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An Eduction : Growing Up
An Eduction : Growing Up
An Eduction : Growing Up
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An Eduction : Growing Up

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The fourth volume of the An Education series covers six months in the lives of the Craig and Holderness families, as the new school year begins. From the tale of Patty having a surprise at home, to a grand wedding in the grounds of Holderness Manor, their adventures help them to realize how important friendship is, as they all in their own ways start to grow up and become young ladies.

This edition also contains a special tale from John Jacobs, and glimpses into the past and future of the families.
Release dateMar 18, 2014
An Eduction : Growing Up

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    An Eduction - Kev Pickering

    An Eduction : Growing Up

    An Education : Growing Up

    By Kev Pickering

    Copyright (C) 2014 Kev Pickering

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-291-78761-0

    This work is licensed under the Creative Communities Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  To view a copy of this license, visit


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    When I Look Back…

    Welcome to the latest collection of tales of Cassie, Jenny, their family and friends.  Before I say anything else, my thanks need to go out once again to Tom Ford, William F Somebody, Imp Caeser Augustus, John Kennon Smith, and especially a man known as Skybird – they had an incredible influence and input to this set of stories.

    Growing up can be a time of great change, but the greatest changes often can come from just one event, and the repercussions of that event.  In this book, one weekend and everything that happens in that weekend are the triggers for major changes for not just Jenny and Cassie, but also for Bobby and Suzie Holderness, and the rest of their families.  We see old friends and characters in new lights, as well as seeing the lives and friendships of all the girls mature and change.

    As always, the vast majority of these stories originally appeared on the Tie-Up Games Forum, but we have some new tales as well, looking both forward and back, and finally revealing what exactly happened between Miranda and Lucinda on the farm all those years ago.

    As for the future – well, that, as they say, is yet to be written.


    Kev Pickering.

    The Characters so far

    The Craig Family

    John and Jennifer Craig live in the town of Holderness with their daughters, Jenny and Cassie, and the twins David and June.  As we start these stories, Jenny is fourteen and Cassie is eleven, while the twins are a few months old.  Their grandmother, Miranda, also lives locally, as do other members of their extended family.  John works at a bank in the city, while Jennifer keeps house.

    John has two sisters, Connie and Cassie.  Connie Brown lives with her husband Dave and their son Danny, and is on maternity leave from her job as a reporter.  Cassie is a former army officer and current primary school teacher, and lives with her partner Jo Frost – one of Jenny’s teachers, and also a former army officer.  Both Jo and Cassie were involved with what can loosely be termed special forces.  Miranda Craig, the mother of John, Connie and Cassie, also lives nearby,

    Jennifer Craig’s parents live in Australia, but her sister Jessica has recently moved to Holderness, along with her nine year old daughter Patricia, known to everyone as Patty.

    The Holderness Family

    Lord and Lady Holderness live in Holderness Manor, and have held the title since Napoleonic times.  The current Lord and Lady are Desmond and Lucinda Holderness, and they have a son Alexander and a daughter Anne.  Lucinda and Miranda Craig are old school friends, and have encouraged their grandchildren to get to know each other.

    Alexander is married to Susan, and has two children, Robert and Suzanne, known to one and all as Bobby and Suzie.  Suzie and Cassie Craig have become best friends, while Bobby has formed a deep attachment to Cassie.  Susan Holderness has a brother, who lives in the north east of England, and they have a son called Tommy.  Her mother lives a short distance from the town.

    Anne is married to Simon Bowden, and they have three children, Angela, Alicia and Andrew.  Angela is in sixth form, while Alicia is in the same class as Jenny Craig, and are now firm friends, although that was not always the case.  Andrew is just under a year old.

    Mister and Mrs Bridges are the servants to Lord and Lady Holderness, and have served them faithfully for many years.


    Mary Holmes and Cathy Harmer are school friends of Alicia and Jenny.  Mary lives with her parents, and has an older brother Eddie at University.  Eddie and Alicia’s sister are very good friends – they may even be boyfriend and girlfriend.

    Another of their classmates is Martin Davies, a shy young man who helps out at the music store owned by his parents.  A gifted singer in his own right, Martin has recently started to go out with Alicia.

    Bobby’s best friend at school is Colin Hampton, whose father is Detective Superintendant Barry Hampton.  Colin has formed a strong attachment to Jenny Craig, meaning he and Colin are often seen with Jenny and Cassie.  Colin has a young cousin, Brian Hampton, who was once drafted in against his will to dance with Suzie.

    Cassie’s best friends at school are Pippa Brooks, who lives with her mother Jackie, and the twins Hazel and Claire Irvine.  They have had a number of adventures together, particularly involving a home invasion for which Cassie won a bravery award.

    The American Connection

    Alicia has an American pen pal, a girl named Heidi Strong, who lives in Maine.  Heidi spent the summer in the UK a year ago, and she was there to help Jenny and Alicia become friends – in a way.  The girls have also spent time in Maine, and Cassie has become firm friends with Heidi’s friend Cindy Elsworth.  Their mothers, Amy Strong and Dorothy Elsworth, are also partners.

    The other American connection is to a woman known variously as Sara Sidle or Sara Smite, but now known to everyone as Sarah Holderness.  She has a connection to the Holderness family, in that Desmond Holderness is her half-uncle – and also a connection going back centuries, involving family legends and ghosts.  She is, however, considered a member of the Holderness family, and has on one memorable occasion saved the lives of the Holderness and Craig women.

    Farm Fight

    It has been mentioned on a number of occasions that Miranda and Lucinda, when they were young teenagers, had a fight that led to Miranda’s father taking unusual steps to bring them together – but what exactly happened?  Now the truth can be told…

    October 1970

    Shake it up baby, twist and shout!!!

