her hologram disappears, too. Breann and Malcolm are already headed for the door, both looking distinctly rattled by tonight’s revelations—not that I blame them.

Did you get everything you need from the data chip I gave you? I ask Mr. Stuart before he leaves.

I believe so. If I or my colleague have questions, shall I bring them to you?

I nod. If I don’t know the answers, I should be able to get them for you. I don’t say how, since it would involve my ancestors in the Scepter Archive, which is supposed to stay super secret.

Once he’s gone, I turn to Molly and her mother. I should probably get home. Aunt Theresa will be getting antsy, what with it being a school night and all.

My house is just around the corner, so I walk, my Bodyguard Cormac following a short distance behind. Along the way, I telepathically relay the high points from

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