    Miranda, turn the racket off and come down – I need your help in the barn this afternoon!

    Coming Dad, Miranda Smethurst said as she pulled on the brown corduroy dungarees and fastened the straps over her shoulder, the material sitting on the heavy woollen jumper she was wearing.  Sitting down on the bed, she then pulled on the grey socks and walked down, to find her older brother Jethro already eating some soup and bread.

    So how was work this morning, he said as Miranda sat down, thanking her mother as she put the soup in front of her.  Her father sat between them, calmly lighting his pipe and puffing on it.

    Not bad – Miss Gray thinks I have a future as a shop girl.  Not what I want to do though.

    Oh, her mother said as she sat down, and what do you want to do?

    Miranda absent mindedly rubbed her chin.  I don’t know – get out and see the world a bit.  Not that I don’t love it here and all of you, she added hastily as she caught the look in her father’s eye, but it would be nice to see some new things.

    You’ve been talking to the army guys at Broughton barracks again, haven’t you?

    A well aimed chunk of bread hit Jethro on the forehead, making everyone laugh as he stood up.  I’m going back up to the top field – the potato harvest needs to be supervised, and much as I admire the work ethic of the village boys…

    Go – I’ll join you when I’m done with the feed, his father said as Jethro walked out.

    So what do you want me to do, father, Miranda said as she pushed her plate back, and tied an old brown and white checked scarf over her long brown hair.

    "Can you go out to the hay barn and clear the floor for me?  I need to bring some bales down to store for winter feed, and we need the area cleared up for them.

    You got it, she said as she pulled a pair of old wellingtons on and left the farmhouse, whistling to herself as she walked across the yard to one of the barns, picking up a brush as she went past.

    The next hour was spent in sweeping the floor, and making sure some of the other bales which had broken loose from their binding were collected in one corner of the barn, piled up so that it could be used first for feed for the cattle.  She didn’t hear the ring of the bell on the bike as it pulled up outside the farmhouse, or the knock on the door as the rider enquired where she was.

    There you are.

    Miranda turned to see a brown haired girl standing in the entrance to the barn, her arms folded as she looked at her.  She was wearing a mustard coloured top with sleeves that came half way down her forearms, a long white scarf wrapped round her neck, blue trousers and black flat shoes.

    Luci?  What brings you down here – I thought you had a big date with Jack tonight?

    Lucinda walked in, and Miranda noticed a fire in her eyes that spoke far more than any words could. 

    I did have a big date with Jack tonight, she said as she walked slowly into the barn, but I called it off.  It didn’t seem worth it after what I saw this morning when I was passing the dress shop.

    Oh – what did you see?

    I saw him through the window – talking to you, laughing with you.  Care to explain, Miranda darling?

    Well, he came in to pick up something for his mother, and we got talking…

    It was more than just talking – I saw the way you looked at him, Miranda.  What did you think you would do – steal him off me?

    Miranda laid the pitchfork she was using to one side, and stared at the friend.  Me?  Steal him?  Luci, you’re…

    My name, Lucinda said as she advanced on Miranda, is Lucinda, and I’m waiting for an explanation.

    Miranda was getting angry as well as she looked at her friend.  Lucinda, I have no more intention of stealing your precious boyfriend than I have of listening to this nonsense.  Now, if you will excuse me…


    Miranda stood with her back to Lucinda, taking deep breaths before she said You have it totally wrong, Lucinda, but I get the feeling nothing I say is going to change your mind while you’re this angry.  Now, I have work to do, so….

    Don’t you dare turn your back on me, Lucinda said as she jumped on Miranda, forcing her into the pile of hay as she hit the side of her head with her arms.  Miranda had never seen her this angry, and it took a few moments for her to recover her own senses, then flip Lucinda over and slap her face.

    Are you going to calm down and listen to reason, Miranda said, but Lucinda was mad, and lashed out with her own hand, scratching Miranda on the cheek.

    Why you…

    An empty barn makes for a very good echo chamber, so as Eli Smethurst stopped the tractor and climbed out of the cab, he could hear the screams and shouting from the far barn.  Shaking his head, he walked over to see Miranda and Lucinda rolling in the piled up hay, throwing accusations at each other.

    THAT…  IS… ENOUGH!! he said as he walked over and pulled the girls apart.  Would one of you like to explain to me what this is all about?

    She started it, Miranda said, accusing me of stealing her boyfriend.

    I saw you do it, Lucinda spat back, and you won’t deny it…

    They lunged for each other again, before Eli said That’s enough – I can see you two need to get this out of your system, but I can’t have you screaming the place down.  Both of you, turn round and put your hands by your sides.

    Lucinda and Miranda glared at each other, before they did as her father had commanded.  Eli walked over and picked up a roll of baling twine, as well as a knife, and walked back, pulling his daughter’s wrists behind her back and tying them tightly together with the twine.

    What are you doing, Lucinda said as he moved to her and bound her wrists together, keeping the twine over the cuffs of her jumper.

    If you two cannot sort out your differences by talking with a civil tongue in your head, Eli said as he made them stand facing each other, and then started to wind the twine around their upper bodies, pinning their arms to their sides as well as them to each other, then you can stand here and sort it out between yourselves in a different manner.  Now, kneel down, both of you.

    The two young women managed to kneel with a little co-operation, glaring at each other as Eli bound their ankles, and then tied them together just above their knees.  Now then, he said as he cut the twine free, and put it to one side with the knife, You two can stay here and discuss whatever you want with each other – but you will not shout or scream or disturb anyone else here.

    Father, you’re not going to…

    I am, he said as he went outside for a minute, returning with two clean tea towels from the washing line.  Now open wide and accept your punishment.

    Lucinda opened her mouth, allowing Eli to pull the rolled up towel between her lips, and tie the ends together at the base of her neck.  Miranda did the same, as Eli tied her gag and then looked at her watch.

    Right then – it’s three now, and I need to go and help Jethro.  When I come back, you can both tell me if you’ve worked things out.   He walked out of the barn, the two girls listening as the tractor drove off.

    Nffrfnmsmsuvgtmnt, Miranda growled as she looked at Lucinda.

    M?  fuhdnttspkntm…

    thslledd, spktm.

    Lucinda then let out a series of muffled yells, screams and words that frankly, it was better were muffled by the rolled up cotton cloth.   Miranda responded in kind, the two girls throwing insults at each other as they struggled in the twine binding, the rubber of Miranda’s boots squeaking like mad as she tried to separate her legs.


    Miranda looked at Lucinda and said Nnn – thrtschsmt.

    Lucinda stared at her for a moment, before she burst out laughing, shaking her head before she buried it in her friend’s shoulder.

    Msreee, she finally said as she raised her head and looked at her, Mjsstsmsshnlf.

    msreett, Miranda said as she started laughing, sshlddfflstnd.

    The two girls then started laughing together, as a car drew up in the farmyard.  A tall, well dressed man got out, accompanied by a sandy haired eighteen year old boy.

    Good morning, your lordship, Miranda’s mother said as she came out of the farmhouse, Eli is in the top field, but I’m expecting him back any minute.  Won’t you come in and wait?

    Thank you, Mrs Smethurst, the taller man said.  Desmond, will you join us?

    If it’s all right, father, I’ll have a look round first.

    Of course, he said as he walked into the house, and Desmond looked round.  It was the first time his father had brought him down to the farms, before he headed off to Sandhurst and began his officer training.  As he had put it, Some day you will own these and the other lands – you need to at least see what it is like.

    Walking across the yard, he looked in some of the old outhouses, taking a look at the equipment inside, and then crossed to the old barn.  He walked in, and then stopped as he saw Miranda and Lucinda kneeling on the ground, enmeshed in twine as they laughed through the cotton gags.

    Are you two all right, he said as he walked in.  Lucinda turned and looked the new arrival up and down, as Miranda said Wrfffnnfnks.

    Well, have you two sorted things out?

    Desmond turned to see Eli and Jethro standing at the barn entrance, looking at him.

    Good evening, Desmond, Jethro said as he shook the young man’s hand.  I guess your father is in the farmhouse?

    He is – he said he needed to talk to you about something, Mister Smethurst.

    Yeah – I know what.  Can you boys release these two young madams, and then join us for some tea?

    We’ll take care of it father, Jethro said as he picked up the scissors and walked over with Desmond, freeing the girls as he untied and eased the towel from Lucinda’s mouth.

    Hi, she said after she had worked her jaw a little, and thanks.  I don’t think we’ve met.  I’m Lucinda.

    Desmond – Desmond Holderness, the young man said, as both Jethro and Miranda watched the two of them blushing…

    The Cat Shares

    For the uninitiated – John Jacobs is an antiques dealer who, in the 70’s and 80’s, was better known as The Cat, master burglar.  In this recent collection of tales, one in particular will interest those who have followed these tales…

    Oh hello there – I was just sorting out some old photo albums that had been left in a bureau, and some of the photos had brought a few of my exploits in my younger days to mind.

    Take this one for example – the mum and daughter in chunky wool outfits.  It brings to mind for me a day in the early seventies when I had to do something I personally dislike – bind a minor to keep them out of the way.

    This was a house in the Pinner are of north west London – then a real quiet country town, and I had gone out to see what I could find.  It was a quiet Sunday morning, so I expected the detached house to be empty when I forced the kitchen window and made my way in.

    Well, I still had a lot to learn in those days, and one of those things is that, even in those days, not everyone worshipped on a Sunday.  My first clue should have been the candlesticks, but the real kicker was when I walked into the front room of the house to find the woman of the household sitting there, reading a book.

    She had blonde hair, held up in a braid on her head, and was wearing a woollen dress with a cream coloured midriff.  The rest of the dress was patterned with a sequence of brown zig-zag stripes, from her waist to the hem below her knee and across her shoulders, while a woollen bow tie was knotted to the right of the yoke, gathering it below her neck.  She also had a pair of brown shoes, and a startled expression as she saw me.

    Ah, I said politely, I had rather hoped nobody would be home, but it appears I am wrong.  Please, do not shout or raise the alarm – I promise you I will not hurt you.  I was dressed in a black jumper under a jacket, trousers and shoes, with gloves on my hands, but nothing covering my face.

    She stared at me for a few more seconds, before saying Are you a burglar?  Her accent was faintly German, but I could not be sure.

    I regret that I am, and I also regret that I must make sure you cannot raise the alarm, I said quietly.  May I ask you name?

    It is Ingrid – Ingrid Cohen.

    I nodded and said Very well Ingrid – please, put your book on the coffee table, and then lie face down on that delightful couch where you are seated.  As I said this, I reached into my pocket and produced a length of thin cord.

    Ingrid very carefully put her book down, and then lay with her head resting on the arm of the chair, crossing her wrists behind her back as she did so.  It only took me a few minutes to bind her wrists tightly together, and then her ankles, before I picked up a cushion and said You will be more comfortable if you roll onto your side and rest your head on this.

    Thank you, she replied as she rolled over, raising her head and allowing me to place the cushion underneath.  I took a moment to adjust her skirt, and then said Now, perhaps you can tell me where...

    What have you done to Mama?

    I groaned inwardly as I turned to see the thirteen year old girl standing behind me, looking at both of us.  She had a similar dress to her mother on, save that hers was light purple midriff with purple and blue zig-zag stripes, and she wore a pair of white tights.  Her light brown hair fell down her back as she looked at us.

    It is all right, Helga, Ingrid said quietly, this man is a robber, and he has promised he will not hurt us if we do as he says.  I need you to be a brave girl and let him make sure you cannot raise the alarm, all right?

    I personally would never have even entered if I had known a girl was there, but I had to make the best of it as Helga said All right – may I sit in the chair?

    I nodded and allowed her to sit down, before I moved her arms behind her back, crossed her wrists and tied them tightly together with more rope, and then bound her ankles together.  Now, can I trust you both to keep quiet while I have a look round, I said quietly, and as they both nodded I left them and searched the house.

    Before I left, I used two strips of plaster to cover their mouths, but that was all I did – that time to Helga.


    You see, that was not the last time we met.  In the late nineties, when I was heading for retirement, I found myself in Pinner again – not the same street, or the same house, but nearby.  I had been told of a particularly valuable set of etchings which I had been commissioned to obtain, and sadly the man holding them was not open to selling.  Nor were the people who engaged me open to failure, so I had to use the old fashioned methods.

    I brought a bag with ropes, tapes and scarves, just in case, and when I approached the house it was dark.  Slipping round the back, I forced the back door open and let myself in, heading for the front room.  I was wearing a blue boiler suit and a balaclava mask, both as a disguise and to distract police attention from a well known and retiring cat burglar.

    I had successfully located the safe and the etchings – when the light went on and I turned my head to see two women standing there.  One was in her early forties, and was wearing a v-necked red sweater, a black denim skirt that went below her knees, dark tights and baggy black leather boots.  Her light brown hair fell down her head with soft curls on her shoulders, and she wore a pair of black glasses.

    Beside her was a young woman, about nineteen years old, who was wearing a red vest top with a wide leather belt around her waist like a girdle, black leggings and short black leather boots.  She had brown hair, and had her hand over her mouth.

    I recognised the older woman instantly, as she hadn’t changed that much.  You must be Helga, I said as I stood up and removed the starter’s pistol from the pocket of my overalls, And I presume this is your daughter.  Please, no sudden movements.

    How do you know my name, Helga said as she looked at me.  Logical guess, from the mail by the telephone, I lied as I looked at her.  Your daughter’s name?

    It’s Jenny, the younger girl said as she looked at me, What are you doing?

    Your father was most reluctant to sell these to my employer, I said as I held up a leather pouch.  And now, regretfully, I must make sure you cannot raise the alarm.

    Helga looked at me, before saying Not again.  Just promise me you won’t hurt us.

    Do as I say, and you’ll be fine, I said quietly, Now – make your selves comfortable.  You may be here for some time.

    We... We’d better do as he says, Mum, Jenny said as they walked over to an antique red couch and sat down.  I opened the bag I had with me up, and said now, Helga, I want you to sit with your hands on your head.  Jenny, please turn with your back to me and put your hands behind your back.

    I made sure Jenny’s wrists were snugly tied together before I walked round, guided her arms behind her back and secured her wrists together.  Kneeling down, I tied the ankles of both women side by side, and then secured their legs below their knees, folding Helga’s skirt back to take care of her and then replacing it.

    This is tighter then last time – but I suppose I was a girl then, she said as she looked at Jenny.

    This is a nice big couch, I said as I looked at them, Scoot round and sit back to back.

    Why – what are you going to do?

    Tie you together, I said as I took a large skein of rope from my bag, so please, do as I ask.

    As the two women moved round as I had asked, I shook the rope loose, then tied them together at their waists and shoulders, before I took two cloths and two folded and knotted scarves from my bag.

    If you will both open wide, I said as I pushed the folded cloths into their mouths, and then cleave gagged them both, the black knot sitting between Helga’s lips and the red between Jenny’s.  I then took my leave of them – hoping they would not think too ill of me.


    Mind you, while it may have been one of the last times, it was by no means the first time I had been surprised by a couple of women walking in unexpectedly.  One particular time was – interesting.  This was in 1975, and I was in a Chelsea top floor flat, looking at a very fine collection of silver jewellery when I heard the apartment door opening, and two female voices as they walked into the front room, chatting nervously.

    Do you think they noticed us slipping out from the party?

    Who cares – we have each other now...

    I opened the door to the bedroom a crack, and saw a dark haired woman walking into the front room.  She was wearing a peach coloured minidress with a purple neck and shoulders, as well as a similar coloured hem, and skin tight knee length brown leather boots that sported a short heel.

    As I listened, she said You wait in there – I’m going to go get a drink, and then we can begin.  I closed the door to and watched as she walked to the kitchen, then slipped out of the bedroom, thinking I would get to the door and out.

    So of course, as I passed the door to the front room, the other woman said Who’s there?  Sighing, I reached into my jacket pocket for something, and went into the front room.

    Ten minutes later, the dark haired girl came in, a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other, saying All right lover, what say we...

    Good evening, I said as I stood behind her friend, my hand on her shoulder.  She was a tall, thin woman, and was dressed in a white minidress with flowing long sleeves, a square open yoke neck and a metal drop waist belt, while a pair of tight white PVC boots enclosed her lower legs.  The black band of tape holding her ankles together contrasted nicely with that, as did the lengths covering her ruby red lips, while her wrist were held together behind her back with the same tape.

    Her dark brown hair was held in a perfectly formed hair do with Lord alone knows how many cans of Silvikrin, but her eyes were wide as she looked at the other girl.

    Sorry to interrupt your night, I said with a smile, I would have left without disturbing you, but your friend here insisted on calling out.  Now, put that bottle and those glasses down, and then lie face down on the Ottoman there – I’m going to give you both a little challenge.

    She was nice and obedient, as I crossed and taped her wrists together, then her ankles, listening to the leather rubbing before I rolled her over and taped over her mouth.

    Now then, I said as I smiled at them, You can have some fun freeing each other – should give me enough time to get away.  Think of that bubbly for when you are done.


    Well, it did give me enough time – and who am I to interrupt a good love story?

    A couple of years later, fashions and styles had changed a lot.  As had the way I worked – I had got bolder, so that on this particular occasion I was visiting a country manor when a grand ball was being held downstairs.

    The house was buzzing on the lower floor – which is why I climbed the vines and let myself in through the bedroom window.  I picked a good room as well – one look told me this was the master bedroom, so I soon located the safe and started to look round.

    So, naturally, I was interrupted.  I saw the crack of light first, and hid in the wardrobe as I heard a woman say Don’t worry, Desmond – I’ll find your mother’s shawl and bring it down to her.

    I saw the light come on, and then heard the footsteps as they approached the door to the wardrobe.  I swallowed as the door opened, and a blonde haired woman looked at me, dressed in an orange and white maxi dress with a front that showed just a little of her cleavage.  She had light brown hair, and the sleeves of her dress came to just over her elbows.

    Looking for this, I said as I handed her a large brown shawl. 

    Actually, yes, she said as she looked at me, but this is unexpected.  May I ask who you are?

    The newspapers call me The Cat, I said quietly, May I ask your name?

    Lucinda, she said as she continued to look at me.  My husband is Desmond Holderness, the son of Lord Holderness.

    You are remaining remarkable cool, my dear Lucinda.

    Given some of the things I have seen in my line of work, this is a minor inconvenience.

    You know, of course, I must prevent you from raising the alarm?

    I would expect no less from a professional, she said as she walked over to the bed and sat down, the hem of her dress rising to reveal a pair of brown suede boots.  So, may I make myself comfortable?  You will find a ball of string on the shelf of the wardrobe you were hiding in.

    She was right, so I placed her hands together in front of her as she lay on her back, in prayer, and tied her wrists together, and then ran the string down to bind her ankles together.

    And naturally, as I tied and cut the string, the door opened and another woman walked in.  She had black hair, held back with a clasp, and wore a red, blue and white minidress patterned as flowers, with natural hose and a pair of black shoes.

    Lucinda, what is – oh, she said as she looked at us, I see we have an uninvited guest.  Are you all right?

    So far, yes, Miranda, she said as the new arrival closed the door.  I think we may be staying here a while, however.  Do you mind if she joins me?

    Of course not, I said as Lucinda shuffled over, and Miranda lay next to her.  I bound her wrists and ankles in the same way, and then went back to the wardrobe, returning with two large scarves that worked as very effective stuff gags.  I did not want to totally silence them – just keep them quiet enough to allow me to climb out of the window with my ill gotten gains.


    Of course, I sometimes had to improvise when interrupted by groups of people.  In 1986, I was visiting Manchester and decided to use my skills to do a little larceny in the Dalston area.  It was a nice semi-detached house, and a quiet Saturday when I slipped through the bathroom window, and started to search upstairs.

    I found some nice pearls, rings and pendants, and was starting to search downstairs when I heard a car pull up.  I had only enough time to grab a black woollen scarf to tie over the lower half of my face, and grab a large roll of duct tape from the shelf, before the door opened and three women walked in.

    One was obviously older, not to mention slightly shorter, in a red jacket and skirt over a patterned blouse, the wing collar over her jacket.   She was also wearing a pair of light black tights and Mary Jane shoes, and a pair of glasses.  She had black hair, cut into a tight perm.

    The other two women looked alike, almost as if they were twins, with permed reddish brown hair.  One had on a light brown jacket over a red v-necked sweater and a plaid blouse, with dark jeans, while the other wore a taupe jacket over a white blouse, and light purple pants.

    Needless to say, they were surprised to see a masked man in their hallway, and even more surprised when I grabbed one of them, stuck a plastic tube against her back, and said Nobody do anything stupid, or she gets hurt.

    No, I wasn’t going to hurt her, but I needed to make sure they did as I asked.  All right, the older woman said Don’t hurt Bea.

    Very sensible, I said quietly, what’s your name?

    Donna – and this is Clea.

    Right, Donna, Clea, I said as I looked to the doorway to the dining room, In there.  I followed them in, my hand firmly on Bea’s arm, before I said Pull three chairs away from the table and set them in the centre of the room.

    Clea did as I asked, before I said Donna, sit in the centre chair.  As she sat I put the tube in one pocket, took out the duct tape and tossed it to Clea.  As she caught it, I said Tape your mother’s wrists and ankles to the chair – arms to the back, ankles against the front legs.

    All right, Clea whispered as she tore the end of the roll free, and placed her mother’s left arm against the chair back.   Bea and I watched as she tore the end of the tape free, and bound her mother to the chair as I had directed.

    Good, I said as she stood up, Now sit next to your mother.  Bea, do to your sister what she did to your mother.

    I pushed Bra gently forward, and watched as Clea was taped to a chair to the left of Donna.  Once she was secured, I taped Bea to the third chair, and then wrapped tape around their waists to hold them firmly to the chair back.

    Forgive me, I said then as one by one I smoothed tape over their mouths to silence them, and then finished searching their house before I left them – and made sure I called the police half an hour later to inform them of the women’s plight.


    And sometimes, even today, I get taken by surprise – even when I pay a visit at the request of someone to discuss security.  A well known Asian businessman asked me to call on him to discuss security arrangements for his new mansion, so last summer I came into the City to talk with him in Ealing.

    As we sat talking, his older daughter came in.  She was wearing a black jacket over a collarless white blouse, jeans and brown Derry boots, and a pair of blue framed glasses sat on her nose as her long black fair fell around her face.

    Ah Yasmin, my client said as she stood there, This is Mr Jacobs, who has come to discuss security with me.  Tell me, Mr Jacobs, if you were a burglar and Yasmin disturbed you, what would you do to keep her quiet?

    If I was a burglar?  I looked at him and Yasmin, and then said Well, obviously I would have to make sure she could not raise the alarm.  Why do you ask?

    Perhaps you will indulge me...

    Half an hour later, I walked into one of the other rooms of the mansion, and saw Yasmin sitting there.  I walked behind her, hand gagged her, and said Not a word – hands behind your back and stand still.

    She nodded and moved her hands behind her back, as I used a plastic zip tie to force her wrists together, and then made her kneel on the floor, securing her ankles in the same way.  I reached into my pocket, and took out a roll of micropore tape, but before I could use it, the door opened and another daughter came in.

    Yasmin, have you got.... she said as she stopped and looked at me.  She was taller and thinner, and wore a blue and white striped stretched jersey dress, black leggings and grey cuffed suede boots.

    Now, I was in character, so I hand gagged Yasmin and said Not a word – close the door, come over here, and kneel next to this girl.

    Are you all right Yasmin, the new arrival said, Yasmin nodding under my hand as she walked over and knelt next to her.  Taking out two more zip ties, I secured the wrists and ankles of the new arrival, before I pressed two long strips of wide micropore tape smoothly over their lips.

    It was at this point my client came in, and saw the two girls kneeling there.  Ah, I see you have met Shayla, he said quietly.  You have both learned what it would be like to be caught by a burglar – so I want to hear no more talk about there been no need for such measures, understood?

    They both nodded, a lesson learned.  And on that note – forgive me, but customers await.  Until next time.

    Patty’s Friend

    Here’s the thing - I barely knew my cousins when I lived up in Scotland, but over the last few months I’ve got to know them a lot better - and yet I’m still  both overjoyed and completely surprised at what they are like.

    Perhaps I need to back up a bit - my names Patty - Patricia Pickering, and I’m very pleased to meet you.  I’m eight years old, and I moved down here last spring after Mummy had decided she wanted to live nearer Aunt Jennifer and Uncle John.  I grew up in Scotland, in a town called Linlithgow, where I went to the Low Port Primary School.  Daddy worked for a company in Edinburgh, and Mummy worked in the library.

    Daddy...  I really miss Daddy sometimes, he always smiled and liked to play with me, but there was a bad accident one day, and Mummy told me he wasn’t going to be coming back.  I cried a lot, and felt really bad for a long time - so did Mummy, which is why I guess she decided to come this far south.

    So one day, we packed up, drove for an eternity, and I found myself in Holderness, leaving all my friends behind.  I wasn’t worried though - if it made Mummy happy, it made me happy, and I was excited to meet Jenny and Cassie for the first time in years.

    When I saw them, I was surprised at how big they were - Cassie was a good two inches taller than me, and Jenny taller still, but they made me feel really at home, and introduced me to all their friends - and all their games.

    It was the games that really surprised me.  Mummy had told me about some of the things that had happened to them, and especially how Cassie had done something incredibly brave.  I was curious about all of their adventures, so the first day I met them again I asked them.

    I don’t think I expected what they told me - but then everything changed, as Aunt Jennifer gave birth to the cutest twins - David and June.  Suddenly, I had gone from fearing I was going to be the youngest to becoming a big cousin - and with Danny, that made three!

    Oh yeah - there’s Danny, who’s the boy of Aunt Connie and Uncle Dave.  There’s also Aunt Cassie, but she doesn’t have any kids.  She lives with someone called Jo, and she seems to be very happy.

    Anyway - we then spent the weekend with Cassie’s friend Suzie and her family.  We went to her grandparent’s place - a real live Manor House!  Where I grew up, we had a Royal Palace, but it’s a ruin - I used to play in the Peel which surrounds it.  But this was a real big house, with a real Lord and Lady - and lots of rooms where we could play hide and seek, dress up - and tie up games.

    This was their big secret, the way they said they stayed calm when all the scary things happened to them - and there must be something in our blood, because I found I loved them as well! 

    I met the rest of her friend Suzie’s family as well - including Angela, who taught us to walk round in dresses while tied up, and her friends from school.  That was nice of her - one of the things I was not really looking forward to was trying to make new friends, but they said they would look after me.

    I also met Suzie’s brother Bobby - and I soon found out that he liked Cousin Cassie a lot.  An awful lot - so I decided there and then I needed to tease her about it as often as possible.  Which I love doing, and keep doing.

    Then came school - and it took me a little while, but I eventually made a few friends in my class.  One in particular became a very good friend.  Her name’s Rachel, and she moved to the area a few weeks before I did.  I didn’t tell her our family secrets, but we sat together in the class and got to know each other very well.

    I also liked my teachers - they made me feel right at home, and the teaching was fun.  So was spending time with Cassie and Suzie - even if I could not tell Mummy at first about the games we played.  I was too scared to, you see - even though both Cassie and Suzie said it would be better to.

    Then there was that very strange night.  It started normally enough - Jenny and Cassie were coming to stay with me at my house, while Aunt Jennifer went off somewhere.  We were going to have tea, and - well, let’s just say that I found out Mummy had a few secrets of her own.  After that, she let us play if we wanted - which made the next few weeks after that, when Aunt Jennifer, Aunt Cassie and Aunt Connie all seemed to be very upset over something.  Mummy would not tell me what - only that they needed time to get over things.

    I’m glad they did, in time for this huge party at Suzie’s Grandparents place that Mummy and I were invited to, with all the others.  I had never worn such a beautiful dress, or seen so many people in so much finery.  That would have been enough to scare me - but then I found out that Bobby had ‘arranged’ for his little cousin Tommy to dance with me.

    He looked almost as scared as I was- and even more so when Bobby very casually mentioned there was a private party in the manor house at the same time, and we’d be tied up and gagged by them while we danced!

    I don’t know what was more terrifying - wondering if Tommy would do a good tight job, or the dance.  You see, I now knew I liked to be tied up nice and tightly - I loved the way it made me feel helpless, like a princess in some of my books - but I also loved the idea of being helped to move as well.

    I needn’t have worried - Bobby and the others made sure he did a great job, and it was a magical, wonderful - almost Disney like experience, as if I was Belle and Tommy - well, he wasn’t a beast, but he did nearly stand on my feet...

    Anyway, then it was the summer holidays, and Mummy said we were going to spend a week with Cassie and the others on a trip.  She hadn’t been able to get more than a week off, so I wondered what we were going to do.

    Where on earth do I start?  How about the bet we made, that we would spend as much of the trip tied up and gagged as possible?  Or meeting their other granny at the farm she grew up on, and finding out she had donated to the three of us all the clothes she used to wear when she was our age?

    Or how we went to that country fair, tied up and aged in the old clothes, but wearing capes so that nobody could tell?  Well, nobody except Bobby and Suzie, as we met them at the same fair - turned out Cousin Cassie had done something like this with him before, and she hadn’t told me!

    Or the caravan ride, with the three of us trussed up and gagged in the caravan itself?  That was something I’d never done before, but I loved every single rocking, bumping, slightly hurting minute of it!

    Or the Lake District, with the mountains bigger than the hills round Linlithgow?  The boat trip with their American friends and their mothers?  The fantastic game we played the next day in the old clothes, where I played the bratty sister who got kidnapped first....

    Actually, that reminds me - I suppose I can be a little bit bratty, but it’s just I have so much fun playing these games, that I never want them to stop!  I know, I know - we can’t play them in public too  much, but I just want to do it as often as possible - and I want to have someone to play with!

    Still, the holidays had to end sometime, and right now I’m walking to the school gates, in my uniform with my rucksack on, as the new year starts.  When I go in, the first person I see is Rachel, her brown hair in pigtails, as she waves to me and says Hey Patty - I saw your picture in the paper!!

    Oh yeah - that big party had a photographer at it, and we had seen pictures of all three of us everywhere we went.  So I walked up, hugged her and said Yeah - but I wasn’t the real star.

    I looked over to see Cassie with her friends, and as we waved to each other I said Still, it was a great summer.  What did you get up to?

    Not a lot - Mum and Dad had to work most of it.  Of course, there was the thief who robbed Mum and me...

    what did you say, I exclaimed as I took her off into a corner.

    "Yeah - it was a really weird afternoon.  Dad was away for a few days, so Mum took me to the cinema to see Despicable Me 2.  We had just got back in when she appeared with this man behind her, and said we were going to play a game.  She hadn’t even taken off her grey fabric boots, but I looked at her and said ‘What sort of game?’

    "Well, he made us sit next to each other on the couch, and said we were going to play a game of robbers and escape.  He was going to stop us from being able to move for a little while, and then when he left we had to try to escape and raise the alarm.  I had on my pick cardigan over the blue denim dress - the one with the faded heart on it - my jeans and black furry boots.

    I asked Mum if this was all right, and she just nodded and smiled, saying she would go first.  He took her hands behind her back, did something with some rope he took from a rucksack he had on his back, then walked to me and knelt down.  He then did the same to me - took my hands behind my back and tied my wrists together with some soft cord.

    Oh my, I said as we sat on a bench, Were you scared?

    "Not really no - Mum was smiling, so I let him tie my arms to my tummy, and then her did the same to Mum, making sure her grey top and t-shirt stayed on.  Then he tied her ankles together, and her legs below her knees, before he slipped my boots off my feet and did the same to me.

    Well, he left us alone for a while, while Mummy said he was going to pretend to take some of her jewellery and some money.  When he came back, he had two of Mum’s scarves in his hands - one of which he pulled into my mouth and tied round my head, the other of which he tied a knot in and then tied round Mum’s head.  It tasted funny, but then he left us and said ‘Now you can try to escape’.

    So what happened then?

    Well, we tried wriggling round for a while, but I could not get free, and neither could Mum.  That was when a policeman came in, looked at us and freed us, and Mum told him it wasn’t a game - someone had really forced her to let him tie us up and steal her earrings and things!  Can you believe it?

    You’d be surprised, I  said quietly as the bell rang.

    So we had a new teacher - Mrs Williams - and two new assistants.  One of them was a man, who we called Mister James, but he said to call him Billy if the teacher wasn’t watching.  I liked Billy, and he helped me a lot with art and science.

    When it came to the lunch break, I said to Rachel Hey - would you like to come round on Saturday?  We can play a few games, watch a DVD or something...

    Hey - I’d love to if Mum and Dad let me.  She’s still a little upset.

    I understand - but tell her we’ll pick you up and bring you back, all right?

    Well, I’ll ask her, Rachel said, as we went back in.

    I then proceeded to forget about it - until at tea that night, when I said Mummy - can Rachel come round on Saturday?

    Mummy looked at me across the table, and said This Saturday?  Well, I suppose so, but...


    She put her knife and fork down, and said your Uncle John has asked if I will help with something.  In fact, I was going to tell you that Jenny and Cassie, as well as Suzie and Alicia, are going to spend the day here with Alicia watching you.  Now, I know what you lot are like when you get together - what will Rachel think?

    We’ll be good, I promise, I said as I looked at her, so Mum laughed and said all right - I can go and get her with you, then leave you here when your Uncle brings the others.

    Great, I said as I took a bite of my fish fingers, I’m sure we’ll have a great time!

    When I went to school the next day, I told Rachel mum had agreed, but that my cousins were going to be there as well.  She looked across the playground at Cassie, who was talking to her friends, and said I feel a bit funny if she‘s there - after all, those pictures in the paper made her look so posh.

    She’s not really, I said with a laugh, trust me, she and Jenny are as normal as you and me.  So, did you read the book for today?

    Rachel nodded as we joined the rest of our class to go in, talking about what had happened in the story.  It was lunchtime before I got a chance to find Cassie and talk to her.

    Hey, she said as I came over, how does it feel to be back at school?

    Not bad, I said as we sat down, So Mummy says you’re all coming round Saturday?

    Yeah - don’t know what’s going on, but I thought we might dress up and have a game...

    Sounds fun, I said with a smile, but one problem - I’ve asked Rachel to come round as well.

    Cassie looked over at her, and said Hmm - perhaps the dress up may have to wait for another time.  What about games?

    I’m not sure - apparently she and her mum were robbed over the holidays?

    Really - who by?

    Remember the man who came to my house the night you and Jenny stopped over?

    Cassie nodded - that was the night I told Mummy about the games we played, after - well, I’ll tell that story another time.

    So he went there as well, Cassie said as she looked at me.  Do you think she might like our games?

    We’ll have to find out - eventually.  Any idea why your dad needs Mummy’s help?

    None - but still, I’m sure we’ll have fun anyway.

    Come on Patty - we need to be in the car now if we’re going to pick up Rachel in time.

    Coming Mummy, I said as I ran down the stairs.  I had put on a pair of green leggings with a nice floral print, my blue smock top and a pair of flat shoes, as I grabbed my fleece and ran out, jumping into the back of our small car.  Mummy and I needed to do a little food shopping, and we were going to pick Rachel up on the way back.  She only lives ten minutes walk away, but it’s on the way to and from the supermarket.

    Mummy had on a grey jogging suit and trainers - but I knew she was going to change when we got back, so I helped her pick the food, put the bags in the back of the car, and then we drove round to Rachel’s house.

    I watched from the window as Mummy walked up to the front door, and then Rachel ran down the path, waving at me.  She was wearing a pair of black jeans, with her feet in those black furry boots she had told me about, and a blue jumper.

    Hey Patty, she said as she jumped into the car next to me, and put on her seatbelt, Ready to have some fun?

    I hope so, I said as Mummy got behind the wheel of the car.  When we get to our house, Rachel, she said over her shoulder, I need Patty’s help to put things away, and then you can watch a DVD before the others get there while I get changed.  All right?

    Yes, Mrs Pickering, Rachel said, in a way that made me poke her in the ribs as we set off.  It only took us a few minutes to get home, and we both helped Mummy to put the shopping away before she gave us both a drink of squash and a muffin.

    So what are we going to watch, Rachel said as I showed her into the front room.

    How about this, I said as I showed her a DVD I had borrowed from Cassie - a Disney film called That Darn Cat.

    That looks fun, she said, so I put it on and we started to watch as Mummy went upstairs.  I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the film - it involves a young girl who ends up stumbling into some sort of crime ring while trying to find her cat - but there’s one scene I wanted to get Rachel’s reaction to.

    It happens near the end, when the main character is tied to a chair and gagged with a scarf, while the criminals try to do something else.  As it came on, I watched Rachel, who fidgeted a little in the chair before saying she has her hands behind the chair - I wonder if she thinks it is a game as well?

    I don’t think so, but she is acting, I said with a smile.  Rachel - when the man left you, and you thought you were playing with your mummy, were you scared?

    Not really no, Rachel said quietly.  I mean, I know now he was a bad man, but at the time I actually enjoyed it.  Why - has something similar happened to you?

    I was going to answer when I heard Mummy coming down the stairs, and saying Hey John - you two go into the living room.  I looked up to see Cassie and Suzie walk in, with big beaming smiles on their faces.

    Hey trouble, Cassie said as she came in.  Rachel, this is my friend Suzie.  Suzie, this is Rachel.

    Suzie was wearing a pair of green bib shorts, with a white t-shirt underneath, short socks and trainers, while cousin Cassie was wearing a knee length denim skirt, a black top with sleeves that came to just above her elbows, and a pair of flat shoes with ankle socks.

    Nice to meet you, Suzie, Rachel said as the door opened and the older generation came in - Jenny and Suzie’s cousin Alicia.  Jenny was wearing a pair of white trousers, and a UCLA sweatshirt with trainers, while Alicia had on a white blouse, knee length black skirt and short leather boots.

    Mummy came in after them, dressed in a light blue blouse

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